Kidney removal/cancer


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
About 2 months ago my mother was diagnosed with cancer in the kidney. The specialist decided to remove the kidney and the operation took place about 6 weeks ago. She seems to be healing well and yesterday she was back in to discuss the situation with her specialist.

They said on a scale of low medium and high the cancer was a medium level. they think that removing the kidney worked well and the cancer was contained and no further treatment is needed, thankfully!!!. On the previous scan though there was a small blemish in the chest cavity area. The consultant said it was a 2 cm mark on her thymus he casually told her if its an issue they will whip it out.

She sees the specialist on January 7th regarding that. She Is concerned as in the last 18 months she has had her hip transplant which has left her with a limp. Then the kidney op and the thought of another op removing the Thymus is weighing heavily on her mind. Were there to support her and will be reading up on thymus ops and possible problems this can cause. Hopefully an operation won't be needed though.
Sorry to hear this Thebull.
All those surgeries and ilnes have made her suffer a lot. I dont know what to say, just be there with her and hopfully she will have enough stenght to go thrue all this suffering and pain and heal.

Here is what Wikipedia says about Thymectomy

The role of the thymus prior to adolescence is for the processing and maturation of thymocytes, which become T-lymphocytes and are released into the circulation. They then populate the lymphoid organs for storage until needed. Removal of the thymus as an adult has little immediate effect on the immune system as its role has been completed.

and this one

I wish you all the best to you and your mother Thebull. Take care of yourself also :hug2:
Have you all the informations about cancer that you need, or do you want some more ? I assume you know about the SOTT articles about it, and iodine and stuff.

The more you can do is to hold the space for the beliefs that your mother hold about cancer and operation. I know that it's not necessary the illness that make one suffer but all the conflicts that can come up with.

Take care, make space :).
Sorry to hear about your mom, Thebull. There's a lot of info here on the forum, SOTT and the internet that could be helpful to look into. If you're up to it, you might want to search to see what comes up. Best wishes to you, your mom, and your whole family. :hug2:
Thanks for you replies I'm aware of the wealth of information here all I can do is arm myself with the knowledge and make suggestions. My mum is mostly not receptive to alternative ideas but I'll try and give her options considering her feelings and thoughts the best I can. She has certainly had a stressful time but my family has pulled together and I think this has probably brought us closer.

She is Worried though waiting for an accurate diagnosis of the thymus problem but she has to wat for that appointment in the new year.
Sorry to hear that too Thebull, apparently cancer is often mis-diagnosed and even mainstream news agencies like ABC are reporting on it, so it may pay to get a second and possibly third opinion, although this could delay treatment time. I hope your Mum pulls through :hug2:


When researchers at The Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore reviewed tissue samples from 6,000 cancer patients across the country, they found one out of every 71 cases was misdiagnosed; for example, a biopsy was labeled cancerous when it was not. And up to one out of five cancer cases was misclassified.
Hello Thebull, let's hope for the best outcome for your mother. I'd just like to reinforce what Jenn said with this: My Nordic friend had a mate who was treated for some time with chemo for a supposed lung cancer. He ultimately died and when the autopsy was performed, it turned out that he did not have lung cancer, but he did have a lung infection, which would probably have been successfully treated using antibiotics. There is an investigation into this.
So a second or third opinion may be helpful.
Hi Thebull, I'm sorry to hear about your mum and hope you can find the info you need. This time of year can be healing in itself with socialization and singing with family. Best wishes to you and her. :hug2:
Thanks again for the suggestions a second opinion will be requested if needed.

Anyway turns out that her appointment is now Monday morning so we'll have an idea of what's going on sooner than we thought. Fingers crossed.
Thebull said:
Thanks again for the suggestions a second opinion will be requested if needed.

Anyway turns out that her appointment is now Monday morning so we'll have an idea of what's going on sooner than we thought. Fingers crossed.
Well my mother went to the said appointment that Monday. She was there 3 to 4 hours and unfortunately our local hostpital where she had the origionally scans couldn't send the correct files through for the consultant in Leeds. So nothing was decided and she is due to go back in the new year.

It was stressful for her that day after expecting to be diagnosed but she has enjoyed the break and we'll see what the doctors say in 2017.
My mum had her appointment today and they've decided to remove her Thymus on the 14th February. They don't know if it is definitely cancerous (the mark on the thymus from the scan) but they said the only way they can find out is removing it!

There's a number of different procedures to do this and it's hoped the robotic method can be used as this seems to be least intrusive but they won't know until they do the op. It's a worrying time for her but she does seem to be holding up well currently.

On another note my dad had cancer about ten years ago they removed a tumour from his rectum. It was touch and go at the time he had to have radio-therapy to shrink the tumor for the op and chemotherapy at the time. He managed to pull through and been clear since then. Last week he said he started feeling ill again and my impression is he's not been feeling well for longer than this. The last 4 days whatever he eats Passes straight through him. He will go to the docs in the next few days if things don't improve.

i am worried about my parents they aren't really open to any other ideas for healing than the NHS or docs suggestions so all we can all do is be there for them. Thank you for listening, life has thrown up a number of challenges for me personally over the last 6 months and it has helped me to share them.
3D Student said:
Thanks for the update Thebull. Wishing the best for your parents. Hang in there. :hug2:

Same here. :hug2:

Also wonder how much the craziness on the planet, all sorts of Earth changes, emotional upheavals - whether suppressed or not, etc. could be playing a part with people's health and disintegration of sorts in general? It seems to be getting harder for regular folks to seek out the truth signal, so to speak, and orient as far as what's going on if they haven't made much successful efforts in the past. FWIW.
Hi TB,

sorry to hear that you have to go through such hardship.

maybe you should read this info posted by Gaby about the T regulatory cells:,42877.msg679203.html#msg679203

As you can see the thymus role doesn't end - but glands are prone to calcification, that's why scars appear. Epigenetic factors produce, beside calcium efflux, other metals (especially copper), to be expelled from the collagen matrix which, when accumulated in tissues, will absorb non native EM radiation and leads to dehydration of tissue. I have observed this way to often in my practice. It can't be neglected or denied.

So, if you want to help your parents, look for sources of pollution in their home (wireless, cordless telephone, smart meters, nearby microwave tower) and reduce the risks as much as possible, as no amount of surgery can solve it, if this is the case.

Thebull said:
My mum had her appointment today and they've decided to remove her Thymus on the 14th February. They don't know if it is definitely cancerous (the mark on the thymus from the scan) but they said the only way they can find out is removing it!

There's a number of different procedures to do this and it's hoped the robotic method can be used as this seems to be least intrusive but they won't know until they do the op. It's a worrying time for her but she does seem to be holding up well currently.

On another note my dad had cancer about ten years ago they removed a tumour from his rectum. It was touch and go at the time he had to have radio-therapy to shrink the tumor for the op and chemotherapy at the time. He managed to pull through and been clear since then. Last week he said he started feeling ill again and my impression is he's not been feeling well for longer than this. The last 4 days whatever he eats Passes straight through him. He will go to the docs in the next few days if things don't improve.

i am worried about my parents they aren't really open to any other ideas for healing than the NHS or docs suggestions so all we can all do is be there for them. Thank you for listening, life has thrown up a number of challenges for me personally over the last 6 months and it has helped me to share them.

There is no doubt you are worried about your parents, Thebul, they are and have been through much and it is so difficult to see people struggle. I'm glad your mom seems positive, so give her what you can. As for your dad, are there other symptoms such as being tired, head fog and such? Perhaps his thyroid is distressed and that might be something to have checked, yet it needs to be done in a certain way from what is remembered, not just regular blood test. Others more advanced may have other questions on his health that may point in different directions, yet his gut seems to be a stressed pathway from what you describe.

Hang in there! :hug2:

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