Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?
SeekinTruth said:
Fluffy, I was a world class carb addict myself. [...]
Fat satiates like nothing else and working on the cravings slowly and methodically by only indulging in very low carb "treats" should get you where you want to be.
I hope this helps, as it seems you will not be able to completely remove temptations while you're trying to become fully keto adapted. Just do the best you can while keeping your aim always in mind and don't add guilt trips on yourself to make matters more complicated. Once you're a full-on fat burner, it WILL be easy to not have cravings or overcome them if you do.
I second this Fluffy. The day i started on the fat bombs, i had 0 cravings for chocolate, but cakes and pastries required conscious but manageable will power (in the beginning). Now i find i can only eat 2 squares of super dark, and if i do it's almost always for emotional reasons - i want the 'lift'. And i was raised with, and am still surrounded by, bin bags of junk food. Crisps (potato chips) were my weakness, as well as milk chocolate and sweet 'treats', and i realise now the reason for my cravings were simple: my body was needing fat, the sweetness just made it more enjoyable to consume. Shame they were made with plastic fats and toxic sugars. And even Keto recipes are essentially trying to fill that need for fat intake OR the effects of carb/protein overloading; osit. Because i have made some shortbread since and whilst i 'treated' myself to some after dinner, i didn't crave it during the making or immediately after, i felt like a responsible adult! ;)
I'm on 150grams of fat - 75g lard, 75g butter - plus 3-4 egg yokes mixed with coffee (double espresso) to start my morning (no more caffeine needed after). This keeps me going till i feel the need for some protein (and i genuinely feel that my body is asking for it) not more than 2 eggs or 2 sausages is needed, and by dinner i'm ready - at 6/7pm, instead of 9/10pm - for what is probably 1/3 smaller portion than my usual. And like you, i looked forward to this as my 'Main meal'.
The reason I don't eat til so late is because I eat a large dinner at about 6 to try to curb my after dinner sweet cravings and am still very full in the morning, I know this is backward, I've tried eating breakfast and turning it all around, I just end up horribly overeating.
This was my problem for the best part of my life, and features amongst the main comments in the forum just as i started transitioning. I think because eating made me feel tired (hence the cravings for sugar after a meal) i would leave eating anything substantial till the end of the day. Now, i actually find the last meal can add a few more hours of 'doing' and i only overeat - to the point of needing to sit - if i'm not being mindful.
So it's possible to do. I won't claim to have been the worst eater in the world, because i have other problems! ;) But i know i was the only one who craved sweet treats in such a way that was habitual and it certainly had a biological slant to it - because it all dissolved once i began the fat bomb. It also negates much worry about drowning food in fat which can be less palatable.
As an aside, i believe that what the fat bomb did, which is simply a massive increase in my fat consumption, was balance out my hormones - i settle for sleep easier, wake up clearer (and i have debilitating insomnia and waking vertigo ); i can easily forgo the constant supply of muffins and cakes and chocolate and crisps and pastries and savouries that so dominate the fridge in our house. Before i would have been distracted ALL night by them. And would have given in, no doubt. As i say, i felt it to be as much biological as will power related. I think i had stressed my body out, to it's limit, in my early 20's; it took less than 4 months to reset my habits. To add: the balance of carbs and protein are also very important, and can enhance cravings if not managed.
I'll confess to a few slithers, no more than a pencil width (!), of cheese (!). There was a huge selection on discount and my mother eats the stuff like we eat fat, so i sampled those cheeses i'd never tried. Other than that, and that was a conscious decision, i've had few/no slips.
I see in your update you are consuming 120g already of fat; if you haven't already checked against the Keto calculators, then perhaps that'd be worthwhile. According to my calcs, 5'9, 9.5stone, male, i need at east 160g on an inactive day. And i know if i don't have the full bomb - 99% of the time i do - i can feel my drained, and all that follows.
And i can only sympathise with your responsibilities for the diet of others, i can't imagine how tricky it must be, because just encouraging my mother to improve hers is divisive enough! ;)