Laura in the dream.

I had a dream with Laura last night. Someone was asking a question, which had already been answered over and over. I felt a little impatience about that and looked at Laura to see how she would react. It seemed she had some kind of inner struggle, but when she acted there was nothing but patience and she would simply repeat the answer and explanation as completely as she's always done it before. When I saw that I began to understand what a great job at teaching she's been doing.
It seems a lot of forum members have dreams with Laura in them. I have had a few myself, but the first, and most memorable, was shortly before I wrote my intro on the Newbie thread. I found myself at a gathering of Laura, Ark & other forum members. People were talking & suddenly, everyone got up & headed up a flight of stairs. I didn't know where they were going or why. I followed, but was too late. Everyone had gotten into a boat & were speeding off. I was left standing on the dock.

I took this to mean I'd better get up to speed and join the forum or I'd be left behind!
Re: Dream about Laura

EmeraldHope said:
I had the most wonderful dream about Laura. I went inside her house and she was sitting on a couch with a book. I asked her what she was doing and she said she was working on the Cass material. I asked if I could watch her. She was writing in the book, but not really writing. What I mean is, when she put the pen over the page, it became animated and lifted up off of the page. It was like in the cartoons when rainbows travel. It was beautiful- a myriad of butterflies, shapes, and music notes. This stream went around the room and out of the front door into the world. Then she said that that wasn't the most important thing she was working on, and asked me if I would like to see what it was. I said yes. She then brought out a huge vase that was very intricate. She said it was the vase for the world.

It was so beautiful I just had to share.

When I read about your dream I immediately thought of Beauty--the Philosophy of Beauty and the Feminine. More on that below.

I find interesting that Laura told you in the dream her work was not just about beauty Smiley
For me it depends on just what kind of 'beauty' one is speaking of!

Indeed....I guess I missed the symbolism until just reading that, but given the forum is often referred to as Laura's house....perhaps the Work on the self and this forum would be represented by 'visiting Laura' in dreams...
The strongest messages coming through (from my point of view) do seem to be about creativity and the feminine aspects of self (one and the same thing). And about sharing them with the world.

Perhaps you need to be working on expressing you/'re creativity/exploring you're creative/feminine side.

I can relate to this, Emerald Hope.

Actually, a lot of the things I am drawn to right now are feminine concepts and representations. That may seem like an arbitrary statement, but for me it is a big deal. I have read Psyche's thread on Eros/ Psyche . I have been projecting my animus since I was a child, and I think I have been taken over by my animus on many occasions. I would go so far as to say , due to to my protecting my inner self ( which is very feminine, I am a double Pisces ) , I have been far more masculine in qualities than feminine. I would say that actually, I have been deeply out of touch with my feminine side, although I have always been extremely sensitive. I couldn't even stand to listen to female music/ singing until about 5 years ago.

I have gotten a lot out of "Women Who Run with Wolves' and learning about the goddess traditions. To me Laura, is one of the first representations of the feminine that I relate to. I had a lot of " high strangeness" through out my life, especially as a child, and the wave was one of the first times that I have ever seen a story that runs very similar to my actual experiences. I buried that part of me a long time ago, because it seemed I was the only one that I knew that could sense things underneath the surface and had " experiences". My grandmother, whom I love dearly, always used to tell me not to talk about those things to anyone and that it wasn't accepted.

I have been on the same journey as you have--learning about the 'goddess' traditions, and I appreciate as well, "Women Who Run with Wolves." Back in the 90's I started to see that I had lost my feminine core/essence. I am in my late 50's now.
I was also protecting my extreme feminine, like you, with my masculine armour. I also studied Jungian anima and animus through many years it was the only source I could find.

I noticed a lot of guys in their 'anima,' who seemed very soft and without masculine strength--and a lot of women who were harsh and hard and like me, protecting their inner core with their animus armour.
Now I see that this is a natural progression towards something else, but there is a process to get there! Back then I was horrified!
What happened is that there was a large group of men and women that all at once started attending David Deida's workshops in the city I lived in at the time, around '96. Deida seems to have been a pioneer in teaching men and women to recover their core essence, the loss which imo, started in the 'revolution of the 60's', and women's 'liberation.' This is also when the archetype of Beauty started to disappear, so to speak.
I enjoyed his websites and workshops and books. I don't know if he is still doing this work. He had a book for men called "The Way of the Superior Man" which women loved and usually bought for their men, then the men would read the book! ;)
He had a sort of blog called "Dear Lover" for women. I found this information very crucial in healing that feminine inner core and expressing this without reservation. His slant was Shakti/Shiva.
I am sharing this with you just in case you want to look further in your journey of recovering your inner feminine core. I just don't see how we all can eventually go toward androgyny if we don't recover our inner essence as men and women. Then, we can balance! Some have to do this more than others, and maybe more-so with the 'older' generations. It seems important for women to recover their lost traditions, and Laura has been doing this in her writings, for which I am quite grateful. The way she 'puts it all together' is the best that I have seen!

Here are some quotes from a fun website called I don't agree with everything they say, but I learned a lot there. Its' all women, and that can be a healing thing sometimes. Men are excluded, which I did not like, but I decided to be open to the site because there is a lot to learn there and a lot of healing of my 'murdered feminine' took place for me there. I was reading this right before I found Laura's work/websites.

Hope you find this helpful and maybe a little fun too. This is on the subject of "The Philosophy of Beauty" which is, on this site, related to the archetype of the Feminine.
This is also what I thought of when you described Laura holding that intricate, beautiful vase.

"Philosophy Beauty and Truth are unrelated according to the modern view of the world.

When the poet Keats wrote:

"Beauty is truth, truth beauty" - That is all
Ye know on earth and all ye need to know.

Most people assume that what is being said is at best charming and sentimental, but ultimately meaningless in terms of real philosophy. In the "real world" of "scientific fact", philosophy beauty and truth have no relation to each other.

However, Keats's words are precisely orthodox in terms of Platonic thought, of Vedic or Taoist thought. Indeed of all the traditional thinking of humanity.

When Plato refers to the Absolute as to kalon, the Beautiful, he is making a statement that logically entails that of the poet - that Beauty is Truth and Truth Beauty.

So why is this interrelation of philosophy beauty and truth so alien to the modern mind? The answer lies in two radically opposed theories of what beauty is.

According to the materialist doctrine, human beings are merely animals and the world is a mere accident of physics and biology. Nothing exists beyond the material and tangible.

Science is a method based upon the strict consideration only of material things. This is perfectly legitimate, just as it is legitimate for plane geometry to confine itself to two dimensions. If plane geometry were to deny the third dimension it would be stepping outside its defined area and making statements that were inherently absurd.

Similarly if scientists were to declare that nothing beyond the material can exist, they would be stepping outside their sphere and giving voice to what is - within the very terms of their discipline - absurd and illegitimate.

And of course [material] science does not do this. But many ill-educated people who treat science as a sort of pseudo-religion do think this way. And to a large extent the thinking of the modern world is based on this pseudo-scientific superstition of a purely-material world.

What has this to do with the philosophy of beauty?

Simply this. If there is nothing beyond the material, then beauty can be nothing more than the subjective perception of human individuals.

The very name of the modern so-called "philosophy of beauty" presupposes this. It is called aesthetics - the study of feeling (an an-aesthetic is what we have to stop us feeling something). As Ananda Coomaraswamy has said, aesthetics is the mere study of human irritability.

To the traditional philosophy beauty is not a mere human feeling. Feeling is simply a reaction to beauty. Beauty exists before we feel it and independently of whether we feel it or not.

As Miss Alice Lucy Trent says in "The Feminine Universe":

...let us pause and consider the possibility that beauty is not a relative human perception, but an objective reality. That, indeed, Beauty is a cosmic reality that characterizes all sorts of different things - a flower, a star, a song, an angel - just as surely as hotness characterizes a sun and a fire, or wetness an ocean and a drop of dew.

We should be grateful if you would pause for just a moment in reading this page, and think about this most important concept - that beauty is a cosmic reality, not merely a human perception. That beauty is as objectively real as heat or light or weight. Because if, even for a moment, even partially, you can let this truth take hold of you, you will have broken one of the chains that bind you, and will have seen a glimpse of the cosmos as it really is.

Every beautiful thing in creation is beautiful because it shares, to some degree, in the Absolute Beauty which is Dea (a term this website gives to the Mother-God.)

The Philosophy of Beauty (as opposed to mere aesthetics) teaches us that Beauty and Truth are one. Why Beauty and Truth? Because according to traditional philosophy Beauty is the aspect of the Absolute that we perceive through love while Truth is the aspect of the Absolute that we perceive through Knowledge/Intelligence.

Knowledge, is not mere reason (which simply manipulates and organizes the information of the five senses) but the means by which the contemplative may see things that lie beyond the material.

Traditional thought always speaks of two paths to God, or to the Absolute: jnana marga - the Path of Light, or Knowledge and bhakti marga the Path of Love.

Now the Object of Intelligence is Truth and the Object of Love is Beauty. And the ultimate Truth and the ultimate Beauty are One and the same - the Absolute.

Thus, as we are taught by true philosophy Beauty is Truth and Truth Beauty. And while that may not be all we know, our other knowledge belongs in the sphere of contingent things - things that might or might not be. In the sphere, in fact, that is currently called "science". For the serious scientist knows that science can never speak of what is, only of what is probable.

So, as we know from our philosophy Beauty and Truth are the only things we can truly Know. The Path of Love and the Path of Light are our only ways to the knowledge of That which Is rather than the shifting flux of material things.

The Philosophy of Beauty is thus one half of the most fundamental philosophy of all."

"There is such a thing as absolute Beauty. Absolute beauty is that which characterises the Divine. All earthly beauty is but a participation in this absolute Beauty, and when we say that a thing is more beautiful or less beautiful, we do not mean it in a quantitative sense. Beauty cannot be measured. We mean that the thing in question participates to a greater or lesser degree in the absolute Beauty - reflects it more or less perfectly in its own kind.

It is for this reason that the cultivation of beauty in our own lives is of fundamental importance, while the cultivation of ugliness or disorder in dress and personal appearance (as well as in art, design and other spheres) is a dark ritual of the Tamasic period and must be resisted. It is sometimes asked: "What of those who have the misfortune to be personally unattractive?" But physical ill-favouredness is merely an accident of the world of flux. The plain maid who makes herself as neat and beautiful as she can be is acting in conformity with the Light. The well-favoured maid who conforms to Tamasic/Dark fashions of ugliness and absurdity invokes the darkness."

And finally, about Chapt 4, "The Feminine Universe" by Alice Lucy Trent

Examines the true nature of the phenomenon we call femininity. Shows how it is not merely a human quality but is inherent in the cosmos itself. Shows how, despite the ignorance of modern politicized social theory, modern neuroscience and brain scan technology leave absolutely no doubt that the female brain is different from the male brain, and that the psychological, and emotional differences that result from this are precisely those that have always constituted traditional femininity. Femininity is not a "convention" or a "social construct", it is a biological reality. There is no "alternative neuroscience". All neuroscientists know this to be true. The "social construct" theory of femininity, despite the massive vested interests in its favor, is as outdated as the Flat Earth theory. Nevertheless, this chapter goes far beyond biology, showing that biological femininity is only the material expression of a much deeper cosmic reality, how Beauty is not a subjective human perception, but a Universal Truth; and the meaning of these realities in our lives today.
Had a dream with Laura in it last night. I don't remember the details, but basically she said that now is the time to start doing things in order for a shift to occur. That we all have to start taking big steps, otherwise, we are in trouble.
DanielS said:
Had a dream with Laura in it last night. I don't remember the details, but basically she said that now is the time to start doing things in order for a shift to occur. That we all have to start taking big steps, otherwise, we are in trouble.

Pretty spot on DanielS - time is awasting :)
I had a dream with Laura and other members a few weeks ago too! I was going to post it in the dreams forum but I forgot about it.

In the dream there was an old member of the group, someone who was in the group since many years ago, he was talking about his problems, there were several others, all in person, in a kind of park, with grass and trees.

I remember that several of us gave him advice regarding his problem, and he said something about how interesting are things, that being in the group since so much time ago he still has some personal issues and even receives advice form newer members.

Then Laura came and gave me some advice regarding my life that I don't remember at all, but in the dream it made sense.

This was 3 or 4 weeks ago more or less.
Graalsword said:
Then Laura came and gave me some advice regarding my life that I don't remember at all, but in the dream it made sense.

So you forgot the most interesting part? :D
I had a really disturbing dream with Laura right around the time I was making the leap to joining this forum and EEing regularly.

I was visiting the Chateau, and it was for the first time. But I knew I was there because I recognized the harp (which I had seen in the Kerry Cassidy interview). Anyway, Laura was sitting in a large chair and I "knew" that she no longer walked and was confined to the chair. She was channeling, but it was not from the board. She was "posessed" with a rather frightening rasp growl of a voice and her face was dark and fixed in a scowl. I either couldn't decipher what she was saying, or I had dream amnesia upon waking cause I have no memory of her words. Just a general "intimidating" and "ill-intentioned" demeanor. Really hard for a bit to forget the distortion of her (from what I've seen in video/photo) extremely welcoming face. I mean, just look at that avatar!

I had thought that a possible explanation for this one was a working through of the C's assertion that non-board communication is more easily corruptible, but given that I had recently made the decision to "dive in" full force with this place and the EE I think was is more likely indicative of some not so pleasant force trying to plant a negative association with Laura. Really opened my eyes, though. I had been worried over the idea that negative attention can be quite directed when one tries to escape from the 'General Law,' but I wasn't yet fully willing to accept the full implication of this.

I am still very curious, though. If the latter assessment is more accurate, should I be concerned about having a "handler" lurking or somesuch creepy possibility? I know that memory recall and EE are crucial tools to discovering UFO interaction/tampering with memory, etc.

Or is dream projection possible through HAARP or something more "general" like that? The depth of the possibilities surrounding the Dark Overseers is still a somewhat new topic to me, but I have been working really hard to 'discover' as the C's say. So far, I find no strong evidence of abduction/direct tampering in my life, and for whatever reason I am still inclined toward the thought that it hasn't happened to me. I have only this dream and a few other premonition type "I'm watching you" moments to go on, but they are vague at best and could easily be imagination.

And, tell me if I am veering into lala land, but if HAARP is a possible tool for this could it be why the harp was figured so prominently in the dream? Kind of a mocking arrogant symbol, if so! I realize I may be misunderstanding the possibilities regarding this technology.

Back on topic: if the dream was negative interference, it certainly didn't do it's intended job because I became more determined than ever to clamp down and get to work NOW. Sorry Predator, probably has worked in the past but you're gonna have to continue to get more creative cause I'm catching up! :P

Any thoughts?

Laura, if you WERE dreaming me to stay away I request that you just ban me! You were scary! :lol:
Ana said:
Graalsword said:
Then Laura came and gave me some advice regarding my life that I don't remember at all, but in the dream it made sense.

So you forgot the most interesting part? :D

:-[ Yes! But honestly, my error is that I don't have a pencil and paper at the side of my bed ready to take notes of my dreams. So I have to start having the paper and pencil everynight with me.
I've recently had a "Laura dream", and a quite peculiar one at that - not sure what to make of it all. Posting it borders on being embarrassing.

dream said:
Laura and some team members, passing through in order to do things, were living/staying where I live.

The house was a mixture of my dad's house and his mother's house.

Some time passed with interacting, at one time helping Laura with some image editing work (looked like 2D isometric map - finished up some changes, stored it in a particular format and was then to share it so that others in the team, elsewhere, could use it), at around the same time boiling something for me to drink, and various small things I don't remember.

Moving about a bit in life along with various members of the team who were there, going places and doing things, though no details that really stand out apart from the below.

One place gone to - more than once, I think - was with Laura, who knew a benevolent being - non-human (possibly a bit like a witch, but less human) but apparently giving and with human personality qualities - named Margathea but when appearing as truly looking like (the same woman, but older and less human) calling herself Margathe`a with a distinction in the way of pronouncing.

They discussed things, and Margathea also (the main thing she gave, which Laura was perhaps there mainly to get) provided food that Laura brought back.

Margathea did not I think intend for me to see her as she was (Laura knew who she were dealing with, I was new to this acquaintance), but I did, and in response showing I had done so mimicked some features of her look, prompting some joking comments where she said to Laura that because, unlike M, I was human, if I'd go that way I'd always (in pretending) be howling at the moon.

They went on discussing, M brought me some snack for which I felt grateful (and showed this in body language, but realized I forgot to say thanks), and they went on discussing. There was an exchange between M and Laura where they were providing a mirror to me regarding my outward behavior and way of interacting with life. M made comments along the line of "But he does not know ...", Laura responding that "He does know", and it being clear that there is a disconnect between what I know and outwardly how I act.

Along with that there was an exchange between me and Laura where I said something about (more accurately, generally) not having opinions, meaning not "feeling" that which people relate if asked about their opinion (happens, though cases limited) - in many cases, I would be stumped, my mind too blank of such content and unable to come up with anything. Laura said something, an analog I don't remember (and not sure if this part makes any sense), about sand and hands, and I responded that having/using opinions the sand would fall through both hands and feet.

The reaction implied that there was something I didn't understand - some issue of context with opinions and there being 'good' kinds of them, I guess, though no idea if this idea is true. (speculation: could be that most people, less detached, are in this way are more actively involved with life in a way I'm not? this being positive so long as one doesn't identify? whereas I'm fairly indifferent to most things and situations in life, apart from inner noise - internal considering, laziness, etc. - that sometimes interferes) Some team member (also there at that moment when the plot needed it) said something about ways of observing oneself apart from The Work (apart from what I know about/from/have read regarding The Work) that they hadn't yet got to sharing.
I just had a nap and dreamt about Laura singing the secret history of the world. :)
I had a pretty strong dream last night with Laura in it. I can't exactly remember what the discussion was about, but the feeling of it being real was strong plus there was a symbol involved. So I thought I'd share this one, fwiw.

Basically, there were ca 10 people sitting with me in a living room talking to Laura, who was sitting opposite to us. I sensed that all of us were meeting Laura for the first time and everyone were pretty excited. I remember thinking/saying that I can't believe that I'm finally meeting you (Laura) face to face, to which she responded something like "Yeah, it's a bit strange to me too. Usually on a Friday afternoon I would be sitting at my computer writing to you on the forum. But it's great to see you all here in person." The atmosphere of the meeting was very warm and it seemed like no one had any worries.

I can't remember what the talk was about, but I remember 'thinking' how surprisingly young Laura looked. It was as if she had become a lot younger. At some point Laura asked us to remember a symbol. She said that this was a symbol that Atreides used in his paintings, as a signature. I don't know why we were supposed to remember this symbol, but the main point was that we should recognize it when we see it. It consisted of the letter 'A', with two of them connected together. Here's that symbol that I saw in this dream:


After this things got strange in the dream. I wanted to know if this was really happening or if this was just a dream. So I started to look at Laura in the eyes, very focused on the thought: "Tell me, is this really you - is this really happening?" And she looked very sharply straight into my eyes (the eyes were black) and told me 'telepathically': "YES, this is very real". I felt a big shock by hearing/realizing this, but I wanted more proof. So I started approaching her, in order to touch her just to see if it would feel real. When I was just about to touch her shoulders, her face sort of 'melted' and a wooden head with black eyes were revealed underneath. That's when I woke up from the dream. My initial thought was: "It was real, but that someone wasn't Laura - someone was trying to fool me!"

Don't know what to make of the dream, or if it's in any way important. However, I have never felt a dream as lucid and real as this one.
Re: Dream about Laura

EmeraldHope said:
I had the most wonderful dream about Laura. I went inside her house and she was sitting on a couch with a book. I asked her what she was doing and she said she was working on the Cass material. I asked if I could watch her. She was writing in the book, but not really writing. What I mean is, when she put the pen over the page, it became animated and lifted up off of the page. It was like in the cartoons when rainbows travel. It was beautiful- a myriad of butterflies, shapes, and music notes. This stream went around the room and out of the front door into the world. Then she said that that wasn't the most important thing she was working on, and asked me if I would like to see what it was. I said yes. She then brought out a huge vase that was very intricate. She said it was the vase for the world.

It was so beautiful I just had to share.

I just read something that instantly made me recall this dream, and it is so very accurate in that regards. I thought I would share here.

THE HERMETIC VESSEL One of the key conditions needed for the success of the alchemical art is a closed and air-tight hermetic vessel, or “container,” which is able to withstand the pressure needed for the transformation and “cooking” of the prima materia. Speaking of the profundity of the alchemical vase, the legendary writer of antiquity Maria Prophetissa says that “the whole secret lies in knowing about the Hermetic vessel.” A vessel of and for the spirit, the alchemical container is no mere physical apparatus, but rather is a mystical idea, a primal image, a genuine symbol expressing something of real value within the very psyche that produced it. The concept and experience of the hermetic vessel develops and emerges out of the unconscious itself as a result of contemplating and thus shedding light on the unconscious.In a mysterious way, the alchemical vase is identical with its contents. The psyche itself IS the mystical hermetic vessel, in that the psyche catalyzes the transformation of the prima materia, is itself the prima materia which is being transformed, and it also is the container in which the transmutation occurs, as well as being the philosophers’ stone that is born out of the work. Feminine in nature, the spacious hermetic vessel is a receptive uterus and matrix of spiritual renewal and rebirth. Jung writes that as the psyche of humanity becomes conscious, “It becomes the divine cradle, the womb, the sacred vase in which the deity itself will be locked in, carried and born.” The hermetic vessel is the expression of the feminine, whose intrinsic and invulnerable power is its spacious nature, which is able to hold space so as to give birth in and to form.The life-giving alchemical container typically is portrayed as having a purifying fire underneath it, symbolizing the heat of introspective, contemplative awareness, which is needed to create sufficient psychological pressure for transformation. If there’s not enough pressure, no transformation takes place. In alchemy, the fire purifies, while simultaneously melting and synthesizing the opposites into a unity. Jung points out that “attention warmed the unconscious and activated it, thereby breaking down the barriers that separate it from consciousness,” allowing its contents to pass between the conscious and unconscious more easily. The alchemists used images of the gentle warmth of a brooding hen incubating her eggs and the baking of bread to symbolize this process. The first was an image of the heat from nature, the second was an image of humanity’s ability to alter nature through the heat of awareness. Jung elaborates, “’Heating’ is necessary; that is, there must be an intensification of consciousness in order that light may be kindled in the dwelling place of the true self.” For the alchemical “work” to be successful, the “heat” generated by the mutual co-operation and cross-fertilization of nature (both terrestrial and celestial), and human art was essential.A “hermetically-sealed” vessel (sealed with the stamp of Hermes, who is related to Mercurius, the two-faced God-image of the alchemists), symbolically speaking, prevents anything extraneous from entering into the operation, as well as stopping un-reflected-upon projections from leaking out into the world. In addition, a hermetically sealed container keeps the flask from “blowing its lid,” which would be symbolic of not being able to “contain” the creative tension and pressure. “Blowing our top” is to become possessed by, and thereby compelled to unconsciously act out primitive, un-integrated, archetypal affects of overwhelming emotion and passion.The alchemical vessel is symbolic of the importance of the psychic comprehension of the Self. We, through our consciousness or lack thereof, play the key role in the creation of the mystical vessel, and hence, ourselves. The multi-dimensional vessel, envisioned as a material substance, symbolizes the realization of divinity reaching down into and transforming matter. Each individual human being is the Holy Grail-like vessel in which God comes to consciousness. We are living, breathing alchemical vessels in flesh and blood, receptacles created and prepared by God for Its transformation and Incarnation. Jung talks about “…man being the retort in which the god is transformed, where he descends into uttermost matter and where the spirit develops out of matter again, carrying with itself all the degrees of existence.”

One of the key conditions needed for the success of the alchemical art is a closed and air-tight hermetic vessel, or “container,” which is able to withstand the pressure needed for the transformation and “cooking” of the prima materia. Speaking of the profundity of the alchemical vase, the legendary writer of antiquity Maria Prophetissa says that “the whole secret lies in knowing about the Hermetic vessel.” A vessel of and for the spirit, the alchemical container is no mere physical apparatus, but rather is a mystical idea, a primal image, a genuine symbol expressing something of real value within the very psyche that produced it. The concept and experience of the hermetic vessel develops and emerges out of the unconscious itself as a result of contemplating and thus shedding light on the unconscious.
[/color]In a mysterious way, the alchemical vase is identical with its contents. The psyche itself IS the mystical hermetic vessel, in that the psyche catalyzes the transformation of the prima materia, is itself the prima materia which is being transformed, and it also is the container in which the transmutation occurs, as well as being the philosophers’ stone that is born out of the work. Feminine in nature, the spacious hermetic vessel is a receptive uterus and matrix of spiritual renewal and rebirth. Jung writes that as the psyche of humanity becomes conscious, “It becomes the divine cradle, the womb, the sacred vase in which the deity itself will be locked in, carried and born.” The hermetic vessel is the expression of the feminine, whose intrinsic and invulnerable power is its spacious nature, which is able to hold space so as to give birth in and to form.

This was last night. I was a teacher in a school, for some reason there was much disorder between the students which were teenagers. I began teaching but there were a rebel student that didn't leave me teach. He was complain aloud about something and I ask him to leave the classroom in a bad manner. During the recess I realize that the school principal was Laura, but she looks different. I expected she quarrel me for the way I treat that student but she supports me. She spoke in perfect spanish.
I noted that Laura doesn't have normal lips, they didn't project from the surface of her face but were at the same level and were very dark, almost brown. Their skin doesn't look very clean with a lot of freckles and sunspots.

The dream bring me to another scene. For some reason Laura invited me to a dinner and she has an big house in the high of a mountain. This was another Laura, more as we know, white and clean skinned. She was driving a car that seems an old convertible. I was sitting in the back part, but this car have a lot of seats, it was almost like a bus- convertible. She drives very very fast and that car had an amazing power, we go like 125 mph by the mountain slope, not by a way. I can see the big house on the top while we arise. But something happened I floated from the car while she was still driving and I noted that in the soil where the car passed there were semi-buried a green scarf, a book and two kind of diaries. I pick them up and went to the house. When I arrived Laura sound a gong like a timber to call the attention of the house residents (because the house was enormous). I enter and told them, I found this in the way home and I believe they are yours. One of them was a Laura's Diary that she have lost or she had forgotten and she was happy when I give it to her. The another diary belonged to a defunct ( I don't know whom) but was for Ark. And there was a book that looked old and very esoteric which title I can't remember but it have in the beginning the word "zendan" or something like that. It seems to be written in German but it also seems latin because remember an "et" in it. The people in the house told something like. "We can't believe this, it was always near the house and we ignore them". the dream finished and I quick forgot the book title and only tried to memorize "zendan". I not 100 % sure the word finished in dan but I am sure it started with "zen".
Two nights ago I dream me also about Laura, but I just remember when I wake up, the sensation of distress because Laura was in danger. I was very sad and very worry. But I think I had this sensation because I am reading now The Wave No.6. So many dangers and adventures! Too bad I don't remember the dream at all. I have to put, me also, a pencil and paper near my bed. :zzz:
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