Lonliness, responsibilities, desire to DO SOMETHING, but what?

maryjk_99 said:
I have always been so fortunate in never having any real physical health problems. But I have never really been in tune with my body either. I'm more a clutze than anything, excersize was never a real routine for me for more than a couple of months, and I always took advantage of the fact that nothing I ever eat really bothers me.

Well that doesn't mean that nothing evil is happening in silence! Here is what Laura once wrote on something that shellycheval wrote, shellycheval wrote:

I had no discernible immediate response to adding these foods back, but the tiredness, lack of energy, gas, and irritated bowels, crept back into my life.

And Laura responded:

This is why it is an "iceberg" with most of the damage concealed and just a little bit showing at the top! One wonders, of course, if it was just making you tired, lacking in energy, gassy and so forth, what ELSE might it have been doing in the way of silent damage to your body?

As I wrote recently to someone else whose partner has a sudden TIA - out of the blue - and the doctors are telling her that her arteries to her brain are like 80% blocked and she had absolutely NO symptoms! - researchers have been saying for years that it is dairy that damages blood vessels and causes the build up of arterial plaque which is what occludes blood vessels. Some people are obviously more sensitive than others and damage occurs rapidly and heavily even without a single external symptom. Like Gaby said, they just have a heart attack or stroke one day and that's the first they know.

Since we know that the evils of gluten are similar to the evils of dairy, we have to wonder how much damage is being done to the body without ANY symptoms?

You are lucky, like me, you do have symptoms that let you know that your body is suffering with that stuff. But not everyone is so lucky.

From this thread: http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=16891.0

maryjk_99 said:
Little steps...Last night was my first full EE session; been a smoker all my life, working on the breathing still..trying not to use my stomach muscles. AND, this morning, sent in my FOTCM application. Wow, that felt good! :D

Really nice!! :cool:
Oxajil, thank you for the link - this is one part of the forum I haven't yet delved into except in passing.

....tiredness, lack of energy, gas, irritated bowels<< yup, that's me. Silent as it is makes it all the more dangerous. Not as fortunate as I once thought!

There is no part of existance which is shielded from harm. I will definitely work to learn more about the good vs harmful foods and incorporate these into my family's diets. Another topic for discussion with them in that you can never trust what you think you know.
This might sound absolutely rediculous but it works for me. When ever I'm not liking what I'm about to do I tell myself to put a smile on my face for 5 minutes. It triggers a memory of happy and makes it so much easier to be kind and positive knowing that I'm about to walk into a very negative place. That and pipe breathing get me through most days.
paartcart said:
This might sound absolutely rediculous but it works for me. When ever I'm not liking what I'm about to do I tell myself to put a smile on my face for 5 minutes. It triggers a memory of happy and makes it so much easier to be kind and positive knowing that I'm about to walk into a very negative place. That and pipe breathing get me through most days.

I don't think it's that ridiculous! Making the facial expressions of emotions actually triggers them. Paul Ekman talks about it in his book Emotions Revealed. It works for negative emotions too. So if you are in a bad mood and keep a certain facial expression, you're actually facilitating the emotion. There's a portion of the EE program, beatha, which does a similar thing via breathing. The different paces of breathing trigger emotional states that are held in or repressed, so it helps as a method releasing them and cleansing.
I practiced some pipe breathing last night before falling asleep. I dreamt about Cyrano de Bergerac, (of all things!)that I and some people were entering an old building to view his works. The thing is- I haven't had a dream (that I remember anyway) in years...
I haven't had a dream (that I remember anyway) in years

If you continue to do the pipe breathing and other parts of the EE programme regularly, I think you’ll find you’ll be having quite a few dreams that you will remember. You might even want to consider starting a dream journal. Your higher self will likely be using your dreams to communicate with you.
Galahad said:
I haven't had a dream (that I remember anyway) in years

If you continue to do the pipe breathing and other parts of the EE programme regularly, I think you’ll find you’ll be having quite a few dreams that you will remember. You might even want to consider starting a dream journal. Your higher self will likely be using your dreams to communicate with you.

I agree, and one of the problems is that, whilst we do have dreams, we ignore them - thinking that by awakening with only a small, partial memory of a dream, it is 'not enough to do anything with' (this is 'the fragment trap', quoted in Living Your Dreams by Gayle Delaney). Since journalling my dreams I'm surprised how often I actually dream - even in one night! :D And, very informative they are too! :D

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