The Cosmic Force
"There is much talk out there of Something Big happening at the Olympics, I would Avoid It. As its not beyond the rhealm of possabilities for them to do this to us.
Occupiers if they attend and this blamed on them, would make all Occupiers Terrorists and they would then be pulling their own camps down around the world, as they could then have a reason to blame us and thus bring in their planned Martial Law Upon Us All. .!!
"There is much talk out there of Something Big happening at the Olympics, I would Avoid It. As its not beyond the rhealm of possabilities for them to do this to us.
Occupiers if they attend and this blamed on them, would make all Occupiers Terrorists and they would then be pulling their own camps down around the world, as they could then have a reason to blame us and thus bring in their planned Martial Law Upon Us All. .!!