Kicking Anti-Depressants Outta My Life

CNS- Thank you for filling in some of the gaps. It does help that you're a nurse, but we could pull this off even if you weren't! ;)

Thank you to everyone who has read, posted, and sent virtual hugs. :hug2:

I'll keep y'all updated.
Just keep going forward BrightLight11. :hug:
More then 10 years ago i felt the same. Felt depressed, overweight and i decide to take some antidepressant to try to feel better.And the worst thing is that i took it on my own.Just enter the pharmacy and buy some. It was Paroxetine i think. After first pill i feel dizziness and disorientation but actually i don't know if i felt better . Deep inside me i know its bad .After some time i have to stop taking them because the depression come back and that dosage have no more effects on me. So i decided to stop taking them.
The next week was a real nightmare. The withdraw effects were terrible.
So i know what you have been throu.
Congratulations, and just keep this way.Antidepressants are the terrible thing. There are much effective and safer methods to fix human machine. Keep with this forum, read, learn, network and the results are inevitable.
I wish you all the best :rockon: :hug2:
Thank you for sharing Konstantin. It's great you were able to realize the ill effects and say no to your antidepressant. :)

UPDATE on my end: I split my last dose of Effexor into 2 capsules (one for yesterday and one for today). Since the drug isn't in solid pill form and is a capsule with kitty-litter like pebbles inside, I could do that. I took the last one this morning.

The withdrawals have still been tolerable up to this point. If I feel mental fog, I nap. If I get anxious and can't focus, I walk our land, spend time with our kitties, and lift small hand weights. If I get 'brain willies', I talk it out with my housemates and journal. The Mood Cure arrived a few days ago and I have that to delve into.

I'm having moments of clarity with the expected emotions and just taking it one step at a time.

I expect to feel the full brunt of the withdrawals in 7-10 days and am preparing myself for those the best I can.

I'll keep y'all updated.

EDITED: Clarity
Update: It's been 11 days since my last dose of Effexor XR

The physical withdrawals aren't as bad as when I went off the drug cold turkey 2 months ago, but they're there. I'm continuing on the ketogenic diet, drinking bone broth, and along with the 5HTP, I've ordered quite a number of other supplements.

For sleeping trouble I've introduced melatonin again. I've had trouble with it in the past so we'll see. I've also ditched the coffee for tea.

The headaches, if they're bad enough, I take an over-the-counter pain medicine. Cold therapy helps with any weird chills/warmth.

I'm still walking no matter what the weather and lifting the weights. I'm trying to journal and talking to housemates when they're around. Kitties are my bestest buddies and are always willing to have a sitdown with me.

As for the mental/psychological aspect: The mental fog is there. The 'brain willies' are at a minimum at this point but are still present. My personality is all over the place so I'm trying to do just one thing at a time without too much 'thinking'. Activities such as: sketching, coloring, any household chore, cooking, chopping wood.

If you're going to taper off ANY 'medication', do your research, ask questions, ask more questions. Dig.

Take it easy on yourself and those around you if you do.

I know that this won't last forever, that the end reward will be worth it, and that's what keeps me going.

Will update with changes.
BrightLight11 said:
If you're going to taper off ANY 'medication', do your research, ask questions, ask more questions. Dig.

Take it easy on yourself and those around you if you do.

I know that this won't last forever, that the end reward will be worth it, and that's what keeps me going.

Will update with changes.

What you are doing is amazing and remarkable. It is a tough ride and you are doing it one day at a time.

Foxx said:
Gaby said:
What you are doing is amazing and remarkable. It is a tough ride and you are doing it one day at a time.


I'll second that! :flowers:

I third it! Can't wait for you to be done with this part of your journey! :hug2:
I fourth that. Congrats!!! Many people talk about changing things in their lives but few actually follow through. Way to go!!! Soon it will be time for your next challenge which will hopefully be a breeze in comparison. Stay strong and stay cool. :clap: :clap:
Slow and steady, Bright Light. You didn't get to this state overnight, and it won't get solved overnight. Just let the process unfold. You're doing very well! :hug2:
I agree with what others have shared Bright Light! You are doing amazing and hard WORK! 'Slow and steady wins the race' one foot in front of the other every moment every day, you will get there be kind to yourself ;)
Onwards and upwards! :thup:
herondancer said:
Slow and steady, Bright Light. You didn't get to this state overnight, and it won't get solved overnight. Just let the process unfold. You're doing very well! :hug2:

Yeah, and since I personally know how easy it is to say something to another person and how hard it is to apply to the self, I just want to reiterate the fact that you've taken upon yourself quite a challenge. It may seem like a smooth ride with only a few bumps, but in many cases it's more similar to Frodo's and Sam's journey toward Mordor. And I am not saying it to discourage you, on the contrary, to give you support and say that we all understand what a courageous step you've taken. As for importance of taking it slow and again using LOTR analogy, probably using eagles to fly to Mordor would make the journey much shorter, but it probably wouldn't do the trick this way. In any case, we are here for you. :hug2:
Hi Brightlight

I'm thrilled for you and plugging for you quietly in the background here.

I know exactly what you are going through! I supplemented under Gaby's guidance with Vitamin B Complex and P-5-P, along with L-phenylalanine and L-Tryptophan. I also found GABA to be great for sleep. But I imagine Gaby may well have already recommended some supplements for you.

I wish you all the very best, you are doing all the right things and it's great that you have a supportive SO by your side. Go Girlfriend! :hug:
Hey there Brightlight,

How have you been going? You haven't posted for a few weeks and I was wondering about you.
Your struggles and determination are an inspiration to many who are also trying to change something, me included.

I truly hope you are doing well sweetie.
Fluffy said:
Hey there Brightlight,

How have you been going? You haven't posted for a few weeks and I was wondering about you.

Just a little further up on this page she posted, 3 days ago.
Iarrthoir Firinne said:
I know exactly what you are going through! I supplemented under Gaby's guidance with Vitamin B Complex and P-5-P, along with L-phenylalanine and L-Tryptophan. I also found GABA to be great for sleep. But I imagine Gaby may well have already recommended some supplements for you.

I don't remember recommending anything specifically :-[, but we can certainly revise the supplements :) I know BrightLight11 mentioned 5-HTP and that one is a great helper :flowers:
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