Loch Ness Monster - more proof of existence?


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Is this the Loch Ness Monster? Sonar picture shows 'serpent-like creature' at bottom of mysterious loch

New sonar image described by monster hunters as totally unexplained

Experts have ruled out the ‘sighting’ being any other fish, seal or debris

Sonar images at -


The 'C's take on the matter -

Q: (L) {One of my kids} wants to know what the Loch Ness Monster is?

A: Serpent. 40 feet long average. There are 51 in the lake. They live in underwater cavern system and are leftovers from pre-cataclysmic times.

Session October 23, 1994.
I've often wondered about the possibility that these lake monsters are some large unknown species of amphibians. Having fished freshwater lakes, ponds, rivers, streams and creeks, I've seen different species of amphibians that breathe under water with gills that thrive in colder waters.

What if such supposed creatures like Nessie were huge fully aquatic amphibians ? Being water breathers, they would not be sighted all that much as there would be little need to surface unless hunting near the surface, or moving through shallow waters.
Sure thing is that the Loch Ness is quite deep in some places. Apparently as deep as 230 m (755 ft). And the water is so troubled that you can't see more than a few feet down with naked eyes.

I've read that there is indeed a huge underwater cavern there that has been discovered by a man named George Edwards. He apparently hypothesized back then that it could lead to a network of caverns and that there is probably more than one creature living there (being a firm believer in Nessie himself).

I guess it's not too far off what the C's have said.
Latest Loch Ness UFO sighting:
Debunked here as reading lamp reflection on double window:


Reading this news I looked at the photo and got the feeling that (a) a large stationary dimensional window exists there, reaching into the water below. (b) The window comes and goes like eddies on a water surface or usual cyclones over an area seen from space and all kinds of creatures [into the water] and UFOs are popping in and out of it, and we sometimes see them like passing cars from a highway bridge. I couldn't find much regarding such activity. Other lakes seem to have lot more eerie traffic going on.

UFO Over Loch Ness
Thursday, January 23, 2003

UFO sparks search on shores of Loch Ness ('blue balloon')

Loch Ness UFO Shock:

UFO sighting at Loch Ness 08 January 2012.
This could be easily fake. By masking the tree line - if the video image were paper, simply by creating a paper clip of the tree line - separating it from the sky background and playing theater with moving a paper clip UFO behind the tree line. In a video editor program - Adobe After Effects.

Alert as UFO is sighted over Loch Ness
treesparrow said:
Is this the Loch Ness Monster? Sonar picture shows 'serpent-like creature' at bottom of mysterious loch

New sonar image described by monster hunters as totally unexplained

Experts have ruled out the ‘sighting’ being any other fish, seal or debris

Sonar images at -


The 'C's take on the matter -

Q: (L) {One of my kids} wants to know what the Loch Ness Monster is?

A: Serpent. 40 feet long average. There are 51 in the lake. They live in underwater cavern system and are leftovers from pre-cataclysmic times.

Session October 23, 1994.

I found this interesting in this respect: In 1954 I was made a ward of the state in South Australia, and I went to live with a Scottish family, who had emigrated with us on the same ship. It turned out that the lady of the house was a member of the 1934 party that photographed Nessie, (she was the Nanny for the family), and she told me that she had seen it with her own eyes.
So for me, that is a hit for the C's!
Gemmell and his fellow researchers ruled out the existence of Jurassic-age reptiles, such as plesiosaurs, and found no catfish or shark DNA either. When all was said and done, only one “plausible” explanation remained.

“There is a very significant amount of eel DNA. Eels are very plentiful in Loch Ness. Our data doesn’t reveal their size, but the sheer quantity of the material says that we can’t discount the possibility that there may be giant eels in Loch Ness,” Gemmell said while making the announcement on Thursday, adding that he was surprised by the “sheer volume” of eel DNA found.

Essentially those 51 or so grandmother, grandfather, mama and papa Nessie giant serpentine eels move a lot underwater to feed and play, I guess, so they must leave copious amounts of their DNA in the water.

So the C's were right again. Serpentine creatures DNA in my book could match eel DNA close enough for horseshoes!

A wild camper was shocked to catch the ‘ Loch Ness Monster ’ on his 4k drone footage.

Richard Mavor couldn’t believe the video he had taken after eagle eyed viewers spotted a mysterious creature in the water.

The 54-year-old pilot was filming footage for his Youtube channel, Richard Outdoors, when he accidentally caught the figure swimming on the banks of the loch in August.



Real or not? 🤷‍♀️
Here is a better version from the mentioned youtube channel, where you can set a higher quality.

Richard Outdoors



A wild camper was shocked to catch the ‘ Loch Ness Monster ’ on his 4k drone footage.

Richard Mavor couldn’t believe the video he had taken after eagle eyed viewers spotted a mysterious creature in the water.

The 54-year-old pilot was filming footage for his Youtube channel, Richard Outdoors, when he accidentally caught the figure swimming on the banks of the loch in August.



Real or not? 🤷‍♀️
I have watched a dozen times and it really is hard to see it- in the blowup it kind of resembles the outline of a plesiosaur- but it’s a stretch. Be cool if it was, but not likely- unless there’s a time rift of some kind and it pops in and out of our reality. Cs said there’s something there so maybe, yeah, could be!
The video I posted above had been removed apparently. Maybe he got to much crazy emails:-). But he uploaded it again:
Richard Outdoors
@3:51 (set quality to 1080p)


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Sketch of creature seen on Loch Ness in 1936 held in 'Monster Files' collection at National Museum of Scotland​


As another report of an unexplained sighting on Loch Ness has been registered, it has emerged the National Museum of Scotland also has 'Monster Files' among its collections.

The third Nessie 'sighting' of 2022 was recorded by the Official Loch Ness Monster Sightings Register this month after local man Glenn Blevins saw a large animate object while working at Aldourie Castle.

While this latest account highlights an ongoing global fascination of the Loch Ness phenomenon, the library collection at National Museum of Scotland has also revealed it has its own Monster Files – including a sketch of Nessie.

From devil dogs to sea serpents to the yeti, the files include folder after folder of accounts and correspondence to its keepers about the alleged monsters.

In a blog, Monster Files the museum states: "Our collections reveal how over the years these fascinating sightings, theories and 'evidence' demonstrate the hold these cryptids have had on our collective consciousness."

In 1975, Ian HJ Lyster, of the Royal Scottish Museum department for natural history, was sent a sketch of a large creature which was supposed to have have come ashore near Drumnadrochit in 1936.

He wrote: "I was quite staggered when I first saw the sketch.

"My first reaction was that such a creature would explain a lot of the apparently odd descriptions of the Loch Ness Monster and also such photographs as the three humps taken by Lachlan Stuart in 1951.

"The odd fleshy lobes hanging from the head have also been variously described by witnesses."

The sketch was reported to have been by a man from Galloway who described the monster as "fleshy and flabby" with a "mangy appearance" and was sucking the weed from stones.

Mr Lyster did not find it strange that the witness had not come forward previously.

"Several of the people I have spoken to who have seen the monster have been very reluctant to speak of it for fear of ridicule," he wrote.

The image was also seen by John Dennis, an American botanist, who thought it looked like a Walt Disney caricature but he believed it was genuine as well.


The Monster Files also include an exchange of letters from 1950 after a member of the public wrote to Dr A. C. Stephen, keeper of the natural history department, about a strange sighting on Loch Craignish.

The letter described a creature resembling a sea serpent which appeared on the surface.

It was witnessed by three people including an artist who drew some sketches which accompanied the letter.

Inverness Courier reported first modern-day sighting of Loch Ness Monster

The first reported modern-day sighting of the Loch Ness Monster appeared in The Inverness Courier in May 1933.

It was to trigger one of the world's most enduring enigmas which continues to this day.

According to the story, a well-known businessman, living near Inverness, and his wife – a university graduate – were driving along the north shore of the loch not far from Abriachan Pier when they were startled to see "a tremendous upheaval on the loch, which, previously, had been as calm as the proverbial mill-pond".

The sighting occurred less than a mile from shore.

The report continued: "There, the creature disported itself, rolling and plunging for fully a minute, its body resembling that of a whale, and the water cascading and churning like a simmering cauldron.

"Soon, however, it disappeared in a boiling mass of foam. Both onlookers confessed that there was something uncanny about the whole thing, for they realised that here was no ordinary denizen of the depths, because, apart from its enormous size, the beast, in taking the final plunge, sent out waves that were big enough to have been caused by a passing steamer."

The couple waited almost half-an-hour in the hope that the monster – if that's what it was – would come to the surface again.

However, that was the last they saw – although many other sightings have been reported in the 89 years since.

Gary Campbell keeps a register of reports at The Official Loch Ness Monster Sightings Register.

Third Loch Ness Monster 'sighting' of 2022
A new picture of the potential creature was snapped recently. Not very clear, since the sea beast won't venture closer to the shore, but interesting and there's been a sound recording that will be analyzed.

Was reading a bit of American Monsters by Linda S Godfrey, and on the chapter titled "creature communications" there is an account of a 'werewolf' sighting by a couple in Crowsnest Pass, Alberta, Canada in 2012. It's pretty much the usual large wolf sighting, starting directly at the couple, creeping them out, and then totally freaking them out when it stands up on two legs and runs away like that.

Anyway, this part was appended to the tale:

"She had her cell phone with her and was thinking about using it to take a picture of the creature. As she was thinking this, she suddenly got a "feeling" that is she took a photo, the creature would kill both of them. She said that the feeling was so strong that she immediately shoved the phone in her pocket. It wasn't as if the creature sent her a psychic message or anything, it was just a feeling.

She had actually been so scared that she lost control of her bladder, even though she always thought that was just something from the movies."

The author then cites other examples of this type of 'communication'

"There were the medical workers, for example, who saw a wolf-like creature pop up from a ditch on a Wisconsin-Illinois border road as she drove to work one morning in 2004. She said she felt it was "telling" her it would come an find her if she told anyone of her sighting.

Other witnesses have said they felt the creature communicated that it could jump on their vehicles - or on the witnesses - if it so desired. Even more common is the feeling people get that the creature is "angry" at them for seeing it!"

So I was wondering, assuming these are more or less accidental "window fallers" from another dimension, why would they be so concerned about not being seen by humans, to the point of threatening them with severe repercussions if they report the incident?
Was reading a bit of American Monsters by Linda S Godfrey, and on the chapter titled "creature communications" there is an account of a 'werewolf' sighting by a couple in Crowsnest Pass, Alberta, Canada in 2012. It's pretty much the usual large wolf sighting, starting directly at the couple, creeping them out, and then totally freaking them out when it stands up on two legs and runs away like that.

Anyway, this part was appended to the tale:

The author then cites other examples of this type of 'communication'

So I was wondering, assuming these are more or less accidental "window fallers" from another dimension, why would they be so concerned about not being seen by humans, to the point of threatening them with severe repercussions if they report the incident?
Well, the explanation may be simple.

No criminal likes to be discovered and talked about and their activities.

A consciousness that enters our reality and feeds on fear, the last thing it needs is for us to become "aware" of it since that can limit its hunting and fun.

People who are being used by evil consciences never want their photos taken, since in the photo you can perfectly see the strange malignancy on the face, as opposed to other moments where the evil conscience is not using that person.

An approach to the legend of vampires that are not reflected in mirrors, that is, the person is no longer there, this other thing is in charge.
No criminal likes to be discovered and talked about and their activities.

A consciousness that enters our reality and feeds on fear, the last thing it needs is for us to become "aware" of it since that can limit its hunting and fun.

I suppose. I just always had the assumption that these "things" were accidentally in our dimension/reality, and as such were as bemused about it as the witnesses here are. The idea that they seem to want to keep their existence hidden from us implies a broader awareness of what they are doing and the ignorant state of humanity than I had thought.
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