Leaky Gut Syndrome

Re: French muck: Is this the new penicillin?

Fyi, just started a Facebook group for edible green clays... I looked around, and there wasn't one! If you're on there, come on board. :)

Re: French muck: Is this the new penicillin?

Perceval said:
Gonna give it a go johnny, will report back on the results. Thanks!

So, Perceval, how did it go? Did you notice any beneficial results (or otherwise)?
Gut reactions and the gut

When reading the book 'Detoxification and Healing' this sentence kinda struck me as relevant and started me thinking.
pg 31
The place in the body where germs are least accessible to control by our various immune mechanisms is the intestinal tract, where parasites and the outgrowth of yeasts are the most common provokers of a hypervigilant immune system."

Interesting that the intestinal tract has been described as a major component of the immune system and connected to brain by Sherry Rogers and Mark Hyman . Like if the gut is bad off and not functioning properly, it sets the tone for a lot of things - not taking in nutrients, proper immune function and maybe more. I kind of think of the Intestinal Tract as the lungs of the immune system: detoxification - riding of toxins etc (breathing out) and taking in nutrients etc(breathing in). Also it seems that the intestinal track is a major weak spot in our system or a potential weak spot because of what parasites and bad bugs can do to our whole body system.

Mark Hyman in 'The UltraMind Solution' describes the gut as having a 'mind of its own' and connected and communicating with the brain.
pg 194
We all have had gut feelings. And we know what it is to feel something in our gut. In Japan, the gut is viewed as the seat of the mind and soul. A Japanese business mogul was once asked how he knew whether to do a deal, and he replied, "I swallow it, and if it feels good in my belly, I do it."

Your gut is has a mind of its own...

The "mind" of the gut talks to your brain every day. We are familiar with signals for hunger, or elimination. But a new conversation is being discovered between the gut and the brain, a biodirectional conversation in which the brain speaks to the gut and the gut speaks to the brain.

pg 198
The gut has to be completely in balance for your brain to be in balance. The brain experiences everything that happens in your gut directly through nervous system feedback, immune activity, cytokines, and other assorted mischievous molecules made in your gut.

pg 199
Dr. Michael Gershon, of Columbia University, has called the gut the "second brain." In fact, your gut has a mind of its own, literally. While it is connected to the brain through an extensive network of wiring and communication systems, it is also the only "organ" besides the brain that has its own nervous system.

We call it the ENS, or enteric (or gut) nervous system, as opposed to the CNS, or central nervous system. The small intestine alone has as many neurons as the spinal cord. Ninety-five percent of the body's serotonin (remember, that's the happy mood chemical) is produced by the gut nerve cells, and every class of neurotransmitters found in the brain is also found in the gut.

The question is how does this nervous system below interact with the one above?

The gut brain actually comes from the same embryonic tissue as the "brain" brain. And it is still connected via the autonomic nervous system-the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves.

Acting completely independently, it has a number of important jobs: it keeps everything moving in the right direction from the top down by coordinating of muscle cells; it triggers the gut hormones and enzymes to be released from cells to promote digestion; it helps keep the blood flowing so that when you absorb your food it can get to where it needs to go, and it controls the immune and inflammatory cells in the gut.

All that happens in the background and is communicated back up to your brain via the autonomic nervous system. Think of it as two independent, but interdependent, businesses that must coordinate and communicate but can act independently.

pg 201
The gut immune system "speaks" to the brain, sending messages of inflammation, which increases levels of CRF (corticotropin releasing factor) in the hypothalamus (which, in turn, increases stress hormones like cortisol), and changes neurotransmitter levels.

Your gut is talking to your brain. And when these bacteria are involved, the communication isn't good.

From 'Detoxify or Die' by Sherry Rogers where she mentions at least twice that the gut makes up half the immune system, but couldn't find a more complete explanation of the immune system.

pg 80
If you remember nothing else about the gut, remember this: The intestinal lining houses not only half of the immune system for the whole body, but also half of the detoxification system.

But most folks have a hazy concept of what the immune system involves because we cannot see it, we can't operate on it or cut it out or transplant it. But we also cannot live without it, for it is our police force that protects us from invading bugs, cancer cells and toxins. If it fails, we have infection. [...] All disease have aspects of immune dysfunction. Furthermore, half of the immune system for the entire body lies inside the gut lining, which is why gut health is so important to recovery from anything.

In 'Detoxification and Healing' by Baker he talks about the immune system, which I take to equate in large part to the gut or intestinal tract from what Rogers' says, but I haven't tracked down more information.
pg 5
When our immune system detects something, the process is very much like such an unconscious effect of an odor. It all happens, so to speak, beneath the radar of your central nervous system, but it is still a kind of perception that sets your chemistry in motion. So far I have made the point that memory resides in the central nervous and immune systems, which are the home of the body's permanent cells. Now I am saying that the brain and immune system share another function: perceiving the world.

pg 6
Immune function and central nervous function are identical. Each perceives and each remembers. We use the word recognition with equal comfort in describing activities (perception and memory) shared by the brain and immune system. The only difference, except for anatomy, is the size of the objects we perceive and remember.

pg 8
A "new discipline" of psychoneuroimmunology has grown up around observations linking the function of the brain and psyche with that of the immune system, which had been considered on anatomical grounds to be quite separate. For example, many individuals who have suffered the loss of a loved one undergo a period of immune suppression during the time of their most intense grief. As startling as the connections between the brain and immune system may be for those of us who have based our thinking on anatomy, we should not be surprised to recognize the immune system and brain as a unit if we base our thinking on function.

Next I remembered the book 'Blink' by Malcolm Gladwell that I read awhile ago and found a couple interesting quotes.
pg 11
The part of the brain that leaps to conclusions like this is called the adaptive unconscious, and the study of this kind of decision making is one of the most important new fields in psychology. [...]

This new notion of the adaptive unconscious is thought of, instead, as a kind of giant computer that quickly and quietly processes a lot of the data we need in order to keep functioning as human beings. When you walk out into the street and suddenly realize that a truck is bearing down on you, do you have time to think through all your options? Of course no. The only way that human beings could ever have survived as a species for as long as we have is that we've developed another kind of decision-making apparatus that's capable of making very quick judgements based on very little information.

pg 50-51
When Harrison and Hoving and the Greek experts first confronted the kourus, they experienced waves of repulsion and words popping into their heads, and Harrision blurted out, "I'm sorry to hear that." [...]

Here is Hoving on the art historian Bernard Berenson. "[He] sometimes distressed his colleagues with his inability to articulate how he could see so clearly the tiny defects and inconsistencies in a particular work that branded it either an unitelligent reworking or a fake. In one court case, in fact, Berenson was able to say only that his stomach felt wrong. He had a curious ringing in his ears. He was struck by a momentary depression. Or he felt woozy and off balance. [...]

So my thoughts are that the intestinal tract or gut is a major center for detoxification and the immune system that is connected to the brain. Also the gut seems to have a mind of its own in that it can have reactions or sense things in an unconscious way. This unconscious reaction or gut reaction seems to be a one part of the mechanism to perceive things that are false or are not right. The mind may not make the connection, but the gut body reaction can if it is healthy. The standard western diet messes up the gut, which in turn messes up the immune system, which in turn can mess up brain function, which in turn throws off our whole system of proper perception and reasoning.

I'll have to search the forum, but remember it being mentioned that psychopath can dull our senses or ability to reason - maybe it has to do with the immune system being broken or they dull the mind through soothing any reaction in the mind that would send the sympathetic nervous system into alarm and if the gut/immune system is compromised then we don't get the signal from there either. Also, another thought is getting sick constantly from being around a specific person or feel tired or drained. Laura's description of this feeling about being around Frank after sessions in 'The Wave' comes to mind and can be an indication that something is wrong.

I remembered the C's comment on nutrition from the recent session, so maybe 4D STS plan to take out aspects of our defenses and potential for spiritual growth at a weak spot in the system - the gut.
Laura said:
Session Date: March 28th 2010

(L) Okay, we've got some questions here that people have assembled. The first question is: "Do genetically modified foods affect human DNA?"

A: Yes! Very bad.

Q: (L) Okay. What are the consequences of this disruption in terms of awareness and spiritual growth?

A: Remember Pavlov?

Q: (L) Yeah... So what about Pavlov?

A: Strong dogs can be broken if their health is broken first.

Q: (L) So you're saying that these effects are primarily health-related?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So if your health is compromised, it makes it more difficult for you to achieve any kind of awareness or spiritual growth. Is that it?

A: Yes. Hasn't that always been the case?

Q: (L) So you're saying that health issues, destroying people's health - like even the introduction of wheat and other things that are not conducive to good health - are ways of preventing awareness and spiritual growth?

A: Yes. A long and carefully thought out plan of 4D STS.

I have some other thoughts to work out and research relating to 'tissue memory' or 'muscle memory' and it's late so I'll leave at this.
Re: Gut reactions and the gut

Bear said:
When reading the book 'Detoxification and Healing' this sentence kinda struck me as relevant and started me thinking.
pg 31
The place in the body where germs are least accessible to control by our various immune mechanisms is the intestinal tract, where parasites and the outgrowth of yeasts are the most common provokers of a hypervigilant immune system."

Interesting that the intestinal tract has been described as a major component of the immune system and connected to brain by Sherry Rogers and Mark Hyman . Like if the gut is bad off and not functioning properly, it sets the tone for a lot of things - not taking in nutrients, proper immune function and maybe more. I kind of think of the Intestinal Tract as the lungs of the immune system: detoxification - riding of toxins etc (breathing out) and taking in nutrients etc(breathing in). Also it seems that the intestinal track is a major weak spot in our system or a potential weak spot because of what parasites and bad bugs can do to our whole body system...

Speaking of the gut and colon in particular is the following from thedoctorwithin website (Tim O'Shea) - well written.

Journey to the Center of Your Colon

This chapter has a few specific applications:

1. for those who have reached that certain crest between self-loathing and self esteem where they can no longer endure the condition of their body and are prepared to do whatever it takes to reverse the tide

2. for those who have begun a nutrition or supplement program with no results, or else may have reached a plateau in their progress.

3. for those with long term allergies which years of shots and pills have not cured

4. for those who suspect that they’re not eliminating normally

5. for those who have been diagnosed with one of the following dead-end labels:

Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Spastic Colon
Crohn’s Disease
Chronic Colitis
Leaky Gut Syndrome
Regional Ileitis
Esophageal Reflux
Malabsorption Syndrome
Candida albicans
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

This is not a discussion for the improvement of the above conditions. We’re talking about resolution: the return to normal operation of the systems. If 1-4 above apply to you, and you grasp the principles cited in the medical sources at the end of this chapter, your problems may well be over.

Many doctors have noted the pivotal importance of the colon in the body’s health, from the ancients to the moderns. Physicians from ancient Rome and Greece felt that “death begins in the colon.” (Hippocrates) These healers regarded the colon as a life-center of the body – one of its most important organs.

The colon’s importance seems often to be glossed over and patronized by today’s mainstream approach, in which the colon is thought of simply as the body’s sewer, without regard for its many critical, dynamic biologic functions. Consequently, rates of death from colon cancer are at an all time high in our country’s history. Colon cancer is now the #3 cancer in the U.S.

The above list of “diseases” are experienced today in epidemic proportions, and with standard treatment are almost never cured.

The irony is that to return to a normal state is simplicity itself. The biggest obstacle seems to be finding that out.

Let’s begin with some

The digestive tract can be thought of as a long tube from one end to the other. Food goes in one end; waste exits the other. The tube is divided into sections we know:

Small intestine
Large intestine

The large intestine is also called the colon.

That’s the whole tube, top to bottom. It’s important to remember one odd fact: the inside of the tube is still considered the outside of the body. No misprint. The food sitting there in your intestines is still outside the body. Reason: it hasn’t been absorbed into the bloodstream yet.

Let’s follow a grape through the tube.

You pop the grape into your mouth. Chewing releases the grape’s enzymes, which are going to help break it down into its component parts.

You swallow the chewed grape. It goes down the esophagus and ends up in the stomach. There the grape gets churned around some more, and has some of the body’s digestive juices break it down further. After about an hour of this, the stomach spits the chewed grape particles into the next section of the tube, the small intestine.

The small intestine is about 22′ long. After more enzymes are added, this is when the grape particles first get inside the body. Happens like this: the inside of the small intestine is lined with a velvety layer of tiny fingerlike projections called microvilli. It’s kinda like a microscopic version of one of those pieces of mattress foam rubber with the bumps on it. The microvilli increase the absorptive surface area of the colon to the size of a football field. Absorption of the nutrients contained in the grape particles happens through the microvilli. The nutrients are passing from the inside of the small intestine through the intestine wall, into the bloodstream.

After several hours of giving the small intestine enough chance to absorb all nutrients, the undigested waste, whatever’s left over of the grape that wasn’t absorbed, gets moved along and propelled into the final section of the tube: the colon.

The colon is a muscular tube about six feet long. All along the walls are infoldings called haustrae, which mark off sections of the colon.

By the end of adolescence, the passage through the colon should be about two inches in diameter. Adolescents should have little trouble eliminating, because the process of undigested layers of waste sticking to the lining of the colon wall is not that advanced. With an unrestricted diet high in rancid fats and excess protein, the inside passageway gradually becomes smaller and smaller, requiring more force to push everything through. Straining at stool is an obvious sign of a blocked colon and is not normal.

Elimination should be effortless, no matter what the person’s age. Producing rabbit pellets with great effort is a sign of serious obstruction, as well as a toxifying lifestyle. Adolescents who are educated to eat lots of raw live foods may never experience the buildup of sludge layers at all.

Here we see the distinction between average and normal:

The average American teenager has a bad diet and little dietary advice, eating about 125 grams of protein a day with about 25 grams being sufficient. The normal American teenager – about as rare as finding an honest man in Congress – likely has been shown what to eat for optimum health, and knows the indigestibility of and absence of nutrients in most foods available in the cafeteria.

There are three primary reasons for rotting food persisting in the digestive tract:

1. We kill our friendly bacteria
2. Acidification of the body decreases enzyme production
3. Mucoid plaque in the intestinal lining halts peristalsis

Let’s do them one at a time.


Wrongly described as the body’s sewer, the colon is actually buzzing with life activity. Millions of friendly bacteria are hard at work in the colon. Their job is the final stage of digestion, leaving only what is absolutely of no use to the body to be eliminated. The friendly bacteria, weighing as much as three pounds in the normal colon, more than 400 species, also function to keep bad bacteria in check. (Shahani) It seems that most bacteria in the world and in the body are actually beneficial to our health. Bacteria are the janitors of the world, disposing of decaying and diseased cells. Think of a beach with no bacteria. What would happen to all those dead fish that wash up there? Wouldn’t be much of a Club Med spot, that’s certain.

How do the friendly bacteria, called probiotics, keep the bad bacteria in check? Well, think of a crowded theatre. You walk in, and there’s no place to sit; all the seats are taken. So you can’t stay. Same thing with bacteria. There’s only a certain number of “seats” in the colon. If they’re all taken by friendly bacteria, then there’s no chance for the bad bacteria to set up shop and start to duplicate themselves. According to most researchers, like Simon Martin, normal probiotics should be more numerous than the cells of the intestinal lining itself.

Here’s why probiotics are so important. Normal people generally have some cancer cells, Candida yeast, E. coli, staphylococcus, strep, and any number of other potentially bad organisms you can think of in their tract most of the time. But they don’t get any disease. Researchers know, for example, that 50% of men over age 75 actually have prostate cancer, found on autopsy, but only 2% die from it. Why? The body encapsulated the cancer: limited and controlled its growth, walled it off. The discoverer of the HIV virus himself, Dr. Luc Montagnier, said that HIV alone cannot cause AIDS. (The Coming Plague) Depressed immune environment is also necessary. Same with Candida or most other bacteria; normally they’ll be held in check by sufficient friendly bacteria. E. coli is actually a probiotic when held in check by normal friendly flora. It’s only when the friendly probiotic bacteria get killed off that the potentially bad organisms get a chance to get a foothold and take over. The bad bugs are then called opportunists.

So probiotics (friendly bacteria) are extremely important. The whole key is balance. Problem is, our friendly bacteria are constantly being killed off. How? Same culprits as cited in the ALLERGIES chapter:

antibiotics we take

antibiotics given to the animals whose meat we eat

antacids, like Zantac, Tagamet, Prilosec, etc.

NSAIDs, like Advil, Tylenol, Excedrin, Motrin, etc.

other prescription and over the counter medications

white sugar

carbonated drinks


chlorinated water

fluoridated water


Without friendly probiotics, the final stage of digestion can’t take place in the colon. Debris rots in there. Opportunistic bacteria and Candida albicans start taking over. Bernard Jensen, on the relation between the bad bacteria and the undigested food:

“…bacteria and viruses, which are cell scavengers, are not there for lack of something better to do. They’re there because there is malnourished, enzyme-depleted, diseased, and necrotic tissue. Functioning as nature’s biological sanitation department, they must break down and eliminate the sick tissue to prevent further poisoning of the body. If you stop their action, you allow continuous poisoning by the decaying tissue.”
– Empty Harvest p 113

Jensen makes a point here that should not be missed. He’s talking about rotting food in the colon as well as diseased living cells of the colon itself, both attracting bacteria. It’s an identical situation in the two separate instances:

* Undigested food in the colon

* Bacterial infection in a diseased organ of the body (the colon)

In neither case are the bacteria causing illness. They are trying to prevent illness by breaking down the dying tissue. Whether it’s rotting yogurt in a blocked colon, a dead coyote in the forest, or infected liver cells in the body of an alcoholic, bacteria are just doing what they do best: cleaning up. When the bacteria are “diagnosed” as the cause of the illness, rather than a sign of the illness, the medical approach is to try and kill them. But that’s like killing the garbagemen. The garbage remains. Understanding such a simple concept is pivotal in arriving at a holistic outlook toward health.

Chronically undigested food is often present in quantities too great for any bacteria to scavenge. The debris then becomes plastered onto the inside lining of the colon, eventually making it smooth and shiny, like the inside of a new shotgun barrel. When this happens, absorption is blocked. (Rogers)


This is a bit technical, so don’t feel bad about skipping it. It involves pH. That means acid/base balance. You know, like soap is basic or alkaline, and oranges are acidic. Now in the body certain places only operate correctly if they’re at exactly the right pH. The stomach lining for example has to be alkaline in order to counteract the acidic digestive enzymes. Otherwise we’d constantly be burning holes in the stomach lining. All phases of digestion are totally dependent upon a delicate acid/base balance.

The problem is, most foods in the Standard American Diet – Big Mac, fries, coke, pizza, etc. are acid-forming. That means they lower the pH of the body: too acid. The balance is disrupted: many enzymes can’t operate. Digestion is inhibited: food sits there and rots.

A sixteen ounce bottle of Coke has a pH around 2. Very acidic. To bring the pH back up to our normal 7.3, we would have to dilute the Coke with about ten gallons of water. But we don’t usually drink ten gallons of water after every Coke. So how does it work?

The blood must maintain a pH between 7.3 and 7.45. (Guyton). If not, we die. With all the acid foods we keep eating, the body tries desperately to keep its pH within the range. The first things it tries are buffering with bicarbonates in the blood and lungs. (Guyton, p 392) Next, the body begins to sweep the extra acids into the tissues, especially muscles and joints. That’s what lactic acid buildup comes from. If that’s still not enough, as a final effort to keep from acidifying, the body will actually precipitate acids out of solution, in the form of solid crystals and salts. This is the exact mechanism of gallstones, kidneys stones, uric acid crystals, plaque, and cholesterol crystals. A built-in protection for self preservation. We think of these stones as major medical problems, but in reality it’s just a sign that the body’s systems are functioning as they should. Otherwise we’d be dead of acidosis.

So what happens to the colon from an over-acid diet? In a word, enzymes. Or rather, lack of enzymes. Enzymes are necessary to break down and digest food. If the environment is too acid, the enzymes in the stomach and small intestine don’t work very well. By the time it gets to the colon, everything that was supposed to be digested should have already had it happen. But it hasn’t. So the undigested food gets dumped into the colon. There are no digestive enzymes in the colon. So the food just sits there and rots.

Now, minerals can only be absorbed at a certain pH. And minerals are a necessary component of enzyme formation. So it’s a vicious circle: acidification of the body causes decreased minerals, which cause decreased enzyme production, which causes the food to rot in the tract. Which further blocks absorption of water, nutrients, and minerals. Downward spiral.

Absorption. Another critical job of the colon is electrolyte reabsorption and water reclamation back into the bloodstream, so we’re not constantly losing them. Electrolytes are important minerals, like sodium and potassium which conduct electrical charge through the body. They are necessary for normal cell function. The idea is for the body to maintain as much water, sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium as possible, for maximum conservation. Remember, we’re almost 70% water. The colon is the logical place for this reabsorption to happen since it’s the last portion of the tube.

In the sick human, the colon is blocked. Water and electrolytes don’t get reabsorbed. Where do they go? Out. The body loses water, general dehydration, cell death, premature aging, kidney destruction, spilling of electrolytes, blood thickening, the whole enchilada of downward health then follows. Blocked absorption alone is enough to slowly kill you.


Mucoid plaque is a term used by many holistic doctors and researchers to describe the uniform rubbery layers of mucous and rotting food which compact themselves year after year along the entire length of the digestive tract. (Anderson)

Peristalsis is the normal rhythmic muscular action of the intestine to push food down and outward, out of the body.

Mucoid plaque is formed as the intestine keeps producing mucous as a normal response to an irritant: undigested food. Food is not supposed to just sit there and rot. We’re only supposed to store three meals (Jensen.) But most Americans store nine, twelve, or even more meals before one comes out. This increased transit time is irritating to the intestinal lining. Mucous is not powerful enough to move the toxic, enzymeless sludge of Taco Supremes and Curlie Fried Onion Rings with ketchup. But the body keeps on valiantly trying, and more and more mucous is constantly being produced. Eventually the mucous becomes matrixed with the most indigestible elements, like trans fatty acids from the Barbecue and Sour Cream chips. And it goes on day after day, week after week, month after month, etc. And the layers get thicker and harder and the colon grows in diameter. And we absorb less and less nutrients and we lose more and more water and minerals.

Want to discover your own transit time? Try this simple test: eat something you usually don’t eat that will be easily identifiable when it comes out. Frozen corn, peanuts, and pistachios are some good examples. Simply note the time from when you eat the markers to the time when you see them leaving. That’s your transit time, at least of the matter that is not cemented to the colon walls.

The intestinal walls contain long muscles whose job it is to keep things moving along. These muscles gradually become overstretched and weakened by the pressure of too much waste pushing against them, expanding outward, like blowing up a long thin balloon. Thus peristalsis – the normal wavelike muscular motion of the colon – is further inhibited and blockage is again promoted.

Mucoid plaque blocks inflow and outflow, resulting in lack of nutrient, water, and electrolyte absorption, as well as retention of toxic putrefaction in balloon-like blocked outpocketings of the intestine. In addition, pathogenic bacteria, parasites, and Candida thrive in the mucoid plaque layer and are actually protected by it from prescription or natural herbal remedies and efforts to remove them. Researchers refer to the mucoid plaque as a “culture medium” for these organisms. (Forstner)

Mucoid plaque is described as a natural response to an unnatural stimulus. It is a necessary protection the body produces to try and shield itself from poisons. Mucoid plaque is a product of the constant production of mucous by the glycocalyx lining cells, brought on by the modern American diet of fake, empty, processed, chemical-laden, hormone-laced, antibiotic-soaked foods. Many doctors have noted that when the plaque can be removed by a cleanse, remission from virtually any disease may result. Simple cause and effect.

Mucoid plaque has been definitely linked to gastric cancer by the simple mutation of the lining cells – metaplasia. (Sipponen, Filipe) No big surprise here – cell damage is caused by inflow/outflow blockage, and after a certain time, mutation occurs. Another mechanism is that the constant secretion of mucous captures the toxins, but since normal transit is blocked, the toxins become locked in one location, often for years, resulting in irritation and eventual cell mutation. The cells steep in their own wastes, month after month.

In a lecture in San Jose California on 26 Sep 98, Dr. Richard Anderson told the story of one of his patients who underwent the cleanse in Hawaii a few years ago. The patient was passing long strands of the rubbery mucoid plaque, some over 20 feet in length! Fascinated, the patient hung the strands over his clothesline in the back yard. He then took a length of the plaque, and packaged it in a box to send to the mainland to prove what happened to him. He mailed the package at the local post office in Hawaii.

A few days later, two serious-looking officials in ATF windbreakers knocked on the patient’s door and asked him if he had sent such and such a package to such and such an address. The patient said yes, and asked what was the problem. They answered that the post office has dogs that sniff out all packages mailed off the island, and that one of them had become very excited about this package. The patient asked what were the dogs trained to detect. Only two things, came the answer: drugs and explosives. Which dog was it? The one for explosives. The patient was incredulous, especially when he recalled that he had worked with munitions some 25 years ago, and his job was to handle explosives! He explained the detox cleanse to the two agents and they were satisfied. This story illustrates the power of a such an intestinal cleanse: the body had retained these strong toxins in the mucoid plaque lining of the colon, stored in a concentration powerful enough to be detected by dogs through the layers of wrapping of a sealed package some 25 years later!

Of course it’s anecdotal, but Anderson has been doing this for 15 years and has cleansed several thousand patients. He has amassed a ton of clinical data, but not through double blind studies. (Only drugs require double blind studies.) The rubbery mucoid plaque layer seals in toxins and prevents absorption of water and nutrients. Toxic sludge promotes proliferation of pathological bacteria and yeasts, like Candida.

Now for the bad news.

There’s another separate demon at work in the blocked colon. His name is


Here’s how he works: The sludge that’s stopping up the works is undigested food. Undigested means rotting: putrefying, fermenting, going rancid. Proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, respectively. Want to see what that looks like? Leave some meat, some french fries, and some bread out on the counter for a week. A blocked colon can be even worse, because of the time frame involved: in many people the sludge sits in the colon for weeks or even longer. The colon walls are normally very well sealed in order to protect the body against reabsorbing the waste that is about to be eliminated. It’s a sophisticated design, set up to allow water and electrolytes back into the body, but no toxic poisons. Stay with me now. In long-term buildup of undigested food in the colon, eventually a situation emerges that doctors call Leaky Gut Syndrome.

Essentially what’s happening is that the sludge has built up so much blockage that the inner membranes of the colon develop leaks. Some of the toxic debris is forced through the walls of the colon, along with the water and electrolytes, back into the bloodstream. Hence, the name autointoxication: you’re poisoning yourself.

Once in the bloodstream, the undigested debris, now a foreign irritant, can take up residence in any organ or tissue it finds room. Chronic inflammation begins, and gradually, degeneration of that organ. Here are some of the diseases that such a sequence can cause:

Chronic Allergies
Kidney disease
Blinding headaches
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Multiple Joint Pain Syndrome
Autoimmune Disorders
Candida albicans

to name just a few. This list is taken from an article by Leo Galland, MD who has done extensive research in this area of hyperpermeability, as illustrated by the list of over 150 references at the end of the article.

It’s funny, when people with average intelligence first hear about Leaky Gut Syndrome, they usually understand it right away because it seems logical. Very often, it is the nutritionists, dieticians, and doctors who seem more apt to question the existence of hyperpermeability, or Leaky Gut Syndrome. Even though there has been years of copious research in the best medical journals thoroughly documenting its characteristics and nature, Leaky Gut Syndrome is not commonly taught as part of the medical curriculum, or the abbreviated curriculum presented to nutritionists and dieticians. Many of these people therefore conclude that since they got their degrees without hearing about hyperpermeability or Leaky Gut Syndrome, it must not exist! Very curious.

Dr. Galland suffers from no such illusion. He traces the physiology of how large molecules of the “toxic/antigenic load” (undigested sludge) work their way through the intestinal walls and are first introduced into the liver before they are available to the bloodstream. Dr. Galland describes the “high cost” of the liver’s detox work: creation of free radicals and other “reactive intermediaries” which themselves may be passed into the bloodstream if the toxic burden becomes too great for the liver’s defenses. Here we see the particulars of autointoxication, not just some New Age literary musings. Dr. Galland points out the wide range of pathological conditions, listed above, which may come about exactly through this mechanism. Very sophisticated markers have been devised which can measure the toxins that “leak” into the body. (S. Martin)

Jensen has an axiom that the disease is named by where the toxins finally settle.

Candida albicans, the opportunistic yeast, can be both a cause and a result of Leaky Gut Syndrome. Once Candida gets a foothold in the gut, it puts down “roots” through the gut wall, causing openings through which large molecules and toxins can leak. Candida cells can themselves be introduced into the bloodstream in this same fashion. (Simon Martin)

Sherry Rogers MD, implicates Leaky Gut Syndrome as a primary cause for autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus. She says such conditions can be the result of the

“formation of auto-antibodies due to leaking of body tissue look-alike antigens…”


Let’s talk propulsion for a minute. Normal elimination involves rhythmic contraction of the muscles in the colon wall, to push the waste outward. Again, this natural, wavelike motion is called peristalsis.

It is normal to eliminate two or more times per day. Transit time: how much time between food in and waste out. Normal transit time is less than 24 hours. This means that only two or three meals should be in transit throughout the digestive tract at a time. Today’s breakfast IN pushes yesterday’s breakfast or lunch OUT. Toxic fecal matter is supposed to totally leave the body in one day, not hang around to toxify. That’s the design. Many people you know have been brought up to think that it is normal to eliminate only once every two or three days. Or even longer. That means they are storing NINE meals or more in the tract at all times. The waste from nine meals or more is always inside them.

Want to track your transit time? Use a marker; corn perhaps. Time it.

The problem is that the longer the food is in the colon, the more it begins to rot and toxify the body. Modern soft foods and empty junk foods have greatly increased transit time, for two reasons:

1. They are indigestible
2. They lack fiber

The colon thus becomes a breeding ground for pathological bacteria whose toxic byproducts further add to the totality of biochemical poisons. All this yuk is then available to be reabsorbed into the bloodstream, because of Leaky Gut Syndrome. From the chapter on Allergies, you’ll remember that means hyperpermeability of the gut wall: stuff gets through into the bloodstream which shouldn’t get through, because of the destruction of the cells of the colon’s lining. Large molecules of rotting fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, which also may drag along with them the toxic wastes of the pathological bacteria that have been breeding in the putrid sludge, all this can leak through into the bloodstream. From there the toxins have access to every cell in the body. Getting the image?

Let’s make it worse. Let’s hypothesize a lot of indigestible chips and margarine into the mix. No enzymes. Less than one glass of water per day. That’s right – we’re making cement here. Solid compacting of unmetabolizable sewage, daily pasted and encrusted in ever-thickening layers along the inside folds, the haustrae, of the colon. Mucoid plaque. Think the inside diameter of that shotgun barrel is getting bigger, or smaller year by year?


The colon is fabulously extensible: it can expand up to five times its normal size when stuffed. Surgeons report expanded colons up to 12 inches in diameter, with a central opening the size of a pencil! (Tissue Cleansing p. 27) Technicians who measure percent body fat on patients day after day begin to notice an odd fact: many people with almost normal body fat readings have enormous abdomens. Pregnant trucker Santa Clauses with skinny legs. Reason: it’s not fat. It’s a monster colon, packed with sludge to five times of its normal size, expanding outward. (Rich. Anderson) Actually makes sense – if it were otherwise, many people would be dead in their 20s because the colon walls would become so layered with sludge that there would be no passageway left for elimination. The colon would simply close up.

Doing sit-ups? Trying to flatten that lower abdomen, and you aren’t really overweight? But it won’t get flat, right? It isn’t fat. Most likely it’s rotting food in the colon. How’s the elimination? Transit time?

In his fascinating book, Cleanse and Purify, Dr. Richard Anderson cites his encounter with one medical doctor who did not want to be identified. This doctor, after hearing Anderson’s lecture about mucoid plaque and expanded toxic colons, told the audience:

“I have spent twelve years working in the field of post-mortem diagnosis. I have seen many thousands of dissected cadavers. What Rich is telling you is the absolute truth. Everybody has it in there. We have a way of attaching a hose to the upper intestines and with the aid of powerful chemicals, we literally blow the stuff right out of the intestines. I have seen the heavy ‘beer belly’ and so called fat people lose all that bulk in five minutes. It wasn’t fat. It was the mucoid layer that Rich was talking about. and in that filthy substance we see all sorts of worms, bacteria, fungi, and many unidentifiable things. It is almost unbelievable that people can live with that filth in them. All these people were dead of course, and it wasn’t hard to see why.”

(Anderson p2-46)

Probably won’t read a story like that in any of the popular press.

The noted surgeon, Dr. Harvey Kellogg, of the Kellogg Sanitarium in Battle Creek Michigan, whose experience was with the colons of living subjects, agreed:

“Of the 22,000 operations that I have personally performed, I have never found a single normal colon. Of the 100,000 that were performed under my jurisdiction, not over 6% were normal.”

Dr. Kellogg estimated that over 90% of the “diseases of civilization” were due to a blocked and non-functioning colon.

- cited in Iridology: the Science and Practice p 408

If “normal” people can have up to 22 lbs of undigested food in the colon, how much can the Beef Barbecue Buddhas be carrying? 50 lbs? 100? The imagination reels.

A little more plumbing, now. The colon begins in the lower right abdomen, goes up toward the head about 8 inches or so and then makes a right angle straight across the upper abdomen over to the left side. Then it angles downward again, and then out. Trace this path with your finger. OK. The section of the colon that traverses straight across from one side to the other is known as the Transverse Colon.

Gastroenterologist researchers now know that in the stuffed and expanded transverse colon, the horizontal section, the extra weight is enough to make it prolapse, or fall down, so that it is lying atop organs that it normally wouldn’t be in contact with, like the bladder, the uterus, the prostate, or the ovaries. Dr. Stephen Chang at the University of California has now shown that combining the effects of Leaky Gut Syndrome with a collapsed colon can actually be the mechanism for toxification, infection, and disease of any organ that is now touching this leaking, sagging toxic tube. (Ross Anderson) Obviously it would be an ineffective waste of drugs to treat these new infections in isolation, as long as the process of autointoxication continues, wouldn’t you say?

Another common condition is


Intestinal reflux, gastric reflux, esophageal reflux – who cares? All the same idea. The pipes are backed up. You start eating and you’re already full. Stomach juices back up and burn the delicate lining of the esophagus. Heartburn. Classic misdiagnosis: hiatal hernia, which is something rare and completely different and unrelated. Reflux is much more common and easily explained, in light of the empty, toxic, indigestible American diet we teach our children. When the overall pressure can be relieved by a colon cleanse, transit returns and reflux is no more. Reflux never was the underlying problem. Like the rest of them, reflux was just a sign of the problem: blocked pipes.

You’re getting a lot of information here, more than most doctors want to think about. The medical attitude toward the colon generally takes the Sewer View. Much simpler to deal with: laxatives which force the most recent contents out by introducing a corrosive irritant drug into the bowels. But the cemented sludge remains. Some 44 million Americans depend on laxatives for elimination. With $23 billion a year in antibiotics (see chapter) being given to American patients, concern for normal flora repopulation doesn’t get much airplay either.

The view of the colon as a living, breathing, active, vital organ is probably not something you’re going to hear about at your next HMO visit. Corrosive laxatives may bring a day or two of relief, but the underlying condition persists. Antibiotics may kill all the bacteria for awhile, but why were the bad bacteria there in the first place? Rotting food. And what about the friendly bacteria also killed off by the antibiotics? Who’s gonna do their job? No one.

Then there’s the standard drugs most internists use. One of the most common is Prilosec. As we saw in the chapter on Enzymes ENZYMES, Prilosec is a powerful inhibitor of HCl (hydrochloric acid.) The reasoning goes something like this: the patient has tremendous burning gut pain and bad digestion and elimination. Must be too much stomach acid. So Prilosec turns off the stomach acid and the burning stops. For today. But guess what else stops. Digestion. Without HCl, protein doesn’t get broken down, and it sits there and rots, further contributing to the toxic build-up and cess-pooling. This is called treating the problem by harming the patient.

With reflux, clearing the colon takes the pressure off the lower part of the GI tract, allowing room for the contents of the small intestine and the stomach to move downward. No more splashing acids into the esophagus. It’s simple plumbing. But natural cures are always overlooked if they interfere with drug sales.

Another drug – Propulsid – supposedly works by forcing the impacted food out of the intestines. Unfortunately, so many people have died of heart failure from it, that is was scheduled to be taken off the market after 6 months, which would be Aug 2000. (Rubin) [That's standard procedure. Even though the FDA knows people are dying from a drug, they keep it on the market for up to a year to allow the drug companies to recover some of their investment!]

In the colon, the layers of compacted inner cement prevent reabsorption of water and electrolytes, as well as the return of normal flora activity. Dehydration and indigestion ensue. The toxic debris begins to irritate and inflame the delicate mucosal cells of the inner lining. Aspirin, Motrin, and Tylenol further aggravate the lining. (Rogers)

Chronic inflammation of the colon’s inner lining – colitis – is epidemic. It is a precursor to cancer. Many patients have found that after detoxing the colon and getting rid of rotting wastes that have been in there for weeks or months, suddenly their colitis is history!


is now the third most common cancer in America. Simple mechanism: blockage of inflow and outflow by rotting sludgy plaque. Surface lining cells swim in toxins day in day out, then weeks and months. Can’t get nutrients, can’t get rid of wastes. That about covers it for cell needs.

Colon cancer has also long been linked directly to the chlorination of municipal drinking water. (See Water chapter.) The mechanism is simple: chlorine sterilizes the colon by killing off the normal friendly bacteria which should live there. A 1989 report from Oak Ridge Associated Universities showed definite correlation between increased cancer incidence and fifteen years of chlorine in Denver’s drinking water. (Eco-Update)

With no flora, sludge builds up and the delicate epithelial cells of the colon lining become packed with toxic decaying waste. Same scenario: the cells can’t perform the two necessary functions of every living cell – nutrition and waste removal. Many cells die, but other simply mutate. That’s what cancer is: altered, or mutated, cells.

Sections of the colon can collapse and become very narrow, like ribbons, easily blocked with hardened waste. This creates a condition called Crohn’s Disease, and the narrow sections are called strictures. Extreme force is then necessary to propel waste past these blocked narrow passageways. Between the narrowed sections, outpocketings of toxic poisons can then balloon out, due to lack of normal transit of wastes. These pockets are very hospitable environments for bad bacteria and parasites to set up shop. Imagine the potency of by-products given off by pathological bacteria who are themselves feeding off toxic sludge. Autointoxication advances.

A desperate reflex to try and expel the mounting poisonous load commonly results in violent and painful cramping of colon wall muscles – Spastic Colon. The problem is not with the colon. The problem is with the human who keeps poisoning himself.

Resection, or cutting away a problem length of the colon, is a common medical recommendation in the persistent “problem colon” case. Sometimes the impacted waste has become like hard rubber or even calcified like a cement. Laxatives and drugs just won’t do the trick. Standard medical thinking is, when drugs fail, something has to be cut out. The Kragen Method: the body is an automobile. Not a very holistic or long-term outlook, but it pays the bills. And it’s got quite a tradition. Usual result is that the scar tissue which forms after the surgery can soon form as much obstruction as the original undigested cement load.

For colon cancer, resection is routine. Cleansing is not even a medical option at that point. What they’ll never tell you is that one third of all colon resections for cancer end up in recurrence of the cancer later on. (Yamada p 1801) Stands to reason: if you don’t remove the cause of the cancer in the first place – autointoxication – what’s to keep the cancer from returning?

The connection between Leaky Gut and


should now be apparent. Allergy symptoms are one of the signs of autointoxication. Most allergies are food allergies, and Leaky Gut Syndrome is one mechanism and one explanation of that entire process: indigestible food, rotting in gut, leaking into bloodstream, symptoms of allergy. When the doctors “can’t find the cause” of your allergies, here it is. Read the chapter on allergies: The Threshold of Reactivity.

Time for a reality check. The colon should be seen as a life center of the body, in my opinion, not as a sewer. Conserving water and minerals, creating a hospitable environment for the life-promoting probiotic bacteria, and providing an unobstructed path for waste elimination – these are indispensable functions of the colon, and should be the only goals of any treatment program.

Back in the 1920s Nobel Prize laureate Dr. Alexis Carrel began his famous experiment in which he proved that living cells could be kept alive indefinitely by simply controlling the nutrients and waste removal in the surrounding solution. After 28 years, the original chicken liver cells were still alive in the petri dish, and Dr. Carrel’s point was proven. For living cells, there are two main requirements: proper nutrients, and unobstructed elimination of wastes. With a blocked colon, all the body’s cells suffer: autointoxication poisons the entire body, all its tissues, and all its organs. This can be the cause of practically any disease, especially those conditions listed in the pathology books as “cause unknown.” JH Tilden, MD actually went so far as to say that this type of chronic blood poisoning was the only disease. (Toxemia Explained)

That’s a brief overview of how the colon should work. For the majority of Americans, it doesn’t. Death rates from colon cancer have been increasing since 1971. So the other side of the coin is that a clean, unblocked colon can dramatically boost the health of the entire body, allowing the body’s natural defenses to start defending. Disease cannot coexist in a healthy body.

Provided with the preceding information, what kind of shape do you think your colon is in? Impacted? Diagnosed pathology? Pregnant Buddha? Average functioning, but some cement layers suspected? Even the healthiest colons can benefit from periodic roto-rootering.


Colon hydrotherapy when performed by a licensed professional is more than just an enema. My opinion is that its real value is as a jumpstart to cleansing. To get weekly maintenance colonics may not allow the normal proliferation of the body’s own friendly bacteria, because they are always getting flushed out. But to get things moving in the person who has decided to detox and cleanse, colonics can certainly be effective.

Spinal adjustment can have immediate and dramatic effects on colon pathology, especially with Spastic Colon. The nerve plexus through which the brain controls the action of the colon, those nerves exit the spinal cord in between the lumbar vertebrae. The nerves turn the colon ON and OFF. Any spasm is a blocked reflex arc: the OFF switch is stuck. Specific adjustment of the involved vertebra can break the stuck spasm reflex instantaneously, and restore normal function of the colon. No colon diagnosis should ignore this simple biomechanical approach.

Visceral massage by a trained therapist can certainly be temporarily beneficial.

There are a variety of effective natural colon cleanse programs. You won’t find out about them at Kaiser or your HMO. They don’t involve drugs or surgery; therefore insurance doesn’t cover them. Big surprise. There are several effective holistic cleanses, and most are herbal.

The simplest and safest formula that I have tested is an herbal blend called Expel. ( ORDER PRODUCTS ). No corrosives or irritants, with sufficient water intake, these herbs seem to unclog blockages for most people, usually with immediate results. To scrape away all the layers of impacted debris pasted onto the colon walls like stucco – that takes weeks or months. But the patients generally see immediate evidence that they’re working toward that goal with these herbs.

Another cleanse was devised by Dr. Richard Anderson of Mt. Shasta, California, who also has a detox clinic in Mexico. Dr. Anderson’s focus is to remove the Mucoid Plaque, the thin rubbery layer of old hardened mucus from the entire length of both the small and large intestines. Mucoid Plaque is well-documented in dozens of medical citations given throughout Dr. Anderson’s book.


Garrett, Laurie — The Coming Plague— 1996 Penguin New York

Parrilli, G— “Changes in intestinal permeability to lactulose induced by cytotoxic chemotherapy” —Cancer Treat Rep 1982Jun;66(6):1435-1436

Haubrich, WS— “The ebb and flow of gut fluids” — Gastrointest Endosc 1980May;26(s Supple):15-25

Phillips, S— “The gut is a membrane, is a vesicle, is a gut!” — Gut 1987 Jun;28(6):650-2

Dalton, HP— “Etiology of Bacteremia” — Va Med Mon 1071 Dec;98(12):660

Carrel, Alexis, MD— Man, The Unknown— 1939 MacFadden Publications NY

Oak Ridge Associated Universities— “Eco-Update” — Acres USA Apr 1989

Jensen, Bernard — Empty Harvest—Avery, 1990

Jensen, Bernard — Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management 1981

Tilden, JH, MD — Toxemia Explained 1926

Guyton, AC, MD —Textbook of Medical Physiology — 1996 Saunders

Galland, Leo, MD— “Leaky Gut Syndrome: Breaking the Vicious Cycle” — 1995

Martin, Simon— “Intestinal Permeability” — BioMed Newsletter no.11, May 95

Rogers, Sherry MD— Townsend Letter for Doctors– Feb-Mar 1995

Anderson, Richard, ND — Cleanse and Purify — 1998

Yamada, T— Textbook of Gastroenterology– 1991 Lippincott Co.

Forstner, JR “Intestinal Mucins In Health and Disease” Digestion 1978; 17(3) p234

Sipponen, P— “Intestinal Metaplasia With Colonic-Type Sulphomucins in the Gastric Mucosa: Its Association With Gastric Carcinoma” — Acta Pathologica Microbiologica Scandinavia 1980;88 p 217

Filipe, M “Transitional Mucosa” — Histopathology 1984 July; 8(4) p707

Jensen, Bernard — Iridology: The Science and Practice of the Healing Arts — vol.II 1982

Anderson, Ross ND— “The Vibrant Health That You Deserve” — video 1995

Lappe, M PhD —- Against the Grain —Common Courage– 1998.
Re: Gut reactions and the gut

Thanks LQB. I think that's the clearest and most concise thing I've read that talks about gut function (other than not talking about what Baker and Hyman are referring to in terms of the immune system and second brain aspect)
Re: Gut reactions and the gut

Bear said:
Thanks LQB. I think that's the clearest and most concise thing I've read that talks about gut function (other than not talking about what Baker and Hyman are referring to in terms of the immune system and second brain aspect)

Me too! And it certainly makes the case for just about everyone to get a good cleanse "under the belt".
Re: Gut reactions and the gut

I read this session way back on the subject parasitical infestation and one of the many food items one could contract this disease. The biggies, most used in society because of the convenience and be prepared, were lunch meats, hot dogs, sausage, salami, little smokies, (cocktail sausage size of the tip of the finger from the knuckle up) etc. .

And about that time there were a few programs of meat pack house whistle blowers video documenting the conditions in slaughter houses. They revealed the condition's as disgustingly deplorable. It gave real clue how easy it was to become contaminated with parasitical attack.
I have an example of what in a processed cold cut of (Cotto Salami is made with beef hearts ground up heart organs from cows) lunch meat. Cold cuts have always been a covenant snack when I was growing up.
I Remember having been packed a lunch (as a child for school and everyone had one) in the morning that sat at room temperature till lunch, about fours. LQB brings up a great reminder of the destructive properties of this disease and I thought would bring in the session on the subject as few pictures. Good job LQB, and Bear!

Mechanically separated chicken
Beef hearts (you gotta love 'em!)
Corn syrup
Contains less than 2% of:
Sodium lactate
Sodium phosphates
Sodium diacetate
Sodium erythorbate (made from sugar)
Sodium nitrite
Soy lecithin
Potassium phosphate
Potassium chloride

An extraordinary variety of viruses, bacteria, parasites, and organisms stand ready to attack us and feed off our bodies' cells. Using microscopes of varying power, photographers show us a tee minmicrobial world that we could barely imagine without their help.

The approximate sizes of microbes can be approximated by using the following rule of thumb:

VIRUSES are the smallest of all infectious agents, averaging about 100 nanometers (100 billionths of a meter) in length. They have so few genes and proteins of their own that in order to reproduce they need to commandeer the machinery of the cells they invade.

BACTERIA vary widely in size and shape, but tend to be at least 10 times larger than viruses, or at least 1 micrometer (1 millionth of a meter) long. They are single-cell organisms that reproduce independently.

SINGLE-CELL ORGANISMS tend to be at least 10 times larger than bacteria, or about .01 millimeter long.

MULTI CELLULAR ORGANISMS are so large they can usually be seen with the naked eye. Tapeworms, for instance, can reach a length of 6 meters (20 feet).

Food and water are the most common sources of parasite and invading organism transmission. Since most of us eat three times a day and drink water frequently throughout the day, our exposure to these sources is constant. Tap water has been found to be contaminated with harmful organisms. Both plant and animal foods carry parasites, and cleaning and cooking methods often do not often destroy them before ingestion. The CDC (Center for Disease Control) cites food as the catalyst behind 80 percent of the pathogenic outbreaks in the U.S. Most are linked to restaurants and delis where less than sanitary conditions exist -- from food preparation and storage to the utensils and servers' hands.

Animals, just like humans, can become infected with parasites and unhealthy organisms. Internally, contaminated water and food can spread the problem to our pets. Externally, animals become infected by organisms on their bodies, especially on their fur, because of exposure to infected animal wastes. Forgetting to wash your hands even one time after handling or cleaning up after your animal can transmit the parasite to you. Pets are a wonderful part of our lives. They provide comfort, companionship, protection, amusement, and unconditional love for their owners. Yet, pets, like humans, are often victims of serious infections that can unintentionally be passed on to their owners. In fact, there is a whole set of diseases classified as 'zoonoses' (animal-transmitted diseases) in parasitology textbooks. Animals are major carriers of harmful organisms, and most physicians, let alone the general public, are seemingly unaware of this fact. Experts have projected that of the 110 million pet dogs and cats in this country, over half may be infected with at least one or more different kinds of harmful organisms. Considering these numbers, the potential for transmission of parasitical invading organism infection from animals to humans is extremely high. Making a parasite cleanse an essential part of an effective health maintenance program for both people and animals alike.

The CDC estimates that the number of parasites present in the United States alone number in the thousands. These harmful organisms are biochemically complex creatures in their life histories, development, reproductive cycles, nutritional requirements, and manifestation. They are categorized according to structure, shape, function, and reproductive ability. These include microscopic organisms (protozoa); roundworms, pinworms, whipworms, and hookworms (nematoda); tapeworms (cestoda); and flukes (trematoda).

Making up approximately 70 percent of all invading organisms, protozoa are invisible to the naked eye. They are one-celled microscopic organisms, but don't let their size fool you. Certain protoans, through their intensely rapid reproductive ability, can take over the intestinal tract of their host; and from there go on to other organs and tissues. Some feed on red blood cells. Some protozoa produce cysts - closed sacs in which they may be safely transported through food and water from one person to another. In the cyst state, protozoans are safe from destruction by human digestive juices. These one-celled 'vampires' can actually destroy the tissues of their hosts. According to experts, an estimated 7 million people across the U.S. have some form of protozoa living inside of them. Common protozoa include: Endolimax nana, Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica, Cryptosporidum parvum, Blastocystis hominis, Trichomonas vaginalis, Toxoplasma gondii, Cyclospora cayetanensis, Cryptosporidium muris, Pneumocystis carinii, Plasmodium malariae, Plasmodium ovale, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium falciparum, Leishmania donovani, Leishmania tropica, and Leishmania braziliensis.

While the protozoans are only single-celled, nematode creatures are multi cellular. The adult worms multiply by producing eggs called ova or larvae. The eggs usually become infectious in soil or in an intermediate host before humans are infected. It is interesting to note that unless the worm infection is heavy, many individuals do not show signs of infestation. While it may be unpleasant to consider, it is true that the human host can coexist quite comfortably with a few worms, unless they reproduce in great numbers and create organ obstruction. Experts claim that 'some type of worm is already in the intestines of over 75 percent of the world's population'. This is a frightening statement. Common nematode include: Roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides), Hookworm (Necator Americanus, Ancylostoma duodenal), Pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis), Roundworm (Toxocara canis, Toxocara cati), Heart worm (Dirofilaria immitis), Strongyloides (Stronglyoides stercoralis), Trichinella (Trichinella spiralis), Filaria (Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi, Onchocerca volvulus, Loa loa, Mansonella streptocerca, Mansonella perstans, Mansonella ozzardi), and Anisakine larvae.

Among the oldest known parasites, tapeworms are considered humanity's largest intestinal inhabitant. They each have a scolex (head) that attaches to the intestinal wall. As long as the head remains attached to the intestinal mucosa, a new worm can grow from it. Tapeworms do not contain digestive tracts but get their nourishment by absorbing partially digested substances from the host. They are whitish in color, flat, and ribbon-like, with a covering that is a transparent skin-like layer. Common cestoda include: Beef tapeworm (Taenia saginata), Pork tapeworm (Taenia solium), Fish tapeworm (Diphyllobothrium latum), and Dog tapeworm (Dipylidium caninum).

Trematode are leaf-shaped flatworms also known as flukes. They are parasitic during nearly all of their life-cycle forms. The cycle begins when larvae are released into freshwater by infected snails. The free-swimming larvae can then directly penetrate the skin of the human host or are ingested after encysting in or on various edible, vegetation, fish, or crustaceans. Common trematode include: Intestinal fluke (Fasciolopsis buski), Blood fluke (Schistosoma japonicum, Schistosoma mansoni) Schistosoma haematobium), Liver fluke (Clonorchis sinensis), Oriental lung fluke (Paragonimus westermani), and Sheep liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica).

July 24, 1999
Q: (A) I would like to know what brought on my drastic and prolonged stomach problem? Was it my fault? (L) Was it the turkey, the vitamins, or what?
A: The potential for food poisoning requires greatly increased awareness on your part. Remember, this is a perfect modus of attack. Wash hands often, be very careful with what you ingest.
Q: (L) I double washed the greens in the salad, the meat was fresh from the deli...
A: Deli meats? In this er
A: verboten!!!
Q: (L) I guess I have to cook everything myself. No more prepared foods.
A: There is currently a huge problem there. But why? Ignorance feeds opportunity for experimentation. If ever needed, many could be eliminated this way. After all, how ignorant the populace!
Q: (L) I thought it was the turkey. It wasn't the greens or the dressing. But, I had them slice it from a fresh roast. (F) There is a LOT of this sort of thing happening. It's in the news all the time. It is getting worse and worse and more and more frequent. (A) How can we be sure that our water is okay?
A: R.O.
Q: (L) Yes, we have an R.O. water filter. (F) Yes, when you have the combination of a water softener and a reverse osmosis purifier, there is very little chance that you will have any contaminants in your water, even if it is deliberately put into the water. There was an article today about a local well that had high levels of radiation. I don't think the R.O. will filter that, however. (L) Essentially, we are living in dangerous times. (F) Yes, what an easy way to eliminate people by putting things in the food or water. (A) One more health question. What is this blister that both of us have?
A: Germ.
Q: (L) A germ?
A: Yes, but mild.


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Re: Gut reactions and the gut

M.A.O. said:
I read this session way back on the subject parasitical infestation and one of the many food items one could contract this disease. The biggies, most used in society because of the convenience and be prepared, were lunch meats, hot dogs, sausage, salami, little smokies, (cocktail sausage size of the tip of the finger from the knuckle up) etc. .

Thanks for the reminder MAO - a parasite cleanse is on the list.
Re: Gut reactions and the gut

Just read some info on www.detox.net.au/internal-cleansing-kit-info.htm

Under 'Colon Cleanse' they advise that doing a parasite cleanse before removing the mucoid plaque is NOT recommended because 'the parasites live in the plaque and create small holes which actually allow the body to absorb food through it'.
Re: Gut reactions and the gut

Thx for that article, LQB, just what I needed to read!

Interesting that the digestive tract is technically outside the body, and that it contains half the immune system.
Half our immune system is technically outside our bodies? Seeing it this way makes me think of a strange kind of bacterial gardening.
Re: Gut reactions and the gut

Thanks for some great information, guys!

I only recently started a sort of colon cleanse using Psyllium Hulls (in German: Floh Samen). These small, black, oblong seeds swell when in contact with water and while in the intestines, help remove toxins and waste: a natural way to clean the bowels. 'Picked mine up in a health food store.
Re: Gut reactions and the gut

Bidoche said:
Thanks for some great information, guys!

I only recently started a sort of colon cleanse using Psyllium Hulls (in German: Floh Samen). These small, black, oblong seeds swell when in contact with water and while in the intestines, help remove toxins and waste: a natural way to clean the bowels. 'Picked mine up in a health food store.

You may also want to search the forum for bentonite as an excellent cleanser. (French Muck, Sonne's 7, Montmorillonite)
Re: Gut reactions and the gut

mechanimated said:
Thx for that article, LQB, just what I needed to read!

Interesting that the digestive tract is technically outside the body, and that it contains half the immune system.
Half our immune system is technically outside our bodies? Seeing it this way makes me think of a strange kind of bacterial gardening.
Glad you found it useful - me too. Yes, very intimate bacterial gardening and well-connected to the brain as Jerry pointed out. The liver has close connections with the gut so a series of coffee enemas post colon cleanse seems like a very good idea. I've done 5 CEs now and each one has felt great after - and the liver gets real active during one, making a symphony of noises.
Do You Have Leaky Gut Syndrome?

Leo Galland, M.D.

Practicing physician, author and leader in integrated medicine.
Posted: September 10, 2010 07:00 AM

Because it is something of a mystery disease that can show itself as a bewildering array of other conditions, you could have Leaky Gut Syndrome and not even realize it.

The reason is that Leaky Gut Syndrome is one of the many concepts in medicine that cuts across the boundary lines of specific diseases.

It is a major example of an important medical phenomenon: distress in one organ causes disease in another. That is why it is vital to look beyond the symptoms and discover the root cause of illness.

Conditions that Can Signal Leaky Gut Syndrome

Do you have:

* arthritis
* allergies
* depression
* eczema
* hives
* psoriasis
* chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia?

Then you may also have Leaky Gut Syndrome, because it causes or contributes to these conditions.

That's why getting a better understanding of Leaky Gut Syndrome may help you find a more effective solution to your condition.

I am telling you about Leaky Gut Syndrome because it is a vitally important, but often undiagnosed, condition that is key to recovering from many illnesses and regaining robust good health.

An Integrated Approach to Leaky Gut Syndrome

I've been evaluating patients for Leaky Gut Syndrome for over twenty years, and have been writing about my integrated approach to this condition. My article "Leaky Gut Syndromes: Breaking the Vicious Cycle" is available online at the Foundation for Integrated Medicine. (1)

Through my clinical experience and further research I came to understand how gastrointestinal health in general, and Leaky Gut Syndrome in particular, contributes to many seemingly unrelated conditions.

To share my knowledge and help my colleagues learn more about this important topic I wrote a chapter titled "Integrative Approach to the Gastrointestinal System" for the textbook Integrative Medicine: Principles for Practice in 2004 and coauthored the book-length monograph Gastrointestinal Dysregulation: Connections to Chronic Disease, in 2008.

I have found Leaky Gut Syndrome especially relevant for many people with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Scientific Research Connects Leaky Gut with Chronic Fatigue and Depression

Recent research from Belgium confirms my observations about Leaky Gut Syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome and suggests a treatment plan that can alleviate chronic fatigue and also major depression (2, 3, 4).

The Belgian researchers found that people in their study with either chronic fatigue syndrome or major depressive disorder showed laboratory evidence of Leaky Gut Syndrome, when compared to a healthy control group.

More importantly, they demonstrated that treatment with diet and specific nutrients not only reversed laboratory signs of the Leaky Gut Syndrome, but also improved symptoms of fatigue, malaise and depression (5).

I'll describe my approach to this condition, and what lessons we can take away from the research from Belgium.

But first, I want to give you some background on Leaky Gut Syndrome and explain why the concept is still so controversial.

What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?

Because it connects apparently unrelated disorders, Leaky Gut Syndrome is one of the most misunderstood concepts in medicine today.

To begin with, Leaky Gut is not a single disease or syndrome; it's a pathological condition that occurs as part of many different diseases and syndromes. The term refers to an abnormal increase in the permeability of the small intestine. Increased intestinal permeability is a component of many different disorders.

Leaky Gut Syndrome is associated with:

* inflammatory and infectious bowel diseases (6-12),
* several types of arthritis (13-18),
* acne (19),
* psoriasis, (19),
* AIDS (20),
* chronic liver disease (21),
* pancreatic disease (22)

as well as numerous conditions triggered by food allergy, including eczema, hives, and irritable bowel syndrome (29-37).

Why is increased small intestinal permeability such a problem?

The small intestine is the largest organ in your body and two-thirds of your immune system lies within its walls. The small intestine continuously activates itself by sampling the molecules that pass through the intestinal lining.

Leaky Gut Syndrome is increased permeability of this lining, and it alters the molecules which prime your immune system for action by allowing molecules that don't ordinarily pass through the gut lining to get access to your immune system.

Sometimes, Leaky Gut Syndrome plays a primary role in the evolution of an illness.

Crohn's disease is a serious chronic intestinal disorder that effects almost a million people in the United States. People who develop Crohn's disease may have a genetically induced increase in intestinal permeability that creates the inflammation in the bowel. This predisposing leakiness can be found in close relatives of patients with Crohn's diseases, suggesting that it precedes the development of inflammation.

Leaky Gut Syndrome can occur as a result of another disease.

Celiac disease is an inherited intolerance to gluten, a group of proteins found in wheat, barley and rye. Celiac disease affects about one person in a hundred in North America and often goes undiagnosed, even when people have severe symptoms. The inflammation caused by active celiac disease causes the leaky gut, which in turn causes some of the complications associated with celiac disease.

Leaky Gut Syndrome can also be caused by the treatment for another disease.

In rheumatoid arthritis, for example, the drugs used to relieve pain and inflammation can damage the intestinal lining, leading to Leaky Gut Syndrome within two weeks. Leaky Gut Syndrome, in turn, is associated with aggravation of arthritis.

For most conditions, the precise role of Leaky Gut Syndrome remains unclear, but it seems to be part of a vicious cycle that makes the condition get worse over time. Allergic reactions to food, for example, cause a transient increase in intestinal permeability. If this happens frequently, it may increase the number or severity of food allergies.

In chronic fatigue syndrome and major depressive disorder, Leaky Gut Syndrome activates the intestinal immune system to produce chemicals called cytokines that spread inflammation through your body.

Inflammation is an important trigger for symptoms like fatigue, malaise, pain, and depression.

When should you suspect Leaky Gut Syndrome?

If you have:

* pain in multiple joints,
* a chronic skin condition,
* chronic diarrhea or abdominal pain,
* chronic fatigue,
* chronic depression,
* malaise,
* a feeling of being infected but your doctor can't find the infection,

or if you use aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs on a regular basis, or if you're a heavy drinker of alcohol.

Recent research in animals has indicated that Leaky Gut Syndrome may also be associated with difficulty losing or gaining weight, but its association with obesity is still under investigation [32, 33].

How can the possibility of Leaky Gut Syndrome be evaluated?

There are only a few laboratories that test for Leaky Gut Syndrome and all require a doctor's order. Talk to your doctor about what test might be appropriate. High levels of antibodies to common food proteins or to normal intestinal bacteria may indicate increased intestinal permeability. Many research studies have used a challenge test involving a special solution consisting of two sugars, and seeing how much of each appears in urine. A blood test for celiac disease is essential.

Five Steps to Help Heal Leaky Gut Syndrome

Get rid of anything that might be causing or contributing to increased intestinal permeability:

1. Stop drinking alcohol for at least a month.

2. Stop using aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). I wrote about the side effects of these common pain relievers in a recent Huff Post article "Why Medication Can Be Dangerous to Your Health."

3. Have a stool test for intestinal parasites. There is extensive medical literature on intestinal parasites causing symptoms like fatigue, joint pain and skin disorders, without causing diarrhea. I discuss these in a chapter I wrote titled, "Intestinal Protozoan Infestation and Systemic Illness", for the Textbook of Natural Medicine, 3rd Edition, in 2005 [34].

4. Adopt an anti-inflammatory dietary pattern. I explain the benefits of eating to reduce inflammation, and provide a plan to achieve that, in my book, The Fat Resistance Diet. The principles are simple to understand: avoid foods with added sugar and refined starches, made from white flour. Decrease consumption of saturated fat and most vegetable oils, using extra virgin olive oil instead. Eat at least 9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day and at least 4 servings of fish per week.

5. There are dietary supplements that help the small intestine heal and restore its functional integrity. The most important of these are the amino acid L-glutamine and the amino sugar N-acetyl- glucosamine, which are readily available in health food stores.

These are but a few introductory steps toward an integrated approach to this condition. There is a vast amount of scientific literature on Leaky Gut Syndrome, a sample of which appear in the references below from journals such as The Lancet, The British Medical Journal and The Annals of Internal Medicine.
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