Kardec (Netflix movie)

This Brazilian movie is about Alain Kardec, the famous spiritist from the 19th century who wrote the "Spirit's Book" (still a good read IMO). I found it wonderful, and deeply moving. There are so many touching scenes in it and some great acting. And Kardec's life (as depicted here) really is the archetypical journey of the "truth revealer".

I wouldn't watch the trailer, as it might spoil it a bit (as trailers so often do), but here is a link to the Netflix page (it's a Netflix production I think): Kardec | Netflix Official Site

It is in Portuguese originally, but we watched it in English, the dubs are extremely well done. I shed quite a few tears! Highly recommended!
Did you noticed the galactic portal?
Thank you so much for this recommendation - what an extraordinary film! There is something about witnessing the events of life story as opposed to history that really hits home for me. The materialist scene was very well-set to demonstrate the sheer courage and inspiration of Kardec and those who were with him. In particular, I very much enjoyed the film's focus on the love and support between him and his wife.

And what a striking reminder of how strange our reality is - that we are surrounded at all times by spirits of benevolence and malevolence. We see so very little, and know so little.

I also let loose some tears, mostly of appreciation - for those, like Kardec, and countless others like Gurdjieff or Paul, whose dedication to the Work in their lives is awe-inspiring and humbling. It left me with a deep personal question - and what about you, young man? What will you do with all these gifts you have received? How will you live? And I was thinking about all this mostly in context of Laura and crew. The film helped me understand more sharply all the struggles they have been through in the search for Knowledge, Love, and Light.

What a gift to be alive at this time, and to have found (or been found by) the C's.
Just to let you know that the sequel of Nosso Lar has just been released. The Messengers - Doctor André Luiz joins a group of messenger spirits from the spiritual city Nosso Lar led by Aniceto on a mission to help save life projects that are about to fail.

Together, they dedicate themselves to caring for three proteges whose stories are interconnected: Otávio, a promising medium who deviates from his mission; Isidoro, leader of a spiritist center and Fernando, businessman responsible for financing the project to create the spiritual workshop on Earth.

Written and directed by Wagner de Assis, set to be released on January 25, 2024. The screenplay was based on the novel The Messengers (1944), psychographed by the spiritist medium Chico Xavier, under the influence of the spirit of André Luiz.

Here is the trailer:
Just to let you know that the sequel of Nosso Lar has just been released. The Messengers - Doctor André Luiz joins a group of messenger spirits from the spiritual city Nosso Lar led by Aniceto on a mission to help save life projects that are about to fail.

Do you happen to know where to find Nosso Lar 2? The only watchable version I could find is in Portuguese (with no option for English subtitles). Or does anybody else know? It seems like you can watch it on Disney+, but before I subscribe I cannot even check whether they really have the movie. I couldn't even find a way to order a DVD.
Here is a French documentary about "Allan Kardec, une vie avec les esprits" (a life with spirits) :
(The subtitles, automatically translated in English, are of bad quality, alas.)

With 2 current spiritualists (in French : spirites), and 2 scientists (historian, anthropologist) experts of the subject.
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