Life in a bottle …


Jedi Master
I wrote this piece more to keep busy, but it turned to a realization on diseases and how hard it was to cross the America in early 1800’s.

Quote …

‘It was a time when dangerous diseases stalked the land, including smallpox, cholera, typhus, dysentery, yellow fever, scarlet fever, syphilis, measles, malaria, diphtheria, consumption (tuberculosis), influenza, and many more.’

And those that left their homes for a new land, the ones that came from overseas had a better chance of making it to the end as they carried less with them in the start. People that left the east coast for a better life bought wagons and tried to carry all their world and the kitchen sink, some even carried their cast iron tubs with them, imagine that. If the diseases didn’t get you, the wagons broke down, animals died, or you just couldn’t or didn’t go on to finish the trip. I did find some statements that only 1 in 4 made it to California in the end, the rest if they lived, populated the rural areas of the America’s at that time including Indian lands causing their eventual eviction from their own homes and lands. It was actually pretty sad what I found.

But I found a pistol with multiple chambers made by a Russian years before Colt made his. A crazy amount of snake oil salesmen, many that pulled up and parked on the main road of the traffic going west to sell their products that many didn’t live through. Not to mention the number of illicit drugs that were distributed there, cocaine, heroin, opium, Bayer was there too with one of their own.

I sent a couple from Europe to the America’s on a huge sailing ship, they ran into men that are in written into history all along the way, most were money mongers looking to always make more. Anyway, it is a fun story with a certain amount of historical fact and a little love story as they made friends and some enemies all along the way, enjoy. Haiku …


Forgot some writing details, 111 pages, 35,187 words.
And I am working on the Bottled Adventures next. Haiku ...
Final version, it has 181 pages, 56,863 words. The Bottled Adventures turned into the 'Bottled Ventures' and there are two add-on expansions at the end of the story now and edits to the original story at the end making it all flow together. Haiku ...


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