Lynn Grabhorn - Dear God what happened to her? by author Debra Katz


A Disturbance in the Force
I just came across this forum as I was searching for information about how author Lynn Grabhorn died (she authored the bestselling: "Excuse me: Your Life Is Waiting" a terrific book by Hampton Roads Publishing). While I agree her second book, "Dear God, what's happening to us?” sounded kooky I know for a fact there are lots of beings/entities/spirits out there that are nasty and want to mess with us. Still this is not a reason to go off the deep end or into fear. I think that's what happened to her in the midst of her physical problems. (I am the author of YOU ARE PSYCHIC: THE ART OF CLAIRVOYANT READING AND HEALING and my newest book EXTRAORDINARY PSYCHIC: PROVEN TECHNIQUES TO MASTER YOUR NATURAL PSYCHIC ABILTIES will be out this August, thanks to Llewellyn Publishing). Anyway, I've been experiencing various beings for years that can be quite nasty. Not that they cause me too many problems - well not that I know of - mostly they get to us through fear, attacking us through angry people and through creating some pain. Mostly I've seen them in the course of my work with others. The reason I am writing in this forum now is because unfortunately I can't write to Lynn herself, although it would be nice to think she is aware of my concerns and respect for her wherever she is, I haven't taken the time to really tune into her instead I felt compelled to write. I was finding her book, "Dear God" a bit strange but when she began mentioning her experiences of what happened during her public speaking experiences, I got the chills because it sounded exactly like what happened when I went to Poland to speak to the largest group I addressed to date: about 350 people earlier this year with my good friend Francine. Each night at my apartment in Warsaw, as I meditated or tried to get to sleep, I would see these demonic type faces that I rarely have seen before - they were definitely trying to disturb me, which didn't work because I've got some pretty good tools although I have to say I got little sleep for the next month and I don't think you could blame it all on jet lag. As soon as I arrived there I felt that they were however attacking us through the organizers of the event, who were very dishonest and acted quite strangely the entire time. I really felt these people and these beings were using me to get to lots of people who were really trying so hard to get on their spiritual path, and while I felt good that I was there to help the people, I also felt like the organizers and the various beings around were using me and my co teacher to get to these poor people. I can't explain it logically but it reminded me of what David Icke has talked about when he discussed the reptilians. In order to let go of our stress, we actually shot a little comedic video the first night in our tiny hotel room about how we were being used by the reptilians to get to the people of Poland (sorry, I erased it). We were only half joking. It was a very creepy feeling - Here we were with the best of intentions, under contract, knowing hundreds of people who have no other access to learning how to heal themselves had spent a lot of money to be there (most of which I saw only a small portion of) and while I couldn't say at all how they were being adversely impacted by the organizers and the beings, something felt very wrong. It was all rather confusing as the energy of Warsaw, a city that was completely demolished in world War II and who lost about 4 million people to the Nazi's is depressing and negative in and of itself - although I have to say the translators who helped us were wonderful, the people in our workshops were so kind and loving - very different from how people act out on the streets in general - and the malls had great clothes - gotta love those European fashions, I've been shopping at Target and Wall mart for way too long!). However, again, I was not expecting to experience the number of visions of beings that were really speaking abusely to me when I'd close my eyes, or the exhaustion I fell under as a result of being there. This is where I felt I may have been experiencing what Lynn was describing in her book, "Dear God: What's happening to us". It also took me about 2 months after returning home to get my energy back, despite using techniques that usually help me although I am happy to say I am feeling great now. I am posting this notice because I want people to know that while Lynn obviously had some problems and her information/story behind where these beings came from may likely not be accurate although some of it makes sense, and while I think she had a number of fears that got the best of her besides the fact she was suffering from cancer - that there is something to what she is saying about the spirits out there. Spirits are like people, some are great and some are just plain awful. Wish that wasn't the case but it is. I think a huge mistake Lynn Grabhorn made has to do with becoming obsessed and reliant on channeled sources outside herself - she obviously wasn't connected in with her own intuition/spirit/soul/inner voice/heart what ever you want to call it or she wouldn't have needed to consult with a pendulum or channelers every five minutes. I've been a clairvoyant for over 12 years and am the first one to testify what a clairvoyant reading can do for someone when they are feeling stuck or confused, but readings should be done sparingly and infrequently, what's more important is for people to meditate and go within themselves so they can hear and experience the truth from within, then a little help from a psychic friend to compliment that can actually help him/her rise to the next level in their growth because it helps them get through barriers they can't see themselves. As far as those nasty critters out there that feed off our negative emotions (and sexual energy) as Lynn proclaimed in her second book they do exist for sure. Finally, there are people who have critized her and asked how could an author with a popular book end up so negative and troubled? I think she provides the answer in "Dear God: What's happening to us" when she explains that she wrote her first book while she was discovering and experiencing the effectiveness of the techniques she was writing about. She found they worked, but she didn't have enough time to incorporate all the material into her life. As anyone whose been on the path of spiritual transformation, just when you've got it all figured out, life has a way of throwing you a curve ball, or tossing a few mountains in your way that you then have to figure out how to transverse using new tools. Sure the old ones may help a lot but there is suddenly a whole new learning process to go through. Also as anyone whose ever been in intense physical pain can tell you - when the pain is there it's next to impossible to be positive and meditate. I think that's why sometimes nasty beings or people will put us in physical pain, then we are just too miserable to do the things we know really works. It's a catch 22 situation for sure. I in order to understand what happened to Lynn, we need to consider that she didn't start out as a spiritual teacher and wasn't really used to dealing with people's emotions. For those of us who are experienced with this, who even have training or years of experience, it can be really overwhelming when we gain more clients, or students or attention from people needing help. Imagine someone who really had no experience at all - she'd be invited to speak before many desperate people and not have the slightest idea how to deal with their personal problems and the stress of their demands and their energy. Take a 100 needy people who are totally deaf and mute and the energy from their thoughts, even positive thoughts can have a strong impact or adverse effect on the person who is the focus of their energy. (that's why I admire people like James Van Pragg and really any person who can go on stage in front of thousands of people and still remain balanced and healthy and do what they love to do). I think these factors played as much a role as that of whatever beings might have been tormenting her. Lynn was a recovering alcoholic and voiced the fact that she had trouble taking risks in her life and the stress of it all was too much for her. I wish I had had a chance to talk to her so that I could have helped her in some way. There are many techniques that could have helped her and that would have complimented her ideas in her first book. I hope her work serves as an example that it is possible to manifest your dreams with the right combination of thoughts and actions and emotions and that there are so many factors, such as spirits, self esteem, and the ability to cope with our dreams when we do manifest them. I don't think she was really ready for all the good things she manifested in her life along with publishing her book. She did it too quickly without the necessary tools. Isn't this what happens to so many rock starts and movie stars? I will be addressing some of this in my third book that I should be working on now instead of writing to this forum! Can you believe it's the first forum I've ever written to? Some people are going to think I am as kooky as they think Lynn was I suppose. Maybe I am. But I'd be proud to share any category with her. People need to realize that authors and spiritual teachers are not perfect - far from it, that the problem isn't us falling from pedestals, but rather that lots of people want to put us there, and then get upset, angry or disillusioned when we can't possibly remain there for too long. The real problem is then they are comparing themselves to us and thinking they can never be or get to where we are when the fact is, they don't really have as far to climb as they think, in fact it may not at all even be they have to improve themselves one bit to catch up, but merely REALIZE they are there already. Given Lynn supposedly died of cancer shortly after publishing her second book, I wouldn't be surprised if this was the source of her intense pain that led up to her writing it. As to whether some alien type beings had a hand in creating her cancer, I believe based on readings I've done with others this is possible, but again, here I am writing not as a psychic, since I haven't tuned into her personal situation (my to do list is already too long - didn't even get around to checking in to see who won American Idol - although I do suspect it will be David Archuletta love both the Davids!). Rather I write about Lynn as a concerned fan who knows there may be something to this along with the other factors I've suggested as well. Lets send her and her spirit a blessing as well as one to all the nasty beings out there who don't have the ability to love and will never know the joys that we have experienced as spirits in bodies who can experience the full range of emotions.

Wishing you all that your heart desires most, Debra Lynne Katz.
Thanks for the information about Lynn Grabhorn. Her book is amazing. Her first one that is. I haven't read "Dear God what is Happening to us". Read 'inside the book' at Amazon and didn't like the sound of it! I do believe people and places can give off negative energy, like what you were picking up in Poland. Maybe in spite of themselves, those people where giving off a lot of fear because maybe, the kind of things you were lecturing on are not very well accepted by the majority of the people in Poland?
I do believe it is possible that Lynn got cancer because people where expecting too much from her. Have you heard of German New Medicine? This explains the emotional reasons behind cancer and other diseases. I have been able to stop getting migraines because I was able to understand the trauma that caused them in the first place. Lynne may have had sever shock or trauma, that caused the cancer. We will never know the complete answer because we cannot talk to Lynne, and because everyone reacts differently even to similar circumstances. We could get an idea, if we knew what kind of cancer she had. Anyway I am sending her good feeeeelings and vibrations!!
Hi keilyc - it is customary here for new members to post a bit about themselves in the Newbies section. No need for personal information - just a bit about yourself and how you found us.
Debra katz

You wrote the same on Amazon - Back in 2008, May 21st.

3.0 out of 5 stars Lynn Grabhorn - Dear God - What happened to Lynn?, May 21, 2008
Debra Lynne Katz "Debra"

This review is from: Dear God, What's Happening to Us?: Halting Eons of Manipulation (Paperback)

I just came across this forum as I was searching for information about how author Lynn Grabhorn died (she authored the bestselling: "Excuse me: Your Life Is Waiting" a terrific book by Hampton Roads Publishing). While I agree her second book, "Dear God, what's happening to us?" sounded kooky I know for a fact there are lots of beings/entities/spirits out there that are nasty and want to mess with us. Still this is not a reason to go off the deep end or into fear. I think that's what happened to her in the midst of her physical problems. (I am the author of YOU ARE PSYCHIC: THE ART OF CLAIRVOYANT READING AND HEALING and my newest book EXTRAORDINARY PSYCHIC: PROVEN TECHNIQUES TO MASTER YOUR NATURAL PSYCHIC ABILTIES will be out this August, thanks to Llewellyn Publishing).
Sorry, but your post is unreadable since you didn't take the trouble to separate paragraphs.
Jeremy F Kreuz said:
Debra katz

You wrote the same on Amazon - Back in 2008, May 21st.

Yeah, the same day He/She wrote here, and hasn't been active since June 2008.
Ana said:
Jeremy F Kreuz said:
Debra katz

You wrote the same on Amazon - Back in 2008, May 21st.

Yeah, the same day He/She wrote here, and hasn't been active since June 2008.

Out of date though this is, I still have to wonder how someone who can't put a forum post into paragraphs could write an entire book. That poor editor...
Patience said:
Ana said:
Jeremy F Kreuz said:
Debra katz

You wrote the same on Amazon - Back in 2008, May 21st.

Yeah, the same day He/She wrote here, and hasn't been active since June 2008.

Out of date though this is, I still have to wonder how someone who can't put a forum post into paragraphs could write an entire book. That poor editor...

Yes :) and not only the paragraphs, notice also the chaotic structuring of the narrative, really, written words can say much about a mind!
Whatever happened to Lynn Grabhorn? I probably should have introduced myself as a newbie since this is my first post to this forum. I do know what happened to Lynn Grabhorn.

A brief lead-in. I was searching for books she had written because I ran across one of her books in my collection, "Planet Two". But, here's what's strange, I thought I had burned all her books back in 2005. This is a story folks and probably a bit much for a new person to come onboard and just blurt it all out. It has a sad ending which has absolutely nothing to do with cancer. We were drawn to one another due to two coincidences. The first being that my dearest friend had been hired to care for Lynn to the bitter end. As well, I was not only working on my own book (which is totally unrelated to what Lynn writes about) but I had also attended a school which was common to our past, Ramtha's School of Enlightenment. At this point I will stop to see if anyone is remotely interested in this topic any longer. But I primarily care to reveal that she did not go in a way that possibly any of you would be able to predict.

I am enjoying reading this forum and if it hadn't been for my questioning the past concerning the success of Lynn Grabhorn, I would not have run across this great forum!
Hi salmonupriver,

Welcome to our forum. :)

We recommend all new members to post an introduction in the Newbies section telling us a bit about themselves, how they found the cass material, and how much of the work here they have read. It also provides a place for members here to welcome you.

You can have a look through that board to see how others have done it.
I am enjoying reading this forum and if it hadn't been for my questioning the past concerning the success of Lynn Grabhorn, I would not have run across this great forum!

Thank you. Welcome to our Forum.

At this point I will stop to see if anyone is remotely interested in this topic any longer. But I primarily care to reveal that she did not go in a way that possibly any of you would be able to predict.

This forum is different from most other forums as it is about seeking to know, objectively, about the reality of ourselves and the multi-verse. We like to take a straightforward approach to sharing knowledge here and appreciate it when new posters do the same. While your intentions may be polite, your approach of providing a little "teaser" about L. G.'s fate feels like a bit of manipulation--if you have something you think is of interest to share then post it--the forum members will signal whether or not they are interested. I am curious as to what you have to say. Again, welcome.
salmonupriver said:
Whatever happened to Lynn Grabhorn? I probably should have introduced myself as a newbie since this is my first post to this forum. I do know what happened to Lynn Grabhorn.

A brief lead-in. I was searching for books she had written because I ran across one of her books in my collection, "Planet Two". But, here's what's strange, I thought I had burned all her books back in 2005. This is a story folks and probably a bit much for a new person to come onboard and just blurt it all out. It has a sad ending which has absolutely nothing to do with cancer. We were drawn to one another due to two coincidences. The first being that my dearest friend had been hired to care for Lynn to the bitter end. As well, I was not only working on my own book (which is totally unrelated to what Lynn writes about) but I had also attended a school which was common to our past, Ramtha's School of Enlightenment. At this point I will stop to see if anyone is remotely interested in this topic any longer. But I primarily care to reveal that she did not go in a way that possibly any of you would be able to predict.

I am enjoying reading this forum and if it hadn't been for my questioning the past concerning the success of Lynn Grabhorn, I would not have run across this great forum!
krishna said:
i'm interested, please tell me more about lynn's final days.

It's interesting that all three new members talking on this thread have joined only in the last couple of months. Two of them have each spent precisely 20 minutes on the forum -- all 20 of which were spent in this thread. The third member has spent a total of 1 minute on the forum, which can't possibly be enough time to even read the original post.

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