Libel and Defamation Against SOTT, Cass, LKJ, QFG, etc

Wow! I read quite a lot including the blog post, Fellowship Of The Cosmic Mind/Grupa Cassiopaea - Rzucenie Światła Na To Kim Są

I had to skim through it mostly because its so repetitive. It seems like this person was a member at one time and possibly more recently according to the dates from this past summer. They must have been called out on their "stuff" which caused a major melt down, anger and an obsession for revenge. A total lack of understanding of what goes on here. This "calling out" must have created a psychological split of sorts that caused a battle in their mind. Unable to look at themselves the solution is to believe the forum/Laura are corrupt, COINTELPRO, STS, manipulators.

What a mess..... plunged themselves into a very dark hole it seems.
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