Gertrudes said:
seek10 said:
this explains why I had 'small' ketones on the stick 2 days back became traces yesterday. I had lamb lever. After having Vitamin C and digestive enzymes , My constipation and stomach ache came down. :)
From what I have been reading several factors may affect the ketone test. For example, the amount of liquids you ingest can dilute ketones so that it shows up as less on the reading stick. Something else that I read, apologies that I can't remember where, is how the amount of ketones you need to burn if you are expending more energy increases, therefore less Ketones will be expelled as waste through urine.
Also, once your body gets used to using ketones, it creates amounts much closer to what you need for energy and you end up excreting less. When you're excreting a lot of ketones in the urine, it generally means that not every cell in the body has converted over to using them yet. This can take a few days, and that's when you have an acetone type smell on the breath and in the sweat. As your body adapts it starts to use ketones more efficiently and these symptoms disappear. You'll start seeing less ketones registering on the ketostix, too. This doesn't mean you've fallen out of ketosis, only that you're more fully adapted (unless, of course, you ate a lot of carbs, which might have taken you out of ketosis).
I'm pretty sure I've been in and out of ketosis for a few months now; ever since reading LWB. Right away I dropped down to close to 0 carbs and stayed there. I wasn't being totally strict, though, and was sometimes having more carbs, as long as I stayed under the 72g. I was even eating dark chocolate with 8g of sugars per serving, assuming it was OK because I was still staying well under the 72g/day. But, in retrospect, I think this was enough to take me out of ketosis since it was a quick hit of sugar all at once (I think measuring in g/day instead of g/meal might be a bit of a disservice when you're trying to stay in ketosis. 72g all at once will definitely take most people out of ketosis). I think people should watch out with things like xylitol for this reason - although it's not as high in refined carbs as sugar, it still has some carb which your body is getting in quick hits. I could be wrong on this, of course.
For the last 2 weeks I've been much more dilligent, dropping down to almost 0 carb. Surprisingly, this got rid of my chocolate cravings like they were no big deal, whereas before they were almost uncontrollable! I occasionally have onions and garlic, herbs, lemon juice just to add flavour to meals, but that's it for carbs. I don't have ketostix, but I'm pretty sure I went into ketosis last week when my boss offered me a piece of gum

I said "Oh, am I stinky?" and she said "Yep!"
manitoban - where did you pick up the ketostix? At Shopper's D?