Re: Ketogenic Diet - Path To Transformation?
Minas Tirith said:
Thanks Paulo for your account. It never occurred to me to have Sauerkraut juice, I love Sauerkraut ...
:P I just imagined my husband's face if that would be our dinner, hehe ...
Not sure if it's good to have such a copious amount of fish at once though, think heavy metal toxicity and the fact that you want to GAIN weight ...
Also you might want to reconsider the mushrooms on your meal plan.
I love salt-buttered tea, too, it's my favorite staple.
Re: your constipation, you have to amp up your magnesium intake, especially in the first weeks you need a lot (for some reason), later the problem goes away by itself (my guess is it's the lacking fiber, and the body just needs to readjust)
Thank you Minas Tirith for your comments!
Sauerkraut had never been part of my diet before, but I'm just discovering that I really love it. I found a good recipe for making sour cabbage heads for my stuffed sour cabbage rolls, and I also use it chopped for the salad. I found a few hearty sauerkraut recipes that are really delicious and very good for this diet. It is said that sauerkraut juice is very good source for Vitamin C and excellent probiotic (very cheap one as well!!!). The good thing is that I also really like drinking it, which I do whenever I remember throughout the day.
I'm taking now 4 magnesium capsules (120mg) instead of 2 before going to sleep and additional 2 in the afternoon. It seems to be helpful! From what I've read so far, it seems there is no limitation for the magnesium intake until the stool becomes too lose at which point we should start decreasing our dosage???
What did you mean about mushrooms?
Gaby: “Mushrooms are pretty good because they are very low carb, but if you have histamine problems (i.e. itchy rashes), then they're best avoided because it makes those problems worse. They're also generally discouraged if there are fungal infections."
In addition to what Gaby said, is there something else we need to consider?
I always liked mushrooms, but I used to eat them just occasionally. With this diet change, and the fact that mushrooms are so feeling and very low in carbs, I thought it might be a good choice. I would usually have about 2 cups of sliced raw mushrooms per week, 1 cup per serving.
Amount Per 1 cup (54 g)
= 0.3g fat + 1.6g carbs + 0.8g protein
(Vitamin D 28%, Iron 10%, Magnesium 1%)
RE: Sardines & heavy metal toxicity
It's true that sardines (blue fish) are a little heavy for a dinner choice, much better to have them for lunch. But, that day I just had bought them fresh from my fish market, they got them fresh from Portugal. We usually eat some fresh the same day and the rest we put in plastic bag and store in freezer. We usually have them twice a week and, I dunno, I thought 5 small sardines per serving (15g protein/7g fat) would be a proper quantity...
1 Small Sardine = protein 3g/fat 1.4 g/carbs 0g (great source for Vitamin B-12; 18%)
And for the heavy metal toxicity, again I don't know, but from what I've read on the subject it seams that sardines are left as the safest choice...
Good News
While certain fish such as shark, marlin and swordfish contain higher levels of mercury, sardines are classed among the lowest mercury-containing fish. The American Pregnancy Association advises that pregnant women and those looking to conceive should limit their intake to two 6-ounce servings each week. For otherwise healthy individuals, a higher intake than this shouldn't be an issue.
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why you should eat sardines…and how to avoid mercury in your fish
Sardines Are The Safest Fish On The Planet
With growing concern over the health of the seas, people are turning to sardines for the essential nutrients found in fish. Sardines are at the bottom of the aquatic food chain, feeding solely on plankton. As a result, they do not concentrate as much heavy metals like mercury and other contaminants found in most fish. Why not? They don’t live long enough to accumulate too much mercury. They live as long as 14 years of age, but about 90 percent of the population is under 6 years old.
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by Lawrence Wilson, MD
3. Low in mercury. The small size of the sardine means that it has less opportunity to pick up and accumulate mercury. The skinless and boneless sardines are even lower in mercury, with up to 50% less mercury than regular sardines because apparently the mercury concentrates in the sardine’s spinal cord that is removed in the boneless ones.
All of the larger fish, even salmon, can concentrate mercury up to a million times more than the lowly sardine. I do not agree with some health authorities who recommend some of the larger fish. They are nutritious, but they are very high in mercury and I find the mercury shows up quickly on hair mineral tests if one eat even one serving of salmon per week, for example. To read more, please read Mercury on this website.
These are the main reasons for eating sardines. Most adults need 3 to 4 cans weekly of the 3.75 ounce cans.
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