Link between consciousness and matter

Let me also add that if you are here to "teach," please make sure that what you want to teach is congruent with the principles of this forum. Otherwise, go start your own forum.
Hello to all Cs-fans!

I am very sory - if the text is difficult to understand. I try it really to write on by normal languages (realy) :)

well, maybe it help this fact of the Truth:
all being-forms of the universe (of the all universes) were made with act of the "Holly-languages" in the Creation-Process. This languages i don't know his name, it exist only in the 7-dim. There in the 7-dim all of the existing-forms don't know the differences between the Holly-Languages; between the Subject od the Creations and the Creator, between all of consciousness existing forms there becouse: if we are speaking by our HSS language, there exist onls the One Holy Subject. But there in 7-dim are different asspects of this "One" Existing Subject; (The God); and this forms of the consciousness of the God are "thinking" - they have his own "ideas" simmilar to our ideas but there this mental-processes have a creation-power (i must say it on our way - there the thinking mean Creating Universes with all kind of existing-forms). There in the 7-dim all of the Holly-Words (each of them) means high level of the power-energy for the creating of some universes. The high-level of the power-energy means the fact, the source of the manifestation of some existing-form - of each existing-form, of all existing-forms. This "thinking process" means the Creation-process and is going all the time, is going exactly NOW, all the time are existing new universes with all of the existings forms.
this Creation-process is very beautiful like the miracle. The existing Subjects there are making them without a misstakes, becouse the coding process of the Holly-Creation-Languages is the same with the Creaton-Process, if i speak by normal language, but i speak here above there in 7-dim are existing some different aspects of this One Consciousness-form of the Greath Creator.

Here on the earth we are using our languages-systems and we are producing by this way our mental-ideas. We ar living in the 3D-dim and here semms to exist the "different-borders" betwen our languages and the existing (material) forms. That is the point, why we have problems for understanding the fact behind our 3-dim facts.

Stay in light and bye!
Hello dear Laura&all here! :)

I am sure -the learning staff of this forum is very close to The Truth and i am very glad to find this greath forum. I know no other forum where The Truth is going to be understanding better than here.

I am very sory, if You are thinking i am doing something what could be not in harmony with the deepest point of this Cs forum. I am not doing this, i would like to help for better understanding some facts about our greath universe, of all.

If anybody means, i wrote bad(ly) please stopp my account here.

I am giving all to You pure love and light in my mind. I am very sory if this comunication are making problems. You all are greath Mans and Wives!!! That point is important.
Maybe i must wait, i am still to fast and i am doing it wrong.

Stay in light in close to your love with the Truth! you are doing it very good!

Hi Dreammer,

Again, you are using words that I do not understand. For example you say, "Holly-languages" and "it exist only in 7 dim"; what are these "Holly-languages" (more than one?) and how do you know it exist only in "7-dim"?

Then you say, "I am giving all to You pure love and light in my mind". I am not sure what you mean and in any case, nobody asked for it here, so why do you want to give to anybody?

Do you understand what this forum is about? Through all of your posts, you have written as you you KNOW all of the answers about densities above ours. You have said that you have been given this knowledge by higher beings. At least this is what I can understand from what you have written.

How do you KNOW this to be true? Have you found a way to prove it beyond a doubt? Have you taken what has been said to you by these "higher beings" and proven it by scientific means?

Are you aware that 4D STS can seem like light beings? They can deceive you and make you think that they are working for your own good when in essence they are telling lies to lead you astray.

Laura does not take anything the Cs have said as truth until she has done the research and scientific studies. She does not "believe" anything that comes from the Cs without further collaboration. But, if you will notice, the Cs do not give her the answers to much of anything until she has done the research beforehand, usually. Until her knowledge base is strong enough to support what is being said.

Also, in case you were not aware, we are not a "love and light" group here. Be do not believe in "you create your own reality" just by thinking good thoughts and shutting out the reality of how the universe really is.

Maybe you should read the Wave Series and then Adventures with Cassiopaea. so you understand just what we are discussing here.

You have come into our forum and been doing everything you can to "teach us" what some aliens have told you that are more than likely STS beings leading you astray. If you look at the material on this forum, along with Laura's books, you will find that these things have already been discussed and found to be quite the opposite of what they say they are.

I hope this helps.
I am sory, but i am not sugerring by the 4-D STS.

I know, how "dengerous" they are, but seems i got help of the lovely Nordic. My experiences are about 15-17 years old and your Cs forum and the Cs-teaching i know 3 days. But the 4-D STS were not dengerous to me, i was allways protected by my inner light and love, i think also by my will. But all of the dark STS being could be very dengerous, indeed. Semms we here in Slowenia had a big luck becouse allways if the STS were here - there was here the friendly Nordic, too. I know a few people wich had simmilary ecperiences and we called them, the STS: reptilians, black worms, sometimes they had forms like that; but the friendly lovely Nordic (they were allways full of light) we called "Space-bebes." Their eyes were crystal-transparent end they were allways very very clean and they were protecting us. I spoke about experiances many years ago - here we don't know in that time any info abpout the Cs, about Waves etc.... (i didn't know this staff).

About the 7-D i can't tell you more. In the 7-D there is all of knowledge of the universe, but is strong coded for us in the 3-D becouse the STS can manipulate this knowledge for free, if that knowledge was existing here. It exist only there in the 7-D.
I meet some being they want to manipulate me, but seems till now i had a luck.

Hi Dreammer,

What kind of experiences did you have with Nordics ?

May I suggest you to keep reading the material to disillusion you of the idea that you were protected by your inner love and light ?
I think the knowledge protect us..... but not all kind of knowledges and eaven if the knowlede is the real knowledge - it is not enough: the realy knowledge claims, programms to be STO. That's why i am here - eaven if you don't ask me therefore.
I came here on board by my choice and my wish.

i am sory if you don't understand me - i do not have more information to explain it by another words.
I was speaking metaforicaly, indeed, becouse i do not have more responsibility here in the 3-D and my english is bad.

I will start to read your Waves, your Glossary maybe i will find there a words to explain my experiance better than we can comunicate better, i am sure.
But - only the love and the light bring us the Truth - we haven't here in the 3-D another way. I readed this fact how to order our contacts with the 4-D STS but i know it since my experiances i told you it. The knowledge is light and love (remember it!)
Bye and stay in real (Cs) light and knowledge! I wish you all to keep all the best what do you need.
The Nordic: the were and they are very lovely, very kind and very nice people. They were allways here if the STS were here.
Seems the Nordic understand our emotional and energetical field, they can comunicate with that field but they are not dengerous, they are nice. This kind of the Nordic i saw. They can be like all of the humans are, they are yust a little higher and they are very beautiful and allways very clean. They can channeling positive energy to protect the people, they can channeling the light.
I haven't seen no Nordic wich would like to do something bad (problems) to the people. They are protecting us simmilar like the angels if they came here, they leave us totaly in peace -they are not desturbing that people wich are not comunicating with them.
That was it.
But this kind of the Nordic are living in the Light of the Truth from the 7-D, they are comunicating with them, they are like the "massengers" of the 7-D and i think they were this subjects wich bring me in to the 7-D and they bring me back here, too. but there in the 6-D, a level "before" the 7-D, before "The Door", the existing form are very different like here on the earth - the Nordic there are full of love and light, like etheric shinning, like "God" but they don't have all of responsibility of the 7-D - the can not to create new universes, etc ....
It was just once, one time, also about 16 years ago.... it was very veryy veryyy long journey to there, in the earth-time-messuriung it was allmost eternity.
You can not "go" there with our bodies, our "aura" etc .... all of this sources has no chance to transform the another "level" of the energy from there or to make this long journey to there.... it has no quality for that. I don't remember, on wich dimensity i was changing my "energetical-body" and in wich dimensity i leave my human body but all of this i must do it is the only way to go "out" and it was my choice.

I don't know more. That's all.

.... i forgot this point: in the 7-D the knowledges-points means to know all kind of knowledges wich are existing in all universes, in all dimensitis, of all. this knowledges is so "big and brite" like eternity here on the earth and much more. Yust one of the "knowledge-entity" (one Word) need here text for ca. 100 000 books (!) or more. All of this words and high energetical essences, like "matrixes" there have the creational power - are the Creation of universes. If we would like to explain the link of the knowledges-patterns there, we can translate it like "total-harmony" , the "One", the "Order" etc .... becouse they are coding strongly by the harmony, with the harmony .....
I remember that on other dimenzities the "students" are heaving the "schools" like we here on the earth and they are study very good this knowledge ..... each level, each dimenzity need more reporting transcriptions, "more learning staff" to understand this facts (no wonder, we need here the whole bibl about this knowledge).
... but all of this knowledge is coding by the harmonic ways, is harmony, is highly ordered and is power of the Truth. There are no misstakes, the all of links between the consciousness and metter are clear and highly explain, strong ordered in (space)harmony.

Dreammer said:
I will start to read your Waves, your Glossary maybe i will find there a words to explain my experiance better than we can comunicate better, i am sure.
But - only the love and the light bring us the Truth - we haven't here in the 3-D another way. I readed this fact how to order our contacts with the 4-D STS but i know it since my experiances i told you it. The knowledge is light and love (remember it!)
Bye and stay in real (Cs) light and knowledge! I wish you all to keep all the best what do you need.

Hi Dreammer,

Love and Light does not protect - knowledge protects IF applied. To believe that 'love and light' protects is to be lost in a dream and to be food. Please read the Wave Series, if you are interested in participating here. From what you've written, you are very, very confused on several topics, which is not a problem at all if you are sincere and willing to read and learn. Please understand that these topics have been discussed at length on this forum - so read and learn. :)
Hy to all here!
Thank you for advice.

I have experiances that the Thruth of the knowledge is a light and a protection, too, of course. The 4-D STS, for example, are "dark" existing forms, they haven't a real harmonic (highly cosmic ordered love) in her programming sistems.

I have a little question: why we have a problem here with understanding us? If we all are speaking universal language of the same Truth, i think we must be friendly to each other. Please do not understand it bad, i am glad if you give me friendly advices, that's "cool" but i have my own choice to keep "my reality of my experiences" too. I am not fool, sory.
I am not sure if i write correctly what i mean: but i got many advices to see, to look in Cs-glosary etc .... for using a elementary terminus, words.... Should i forget all of knowledge i have it now and start to build komplet new language-system to comunicating with you here?

If the knowledge we are beliewing it cames from the Only One Spring, from the "eternity" outside 3-D, from our Identities in the Future (I was there!!!) - we must just to learn us here and now, how to understand us, how to exchange our best knowledge, our realy STO experiances-patterns.

That's why i came here on bord. I see here a light, the trail of the Truth and this is very good. But i have my own right to speak about that by my languages wich i know. And i am interesting to learn how do you understand this facts.

Best regards and stay in light of the real knowledge!

Dreammer, it is more or less a requirement to have read The Wave and the works of Gurdjieff in order to participate on this forum. Please re-read the Forum Guidelines:

Notice this part:

To create an environment for the stimulation, development and then the alignment of objective consciousnesses as defined and described by the Cassiopaeans with the able help of Georges Gurdjieff, Mouravieff, Castaneda, and many other sources available to us. The foundation of this forum is The Cassiopaean Experiment, the layout of the rooms is generally modelled after the work of Gurdjieff and Mouravieff, the decor and details are filled in by Castaneda and many modern psychological studies.
Hello Laura!

Thank you a lot! :)

If i understand your notice correctly: the C. Castaneda is in ok relation to the Cs.

I like Castaneda very much!

I have many experiances by his learning - if a am speaking correctly, my experiances of my future were going in some of this kind of "dreamming" - i call it "another perceptions." (i "dreammed" some experiances of my future).

I have here very much experiances - Castaneda help me to understand the facts wich i know since my childness-years. Castaneda help me to re-memoring my knowledge in my dreamms.

I have experiances with dragons in my "dream", with anorganic-beings, with reptilians, etc .... but this way i never interested it.

I meet here in my living-space a woman, she called herself as the "Dragon-Mum" - she likes all kind of reptilians and she was on their space-sheep in her laboratorioum, but she knows me from the dreamming, but she sad to me: nobody can hunting you in your dream, you are to fast for normal human being. She was hunting me in my dreamms with her group "old-Wizzards" for many of years!!

I dreamed realy historical place on the earth, where the aliens were here f. e. ab 2300 years ago, they attacked us - i will say "our dreaming group" and it was very very sadly situation. That time i was in a bad situation,too and i lost some of my energy - but i still fly away from that sadly masakred-place. Since that time i have newer lost my energy in my dream again, eaven in problematic-situations.
This place is existing here in the south part of Slowenia. There was realy a sadly battle between two ancient tribes, there was a village in ancient time.
This is very strongly energetical point, you can see there a "crowdly" energy. I dreamed this also more than 15 years before i was realy there on this place.
i know, how highly dengerous could be the being by the "old" energetical-frequencess-patterns, the old groups (sory i can not translate it correctly on english) and i see here some connections to the reptilians and to the STS , too.

I have many story by this way.

regards and best wishes!!
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