Libel and Defamation Against SOTT, Cass, LKJ, QFG, etc

In the midst of searching and trying to remember where I saw this 'Nitrostirumpa' I found something that maybe of interest, or maybe not. By doing a search on few of NTR:s (abbreviation of Nitrostirumpa) music pieces on YouTube, I found that a member called 'Terra' has made a post on something called the 'Flower Of Life Forum' (in German) where s/he presents 'Meine Kompositionen(My Compositions):


All compositions in that post are by NTR, so one can maybe assume that 'Terra' is NTR - just maybe.

Well, it gets even looking up 'Terra':s posts I found a thread in their 'Channelings' section. This thread is called 'Kiss Of The Sky' and can be found here: _

I'm not that good reading German (Data, maybe you could check this out?), and the texts are very long, but from what I can tell this 'Terra' aka NTR apparently presents his/her own channelings.

Here's a quote by 'Terra' [empasis mine] (_

Folgendes exzeptionelles Bild empfing ich im Kopf; die Stimme die mir gewöhnlich die Zeilen diktiert sagte dass ich dieses empfangene Bild im Kopf mit einem Malprogramm abmalen soll damit sich die Menschheit ein Bild von ihnen machen kann. Das mit Symbolen überzogene Rad im Hintergrund ist ein Gerät mit 6 Flächen. Dieser gewählte Ausschnitt zeigt die oberste Fläche davon. Es sind 18 Schaltstellen vorhanden, die auf 682.445 Galaxien gleichzeitig Zugriff haben. Es speichert viele verschiedene Realitäten und koordiniert Abläufe, aber diese Technologie ist mehr als eine ausserirdische Zeitmaschine, denn es zeigt auch ihre geistigen Eingriffe in diverse Epochen anderer Sternzivilisationen an. Sie unterstützen etwas dass mit Kommunikation zwischen Zivilisationen verschiedener Sonnensysteme und feinstofflichen Ebenen zu tun hat. Sie führen da etwas. Sie spielen eine ganz wichtige Rolle. Es sind Wesen aus der Ecke von Antares (Sternbild Skorpion). Sie sagten mir auch dass sie mich bereits am 25.04.2009 besuchten. Auch gestern waren sie bei mir zu Besuch. Als sie in meinem Zimmer waren, leuchteten sie von einer bläulichen Aura umgeben und fragten mich was ich mit den medialen Informationen machen werde. Sie sprachen das an was viele als Channeling bezeichnen. Nun bin ich kein Channeling-Medium, aber beschäftige mich intensiv und sehr zurückgezogen mit Magie.

Here's a snippet from 'Terra':s channelings:

F: Ja; wie geht es denn dem Hitler im Moment?

A: Seine Schwingungsaktivität wird schon seit langem in einer hohen Oktave der 4. Dichte in der Schwebe gehalten. Die Hüter der Zeit lassen ihn nicht eigenständig weiter.

F: Ich gebe ihm von meiner geistigen Kraft.

A: Wesenheiten wie Adolf Hitler brauchen Seelen wie Dich.

F: Die Menschen waren schuld. Einem geistig verwirrten Psychopathen gibt man nicht die Macht über das Leben anderer zu entscheiden.

A: Heute verurteilt die Menschheit Adolf Hitler um sich selbst naiv aus der Affäre zu ziehen. Die Menschheit könnte heute sagen dass jeder der sich Adolf Hitler in den Weg stellte ermordet wurde; natürlich ist das eine Tatsache, aber diese ist Bestandteil einer geistigen kollektiven Massenübereinkunft die in einer physischen Manifestation und schrecklichen Tragödie endete.

Whoa, this is getting pretty creepy! Don't know who Terra is channeling, but it sure isn't the C's. :scared:
Q.Warp.Calx posted this:

Q.Warp.Calx. said:
I really enjoy this tune. Thanks for sharing. It reminds me of Dave, a good friend of mine, he also produces music like this and I guess you will like his works very much (we two also did often collaborations and produced together tunes):

Alopha - Floads

Following that link you find this 'Dave2bu':s channel.On the channel page 'Dave2bu' gives his webadress, which is: _ On this site I looked up the section called 'Followers' (_ I'm not sure what it means, but I assume it's a group of people that collaborate with Dave2bu in some way. In that group you can find the member called 'Czino' - who we know is a friend, or maybe the same person as NTR(Nitrostirumpa), as Tigersoap posted here.Btw, Tigersoap, where did you see the connection between 'konjunktion26' and NTR? There are a lot of NTR:s videos posted on 'konjunktion26':s channel, but I don't know if that's sufficient proof.

These connections between these usernames are confusing to say the least. Maybe they are all the same person? Well, somehow they seem to be connected. For example, on 'konjunktion26' channel you can find a comment made by username 'ssandrragcanos':
Vielen lieben Dank Robert !!!
Ich wünsche Dir auch ein superschönes Wochende....
viele liebe Grüße von mir zu Dir !!!
x Sandra x

So it seems, that NTR:s first name is Robert. Oh well, this is pretty confusing, I need to go and get some sleep... :zzz:
Data said:
Data said:
Aragorn said:
OMG, if my memory serves me correct, we had a new member here on the forum a while ago who linked to this electronic music that he had made! I can't remember his nick right now, but I remember that I checked out one of his youtube links and there was this name: Nitrostirumpa. I remember also that this member was in some ways showing an agenda and being problematic.

Can you find that thread?

Can someone point me to the exact post where Q.Warp.Calx. or Robert posted a link to youtube where the connection to Nitrostirumpa can be seen?

I've got it:

Q.Warp.Calx. said:
I really enjoy this tune. Thanks for sharing. It reminds me of Dave, a good friend of mine, he also produces music like this and I guess you will like his works very much (we two also did often collaborations and produced together tunes):

Alopha - Floads

Now, if you visit that person's Youtube page, you will see the following links:

[quote author=YT Channel Dave2bu]
More of my collabs can also be found on these channels:
[5 other entries here as well]

Nitrostriumpa's Myspace page (_ has 14 friends: One of these friends is AugZF (_ , another is Purple Calx (note similarity to Q.Warp.Calx).

We can see the close connections of all three at the following page: _

_ which refers to AugZF as a "NetLabel"
_ where we see Purple Calx also on the AugZF "NetLabel"

There is another photo of the guy in the following interview: _ written by capoczino (czino was mentioned earlier in the thread through the deviantart connection. This person also has a YT channel closely linked to the others)

This konjunktion26 user is quite the character, with posts all over the internet at several other channelling/alien/conspiracy sites. Here are some notable ones (bolding is mine):


Notice the location remarks:

@Cosmic23voyager ... 30 Temmuz 2010 Cuma by konjunktion26
@konjunktion26 thats true about happiness i try to be happy yet there are times now and then i tend to come to tears for the people and the earth, at first i thought i was weak, but tears are a way if relief i know i have a mission to protect the people i dont know how though... best regars from the U.S.A. land of the oprresed, No immunity, without Unity.


@Cosmic23voyager ... 30 Temmuz 2010 Cuma by konjunktion26
@Cosmic23voyager There are many lightworkers all around the globe. Some write poetic lyrics, other do music, others sing and dance and others write philosophical hard to understand ideas and theorys about different realitys. I just wrote last night to a german friend that I find it funny how we all try to be & stay rational and logical when this realitys all are irrational and unlogical. our brain tricks our hearts because our genetic mind got manipulated from reptilians.. :-)


Notice how this is almost the opposite of all the other comments he's left everywhere regarding his own beliefs (potential schizo indicator IMO):

aliens never existed! its all from stars wars and ninja teenage hero turtles and x-men that people believe in aliens and now this guy says he had contact with - the aliens! hahahaha yeah sure! hahaha. fact is that wikipedia says that contact with aliens will possibly never be because the distance is to big and there are almost endless galaxys, so its very strange, to think that aliens of all corners of the universe, are interested "in us". goverment also said alread thaty aliens don´t exist.

konjunktion26 3 months ago

konjunktion26 says:
November 8, 2010 at 4:18 am
is this video a fake? i mean who made at the end of the 60s music like ovuca, autechre, oval and aphex twin? this video can´t be real. why a woman should get a idea to do something like this and than in the late 60s? woman of today like to buy high heels, make up, dress up sexy and listen to pop and britney spears or lady gaga, but woman do not have interest for things like we see it in this video.. probably a fake.

@konjunktion26 hahaha … don’t know whether your sexism or your musical ignorance is funnier … you’re probably a troll anyway …

konjunktion26 says:
November 17, 2010 at 5:29 pm

this composer woman never existed she is a fake! because woman went in the 60s to discos and dressed up sexy with high heels and no woman was on the weekend in a room all by herself with something like a synthesizer the only electronic tool woman know is a vibrator!

_ (yikes! why is he even here anyway?)

Here he is quick to defend women however:
konjunktion26 says:
December 24, 2010 at 12:11 am
its not funny to make jokes about woman who get raped! this should get banned from youtube!

And finally, from a discussion regarding Bashar (another channeled entity, Anka is the dude's name I believe)
November 30th, 2010
alien abductions are not positive nature. the greys are with the orion-group. reptilians, insectoids and others are from the orion-group. greys work together with satanical political people, most political people are artificial or sometimes – clones. greys are not positive! the positve extraterrestrials are:


and many others

there are also many lifeforms who are a mix of grey, reptilian and human.

also there are grey human hybrids.

not all greys are negative.

November 30th, 2010
@konjunktion26 delusions of grandeur

November 30th, 2010
Bashar has said that he is actually a grey human hybrid.

November 30th, 2010
I can´t know anything about the – complete – evolution of all universes and dimensions and possibilitys. I just can say that I had many abductions also TOGETHER with a good friend of mine at the same time! And the greys that I know and you all speak about on the internet and books – they are absolutly negative. BUT: It really “could” be that there also are other races that belong somehow to the grey-family-tree and they are positive and full of higher love. I´m not sure, but this could be.

November 30th, 2010
greys? oh no, but i got abducted many times since i´m little by greys and they are negative and evil. they are. don´t say they are nice. i don´t understand why these minds her trough bashar say that they are greys. now i don´t want to listen to all this here anymore. the greys are evil and belong to the reptilians. i also know much and could teach you much, but this would not mean that i´m friendly or full of love, not even when my messages would be full of love.

Anyhow, that's what I could get without spending too much time, but really it looks like there is a ton more of info out there. I can dig deeper if needed, seems pretty clear this guy is looney tunes though. Or a really good troll. Or - an account shared by multiple trolls (just a thought).
Hi everyone,

Perhaps I am not up-to-date and you have already discovered all this, but here some further material I found:

He states that the very compositions belong to him.

Ich habe es geschafft, den Namen dieser Person herauszufinden – über die Website - und jetzt habe ich die Notiz verloren. Aber diese Person und ihre Reise nach Japan wird dort aufgedeckt, und auch ihre Nichtkreuzigung wird enthüllt. So viele verwirrende Geschichten sind hier auf dieser Ebene. Und dies sind auch nicht die einzigsten Geschichten, es gibt noch viele andere, die behaupten, die Kreuzigung hätte nicht stattgefunden, und dass liegt daran, dass bestimmte Leute unter den erleuchteten Hergekommenen nicht durch die Methode gekreuzigt wurden, in der es bei Esu geschehen ist. Der Begriff „Kreuzigung“ wird zu Zeiten auch einfach verwendet um auszudrücken, dass der Botschafter aufgrund der von ihm präsentierten Wahrheit von den Massen nicht akzeptiert und auf andere Weise angegriffen wird, was aber nicht immer im Tode resultiert.
He talks about the crucifixion of Jesus and that this has never happened.

EDIT: Okay, the list with compositions has been mentioned.
[quote author=Guardian]
I just listened to some of konjunktion26/ageispolis's music, and I would not recommend listening to it! I think it's a form of music designed to "tune" for lack of a better word, our brains....there are rhythms/pulses at frequencies older people usually can't hear.
"Konjunktion" is NOT good for us!

Hi Guardian, can you tell me how this is discovered, how does one realize these things, can you point me to something I can read in particular - this is scary manipulative stuff :scared:

Guardian said:
truth seeker said:
I agree, I was only able to listen to a few seconds of that and had similar thoughts.
There is no doubt in my mind that this music can cause cellular damage...and is does NOT take much either!

To be honest, I was also curious about these statements as well.

Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of many genres of 'seriously bizarre' electronic music (Aphex Twin included). And even still - I found the tracks of konjunktion26 to be especially distasteful and 'off' (especially the Garden of Cassiopaea track). I really could not listen to it, and I am used to many of these sounds!

But as for cellular damage - and especially at the small doses you suggest - I would like to know more, in case there is something I am currently listening to that could be doing this. Where have you read about\what have you learned about this cellular damage from being exposed to small amounts of 'this music'?
Jason (ocean59) said:
Guardian said:
truth seeker said:
I agree, I was only able to listen to a few seconds of that and had similar thoughts.
There is no doubt in my mind that this music can cause cellular damage...and is does NOT take much either!

To be honest, I was also curious about these statements as well.

Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of many genres of 'seriously bizarre' electronic music (Aphex Twin included). And even still - I found the tracks of konjunktion26 to be especially distasteful and 'off' (especially the Garden of Cassiopaea track). I really could not listen to it, and I am used to many of these sounds!

But as for cellular damage - and especially at the small doses you suggest - I would like to know more, in case there is something I am currently listening to that could be doing this. Where have you read about\what have you learned about this cellular damage from being exposed to small amounts of 'this music'?

Not wanting to speak for Guardian, it seems to me that music, as everything, is made of a certain vibrational pattern, and it is a vibration to which we're permeable so to say. A bit like the effects of EMFs, you don't see it, but its energy, however it is composed, reaches you likely affecting your very cells' own vibration.
It reminds me of the studies of Dr. Masaru Emoto who has made several experiments with water, one of which included studying the effects of music in water, with astonishing results. From what I remember, classical music tended to form beautifully symmetric water crystals, while more aggressive music resulted in a poorly formed crystal. There's some polemic surrounding his work, but you can find more here

I also tried "garden of cassiopaea" and couldn't listen to it. It's way too disturbing, at least for me. And I do wonder how music such as this and other types with a particular rhythm/pulse that are so on the hype nowadays will affect people on a deeper level. If it is composed of a vibrational pattern, I think that it will not only affect my conscious self but also the vibrational pattern of my cells.

Juts my sketchy hypothesis though

Forgot to add, besides feeling disturbed by konjunktion26's garden of cassiopaea, I'm in no way able to tell whether it will affect our cells negatively for I have no experience in the matter. However I wouldn't be surprised if evidenced proved it would. Hopefully Guardian will chime in with her impressions about konjunktion26's music.
Aragorn said:
In the midst of searching and trying to remember where I saw this 'Nitrostirumpa' I found something that maybe of interest, or maybe not. By doing a search on few of NTR:s (abbreviation of Nitrostirumpa) music pieces on YouTube, I found that a member called 'Terra' has made a post on something called the 'Flower Of Life Forum' (in German) where s/he presents 'Meine Kompositionen(My Compositions):


All compositions in that post are by NTR, so one can maybe assume that 'Terra' is NTR - just maybe.

Well, it gets even looking up 'Terra':s posts I found a thread in their 'Channelings' section. This thread is called 'Kiss Of The Sky' and can be found here: _

I'm not that good reading German (Data, maybe you could check this out?), and the texts are very long, but from what I can tell this 'Terra' aka NTR apparently presents his/her own channelings.

Here's a quote by 'Terra' [empasis mine] (_

Folgendes exzeptionelles Bild empfing ich im Kopf; die Stimme die mir gewöhnlich die Zeilen diktiert sagte dass ich dieses empfangene Bild im Kopf mit einem Malprogramm abmalen soll damit sich die Menschheit ein Bild von ihnen machen kann. Das mit Symbolen überzogene Rad im Hintergrund ist ein Gerät mit 6 Flächen. Dieser gewählte Ausschnitt zeigt die oberste Fläche davon. Es sind 18 Schaltstellen vorhanden, die auf 682.445 Galaxien gleichzeitig Zugriff haben. Es speichert viele verschiedene Realitäten und koordiniert Abläufe, aber diese Technologie ist mehr als eine ausserirdische Zeitmaschine, denn es zeigt auch ihre geistigen Eingriffe in diverse Epochen anderer Sternzivilisationen an. Sie unterstützen etwas dass mit Kommunikation zwischen Zivilisationen verschiedener Sonnensysteme und feinstofflichen Ebenen zu tun hat. Sie führen da etwas. Sie spielen eine ganz wichtige Rolle. Es sind Wesen aus der Ecke von Antares (Sternbild Skorpion). Sie sagten mir auch dass sie mich bereits am 25.04.2009 besuchten. Auch gestern waren sie bei mir zu Besuch. Als sie in meinem Zimmer waren, leuchteten sie von einer bläulichen Aura umgeben und fragten mich was ich mit den medialen Informationen machen werde. Sie sprachen das an was viele als Channeling bezeichnen. Nun bin ich kein Channeling-Medium, aber beschäftige mich intensiv und sehr zurückgezogen mit Magie.

Here's a snippet from 'Terra':s channelings:

F: Ja; wie geht es denn dem Hitler im Moment?

A: Seine Schwingungsaktivität wird schon seit langem in einer hohen Oktave der 4. Dichte in der Schwebe gehalten. Die Hüter der Zeit lassen ihn nicht eigenständig weiter.

F: Ich gebe ihm von meiner geistigen Kraft.

A: Wesenheiten wie Adolf Hitler brauchen Seelen wie Dich.

F: Die Menschen waren schuld. Einem geistig verwirrten Psychopathen gibt man nicht die Macht über das Leben anderer zu entscheiden.

A: Heute verurteilt die Menschheit Adolf Hitler um sich selbst naiv aus der Affäre zu ziehen. Die Menschheit könnte heute sagen dass jeder der sich Adolf Hitler in den Weg stellte ermordet wurde; natürlich ist das eine Tatsache, aber diese ist Bestandteil einer geistigen kollektiven Massenübereinkunft die in einer physischen Manifestation und schrecklichen Tragödie endete.

Whoa, this is getting pretty creepy! Don't know who Terra is channeling, but it sure isn't the C's. :scared:

Well these texts are very blurry, word-salad like (using words that are not defined like: "the guardians of the time", "[Hitlers] vibrational energy is pending in a high octave in 4D" (it was a response: how Hitler does at the moment.) and are causing a headache.

And reading the texts from her, or the channelings has the feeling "this is the truth" and does not motivate the channel (her) to learn to think of her own.
Aragorn said:
These connections between these usernames are confusing to say the least. Maybe they are all the same person?

Thanks to good networking in this thread, the connections between Robert/Q.Warp.Calx./ageispolis/Nitrostirumpa/konjunktion26/Terra are very clear. They will appear soon on the anti-defamation website.
Jason (ocean59) said:
Notice how this is almost the opposite of all the other comments he's left everywhere regarding his own beliefs (potential schizo indicator IMO):

Robert said:
aliens never existed! its all from stars wars and ninja teenage hero turtles and x-men that people believe in aliens and now this guy says he had contact with - the aliens! hahahaha yeah sure! hahaha.

Robert said:
greys? oh no, but i got abducted many times since i´m little by greys and they are negative and evil.

Fascinating. That means that he does not have any faculties (maybe biopsychological causes?) to discern contradictions, even in his own statements.


IF he is indeed channeling STS aliens, it's another proof that they don't like Nikotine:

_ said:
A: Wir bedauern es sehr das sagen zu müssen, aber wir sehen präkognitiv voraus dass Du wieder mit dem Rauchen anfangen wirst. Das wird zu chemischem Ungleichgewicht führen und dies könnte fatale Auswirkungen haben. Das muss nicht geschehen. Liegt an Dir was Du daraus machst. Du bist sehr stabil und topfit, ein klein wenig Training schadet keinem. Du lässt die Finger vom Nikotin. Sauerstoffmangel und Gift haben beträchtliche Konsequenzen für eure Gesellschaftsform. Ihr müsst überlegen und weise handeln. Das tut kaum einer.

Google translation:

A: We are afraid to say that, but we see precognitively that you will start start smoking again. This will lead to a chemical imbalance and this could have fatal consequences. That need not happen. Is up to you what you make of it. You are very strong and in top shape, a little exercise does not harm anyone. You let the fingers of nicotine. Lack of oxygen and poison have significant consequences for your society. You have to act superior and wise. Nobody does that.
Gertrudes said:
Not wanting to speak for Guardian, it seems to me that music, as everything, is made of a certain vibrational pattern, and it is a vibration to which we're permeable so to say. A bit like the effects of EMFs, you don't see it, but its energy, however it is composed, reaches you likely affecting your very cells' own vibration.
It reminds me of the studies of Dr. Masaru Emoto who has made several experiments with water, one of which included studying the effects of music in water, with astonishing results. From what I remember, classical music tended to form beautifully symmetric water crystals, while more aggressive music resulted in a poorly formed crystal. There's some polemic surrounding his work, but you can find more here

I remember this thread and it was fascinating.
Music can alter water either positive or negative way.
How about our body is 70 % water?
I can see this "music" is altering our cells in a negative way.
No wonder I feel uncomfortable when we listen "garbage music".
I'm working in a store right now and all day I have to listen "mainstream noise", like lady Gaga and other baloney!
Sometimes this is how I feel:

Since everyone here is talking about this one song and how hideous it is or must be, I gave it a try and listened to it. Eh, that's no music at all, IMHO. Some sort of audio, but not music. It's horrible, to say the least. It sounds somehow provoking and manipulative to me. I stopped listening to it. Even Lady Gaga's songs are an enjoyment in contrast to this stuff.

Not wanting to speak for Guardian, it seems to me that music, as everything, is made of a certain vibrational pattern, and it is a vibration to which we're permeable so to say. A bit like the effects of EMFs, you don't see it, but its energy, however it is composed, reaches you likely affecting your very cells' own vibration.
Could be, who knows. But it's, of course, not the same as EMF. It has to be roughly between 1-100 Hz in order to interfere with our body frequencies.

It reminds me of the studies of Dr. Masaru Emoto who has made several experiments with water, one of which included studying the effects of music in water, with astonishing results. From what I remember, classical music tended to form beautifully symmetric water crystals, while more aggressive music resulted in a poorly formed crystal. There's some polemic surrounding his work, but you can find more here
Good thought. There is a book with all these water formations microscopically photographed. I can vaguely remember this, too. And who knows which role water (with all its possibilities and properties) plays also in our body/soul complex including DNA.

Reminds me of:
[quote author=941210]Q: (L) In our cultural experience we have a lot of very strange things that our young people participate in. Among these activities is the use of extremely loud
stereo systems that quite literally vibrate the cells in their bodies until they turn to jelly. Could you tell me, please, the long term physiological effects of this
kind of exposure of the human body to these loud booming noises?
A: Strange thought patterns.
Q: (L) What effects are these violently loud stereos having on people?
A: Varies.
Q: (L) Are these effects negative?
A: Open.
Q: (L) Are these effects less than conducive to optimum health?
A: Maybe.
Q: (L) What can these very loud booming sounds do to the body?
A: Make the body go "boom boom." (Much laughter)
Q: (J) Blue Cheer concert, 1969; group advertised as the loudest in existence, and they were. I sat ten feet from the speakers and couldn't hear for three hours
afterward and had ringing in the ears for several days. That was the last concert I went to. (L) Is this part of a plot to destroy the minds and bodies of our
young people?
A: Maybe.
Q: (J) Or are they just being stupid?
A: Good answer.[/quote]
Gertrudes said:
Jason (ocean59) said:
Guardian said:
truth seeker said:
I agree, I was only able to listen to a few seconds of that and had similar thoughts.
There is no doubt in my mind that this music can cause cellular damage...and is does NOT take much either!

To be honest, I was also curious about these statements as well.

Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of many genres of 'seriously bizarre' electronic music (Aphex Twin included). And even still - I found the tracks of konjunktion26 to be especially distasteful and 'off' (especially the Garden of Cassiopaea track). I really could not listen to it, and I am used to many of these sounds!

But as for cellular damage - and especially at the small doses you suggest - I would like to know more, in case there is something I am currently listening to that could be doing this. Where have you read about\what have you learned about this cellular damage from being exposed to small amounts of 'this music'?
Not to too much further off topic, but:

Not wanting to speak for Guardian, it seems to me that music, as everything, is made of a certain vibrational pattern, and it is a vibration to which we're permeable so to say. A bit like the effects of EMFs, you don't see it, but its energy, however it is composed, reaches you likely affecting your very cells' own vibration.
It reminds me of the studies of Dr. Masaru Emoto who has made several experiments with water, one of which included studying the effects of music in water, with astonishing results. From what I remember, classical music tended to form beautifully symmetric water crystals, while more aggressive music resulted in a poorly formed crystal. There's some polemic surrounding his work, but you can find more here

I also tried "garden of cassiopaea" and couldn't listen to it. It's way too disturbing, at least for me. And I do wonder how music such as this and other types with a particular rhythm/pulse that are so on the hype nowadays will affect people on a deeper level. If it is composed of a vibrational pattern, I think that it will not only affect my conscious self but also the vibrational pattern of my cells.

Juts my sketchy hypothesis though

Forgot to add, besides feeling disturbed by konjunktion26's garden of cassiopaea, I'm in no way able to tell whether it will affect our cells negatively for I have no experience in the matter. However I wouldn't be surprised if evidenced proved it would. Hopefully Guardian will chime in with her impressions about konjunktion26's music.

Guardian would have to chime in with her impressions but I remember hearing about tones that only people of a certain age can hear. Here is an article about it:

I wasn't thinking so much about cellular damage specifically (although I think that's a good point) but rather how types of music can affect people in general. If we can be affected by art that has been ponerized and we realize how music can affect one's mood, then I think it makes sense that we can be affected without our knowledge. I wouldn't say that the music referred to was hideous but when I heard the first few notes, I immediately got the feeling that I didn't want to/shouldn't listen to any more. This may be just my impression however.

If we are attempting to be aware of what we take in via diet, perhaps we should also consider the diet of the soul and not just the body as they are related - one affects the other. It becomes easy to normalize aspects of this world. When we are unaware of anything we take in, there may be a danger of us becoming caught up in it. Perhaps an example of this in terms of music would be if we listen to something that evokes certain feelings in us. If we are unaware of these feelings or are aware but "wallow" in them, we can become entropic. If we are aware of these emotional states and either use them to Work our way through them or lessen the amount of "food" (in this case music) that we take in, we can reduce or eliminate the ongoing damage. Just my thoughts.
Gertrudes said:
I also tried "garden of cassiopaea" and couldn't listen to it. It's way too disturbing, at least for me.

I'm with you there, Gertrudes. After the drum beat started I felt as though I had been kicked in the solar plexus. I could only tolerate a few seconds. Nasty stuff indeed. It's difficult to know whether the effect is intentional or an effect of the personality of the musician.
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