Libel and Defamation Against SOTT, Cass, LKJ, QFG, etc

Guardian said:
Patience said:
I had the odd, maybe paranoid, idea that such a person could use the Kate Gandolfo stuff as an opportunity to post similar things about just to mess with our heads. Just a possibility...

I think you're right!

Could someone please translate the high points of this page? I tried babblefish, and it still didn't make much sense.



S/he is using the pronoun "we" and not "I"

Us, nobody will talk about a group that in its doctrine and practices, destabilizes its members and destroys their families.

Here's what I found on their Internet platform.

"You definitely miss consideration for others. What do you expect after your ad (addressing an impudent contributor), when you know perfectly well that all forum members do not speak your language? You should have, even without go to translate everything, offer a short version of your comments to the attention of all members. To cut short, I will take the necessary and translate some passages, so everyone can get an idea of your ad content. "

We are entitled to ask who is intolerant here.

Here is a group with a spiritual leader who claims to be awake but who is unable to make the effort, with her/their high intelligence, to be accessible to all, so anyone who does not respect the rule of double language version is immediately reprimanded by the henchmen.

It does not make sense to claim to be a scholar when it is very easy to see that not even herself is able to speak in simple and intelligible terms in her own language, all you need is to have access to one of her writings. To demand from others to respect principles that she does not apply herself is pure totalitarianism.
To claim special intellectual talent and moral superiority by presenting herself as someone who had - from childhood - a predisposition to things of the mind and a taste for science, whereas that person does not even master, at least at the minimum, a second language is disturbing, pathetic and ultimately tragic. This immediately brings to mind someone who brags about qualifications that they don't have.

To study this type of pathology, see _ [note: JC Romand is a "French impostor and murderer who pretended to be a medical doctor. He killed his family when he was about to be exposed.]

The prose that emanates from the talking heads (who think with their wallet) here can only come from mentally retarded individuals. Supplementing their twisted copy-paste to embellish their mental constructs initially lame or simply dubious.

Any critical mind who only relies on pure logic, and with the minimum required in a scientific protocol, quickly understands this is all ramblings of a sick mind that is motivated by dreams of grandeur and is ready to do anything to mislead his people.

One can easily imagine that someone living in the decadent American heartland of the twentieth century, discovering some fantastic European roots, becomes easily big headed. Add to that a sense of mediocrity induced by unstructured environments experienced from an early age and worsened by the poverty of intellectual products of our time broadcast continuously by the media.

When one starts to take a TV series as a basis for their doctrine, there is really something to worry about. I give this example, but everything is like that.

Contrary to what is claimed, there is no science behind it, since no protocol is ever presented. What is delivered is raw data without any descriptions of how it was obtained. Obviously, it saves time, because what would take years to eventually confirm only takes 5 minutes because it was all fabricated, napkin calculation style. Hey, what about starting divination with dishwater? I guarantee amazing results.
Clearly, none of the readers of their Websites has any idea of what they're about. All this is only useful in high places, for the purpose of forming an army of sheep and little soldiers. All ready to go to war in every corner of the Web in search of a hypothetical grail. However, the Grail legend teaches us that such desperate quest is vain and that all the knights get lost.


Posted on the 5th August:

Us-nobody need your support, any suggestion welcome. Us-nobody are starting from scratch - the target is in focus. The target is international and is using this network - us-nobody will need translators, money and time. Us-nobody can't say more. Us-nobody have a paypal account: _nous.personne(a) , because Us-nobody have been excluded. See the beginning of this video, in order to understand. Same cause, same effect, different cult. Us-nobody. Them, never.
Video: _
Video about the Vedrines affair (_

I would say that the mental state of this individual is deteriorating for some reason showing in the above word-salad. My translator even improved some sentences, because this rant is not structured at all which reveals a befuddled mind at best.
This kind of thing is unfortunate and ridiculous. Why not use it as a learning curve for those who might be interested?

First, I've personally never met anyone on this forum, but from reading between the lines and carefully going over the material, and the time interacting here, etc, I am satisfied that I am not in any danger of being clutched by the claws of some crazy people trying to take over and control my life. LOL! Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Yet, I think it is important that many well-meaning seekers can come across this information and invariably all sorts of questions pop-up. Questions which require at least a little deliberation, thoughtful reflection and excessive research to really "paint a picture" for lets face it - given that there are thousands of pages that you, Laura have written covering vast array of topics, surely one is not going to get the full picture from some anonymous coward talking about "Bobby" in another forum.

Why not make this a didactic experience and make the point on the blog concerning discipline and cultivate, culture, cult, cult cult! LOL and sigh.

Of course there are pernicious and almost always anonymous writers defaming or trashing whatever it is they do not like, for whatever motivation.

The signs are all there:

(1) Vague and nebulous comments allowing for ample interpretation by means of innuendo - kinda like "filling in the blanks" with more, blanks!

(2) Incorrect statements through either assumption or deliberate fudging of facts so as to "make it fit" i.e. the comment re tax-exempt status.

(3) Twisting, such as the comment regarding abstinence. I can only assume the author refers to the session of the C's transcripts which states that total celibacy is the "Fastest" way to 4D. Not the only way or anyone who is not celibate cannot progress, but in the Q & A session, Total Celibacy was the answer provided through your superluminal experiment. And why? Because of the attachment to form/desire that surrounds the physical, our bodies, the sex act.

The thing is, to me, that many people read selectively and there is all sorts of room for misinterpretation regardless of whether someone is deliberately out to defame. I think this is a case where someone is deliberately twisting perception, but then what of those who read the story and know next to nothing of your work? The ones who wish to know the truth will put forth the effort to investigate and ask questions, hell, may even write to you, after all, you are available on this forum and elsewhere, but then those who are too lazy or indoctrinated or have a bone to pick, will quickly and eagerly slurp up this sloosh crying, "more, more!"

So how to educate the masses in HOW to READ?! To read between the lines and learn to spot the operators at work.

I am concerned though that naming the new blog with cult and psycopath can have a negative streisand type effect? Unless maybe it is all down-played as the trivial and fictitious junk it happens to be and use the slanderous writings from various nut-jobs as methods to pick a part and see the way they lie, twist and distort.

Then the question is left to the reader, do I wish to support lies and distortion so as to satisfy my whim of curiosity or do I wish to invest the effort to investigate and discover the truth, through the proper means and usage of words, how they can clarify truth and light or in turn darken and diffuse.

I certainly DO think that laughing at the inanities for being such trite nonsense is an appropriate response!

I am sorry you have to go through this. But look at the bright side, nothing will aid you more in losing self-importance, thus making you stronger, than having it attacked like this!
Not that you are self-important, but to be challenged means one is able to hone their skill in becoming more and more a transmitter of light.

:hug2: :love: :flowers:

I also think the comment re the Electric Universe could have something to do with them cranking it up is likely spot on.

Laura said:
truth seeker said:
Just found this:

The Cassiopaea Cult - A Cautionary Tale
#0, by catthegreat, 08 January 2011 07:16 AM

The fact that a 32 year old man would feel this way seemed odd to me and I suspected this group - or cult as I have come to believe it is, was responsible for his new found celibacy, and after looking into the group extensively I have found that they do suggest abstinence because it makes it easier for a person to "advance". Whatever that means.

Bobby also joined the new religion that the cult started so that they can become tax-exempt. And for the past five years he told me that he travels to this cult's main base in Europe and pays to attend meditation classes and listen to speakers for two weeks. He is heavily involved in the group's forum and has been for ten years.



Oh lord, I think that must be Vincent Bridges himself just making crap up!

Since our whole deal consists of this PUBLIC FORUM, please show me where we suggest abstinence to advance. In fact, quite the contrary though we certainly do discourage promiscuous sex and multiple, serial partners. But then, hell's bells! That's medically unsafe!

As for the "starting a religion so we can become tax exempt," that's ridiculous since we've had QFG - a TAX EXEMPT organization for over 9 years and the tax returns to prove it! (Just because you file a return doesn't mean you pay taxes.)

And coming to Europe to pay for meditation two-week meditation classes for the past five years???? I'm speechless at the brazenness of this whole load of crap!!!!!!!!!!!

:rotfl: :lol2: :rotfl: :lol2:
Tigersoap said:
Friend of another such page here :


All the friends of "antisecte electron" (bizarre)


Achref Nouri

Anita Hebert

Anthony Raymond

Christiane Guarc'h-Dirand

Cindy Youcef

Citoyenne Du Monde

Donald G. Lane Jr.

Evan Wolfram

Gwenael Guarch

Haithem Banderas

Jarrod-Bryan James Price

Jesus Thomas Fetet

Joanie Boisvert

Li Lennon

Maman Dingue

Mr-x Neue

Nguyen Hoang

Nous Personne

Nouvel Ordre Mondial

Odile-Marie Jeannot

Papa Ours

Steve Hamblin

Tarantula 'Trigger Happy' Rose
Brentford School for Girls

Therese Grisham
DePaul · Columbia College

Travis Palmer

Zèro Cool
Whoa, I just noticed that someone on the truthaction forum had interpreted my post from HERE in a interesting, and funny way. Clearly this individual has no idea about the context of the discussion on that thread. Well, my allegory wasn't probably the best one, but I surely did NOT mean anything what s/he is suggesting! :D

From _

From user beliefdivides:
I have an idea that these people might do a mass suicide, I'm not sure but the poor buggers are expecting an ark. I think the Heavens Gate people were also expecting an ark.

This is from their forum dated 19th Dec 2010

'I think it means that the time will come when, in order to succeed, most of the energy and efforts must be put on those who are 'inside the Ark', who have made the choice and demonstrated commitment. In other words, the boat is leaving soon, no more time to recruit new passengers!'

Do you think I'm way off here or do you think its a possibility?
Aragorn said:
Whoa, I just noticed that someone on the truthaction forum had interpreted my post from HERE in a interesting, and funny way. Clearly this individual has no idea about the context of the discussion on that thread. Well, my allegory wasn't probably the best one, but I surely did NOT mean anything what s/he is suggesting! :D
No worries Aragorn, I think most people understood what you meant. :)
Laura said:
I would say that the mental state of this individual is deteriorating for some reason showing in the above word-salad. My translator even improved some sentences, because this rant is not structured at all which reveals a befuddled mind at best.

I wonder who that individual could be?
Data said:
Laura said:
I would say that the mental state of this individual is deteriorating for some reason showing in the above word-salad. My translator even improved some sentences, because this rant is not structured at all which reveals a befuddled mind at best.

I wonder who that individual could be?

With such an opening sentence:
Us, nobody will talk about a group that in its doctrine and practices, destabilizes its members and destroys their families.

and a rather angry tone throughout that message, one possibility that comes to mind is a revenge being taken by somebody who's been deserted by a spouse/partner... which wouldn't be much surprising given what seems to be complete lack of his/her emotional stability, to say nothing of maturity.

Just a guess...
Methinks this all seems to be a reflection of the sad state of humanity. I want you to understand Laura, that I'm only one voice. I have never met you, but your Work has been a major POSITIVE influence for me. I've been hanging around a good number of years and for the life of me, there is still so much information available that I would have NEVER even dreamed of, if it were not for YOU. And I offer my gratitude and all my thanks.

I can't understand how anyone can jump into this forum and in little if no time doing research, jump to the conclusions I have read in this thread. Change that, yes I do know people can. Predators and their minions. Such a shame they show such HATRED. What fuels this fire of hate? I dunno. I can only imagine that you've ruffled feathers with truth. I myself, have experienced being armed with truth and still, have been attacked with PURE HATRED, spewed upon me like viper venom, the spit of a snake, with the hiss of acid thrown upon one's skin. Foul and inhuman. From these experiences, armed with KNOWLEDGE from the clues you've FREELY OFFERED, I have been able to "see" and understand why, therefor may I say being able to keep my grip of reality. So I do KNOW there are psychopaths so foul and cruel that the majority of people just cannot even believe they exist. Yet, I am "seeing" proof that "something" is going on that resulted in this hatred, attacks, attempting to inflict trauma upon you. All this shows me that perhaps... just perhaps there is enough truth in your writing that something "feels" they absolutely must put and end to these clues you provide.

Cult? I do not think so. Not ever have I seen any bullying, NOR DEMANDS of any kind from the members here. This is a free will universe and I cannot count how many times I've seen people being told, THE CHOICE IS YOURS. If anything, in the attempts to help others objectively "see" themselves, in order to improve themselves, resulting perhaps in an eye opening experience. Could I say and awakening? Yes, I think so. Most here on this forum are THEORIES, not Gospel. NO preaching here, nope. Each of us must do our own work, work towards our own conclusions. TPTB does not want anyone to awaken. But it's too late, the butterfly has already flapped it's wings. I only want to throw in my thoughts.
Aragorn said:
Whoa, I just noticed that someone on the truthaction forum had interpreted my post from HERE in a interesting, and funny way. Clearly this individual has no idea about the context of the discussion on that thread. Well, my allegory wasn't probably the best one, but I surely did NOT mean anything what s/he is suggesting! :D

It's pretty disorienting when what you say is taken out of context and twisted in a pathological way, isn't it?
Possibility of Being said:
Data said:
I wonder who that individual could be?

With such an opening sentence:
Us, nobody will talk about a group that in its doctrine and practices, destabilizes its members and destroys their families.

and a rather angry tone throughout that message, one possibility that comes to mind is a revenge being taken by somebody who's been deserted by a spouse/partner... which wouldn't be much surprising given what seems to be complete lack of his/her emotional stability, to say nothing of maturity.

Just a guess...

Well, considering the fact that our forum members have an extremely low rate of divorce and separation compared to non-members, the choice of who it might be is REALLY narrow. Like, out of several thousand forumites, I think there are only two that might fall into that category and in both cases, the partners who were left were clearly pathological.

I think that this one will be an easy job for our French attorney. He'll have to work with the U.S. attorney to get the confirmation of the identity of the FB person, but that's a possible.
Laura said:
Aragorn said:
Whoa, I just noticed that someone on the truthaction forum had interpreted my post from HERE in a interesting, and funny way. Clearly this individual has no idea about the context of the discussion on that thread. Well, my allegory wasn't probably the best one, but I surely did NOT mean anything what s/he is suggesting! :D

It's pretty disorienting when what you say is taken out of context and twisted in a pathological way, isn't it?

Sure is! When I first read it I had one of those 'gulp!' moments, where my stomach made a knot. I can't even start to imagine what you, Laura, must be going through - and have gone through, having your words twisted all the time, and worse. This tiny experience I had gave me a whole lot of more understanding how serious and damaging this can be for an individual.
Thank you for bringing some humour to the situation, Laura - kinda letting us know that when people spread such stupid crap about the group, that we CAN laugh at it.

To be honest, this stuff scares me. If we lived in a sane world, where people could think, then it wouldn't bother me. But after years of people having their higher thinking faculties poisoned by what they eat and drink, see and hear, all they have left is their lower, animal nature to drive their actions. And that's what these kinds of accusations play on, trigger and stimulate.

Madness... :(
Aragorn said:
Laura said:
It's pretty disorienting when what you say is taken out of context and twisted in a pathological way, isn't it?

Sure is! When I first read it I had one of those 'gulp!' moments, where my stomach made a knot. I can't even start to imagine what you, Laura, must be going through - and have gone through, having your words twisted all the time, and worse. This tiny experience I had gave me a whole lot of more understanding how serious and damaging this can be for an individual.

It's really a horrible feeling. You feel like you've stepped into bizarro world. And if you are exposed to it long enough, you begin to doubt your own sanity because they speak/write with such assurance that you wonder if you are the one who is nuts!
Also, this fictitious 'Bobby' is not really that much into Cassiopaea if he drinks! :rolleyes: Yeah, even liars need to double-check their facts.

Well, I have to admit that I have a glass of wine every month or two! I also finished off a 6 pack of beer all by myself last summer! I am also remiss about doing something with that bottom cabinet full of left-over liquor from my wedding 38 years ago. Maybe I can donate it to charity or something. I would pour it down the drain but I am afraid it might kill the fish. Maybe I can use it for 'alcohol lamps' or something else beneficial?

Sorry I have to admit I'm such a 'drinker'... :nuts:
Richard S said:
Also, this fictitious 'Bobby' is not really that much into Cassiopaea if he drinks! :rolleyes: Yeah, even liars need to double-check their facts.

Well, I have to admit that I have a glass of wine every month or two! I also finished off a 6 pack of beer all by myself last summer! I am also remiss about doing something with that bottom cabinet full of left-over liquor from my wedding 38 years ago. Maybe I can donate it to charity or something. I would pour it down the drain but I am afraid it might kill the fish. Maybe I can use it for 'alcohol lamps' or something else beneficial?

Sorry I have to admit I'm such a 'drinker'... :nuts:

Hahahaha, you can use your liquor to clean the bathroom or the kitchen floor! :D

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