Karen Bishop-Planet Earth Energy Alerts

AdPop said:
Here is Suzanne Ward, channeling Matthew on July 4, explaining what a good guy Obama is, despite his actions. First, there are a few paragraphs of softening up the reader with confirmations of how controlled the USA is. Then, an insistence that the young generation now graduating from college is light-filled and ready to become enlightened leaders. Then this:

We see presidential nominee Barak (sic, misspelled throughout the article) Obama's supporters' uneasiness about his recent statements and decisions that are disappointing and seem to contradict his previous stance. ... we hasten to assure that he is only doing what he must to ostensibly align himself with the expectations of the Illuminati. Although their power base is in tatters, they still have enough punch to sway election results by fraudulent vote count, bribery and life threats to families of anyone who opposes them. So do be at peace if the "public" Obama has become worrisome to you -- it is like many other situations that are not what they appear to be and time will so tell. We can say this without jeopardizing his and his family's physical safety -- not only are they surrounded by light warrior protectors, but who among potential assassins would give credence to what the "voice in her head" says?
That last sentence doesn't make any sense to me.
Hoo boy, "light warrior protectors".
The only thing that appears to be in tatters to me is the endless promises of how earth is on the cusp of a grand shift into "higher realms".

Anyway, as you can see, Spirit Matthew is condoning deception on Obama's part. Darned right, not much is at it seems, and deceptions all around are a big part of that.
That seems to be a common theme among many channels.
There is no such thing as malfunction, lies, or suffering.
It's all just unrecognized perfection.

The Matthew piece goes on to explain that Tim Russert (again, misspelled as Russet throughout the piece) was killed for "investigating too deeply into areas where dark minds were operating." Funny, when he died, CNN covered it non-stop for hours, showing Russert buddy-buddy and grinning, elbow-to-elbow at private events with all the dirty political newsmakers that he regularly interviewed, cementing the impression that these "showmakers" are all just one big club who party, nudge each other, and laugh when they're "off-stage."
Spot on about Russert.
The media coverage of his death was a wonderful lesson in how legends are made.
That man pitched softball questions much of the time, grinning away like he just won the lottery.
He hobnobbed with the power brokers like a frat brother.
Then he is turned into an icon being touted as a "hard-hitting", "in-depth", interviewer that really digs deep and asks the hard questions.
And on tonights news, the late Tony Snow is getting the same royal treatment, and he was far more destructive in his masterful use of propaganda to enable the neo-con machine to implant itself like a tick in the hide of America.
A Fox News operative, Snow is being hailed as a person of great character.
What's next, Rush Limbaugh being nominated as truth teller of the ages?

Meanwhile, new age channels are touting "Star-Kids" as the little messiahs that will usher in the golden age of humanity.
Somebody make it stop! Please!
I find it quite shocking, that a New Age source who claims some meaningful insight into our world would bring up Obama, it's a bit like shooting yourself in your own foot. The mere fact, that one of his major supporters is Brzezinsky should suffice to discredit about anyone ...
Some highlights from the latest energy alert, dated July 24,2008:
(The festival of assertions goes on and on...sort of like the ascension process itself.)

*Lots of children are being born now.
They have a special mission to lay down the new grid and will provide a solid foundation for the new world.
These little messiahs know exactly what they are doing.
They carry the new and higher vibrations.
Karen can communicate with some of them telepathically.

(This theme about Star Kids is fairly worn out in my opinion.)

*Many people are experiencing symptoms resulting from the solstice energies and ascension process.
A very long list of symptoms and recommendations on how to cope is given in this energy alert.
The old world is on the verge of passing and people are vibrating higher.

(At one time in a past message she said it had passed away.
There always seems to be some new energy that gives you symptoms but never actually ascends you out of here.
I'm sure some grand energy or portal will arrive on 8-8-08 as well.)

*The New World will be fully created by 2012.
Local communities will be very important because there will be disruptions until then.

(The magical 2012 date is trumpeted again.)

*Barack Obama will be the next president of the U.S.
He brings unity and change.
All of this has been planned at higher levels for some time.
He has the past life energy of Abe Lincoln, other Masters, and higher evolved beings in his makeup.

(That's really amazing. I wonder what rabbit he'll pull out of his hat when the dollar goes into a full blown death spiral.
But I guess nobody will need money anymore and Barack and the Star Kids will be busy bending spoons and advertising "change" to keep everybody happy.
It's comforting to know that I have to live on a planet where the leaders are selected in advance by "higher" powers.
Somehow I doubt that Obama represents anything more than an empty suit.
His skill at pandering and currying favor seem no different than that of any other politician I've witnessed in my lifetime.)

*New Age gurus will be supported by their "store-fronts".
Financial support will flow to them this way.

(Thank God for free-market capitalism!
Perhaps the rich will support these gurus in exchange for spiritual knowledge.
Get out that checkbook, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Ruppert Murdoch.
There are lots of new age gurus that are counting on you.)

*August 2008 will bring beautiful energy as opening to higher levels will appear.
It will be as if "fairy dust" (her exact words) was being sprinkled over us.
Magic will appear at every turn.

(Well, this one is a very typical prediction from Karen.
No specifics are given, just vague happy talk.
Always claiming something grand is just ahead.)

*As usual, everything is in perfect order.

(That's business as usual as well.
I don't see much change here at all.
In short, the latest alert, while much anticipated by many, seems to be yet another round of the same old stuff.
If the old ways are gone or on the cusp of going away, why do these messages drone on and on in the same way they have for years?)
Yes, Suzanne finally explained (in response to so many readers writing in and saying "Huh? Wha?") how Obama can be such a ray of light. It's that he just doesn't know it yet. At some point he'll wake up to his predestined mission to be a superior leader. In the meantime, Matthew says Obama is simply a politician saying what he needs to say to get elected. That opens another question. If Obama is pleasing the dark forces by his words and actions, as Matthew says, how come he represents such hope and light for so many people? Just what are they drawn to?

BTW, David Wilcock said on Red Ice Creations radio that he makes no secret of supporting Obama and has even donated to his campaign, again, because Obama represents the energy of change. But how? By what words or actions? Seems he does exactly the opposite.
PopHistorian said:
Yes, Suzanne finally explained (in response to so many readers writing in and saying "Huh? Wha?") how Obama can be such a ray of light. It's that he just doesn't know it yet. At some point he'll wake up to his predestined mission to be a superior leader. In the meantime, Matthew says Obama is simply a politician saying what he needs to say to get elected. That opens another question. If Obama is pleasing the dark forces by his words and actions, as Matthew says, how come he represents such hope and light for so many people? Just what are they drawn to?

I've never seen anything of real substance from Obama, and nothing more than the same neo-con hairy ape chest thumping from McCain.
I reached the conclusion that if a person rises to the top of the political party heap, they surely do not represent honest substance, and are not "lightworkers".
Neither one of these empty suits controls the monetary and financial strings that tug at and create reality.
Perhaps people sense their own level of powerlessness and will clutch and grab for any brass ring that appears on the landscape.
Even if Obama should win, and assuming he does want to enact positive "change", there isn't anything he can do to stop the unraveling of a fundamentally dishonest financial system.
The standard of living is going to take a steep drop and neither Obama or McCain will dare to tell the American people this.
In my opinion, the economic system is the "glue" that holds reality, as we currently know it, together.
I think that's going to be the real change, one that can no longer be ignored, papered over, or stopped at this point. This has been many years in the making and unless a magical shift occurs that poofs away the rules of the game we live in, I don't think the election is anything more than a sideshow diversion.

BTW, David Wilcock said on Red Ice Creations radio that he makes no secret of supporting Obama and has even donated to his campaign, again, because Obama represents the energy of change. But how? By what words or actions? Seems he does exactly the opposite.

I agree.
David Wilcock can claim Obama represents the energy of change, but empty words don't feed the bulldog of reality.
Anybody can yap away about change, energy, and make various air-filled assertions.
In this reality, mere words and advertising slogans don't say very much.
I have another "hard date" prediction that should (but almost certainly won't, to most) discredit another source.

In the August 29th Message from Matthew, Suzanne Ward writes:
A question of prominence among those who have heard that a spacecraft of such size as to be undeniably from another civilization will appear in your skies October 14 is: “Will this really happen?” ... I have asked my good friend Hatonn, who is an intergalactic fleet commander, to reply.

HATONN: Thank you, Matthew, and good evening, Suzy and readers. I'm here at Matthew's request to comment on the veracity of what some consider a “prediction” instead of the announcement it is. Yes, plans are in place for a ship of much greater size than any previous sightings to appear on that date and be evident in your skies for a few days. The crew is in readiness and excited about making our presence indisputable.

Now I add this caveat: Nothing is set in stone. If there are cogent reasons to delay the ship's appearance, ...
You know where it goes from there. So, be prepared for Matthew's answer to why no ship appeared in the October message.

Matthew actually dropped what I thought was a major bombshell in this August 29th message after re-iterating that, "there is very little time left for choosing to live in the light, which is necessary for the spiritual clarity and cellular restructuring that enables physical survival in the higher frequencies along Earth's ascension course, or choosing to keep on slumbering unawares." He went on to express that we should not be troubled by the deaths of billions who can't wake up in time and said to let your light be your gift to them. As if to explain this seeming coldness, he then said:

Every soul's first responsibility is to Self, and in these tumultuous times of wild energy fluctuations, that is a handful.
So, if the STS persuasion wasn't evident enough already, there it is, out in the open.

Kind of reminds me of politicians today. They have no qualms about showing exactly how repulsive they are, because they know their supporters are so zombified that there will be no effect on them. It's almost like a game to see who can be the most overtly evil without prompting an outcry. Along these lines, on the "30%" rule, I once heard a talk-radio host amusingly say, "Bush could barbecue babies on the White House lawn and 30% would praise it." It does seem kind of like that.
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