Libel and Defamation Against SOTT, Cass, LKJ, QFG, etc

Laura said:
As an update, so far we have 121 English version testimonials published with a few more English versions to go. We have a total of 2945 members which doesn't include banned members. That is just over 4% of members having written a testimonial. :( I sure hope we have more to come.

My testimonial is done! :) :)
EGVG said:
Laura said:
As an update, so far we have 121 English version testimonials published with a few more English versions to go. We have a total of 2945 members which doesn't include banned members. That is just over 4% of members having written a testimonial. :( I sure hope we have more to come.

My testimonial is done! :) :)

Thanks and we have received it. ;)
Hello all :)


I ´d like to say that in Spain, same things are made against with these with dissent with the "official science paradigm". I´m tired to fight with them.

But they are "the system", they have blogs, webs and are well organized.
Systematically destroy any new idea, they laugh, ridiculize you or any with different points of view, and so on. They are well organized here, they call themselves "skeptics"(escépticos) . And, believe me, they act as a religius men/women. Their religion: "Official science"

This is only to say that in Spain, is the same issue. The same that experience (more or less) Laura inthis item, has been experience with much people (greats investigators), here.
So, to end, this happens everywhere
Gandalf said:
Ana said:
Laura said:
As an update, so far we have 121 English version testimonials published with a few more English versions to go. We have a total of 2945 members which doesn't include banned members. That is just over 4% of members having written a testimonial. :( I sure hope we have more to come.

And that would be great. Testimonials are a great source of knowledge for others, we can see it by taking into account how Laura's sharing of her experiences and learning process have help us. She could have kept for herself all her learning experiences but She didn't, She opened herself to others so that those whom are open to learn can benefit too.

As long as we continue publishing testimonials we are opening possibilities for others so they can learn through examples and experiences too.
We are not here by mistake, and every act counts, now it is up to us to decide wich part of the balance we are filling.

Remember there is no need to give personal data, you can read testimonials here to see how others have done it:

People let's keep the flame alive for others too. :rockon:

I think that it is an excellent opportunity to give when asked. ;)

Certainly it is!! i'm writing mine now :D
Hello Everyone,

Yesterday, when the Forum was down and was changing servers I wound up reading many testimonials. And I was inspired to start writing one of my own. I am not very good at expressing myself in writing, and kept telling myself that there are so many, why would my opinion matter, etc (the standard predator ploy that usually works well on me). But I wrote it anyway. I urgently felt that I had to send it before I changed my mind. With the Forum down and unsure of where to send it, I emailed it to

Now that I have read more of this thread, I am wondering if I should send it to a Mod. Please let me know if that is necessary. Thanks.

Anyway, It felt good to write it and even better to actually send it! And even though it is quite obvious here on the forum and Sott, etc, that the work of Laura, et al, and the contributions of forum members are so beneficial to so many, while reading the testimonials I could feel it on a deeper level. Maybe because so much 'heartfelt energy' being directed really does have a visceral effect. Or maybe I am an emotional basketcase!!

In any event, I look forward to reading more of them.

Hi Freya,

Your testimonial was received and it will be published in due course. Thanks. :)
Freya said:
Hello Everyone,

Yesterday, when the Forum was down and was changing servers I wound up reading many testimonials. And I was inspired to start writing one of my own. I am not very good at expressing myself in writing, and kept telling myself that there are so many, why would my opinion matter, etc (the standard predator ploy that usually works well on me). But I wrote it anyway. I urgently felt that I had to send it before I changed my mind. With the Forum down and unsure of where to send it, I emailed it to

Now that I have read more of this thread, I am wondering if I should send it to a Mod. Please let me know if that is necessary. Thanks.

Anyway, It felt good to write it and even better to actually send it! And even though it is quite obvious here on the forum and Sott, etc, that the work of Laura, et al, and the contributions of forum members are so beneficial to so many, while reading the testimonials I could feel it on a deeper level. Maybe because so much 'heartfelt energy' being directed really does have a visceral effect. Or maybe I am an emotional basketcase!!

In any event, I look forward to reading more of them.

FWIW, I think you express yourself Very well, thank you! :hug2:
I would also like to add that I think that there are some interesting changes in cyberspace with the publishing of these testimonials - not just as an antidote to the lies and defamation - but also for the individuals writing the testimonials. It's like moving in the direction of balancing energy received and a number of people have written to tell me that they moved through some long-standing blockages after doing so!
Freya said:
Hello Everyone,

Yesterday, when the Forum was down and was changing servers I wound up reading many testimonials. And I was inspired to start writing one of my own. I am not very good at expressing myself in writing, and kept telling myself that there are so many, why would my opinion matter, etc (the standard predator ploy that usually works well on me). But I wrote it anyway. I urgently felt that I had to send it before I changed my mind. With the Forum down and unsure of where to send it, I emailed it to

Now that I have read more of this thread, I am wondering if I should send it to a Mod. Please let me know if that is necessary. Thanks.

Anyway, It felt good to write it and even better to actually send it! And even though it is quite obvious here on the forum and Sott, etc, that the work of Laura, et al, and the contributions of forum members are so beneficial to so many, while reading the testimonials I could feel it on a deeper level. Maybe because so much 'heartfelt energy' being directed really does have a visceral effect. Or maybe I am an emotional basketcase!!

In any event, I look forward to reading more of them.


I may (perhaps?) be considered a regular/long standing member here, but I still had to overcome the same blocks and fears as you Laurie.
And as Laura really is like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders that I didn't know I was carrying. Things in my life seem to be flowing more smoothly (even if there are still large obstacles to overcome). Giving what has been asked for and standing up (publically - even if behind a pseudonym) for truth really is important....and if done freely without expectation helps everyone involved it seems. :)
Your testimonial was received and it will be published in due course. Thanks. Smiley

Thank you Vulcan59. I am glad to know that the 'task is complete', so to speak.

FWIW, I think you express yourself Very well, thank you! Hug

Thanks Introspect. You may not think that if you knew how long it took me to write that little post!! I gave up on my Autobiography when I realized I would have had to start it in the womb!

RedFox, what you wrote is so true. I am not the best example of the benefits of this network, but I am so far from the person I was before I found it. I am so grateful for Laura's work and that the Universe has guided me here. But I realized that this testimonial isn't about me, it is about something so much greater. Something of which I Am a part, albeit a small part, and the Whole Is greater than the parts.

I have seen truly amazing things happen here. I have seen the personal growth experienced by so many. The genuine caring and unconditional giving of the Chateau crew and the members of this network. And the phenomenal results. Isn't that what this testimonial is really about?

So, therein lies my motivation. After a few hours of reading testimonials, and feeling the energy of the Whole, or maybe as Laura's stated a balancing of the energy, I felt a deep desire to toss my pebble on the scale.
Freya said:
So, therein lies my motivation. After a few hours of reading testimonials, and feeling the energy of the Whole, or maybe as Laura's stated a balancing of the energy, I felt a deep desire to toss my pebble on the scale.

:clap: :thup:
Freya said:
Your testimonial was received and it will be published in due course. Thanks. Smiley

So, therein lies my motivation. After a few hours of reading testimonials, and feeling the energy of the Whole, or maybe as Laura's stated a balancing of the energy, I felt a deep desire to toss my pebble on the scale.

A pebble of truth is gold while a pile of lies is nothing but sand.
Laura said:
I would also like to add that I think that there are some interesting changes in cyberspace with the publishing of these testimonials - not just as an antidote to the lies and defamation - but also for the individuals writing the testimonials. It's like moving in the direction of balancing energy received and a number of people have written to tell me that they moved through some long-standing blockages after doing so!

I have to confess this, but I had sent mine in after an emotional rush of reading Betsy's Truthtimonial without fully being satisfied with what I had written. I don't think it really did any justice because I found it a scatter-brained testimonial of what I thought I should write rather than something that was from the heart. Which is probably why I struggled with it constantly. At times it flowed, other times it didn't. It was bugging me for a few days so I mulled over it during an EE Session, where I came to the conclusion to let y'all know to not post mine so I could re-write it again from scratch with clearer intent. But procrastination set in (which is something I really need to work on) and I decided to wait until morning. I woke up the next morning to find my testimonial had just been posted up.

I actually want to apologize for that. This has been a lesson that I need to focus my energies more towards whatever I'm doing at the moment and not get so distracted easily. It affects the quality and effort, which isn't giving my all when asked.
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