Lola is gone ..

Shellycheval, I am very sorry, it must be hard :/
When they suffer .. it's unbearable. Specially the old friend like your Barbie.
I hope you stay strong and I am sure you will know what is the most appropriate
thing to do, and that you will do it with love and care.
I am with you and with Barbie in my thoughts

'Keeping in your heart as treasure'

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Big hugs for you Rima and for you, too, shellycheval.

Give yourself some time Rima and I am sure you will be able to cherish the memories you have of Lola.

My dog died last year and my cat died almost three years ago, so as many here on the forum I know what it feels like. Shortly after the death of my dog I had this image of her: she was looking at me, her tail wagging, healthy and happy and most of all she was free from pain and suffering. So, although we suffer because they leave us behind the idea that she is free now and at peace has helped me. I hope it will help you too.
shellycheval said:
I could see that they could not relate to it at all. Better not to talk about animals to them. they can not understand.
You are right, and it is their loss because they will never experience the comfort and joy and lessons that loving a pet can provide us.
Such a beautiful face--thank you for sharing her picture with us. So sorry for your loss.
I am with you in your grief.
It looks like today is day I should help my eighteen year old cat, Barbie, release her spirit from a body that is clearly becoming distressing to her.
She hasn't eaten for days and up until today has been content to drink some water and sleep most of the time, but now she is restless and is beginning to move weakly
around the house from place to place. Two days ago her vet said there was nothing to do and that it was her time, so we gave her some fluid for comfort and
I brought her home to hold her a while and prepare myself. I don't want to impede on her natural process, but I also don't want to wait until she panics and is
in a lot of discomfort.
Thank you for sharing your love for Lola. Sorry to intrude on your discussion.

I wondering how are you feeling shellycheval,rima and Mariama the last days about your pain :hug2:
Hello munaychasumak!

Thank you for asking about us :)
I would also like to know how is shellycheval and if she is all right.

And (sorry Mariama for being late) I wish to thank you for kind words and good advice.

I believe that sharing on the forum helped me a lot, and it was a sort of a miracle cure. I stopped crying and started
thinking if there is maybe some way to help some other 2 density being. So i contacted one Association which saves
cats and dogs when they are in danger. My intention was to propose to my mother to take one of them, I thought that for me was too early .. Few days after I was told that there is this small dog in Zenica (Bosnia) in very bad shape, and in danger.. I do not live in Bosnia but seems that many people took her destiny in heart so two days after they brought her in Croatia where I live now..
I was almost scared by her state. Full of small wounds everywhere, no tail, no voice and completely terrified of everything... My mother declined, so I took her in three days ago, not without hesitation.

Seems that she is going to be fine. She is starting to relax and to follow me. The wounds will heel, veterinary told me. I called her Carotina.
I still think about Lola. Lola taught me about dog nature and showed me how they can enrich our lives. Thanks to her I could maybe save another being. She will remain forever my dog teacher.. Carotina does not know, but it is Lola that saved her...

This is Carotina before I took her, and now...


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I'm so glad that you have found a 2D friend Rima- Carolina is thriving and she is beautiful. I read this whole thread and I've had tears streaming down my face. Thank you for sharing you love and loss of Lola - our 2D freinds really do hold a special place in our hearts. .
Carotina is very lucky to have a human like you. And, it's really good that you have a new 4-legged companion. Carotina is a lovely dog with very expressive eyes. Not only have you (with Lola's help) saved Carotina, I think that she will have a healing affect on you.

Thank you for sharing the pictures and update.
Rima said:
Seems that she is going to be fine. She is starting to relax and to follow me. The wounds will heel, veterinary told me.

And thanks to you, not only the physical wounds are going to heal. :flowers:

Thank you for sharing, Rima. It's an example, that love we give to others, humans or animals, never goes wasted. :hug2:
Thank you for sharing Rima. Your Carotina looks so sweet. Lola will always have a special place in your heart but there will be enough place for Carotina and others. And those animal shelter 2D friends are really special. They have to give so much.
A really lovely story to hear. What a lovely dog Carotina is glad to hear she's on the road to recovery and a new life full of love.

You'll never forget any of your animal companions they all leave a mark. :hug:
Nienna said:
Carotina is very lucky to have a human like you. And, it's really good that you have a new 4-legged companion. Carotina is a lovely dog with very expressive eyes. Not only have you (with Lola's help) saved Carotina, I think that she will have a healing affect on you.

Thank you for sharing the pictures and update.
I agree, Carotina is a wonderful dog. :flowers:
Carotina is very lucky! And you will help her to heal. Love is a medicine that goes in two directions, in many directions. I am very happy that you found this little dog that suffered a lot, and came to your life thanks to your Lola and your beautiful heart. And Carotina is beautiful!
Rima said:
...My intention was to propose to my mother to take one of them, I thought that for me was too early .. Few days after I was told that there is this small dog in Zenica (Bosnia) in very bad shape, and in danger.. I do not live in Bosnia but seems that many people took her destiny in heart so two days after they brought her in Croatia where I live now..
I was almost scared by her state. Full of small wounds everywhere, no tail, no voice and completely terrified of everything... My mother declined, so I took her in three days ago, not without hesitation.

Seems that she is going to be fine. She is starting to relax and to follow me. The wounds will heel, veterinary told me. I called her Carotina.
I still think about Lola. Lola taught me about dog nature and showed me how they can enrich our lives. Thanks to her I could maybe save another being. She will remain forever my dog teacher.. Carotina does not know, but it is Lola that saved her...

This is Carotina before I took her, and now...

Hello Rima,

I've not made a post in years on the forum. Though I obviously still follow it and find value in the group. I didn't particularly feel the need or compulsion to comment, as most things are quite well covered by the forum members and their ever interesting minds. Your post though not the only one I've read related to a dog has compelled me to lend my support and understanding to you. My deepest sympathy for the loss of your sweet Lola. Never doubt the value of that bond and the worth of that love. I'm glad for you and for the memory of Lola that you honored that love by opening your heart and home to another furry soul in need. Not that they are more worthy than human souls in need, but dogs are thinking and feeling beings with value of their own. The value to our own existence can not be denied and never should be by someone blessed to share it.

It was your comments about hesitation and feeling it might be too early which caught my attention. They are normal feelings and speak only to the truth of the bond between you and Lola. I have found through the years as dogs are a central and massive presence in my life and always have been, that we do them no dishonor or disrespect by opening our hearts to love another. They are never replaced. They are not forgotten. They have moved on to the next step in their journey. Though my heart has broken many times at the loss of a loved one, be they human or animal. I've never been made stronger by shutting the door to expanded love and new pieces of my heart. As many members have expressed you are understood in both your bond with Lola and the sadness at her loss. My heart went out to you immediately when I read your first post, and to the members sharing their own stories. When I got to the post quoted above my heart leapt for you. There is a healing and growth in welcoming Carotina into your life. I wish you both many years of friendship and love. These little fur faces can teach us much about our own humanity. I've often said to people in my life that dogs make me a better person. It's an absolute truth and I'm grateful for every paw print left on my heart and life. I wish the same for you, be well.
Thank you Shane for your beautiful thoughts and very kind words.
When I saw your post I was just writing and trying to express the gratitude I felt.. to the 'forum', I guess. I sort of could not find the words, because it seemed strange to feel this overwhelming .. loving understanding.. if those are right words. For the first time I could feel the presence of group.. At first it seemed very abstract, but after I realized, even if we do not know each others names, and live far away, that this 'group' of people really exists ...spread on the planet and miraculously joined here.. helping each other.. researching different things and topics. Each of us in some way trying to contribute and not to be selfish or to oppress the other people with too many 'personal' issues or troubles..
So we often don't share many of those things, because the forum is mainly about research.
But in this case I also felt that there was something 'more' to discover in this connection with animals, specially our pets as we share with them so much of our time and so strong affection.

They are never replaced. They are not forgotten. They have moved on to the next step in their journey. Though my heart has broken many times at the loss of a loved one, be they human or animal I've never been made stronger by shutting the door to expanded love and new pieces of my heart.

Forum friends, I feel very grateful to each one of you for taking time to answer and to express your understanding and compassion. It was a very big help. Gave me motivation to move and not to remain stuck in the feeling of grief and loss, it gave me possibility to understand more about us and our pets, and teaching/learning process which seems that always takes place, even when we don't know that.
And yes, I also feel it is true what you said Shane, they make us better persons..
Very heartfelt reply, Shane. Our furry friends are indeed a spark, each and everyone of them that have graced our lives. Being open to caring for another is a testament to the bonds that are formed between.

Rima, I'm so very happy that you found Carotina or, perhaps you just found each other for all the right reasons.

Shellycheval, I know you are a good champion of animals and was sorry to read of your 18 year old, Barbie.

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