Kites, crown chakra and "illu men head"

Re: Kites, crown chakra and \

bozadi said:
Ruth said:
If chakras correspond to densities, then perhaps not everybody can merge their fourth chakra with fifth density? Having said that, I guess that all beings of all densities must have chakras?

Hi, Ruth. I believe that the chakras' association with density levels works for us, I mean such associations might help us get a rough insight about functioning of density levels. But, personally, I don't claim or suppose that beings of higher densities make the same use of chakras. It also seems vague, based on the Cs' definition, if the chakra system has any function specifically in and/or above 5D.

Yeah I tend to think of Chakras, Sephirot, Enneagram, and Sri Yantra geometry as having an information theory basis useful for describing densities (like Laura did with the Sephirot and densities) but it is often best not to get too literal with everything said about the geometry.
Re: Kites, crown chakra and \

Hi bozardi,

bozadi said:
I think what counts here is the connection of "souls" with 5D. As far as I can understand from the statements of the Cs, all the souls of 1D through 4D have a necessary and constant connection with 5D...and it seems that the issue of chakras has something to do with that home-base connection.

Yes this is exactly where I'm trying to go with this.

Specifically the concept of chakras as both-

Spatial locators that provide reference to/for 'us' within the 'world'

Laura said:
A: An energy field that merges density one, two, three or four with five.

Q: (T) A focus point that merges densities to fifth density contemplation level?

A: Close.

Q: (T) What purpose do we merge to the contemplation level through the chakras?

A: You are all connected with level five on a short wave cycle, reference text.

Q: (L) Does each chakra relate to a color as we have been told?

A: In a sense, but not primary issue.

Q: (L) What is the primary issue?

A: The connection with physical imprint locator.

And also the 'lens' or window through which the projection emits?

Laura said:
March 11, 1995

Q: (T) We were 3rd density STO at this time. Was this after the battle that had transpired? In other words, were we, as a 3rd density race, literally on our own at that point, as opposed to before?

A: Was battle.

Q: (L) The battle was in us?

A: Through you.


Re: Kites, crown chakra and \

I currently fail to find a specific or significant relationship between the subject of chakras and the war, gnosisxsophia. I think that the reference to the war being "through us" just means that we were or are the "subject" of the war, or rather, whether or not we would cause ourselves to be enslaved by 4D STS as we did to a significant extent.
Re: Kites, crown chakra and \

bozadi said:
I currently fail to find a specific or significant relationship between the subject of chakras and the war, gnosisxsophia. I think that the reference to the war being "through us" just means that we were or are the "subject" of the war, or rather, whether or not we would cause ourselves to be enslaved by 4D STS as we did to a significant extent.

The connection could be that if chakras are a gateway or connecting point to other densities, chakras could be describing the pathways or entry points that 4D STS attempts to manipulate through.

Like the window through which the little devil bird flies through and sits on your shoulder and whispers "you could have this, or be that, if you just..."

Or the trap door through which a powerful emotion, or self-destructive urge seeps into consciousness like an unseen gas.
Re: Kites, crown chakra and \

BHelmet said:
The connection could be that if chakras are a gateway or connecting point to other densities, chakras could be describing the pathways or entry points that 4D STS attempts to manipulate through.
Well, BHelmet, the way you put it has made such a connection more approachable for me. I mean, scrutinizing higher STS interferences in us chakra-wise might surely be illuminating. If this was what gnosisxsophia already meant, I'm sorry for not being able to get it earlier.

As regards the Cs' statement, "the so-called sexual center which is a higher center of creative energy (…) in direct contact with 7th density", this might also be related to the following explanation by Ra:

Questioner: Why are the red, yellow, and blue energy centers called primary centers? I think from the previous material I understand this, but is there some tracing of these primary colors back to intelligent infinity that is more profound than what you have given us?

Ra: I am Ra. We cannot say what may seem profound to an entity. The red, yellow, and blue rays are primary because they signify activity of a primary nature.

Red ray is the foundation; orange ray the movement towards yellow ray which is the ray of self-awareness and interaction. Green ray is the movement through various experiences of energy exchanges having to do with compassion and all-forgiving love to the primary blue ray which is the first ray of radiation of self regardless of any actions from another.

The green-ray entity is ineffectual in the face of blockage from other-selves. The blue-ray entity is a co-Creator. This may perhaps simply be a restatement of previous activity, but if you consider the function of the Logos as representative of the Infinite Creator in effectuating the knowing of the Creator by the Creator you may perhaps see the steps by which this may be accomplished.

Yellow is the third color of the spectrum and I suppose that it is therefore associated more with the 3rd chakra and the 3rd density. And I suppose that Ra's explanation might be suggesting that 1st, 3rd and 5th densities (represented by red, yellow and blue, respectively) have a more primary/direct connection with 7D due to some mathematical/geometrical relationships.

We know/suppose that the 3D is the first density of self-awareness and also where STO/STS polarization actively begins and settles for eventual graduation either to STO or STS in 4D.

It was mentioned in the sessions that 3D is the most difficult density. Maybe this is especially so in the short wave cycle, which seems to impose a "veil" on 3D apparently for increasing or deepening the free will component in the process of choosing between STO and STS. In our earlier experience in the long wave 3D, there was no veil, so we could see, and identify with, the oneness of entire being around the centrality of 7D. That knowledge/belief enabled us to be safe in sync with higher STO providing guidance and protection. But somehow, we seem to have corrupted ourselves in connection those "freely granted" STO conditions and we naturally had to switch to the hard-test of the short wave cycle based on what I infer from what we have been told about it. And, unfortunately, it seems that the extent of our corruption caused us to shift to be more or less in sync with 4D STS instead of 4D STO. It must have been a really deep corruption.

I'm not sure if "veiling" (3D experience in short wave) must come together with "STS" but it certainly did in our case. When you combine the veil with STS-domination, the result is what we have been experiencing for long. You know, due to a kind of heavy cognitive corruption or disease, you can't be perfectly sure that entire being is mainly one and you are also one with it. Worse still, in addition to this potentially anti-being characteristic, you are surrounded by professional anti-being/STS agents, the cabal with its various components. STS might not always mean "anti-being" but it seems to do so especially in the later or second stage of 3D and in higher levels. The debate of STS-STO duality versus absolute oneness is a difficult one to reconcile for me, I try to understand. Sometimes, I appear to understand it but then I notice that I've lost that understanding or it is not anymore meaningful, and this applies not just to this specific topic of duality versus oneness but also to many others, most probably including all the other points in my discussion. So, the need for salting. Everything needs to be time-tested.

I'll later share some of my opinions about the possible associations between chakra/density levels and STS interferences/attacks possibly in connection with the main topic.
Re: Kites, crown chakra and \

bozadi said:
BHelmet said:
The connection could be that if chakras are a gateway or connecting point to other densities, chakras could be describing the pathways or entry points that 4D STS attempts to manipulate through.

Well, BHelmet, the way you put it has made such a connection more approachable for me. I mean, scrutinizing higher STS interferences in us chakra-wise might surely be illuminating. If this was what gnosisxsophia already meant, I'm sorry for not being able to get it earlier.

G'day bozardi,

Yes Bhelmet's reply is right on the money :)

bozadi said:
As regards the Cs' statement, "the so-called sexual center which is a higher center of creative energy (…) in direct contact with 7th density", this might also be related to the following explanation by Ra:

Questioner: Why are the red, yellow, and blue energy centers called primary centers? I think from the previous material I understand this, but is there some tracing of these primary colors back to intelligent infinity that is more profound than what you have given us?

Ra: I am Ra... The red, yellow, and blue rays are primary because they signify activity of a primary nature.

Yes hopefully and with a bit of luck we can also correlate Ra's 'primary' with the 'C's 'lower' descriptors?

bozadi said:
I'll later share some of my opinions about the possible associations between chakra/density levels and STS interferences/attacks possibly in connection with the main topic.

I look forward it :)

As touched on here-,44673.msg740883.html#msg740883

The development / utilisation of the correct centres is presently of great interest as is the 'matter' of awakening.

Laura said:
A: ... the "divine stuff" of creation... The sex center is directly connected with that heavy sleeping matter that just "loves to be loved" and creative.

Or should I say Mater :rolleyes:


Re: Kites, crown chakra and \

Q: One thing I do want to understand, since it is involved in all of this, is the idea of the 'Shepherd.' All of the ancient legends and stories and myths lead, ultimately, to something about the 'shepherd,' or the 'Shepherd King.'

A: Shepherd is most likely to be struck by lightning, due to staff, and thus "enlightened," or "illumened!!"

I don't know but as an immediate impression, the Cs appear to be referring to the "Illuminati", who are supposed to be "shepherding" people. And their illumination by a lightning appears to be related to their communication with 4D STS / Lesser Gods. But I infer that this dark association can also lead to the Illuminati's predicament in some ways, in the sense, "the big fish eats the little one".

The third, solar plexus, chakra appears to be a (or the?) primary point of energy reception / recharging of a soul from God or a similar universal source, in the case of souled human beings. But then the question arises, where would that energy be mainly invested in? Again, I don't know, but it might, by a rough guess, be optimal to allocate a limited amount to the areas/activities represented by the lower 3 chakras (1st through 3rd) and more to those represented by the higher 3 ones (4th through 6th). Probably the first three are more self-centered while the other three are potentially more altruistic.

In this sense, I think that the subject of libido might be involving a duality. When the universal energy somehow gained is invested more in the lower chakra subjects, then libido might be appearing like a kind of "sexual, lustful, greedy energy" prone to conflict and violence. This seems to be a more materialistic point of view. If, however, it is to be invested more in higher chakra issues, then it can probably be more easily related to its essential or proper function: non-specific life energy to be used for betterment in any sense.

Then, of course, STO/STS polarization comes to mind. Probably the issue is complicated by the problem of extreme cognitive/spiritual fragmentation and chaos. What is the ultimate reality/truth of life and being? I think that STO and STS have their own unique answers to this question. It seems to me that STO's answer or perspective is such that it involves an all-pervading joy while STS' perspective involves doom & gloom, hatred, and greed.

With STS, there is that extreme "self-centeredness" issue. Extreme earth-centeredness might also be related. Isn't it interesting that we were destined to firstly perceive and believe that Earth was the center of Universe and eventually to explore that we are turning around a sun, which turns around another centrality, etc. This also reminds the developmental stages of a human being. In the infancy, one can't perceive other independent beings of any sort. One is the center and all. This indiscrimination also strangely connotes with the hypothetic, monolithic Godly perspective, and can be another piece of the puzzle.

Materialism, partially, can also be diagnosed with being bound extremely by immediate appearance of reality, although most religions don't appear to be innocent either in many of their descriptions and guidance about the fundamental truths of life and being.

Our own gut feelings rooted in higher spiritual centers of us most probably contain healthier or cleaner information/knowledge about the truth of life and universe. After all, being is based on STO. You know, some innate altruistic ethics hopefully supported and concretized by some life experiences. So, against innumerable sources of disinformation and discouragement in our worldly experience, we try to benefit from our existential/spiritual insight and this requires a lot of struggle for belief against extreme chaos and confusion.

Q: (L) Are we going to get any positive responses?

A: Yes. We direct you as long as you have faith in us, as we are you! Attack is always designed to destroy that faith, either directly or indirectly. Think of the instances, to see if there is a familiar pattern to the "root."

Q: (L) So, attack is always directed at undermining our faith.

A: In a roundabout way.

Returning to the STO and STS perspectives of "ultimate reality", which is naturally related to 7D and crown chakra, I believe that each of us has been experiencing both of these perspectives alternately in the extremely chaotic and fragmented conditions of our specific 3D experiences.
Re: Kites, crown chakra and \

And, of course, I also think that STO's perspective that involves an all-pervading joy doesn't imply a "selfish" pleasure-seeking or self-aggrandizement.
Re: Kites, crown chakra and \

Hi bozardi,

bozadi said:
Q: One thing I do want to understand, since it is involved in all of this, is the idea of the 'Shepherd.' All of the ancient legends and stories and myths lead, ultimately, to something about the 'shepherd,' or the 'Shepherd King.'

A: Shepherd is most likely to be struck by lightning, due to staff, and thus "enlightened," or "illumened!!"

I don't know but as an immediate impression, the Cs appear to be referring to the "Illuminati", who are supposed to be "shepherding" people. And their illumination by a lightning appears to be related to their communication with 4D STS / Lesser Gods.

That's an interesting interpretation!

The 'shepherd' imagery, to me, representative more of one who tends (as in 'looks after', 'takes care of') others?

ie. an STO orientation

And it is via these efforts that the 'staff' is forged / developed therefore leading to the possibility of being 'struck' or awakened?

bozadi said:
The third, solar plexus, chakra appears to be a (or the?) primary point of energy reception / recharging of a soul from God or a similar universal source, in the case of souled human beings. But then the question arises, where would that energy be mainly invested in?...

...I think that the subject of libido might be involving a duality. When the universal energy somehow gained is invested more in the lower chakra subjects, then libido might be appearing like a kind of "sexual, lustful, greedy energy" prone to conflict and violence. This seems to be a more materialistic point of view.

Yes I agree and the opinion is forming that the Sacral chakra [vs Solar plexus] is perhaps another duality 'modification', something along the lines of the 'separation of the brain hemispheres', the 'C's speak of ??


C’s Session 970621 said:
Q: One thing I do want to understand, since it is involved in all of this, is the idea of the 'Shepherd.' All of the ancient legends and stories and myths lead, ultimately, to something about the 'shepherd,' or the 'Shepherd King.'
A: Shepherd is most likely to be struck by lightning, due to staff, and thus "enlightened," or "illumened!!"
Clearly, in this context, the C’s are not referring to being literally struck by lightning. So what are they talking about?

C’s Session 941107 said:
Q: (L) What is ball lightning?
A: Electromagnetic spark. Pass from 4th to 3rd density.
C’s Session 950107 said:
Q: (L) We have a few interesting questions tonight. I think the first thing on everybody's mind is the strange events during the night and early morning hours, reported by TR and JR compared with events that happened that John said that he experienced and also, TR's dad, and also something woke A*** up with a start and I was awakened with a strange feeling. We are a little bit curious about this event, this occurrence, and we would like to have some information on it. What exactly was it?
A: Thunder.
Q: (L) It seemed to be an extraordinarily massive strike, and it seemed to have been heard at a great distance in several directions. Where, in fact, did this lightning bolt strike?
A: Cell was uniformly structured throughout region.
Q: (T) So we all heard that particular blast because of that?
A: No. Each zone received similar EM profile, thus one particularly heavily charged event in each zone.
Q: (L) What is an EM profile?
A: Electromagnetic.
Q: (L) Was there any particular significance to this type of blast since it is not something any of us has experienced in our immediate memory. Is there any implication to this blast in terms of 4th density activity?
A: You have, and yes, as always.
Q: (L) Since this was such a boomer, what exactly was going on on 4th density that produced a boomer like this?
A: Overlapping densities, lasting approximately 1.3 seconds, as you measure time i.e.: for 1.3 seconds, you lived completely in 4th density.
Q: (T) So this was a significant event for us to have noticed?
A: The noticing was more significant than the event.

Q: (V) Can I ask... so every time there is... am I wrong in assuming that every time there is thunder there is a mix of 4th density? (L) No, no. (V) It's just this one time? (T) What about if you didn't notice? I didn't hear it. (T) What was the answer? (L) The noticing was more important than the event. (T) So it was important that we were aware that something had happened...
A: You did at another level of consciousness.
C’s Session 960817 said:
Q: (L) Is there any correlation between the lightning strikes and so forth that have been going on, seemingly coincidental moments in the communications I've been having with Ark?
A: Lightning has been striking elsewhere a lot more too.
Q: (L) So, just in general. There have been more lightning strikes all over the place in general. (T) OK, on the correlations things, to skip from lightning to another question I just thought of. Is there a correlation to the massive power blackouts on the West Coast that have been happening recently, to the government messing around with the HAARP Project, and other related weapons testing systems?
Q: (T) OK, not HAARP. Something else that they're messing with? (L) Well, why don't we just ask, what's the cause of the blackouts? (T) OK, what's the cause of the blackouts? Good question!
A: 4th density bleed through has many "fun" possibilities.
C’s Session 979705 said:
A: Now... Calm down! No need for depression. Would you rather be left with a lack of knowledge, and in an ever increasing state of false security oriented oblivion, only to be struck by lightning?!? Of course not!!! So remember... Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers!!
C’s Session 981205 said:
Q: [..] (A) I want to ask about this grid business. I have this book with this 'sacred geometry' business, Bruce Cathie and all that. These people draw these grids with geometric shapes that differ from simple meridians. I would like to know how to find out what is the true geometry of this grid. Is it as complicated as they draw it, or is it as simple as longitude and latitude? Can I have some help with this?
A: Seek answers in the pyrotechnics.
Q: (L) Do you mean having to do with explosives or fireworks?
A: All that is related to the root. For example: lightning.

Q: (L) Yes, but what we are asking is how to SHAPE, to construct a correct grid! Is there a particular geometric figure that applies, and are there particular locations...
A: No, no, no. You are assuming, and you are not being patient.
Q: (A) I don't understand what this pyrotechnics is about, but first question: at some point we were asking about this magnetic grid, and we were told that the grid lines are located about every 200 miles, and that it is a regular pattern of lines...
A: Yes, but those are primary. What happens at the poles?
Q: (A) At the poles, these lines converge, and the pattern becomes more complex, I suspect.
A: Convergence.
Q: (A) Okay, they converge at the poles, and probably go inside.
A: In atmosphere, there is undulation. At core, there is primary convergence, and that is also your doorway/bridge.
Q: (A) Core of the Earth?
A: Yes.
C’s Session 981212 said:
Q: I suggested that one of the things you may have meant by suggesting, last week, an investigation of pyrotechnics, might be as simple as finding where, on the planet, are the highest number of lightning strikes, and that these might indicate foci of grid points. Would this be, in fact, a good line to follow?
A: One of them.
Q: Could you offer more clues about this 'pyrotechnic' suggestion, because we were pretty much drawing a blank during the week on it. It was not a useful path so far.
A: But it will be. Rome was not built in a day, and neither is your higher knowledge.
C’s Session 990724 said:
And, in relation to rumors, there are a lot of them flying around about the weather. What's the deal with all the recent weather activity? These terribly unusual lightning storms?
A: Increased static electricity in atmosphere.
Q: (A) Is it only in our region or all over the planet?
A: Latter.
C’s Session 20120304 said:
(Belibaste) I guess it will depend on the location of the planets in relation to the two stars. If you're in between or not far from the arc, it will follow the path of least electrical resistance.
(L) If you're a person and you're standing there, and you've got the kite in the air and your feet on the ground, you're in the middle, lightning strikes, and it's frying time! [..]

Q: (L) Is the sun, or the star, just like a large-scale manifestation of ball lightning?
A: Close.
Q: (L) But obviously, it has mass.
A: Yes.
C’s Session 20130528 said:
Q: (Belibaste) So this guy we were talking about then, he got lightning struck seven times. He was really afraid of thunder. And his wife was struck once when he was next to her. What is specific in this guy because nobody gets struck by lightning seven times! What is specific in this guy?
A: His inner connections.
Q: (Belibaste) Inner connections are just... (Perceval) Genetic?
A: Can be.
Q: (Belibaste) Inner connections, it means the inner connections are faulty because it's a kind of disintegration that was mentioned before? What kind of connections are we talking about?
A: Triple cycle veil of consciousness bodies.
Q: (Perceval) You asked! (L) I ain't openin' that can of worms! I’ve got other questions to ask. (Belibaste) There are three bodies? What are they? (Perceval) Triple cycle... (L) Triple cycle of what? (Belibaste) What are the three bodies?
A: Psychic/consciousness, genetic, high soul family.
Q: (Athena) That makes it so much clearer! (Belibaste) If it's not correctly connected... (L) Once they said something like hypnosis was opening a door to the unconscious. So I would say then the unconscious is connected to the superconscious, and then the superconscious is connected to other superconsciousnesses at some other level. But an individual must have... (Perceval) It seems like it's an anomaly with this guy. There's something about his makeup that is different. Otherwise he would not be hit by lightning seven times. (Athena) He just really needed a shock. (Ailen) And they're talking about a veil of consciousness. (L) I don't wanna go in that direction. If we start going there, we'll never get all of our other questions in! But I think I remember them saying something about some kind of triple body. And they were talking about tears in some kind of veil, tears in the ethereal body. That's what they were talking about.

{The reference is to session 7 Oct 1995:}
C's Session 19951007 said:
Q: (L) Well, if that is the case, and the aliens are abducting people and altering their genes, can they not alter the genes so that higher level souls simply cannot come in?
A: Not incarnative process, natural biological processes. Incarnative involves strictly ethereal at 5th density and lower, and thus is enveloped in triple cycle "veil" of transfer which is impregnable ay any means. However, any and all 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th processes can be manipulated at will and to any degree if technology is sufficient.
(L) Okay, this is kind of shooting in the dark, but... Could it be that somebody who has some kind of genetic, or even an inner consciousness connection to like a negative or entropic entity could attract that sort of thing?
A: Yes.
Q: (Perceval) It's like an exorcism by lightning. (Belibaste) And actually we asked during the last session to what extent having this problem... how they attract these cosmic or electrical events. I think it was said it was partly electric, and partly other. I guess this consciousness connection is... (L) And while you could look at somebody on earth that didn't ask to be born this way, but the very fact that they were born and connected in some higher consciousness way to an overlord of entropy so to speak, is just kind of the way things are. Some animals are born lions, some crocodiles, some are dogs, some are cats. We are what we are. (Ark) Let me take opportunity to ask about ball lightning. Are they purely electric phenomena, or are they also related to consciousness or...?
A: Transdimensional portals made manifest.
Q: (Ark) Does it mean that the current theory of electromagnetism is really bad because it has nothing to do with transdimensionality?
A: Yes.
C’s Session 20140816 said:
(L) Well, I think it's useful to know the parameters and things. It's helpful for some people - I know it was for me - to know that the health issue I had was from an attachment. That was helpful to me. And then, I began to apply discipline. I mean, I knew that “Twisted Sister” was in there! [laughter] And I was gonna do EVERYTHING that she HATED!! And every time she made my shoulder hurt, I just kept doing whatever it was that made it hurt. I remember the instant that she left. It was like electricity flying through my body. It was like being struck by lightning. There was this flash of light in my head, and the energy went from one arm across my shoulders, and out the other one. And that was it. In that moment, I was actively disciplining myself by forcing myself to swim in spite of the excruciating pain that I was experiencing. For me, it was excruciatingly painful to move my arm like that. It was like screaming pain, and I just kept doing it... stroke after stroke after stroke. And I was even talking in my head saying, "Alright, witch! Take that one! I am NOT stopping!" And I was saying this sort of thing in my head. I was having this conversation. Finally, it was like, "You might as well just give up, because I am never giving up!" And that's when it left. It's kind of an auto-spirit release. So, having a little identification of what's going on is helpful. Like if you have an alcoholism problem, or gambling, or whatever.
C’s Session 20150704 said:
Q: (L) So that makes me think that awareness itself is part of contact potential difference. It's like when you have a current flow, you have a whole bunch of electrons over here, and they flow to over there because of a difference in charge. This is funny, because it's kind of in my head: it's like a full field of awareness becomes an attractor in the material world for ethereal world or cosmic energy.
(Pierre) Yeah, and they say some kind of resonance. Vinnie was resonating with 4D STS, and we're resonating with positive forces.
(Perceval) In a practical sense, the awareness was the fact that you were there with the idea that Vinnie had left something there that needed to be dealt with. Some negative energy or whatever...
(L) I didn't have any idea of what it might be.
(Perceval) But it was an awareness that there was something and that it needed to be "cleaned". So that in some energetic way clashed with the negative energy. It's like two opposite poles. Like positive charge and negative charge.
(L) It's like turning on a light. The flow of electrons goes and illuminates the bulb.
(Perceval) Or lightning hitting the ground. It creates a boom.
(L) Yeah, so it was kind of like a psychic lightning bolt.
A: Yes
Q: (L) And we became the transmitters of this psychic lightning bolt?
A: Yes. Amazing what a few aware people can do?!

Q: (L) Well, the thing is, it's not like we planned to do things. We're just trying to defend ourselves or do a little cleansing of the energy. We were flying by the seat of our pants. We were just following our instincts so to say.
(Pierre) When they say it's amazing what a few aware people can do, does it mean that there are a lot of positive forces around here, but there's not enough connectors? See what I mean? What is lacking is not higher positive forces, but aware people who can transduce them if it is awareness that makes the difference...
(L) Is that the case? There is plenty of positive force in the cosmos, but there just aren't enough people working on being awake and aware and following their instincts and letting the universe guide and drive and develop for all this to manifest?
A: Yes

Q: (L) I remember once you said something about programs and program writers that we would do what we would do. It was ourselves in the future that were the programmers that were directing us so to speak? Something along that line...
A: Yes. Good reference!

So, it seems that “lightning” can refer to physical electric discharge, or it can refer to a transfer of psychic energy or information. If the current theory of electromagnetism is missing the “transdimensionality” or higher-density aspect, then perhaps consciousness/awareness truly has a relationship with magnetism in that, when people connect their higher centres/chakras, this literally creates a magnetic field with a “contact potential difference” and allows similar information and energies to be attracted from the cosmos.

If we then look at the “shepard’s crook” reference and the bio-energetic “kite” that @Pierre described, then perhaps flying a kite can be considered a physical “extension” of the “shepard’s crook” that functions analogously to an antenna on a radio. By itself, it’s just a physical exercise that can provide some enjoyment. But if done in concert with the “kite flying” that @Keit described via the activation and connection of higher centres, maybe it could allow for a psychic ‘lightning’ of information to be received from higher densities by expanding the field of magnetic “contact potential difference”?

Perhaps one could even combine this with crystals and construct a certain kind of kite with crystals attached that would enhance the effect?

Taking this even further, perhaps people getting together for “kite flying days” could help connect the higher centres and function as an even greater magnetic “contact potential difference” that would transduce even more information and knowledge?

Just a few thoughts. Would be interested to hear some feedback from other kite enthusiasts out there. 😁
Would be interested to hear some feedback from other kite enthusiasts out there.

Interesting thought. Maybe kite flying does increase your receiver. I'd think it acts as a sort of grounding, or "airing". I remember flying kites as a kid was a really fun thing. It was just as much fun getting it airborne as it was steering it around in the air. I think Benjamin Franklin approves of kite flying. :-D
Although it is not necessarily related and perhaps it is only a coincidence of words, in his book techniques du Yoga Mircea Eliade puts as a footnote regarding the maithuna (tantric sexual union which, like alchemy, plays with the feminine and masculine, so maybe it has a relationship) the following:
In the mystical language of the Doha-kosa it is allowed to explain the maithuna, the union of the "lotus" and the "ray", as the realization of the state of emptiness ("ray") and the cerebral nerves ("lotus")
So, I read this whole thread, but I still don't know how to connect my Chakras. Is there a link to something concrete that one can do? A specific meditation or visualization or something?
Perhaps one could even combine this with crystals and construct a certain kind of kite with crystals attached that would enhance the effect?
This kites topic keeps popping up on in my mind for a long, long time now, and I was thinking in the similar lines now when reading the transcript below regarding Mother Stone, only I thought of simply holding a crystal or similar. Glad to see I´m not the only one thinking the same! 😅

Q: (L) This is something I have always wanted to get into a session, but I keep forgetting it. So, I wrote it down so I wouldn't forget. What is a "Merkabah?" All these New Age types are talking about it all over the place, and I just want to know if the standard interpretation is anything close to the reality. What is a Merkabah?

A: A creative creation.

Q: (L) Are you saying...

A: As were...

Q: (L) You didn't let me finish my question!

A: We heard it in you.

Q: (L) Well, just to get the question on the record, it was are all these people making all this stuff up about what the Merkabah is?

A: But then again, what is made up and why? It is not so simple!

Q: (L) In ancient literature, something called a Merkabah is talked about, but the definition of this extremely mysterious thing has been lost down through the centuries. There have been many "explanations" from such sources as the Midrash - Jewish commentaries - but there is even argument there. It seems that, even then, nobody knew what it was. But now, we have all these New Age folks coming along who have decided that they know what it is, and it is variously described as rotating double tetrahedrons...

A: If no one knows what it is, that is as good as any other explanation.

Q: (L) I want to know what the ancients who wrote about it meant? What is the definition of the word as the ancient writers used it?

A: The original definition predates this.

Q: (L) What is the original definition that predated the ancient writings that we have access to?

A: What do you think?

Q: (L) What? Well, it's a curious word because it is composed of two words or even three: mer kaba or mer ka ba. If we think of it as three part word, we have the Egyptian Ka, which is like the astral body, and the Ba which is similar to the Ka. I guess you could think of them as the astral body and the genetic body. Then there is the Ab which is the sort of principle element of the life in man - like the part that is of God or the soul. The Ab was represented as a red stone. It was the part of the man that expressed desire, lust, courage, wisdom, feeling, sense and intelligence. So, all of them together sort of expresses an abstract creative principle Kaaba is Arabic for cube, and it is the square stone building in which the Black Stone is housed in Mecca. It was supposed to have been built by Ishmael and Abraham. So with Mer, Ka, Ab, and Ba, we have a cube made up of the principle parts of the etheric self, and housing a stone. Soul stone? Mother stone?

A: By god, she's got it!

Q: (L) Okay, we've got the soul or mother stone. Or the mother of all stones. Now that we have a definition, what was it?

A: The Matriarch Stone.

Q: (L) Is the Matriarch Stone the one in Mecca?

A: Symbolism reigns supreme here.

Q: (T) Is this also the Philosopher's Stone?

A: "Stone" to those you perceive as ancients symbolized communication from "a higher source."

Q: (L) What is it about a stone that made the ancients associate it with communication?

A: Radio waves.

Q: (L) How did radio waves interact with the stone? Were they recorded by the stone; transmitted by the stone?

A: Transmission.

Q: (T) Crystals are stones. Crystals are used for radio transmissions.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And it was said before that Stonehenge was a giant transmitter and receiver. The original purpose of Stonehenge was to receive communication and to send communication. It wasn't all that Druid HooDoo stuff that people talk about nowadays. It was a machine, so to speak. (Johan) Could it be that people who come in contact with a stone in one place, and then they go to another place and come in contact with another stone, transfer something from one stone to another?

A: Well, one strengthens their abilities due to awareness channel grooving.

Q: (L) What gets strengthened from contact with the stones?

A: Your abilities.

Q: (L) When they are talking about this Mother Stone, are they talking about something similar to the Atlantean crystals that gathered, dispersed and/or transduced energy?

A: It is more symbolic. But you are on the right track.

Q: (L) So, in talking about Merkabah, we are not talking about spinning tetrahedrons that enable you to ascend or generate some kind of "astral vehicle." They are saying that visualizing yourself inside of one of these enables you to ascend, or something.

A: If you do that, it may help, though.

Q: (L) It may help what?

A: We are going around in circles here. You should use your own abilities to complete the answers to some of these. But, then again, it is one form of "spinning," is it not?

Q: (T) Everything we have been doing here is all about gaining knowledge and increasing frequency in order to transit from 3rd to 4th density. In ancient times, they would have had to do the same things. But, there may not have been as many experiences available. In order to get experiences, they may have had to travel. So, by going to the stones, they might have increased their frequencies to transit from 3rd to 4th density.

(L) Or they used them as a direct machine or device to do it. Archaeologists say that the people who erected the megaliths were barbarians. They are defined as barbarians because they didn't build cities, they didn't have the wheel, they didn't have organized agriculture, and they left no written records. Those are the defined elements of civilization. Yet, this group of people, whoever they were, did things that we cannot duplicate today, and they did it all over the globe. The groups who came along after them who DID have all the hallmarks of what we call civilization, also could not erect these gargantuan stones.

I thought about this for a long time. Archaeologists say they must have erected them as monuments to their gods, or heroes or whatever. Some of them think they were calendars to tell them when to plant the corn. Well, I think that is stretching it a bit. If you can't cross off the days on the wall and look outside and see that it is time to plant the corn, you're in pretty sad shape. You hardly need to haul stones as big as buildings across hills and valleys to set them up in special places to tell you to do that!

The psychology of the human being cannot have changed all that much over the many thousands of years from then to now, and it is true that people do not do anything without a powerful motivation; what I call the "payoff." What could be the payoff to haul these things around on greased logs as they are depicted? To create a monument or to bury their kings? To get naked and dance in the moonlight?

(A) Like they had a lot of time to do this while struggling to live the barbarian existence, too!

(L) Yeah. They are supposed to be howling savages who must constantly hunt to get food, yet they are spending all their time, occupying all their strongest men, to push rocks around! Meanwhile, according to the archaeologists and paleontologists, these folks only live to about 40 years at max!

(T) They got a lot of mileage out of those 40 years!

(L) Exactly! But, we are supposed to be thinking about the things they didn't have: cities, wheels, agriculture, and writing.

(F) Maybe they didn't need it.

(L) And why would that be? Because the stones did it all! (

T) Maybe they were 4th density STO beings who planted all those stones all over the place.

(L) Well, if you think about a group of people who are setting up these massive stones like they were pieces of styrofoam. The stones collect energy and information. They then transduce the energy or amplify it. These people know things about movement, dances or spinning or something, that enables them to behave in concert with the stones so that they all become part of a grand machine that does things! All of the legends talk about stylized dances and the oldest things about Stonehenge say that it was the Temple of Apollo and that Apollo danced there all night at certain periods of time. Every 19 years, I believe. When you think about that, and the other places Apollo appeared, the inversions and redactions of the legends, and we come to these magical stones that produce things. Then we come to the head of Bran the Blessed which supposedly produced endless supplies of bread and fish or whatever else was desired. Bran's head was the giver of all good things. But more than that, it was an oracle. It could speak. And here we have the idea of a similar function for Stonehenge: both an oracle as well as a giver of blessings and bounty. Anything you wanted or needed it provided for you. If you wanted to go somewhere, it transported you as in the legends of the flying carpets. It was magic transportation. All of these things are associated, when you track them back far enough, with a stone. The stones did everything.

(Johan) And it is funny that stones come up. What I have been doing for the past 10 or 15 years is running around the globe collecting stones. I've been to some of the most ancient places on earth, and I go from one to the other. And from each one, I've collected stones. Plus, Apollo: on Crete, there was an oracle of Apollo on Tara...

(L) And there was Tara in Ireland...

(Johan) I wouldn't be surprised if Tara meant stone too! How is all this connected?

(L) Exactly. This is what I have always thought about these megaliths. They DID things. All of the things we think are the "signs" of civilization were done by the stones. Maybe Terry is right; these people were at some level of density where they could make this work. At some point, something happened, the ability was lost, and then people had to build cities, engage in agriculture, invent the wheel, and develop writing - because they could no longer do it the "easy" way.

(Johan) In talking about stones, would the mother of all stones be the navel of the earth; is that the same as Ayers rock? It's the largest stone on earth and they call it the navel of the earth.

(L) Does Ayers rock have anything to do with this?

A: No. Stones were once utilized to provide for all needs, as the energies transmitted connected directly with the pituitary gland to connect spiritual realities with the material realms of 3rd and 4th densities. So you see, the "stone" was viewed as Matriarchal indeed!

(L) Were the beings involved in this type of activity 3rd density, 4th density or bi-density?

A: Originally 4th when home was in other locators.

Q: (L) Could it be said that the pituitary gland itself is the body's own "mother stone?"

If you prefer.
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