Do you understand what this forum is about? Through all of your posts, you have written as you you KNOW all of the answers about densities above ours. You have said that you have been given this knowledge by higher beings. At least this is what I can understand from what you have written.
How do you KNOW this to be true? Have you found a way to prove it beyond a doubt? Have you taken what has been said to you by these "higher beings" and proven it by scientific means?
Are you aware that 4D STS can seem like light beings? They can deceive you and make you think that they are working for your own good when in essence they are telling lies to lead you astray.
Laura does not take anything the Cs have said as truth until she has done the research and scientific studies. She does not "believe" anything that comes from the Cs without further collaboration. But, if you will notice, the Cs do not give her the answers to much of anything until she has done the research
beforehand, usually. Until her knowledge base is strong enough to support what is being said.
Also, in case you were not aware, we are not a "love and light" group here. Be do not believe in "you create your own reality" just by thinking good thoughts and shutting out the reality of how the universe really is.
Maybe you should read the
Wave Series and then
Adventures with Cassiopaea. so you understand just what we are discussing here.
You have come into our forum and been doing everything you can to "teach us" what some aliens have told you that are more than likely STS beings leading you astray. If you look at the material on this forum, along with Laura's books, you will find that these things have already been discussed and found to be quite the opposite of what they say they are.
I hope this helps.