Krzysztof Jackowski - Polish Clairvoyant

I watched an interview with Jackowski on his friend’s YouTube channel (the guy is somewhat popular due to his entertaining political commentaries) about the series of predictions for 2021. The next year is symbolic for him (as 2019 was “the last normal year”), he does not know if the symbol refers to some location or if it is some military intervention or not, but he associates 2021 with a “cloud of dust and then silence”. I guess a lot of us can interpret that as some event that belongs to the earth changes category.

The host asked about mandatory vaccinations. Jackowski did a short vision, and responded, that there will be discovery, that the virus “leaves something permanent” in many people who have had it. Something that can become dangerous over the years. A lot of young people will be registering in some kind of registration points (don’t know if he was talking about Poland specifically).
Not all European countries will be having mandatory vaccinations. In the case of Poland, there will be very serious social and legal objections (he sees “a man dressed in something white” as a symbol, and places the protests around March). The government will hesitate with the jabs because of the legal consequences and media pressure. There will be big protests in Poland, people gathered in circles (?).

Honestly, I didn’t know what his point was about the upcoming economic crisis in Poland, he argued with the host that seems to be a lot more informed in that regard, so I’ll skip that part.

Let’s see how the events will unfold, and how accurate his predictions are.
Jackowski recently did some interesting live session on his YouTube channel. His speciality is "remote viewing" he uses to help finding dead bodies (commisioned by the families, and somtimes by the police). In yesterday's session he tried to sense Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki. He gave a lot of interesting information relevant mainly for Polish people. One thing that he added into 2021's menu is big economic crisis originating from the USA. He also gave some date: 14th of June, but he does not know if it corresponds to the start of the crisis or something else.

For the next session he will try to do "remote viewing" on Merkel. Guess it will be entertaining to watch :)
From my perspective, I am cautious of the prophecy, the future is open. In fact, nothing is permanent, and thinking that a prophecy has a date, etc. It can cause attachment to that date, event, etc. By blocking what may happen a bit as if we were doing things based on knowledge, things just every day. From my perspective, if you read information on e.g., you can also predict crises, because covid, etc. Hunger because less food, etc.
@Lucius Indeterministic future (more or less confirmed by science currently in opposition to old deterministic view of the universe) doesn't restrict the view of possible futures. I imagine this the way that some people (like Jackowski for example) may have such insights and what they see is one of the future with most probability to occur. For example they may see many possible futures but strongest pictures are the ones that at the time of 'insighting' are most possible.
I've seen a few interviews with him.
He mentioned that it can be difficult to separate the grain from the chaff being asked about predictions because of imagination.
For many cases he couldn't find missing people. I don't know about the other predictions.
He was a friend of Pershing who was a leader of a gang in 1990s and claimed to predict his death, though the missing point was a place. Probably avoiding the place, the gang leader once saved his life anyway.
Perhaps it's difficult to predict events, Cs seemed to be annoyed with such questions.
But thinking about the gang leader, Jackowski seem to be a good person. There are a few anecdotes he told. Once being asked if one of the gang members will survive assassination or is in any more danger he answered that it is too responsible to say but he somehow knows that for now. Another time he was in Las Vegas with the gang leader who counted money every morning and Jackowski told him that he would never take his belonging. So Pershing answered that he counts his money every morning, not because of Jackowski. Once he asked Pershing if he confesses to God and got frightened with the reaction, but Pershing bothered to catch him on a road and told that is not an atheist but the God knows so it would be hypocritical to pray. I'm saying this because of the way of thinking that can make it difficult to Jackowski to claim the harsh events individually, even for compatriots, but it can be easier when it takes human life overall (psyche).
An answer might depend on clarity of a question and it takes a conceptualized view which would give an answer accurate to actual knowledge.
Predicting any form of war in the past... for example Nostradamus, or Apocalypse. Thinking about that people could actually do more to avoid the events.
If it is a sport event, it seems a person or a team should win or it shows that there might be a draw, but there are different factors, people participating seeming you never know.
There were few Polish seers, Studnicki was relating to global events, poets creating a national myth in a form of prophecy.
Jackowski recently did some interesting live session on his YouTube channel. His speciality is "remote viewing" he uses to help finding dead bodies (commisioned by the families, and somtimes by the police). In yesterday's session he tried to sense Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki. He gave a lot of interesting information relevant mainly for Polish people. One thing that he added into 2021's menu is big economic crisis originating from the USA. He also gave some date: 14th of June, but he does not know if it corresponds to the start of the crisis or something else.

For the next session he will try to do "remote viewing" on Merkel. Guess it will be entertaining to watch :)

His date corresponds with 'Cyber Polygon' which will entail the PTB gaming a massive cyber attack, which will probably be prefigurative like Event 201.
I've watched his yesterday's session about how the "4th wave" will look like in Poland. Apart from less civil liberties for unvaccinated, he told that his mind associates "4th wave" with a word: disgrace. "Disgrace that will spill over the world".
I've watched his yesterday's session about how the "4th wave" will look like in Poland. Apart from less civil liberties for unvaccinated, he told that his mind associates "4th wave" with a word: disgrace. "Disgrace that will spill over the world".

I wouldn’t say it’s particularly insightful. Anyone paying attention and able to connect the dots would be able to predict exactly that. The media talks about remote schooling being back in September. A new variant appearing in autumn has not only been primed by the Polish media, but openly discussed. And removing liberties for the unvaccinated has already started, in Poland and elsewhere too. The vaccinated haven’t had to quarantine and produce a negative PCR upon arrival in Poland for a few months now. The media and politicians talk about employers enforcing the jab openly. Negative PCR/antigen test is required to attend certain events or even restaurants in other countries, it’s easy to conclude Poland will adopt similar measures soon. It doesn’t take a clairvoyant to make such predictions. Access to TV is enough to make them ;-)
I wouldn’t say it’s particularly insightful. Anyone paying attention and able to connect the dots would be able to predict exactly that. The media talks about remote schooling being back in September. A new variant appearing in autumn has not only been primed by the Polish media, but openly discussed. And removing liberties for the unvaccinated has already started, in Poland and elsewhere too. The vaccinated haven’t had to quarantine and produce a negative PCR upon arrival in Poland for a few months now. The media and politicians talk about employers enforcing the jab openly. Negative PCR/antigen test is required to attend certain events or even restaurants in other countries, it’s easy to conclude Poland will adopt similar measures soon. It doesn’t take a clairvoyant to make such predictions. Access to TV is enough to make them ;-)
Sure, what is happening is so "in your face", that there is no need for some kind of special abilities to predict what will be happening in the near future. Leaked Dworczyk's private e-mails (that are easily accessible on the internet) are outilining that there is no strategy with dealing with the "toilette paper crisis" in Poland, just copying of UK's policies and measures.
Judging from YouTube comments, a lot of Jackowski's audience is trying to conjure reality, and "pray for God" for this totalitarian nightmare to not happen. Paradoxically, as stupid as it sounds, the clairvoyant might be the voice of reason for some.

His "disgrace that will spill over the world" statement was what interested me the most. We all here know from the C's that PTB's plan will blow up at some point. Could it be, that it will start to cruble sooner rather than later? I hope so!
His "disgrace that will spill over the world" statement was what interested me the most. We all here know from the C's that PTB's plan will blow up at some point. Could it be, that it will start to cruble sooner rather than later? I hope so!
Yep, me too actually. But given how much is already out there and many people still believe the official story it will take something really massive to have any large-scale effect. As they say, none are so blind as those who refuse to see.
(...) I thought that it might be interesting to have a track record about his prophecies for the coming times (often in the context of Poland), starting from his latest live stream:
  • 52:16 - "Turkey on fire" around 15th of December.
  • 1:19:20 - Disease statistics will grow in Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia. He senses that the governments are waiting for some decision from the USA. These tree countries are key regions in the starting phase of some operation.
  • 1:21:00 - Trump was “holding something serious”, if Biden will become a president, will run it.
  • 1:23:45 - He sees Poland tactiaclly divided between narrow belts in the East, and the rest of the country. A lot of military forces will be placed at Wrocław, but nothing will be happening at that time in that region.
  • 1:25:45 - Convening the “Cabinet Council” when “something” will begin to happen in the world. Polish land will be in disposal of the foreign countries, and activities will be carried out that are against Polish sovereign will.
  • 1:28:20 - If there will be a conflict, the Polish people are already involved in it. There is no consensus about what is happening in the Polish government, only few people know exactly.
  • 1:30:20 - Trump will show two big compelling pieces of evidence about election irregularities in the USA.
In the context of the current migrant crisis at the Polish - Belarus border, isn't that a hit for him? The dates that he gave are off and his descriptions are fuzzy, but this one kinda fits what is happening now.

He is now more active and he gives a lot more live streams. What caught my attention is that he senses (in the context of Poland) some kind of soil contamination. The situation will be fake, but the narrative will be that there is a real threat. I'm wondering if there will be some kind of nuclear power plant malfunction in the EU? This also fits the predictive programming that is going on on the internet, about the EU blackouts.

If someone is interested, I can try to translate some of his latest visions :)
So, here it goes, a live vision that he did on the 16th of November 2021:

Transcription (machine translated):
The first thing that came to my mind... It's strange because there's going to be a problem, a real energy problem in Poland. There will come a moment that suddenly the government will be urging us, proposing, talking about immediate, drastic energy savings in many forms. It will be about electricity. It will be about electricity, it will be about gas. But the strange thing is, because it's going to look like Poland is mainly going to have a problem with it. And it's going to happen suddenly and it's going to be incomprehensible. If it affects Europe, it's less than our country. I can't understand it, but that's how I felt.

I doesn't understand it completely, but that's what visions are: the widow of a politician's husband will appear in the media with an address or an appeal.

It will be clear that Poland is being played with. Poland will be forced by certain behavior of the rest of the countries. It will be forced into a stalemate, which will not serve us at all, which will push us even deeper into the hole in this crisis.

For the second time, I have to tell you this. I focus on this time, but it's come to me once before and it's come to me a second time. Orchardists. The fruit growers in Poland are going to have a problem. Something will fall and the fruit growers will have crops that they can't move, sell. It looks bad.

Someone would say that it will be a conflict right away, but I will tell you this: there will be a failure, the failure will be sabotage. It is not only Poland that will suffer from this failure, but Poland to a large extent. It will be sabotage. There may be some talk of contamination, but I have the impression that there may not be any contamination. There will be talk of sabotage, but it will be artificial. It sounds absurd, but I am telling you.

Samples of soil will be taken. There will be samples of soil from the outside in different places. On this basis something will be determined. But it will be a fiction that we will believe in very much.

I already thought that nothing more strange awaits us. What is being presented here is very strange. I don't know why, but it affects mostly our country. Most of our country, starting in the southeast.

A barren harvest. On the principle of: you're going to have fuel, and you're not going to be able to get heat. You'll have crops, and you won't be able to eat, sell.

I see Poland divided into two or three zones. One of the zones may be empty. Let me say an abstraction: governments have no influence on what should happen. That's why, as in the title, the government is getting scared. Not afraid as "afraid", but afraid of the inevitability of what is coming. And even if they wanted to change something, to stop it, they are not able to.

There will be three zones in Poland. Why do I associate divisions of Poland? In these divisions I would feel most "Polish" in the west of Poland. That is, here where I live. Part of northern Poland, western Poland, maybe part of southwestern Poland. Nothing will change here. But two other parts - I would already have doubts if it's like here, in Poland.

I hope I am not having a day today and this is all nonsense. It can also be like that. I give you my word that I am not preparing for these visions at all and I am not approaching them in a logical way. These cannot be truths. These cannot be signposts. Because that would be something very strange. Failure... Sabotage... Maybe not in Poland at all, but it will affect Poland. Somewhere around Poland. In fact, it will be a lie that we will all believe. Fear will make it work.

Can you imagine without a Government? There will be some Government, but Poland will face a State with no Government.

Let me tell you that I am focusing only on our home, our homeland, our country. In the next broadcast I would like to think about what is going to happen around us. What came to my mind about Poland completely conflicts with my logic. I hope I am not having a good day today to focus.

How can a country not have a government of its own? As if the executive power in particular parts of our country were vested in some larger cities, the boards of these cities, and the councilors from these cities. It would also be complete nonsense... A commissioner government, a government not entirely of our own making... Maybe not entirely, but...
To me, he paints the picture of provoked nuclear power plant malfunction. It explains orchardists that are unable to sell their crops. Poland also imports 10% of electric energy from abroad (from Germany, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Ukraine, Slovakia, and Sweden). And this leads to blackouts and Poland being divided into three zones, with the West zone "unaffected". The two closest to the border Ukrainian power plants are in Rivne and Khmelnytskyi... Sounds grim, hope his visions are totally off the mark!
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