Karen Bishop-Planet Earth Energy Alerts

ScioAgapeOmnis said:
Well this seems exactly like the NESARA scam - constantly promises to be "almost here", sometimes dates set, and always something must be postponed because something wasn't yet ready, or there was "interference", or whatever the new excuse is. Amazingly, many are so hypnotized they'll wait forever in idle anticipation.
This seems like a similar dynamic to transmarginal inhibition, although of a different type than 'waiting for terror'.
Adpop quoting Matthew said:
Now for an overview of what you will see during your calendar year 2008 as undeniable evidence that the patterns of behavior and systems of the old ways are tumbling to make way for the new.
This is so vague. Matthew could easily be referring to a complete world takeover by psychopathic forces. 'The old ways' could be values like empathy and conscience and decency.

BK said:
…Karen is promising that 2008 will be the year of a magnificent new reality and heaven on earth, starting at the end of January.
Well, this clearly hasn't happened, and anyway, 'heaven on earth' for whom? Yet more vague word salad that's easily interpreted according to 'the filters that we are seeing through at the time'.

Cyre quoting Karen Bishop said:
And as we are releasing and engulfed in the denser and darker energies, as they are up and out, we then begin to create unpleasant scenarios for ourselves…we create according to the filters that we are seeing through at the time.
Adpop said:
It was a tour de force [by Kryon] that included an ominous prediction of some unverifiable spiritual change that was going to begin in 2003, and ended with advice to beam love into the Middle East.
Perhaps that is one of the reasons why there is so much turmoil in that area, when the 'love' that is sent there is driven by the STS desire to change the world according an idea of how it should be.

BK said:
Our storefronts (I think this means websites, books, seminars, etc) will now be in great demand because many will now be ready for what we have to offer.
The storefronts will contain great energies of compassion and love.
Sounds like exploitation to me.

BK quoting Karen Bishop said:
The storefronts will bring in money until the new reality, where no money is needed, is established.
Hmmm. When we're all microchipped and controlled by the NWO. Perhaps that's the 'new reality' she's talking about.
No one truly knows in and of themselves here on Earth. It's not that Karen, or even the greatest guru that ever lived will have ALL the answers. In fact, fighting about who's got the right concept or truth seems to be what gets us into wars and such. No ONE way is fully conscious, no matter HOW great that way is. There is NO, "Get out of jail free", card, yes indeedaleedoo :-) Our combined consciousness can do wonderful things, and each person who is submitting their "Take" on what they see, feel, or channel has something good to offer. Not the ultimate truth, and in fact there simply may be NO such thing available to us on Earth at this time. Please don't feel angry at Karen, or at me. NO ONE has the answers. Our main goal is to thrust forward in less judgment of one another. If the person seems a little "Out There", like the Operation Terra lady, then maybe one or two things she has to say offer a spark toward our own intuitive thinking. If the bread tastes good, makes you feel better, and fuels a wonderful energy for that day, then it doesn't matter if the bread was handed to you by a beggar or a prince. Have you heard the voice inside you yet that says, "I love you, I Love you"! It makes me chuckle with glee. The human brain is a wonderful tool that helps direct to the inner knowing.

By the way, thank you for this forum. i was actually looking to see if others felt that Karen's messages were possibly off track. i had watched another forum one time, where the poor followers of another on-line channeler were lost in their bitterness over many years, because the things didn't come true. Believe me, they WON'T; maybe partially, but NOT entirely! Nothing in this domain (Earth) happens overnight, until perhaps something hits SUCH critical mass, of course. All of what these various channelers purport, when combined, actually spell out a pretty good scenario. And these things will happen, but NEVER overnight. Evolving as humans is a very ambitious task, and takes a LOT of time. There is de-evolving going on, too (eek!)

Thank you, again, for the forum. Keep searching wherever you can. The internet is rich with sources, and so is your heart. Never give up the idea and wish that there are ways to attract goodness to you. That's endless as well. Be not bitter over disappointment that channelers bring about, as they are only as good as the moment they are in, just like you and me. Love, as opposed to decipher intently; Grasp every golden moment, as opposed to fret about lost incentives of the past. i will not be back to this forum again, but once again, thank you for being available!

Much love and respect;
Whatever Floats your Boat!
That was some weird hooey!

naturalselection said:
No one truly knows in and of themselves here on Earth. It's not that Karen, or even the greatest guru that ever lived will have ALL the answers. In fact, fighting about who's got the right concept or truth seems to be what gets us into wars and such. No ONE way is fully conscious, no matter HOW great that way is.

Much love and respect;
No one truly knows in and of themselves here on Earth. It's not that Karen, or even the greatest guru that ever lived will have ALL the answers.
Well, Karen does claim to have many answers.
The website is called "What's Up On Planet Earth".
The energy alerts are supposed to represent updates on "reality".
By the way, in the Mar 24th alert, Karen claims that a great activation(or step in ascension) has just been achieved.
The grand new reality is here, or so she says.
But she's been making claims like this for quite awhile now.

Please don't feel angry at Karen, or at me. NO ONE has the answers.
It's not so much a question of anger as it's a question of truth in advertising.
If a guru makes all sorts of claims about this and that, should they be exempt from scrutiny, especially when they advertise themselves as being spiritually advanced?

Our main goal is to thrust forward in less judgment of one another. If the person seems a little "Out There", like the Operation Terra lady, then maybe one or two things she has to say offer a spark toward our own intuitive thinking.
I was under the impression that accuracy and accountability would be high priority concepts for people claiming to be "lightworkers".
If that's not the case, then any channel can be said to be useful.

If the bread tastes good, makes you feel better, and fuels a wonderful energy for that day, then it doesn't matter if the bread was handed to you by a beggar or a prince.
That's exactly the type of attitude that's fueled the great credit bubble in the U.S.
How's that been working out for people that wanted to feel good by taking out easy money loans, while ignoring the fine print?
People wanted something for nothing and didn't care what the consequences were.
Pixie dust may supply quick euphoria but in the end it's nothing more than empty calories.

Have you heard the voice inside you yet that says, "I love you, I Love you"! It makes me chuckle with glee. The human brain is a wonderful tool that helps direct to the inner knowing.
If you don't derail the brain by wishful thinking.

Nothing in this domain (Earth) happens overnight, until perhaps something hits SUCH critical mass, of course. All of what these various channelers purport, when combined, actually spell out a pretty good scenario. And these things will happen, but NEVER overnight. Evolving as humans is a very ambitious task, and takes a LOT of time. There is de-evolving going on, too (eek!)
Then perhaps these gurus shouldn't advertise that great things have happened if they really haven't.
Like so many others, Karen uses a lather, rinse, and repeat system.
She constantly makes claims about huge breakthroughs but reality just doesn't line up with her claims.
However, if you want to keep the money flowing in, you almost have to keep promising bigger and bigger things to the faithful.

Be not bitter over disappointment that channelers bring about, as they are only as good as the moment they are in, just like you and me.
Well, I'm not the one making grand spiritual claims that I can't validate.
If someone wants to make claims about "reality" that's fine, but they aren't exempt from scrutiny.
Accountability is a word that gets ignored by channelers.

Grasp every golden moment, as opposed to fret about lost incentives of the past. i will not be back to this forum again, but once again, thank you for being available!
Before grasping anything, one should discern if it's really golden or just a cheap plastic imitation.
History is strewn with examples of people grasping at concepts or things that feel good at the moment, only to find out later that they were not what they first appeared to be.
naturalselection said:
No ONE way is fully conscious, no matter HOW great that way is.
Well nothing is certain, but as you said, some ways are greater than others. This also means that on a scale of gray - some can be near black and others near white, and it behooves us to learn which is which.

naturalselection said:
Our combined consciousness can do wonderful things, and each person who is submitting their "Take" on what they see, feel, or channel has something good to offer.
Yeah but if 99.99 percent of what they offer is nonsense, who has time to fish out the 0.01% that is actually good? Life is short and there are better things to do, like find those who have that ratio reversed!

naturalselection said:
Please don't feel angry at Karen, or at me. NO ONE has the answers.
Sez who? Maybe no one has ALL the answers, but some people have far more answers than others, because some people are just much more critical than others and put in real effort into finding real answers.

naturalselection said:
If the bread tastes good, makes you feel better, and fuels a wonderful energy for that day, then it doesn't matter if the bread was handed to you by a beggar or a prince.
You won't be saying that after eating great-tasting McDonalds for a few weeks straight. Dude, trust me on that one. Eventually we learn that something that on the surface feels good can be very, very bad for you in much more important ways, and it is in our best interests to figure that out sooner than later.

naturalselection said:
Have you heard the voice inside you yet that says, "I love you, I Love you"!
Definitely - I had that surgically removed. I heard that a nice blunt hit over the head can also turn it off for maybe 15 mins or so, but I decided to go with the more permanent solution. The great thing is - turns out that the guy who does the surgery also does AWESOME tattoos, and I just happened to have a 50% off coupon so I had him draw some oliphants on my left toe and dude, I couldn't be happier. The tattoo oliphants have nothin to say to me, so we get along just fine.

naturalselection said:
It makes me chuckle with glee.
Muaha. Muahahahaha. Muuuuahahahahahahaha...

naturalselection said:
Never give up the idea and wish that there are ways to attract goodness to you.
All that wishing does is attract psychopaths instead who pretend to be good and just manipulate you and one day you'll wake up with oliphants tattooed on your toes. Psychopaths are great for giving you blunt hits to the head though, so at least that shuts up your "I love you" voice for a while, so they're not all that bad!

naturalselection said:
Love, as opposed to decipher intently; Grasp every golden moment, as opposed to fret about lost incentives of the past. i will not be back to this forum again, but once again, thank you for being available! Much love and respect;
You just thanked us for the forum and told us you love and respect us, and yet you're leaving forever? What kind of love is that? What makes you think that the voice in your head isn't gonna treat you the same way? If you yourself have such a strange definition of "love and respect", what makes you think that the voice in your head is any different?
<< The grand new reality is here, or so she says. >>

Check out this thread for more on this disturbing trend of "the new reality is now here."

BTW, I happened to read more Kryon in the meantime, and it seems to be a modus operandi to butter up the followers to their eyeballs. It's a particularly plain case of excessive "you're special" ego-stroking, which serves to raise emotions that short-circuit critical-thinking abilities. Here's a bit:
…on this day, there is celebration and joy that so many would come with a like mind and sit prepared for messages that need to be heard. And what does that tell us about you? It tells us what we already know - that it is no accident that finds you here today sitting in your chair, or reading these words.

There is one common thing that brings you here together. It is your willingness to listen and be loved by Spirit - to understand fully what is happening on your planet - to take the information and "paste it" upon yourselves so that you will vibrate higher and create light.
It's reminiscent of Operation Terra's Hosts of Heaven, stating:
We are going to only speak of the experience for those who are destined…. That is our concern in these messages, although it is to be understood that the audience to whom we speak is very, very small.


These are not just books. They are a true transmission, and the light codes they contain will pass into and activate those who are intended to receive them.
AdPop said:
<< The grand new reality is here, or so she says. >>

Check out this thread for more on this disturbing trend of "the new reality is now here."
There certainly seems to be a tremendous amount of energy being expended on trying to convince people that everything is just fine and in perfect order.
These types of claims just go on and on, but never result in anything that can actually be validated. I've been reading this sort of thing for YEARS now.
If you question the claims, you'll often be told that you can't appreciate the grand new reality because you're still operating at a "low vibrational" level.
You'll also often be told that you're a negative energy person.
This type of new age "spirituality" displays many of the same characteristics as fundamentalist religions.
They try to convince people that something exists, but they cannot establish that it actually does, and then they assign those that doubt the claims to a lower rung on the metaphysical ladder.
In other words, you can't grasp their "truth" because you aren't "saved" or evolved enough.
Somebody is flat out full of crap and I don't think it's the skeptics.
A few highlights of the May 21, 2008 energy alert:

*Great progress has been made.
The new reality is here and the old system is out.
The old system only appears to still be operating.
The new system is now reality and the old system is now illusion.
Everything is in perfect order for this phase of the amazing ascension process.

(Typical new age double-talk, always qualifying things to reconcile the failure of past predictions to actually manifest themselves.)

*As a cutting edge super-power, the U.S. is re-defining itself as it aligns more fully with the higher realms.
Obama will lead the nation and be elected President, as he vibrates at the right frequency for the new reality.
Everything is in divine and perfect order.

(There are going to be a lot of new age gurus with egg all over their faces if Obama isn't elected President.)

*The year 2012 will simply mark the end of an era.
There will be no dire events or great suffering when this date arrivess.
Until 2012 arrives, we will be releasing the old reality and coming into the new.
The rebuilding of the planet will commence after Dec 2012, as the amazing ascension process continues.
Everything is in divine order.

(In other words, things are going to grind on for at least four more years, with Karen claiming that things are just fine and going according to "divine" plan.
Who is in charge of this "divine" plan and why should it be seen as "perfect"?)
Sheesh - they never stop do they? It amazes me how strongly people can deny reality. They never really end up with egg on their faces, though, because they just morph the story again when what they say ends up not being true - "it's just another phase of the divine plan and all is as it should be".

Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies.......

Gives me the willies...
BK said:
As a cutting edge super-power, the U.S. is re-defining itself as it aligns more fully with the higher realms.
One one way ticket to the "lower realms" please!

BK said:
Obama will lead the nation and be elected President, as he vibrates at the right frequency for the new reality.
I'm sure he does if you look more closely at the output of an EEG machine.
Those STS sources have a morbid sense of humor (if any).
So, this blurb has all the hallmarks of current run-of-the-mill channeled messages that I have pointed out here.
1. The new reality is "already here" (huge uptick in this message lately)
2. There won't be any great upheavals after all (huge uptick in this lately, too)
3. Obama is a new breed of ethical leader (playing into the old "the day of the dark cabal is through" message)

Other channelers also state that Obama represents the "right" energy. But that doesn't mean he "is" the right energy. It is never explained how he can be "good" in light of Obama's CFR membership, his globalist ideology, his groveling before the Israeli lobby, his protection of the lies of 9/11 and the "war on terror," his non-addressing the draconian stripping of freedoms from Americans, etc., etc. I've yet to read any channeled words that dare explain why Obama is different, when by word and deed, he appears to be the same as those who would willingly enslave us all.

<< you'll often be told that you can't appreciate the grand new reality because you're still operating at a "low vibrational" level.
You'll also often be told that you're a negative energy person. >>

Reminds me of the Nazis when they stripped families of their children (for various nefarious purposes). First they made up emotional disorders and diagnosed the children with them. Then they said the solution needed was commitment to state-run institutions. Then, if the parents objected, they were accused of neglect for not wanting the best for their kids, which was, of course, appropriation by the state and placement in institutions. Sheesh, indeed. Why isn't there a better comeback than, "oh, you just don't get it?" Why can't anyone just explain why things are so great now?
Here is Suzanne Ward, channeling Matthew on July 4, explaining what a good guy Obama is, despite his actions. First, there are a few paragraphs of softening up the reader with confirmations of how controlled the USA is. Then, an insistence that the young generation now graduating from college is light-filled and ready to become enlightened leaders. Then this:

We see presidential nominee Barak (sic, misspelled throughout the article) Obama's supporters' uneasiness about his recent statements and decisions that are disappointing and seem to contradict his previous stance. ... we hasten to assure that he is only doing what he must to ostensibly align himself with the expectations of the Illuminati. Although their power base is in tatters, they still have enough punch to sway election results by fraudulent vote count, bribery and life threats to families of anyone who opposes them. So do be at peace if the "public" Obama has become worrisome to you -- it is like many other situations that are not what they appear to be and time will so tell. We can say this without jeopardizing his and his family's physical safety -- not only are they surrounded by light warrior protectors, but who among potential assassins would give credence to what the "voice in her head" says?
That last sentence doesn't make any sense to me. Anyway, as you can see, Spirit Matthew is condoning deception on Obama's part. Darned right, not much is at it seems, and deceptions all around are a big part of that. I wonder if "ostnsibly align" goes so far as to include actions that negatively impact people's lives, such as voting to protect the telecom industry from lawsuits for illegally cooperating with the Bush spying program -- a news bit that was conveniently overshadowed yesterday by Ted Kennedy's return to the Senate chambers and Jesse Jackson's foul-mouthed comments caught by a live microphone.

The Matthew piece goes on to explain that Tim Russert (again, misspelled as Russet throughout the piece) was killed for "investigating too deeply into areas where dark minds were operating." Funny, when he died, CNN covered it non-stop for hours, showing Russert buddy-buddy and grinning, elbow-to-elbow at private events with all the dirty political newsmakers that he regularly interviewed, cementing the impression that these "showmakers" are all just one big club who party, nudge each other, and laugh when they're "off-stage."
adpop said:
That last sentence doesn't make any sense to me.
I think she's saying that it's safe for her to reveal these things about Obama because no potential assassin would give credence to what she's saying, since it's just a 'voice in her head' saying it - granted a 'voice' who is a terrible speller.

The nonsense she writes is beyond ridiculous, bordering on sinister for it's 'go back to sleep' quality - ICK!!
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