Knowledge and Being Part 5 - video by Laura


FOTCM Member
Hi all,

Knowledge and Being Part 5 - Information Theory and Reality Creation - Parts 1 and 2 are now public on YT.
I've been waiting for this too since laura itw on sott radio, big thanks you. This is Really enlightening !!!
Just finished watching and they are amazing! I'm repeatedly at awe at the work that you do!

I found fascinating how Laura's visualization method is both simple and logical, and completely congruent with concepts discussed with the Cs such as non anticipation and the relevance of emotions and electrical currents.

Curiously, the YCYOR visualization techniques that I was duped into many years ago did mention emotions but prescribed just the opposite regarding details, i.e., you were supposed to have all the details in mind. As usual, a bit of truth with a dangerous twist.

By the way, it comes to mind that if such technique could be expanded to a small booklet it may be a revenue source as self-help books usually sell themselves. Just a thought.

Also fascinating to learn about these communities you are setting up. That had already caught my attention during the Lisa thread.
Transcript for part 1:

It has been said that the universe itself is kind of the sum total of everything that can be known or is possible. Its infinite potential to be or infinite potential to not be. In ancient esoteric systems it's represented that way. That's the cosmos. Infinite potential to be and in the potential to be there is a certain amount of non-being because matter is simply consciousness that has gone to sleep and basically congealed or gelled itself. In this, there is a little bit of consciousness because nothing can completely be completely non-existent. There is no such thing as non-being. If a consciousness could embrace this, consciousness outside of it or even inside of it, then you would have all knowledge. You would know everything that is going on anywhere at any time. You would be in a really superior state of being.

Well, obviously, none of us is there. However, the idea is that each one of us has inside us, or we are essentially a souled being or a potentially souled being. That part of us that is souled or potentially souled is a part of this greater consciousness. You can connect with it and in a certain sense, the communication with the C's is like that. After you have peeled away all of the layers of your self, your own programs, all of the barriers to your deep inner consciousness and you have accessed that part, that part then also can connect with the inner consciousness or the higher consciousness or the cosmic consciousness, the akashic records, whatever term you want to call it. The archetypal consciousness if you want to go Jungian on it. It can connect with that and it can access information.

In one of the previous videos I made, I made the remark about my friend who was dying right at the time and I misnamed it. I called it the Christchurch mass shooting. It was Port Arthur, Tasmania, not Christchurch, New Zealand. It was right at the time of the Port Arthur, Tasmania shooting that she had died. So, I was having this conversation with her and that was when she said 'Oh no, don't shoot the little girl!' I asked her what she was talking about and she said 'you'll find out tomorrow'. That's when we found out about this mass shooting. I don't think I really said very much about what a bizarre kind of reality it must be. To be in that state where you can be having a conversation with me, more or less, sitting in my little office next door to my kitchen, in my house in New Port Richey, Florida. While also being aware of a mass shooting that is taking place on the other side-not only the other side of the planet-the other hemisphere of the planet. That is down in the southern hemisphere. What kind of bizarre reality is that? I mean, that's kind of weird. It's not like she could visually see through the planet. There is something else there. This is one of the reasons why I keep saying that exploring these kinds of realities... to my way of thinking, that incident right there, among many others, but that one in particular. That she was able to see from our space-time location New Port Richey, Florida, on such and such a day, and such and such a time, something that was taking place on the other side of the planet. That bespeaks of a reality that really needs exploration by people qualified to do it.

By qualified, I am not necessarily saying that you have to have all the degrees and all that sort of thing. One of the things about research, any kind of research, whether it's historical research, archeology, engineering, physics, mathematics, whatever. One of the things that you would like to have, or need to have is a certain control over your material. You have to have what they call controls. You have to have standards, yardsticks against which you measure things so that you can at least have some idea whether you are dealing with this kind of phenomena or this kind of phenomena. In a certain sense, these controls that I am talking about are kind of like differential diagnosis in Spirit Release Therapy. You ask certain questions. You query the information. If it's historical information, you query it. The historian said such and such a battle was fought on such and such a day and these guys were the generals and this many people died. The archeology on the other hand says says something different and the epigraphic evidence says something still different. The historian says the battle was here, but you find the guys tomb and engraved on his tomb-this is an actual case I am reciting here. On the guys tomb it was listed where he had fought battles and who he had prevailed against and it had nothing to do with what was in the written history, written some two or three hundred years later. The historian will query that information then you have something to compare it to and you realize the historian is lying to you. Then you would want to query it in another way. Why is he lying? Then you find out that during the period of history, the period of time when he was writing that history, there was a political reason for him to glorify this other person in such and such a way and to include the names of certain peoples who were defeated and dominated at time. It just so happened that particular time and battle fit the need, because then it made it look like once they had been dominated and subjugated, for them to do something in this later period of time would have been unthinkable or unconscionable or in some way, a bad thing. The historian was rewriting past history to make something usable for his current history. The problem is that most history is written that way. That's why historians, biblical historians, any kind of history, any kind of archeology. You need controls. These kinds of things require that in order for you to find out what is or is not the truth.

Getting back to our really strange reality where my friend, and I was convinced it was my friend because of the personality that came through in the responses. It's a session I haven't published because it was personal. There are other sessions where I have communicated with departed individuals that I wished to communicate with and don't publish because they are personal. In any event, what a strange reality that is. The only thing that I can think of that possibly explains it is that part of us, that deep unconscious part that is connected to that information field, which is far more interesting than any of us can imagine. This is where you start talking about information theory and I am not going into it in any great detail. One of the old questions people used to ask is 'if a tree falls in the forest, if there is nobody there to hear it, does it make a sound?' When you start considering information theory, you ask the question a different way. It depends on how you define sound. If you define sound as the impact of compressed waves in an atmosphere made by the falling of the tree on a human ear drum. You have to be very, very specific. If that's what you are defining as sound, then if there is no human available, no, it's not making a sounds. However, sound is not really that tightly defined. Sound is fairly simply compression waves in an atmosphere that move. Whether there is anybody there to hear them or not, they still exist, so yes, the tree does a make a sound. By the same token, if you have a book... Do we have a book in here? Hand me a book. That book doesn't have words in it. That book has no information. Hand me that book-that's a good book. I like visual aids. I am simple minded sometimes. Here we have a book. This book has lots of words in it. Just suppose all of these words were in a language thatI didn't understand. As it turns out, a lot of it is in English and a lot of its in French. Do you think that fact that I couldn't read it would mean that it didn't have information in it? It would still have information even if I couldn't read it. You know what? If this book were buried in the ground and dug up 20,000 years from now by some future archeologist and nobody could decipher what is said it would still have the same information in it. It's in there and it's a lot of information. The point is that information exists even without there being a decoder. That brings us to the point that for information to exist you have the information, you have a storage device-words in a book. Storage or words in book could also be something that transmits it. For example, if you have a telephone. I was going to draw a telephone like this. Would any of you have known that was a telephone?

Yes. {laughter}

Only because you watched old movies. Nowadays, a telephone is like this. If I am going to call somebody up on the telephone, let's take the old fashioned one because that's simpler for me. I am going to call someone on the telephone and I pick it up and there is something in my head and I want to pick this telephone up and talk to somebody. So, I pick the telephone up and dial the number. I emit the sounds, which is a way of conveying information into the telephone. The telephone then coverts them into an electronic signal and then somebody over here, well, in this case, they are going to pick up with their cell phone. I am an old fashion and the person I am calling their cell phone, they're modern. They pick it up and cell phone decodes those electronic signals conveying that information and turns them back into sounds that are similar to the sounds, reproduces the sounds I made speaking in. It reproduces what I said. Reproduces what I said. The person can probably recognize my voice. The timber of my voice or the tone, or that I am angry, or that I am happy or that I am excited, or whatever. The information goes into their ear conveyed by my words and becomes information in their head. They may then choose to do something based on what I have just told them. 'The cake arrived! Come on over. We are going to have it in a half an hour. Bring the ice cream!'

Audience member:
Tisk tisk. {laughter]

Sorry, how about the steak and the bacon?


Laura: Anyway, this person who has picked up the phone got this information. This information made a change in them in some sense. It was like 'I have information. I can make a choice. I can either say yes, I am on my way' or 'Oh, I fell down the stairs today and broke my leg! There is no way I can drive. Can you bring the cake to me?' You can see this information idea is a lot more interesting than one might originally suppose. Not only can you store information in a book, you can store information in electronic devices. You can transmit it, you can change it, you can code it, you can decode it. Interestingly, it still is information. What happens when information becomes a part of you, and I am not going to go off into a bunch of other stuff, about heat is information. Just to mention that in passing, my cigarette, I just added information. I just told it to burn by adding heat, fire. It's ignited. It's burning. Heat is a form of information. If you heat a pot of water you are adding something into that water and making it do something-boil. That's a form of mechanical information that's added to a mechanical or more or less mechanical device.

It's far more interesting when we are talking about information in terms of human beings and transmitting information that is completely abstract; storing human information in computers; information in DNA. There is incredible amounts of information in your DNA. Somehow, certain processes trigger the DNA to unwrap itself under certain circumstances, in certain places. The ribosome reads a piece of code and manufactures a protein that's needed at that moment for some reason in one particular cell of the billions of cells of your body, produces that particular protein, which then triggers the cascade of responses. Maybe all the other cells start doing something, so they are all busy. They are passing all of this information around and all kind of things. Maybe it's because there is a virus that's invaded and you have a little combination here; one of the responses is 'oops, up with the temperature; ward of the invader.' The important thing I want to talk about here, rather than going off into that, is the idea of information enabling you to make decisions. Let's not forget decoders; information is no good without a decoder. It's not just transmission. We have this DNA and ribosomes in the body that can decode for certain purposes, but we cannot yet really actually read the DNA completely. Oh, they've can sequence the genome. They know a few things about it. There is so much DNA; for all we know there is a literal written message in our DNA that comes from a non-material realm from which ours receives its existence that tells us all of the secrets of the Universe if we could just figure out how to read it. We don't know.

Anyhow, I have this cute little graphic here. You have a person. Information is really kind of involved with the many worlds theory. You have a person here-can everybody see this? You have got this person here. He starts from here and goes to there and there is a crossroads. He makes a decision. He is either going to get married or he's not. He doesn't get married in this timeline here. You see how this timeline becomes shadowy? He doesn't get married in this one and he goes off and lives alone or he goes off and becomes a bum in this one-you see him wearing his hoodie and kind of slouching along. Here he's carrying a briefcase, so in this timeline he became a solitary business man, like a billionaire going out and raping and pillaging on Wall Street. He decided not to do that, so those are kind of shadowy outcomes. What he did decide to do is get married. Here he's walking hand in hand with his sweetheart in this timeline. There is another crossroads here and in this one, his sweetheart dies or he goes whacko and murders her. It's hard to tell from image there. No, that one does not happen; instead they have two little children and walk off into the sunset living happily ever after. That's one of the simplest versions of many worlds that you make a choice and it's like a tree. When you have a tree, it kind of grows like that. For some reason or another, if anybody pays attention to trees, in the natural course of things sometimes it will grow this way, it will branch off that way and it will have this branch too. For some reason, this one will die. Then this one will continue and branch off this way. This one has two or three. This one dies and then this one dies. And that one goes on. There are points where the life force continues and there are points where it doesn't continue for some reason. There is a decision made for some reason by the tree to support this branch or this twig, and not that branch or that twig. Sometimes those decisions are made because of external elements. Sometimes those decisions are made by people with a chainsaw and a pair of snippers. They decide for the tree which branch is going to live and which one isn’t. For all we know, there are beings in our Cosmos who decide when and if we need to be pruned as a species. Each of us individually is like a cell in the tree.

Here is another example of the way this works. You have these possibilities and there exists infinite possibilities across here. I think the way to look at this would really be like this. You start out here and there are these different possibilities. You do several different things. Then, this one gets the most juice, the most energy, so that is the one goes on. Maybe it's a question of the focus of consciousness-where you focus your consciousness. Which branch of the reality of your potential life experiences. Potentials are infinite. This just shows a couple, but they really are infinite and at certain points you can make certain decisions based on the information you have at the moment for one of these. It's not necessarily, as we were discussing last night, that there is a preplanned crossroads in your life where it's been preplanned between you and this person here that you are going to meet at such and such a time. I think that maybe putting a little too much predestination into the matter. This person here and this person here can be born on completely different sides of the planet. It could depend entirely-maybe they didn't plan anything when they decided to be born. It's all a matter of choices and colinearity and moving into congruence with one another along a particular information path rather than some kind of preplanned thing.

Look at this one. This is like a little snap shot of a series of worlds. These are all different realities. They are adjacent, and say these are moving down every instant the Universe recreates itself. This one is one where they are talking about wormholes in our universe, but I think it's actually more useful for other reasons. If you think about it each one of us, being a wave reading consciousness unit, could be represented by one of these little circles here. He's got them connected with these little passageways like wormholes, but I would say that our realities actually overlap in a slightly different way. Here's my reality, here's my husband's reality, here's our childrens' realities. He's got colleagues that I don't know and have never met. I've got old friends that I know that he's never met. They kind of overlap. Maybe it's okay to represent it with these wormhole connections, but I think about them as overlapping. There are other situations where you have a big circle where you have everybody inside it. This is our human civilization and these are different realities. Maybe there are billions of these little circles inside the big circle. There are other circles of the population of psychopaths. And another circle of the population of normal people. Population of different kinds of psychological anomalies. So, there are circles, within circles, within circles. The bottom line, the thing I to emphasize, each one of our personal realities is kind of a realm in and of itself. We could be connected as this image-the one that talks about wormholes, but I don't want to talk about wormholes. For all we know our connections with other people are kind of like wormholes. We can move in and out of those realities through a kind of worm hole. What does a wormhole really feel like? Nobody knows. Perhaps when you are really in tune with another person, your partner, your baby, your close friends. Maybe there is a wormhole activated and there is all kinds of exchanges going on between the two you at your deeper wave reading consciousness unit level that you are not even aware of.

I want to come back to this particular image. If we know that there is infinite numbers of possible realities you could move to, and maybe as your consciousness selects different ones, the other ones die off or dissipate or fade away. Keeping this in mind also, that this an even larger reality such as what we have here where you have a global reality with different populations of individuals. Sub-realities and sub-sub-realities and sub-sub-realities and so on. Let's imagine that right at this moment, there is a whole bunch of overlapping worlds. These are planet earths. As you are probably aware apparently most of the people on planet earth don't really seem to be able to do much about the state of the planet. The global destruction that is taking place because of greed, big pharma, and big agriculture, big corporations and wars. Depleted uranium, nuclear power plants and garbage in the oceans. I don't know if any of you have been paying attention to these things, but it's really really bad. I don't see that there is much possibility for a good outcome on this world we're on right here. Where we have all of those conditions prevailing. I don' know about you, but as a person whose spent most of their life studying and analyzing history, any time there has been a pathological rulership, the only way it really changes is when another pathological comes along. They start having a war with each other and they use propaganda to move populations against one another. One or the other may or may not get destroyed. What usually happens is in any kind of situation where people are getting to that point where they are really destroying there environment-and it has happened before-somehow the Cosmos doesn't like that. It sends a flaming comet or a bunch of them; a bunch of small ones, maybe a big one, whatever. Kaboom! Everybody gets knocked back to the stone age where not only is the populations seriously decimated, but the potentials for technological destruction are also decimated. It stirs of the environment. It brings new chemical elements to the planet; new minerals. It creates storms, it redistributes the minerals on the land's surface. There's volcanoes, theres rains, theres all kinds of things happen that just stir the planet up and some really violent ways. Most creatures, including humans, don't survive that sort of thing, but it's actually very good for the planet. It's like rolfing for the planet when something like this happens. The planet really likes it; it really feels better afterwards. It gets rids of all those parasites.

Even if this doesn't happen. What else do you imagining happening? Think about it, really think about the way things are. Do you actually honestly think that if you sit there and meditate on world peace that a psychopath is going to suddenly acquire a soul and change his ways? How do you picture that happening? People have been having world peace days since the 1970s and everything has just gotten worse. I don't know about you, but from where I sit ,or stand at the moment, it doesn't look like it's a very positive activity. It's just getting worse and worse. It used to be that you didn't have to lock your door. It used to be that you could walk up to a policeman and ask him to help you and he was actually there to help you; he was your neighbor. You knew who he was. Nowadays, policemen look like...what are those soldiers in Star Wars?

Storm Troopers.

Storm Troopers. They look like Storm Troopers in Star Wars and they carry stun guns. They stun people, they stun innocent people, they stun disabled people, and they stun children. They are arresting children in schools. They put handcuffs on six-year olds for not being able to sit still in their seat. Well, maybe it's a little worse than that. They are putting people in charge of schools that have no business working with children. The destruction of our society, the degradation of our society, the increasing disparity between the rich and the poor; this huge chasm. There are plenty of places where you can go and see that the richest 1% have this much money and everybody else has this much. This is 99% here; this is 1%. Most of these, they don't even register. Where do you think it's going to go? Honestly. At the very least, there is going to be a lot of starvation very, very soon. A lot of people are going to be dying. Whatever food the planet is able to produce under the present climate change conditions, the rich people are going to get it. The people with power; the people with armies. That's what 'what's his name' in the movie V for Vendetta says: 'What happens when people without guns come up against people with guns. Usually, the people without guns end up dead.'I don't know what your vision for the future is and what your delusion is if you think that you can meditate on world peace and get there. It looks to me like we are at this point here and this choice is being made to becoming a bum or maybe it's at this point here where he murders his wife, who knows. Things are not good. What's going to happen is human consciousness, if it gets really wiped out on this planet from starvation, from earthquakes, tsunami, disease. Probably our biggest problem facing us is disease. Some kind of Black Death with an 80% mortality rate. Our planet is not going to fare very well.

Here we all are. How do you do anything? If meditating on world peace doesn't do it, what does do it? What can work? Is there anything? Well, maybe this world over here has a different outcome of these potential worlds. Maybe this one has a sunny future. Like that sun? How do you get from this world to this one? Is it even possible? If you did how would you notice it? Some people think that all they have to do is just think nice thoughts and be a good boy and one day something is going to happen from outside the world and it's going translate, change the energies. Everybody is going to be uplifted into some other dimension of reality automatically. What if it doesn't work that way? What if what really works is this? Or this? Or this? What if some of the law of physics or the properties of physics let me say. I am not sure we really know what the laws are. We know certain laws. we have theorems, we have postulates, we have lemas, we have axioms, we have all of those things. Things seem to work pretty well and seem to be pretty well defined and it's pretty interesting. We have some control over it they way we have some control over historical research. Let's go with what we have a probability on. Let's assume that it is like this. And it's not just a question of whether or not you just drift along. This guy here, he was here, he had a choice to make. He could get married, or he could live alone. It's a really simple basic choice. Once he made the choice to live alone here, not get married, then he had another choice and he could go off and be a bum on skid row and drink his life away-I should have put a bottle in his hand there. He could get his briefcase and he could become a day trader on Wall Street and become a real marauder. He didn't chose that, so over here, he chose to get married. He then had another choice, he could murder his wife or she died of some disease or they have children and live happily ever after. Each one of these is a choice. Each choice is based on information available to him. If this person here, if he'd known that at this choice he was going to become a lonely skid row bum in the streets in the future because he made some stupid choice-he didn't stop drinking. Do you think he would have stopped drinking? Or if he went here and he knew if they kept arguing and didn't get counseling that he was going to end up killing his wife? Or if didn't pay attention to her symptoms that she was complaining about and get her to a doctor, he was going to come home and find her dead one day. If he had that information. You see how information can make a difference in each of these situations? These are simple bits of information. I am talking about here information of that sort, but bigger. Information about yourself, your frequency, other people, information about how to move from this reality to this one. How do you do that? Is it even possible?

Let me give you my little personal example. Twenty five years ago I was a housewife in Florida and I had 5 children, I had an autoimmune condition and I was really sick. I was probably going be dead in another 5-6 years and I was living in an unhappy marriage. I wasn't beaten or abused, but it was psychologically unhappy; two completely different people. I was married to a religious fanatic who wanted to take the kids to the Baptist church and scare them to death with hell and damnation. Me on the other hand, I wanted to know how the Universe really worked and I didn't quite believe this Jehovah guy and his claims to have created and know how things worked. I really didn't think that having faith in him was going to do much for me or my kids. So, I made some choices and after I made some choices to do research, to study, then I made choices to engage in an Experiment based on the knowledge I had acquired from doing hypnotherapy, spirit release, all of the studies and research I had done on the paranormal, channeling, that sort of thing. I made the choice to do it a certain way rather than be swayed by the cheap and easy solutions. I worked out the theory based on all this information that I could gather. Once I had worked out the theory, I kind of stuck to my plan to do it a certain way. I think it's quite possible, highly probably, that I did clear away a whole bunch of my own personality stuff that was inside, in the way and did get into touch with this information field that I can be in touch with myself from within. Although, I am sure that the transmission line is not perfect. There is, sometimes, still a little static on the line. I called up the information field and I figured out what the number was and I figured out how to build the communication line. How to get these things coded properly and do this stuff so that I could call up that information field and get an answer, get some information and come back and then how to decode it. How to decode it is an interesting process itself. It's not as simple as you might think. Say you are getting something from a language that is so far beyond anything you understand. It has to be transduced into my English. Maybe it's hard to translate Cosmic concepts into English, but we do the best we can. It seems to be an interesting Experiment.

I did that. I was making choices all along the way. At a certain point, I made a choice to live in Truth. I didn't want to live in a relationship that was not, at least my personal relationship, I understood that I could have friends that I could talk to a little bit this way, a little bit that way with another friend, so on and so forth. But, I didn't want my personal intimate relationships to be one where I had to pretend or lie because I understood that when you live that way, that you feel like everybody here feels. I am not with my own kind. I want to be with somebody I can talk to. I want to be with someone who understands what I am talking about. Who feels similarly to what I feel because then you lessen the problematical issues between giving information to somebody else who then are able or not to decode it. Can they decode it? I made that decision. That was one of these decision points here. My little drawing would be quite different because I had these children attached to me and I was basically choosing to go off this way with me and the kids! Shortly there after, within about a month or two, maybe three months. Within three months, I met my current husband. An interesting thing my husband said to me after we got married. He said: "You know, I had the feeling or every once in a while, I get this funny feeling, that you created me or I created you and we both exist only because of these choices that were made." When you move from one reality to another-I ended up on a completely different world. When I made the decision to start with the C's Experiment I moved over to this world over here. I was slightly adjacent; there was an overlap. Then, when I made the decision to change the way my life was structured, which is what it really amounts to. It's not like people have to get divorced or something like that-that's not the point. The point is is how your life is structured. If you don't necessarily talk to your wife or your husband all the time in the most honest and intimate details. If they are not able to decode you, if you don't share information via a wormhole like this, if it's okay with you, that's fine. It's okay.

When I decided to restructure my life, I moved to this world. Then, when I decided to marry my present husband I moved to this world. Maybe this is the world, potential world that he was on that was recreating itself every moment in this straight line. My world, where I started at over here, suddenly came into conjunction with his. He felt like he was a completely new person with a whole new past and future. Before this connection was made, this was just a ghost possibility like these. Time went by, we did certain things. We decided to put our material on the website; that moved us to another World. We decided to remain firm when we came under attack instead up folding and going away; packing up our tent and going home. That moved us to another World. Every time we came to a decision; we were here and we had, or however many possibilities, we picked one. We'd go one way and then another. The point I am trying to make is that with each of these decisions, each of these decisions that was based on information that we could gather, each one took us to another world, another reality. What I have noticed now, for the past ten years or so, and even this police investigation that we underwent and this Fiscal audit, which we successfully navigated and getting to the point where we are now with pretty much complete legal protection. A team of lawyers looks out for us. Not bad! Starting out as a woman with a hobby, 5 kids, a dog and a cat. It's a different reality for me. It's completely different because I made these decisions and made these choices. Other people have made these choices. Every one of you here in this room has made choices that leads you to where you are at this moment in time. You are here, not somewhere else. You make these decisions based on the best information you have. One of the decisions-I’ll give you an example-when we had this police investigation starting because of this complete nut-job decided that his wife or his partner who wanted to restructure her life was not to be allowed to do that. Therefore he had to accuse us of influencing a weak minded person which was as far from the Truth as anything could possibly be. This somewhat medieval legal system in France pursues such claims. I suppose if you had enough money to pay a lawyer in the U.S. they would pursue a similar claim there through the courts. Here's it's kind of automatic. You go to the police and you say 'somebody influenced my girlfriend to leave me and she doesn't like anymore. You gotta go fix it. You gotta kill those people and make her love me again.' That's what he was basically saying. Nevermind that he was a pervert. I am not going to say anything else. We made the decision at that time that instead of folding up our tents and going home; there have been 100 times throughout this whole process for the last 10-15 years where we could have folded up our tents and said to heck with this. Who needs this kind of hassle? It has been an enormous hassle, for years! Dealing with absolute unbelievable assaults and attack and defamation, libel, slander and plagiarism. Everything you can imagine. Every time for me it has been 'okay, this is the Truth and that is a lie, let me learn enough to navigate.' In this case, it was a question of getting the right lawyer.The lawyer informs you of the law. Once you know the law you know your position better and you can make your choices better; either go this way or go that way, so we did that. As a consequence, we are now in a much better position. We also have this big website,, where we gather information about the whole planet all the time. We are continuously scanning the information about the planet. At some point in time, we may pick up that one little piece of information that is going to tell us it is time to do do something this way or that way. Maybe it's time to shut down our website. Maybe it's time to move to Siberia. Maybe it's time to run for president; who knows. Each decision has taken us to a different reality. What we think at this point is that when a group of people gathers together and they begin to gather knowledge and information-when we went through this Fiscal audit and we went through this, all of us had to work together to gather the knowledge to navigate through that, find the right attorney, get the thing taken care of. Now we know an awful lot about fiscal law, we know about fiduciary law, we know how to do a lot of things we didn't know how to do before and that makes it possible for us to open these potentials up to all of you and to many other people. Now we have an attorney who is ready willing and able to help us to do that. If we have made our reality such that it is, so that we have this huge hugely expanding view of the world, these piles of information that come into us because we are always researching and always reading. It has changed us individually and collectively and it creates a certain environment for us, individually and collectively, and it makes it possible for us to bring you into this environment to feel it and to enjoy it because it really is a marvelous experience. It is for us on a day to day basis. Y'all are here for a short period of time. You could do it all the time if you wanted to and if you made the decisions, but notice these decisions I am talking about are made with information that we gather and it's not always easy to gather the information. It's not always easy to apply it because sometimes you have to make hard decisions.

I'll give you an example. Wayne Dyer did a little talk I listened to once. He gave a little talk about his-he's kind of like a new-agey type-he talks about how you can become successful and get over your erroneous zones or something. I don't remember the titles of all of his books, but he talks about how he became a success. He is, of course, selling a program to make other people successful in life in one way or another. The funny thing is that when he wrote his book he was not a success until he did certain things that are not quite clearly explicated in the book. What he did was: he got his book, used all his money, got the book published, loaded all of the boxes of books in the back of his station wagon and started driving across the country in the U.S. Every city he'd come to he would contact all the radio stations in the city and he would sell himself to get an interview on the radio to sell his book. He did this across the whole United States with this. He would go to book stores as soon as he'd have the interview on the radio the night before, he'd go to the bookstores in the town and say 'I just happen to have to books. Would you like some copies?' By this time, people are calling the bookstore asking 'do you have copies of this book?' Now you see, he didn't become a success by thinking about it or wishful thinking. What he was doing was a very crafty plan! That was really cunning. You go, you got the books, you create the excitement with the radio interview. Obviously he got told 'no' a lot, but after he got told 'yes' a few times like a small radio station that didn't have anything going on said 'oh yeah, we'll talk to you.' Create the demand for your product. Go to the places that sell the product, sell it to them and then go to the next town and repeat. Add water, rinse and repeat or mix and repeat. This is how he did it. He knew what he was doing. he had information. He made decisions and it was hard work, I bet. Sleeping in his car, which he said he did. He didn't have much money after he paid to have his book printed. It was hard work. He had to put himself out there. Everything we do is hard work. We have to put ourselves out there. I am out there all the time, a lightening rod, getting attacked by everything and everybody so that I can protect all the people who are interested in our work. To give them the right to have access to it. If I wasn't taking that flack we would have disappeared a long time ago; if I hadn't made that choice. When you makes choices, there are many other choices as I have just described to you. I had to make some very hard choices and some of them were very painful. Some of them amounted to me getting in the station wagon with everything I owned, metaphorically speaking, and driving across country. If there were groups doing this and those groups were creating small enclaves of the world you dream of. Dreaming of a better world; a world were people treat each other nicely. A world where people are honest and tell the Truth a world where people help one another. A world where people understand one another. A world where people are engaged in a project and their joyful about it. They do something productive, they do something creative. They work together kind of like a team and one of them says: 'oh, I see you are having trouble there, let me help you.' The other one says: 'you look a little tired. You go rest, I'll take over" and "I'll cook dinner tonight because you did such and such today.' A life like that with people like that is kind of like a dream for most people. Even in their personal relationships. Having children grow up and learn to live that way, learn how to help each other and learn teamwork. There are so many things that people want to do that they can't really do because they are alone, or just alone as a couple or alone as a couple with a couple of children. I mean what if you wanted do a work that serves humanity? Say you have a dream of a soup kitchen, but you have to spend all your time working at your job doing data entry all day long. Your husband works all day long in his job at the post office. You both come home and you read the paper and you think:' 'Aye! Somebody needs...I am such a cook. These people need this nutrition. I want a soup kitchen! How I am going to do it?' You don't have enough of your own money that you scrimp and save to open your soup kitchen. What I am saying is you are somebody who wants to really do something for others. If you are not somebody who wants to do that, then you watching the wrong video, you're listening to the wrong talk because I don't really have much to say to you. If you really don't like the way the world is and you really do want to do something about it, there is a way to do it, but you have to do it as a group. If there is the very probably hypothetical fourth density reality and fourth density beings who have access to really fantastic arrays of knowledge because if fourth density is higher than the astral plane that surrounds this planet and my friend could see what was going on in Port Arthur, Tasmania and talk to me at the same time. Can you imagine what fourth density awareness must be like? That's the kind of thing we are shooting for as a group. None of us individually, as a couple even as three or four friends who get together can equal that kind of awareness. Could any of us-four of us sit together and we're the best of friends and we just have a great item together and we sit there and say 'hmm, I want to know what's going on in Port Arthur, Tasmania right now. Let's sit here and think really hard.' Maybe yes, maybe no? Remote viewing is kind of like that, but would you get somebody saying: 'oh, don't shoot the little girl!' You would just get some images, you'd draw some kind of pictures and say: 'oh, it's something violent out there. I feel hate. I hear loud noises-projectiles.' That's your remote viewing synopsis of the situation, but nothing like: 'don't shoot the little girl!'

So if that's astral awareness, what must fourth density awareness be like and do we actually honestly think that we can out think them unless we work as a group and pool our resources, pool our mental powers. pool our emotional powers, our mental blocking, all of those kinds of things. That is in essence kind know they have been throwing everything at us for how many years now? The more people we acquired and the more aware we became and the more solid we became as a group and the more committed to each other we became, the less able they were to do anything. The more we attracted the right people to help us to navigate through these things. So, it's not like we are a fourth density being as a group necessarily, but we are actually growing because now we have a couple of really cool lawyers who really like what we do. They are really looking to help us with it. The addition of their knowledge and awareness to our pool of knowledge and awareness is just absolutely staggering. A good lawyer, who is a decent human being, and believe me ours are, who is a really smart person, they know the law. The point is you can make choices. You can make decisions. You can start looking at things in a certain way and I am not going to promise anybody anything. I don't swear by it, but I think it's highly probable that we end up as a groups, if we increased our numbers, we could move to this reality here.

Obviously, when you move to a different reality, the past and future changes just like it does in this. This one doesn't show the past so much changing as it shows the alternate realities fading away. If you are dealing with these infinite potentials like this it's not just the future that changes, the past also changes too in certain respects. How would it appear? We were talking about this last night, how would it feel if you had that kind of a transition to another reality where everything changed. Would you forget about the reality that we were in awhile ago where the earth was about destroy itself because of all the garbage in the ocean? The disparity between the rich and poor, this, that or the other thing? Or would it seem more natural? Would it be like, well there were a few little spotty overhead comet explosions, they just happened to vaporize nuclear power plants, garbage piles in the ocean or some other really nasty things. There was some storms and tornados and earthquakes and some land turned over. Different things happened, but we're still here, Most of the people that liked that world and were not willing to make any choices or decisions to do anything about it, they got the plague and they are all dead now. Here we are in this new world, 40 days and 40 nights, metaphorically speaking has gone by and there is a rainbow in the sky. Noah made a decision-he built an ark. He watched the signs of the times and on a certain day he said it's time to go in the ark. I am just using this as a metaphor for making decisions about how you live your life. If you are dreaming of a better world, in a sense you have to create it now. How you create is not the way that is general told to people. You don't just sit there and think it into being. Sometimes it takes hard work. It takes giving up certain things and taking on board certain other things. Living in a community is a very different thing from the way we are told we are supposed to live; it's actually a more ancient and honorable to live than what is propagated on us for the benefit of pathological individuals in power, psychopaths in particular. You must get married, you must buy your own home, you must have your car, you must have your vacation, you must work at this regular job, you must do this, this and this. You must save up all your money so you can have a retirement and you must-of course if you are on the pathological side of it, that's to feed their reality. There reality is amass, amass, amass, amass large amounts of stuff and power so you can leave it to your psychopathic kids or perpetuate this system with other psychopaths ad infinitum

They promote this, this get it for yourself, this consumerism, this "mine" thing. In a community, it's not "mine" it's everybody’s. Decisions are made by everybody. They all contribute. Information is brought in my everybody and sometimes you have to do things that you are not accustomed to doing. For me, I'm not the greatest mathematician, but I actually have to do tax returns, thanks god for calculators. I had to learn how to read and interpret tax instruction booklets. Sometimes I had to read even more than the instruction booklet; rulings and so forth. Sometimes you have to do things that are a little bit out of your area of competency. You do simply because you are the one that is capable of doing it. Sometimes, it's just a matter of competency. Everyone has their own areas so they all contribute according to that and everything works. Nobody is getting wealthy. Nobody is creating a nest-egg. Nobody is putting something aside unless they have some little side thing that they are doing which is entirely acceptable as long as they consult with their community about it. 'Is it okay if I go out to work for 6 hours a day and y'all can cover for me so I can make money to put in the bank for myself?' Do you think your group is going to like that? 'I am going to let you all do all the other work around the house while I go out and make money for myself. You aren't getting any of it. You cover for me.' Do you think that would work?

Audience member:
When you talked about changing your past, like your past in Florida, you still experienced it, but it's changed. How is that?

Your interpretation of it. You're understanding of it. If I still was there, suppose I had stayed in that relationship and within a couple of years, I ended up in the hospital-that's were I was going and I was dying and I look back on my past and all I would be able to see was my past being one long series of awful miserable things that led to the next thing and next miserable thing and da-di-da. Yeah, I am dying. it was all meaningless. However, when you take those experiences and you extract the lesson, the information from them you decode what happened to you. Everything carries information And a miserable situation carries a lot of information. One of the things that I like to say about myself is that I am a good learner. I don't usually make the same mistake twice. If I make a mistake and it makes me feel really suffer or somebody else suffers for it. I sit there and think about it. What message does that carry to me? Don't do thus and so again. How do you know when thus and so is coming up-you remember and examine everything that happened about it. You read the signs. Your past changes because, in a sense, it becomes meaningful.

Anyway, it's all about decisions When you make those decisions it's about the work to get the information to make the decisions. Estimate the probabilities accurately then you have to put it into effect. If you do, this may be the reality you end up on. I am heading that way, I hope. I'd sure like to have a lot of people there with me. How about you? So, I think that's all I am going to say today; let's go take and take a photograph.

Transcript for part 2:

This is an interesting way to depict evolutionary streams. Each of these is; you start here; this is a problem. You start with simple celled organism and then it goes along and divides and it goes on and it divides, divides, divides, divides, divides, divides, divides. Some of these end, some go on like that. This one ends, this one ends, this one ends. These are extinctions of species. Basically, what you are looking at is information becoming more and more complex through the living system on our planet over billions of years. What it resembles, as was pointed out in The Living Stream, it resembles a river system. The only thing is that in a river system everything flows this way, to the ocean. The pool, the vast pool of everything. In the living system everything goes in reverse, which is a bit peculiar. The existence of the living system is a significant thing when we consider that an estimated two billion species have been selected to survive in the past 600 million years. For the first 2 to 3 billion years of life on earth there were only microorganisms doing what amounted to terraforming the planet and changing its atmosphere. That enabled the rising of still different forms of life. The fact is 99.9 percent of the species that have ever lived on our planet are now extinct. Mass extinctions are periods in earths history when abnormally large numbers of species die out simultaneously or within a strictly limited time frame. The most severe occurred at the end of the Permian period when 96 percent of all species that existed at that moment perished. This along with the Cretaceous/Tertiary are two of the big 5 mass extinctions. Each of which wiped out at least half of the species. What is clear from this diagram is that no species, however successful lasts forever. Thus the most important thing we can see about this living system is its ability to create new forms and survive. It has survived 5 known great extinctions and enumerable lesser ones. What we see is that life has been very busy for a very, very long time on this planet becoming more and more organized.

What did we just read about information? All organized structure contain information. The more information, the more organization there is. What we are seeing is information being poured into our system. Life is something altogether different from any other process we know of the universe. It does not obey the traditional accepted interpretation of the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Life is any system where the information, that is the order, and energy components of entropy are decoupled such that the former component can decrease while the latter always increases. That is the information increases and the energy decreases. These laws are involved in the production and expending of energy in the living system as well as every other phenomenon in the universe. What are going to do with this information? Why do we even need to think about information? The first thing we want to think about is that in the state of chaos that our world presently finds itself in, there is a real problem with information. That is, real information. Remember, information exists independently of whether its perceived or not. If the tree falls in the forest and you define sound as compression of airwaves, whether anybody is there to hear it or not, then the tree always falls. There is all kinds of information out there that could bring order. It could produce sound if there was a detector to detect it. It's not happening. Yet, we know that our living system is something that increases order because information is constantly being increased and decreased as energy, and yet we are in this chaotic state. So, what do we think is going to happen? We are obviously going to get a serious addition of information on this planet. An unusual event is something that carries a lot of information. Something that is unexpected. Something that is not regularly repeatable. Something that you can't always predict.

What we have is a possibility here. When you have an addition to - I am theorizing here - we have in addition to our current reality, we have multiple realities, many worlds, right? All of these are little earths and they are all inner-penetrated. They kind of got bigger as they went along there. They are like this branching living system. At the end of each one; this is a world follows along this path, and there's a world there. Here, at some point, there was decision made for maybe a large number people on that particular world. It took a little branch, so now there is a world here that used to be the same world that was here. Then you have got the same thing going on here, with a world here, with a world here, with a world here and so on, so forth. Of course, there would be somewhere it goes to branch and nothing happens. It ends. The world blows up. This is part of the concept. The other part of the concept is individuals. Here you are. Here is your overlap - you overlap with the realities because everybody has their own reality. Each person is an information decoder and reader - a wave reading consciousness unit. Your reality overlaps with this person and this person and this person, maybe overlaps with that person. These may be stacked this way. They may be multi dimensional. You may interact with somebody who doesn't interact with any of your other people, so that one is set off to the side. Each one of these peoples has similar situations so that everybody is kind of like interconnected all over the planet. Imagine that one of these people here, this one, doesn't like the way things are going on our planet. He's got all of his realities connected with people that do like it. What's he going to do? How is he going to get out of that? They are all on this branch of this world going here and the planet blows up! This guy here, he wants to go to this world where everything is peaceful and how would we depict that. This is the peaceful world. He wants to go there. How's he going to get there? Maybe there is somebody over here and he's got connections to all these people and there is somebody here with connections to a bunch of people and of course, there are all these multiple connections, everything is all connected together. This one wants that world too. This one wants that world too and this one wants that world. But, the vast majority of the people, they want to go and blow up. Obviously, they are going to have to connect with each other somehow. Fortunately, at our present day and time, we have a way that can happen. Obviously, people like this who want that world are kind of few and far between. All of the people who want that world are the vast majority. These people are going to have to somehow connect and that's easy in this day because we have the internet. They can connect and they all find out, 'wow, we want a different world!' What are going to do? How are we going to do it? Clearly, these three people - we are just going to deal with people right now - these 3 people can't possibly go against all of these other people that want to blow up. If they want to blow up, they are entitled to blow up, aren't they?

Audience member: Yeah.

We can't deny them their right to blow up if that's their heart's desire. So, what do you do? You have to find some way to get here. So, once again, we have a very similar diagram. Each one of these individuals, they are going to talk about things. Each one of them is going to have to find a way to move through decision points at some point in there so they can get to that other timeline. They have to get there somehow. Let's say that all three of these are together in one idea. We are not going to have them spread too far apart now because they are unified in one idea. You have these 3 people that we just looked at. They are unified in an idea. They want to get off of this train to nowhere, the exploding planet. They want to go the nice peaceful planet where there's lots of hippies and people are saying 'far out' and 'groovy'. How are they going to get there? This is how I think it happens. I think you are on a world like this and remember we go back to our interpenetrating worlds. You are on this one here and this one goes to the blowing up planet. These are all possibilities - not all of these possibilities fulfill themselves. Some of them may just kind of go this far and then fizzle. This one goes a little farther and branches off this way. Each one of these is like a seed of that future other world whichever one it turns out to be. You are on this one here and you want to get to this one here. Imagine that these are moving through time as everything goes along. Each one is moving through time. They are all overlapping realities. What if you, on this one here make a decision, a choice and it takes you to this one. You change your reality with your decision. So, that happens but you are actually here because time has passed. Then you make another decision that takes you to this one right here. You make another decision that takes you to this one here at this point in time because you are dealing with space and dealing with time, you are dealing with dimensions and realities and so forth. Eventually, decision by decision, by decision, you work your way over to a different reality. A different planet even. It just seems like a different world. In another sense they are all still interconnected and there are still factors that go across all of them that are common to all. It's just that by the time you have gotten over to this one there is a little different weight. Something is different, something about the cosmic factor is different. You want to get to a world that has more potential for being ordered and organized and receiving cosmic information. Or at least perceived in a different way because, let's face it, this group of worlds are in a fairly chaotic state; all of them across the board. This whole level of reality is chaotic in different ways.

Here's the interesting thing, suppose that it is the issue of all of these people getting to a single place, so that their weight adds up and changes the reality of this one. Then this world ends up going over here and becomes peaceful. Does any of that make sense? This is my first pass and drawing these little diagrams and trying to think of a way for it to make sense. Does it make sense?

Audience: Yes.

The only way I can see for a person to really change their reality is literally to change their reality. That means to move out of one reality into another one. You can't change the reality you are in by wishing it to be so. There are six billion nine hundred and ninety-nine million, nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, however many other people on this planet that want it the way it is. Do you think that you and twenty-five or a hundred or ten thousand; say you get ten thousand people to meditate on world peace. Twenty-thousand! A million! Get a million people to meditate at the same time every day for world peace - one million people. How many people is that out of 7 billion? What's the percentage? You have a number for me? You have to find a way to separate yourself from those 7 billion. You separate yourself by making different choices than they make. It's really hard in this reality to make different choices when everybody is choosing to act and be a certain way. 'In a time of universal deceit, it's a revolutionary act to tell the truth'. You have to get together with other people who feel that way, not because you are going to meditate on world peace - where you think you are going to just passively going meditate on it and you are going to make it happen - you have to become different, you have to become a denizen of a different reality by virtue of what you do, how you live and how you deal with the reality you are in. You have to become accomplished at doing this. That means you have to make decisions to move you to a different reality. The only way you are going to get to a different reality, which is to move to a completely different one is by making decisions. You are not going to get it by changing the reality. There are all these infinite numbers of potential planets following all of these trees. Some of which are going to become extinct and some of which are going to go on. You have a personal crossroads in your life where you make decisions to move onto a different branch of reality. Planets have crossroads, too. When those crossroads come along, certain people come along that have enough weight by virtue of their choices, their decisions. Let's face it, a person who is telling the truth, who is loaded with information is very dense. This is why knowledge is so very, very important. The more information you have, the more factual data, the more knowledge you have, the more awareness you have of your reality, the denser you are and the heavier you are. A small group of you can create enough of a shift or a swerve to get yourselves from this planet here to this one over here - although, it would be diagonal. You gain enough weight by virtue of gaining and gathering all kinds of knowledge, doing things and so on. Making decisions; these decisions lock themselves into you, into your life. Then, when these little juncture points come where things split, where decisions and crossroads come, you move to a different reality. Just as you can do it personally and individually in your individual life. In your individual life you have all kinds of opportunities where you can choose this or you can choose that. You can chose based on your emotion and float along of a river of emotion wishing that the world was a better place from now until the cows come home. It's not going to change a darn thing. You can change something about your life. You can make your life better and you can make your life cleaner and more honest. You can make your relationships more honest. You can make your interactions with other people [more honest], you can actually do physical things that send a signal to the universe: 'I am for truth. I want truth. I want to be a part of truth. I am connected to people who want truth'. You have to make yourself a frequency resonator as well as a decoder. You have to decode the information that you are seeing from the cosmos. The cosmos has information all the time, especially on planet Earth. If you are receiving that information, you have to be really awake and really alert. You can't be dissociated, you can't be spending your time playing computer games! You are going to need every second you have available to pack that knowledge and information into you to make yourself heavy enough, dense enough, so when the swinging point comes, when the diversion point comes, the crossroad comes, you are going to swing over into that other reality. Just as you would do it in your regular life.

Let me try to bring this home in a very practical example. Let's take a single individual's life. This person is born and there are other people in the person's life whose decisions impact on this individual. This individual has parents and these parents, they each have their own realities. In one reality for the parents, they stay married and that is their world as it proceeds through cosmic time. In another reality they get divorced, in which case they each become part of their own cosmic realities that proceeds through time. This individual who is their child in this reality would have a completely different experience than in this reality where the individual would be passed back and forth between the parents or one parent would completely disappear or any number of things. In another possible reality the parents are killed in an automobile accident. The reality of this child then has these 4 different possibilities just from that factor. There are many other factors. There are grandparents involved, brothers, sisters, another child could be born in the family that dies. Your grandparents could die younger, they could die older, so each one of these will affect the overall overlapping realities. You can immediately understand how complex it can be. That's kind of how the universe is. This person goes along and they have their own reality that is composed of one or another of these involved with their parents, as well as their overlapping realities as we described before with other people. They are going through life. They go along and this person meets somebody and gets married. Two realities and they overlap in a serious way. They go along like this with all of the other overlapping realities. They get divorced - decision time. This reality goes off this way, this reality goes of this way. You see what I am saying here? Each one of these crossroad points is probably governed in some way by information. For example, the parents of the person in this world over here where they stayed married because the husband who was an alcoholic made a decision to stop drinking and devote himself to his family, so they stayed married in this reality. That's information. He decoded the information in his life that told him: 'I need to get myself on track because I am going to lose my family if I don't and this is what I want', so he quits drinking and they have this reality. This reality where they got killed in an automobile accident, he didn't stop drinking, he was drunk driving. This one over here where they got divorced, the mother figured out that he was not going to stop drinking and said, 'I am not getting in the car with you ever again and in fact, you are out the door. Sayonara.' The realities separate. He then - the father - may then may go along forever until he dies of alcoholism, or he may make a decision to get in the car while he is drunk, and ends up over here dead and his line terminates. Each one of these decisions are made by information. Information is decoded and most importantly it is acted on in a certain way. They could also stay married because the father is able to completely hide his alcoholism from the wife and she lives in a complete lie. She is unhappy because she knows something is wrong. She stays married to him until this point here. She suddenly gets breast cancer because what she has been hiding from herself is affecting her psychologically, which is affecting her health, so she gets breast cancer and she dies. The drunk father continues to live. All of these different reality choices would affect our individual here. Even though the individual, say in this case these parents, even though they make a certain choice one way or another in a particular reality, does that extinguish all of the other potential realities? Because they stayed married here? Does that mean that the reality where they got killed in an automobile accident, didn't also occur in some simultaneous reality? Or the one where they got divorced? What makes any one reality more heavy than another?

Audience member: Choices.

I think it would be choices based on information and the density of the information. Possibly even the truth of the information, I think. That would be just my conjecture. Remember, all of this is theoretical. It's not even theoretical it's just ideas we're throwing out here. This person has gone along, has gotten married and then divorced and gone along in another direction. They got married to somebody else who had a reality coming in from way over here, their realities came together and became intertwined because of decisions. Decisions based on information. In the same way, people can come together based on decisions based on information and interact together in myriads of ways. They can be closer or they can be ideologically linked. They can be physically linked. All of these things are different decisions based on information at a given moment. The information load is something that is constantly coming in depending upon how well you are able to decode it. The universe, the cosmos, the planet, everything around you, the people around you, they are like almost what was described in the information discussion. There is a book and it contain all the secrets of the universe, but if you can't read the language. All that you are going to know is that there is a book and all you will know is: 'oh god, I wish I could read it'. Learning how to read as well as you can so you can gather as much information is going to add more information to your system which is going to increase your possibility for making decisions that have the potential to get you to where you want to be.

Having said that, where do you want to be? Do you have an idea? Some of the people who think that all you have to do is meditate and you can get it; you just visualize this wonderful new world that you are going to live in and it's going to become manifest. You don't do much in the way of gathering information and making decisions based on that information. They think that they are going to bend the world to their fantasy. They have a fantasy. It's not wrong to have an ideal, but you cannot make decisions if you are not gathering information that is around you. The tree has fallen in the forest! There are compressed air waves. Do you hear them? Or do you imagine that you do not hear them? If you are imagining that the tree hasn't fallen then you are living in a fantasy. If you hear the tree falling and you are standing under it, it could fall on you head if you don't get out of the way. That's the same thing. You are imagining the tree has not fallen, no tree has ever fallen, the world is peaceful. Everybody loves everybody else - it's going to be love and light forever! If I just think it hard enough and shut out everything else, that is going to happen and no trees ever fall. I don't hear it. No, that's not a tree I hear, ahhhhh...kaboom. That's it. That's kind of how following that pathway ends up. People are not making decisions. If you are sitting there and you are gathering the information, you are reading it, decoding it, ooohhh, that sounds like a cracking of a tree trunk. It's that one there and I am here, I am going to move over there. I am going to get out of the way.

Decisions in our world are kind of like that too. You have to look around at the world and see what is going on, but you have to be looking around and being aware. Be alert and know what is going on in order to make the decision to get the heck out of the way when the tree falls. The same thing with everything.

For example, paying taxes, it would be stupid for someone to say, 'I am not going to pay my taxes'. That's like saying 'trees do not fall'. I believe in a world where people don't have to pay taxes. You know what's going to happen to you? The taxman is going to get you. The same thing with committing crimes and that sort of thing. You have to make decisions based on accurately reading the information. You can't imagine that you just live in this world all by yourself, without any consideration for the rules of the world. That doesn't mean you have to like it. You can pay your taxes, but you have all kinds of legitimate ways of minimizing your tax burden. There are entire books written with titles 'Minimizing Your Tax Burden' and it's a legitimate pursuit. There are accountants and lawyers that help you do that. If you are smart, you read those books or you hire that accountant or that lawyer and they help you to minimize your tax burden. You are not going and file a false tax return or try to evade paying your legally mandated taxes. You are going to find a way to legally minimize your tax burden. Corporations do it all the time. Ordinary people don't; why? Because they don't have that information or they just don't know how to decode it? They don't know how to look for it. Those are the kinds of things that I am talking about. You get information and you make decisions. These decisions, little by little, move you into a different reality. Let's face it, if you are in reality where you don't know anything about minimizing your tax burden - you are in a world where you are just beat down right to the ground and the next thing you know you are out on the street. You are pushing a buggy with all of your belongings in it because the tax man took everything you had or you didn't pay your taxes and they took everything you had. If at some point you were clever and you gathered the information; you got a tax lawyer, you read the book, you did something. You made a choice and you moved into a different reality. Now you are in a reality where you are easily able to manage your expenses. You are easily able to manage your expenses. You are easily able to live your life and go on collecting information to make your next choice. Well, I saved so much money, maybe I am going to invest something. Then you gather the information on what is the best investment and then you end up in another reality. You start out as a poor sharecropper in Georgia or wherever and you end up being a multi millionaire with whatever. Assuming you are not a psychopath, in which case it's very different because they don't care what they do. We are talking about being legal and following the rules and not hurting other people. All of those things are different ways to change your reality.

I don't know what planet we would have been living on if we hadn't followed the information. I don't know what planet I would be living on if I hadn't divorced my ex-husband. I would probably already be dead because my health was really bad and I would have stayed married to him. But, I had information and I made decisions. Everything changed; my reality from one way of life, one planet. For me it's like a different planet. Completely different planet. For all we know, when a group of people get together with this kind of concept between them and begin to utilize this decision making process that's based on reading information and having an ultimate idea, which is a planet that is peaceful. We don't have to decide how it gets there. Of course, there are always painful things that come with decisions. When you make decisions based on information - not always, but most of the time - it can be painful. Choosing to get a divorce is a very painful process. Choosing to move across the ocean to another country is a very painful process. It's very traumatic. Choosing to move into a great new house can even be painful when you have a lot of stuff to pack up and move. It's a lot of physical labor and it was. We worked like animals. There was always the work, but this is the way things manifest. This is what happens; this is how it works. You get information, you make a decision, you do the physical work. You suffer to get to that other place and then little by little you change your position on this planet. You change your position in relation to other people. You change your position in relation to the world-at-large. For all we know you change your reality completely and entirely at some point. The energy accumulates to some point where you actually end up on a different planet reality than the one you were on before. If this process continues who knows what can happen. I would really like to imagine that a lot of people could keep doing this and keep working their way over and working there way over until they finally end up on a planet where everything sorts itself out and everybody is all happy. All the psychopaths go away and governments straighten out and start taking care of the people and people are happy and friendly to each other and there is plenty of food for everybody, so on and so forth. I am placing my requirements on how that should happen. I don' t know how that can happen. All I can say is that I feel like I would like to see a world where that existed. I don't know how we would get there. I just know that we have to each day take in all the information we can take in, try to decode it as best we can. Practice our little methods of dealing with the truth. Making decisions. Making your choices and see what happens because we don't have any other choice, I don't think. I don't think that the world we are on right now where people continuously go along with the lies and live in their fantasies, hoping it's all going to get better, but they never do anything. We can't change the world out there. We can only change our own lives. If we can change our own lives by decisions becoming cleaner, becoming more honest, becoming more forthcoming, becoming more open, becoming more in control of ourselves. Becoming way more knowledgable and way more aware so that we weigh more. Those the only things we can really control. And getting together with other people so that we can do that. Who knows what we might create. We can't anticipate that, but we know where it's going to go if we don't do anything.

The reason we are video taping is that we have discovered that early on we say a lot of stuff when we get going that really needs to be shared with other groups. FOTCM forum in general and it's a lot easier to put it on video and put it up where they can see it than try to repeat it over and over again. It's also a lot faster than writing. Although, I would prefer to read, some people like videos. I read faster than I watch videos. This is the last of six workshops that we've had back to back starting in the middle of October. It's now getting towards the end with November. When we first conceived of these ideas of having these workshops at this particular time having refurbished our barn. Of course, the first thing in our mind was to be able to have people come who could just hang around and participate in our lives and get together, meet each other, talk to each other and essentially see how they congeal together. What kind of possible - you never know - if you bring a group together that kind of randomly signs up because they have that time slot available and there is no other predetermining factor what the universe may have in store for those people. They may come together and meet other people that they haven't met before, that they only know from the forum. They may get on really well together. They may make plans together or any number of things. That was one thing that was in my mind - just to get people together. From the very inception of everything we've done and the reason the forum exists is because I have hundreds of people writing to me from all over the world all the time saying I have nobody to talk to. When that many people are writing to me saying I have nobody to talk to, naturally, I can't talk to each and every one of them all the time because at a certain point in time it was all I was doing. I was spending 10 hours a day responding to people's emails. I came up with the idea of putting people together so they could not only talk to each other, but if I responded to a particular question that response could go to everyone, they could all read it. I also found that people were asking the same kinds of questions over and over again. There was only so much of me available and I do have a family and I have other interests that are kind of more global for other people. Doing fairly large scale research and making it available to other people. Answering individuals questions or doing individual counseling as you might think of it didn't seem to be an optimal use of my time. This is kind of an outgrowth of that. You get people together on an email discussion and then you create forum. Of course, when you have a public forum you have to control the wackos and you have to do that carefully because you don't know of a person is a wacko or whether they are just severely wounded. In any event, learning about ponerology has taught us a lot about the kinds of subtle psychological pressures a wounded or pathological individual can put on a group and how it can destroy that groups cohesiveness. They can twist it to a different direction than it original started out. As we have had the different groups coming different questions have come up and of course as we get questions we try to find solutions, answers. With the first group it was kind of interesting because they were fairly focused on getting together and forming a community of some sort. They wanted to know how to go about doing this. That came to the fore as part of the discussion. We learned a lot from them and they learned a lot from us. Group 2 was another interesting one because there were a couple of floaters in there and I'll get to that in a minute because the other thing that developed after group 1, it became obvious that there was something else that we needed to be doing besides just letting people get together and hang out. I did have the intention of making that entire series of Knowledge and Being videos in dealing with differential diagnosis and possession and spirit release and getting that finished. Some where along the way, around group 4, I think, we diverted because other issues came to the fore. I am going to have to finish of that series without any groups present. I'll have to wait and see who else is coming later in the year. We have people coming at the end of December, early January. We have people coming in February, so even though we have finished off 6 weeks of what amounts to for us is fairly grueling labor. We have to be paying attention. The reason we have to be paying attention comes back the reason I just mentioned which is we realized we really need to make observations because people are wanting to form communities. We think that it's now or never. The window of opportunity is pretty narrow. We are going to support those communities, help in the legal manner that we are able to help, which I explained to you all the second day you were here when we were talking about the legalities of non-profit organization umbrellas and how to structure a group, so that you have the best advantages tax wise or working wise, etc. It became pretty obvious that we needed to be observant of people and create a database. Don't be shocked because you know the score, every one of you. How many of you are moderators or ambassadors, raise your hands? A whole bunch of them in here. You all know the score as moderators and ambassadors. The rest of you should know the score because we talk about it often enough. We created databases and the particular database we have been creating for these groups is the name, skills, are they interested, can they commit to doing something, what's their time frame. Are they committing physical know how? Are they committing physical know how? Are they committing funds? Are they committing both? What sort of thing are they able to commit into something like that and then of course there is a whole raft of check-boxes for our observations. Will this person be able to get along with that person? Will this particular group; how do you see being able to get along? Can they function well together. Of course, we have been making observations about how people spontaneously respond to what's going on in their environment. Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? Are you a team player? Are you a person who is able creatively to figure out what to do, where to do it, when to do it and how to do it. Curiously enough, whether you all know it or not - I kind of gave it away - Gurdjieff used to get people drunk to find out who and what they were; we just arrange karaoke. There is a column for one's participation in karaoke. It doesn't matter whether you can sing or not, it's how you participate. Are you so self important that you think it's a child's game and you don't want to play or are you able to get rid of your self importance and get down and have fun. That's a really important thing, believe it or not. How a person is able to play is as important as how they are able to work. Those are the things we have in mind. Right now we have a group forming up in the U.S. Those of you who are not mods or ambassadors who are interested, we can put you in the discussion group where they are discussing forming these communities. At the end, we will obviously have way more people who want to become a part of the two communities, that are more or less firmly committed, than they are able to hold. Naturally, there is going to have to be a selection process. Some people who have been selected may not last; they may not survive it. They may be deselected, which is why we are structuring it so people can be deselected if necessary. That's just the basic background of what we have been doing and what we have been thinking about. Aside from teaching some basic skills: chopping wood, canning, making chocolate, having a good time. The most important thing about these workshops is how do people get along together. Believe it or not, that's the single most important thing. How do they interact? How do they communicate? Do they have constantly running 'be nice' programs that create issues for the whole rest of the group because they allow things to persist or continue, or grow - issues that should be nipped in the bud. Do they have 'me, me, me' programs; 'it's all about me'. We are paying attention to these kinds of things. These are the kinds of things that can kill a group.

As you all know, when I started Sott, it was just to keep track of stuff that was going on. When 9/11 happened, I knew right then and there that this was the event that was going to move us over into this new reality that the C's had been talking about for years. They had been talking about the Nazi, Germany thing as being a trial run for what was going to happen towards the end of our civilization and the change of our reality. When it happened - before, for all those years, I couldn't imagine - I don' think any of us could imagine - what kind of event can get us from there - where our political system is. Politically we are not perfect, but things are just kind of so-so. You just can't imagine how people who were living under the kind of gradually, progressive, moving towards getting better governments could all of a sudden make this huge reverse and turn into a Nazi type totalitarian regime! How do you get from here, where we were before 9/11, to where we are right now? I couldn't imagine what would take us from there in that world I was in to where we are now. Now, of course we know, an event like 9/11. The propagandistic nature of all of the rhetoric that has followed. That is what has gotten us here. At the time, I knew it; I wrote an article the day it happened and the day after I wrote a series of 2 or 3 articles predicting exactly what we have come to see is their plan and was their plan when they did this. I knew when that happened. When George Bush and Saddam Hussein were getting into their slinging match: 'I am going to bomb you because you got weapons of mass destruction'. 'I don't have weapons of mass destruction. Come and check'. 'I am not going to come and check. You just lied!'. 'You are going to hide them'. 'I don't have them'. 'I am going to bomb you back to the stone age'. 'You better not bomb us because we don't have any'. This went on and on and it was just ridiculous. George Bush would say: 'He's not letting us inspect', Saddam would say: 'Come inspect'. 'Well, we don't want to inspect'. It was just ridiculous, so I began chronicling this and I would put a little paragraph and then a comment or something saying: 'do you remember what they said yesterday?' I wanted people to remember. I was aware that the news was changing from day to day and the propaganda was just ramping up from day to day. That was why I started doing it. At the same time, I was also in the early stages of my conceptualized experiment with history. I see history as the evidence for a macro-cosmic quantum shift. You can see it down through history when you study history over the broad period of time. The longue durée as they call it in one of the historical schools. You see that there are energies that kind of go in. They are kind of like these - you can probably use the same kind of algorithms you use to predict stock market crashes or weather situations - energy goes into a system until it gets so destabilized and it can no longer accommodate this chaotic energy. It all just kind of flies up in the air and falls back down. It is like turning the dial on a kaleidoscope. Everything suddenly changes. My idea was that history was like this. Watching history, watching events. I wanted to watch these events because I was aware that we were in a period of history where we were getting to the point where things were going to fly up in the air and everything was going to change.

I started doing that and the funny thing was - I think maybe some of you may remember the session where I asked about it - what's the point of all this stuff I am doing. The answer was an exchange between Ark and the C's; when you are watching these things and collecting this data it changes something inside you. You begin to see more and then you begin, at some point, something happens that triggers something inside you and maybe for all we know, it's something that is hardwired into you. When something happens it's going to change all of the configuration in your system like a kaleidoscope. You know something or see something, or move to another level that you were not at before. For me, searching the news and hopefully the most significant types of things that we are interested in are picked up by other editors and collected onto Sott so that I can go in and read Sott myself and see the clues of what is happening; which way things are moving. Are we getting to a pressure point? Is everything going to shift? I am also aware that I am looking for something. There is something that is going to happen like 9/11 that's going to tell me that its time to do this or to do that. That's one of the really important things about Sott for me because it's tracking the historical process in real time. Current events are just history in the making.

There is something else I want to talk about. When you see certain things, when certain things happen and trigger changes in you - this is what we were talking about; information - when you get certain information. We should be collecting as much information about: our global situation, our personal situation, social situations, cultural, historical, political, medical, biological, psychological, as we can. We are packing information into our being. In a certain sense, when you are paying attention to political things, social things, historical things, the things that are out there that can have a very profound impact on you. You know it, you are living in Athens. What's going on historically speaking could very quickly, in no time flat, could cost you your life. You know it. It's very volatile down there. Who else lives in a...? You are in Canada, you are in a country that is going to be covered by ice, probably. You are in the U.S. - concentration camps. You are in the U.S. You are up there in the North land, you are going to be under ice. You are in the U.S. You are in Australia, you are probably okay. You are in the UK. You are are in Europe, you are okay for the moment. You are going off onto a volcanic island, you might be blown out of the water. For the moment, it's okay. We are in France. Was that expression good enough to convey what I meant? I don't have to say anything? We are in France and as we said before, I have this situation in France unbelievably, thanks to good lawyers things kind of stabilized.

Laura: Anyways, we’re in France. But as we’ve said before, we’ve got this situation in France – unbelievably – thanks to good lawyers – kind of stabilized. And that happened because of choices we made. And I explained that the other day that when certain things happened, we chose to stand and to make certain choices and do certain things because this was right and that was wrong and continue on. Well, I want to tell you a little bit about how here we are in this great house: it’s a great house. Do you like it?

Audience: Yes.

Laura: Yeah, well when we first came to France we were all cramped into a little itty-bitty farmhouse. And now it did have 5 bedrooms but they were small. In fact, they were so small, the stairs so cramped and the hallway was so small, I could not even get my bed – in pieces – up to the bedroom. My American mattress would not turn the corner and it also would not fit through the window. We tried taking it up through the window and tried taking it up through the stairs and there was no way, so I ended up setting up my bed downstairs in a pseudo-office space and Joe was sleeping on fruit pallets with a mattress on it, with a curtain hanging off the ceiling in the old SOTT office.

It was not a very satisfactory situation and we had other people sleeping in the garage and it was pretty miserable and unpleasant. Then we had that psycho landlord who hooked up with the defamers and giving us a really hard time; and this is kind of what I want to talk about here because we were really pressured and really, in a desperate situation. We needed a place to live where we had at least room for everybody to have their own bed and their own bedroom, and we also needed a place to work that was big enough to set up all of our computers and set up our library because in this other house, all my books were still packed up in boxes stacked in this little dark, dank room because there was no place to set up book cases and put them out – except for a few.

So I didn’t have access to my books; I couldn’t work; nobody else could work; we kept SOTT going – somehow – and the landlord was acting crazy; the country of France was acting crazy thanks to the landlord because the local officials; the prefecture; were all in his pocket so everything was really unpleasant. We then decided we really need to find a house so we started looking for houses and this was in July of that year. And we made appointment after appointment after appointment to go look at houses and in one case we drove over to one that was over by Lyon, which is about a 5-6-7 hour drive away – it’s a long way – and the minute you get there, you found out that all the glorious things about the house were all true except that it was 20 feet from the auto route which was right above the house. I mean, if someone had a wreck on the auto route, they’d land on top of your house.

Not to mention the fact that you can hear the cars going ‘zoom, zoom, zoom’, you know? ‘Oh well, you can just go inside and close the double-paned windows. You don’t hear a thing.’ Duh, but who wants to live in a place like that? But anyways that was one place. We were looking within a certain price range because of course, we couldn’t afford what we wanted or needed. We figured we had to get something really old and ratty, kind of make-do and fix it up. We went to one place and it didn’t have any kind of plumbing, electricity or anything and all of the space was just these big giant rooms and it was like this old castle. And it had literally nothing. It was collapsing and falling apart – horrible.

So we were getting pretty desperate and I said we are going to try this thing that I kind of did back in Florida. When I had problems I had this little thing I would do that would help me solve the problem; we’re talking financial, decision problems or how to get something to happen that you need to have happen because you need a change. Something has to happen because you are in a horrible situation. At the time I was using my pool and swim laps while concentrating on an outcome and I knew that this was the only way that was actually acceptable without bringing negative things down on your head, and that is to see or create a scene in your mind where you see yourself or see people that are close to you sitting down somewhere or in some scene or situation, discussing the fact that “isn’t it wonderful that the problem is solved. Isn’t it great that we’ve got a solution? I’m so happy; this just is wonderful news.”

But you never – and this is very important – you never go further in your visualization than that – ever. You do not try to imagine how the problem is solved – and this is really, really hard because everybody secretly thinks they know what’s best for them and how they want their future to be. “I want a new house so I’m going to see myself opening the door of this new house” and you’ve visualized the door of the house; right there you’ve shot yourself in the foot – you cannot do that. You can only visualize yourself in an exchange with the people close to you or picking up the telephone, calling your mother saying "best news; we got the house we wanted” or “we got the right house.”

And you have to be very careful with this phrasing because in a sense it’s almost like being careful with your phrasing when you’re using hypnosis. You have to be very, very, very careful and your words have to be very precise; and your visualization has to be very precise. Does anybody have any questions about this visualization process because it’s so important I think we ought to stick with it for a minute.

Okay, you visualize yourself being happy, pleased; sharing the happiness with those people in your life who are involved in the problem or even just calling somebody and announcing – and the important thing is to feel the way you would feel if the problem were solved to actually generate the emotion. The other important thing about it is not only to generate the emotion and also to visualize yourself acknowledging that the problem is solved, but you also have to put physical energy into it. This is why I was swimming laps in the pool while I was visualizing. Visualizing and thinking and swimming laps, because when you are swimming laps you are generating electric current and you are putting energy into this thing and sending out a very definitive signal. So that’s how I used to do it.

So at this point in time, coming back to the future-past, I said this is what we were going to do. So all the girls in the house; and it’s kind of a woman’s thing to do but I guess guys can do it too because they participated to some extent, but women have this kind of natural electrical creativity that’s cyclical. So I said we’ve got this treadmill; we’ll set it up in the hall in such a way that I had this bowl, and in fact it’s that bowl there. Do you want to hand me that bowl with those crystals in it, Niall? I’ll show you the actual artefact that I used for this.

Niall: It’s not light.

Laura: I know. This is a very heavy solid, brass bowl and a crystal; one solid crystal; second crystal; a chunk of solid amethyst; bowl. Now, I would wash it carefully and put purified water in it and sit it out in the sun for a day. Then I would bring it inside and sit it down where you could see it on the treadmill. And while you are on the treadmill you are visualizing your outcome, and remember, you’re not visualizing the actual outcome, you’re visualizing how you feel and how you share that feeling with other people when the outcome is perfect. The universe has taken care of you – that’s all you’re visualizing.

So you’re on the treadmill and got your eyes closed because it’s kind of important when you start off to have your eyes closed to get your visualization going, and you start pumping that treadmill. You can increase the speed to where you are walking really fast or maybe even a little lope, almost a run – very, very fast – generating electricity visualizing this outcome, and then you open your eyes and you project it into those crystals.

Why? Crystals are piezoelectric. When you’re not actively generating the energy, they will sit there and passively generate it for you. They are like capacitors and you are putting that visualization into them in a capacitor-like way – like a trickle charge – so that when you are not actively on the treadmill; and I mean come on, five minutes a day; the crystals keep holding the electromagnetic image of the outcome of your visualization, and if you have 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 people in a house that do that 5 minutes a day, each from their own frequency energetic perspective, things start to happen. Because the next thing that happened; how long did we do this, Anna? Do you remember?

Anna: 3 weeks.

Laura: 3 weeks we were doing this and during that 3 weeks I think we looked at another one of those nowhere houses. And I was about at that point where I was ready to give up. I mean, how many houses can you drive to see? It was just horrible. So, Anna continued to check the real estate listings maybe every day or so; just looking; and all of a sudden one day she’s says “oh mom, you have to come see this house – I found this house.” And I mean it looks perfect. It had this many bedrooms; exactly the number we needed – it’s got this big rooms; this one can be an office – it’s got some land for the dogs – it’s got a real kitchen that looks like an American kitchen which was the big selling point for us because we were sick to death of French kitchens where didn’t have any cupboards or cabinets or you didn’t have a real refrigerator. Excuse me to all the French people watching this, but facts are facts.

So we said wow, that’s cool. But it’s for sale and we really can’t afford that price. It’s like way out of our range; almost twice what we could borrow from the bank. We had a certain amount of money for a down payment, thanks to benevolent donors, and we were able to, with that down payment, get a loan for the rest. But it still took us out of our range of borrowing capacity – it took us way out of it. Oh boy, the idea is perfect but we can’t afford it – we can’t do that. And then after a while I thought about and I think Anna even said “why don’t we just go look at it?” And remember this is the child that won the lottery so when she says stuff like that I listen.

So I said okay, we’ll just go look at it. It’s an entertaining thing to do on a Saturday afternoon so we’ll just go drive by. So we went on a Sunday or Saturday drive and we drove by and I said “oh, yeah, it would work. And it really looks enough of a fixer upper that there might be some possibility of negotiation.” And so we made an appointment with the realtor to come and look at the house. We came inside the house and we discovered, based on all the evidence; and this is where knowledge comes in; based on all the evidence in the house, whoever had been living in it left in a really, really big hurry and the only reason I could think of for somebody to leave a house in a really big hurry is because the taxman is after you, the police are after you or you need money.

So I took the chance and I knew somebody who knew somebody who might know; because I found the name of the person written down on an object in the house; and I said I know somebody who knows somebody that lives in that area because we have this really big network of people, so about anywhere in the world that somebody is located, I probably know somebody in our network that lives close by and can look in the yellow pages or white pages and find a phone number for me.

And it turned out that this person knew somebody who was actually a friend of the person who owned the house. Got me his phone number so I called him up; and I didn’t want him to refuse me because I knew he had the house for sale so he really needed money and I rushed it in there “I’m calling about your that’s for sale in the South of France. How would you like to rent it with a year’s rent paid in advance?” I rushed it all in there – a chunk of change. Somebody needs money; a chunk of change. And he says “we’ll we are trying to sell it but let me talk to my wife and call you back.” 5 minutes later, “yeah, we’ll do it.”

The point is that impossible things can be achieved if you let the universe do it, and if you quit trying to impose your own will; ‘I know where I’m going to be, I know what I’m going to do, it’s going to be this way and no other, because to my mind I know what I have to do – I have to find a house to buy. I know how it’s got to be; it’s got to be within this price range. This is what I can do!’

But we ended up with the house as a rental. We rented it for 10 years before we were able to buy it and then we bought it at a very low price – that wasn’t bad, was it? So that’s what happens when you give up your idea of how things have to be. You also have a lot of knowledge; you also have to know how to release your energy into the cosmos so it can work with it and then you need to know how to read the freakin’ signs.
“It’s a house; it’s perfect.” “Oh we better not go see it. We don’t have that much money.” “Oh come on let’s just go do it for fun.” You get in the house and the signs are everywhere. I mean, the universe couldn’t have been any plainer. It was just screaming “this is the right house; here’s what you need to do.” And thinking about calling somebody that’s got a house for sale and asking “I want to rent your house” – I sat there with the phone “this guy’s going to say no; I know he’s going to say no. I mean, there’s no point asking. It’s for sale, you know.”

And I really had to screw myself up to pick up the phone, dial, and make the call. But I was desperate, and my family was desperate, and I was responsible for all these people. I had to do it as much as I didn’t want to do it. I didn’t want to be rejected. Selling is not what I do. Calling up somebody and selling them on the idea of “rent your house to me! I know you want to sell it, but please.” I didn’t even have to do any of that; no persuading – no anything. I just said “here’s rent in advance” which is the money we had – and we got it.

It was a decision point; it was one of those choices you make based on knowledge and information. I’m not going to swear to you that my little method of generating physical energy while your visualizing and then you plant it into your crystals in a bowl of distilled water is doing anything. It makes me feel good, but I’m not going to promise you that that’s the main thing to do, because as I said, from my point of view – just experimentally – it’s just like capacitor, and kind of holds the energy like a ghostly happening can be a reflection of an electromagnetic event that gets imprinted in the atmosphere over an underwater stream, and then replays repeatedly, time after time.

Maybe I’m just getting it to replay repeatedly my idea that I solved this problem; this problem is solved by the universe. Maybe the important thing is the fact that 10 people are getting on that treadmill every day and holding that visualization while they’re generating that physical energy? I can only tell you it works and I’ve done it more than once and I kind of reserve it for serious problems because I figure that I’m smart enough and can gather enough information to solve the ordinary problems, and anything else, we can all solve it together by discussing it, because when you discuss something it creates or generates an energy of its own. Any questions; has anyone ever tried anything similar? Does everyone in here have a perfect life? You do?

Audience: No, but I do have a question. To the best of your knowledge, is there any qualitative difference between kinds of exercise that you would use in generating that current or is using a treadmill just as good as swimming in a pool, just as good as doing push ups?
Laura: I think whatever is comfortable for you. I like the treadmill myself because you can do it with your eyes closed. It works in the pool but I prefer the treadmill – you can do it with your eyes closed. Try walking in the woods with your eyes closed. And you can also adjust your speed.

Audience Member: How about other things like having music on?

Laura: I think I would eliminate all kinds of distractions.

Audience Member: Okay.

Laura: I would try to be creating the sounds and voices. You really have to get into and create your scene – and you repeat it. And each time you repeat it, it gets stronger, richer and more real; and you just repeat the same thing. Find your perfect representation and build and repeat it, time after time, and it becomes more dense; you begin to add more detail to it – you begin to smell the smell of flowers or hear trickling water going on – anything else?

Audience Member: Say you are physically isolated from your network, for example on the forum, where you share the values of the others but putting these guys in your visualization would sort of be (…?)

Laura: Why don’t you visualize writing a post to the forum? See yourself writing a post: “Dear forum members; guess what? The perfect thing has happened in my life; all my problems are solved.” Or my specific problem or whatever it is you’re working on. Calling someone up that you know that lives down the street. Calling your parents; guess what I’m moving to such and such a place. Just visualize things that would really happen in your life; writing a post, calling your neighbour, calling your parents – those sorts of things.

Audience Member: Something that’s possible in the present?

Laura: Yeah, something that’s possible in the present. Some way of expressing it, communicating it or visualizing it – anybody else?

Audience Member: Everybody who (…?)

Laura: Do what exercise? You mean do the little technique I just described?

Audience Member: Yeah.

Laura: I don’t see why not; I think anybody can do it. My advice would be to always remember you do not tell the universe what it wants for you.

Audience Member: It can be difficult.

Laura: Yes, but you don’t want to get into a staring match with the cosmos because you won’t win but if you visualize yourself or your friends; for example you have something you want to (…?) What we were doing; we were visualizing ourselves sitting around a table saying things like “this is the greatest news” “this is a great house” “It’s just perfect for us” – nothing more than that. Because you can’t say how many rooms it has or where it is. You can’t make any of those determinations. It just has to be that the problem is solved.

If you do that while you’re on your treadmill, you are generating electrical energy and moving through the information field of the planet – so you’re generating it and I think that’s the most important thing. And the reason I say treadmill is because some people might say “I do it that way when I go for a walk.” You can’t quite do it the same way when you go for a walk. You have to have your eyes closed so you can really get into you
:wow: Thank you Menvra!
I feel embarrassed for not asking whether transcripts were available before. They are very straightforward in how they are set out. For the first time working on a transcript, I understood more than by just listening or watching the videos so being able to read these and other transcripts is proving helpful.
SMM said:
:wow: Thank you Menvra!
I feel embarrassed for not asking whether transcripts were available before. They are very straightforward in how they are set out. For the first time working on a transcript, I understood more than by just listening or watching the videos so being able to read these and other transcripts is proving helpful.

That has been my experience with transcribing, too. You learn a lot more, it seems. If you haven't already, might want to check out this thread. :D
The transcript for part 2 seems to be cut off at the end of the quote. It could be that it exceeded the allocated space for text in one message.

Thanks Ytain. Here's the remainder.

Part 2 {con't}:
You have to have your eyes closed so you can really get into your visualization; and the visualization is just that your problem is solved.

But then you have to actually exert yourself by being attentive to any signals and information you might be receiving; and you have to be able to receive it and decode it properly. So yeah, I think anybody can do it. And I think it can be done en masse. We had our one treadmill and we just took turns. Every once in a while someone would get on it and spend 3-4 minutes. I’d get really dramatic one time and – 20 minutes.

And the same thing is true for working for something that you want to send a signal. For example, our work on SOTT; that’s kind of the same thing as getting on that treadmill and sending out a signal. This is what’s wrong; we want to see a better world; you’re working out this energy on SOTT as though SOTT itself were the treadmill and meanwhile, while you’re looking at the information that you’re getting about how the world is, and the situation that you are in – that you need a house – and then always have in your mind there is this ideal of what the world could be like compared to what it is – and I think that’s what drives a lot of people to do things like what we do.

They never lose that image in their mind of what the world could be like because everything it is now is evident that it is not what we want because it is compared implicitly with what the ideal is; a world with peace, justice, equality, fraternity; all these idealistic things we’ve grown up on that really exists instead of being a lie – yes?

Audience Member: In information theory, I’m assuming it’s true to say that illusion and fantasy is essentially the same as chaos, or produces chaos in the system. And in our world, people believe in illusions and fantasies.

Laura: Well, sure.

Audience Member: But is there something then fundamentally untenable about a fundamentally chaotic system that it ultimately collapses?
Laura: Oh yeah, it ultimately collapses because all these energies are shooting different ways and there’s collisions, non-linear dynamics in play; things go kaflooey; and if you’re living in an illusion or fantasy, you are basically shutting yourself off from the information flow from the cosmos and when people do that en masse; they are all believing lies or closing themselves off from the truth; from reality; and also closing themselves off from their responsibility to take action in their personal lives, social lives, their larger social sphere, political lives or whatever; when they are closing all that off, they are basically, en masse, closing the planet off from information and when there is no information, disorder increases.
Audience Member: So information from, let’s say the universe or wherever, is essentially good or positive in the sense that it creates order; so order is synonymous with happiness from the human perspective or positivity, health or I don’t know – all good things – and illusion or chaos is synonymous with…

Laura: Order is informed by information, but order that is imposed by creating lies is not truly order. That is a recipe for disaster, I think.

Audience Member: So it’s not possible for the entire world to live in a fantasy that is in conflict with…

Laura: What is.

Audience Member: With what is; with objective information. Maybe it’s that conflict and the fact that there are two opposing forms of information; information based on illusion held by everybody in the world – all of their illusions; and the information that conflicts with that, which is the objective data that is there.

Laura: Well, the living system itself shows, over billions of years, that it seeks order and when some species within that living system seriously disrupts the order, as human beings have disrupted the order on this planet, they are asking to be extincted.

Audience Member: Well, it just makes me think about a corrupt government for example, tends to propagate lies and also a very ideal government tends to, or implies decision-making from above which removes a lot of the decision-making by the ordinary people.

Laura: And they’re not informing people with information.

Audience Member: Yeah, the corrupt government is propagating phony decision-making. They are encouraging people to make decisions based on authority that is fundamentally corrupt and based on lies and that propagates down throughout the entire planet, and like you talked about, it’s people that need to make choices in their own lives; taking responsibility and making choices in order to move into a new reality, but that’s subverted by a corrupt government that imposes decisions and choices on the people.

Laura: The thing is, I think when people increase their weight with real information; it’s like (…?) packing; they become like a thorn in the flesh of a corrupt government that wants to conceal things and they seek to eradicate or destroy them. Because, god forbid that the information should spread and people begin to wake up, become aware of reality and start to take positive actions in their lives and so forth. I have this funny feeling there are going to be different worlds, different realities; planetary realities; that are going to have different fates and people are going to experience the fate that they resonate with and if they resonate with lies and illusions then that’s they planet that they will be on, and the things that happen on that planet will probably be very destructive and probably catastrophic.

Things may happen differently in the world that I live in – and I’m not saying facetiously. For all I know, it may be that the people who seek order, have order and have information actually end up on a planet where they alone are there, and the people who want to be on the planet that blows up actually stay on the planet that blows up. But if that happens; as it does with any other kind of decision you make, things will happen naturally – it will be perceived in a natural way. You make a decision and go through some sort of chaotic period in your life, and then all of a sudden you’re on a new groove and everything is kind of different and you don’t really see the old friends anymore, you don’t really go to the same old hangouts anymore; that’s part of a different reality; and eventually all that fades from your life as well.

Well, what if that happens in a more real way than we even imagine and what if the world people who want peace end up on; the natural way that all the other people “disappear” from their reality is, for example; localized comet destruction, plague. What if the only people that survive are informed with large amounts of information and all the people living in illusions and lies get the plague and die.

Audience Member: It sounds like the idea of two different worlds or different realities. It sounds like a macrocosmic version of what you’re saying. One example I was thinking of was people on a plane that has crashed; one person will sit there in stunned disbelief and won’t move out of the plane when the plane is on fire and another person sitting beside them will suddenly jump into action and get out of the plane. And there is a divergence of two realities.

Laura: Could be.

Audience Member: But what you’re describing is that same kind of thing based on choice happening, but on a macrocosmic, social scale.

Laura: Yeah. What if I choose to get off this world? I mean, it’s kind of a joke “stop the world I want to get off”. Well, let me make a choice and move to another world is more the way it works because reality for those people on the plane crash becomes very, very different; the one survives – the other is dead.

Audience Member: What I’m getting from what you’re saying is that it’s a lot of work too – this idea that there might be a 4th density – and people who don’t like this world often say “get me out of here” and they don’t seem to be understanding; if I understood you correctly; each density is a higher density of information and the more we gather in this reality, living here in the present, taking action and working really hard to make something happen – my (…?) is closer. Is that right?

Laura: Exactly. Because the concepts of densities where animals are 2nd density, humans beings are 3rd density and then there are 4th density denizens that we can perceive traces of; their actions or see phenomena that let us know that they are there and are doing things in our world. They are exponentially removed from our perception even more than we are removed from the perception of say, our dog.

The dog has a very limited perception of the reality and has very limited information. They have quite a bit. I’d say my dog has a vocabulary of a 3 year old child; I mean an understanding vocabulary. She does try to talk but she still doesn’t know anything about mathematics, history or anything like that. So what they know relative to us has got to be exponentially greater. So we, as individuals, cannot, in this reality; which lives and co-exists with a 4th density reality; but we as individuals probably do not have the capacity, genetically or otherwise, to reach that level at this point.

However, when we work together as groups and share information, we become the equivalent of a 4th density being because a 4th density being has this incredible awareness; we assume; and no one of us, even if we work really hard for the 4 score and 10 years basically allotted to us, can ever gain the kind of knowledge and information and awareness to equal that kind of information and awareness that they have.

But as a group, if we are constantly; all of us; making observations, sharing our observations, discussing things openly and honestly, reflecting back to each other what we each pick up and the clues that we are noticing; and I use an example of it; imagine in a paleolithic society where the tribe is very close and they operate in an environment that’s very dangerous – there are big creatures there that can kill and eat them at a moment’s notice and their survival depends on them sharing information.

One of them notices the footprint of a sabretooth tiger and another says “yes, I heard a growl last night” and another says “I found sabretooth tiger dung last week or whenever” and the other says “I saw the bushes rustling.” So by all, each one, sharing their little piece of information, they’ve become aware there’s a sabretooth tiger out there and they need to do something about it. So they manage to survive – they set a trap, go out there and dig a pit, and the sabretooth tiger gets trapped in the pit and doesn’t eat any of them. So that’s one way to think of it.
It’s even more complicated when you’re talking about 4th density beings and being aware of them because they have much more subtle clues and we talk a lot about that in the Wave Series and when we discuss it on the forum, we discuss how you detect 4th density presences. And in a sense it’s kind of like doing Spirit Release in the previous videos; you have to view something and then you get these signs; you have to query the signs altogether, but it’s a little bit more complicated discerning 4th density interaction and as you become heavier as a group or as an individual, you’re group becomes the equivalent of a 4th density being and then you may actually be, for a period of time, operating at that level. Yes?

Audience Member: If I understand what you are sayings, let’s say if I want to go from a world of war to a world of peace. Let’s say between these two processes there is something like twenty worlds and obviously acquiring some knowledge and after a certain time I am on world #2. Obviously (…?) world; we are all looking for the (…?) and if I speak (…?) the balance of the world, everyone is believing all the lies that are telling – so we are not in the same world right now. But alone, I can keep on increasing my knowledge and keep on increasing in the direction of world peace. But alone; if I understand what you are saying; I cannot go up to the main goal. I can do certain processes to go towards a certain point, but we do need a critical mass of people to generate enough energy to jump to that world?

Laura: I think so. I think the example of the house experiment; you have to have a certain amount of energy – critical mass. We employed a particular method of engaging physical work into the process and there has to be some equivalent found in other processes.

Audience Member: When you said that a living being has to get information; when a person decides not to get information or learn their lessons for their life; living in that reality where their world is going to explode; is that another way to learn a lesson or get information?

Laura: I don’t understand what you are saying.

Audience Member: I mean, when a person decided not to get information or learn their lessons and stay in the reality where the world is going to explode (…?) Dying or living in that reality where the world is going to explode; is another way to get lessons or information.

Laura: Are you saying staying on the world that goes kaflooey and explodes is a hard way to learn?

Audience Member: Yes.

Laura: Quite possibly because let’s face it, cometary impacts carry a load of information. Can you imagine people who don’t believe that such things are ever going to happen or could happen and when it finally happens, the sudden burst of enlightenment is like “whoa, I sure missed that one!” So in the last five seconds before the lights go out they learn something.

Audience Member: I’ve just noticed from my own experiences when I’ve tried to follow the truth and learn more about it, I get inundated with resistance in people attacking that and finding it very difficult and slow process to grow and build that, and I think as a group as well, that the (…?) and attacks seem unrelenting; do you think it ever reaches a point where the resistance and the fight put up against that will…

Laura: Well, you remember I drew the picture of the three different individuals in three different places on the planet and they were all surrounded by all these people that wanted to live on the planet that blew up and they were all widely separated and only in contact via the internet and discovered each other’s existence; the next logical step; the decision that that information carries is I think we need to be a little bit closer because it’s really hard to live in the midst of this because I am an information decoder and I am surrounded by a whole lot of noise that constantly damps down the signal and I go one step forward and two steps back all the time because of that. If you make an analysis of that situation, the logical conclusion is “I need to do something; what am I going to do?” And that’s where making decisions and doing the hard work comes into play.

So, I’m not going to be the only one who’s going to do all the talking here today because we’ve got other people that have a few things they want to say; Joe want’s to say a few things about SOTT and I think Chu wants to say a few things; and possibly Anna want’s to say a few things. So I am going to turn you over to Joe who’s going to talk a little bit about SOTT because I already told everybody that SOTT is like our first line of defense. So if Joe want’s to come here and Anna can take over running the camera then he can talk to you a little bit SOTT and what he has to say, and I think Neil has a few things to say about it also because they kind of do most of the writing. Every once in a while they let me write something but not too often. So there you go – take the floor.

Joe: Thank you. Not every group, but we talked to three or four; it kind of depended on who was here and how involved they were with SOTT and how many SOTT editors there were or who even edit that much; so it depended on the group who we actually talked to about it. Laura’s already mentioned it to most groups that it’s very important from a defense point of view and from just having a public presence that is officially not “weird” in the sense that it is what it seems to be; it’s a news commentary and analysis website but it’s also does investigating reporting and dig into things when necessary.

Laura mentioned it from the point of view when we were being investigated by the police that they seemed to back off a little bit when we started exposing what was going on just on the public website. So it’s important from that point of view. But always try to keep it fresh and keep it hot like Laura mentions.

Laura: Keep SOTT hot.

Joe: To keep SOTT hot we need people to contribute to it and would be interested in it and to keep the energy into it and different perspectives because that’s one thing I think a lot of people don’t understand. At this point, there isn’t much left to uncover about the nature of our world, if you know what I mean – on an overt level anyways. It’s all out there someone and in fact some of it is out there all over the place.
9/11’s been done to death; the state of world on a political level is pretty dire – a bunch of psycho’s running the show kind of thing. But just because it’s been said so many times doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be said again. In fact it has to be said again. Because if you notice how the mainstream media operates; they don’t let up on the propaganda in terms of repeating the lie over and over again. We essentially have to do the same.

So just in terms of anybody who thinks “well, somebody said that already”; and I hear this a lot from people on the forum that someone else said “I was about to post something on the forum but someone else already said it and therefore there’s no point in me saying it.” I don’t think that’s true. It’s not true for the forum and it’s not true for SOTT. If you see something, have an idea about something or even know that it’s been said before; the thing to remember is that very often if something is written on a topic; exposing the truth on a particular topic; there can be two people who read that and one person will get it and the other won’t.

It can be about the way it was written; the words that were used; the emotional flavour of it; whether there is any emotion or there’s none. Some people can be put it off by an overly emotional expose and some people can be attracted to that. The point being that just because it’s been said before is not any reason to say it again – on two levels – one is that it needs to be repeated over and over again because the mainstream media repeats the lies over and over again; and also because there are people out there who may be waiting for you to say what you know in your own particular way for them to be able to get it and resonate with it.

Neil: There’s another big aspect to it. It was almost an accidental discovery that SOTT was useful as a line of defense. So this is by no means first and foremost what its function is; its function is for us to window the world. Although the series is no longer running; but ‘Connecting the Dots’ is the whole ethos of thought. We are looking for key information that other people wouldn’t recognize as being key – it would just past them by.

We show it back it them “look, this is important information and here’s why” and I think this is why people come to SOTT. We are such a tiny group but we get millions of hits every month. People are hungry for the truth and chances are good they already have a very good idea of what the truth about any given topic is; something political happened or something about health but as Joe said, part of it is they want to come somewhere where they see somebody else has said it or somebody has expressed what they were thinking anyway.

Joe: People get hit with that stuff over and over again. They get hit with the lies and the corruption and the inhumanity over and over again. In the world; it’s happening every day. For example, Palestinians haven’t stopped suffering because a bunch of people wrote about it a few years ago and Israel keep on doing it; and they do the same thing and sure people have written it’s horrible, barbaric, Israel and the Zionists are a bunch of whatever; but they keep doing it – and that’s just one example.

The state of the world keep’s getting worse. There’s crazy weather, cyclones, tornadoes, typhoons, unusual weather in unusual places in unusual intensity. They’ve been going on for several years; but they keep happening. So every time it happens you have to say the same thing again. There’s no way around it; you have to keep pointing out the fact that it keeps happening over and over again and it’s increasing in frequency.

Neil: With the exception of a few blogs, there’s no one who is putting all this together – and people are aware that something’s going on with the climate. The only available option to them is manmade global warming and you can do something about it by recycling or whatever. That alone is such an important thing for people because they see it happening – they need to understand why it’s happening. They don’t have a fully formed picture as to why it’s happening but they have a very good idea and as new data comes in, it adds to and strengthens the signal of that idea and I think that’s a big factor why people come to SOTT.

Joe: And also; Neil touched on it and Laura’s mentioned it many times over the years is that there’s a very distinct benefit to the person who works on SOTT and looks for this information in terms of enhancing the awareness of the truth within yourself of what’s really going on; making it real for you. You have to look at it every day or as often as possible where you are looking at the news and connecting the dots, putting things together; publishing and posting it on SOTT; going through that process makes it very real for you. It’s not just a headline you might glance at on SOTT or some media outlet and go “oh, that’s interesting” and then forget about it.

If you actually have to go through the process; looking for information or data that fits with our message; which is pretty much everything, almost; and reading it, commenting on it, finding out where the lies and distortions are; if it’s a mainstream media article; and correcting it by your own comments – which is usually pretty obvious because the lies are pretty blatant. So that’s one thing a lot of SOTT editors do, which is to add comments to articles that are just bullshit and repetitions; the same lies repeated over and over again.

They will publish the article on SOTT and put a SOTT editor comment in there to truthify it. I keep getting the image of a blacksmith heating a piece of metal or a sword in order to shape it. It’s the repeated applications of this; looking for the truth in the world today via the media and then writing about it by essentially commenting on it and putting up a SOTT article; is the process of instilling truth within yourself, intensifying it or making it real and getting an understanding, yourself, of what’s really going on – not just second hand hearsay.
That’s important as well, but there’s an opportunity for everyone here to engage in this process which is more intense than simply being a passive observer; being an active part of disseminating that truth which is very different then just being a receiver of it.

Laura: So, if nobody else has any questions, I think that’s going to be the end of what I’m going to say today because I think that if anybody starts doing this and start’s having their life changed; it’s a well spent hour. Is that it? I think that’s it; we are out of time. That’s it for today and we will be back soon.
I've just watched part 1 of Information & Reality Creation videos, and as usual I am blown away. I grok that making choices, based on information, and especailly information that is objective, leads us along different paths. But what if one felt so stuck that they felt unable to make a different choice? What if, as a single mother with sole care of two children working and living in a small totally non-colinear community, with no help from family, one felt there was simply no other choice? How can I provide food and shelter, as well as be there for my children at home? I can do so here because I have very flexible working conditions in this community, but the sacrifice is that the social collective is very insular, rigid and the people here are threatened by anything out of the norm (like me, for instance :rolleyes: )

Thank so much for these videos, I am about to watch part 2.

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