RedFox said:Add the paste to the fat bomb mix, and stir until you can stir smoothly.
Place the saucepan in the sink and whisk at a moderate speed until the mixture is near room temperature.
*note* Here I've had a few problems in the past, and others may run into it too. If the paste is too hot, or too acidic (i.e. lemon juice) it can cause the fat bomb mix to separate.
To rescue it, you need to reduce the mixture to room temperature. Add a tablespoon of cold water and then mix for 5-10 minutes with an electric whisk (a electric stick blender probably won't work).
fwiw I found a solution to the separating mixture problem.
If you add a tea spoon of potassium gluconate (cream of tartar would probably also work) and a tea spoon of salt to the tapioca paste before cooking it, it comes out smoother and less acidic (you'll need to heat it more to cook it).
The texture is smoother and it mixes with the chocolate fat bomb without separating!