Karen Bishop-Planet Earth Energy Alerts


Padawan Learner
This woman seems to be a fairly popular source for "information" these days.
I belong to one forum where her messages are always gushed over and applauded as the ripest wisdom.
When I questioned many of the claims she made, it just about got me kicked out of that forum. Her claims didn't materialize yet nobody is allowed to make note of that or hold her accountable for failed promises.
I hadn't seen this woman's messages discussed here but I've followed her work for a little over a year now.
In doing so, I noticed a pattern that seems to run throughout many "new age" channels that bring forth information about ascension.
They always promise that new "portals" and "activations" are opening and occurring just about all the time.
To me, Karen's messages always seem the same.
From what I can tell, she seems to be sincere, although it's possible she's simply running a business and planning for retirement via her "energy alerts".
Perhaps I'm missing something or I'm a lower vibrational being that cannot relate to her assertions.
I tried to keep an open mind, but over time, I've come to find her delivery childish and her information completely unverifiable.
She repeatedly makes grand assertions about wonderful shifts and energies, claiming in many cases that they've already happened and that even greater bliss is just around the next bend in the road.
If you don't see evidence for her claims being valid, then you are probably residing in the lower vibrations, and haven't accepted the new energies which she is privy to.
Naturally, everything is always in divine perfection.
I have to wonder why perfection involves so much disease, malfunction, manipulation, deceipt, and aggression.
These things seem to be nothing more than tiny blips on Karen's cosmic radar screen.
Several months ago she came out and declared that the "old" ways were relics of the past and the new world had arrived. Then she issued a message that said the "limbo energies" would be in control for awhile.
Now she's repeated the original claim with yet another alert that declares 2008 as the year of "New Beginnings", complete with a big "WHEEEE!", as if all the malfunction and manipulation that happen on earth is a joke.

There is never any accountablity with these messages.
Anything goes and past failed predictions are either completely ignored or rationalized away.
Then the whole cycle repeats itself.

"Awesome energy and wonderful experiences are on the very near horizon."

She could claim just about anything and it seems people will applaud it.
What I found of particular interest is that Karen thinks that she and those who occupy a higher rung on the ascension ladder will be exempt from any economic or other hardships.

"Will there still be hard times of turmoil and distress in 2008?"
"Absolutely yes, but we will be above them."

What is this based on, wishful thinking? Will it really be that easy?
I simply don't find much of anything in her messages that ever gets validated by objective reality.
I also noticed that after years of "activations", Karen and many gurus like her still request donations. If such a person has actually risen above the fray of the material world, as she seems to think she has, wouldn't they be making donations instead of requesting them? Are these gurus really going to salve the ills of the world with "love" when calamity and economic breakdown become widespread?
In any case, I find myself becoming increasingly hostile toward these spiritual masters that are always repeating the same old tired promises and never delivering anything of substance or that can be verified.
Unfortunately, I suspect this type of stuff will only increase as more gurus rev up for the Dec 2012 magical ascension date.
It's Dec 2007 and I'm already fed up with it.
Yep, I agree. She's a hack. And probably making big money doing it.
Hey BK, nice nick.

BK said:
This woman seems to be a fairly popular source for "information" these days.

When I questioned many of the claims she made, it just about got me kicked out of that forum. Her claims didn't materialize yet nobody is allowed to make note of that or hold her accountable for failed promises.

They always promise that new "portals" and "activations" are opening and occurring just about all the time.

There is never any accountablity with these messages.
Anything goes and past failed predictions are either completely ignored or rationalized away.
Then the whole cycle repeats itself.
Seems like you have a useful idiot proclaiming BS to keep a bunch of sheeple hypnotized. You have my sympathies for following her work for over a year.
Cyre2067 said:
Seems like you have a useful idiot proclaiming BS to keep a bunch of sheeple hypnotized. You have my sympathies for following her work for over a year.
Well, I wanted to give it a fair chance to validate itself and it never did.
It was basically a cycle of lather, rinse, and repeat.
I have never seen so much pixie dust hype with so little in the way of tangible evidence for its validity.
I also learned that with messages like these, there is never any accountability for accuracy and that many people will gush over anything that makes them feel good.
BK said:
I also learned that with messages like these, there is never any accountability for accuracy and that many people will gush over anything that makes them feel good.
And time and time again we see that this is the case - it is about people 'feeling good' - and reinforcing their own sleep - their own subjective view of reality that allows them to sleep peacefully while the world literally burns around them from matches they threw into the brush themselves.

Make no mistake that the vast majority of humanity will fight to the death for their 'feel good' dreams - awakening is damn hard - so all of these 'sources' who promote sleep and love and light and dead dudes talking through their 'trance' seem to have one goal - to keep humanity as sound asleep as possible so humanity has no chance whatsoever to take control of its destiny. If humanity were to awaken to objective reality - the playing field would be leveled and everything would change.
<< Her claims didn't materialize yet nobody is allowed to make note of that or hold her accountable for failed promises. >>

Hey, kind of like government! They like to promise "five-year plans" and such -- but as soon as the clamoring stops, the plan gets "reassessed" and goals get "adjusted." This woman should take a lesson from Sheldan Nidle (et. al.) and never commit to any prediction.

Seriously, though, this "activation portal" stuff is getting around a bit now. I see it now and then on the JustChannelings group, which averages about twelve channeled messages per day. People are afraid they're going to miss their chance to ascend if the ole activation beam hits their neighborhood on a day they're not "tuned in." This worry then requires calming by the source/channeler. I recently read a source who advised doing a meditation every day and that way you'd never "miss the bus," so to speak.
I went over to check out Karen's website, she starts off with
Karen Bishop said:
So what in the world has been going on these past few weeks, or even months, and why is does much of everything feel so chaotic, disjointed, dark and harsh, confusing, stressful and overwhelming, and just plain exhausting?
which I thought was awfully similar to what ya posted from Matthew:

Adpop quoting Matthew said:
Now for an overview of what you will see during your calendar year 2008 as undeniable evidence that the patterns of behavior and systems of the old ways are tumbling to make way for the new. Disclosures in mainstream media—where truth still is sparse in the plethora of omissions and misleading information—are only the tip of exposures so plentiful that when they come out, it will seem more like an eruption than an emergence as peoples demand an end to pervasive corruption and oppression. Yet, be mindful that what is transpiring is reformation, not revolution, and although changes ultimately will be profound, they will come within the just laws and orderliness of a civilized society and not the untenable disarray of anarchical upheaval.
Both have that "it's chaotic now, but it's all good, just go back to sleep, everything will be fine" feel to em. I kept reading KB, she went on to describe a 'zero point' experience she supposedly found on an 'ancient ruin site'...

Karen Bishop said:
I cannot begin to describe to you what it feels like to be in the center of a zero point. I suppose it is similar to the empty energy in between a thought, or a stand still feeling when everything seems to stop, or perhaps similar to an extreme experience of feeling divine and pure love. For me, there is a perfect balance, with no pulls, no pushing, no reaching, nor any heaviness, or density. A feeling of almost weightlessness and a perfect alignment to a higher dimension, reality, or a more higher vibrating true perception. An incredible stillness and connection at the core.
and that reminded me of the stop-thinking-yourself-into-bliss nonsense promoted in the marahaj thread.

She then goes on to talk about how we're all feeling 'more sensitive' lately, which is oddly something i can attest to. Then she slids into some slick YCYOR...

KB said:
And as we are releasing and engulfed in the denser and darker energies, as they are up and out, we then begin to create unpleasant scenarios for ourselves…we create according to the filters that we are seeing through at the time.
Which is reminescent of 'the secret', this could be comical if it wasn't taken seriously.

Phew. It's funny, when I read this stuff critically I can only do it for so long before I 'burnout'.
Cyre2067 wrote: << when I read this stuff critically I can only do it for so long before I 'burnout'. >>

Ditto. It hurts. But, I think it has exactly the opposite effect on the over-credulous, who want the same calming effect reinforced over and over again, consuming it like a tranquilizing drug, not caring that it doesn't lead anywhere.
Thank you again, AdPop for reading all this crap so we don't have to!

AdPop said:
Cyre2067 wrote: << when I read this stuff critically I can only do it for so long before I 'burnout'. >>

Ditto. It hurts. But, I think it has exactly the opposite effect on the over-credulous, who want the same calming effect reinforced over and over again, consuming it like a tranquilizing drug, not caring that it doesn't lead anywhere.
DonaldJHunt said:
Thank you again, AdPop for reading all this crap so we don't have to!
*WARNING* Never read one liners like that with your mouth full.!!
This is just a short update on the Karen Bishop messages, since the big predictions have now been announced.
In the latest "energy alert", Karen is promising that 2008 will be the year of a magnificent new reality and heaven on earth, starting at the end of January.
Apparently 2008 will be the year of the lightworker and they will be sought after and desired by all who are not vibrating at quite as high a level.
There will be great abundance for lightworkers, who will be immune from hardships.
The old world will appear to suffer but "we will remain untouched and unscathed" because "we" are living in another world.
Interestingly, Karen is downplaying 2012 and saying that a new reality can be created at any time.
For the most part, I found the latest message to be more of the same stuff that she has put out before. It's long on grand promises but short on actual delivery of a product that can be validated. It's the same old airy fairy pixie dust in my opinion.
There is never accountability for accuracy, no way to verify that she is indeed vibrating at a higher level than anyone else, and she has an amazing level of confidence that she is immune from "old world" negative consequences.
Given the precarious nature of the world financial system, I have to wonder what this woman thinks she and other lightworkers are going to do in the face of an economic calamity. I suspect donations and book sales will take a steep nosedive when people are trying to pay their bills as their 401k accounts disintegrate.
I hope she's not fully invested.
Perhaps "lightworkers" like Karen will live in communes, farm small plots of land, raise goats and sheep and contemplate heaven on earth.
That doesn't sound like ascension to me, but more like a return to tribal living.
She seems to have convinced herself that contemplating = creating.
I'm not sure that wishful thinking of this magnitude is at all healthy, but since she's never held accountable for her claims, she still seems to make money from it.
If things seriously unravel financially in 2008, it'll be interesting to see if lightworkers really can create their own reality and are immune from consequences.
Well, all that is insanely bold of Ms. Bishop. I read a piece by Kryon today, channeled back in 2002, that said the same thing about lightworkers living in another reality. I took it to be a twist on the old, "pay no attention to how bad things look" line -- it's a real test of how programmed the followers of the channeler/source are. Kryon spent about seven paragraphs in preamble, working emotional manipulation, dishing out flattery of all sorts, reminding the followers that were all partially ascended already, but saying nothing of import. Then launched into being very, very defensive against anyone who suggested that it was a trickster and that its followers were being fooled, "because you can all feel the love here tonight," etc., "use your intuitive discernment," etc., "don't go by what your intellect says," etc. It was a tour de force that included an ominous prediction of some unverifiable spiritual change that was going to begin in 2003, and ended with advice to beam love into the Middle East.
Karen Bishop has issued an update that may be of interest to folks that wonder how she expects to float through economic hard times untouched by reality.
I've been wondering for quite awhile how she and other "lightworkers" intend to do this.
Key economic points from the latest message follow:

*The Law of Attraction will direct the process of shifting from the old world to the new. The new world is arriving now.

*We(lightworkers) will not be affected at all by economic problems because "we" are connected to the new reality, not the passing of the old reality.

*We will survive "quite easily", for the following reasons:
Our storefronts(I think this means websites, books, seminars, etc) will now be in great demand because many will now be ready for what we have to offer.
The storefronts will contain great energies of compassion and love.
Lightworkers are not tied to the mainstream, so they will not be affected by it.
The storefronts will bring in money until the new reality, where no money is needed, is established.
The storefronts are what tie lightworkers to the old world, but only in a small way.
They are designed to bring in money so lightworkers can concentrate on higher things.

So it seems that the mystery is solved.
Karen and others will be living off the proceeds of an income stream that is generated by their "storefronts".
Somehow this reminds me of a Biblical religious caste system where the masses support a priest class. The unwashed will be turning to the enlightened ones for compassion, love, and knowledge of the new reality.
I have to wonder why common people are going to spend their resources donating money to Karen when they will probably have more pressing financial concerns.
Added to that problem is the fact that there are probably thousands of these gurus that have setup "storefronts" expecting a wonderful bounty of money to come flooding in as confused people living in the "lower" world, scramble to find answers and comfort in hard times.
She also assumes a fully functioning internet and people with money to spend being connected to it and paying for internet service in hard times.
Well, maybe she's going to be right and maybe she's not.
Perhaps Bill Gates will seek out Karen and pay her for spiritual insights and comfort.
I just don't see this working out for her as well as she assumes it will.

(As usual, Karen has issued another date(Feb 11) for more amazing changes to be ushered in. This happens over and over again. Each time she makes a promise of grand events that are going to happen in the very near future, she ignores what she said before and pushes out the date once again.
This is very much like the play "Waiting for Godot", where Godot never actually shows up.)
Karen Bishop recently(Feb 14) posted an energy alert that stated she got a few hostile e-mails because her grand promises of new beginnings and a new world had not transpired as she said they would(Feb 11, 2008 deadline came and went).

The official explanation for this failure was that the opening has not yet been completely cleared for the mass entrance to the higher realms.
Since this is a birth process, delays can be expected.
According to Karen, the delay will allow more people to arrive at their "higher vibrating spaces". This latest activation is so huge that it's a good thing that a delay is in place to provide maximum lifting for many more people.

As noted before, this pattern repeats itself over and over with Karen.
She makes grand claims and then when they don't transpire, she simply claims that a wee bit more "aligning" needs to happen.
However, it's all perfect and proceeding according to plan.
Frankly, if I had her track record, I'd be embarrassed to write anything further.
But lots of folks seem to love her messages.
I belong to a forum of "lightworkers" that posts every one of her Energy Alerts.
Yet they censor anything that points out the obvious failures of her predictions.
Perhaps most of her fans are Americans, who seem to love childish and magical answers for everything.
Well this seems exactly like the NESARA scam - constantly promises to be "almost here", sometimes dates set, and always something must be postponed because something wasn't yet ready, or there was "interference", or whatever the new excuse is. Amazingly, many are so hypnotized they'll wait forever in idle anticipation.
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