Lola is gone ..


The Force is Strong With This One
My dog friend Lola has died. Almost three weeks have passed and I still can't accept she is not with me any more. I cry often and I see her everywhere. She was my first dog and before I took her with me she have already choose me.. She was one of many stray dogs that lived around the warehouse in the company I was working for. She started following me and waiting for me in the front of the office. I did not even feed her at the time. Workers were giving food for the dogs, but she was still waiting for me. I would spend time with her and we passed like that 3 years. After I left the company, I could not forget her, and after a while I came back and took her. We travelled together and we moved together in a new country. Almost always together…We have been together like this for only two years, but is seems that the connection we had was very strong. I feel devastated, and sadness just won't fade away. She was simply - wonderful ...
Some time before it happened, I was thinking to write on the forum about her, and of her sweetness and joy she gave me.. She gave me love and friendship. I feel so empty right now...
I am sorry to write such a sad post. But she was important, more important that I could ever imagined. The sadness just won't go away..
Rima said:
I am sorry to write such a sad post. But she was important, more important that I could ever imagined. The sadness just won't go away..

Dear, Rima, my sincere condolences. :hug2: :flowers: Thank you for sharing about your lovely Lola. It is totally understandable for you to feel this way, especially if your companion meant that much to you. I also had to say goodbye to a beloved pet couple of months ago, and the following video helped me to focus on honoring the amazing gift he gave me. Big hug. :hug:
I am so sorry for your loss. I have gone through it a few times and felt my heart would never mend. Do you have any pictures of your sweet Lola that you could share?

Here is a site which I found had some helpful information:
So sorry for the loss of your furry friend Rima :hug2:. It sounds like Lola was a wonderful companion and friend. The first time you lose a pet is definitely the hardest, you cry until there are no tears left to cry. Grieving always takes it's own time, but your happy memories of her will always be there. I'm so glad you decided to share :).
Very sorry for your loss, Rima. The video brings up some good points. The pet (or person for that matter) is safe and no longer suffering. We are the ones who are affected. We miss the pet/person. We are the ones suffering. The fact is that Lola knew that you loved her, she loved you and you had many great times together. May she rest in peace. :hug:
So very sorry for your loss, Rima. All the wonderful experiences you shared with Lola will always be there, and in the end all living things must die (at least the body), even though it's so hard on those left to grieve. Take care of yourself and take heart in the love you shared with Lola. :hug2:
I am terribly sorry for your loss. My sincere condolences.

What help me very much when I lost my dear Laika, 3 years ago (and I still cry very often and every day of my life I think about her) is writing to her. This help me and I am still writing to her.

Take care of yourself. :hug2: :hug:
Keit, thank you for the video. I shall apply that good advice and honor the good times (and they were all good!).
And thank you Will01, Nienna, Sevenfeathers, Seeking Truth and Loreta for your kindest words... Means much to me that someone understands the suffering that takes place after our pet friend has gone, and is real as it was our connection with them.

I attach the photo of this wonderful being Lola..


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I am so sorry Rima for your loss.

I know what you are going through since I lost my little sweetie two months ago.

And as a friend told me in order to help me in that grieving period:


And thanks Keit for sharing that video.
I'm sorry to hear about your loss Rima and many condolences for you :hug2:!
I am sorry about your loss, Rima. My condolences. I understand that you miss her and mourn because your Lola is gone. I felt the same as you now when I lost my Minnie some years ago. Your Lola was a very special companion and will live in your memory. I am sure she enjoyed living with you. To be chosen by such a friend is a very special gift. It is very normal to miss such a family member and friend. May she rest in peace. :hug2:
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