Krzysztof Jackowski - Polish Clairvoyant

His last session about 2022 was quite interesting. Certainly more burden than in 2021.

I don't have time for full transcription, but some interesting citations, that I've noted below. Keep in mind, that he does his best to avoid Youtube censoring.
Strange thing. There will be panic. Doctors will discover something. I do not know whether in Poland or abroad, but it will be loud about it. Doctors will discover something in the blood. As a result, many people will have to take something. It will be a condition, a certain necessity to prevent something. I also see a strange division. Very strange, because there will be strict control of people who accept something, they will not be controlled, and those who do not accept something will be very controlled. It will be much more discipline than there has been before. There will be a group of people in societies who will have to have regular medical check-ups, and if they don't do it regularly, it will have consequences. Perhaps legal.
[Note: blood clotting issues? More severe Green Pass regulations? Also, I didn't quite get who will be controlled after all? The ones that "took something"?]

I will say this - which sounds very strange - when we run out of energy, we start to systematically learn everything. This will be told to us on purpose.
[Note: he didn't say about what we will be learning. Pandemic hoax? And by whom? More disinformation? Or maybe "good guys" will start broadcasting? Also, he said in the previous sessions, that the energy shortages will be unavoidable in the case of Poland.]

I will say this to you, with great hope that it is not true: what is ahead is the fear that is yet to appear before us. Each of us will feel the fear of what will happen in their own way. In various respects, 2022 is the year of two branches. Whether we go in one direction or the other does not mean that it will be better. These are two bad directions. I will tell you one more thing. Someone would say: "okay, but if there is a big military situation in the world, it would be the worst". This is the second way. This military situation in the world, which in principle would be something bad, and consequently from a historical perspective, we will be able to judge that it was "liberation". Liberation will also bring its victims. Without a military situation, we will go deeper into what is now. If there is a military problem in the world, this situation may, in effect, save the world from many things. Such a paradox.
[Note: branching event?]

These empty spaces in our country terrify me. The division into three of our country terrifies me. I don't understand it at all, but it stuck in my head very much. As the plague started, my son, who was in the Netherlands, called me and said: "Daddy, what will be the future here?". I felt and I said: "Son, there will come a time that you will have to move." Many years ago, when I felt this banking crisis, when my daughter asked "what will this crisis lead to?", I've said “Monika, but when you have to run away, head towards Romania and Bulgaria”. I have absolutely no idea why there.
[Note: when his daughter asked where the 2008 financial crisis will lead, he said that "soon before the great conflict, people in Poland and Europe will be afraid to breathe".]
Thanks for the transcription.

When He said this: "I will say this - which sounds very strange - when we run out of energy, we start to systematically learn everything. This will be told to us on purpose." It reminds me what they are saying at the MSM: if you are young, and you have myocardial problems after a vaccination it is absolutely normal and not dangerous at all.
Jackowski did a vision using printed portraits of Duda (president of Poland), Morawiecki (PM of Poland), Macron, and Brandon. He uses this technique when searching for missing persons.

- The president thinks about a cordon composed of Lithuania, Poland, and Slovakia. These borders are "secured"
- Entrance or exit corridor to Ukraine, done under US action
- He has positioned himself mentally that he is beyond all this, he has his office, his world, and he feels that he is not deciding anything and that he is better off with it

- "Half-revolution", he thinks of France, fearing that a large number of French may revolt
- He is thinking not to take part in something that is going to happen outside of France
- It is possible that France will take part in something, and people will take to the streets not wanting it, and there will be a "half-revolution"
- Macron is fearing something and willing to withdraw from something that awaits the world. He would like to back out of it and he is terrified of what direction it is going

- The problem with Europe. Symbol: Biden does not look at these problems, he turns his head away from them
- He thinks of large landing troops brought in by ships when needed. Two conflicts, the US will support only one conflict, Europe will be alone
- Historically, the talk may be about betraying Europe and leaving it alone. The US will explain that they were in another conflict
- Biden wants to bypass Ukraine, great forces influenced the USA not to interfere in Ukraine

- Symbol: "Fox lost in the field". Morawiecki himself does not know in what situation he is now
- He suppresses the thought that he would like to move away from the position of prime minister. His position irritates him and he would like to quit
- Three people do everything to keep him in position, even if he doesn't want to
- Poland is in trouble, which it will not come out of, it looks more and more distrustfully at the situation, sees a deep deception in this, he knows that if he resigned, he could break the entire coalition
- It annoys him to be overlooked in the whole situation, feels like a tool and he is seriously considering quitting it all

Note: Morawiecki seems to be losing his mind recently :huh:

- Rhetoric as the main field of activity, pressing Europe to the maximum, makes him more thrilled than creating a conflict, he relies on rhetoric and is satisfied with it
- Three zones around Ukraine, some dams (?)
- Thoughts about letting a few people (groups of 2-3 people) secretly, specially trained people, enter Ukraine. They will place some charges at industrial, maybe military facilities
- Russia will surprise the world with strange planes, unusual planes will be shown on purpose or they will be Chinese planes from the Asian part
- This strangulation of Europe may worsen, Russia may strike a deal with China, Putin holds Ukraine hostage. It is done hand in hand with China. He likes this strangling of Europe more than military operations in Ukraine
- "He will choke Europe as long as the Byzantine Empire attacks"
- He laughs that most of the world thinks about an attack
- Strengthening Syria, he wants to put pressure on NATO and the US
I'm sorry for being too personal again. I just wanted to comment something about the psychic reading. I don't know mr. Jackowski and I'm not saying he's right or wrong. My mom is a psychic reader and no I'm not making a commercial for her:-). I know that she also does this thing, she gets someone's picture, it can be a printed one like on the video and she just starts talking some things about those people, I have no idea how she does it. Do psychic readers just tap into some Universal Field and have ability to extract data out of it? Especially as a teenager I was really concerned if my mom just makes things up. I had to get a job because she wasn't earning a lot as you may think someone would earn with such talent. But no one chased us with torches and pitchforks.:lol:
I don't know. I would love someone explain those things if possible. Thanks.
- Rhetoric as the main field of activity, pressing Europe to the maximum, makes him more thrilled than creating a conflict, he relies on rhetoric and is satisfied with it [..]
- Thoughts about letting a few people (groups of 2-3 people) secretly, specially trained people, enter Ukraine. They will place some charges at industrial, maybe military facilities[..]
- This strangulation of Europe may worsen, Russia may strike a deal with China, Putin holds Ukraine hostage. It is done hand in hand with China. He likes this strangling of Europe more than military operations in Ukraine
- "He will choke Europe as long as the Byzantine Empire attacks"

If Jackowski is really tapping into some universal field, could it be that the field is somewhat russophobe? :huh:
I'm sorry for being too personal again. I just wanted to comment something about the psychic reading. I don't know mr. Jackowski and I'm not saying he's right or wrong. My mom is a psychic reader and no I'm not making a commercial for her:-). I know that she also does this thing, she gets someone's picture, it can be a printed one like on the video and she just starts talking some things about those people, I have no idea how she does it. Do psychic readers just tap into some Universal Field and have ability to extract data out of it? Especially as a teenager I was really concerned if my mom just makes things up. I had to get a job because she wasn't earning a lot as you may think someone would earn with such talent. But no one chased us with torches and pitchforks.:lol:
I don't know. I would love someone explain those things if possible. Thanks.
Actually, he did a video about "how to be a clairvoyant". I can't find it now, but one thing that I remembered is that he MUST tell what he sees, even if it is something stupid (and he's sometimes embarrassed that something does not make any sense at all), because the vision will be returning if not spoken...

If Jackowski is really tapping into some universal field, could it be that the field is somewhat russophobe? :huh:
I don't remember him being a Russophobe, quite the contrary, he was even called a Russian propagandist by a spokesman for the minister-coordinator of Polish secret services (in 2021).

The "Byzantine Empire" could be Germany, taking into the account works of Feliks Koneczny and his "Theory of Civilizations". So if he is really remote viewing Putin, his strategy may be to provoke Germany. But why?
Actually, he did a video about "how to be a clairvoyant". I can't find it now, but one thing that I remembered is that he MUST tell what he sees, even if it is something stupid (and he's sometimes embarrassed that something does not make any sense at all), because the vision will be returning if not spoken...

I don't remember him being a Russophobe, quite the contrary, he was even called a Russian propagandist by a spokesman for the minister-coordinator of Polish secret services (in 2021).

The "Byzantine Empire" could be Germany, taking into the account works of Feliks Koneczny and his "Theory of Civilizations". So if he is really remote viewing Putin, his strategy may be to provoke Germany. But why?
Thank you for replying. I'm going to search for that video, I'm not really good at Polish but I understand most of Slavic languages. My point is, from my personal experiences, having some sort of gift doesn't make you a good person. There is a possibility of disruption of ego. My mom isn't spiritual person at all, maybe little, the point is I had to be a parent for my parents when I was a child. I respect Edgar Cayce for example because he seems to me he was ok guy, the only reason I'm here is because I see the beauty of spirit and kindness Laura has, I'm not prediction fan, I read her article about Fulcanelli many years ago and I was :love:. So , you have to check for interferances.
The last session might be interesting in the context of events in Ukraine. He did the session 3 days ago, before "the Invasion" that happened today.

I have such an impression that in Ukraine itself, there may be some kind of exchange of fire between pro-Russian rebel groups and the Ukrainian army or the civilian population. It will be such an internal excuse for Russia to enter Ukraine. If Russia were to start military operations open towards Ukraine, I have the reading that Turkey is very ready to face a serious blow towards Russia, and some NATO countries will be ready to attack Russia.
If Russia invades Ukraine, in my opinion, the world will not wait, a serious conflict will flare up in the world. Some NATO countries are ready for this. It should not be viewed only as a Ukrainian issue. Let us note that if Russia were to enter Ukraine, then it would be time to make the most important stockpiles for yourself, because shortly after that, an international conflict could arise.
He said many times before, that the ideal time for stockpiles for his Polish listeners will be the start of the conflict. Mostly medical supplies.

I have the impression that in the final negotiations that are underway, there are some countries that would like to get along. But there are also countries that are against it. So: it will not be easy, and perhaps it will not be possible to reach a consensus that would reassure one side or the other.
When it happens, Poland will be beaten, Poland will somehow fall apart or decrease due to certain events related to this conflict. Do you remember my visions from a year ago with the partition of Poland? It reminds me, it is disturbing.
I remember, that he also said, that the safest part of Poland is the western one. Poland will be partitioned into three parts.

The main blow, or the first blow, if a conflict started, the quickest blow would come from Turkey, or, with the blessing of Turkey, towards Russia.
If Putin enters Ukraine, the media outcry will reach its peak. This media frenzy will fuel the fact that retaliation against Russia will begin fairly soon. This means a very serious international conflict that could spread to the Middle East.
Jackowski had repeated visions of two big conflicts in the future. One of them will be severe and global.

I'm not saying that it will blow up in April, but in April the whole situation will get even hotter.
"April Drop Dead"? He was talking in the context of starting the conflict, but maybe what we are seeing right now is just a small prelude?

I feel such a strange thing: Turkey, there is such a gun in a metallic color, that the metal becomes polished. Beautifully polished. And the feeling of one sentence: "Russia may be attacked from an unexpected side". Someone can't stand this tension.
Someone would say that it will be a conflict right away, but I will tell you this: there will be a failure, the failure will be sabotage. It is not only Poland that will suffer from this failure, but Poland to a large extent. It will be sabotage. There may be some talk of contamination, but I have the impression that there may not be any contamination. There will be talk of sabotage, but it will be artificial. It sounds absurd, but I am telling you.

Samples of soil will be taken. There will be samples of soil from the outside in different places. On this basis something will be determined. But it will be a fiction that we will believe in very much.

I already thought that nothing more strange awaits us. What is being presented here is very strange. I don't know why, but it affects mostly our country. Most of our country, starting in the southeast.

A barren harvest. On the principle of: you're going to have fuel, and you're not going to be able to get heat. You'll have crops, and you won't be able to eat, sell.

I see Poland divided into two or three zones. One of the zones may be empty. Let me say an abstraction: governments have no influence on what should happen. That's why, as in the title, the government is getting scared. Not afraid as "afraid", but afraid of the inevitability of what is coming. And even if they wanted to change something, to stop it, they are not able to.

There will be three zones in Poland. Why do I associate divisions of Poland? In these divisions I would feel most "Polish" in the west of Poland. That is, here where I live. Part of northern Poland, western Poland, maybe part of southwestern Poland. Nothing will change here. But two other parts - I would already have doubts if it's like here, in Poland.

I hope I am not having a day today and this is all nonsense. It can also be like that. I give you my word that I am not preparing for these visions at all and I am not approaching them in a logical way. These cannot be truths. These cannot be signposts. Because that would be something very strange. Failure... Sabotage... Maybe not in Poland at all, but it will affect Poland. Somewhere around Poland. In fact, it will be a lie that we will all believe. Fear will make it work.
In the light of the recent situation and operations in Chernobyl, his eerie predictions about some kind of nuclear contamination are feeling very uncomfortable to me. What would be worse than COVID-19 and could cover all that pandemic madness?

I will say this to you, with great hope that it is not true: what is ahead is the fear that is yet to appear before us. Each of us will feel the fear of what will happen in their own way. In various respects, 2022 is the year of two branches. Whether we go in one direction or the other does not mean that it will be better. These are two bad directions. I will tell you one more thing. Someone would say: "okay, but if there is a big military situation in the world, it would be the worst". This is the second way. This military situation in the world, which in principle would be something bad, and consequently from a historical perspective, we will be able to judge that it was "liberation". Liberation will also bring its victims. Without a military situation, we will go deeper into what is now. If there is a military problem in the world, this situation may, in effect, save the world from many things. Such a paradox.
I cannot get also this off my head. Looking at the comments here on the forum about some relief, it seems like we collectively switched to the "liberation branch".
(...) there will be a failure, the failure will be sabotage. It is not only Poland that will suffer from this failure, but Poland to a large extent. It will be sabotage. There may be some talk of contamination, but I have the impression that there may not be any contamination. There will be talk of sabotage, but it will be artificial. It sounds absurd, but I am telling you.

Samples of soil will be taken. There will be samples of soil from the outside in different places. On this basis something will be determined. But it will be a fiction that we will believe in very much.
So was he seeing today's Zaporozhskaya power plant incident, but somehow odds changed? Or maybe the cards are still at play, and they will try with other nuclear power plants, near the Polish border, for ex. Rivne?

From RT:
The spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Defense, Major General Igor Konashenkov, issued an official statement on Friday morning concerning the shootout and fire that had occurred at Ukraine’s Zaporozhskaya nuclear power plant earlier the same day.

Last night, an attempt to carry out a horrible provocation was made by Kiev’s nationalist regime on the area surrounding the station,” he announced, claiming the Russian troops patrolling the territory had been attacked by a Ukrainian sabotage group.

According to the spokesman, the Ukrainian forces had attacked Russian soldiers at about 2am local time, opening heavy fire from the training facility next to the power station in order to “provoke a retaliatory strike on the building.”

The Russian patrol had neutralized the group’s firing points, but the saboteurs had then set fire to the training facility as they retreated, Konashenkov said. The blaze was put out by the Ukrainian State Emergency Service’s firefighters. “At the moment of provocation, no staff members were at the facility,” he noted.

If anyone is interested, below you can find hourly reports about radiation level in Lublin (~70 kilometers from Ukraine border):
Radioactivity in the air in Lublin
If Jackowski is really tapping into some universal field, could it be that the field is somewhat russophobe? :huh:
It reads to me more like Jackowski is tapping into the personal feelings of his subjects rather than what their declarations to their confidants are. Putin has his public persona for his advisors and government. He has his declarations to the rest of the world. And he has his personal feelings. It seems like these readings are of the latter.
Today he had a new session, but I don't know if it's worth transcribing, maybe I will try to do that later. Jackowski did a retrospective about the session from May last year. I reviewed the session and did a few transcripts that are interesting in terms of what is happening now:
Strange. "Russia withdrawn to Siberia". Not with borders. People will prefer to be more in the northern parts. It looks like something happened earlier...
And that's strange, because “over there” seems more normal to me. Asia or even America, Africa. Normal. Something will begin when one great statesman suddenly breaks off diplomatic relations with many countries. Or these countries will break up with him. It will be a fury.

It might be that he had a good day for remote viewing, so I've also transcribed some interesting parts regarding what may happen in the future:
I may be wrong, but what I said a moment ago shows me Turkey. Turkey's friends will become its enemies, or vice versa.
In all this transformation, the worst time is ahead of us. Blind people. I am shocked by what I feel. The system will collapse, i.e. the Union may collapse in the last year of these 3 and a half years. It will not be such an obvious disintegration, it will be the creation of three Super-States. Poland is stuck to its neighboring countries. It may be referred to as the European Union, but clearly divided into three parts, each with a clear autonomy. There will be limits, the word "limit" at that time will have a profound meaning. We will have a limit for many things, which means that some things will be separated from us.
And do you know how these Super-States got associated with me? As if I could see them behind the glass... We will go through something like this during this period that we will be very subordinate. Something that will scare us socially, we will be orderly, much less demanding.
Africa. The desire of the people of the Super-States will be to immigrate to Africa. This will give them some freedom. Choice, life. It reminded me of the Sahara. "Fertilizing the Sahara". Africa will seem to us to be a continent of freedom.
Jackowski has shown a map with south-east Poland separated from the north-west, talking about people's evacuation etc. So I will share my dream with you (hence 'I have dreams that aren't just dreams' etc.) I've had it about New Year's Eve, and it was one of the visionary dreams you recon and then remember. It was showing Cracow being completely empty. There were no people, only the sound of the sirens. I was one of the last people in the city, so I went to some flat on the first floor. There was some junk like trifles, toys, everyday items. I said goodbye to my family member (living in the north-west) as if we were not supposed to see each other anymore and said bye to my friend saying we better separate, so it would be safer (easier for any of us to survive). The dream didn't tell where it's going to happen or obviously what can it mean if it wasn't direct. Knowing what happened now, I think it could herald a war. Talking with others, I've heard that it could mean people involved in helping Ukrainians in this region. It was before I've heard Jackowski mentioning it, and it shows exactly the same, which I consider interesting because neither of my past dreams related to anything like that and some were even neglected.
(...) Knowing what happened now, I think it could herald a war. Talking with others, I've heard that it could mean people involved in helping Ukrainians in this region. It was before I've heard Jackowski mentioning it, and it shows exactly the same, which I consider interesting because neither of my past dreams related to anything like that and some were even neglected.
What do you think about the possibility of nuclear power plant malfunction? Rivne is near the Polish border, and the power plant was brought into the context of the conflict by the media:
Do you think Russian forces might try to deliberately damage the plants?

It’s hard to say whether or not they would do it deliberately or by accident, but the risk exists, and it’s a very big risk in my assessment.

What will you do if the Rivne power station is attacked?

I want to make it absolutely clear that giving up the station is not an option. No matter the threat to ourselves and the whole world, under no circumstances, no matter how severe the emergency – no one will abandon the power station. This is absolutely certain; you must understand this.

So you will fight for the station even if that means the risk of facing a nuclear disaster?

So be it – we will not surrender the station.

… Why should we? It’s our power station, these are our people, our staff, why should we give up anything? That’s why we are ready to fight, ready to defend ourselves, we will defend the power station and no one will surrender it.

But what if there’s a risk of a nuclear accident and everyone would die? What are the chances of this happening?

Well, then we will die. But no one will surrender the power station.

The war is really happening. In Europe or America maybe you think that this war is not really happening. But look what is happening in Mariupol: they are burying people in mass graves, innocent children and civilians are dying. And Kyiv, Kharkiv, Bucha, Hostomel … So what difference does it make? Why should anyone surrender anything? No one will do that. That’s the one thing I can guarantee you.

Could the plant withstand a possible missile hit?

Our blocs are designed to withstand an aeroplane crashing onto them. But an airplane crash and a direct hit by missiles of different calibres are absolutely not the same thing. The maximum impact the power station was designed to resist is a plane falling on its roof. As to what would happen in the case of several missiles hitting the station, no such studies have been done.

For the record, this is from the 16th of November 2021:
(...) Someone would say that it will be a conflict right away, but I will tell you this: there will be a failure, the failure will be sabotage. It is not only Poland that will suffer from this failure, but Poland to a large extent. It will be sabotage. There may be some talk of contamination, but I have the impression that there may not be any contamination. There will be talk of sabotage, but it will be artificial. It sounds absurd, but I am telling you.
Samples of soil will be taken. There will be samples of soil from the outside in different places. On this basis something will be determined. But it will be a fiction that we will believe in very much.

I already thought that nothing more strange awaits us. What is being presented here is very strange. I don't know why, but it affects mostly our country. Most of our country, starting in the southeast.
A barren harvest. On the principle of: you're going to have fuel, and you're not going to be able to get heat. You'll have crops, and you won't be able to eat, sell.

Isn't that exactly what PTB wants? A malfunction like that will put enormous pressure on Russia. A lot of wheat crops are located near the southeast border, and Poland is the 10th world wheat exporter, so nuclear could make the situation even worse.

Hope this would not happen, but in the meanwhile, I've found a pretty great map from the Radioactive@Home project, that tracks radiation levels from sensors built (and hosted) by volunteers:
I did a short transcript of most of his vision from yesterday:

He talked about his feeling about some strange positivity that he felt for a couple of days. Really interesting.
"Crossing the Line of Evil". A revolt is brewing in the world. Rebellion, not physical, but resignation. If this rebellion arises, it does not mean that it will calm down, on the contrary, it may mean that in order not to be copromised, it will quickly become inflamed. Something more will happen then, and not necessarily good. The rest will have no choice but to do "something", and that "something" will be a deep conflict, so that people cannot communicate, understand and draw conclusions together.
Maybe not all of it, but Europe is "turning away" from it all. This revolt will arise in Europe.
Turkey is the "guardian" so that Europe does not "turn back". Turkey makes sure that Europe stuck in what is. It is not Turkey that decides this, but Turkey is the "guardian".
Russia "plugged" into Ukraine will be a little less active. At least for a while. Nothing will change there, nothing will reverse, but this stalemate will continue. Russia now views the whole situation as “hold-on” to see if Europe can withstand the stall of many supplies. As if she was waiting for the decision of the states separately in relation to what is happening now. In my opinion, the conflict in Ukraine will be active, but not very developmental. It is a waiting time.
Europe will start to be more passive, but this rebellion ... It can change the whole course of events. This rebellion at first will cause a huge mess all over the world. Great international institutions will try to somehow "caress" it, minimize it. Some countries will even talk about blackmail. If it is not extinguished in the bud, it will be a huge scandal. One president or someone in power in one of the countries will provide charts and documents, it will be criticized very much, it will be strongly stigmatized in the media. At least that is the beginning of it. It is strange, it will be a small country ... It will be a holiday, on the occasion of some national or other holiday, probably the head of this country will start talking loudly to the whole nation, show some charts, documents, it will be shocking, it will seem unbelievable at the very beginning. Other countries will rebel over their economies in the beginning. Then they can join what this leader of this small country has done. This could lead to the resignation of governments in many countries, if not silenced in time. People will disappear from some governments as if running away ...
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