
With SDSM industry goes down, construction sinks

Only a few days remain till the moment of decision on which depends which route Macedonia will take, whether the free fall will continue or the new era in Macedonia will begin. We are approaching October 15th. You well know that this is not ordinary local election, your decision is very important – it’s not just another ordinary decision, said VMRO-DPMNE leader Nikola Gruevski at the rally in Valandovo.

“Voting locally sends a strong message at the central level. Your decision is final. You have the last word. This is your city, our state, your decision. Remember that only the citizens of Macedonia, you decide on the future, the future of our cities and the future of our country. We get our power and strength from Macedonia and the people of this country. Our strength stems from our love for our people and our love for our country. We want our country, with all our people, all cities, all joy, enthusiasm and excitement,” Gruevski said.

He stressed that they are a party of the citizens of Macedonia and that they are a guarantee for a strong Macedonia.

“In the past period of 5 months, we have seen a catastrophic economic policy from the government. We have halved capital investments, a downward industry, sinking construction, and with it another 25 other industrial branches that are connected, foreign investors who plan to leave, and there will not be new ones. A declining export, foreign reserves that melt every day. Average salaries that instead of growing are declining. The average salary for several months has fallen by 420 denars instead of growing by 500 euros as they promised. Pensions whose increase has been abolished, and there is not even a promised increase of 10 percent on subsidies. This is the image for today. Poverty that is growing, and citizens lose security. Affects that occur on a daily basis. Tenders that are given to people in power. They promise air and life, but so abstract, imaginary. The car went down. This touches and affects all citizens. This refers to the fate of each of you. It is about our country,” said the leader of VMRO-DPMNE.

He also addressed those who vote for SDSM and urged them to join VMRO-DPMNE and their efforts.

First victims of recession in Macedonia: 800 construction workers from 3 firms were laid off

800 employees from three construction companies remain unemployed by the end of the year, and up to now about 500 people have been laid off. The SSO announced Tuesday that the expectations for the number of employees are that it will be reduced in the next three months.

The main explanation of the construction companies is that there is no work and the construction is in decline, and therefore 25 other branches that are related to the construction. On Tuesday, the State Statistical Office (SSO) estimated that the expectations for the number of employees are that it will be reduced in the next three months.

The following factors have the greatest influence on limiting the improvement of the current construction activity: increased costs for materials with 22.6%, no demand with 16.8%, competition in their own sector with 14.5% and increased financial expenses with 12.8%.

In addition to the decline in construction, data from the State Statistical Office are also mentioned, in August 2017 they were issued by 6.8% less compared to the same month of the previous year.
SDS learns from their bosses, sets Kumanovo State building on Fire

Concerned SDS may lose the mayoral race for Kumanovo, with five days left before the elections, the Kumanovo State Buildings, in particularly the wing housing all the financial details for the city was engulfed in flames.

The definition of this, initially perfected by the US Government is called “evidence destruction”.

The Pentagon announced they cannot account for a Trillion dollars, back in September of 2001. Literally the following day, a false flag, initially reported as a “terrorist attack” unfolded. The Pentagon wing that housed all the financial data of those trillion dollars that went missing into thin air was struck by an RQ4 Global Hawk drone packed with explosives. Albeit hilariously, another building in NYC (Building 7) untouched by anything collapsed in a controlled demolition. Building 7 housed financial data for the SEC and Wall Street, FBI, CIA and NSA which according to sources in the conservative outlet Washington Times could put the entire US Government several hundred years behind bars. All of that evidence was destroyed.


Not surprisingly, the SDS do learn from their bosses in Washington. Kumanovo, still controlled by the Baily’s puppets ensured no financial data for the city exists. Millions of euros given in shady contracts… all of this is now gone. Kumanovo continues to have by far the worst infrastructure in the country. Crumbling roads, bridges, terrible sewage and water supply has been a trademark for the city for 20 years. This entire time, the city has been in the hands of the SDS.

This evening, the state building that houses all the financial data for the city was engulfed in flames. No firemen spotted anywhere for over an hour. You know how it is with Kumanovo traffic, there are over 30 cars on the roads and firemen couldn’t make it in time.

The fear is that a member of the Daycare party (DPMNE) could become the new mayor in Kumanovo which means access to the financial data of the city. This would be unacceptable for the SDS criminals.
The good news is that SDS doesn’t have many mayors, particularly in larger towns, otherwise there would be more fires.
Wikileaks: Zaev met twice with US State Department, promised name change by end of year

Illegitimate Macedonian Government led by Zoran Zaev is said to have had two recent meetings with the US State Department “Delta Team” which specialize in coup, subversion and who are in fact responsible for installing Zaev in power.

According to the document obtained by the US State Department and made available on twitter, Zaev has already agreed to the Greek proposal for a new name scheduled to take place by year’s end, and asked the Americans for assistance during the local elections. It was important that the US State Department to assist Zaev and ensure the SDS election loss is not as large as anticipated.

The State Department is aware Zaev has little if any following among the Macedonians, and is aimed at getting the votes from the Albanians who trust Zaev.

According to Zaev, the Albanians do not have high voter awareness, which translates to they are not very intelligent. They (Albanians) believe just about anything, and he is not obliged to fulfill anything that was promised after the elections.

sToRmR1dR said:
Aussie ‘Team Uzunov’ publishes USAid emails of their regime change operation in Macedonia

Highly-ranked British source has leaked emails to Aussie based journalist Sasha Uzunov, otherwise Macedonian emigrant in Australia who owns the site “Team Uzunov”. His source has provided conversations from USAID detailing the illegal financing of non-governmental organizations in Macedonia in order to destabilize and remove the Government leadership.

One of the leaked emails is from Dela Fico, the ex-wife of the controversial Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, the messanger of the Tirana Platform, which has the sole purpose of federalization of Macedonia – writes Uzunov on his site.

Although the USAid is an already proven ‘civilian’ hand of the CIA who are used precisely to finance regime change operations around the world, nothing will come of the US Senate investigation into the US Embassy and USAid meddling in Macedonia for a simple reason – if you admit regime change in one country by funding and using so called NGOs, you’ve to admit the same in dozens of other countries.

I wonder, if the Aussie ‘Team Uzunov’ are also willing to publish the USAid emails on their Child Trafficking and Organ Harvesting between Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia?

It looks like the ghoulish practice of abducting children and smuggling them across the Albanian-Kosovo border for subsequent use as organ donors has never ceased.

Kosovo Children: Married Off or Used as Organ Donors?

Former Albanian President and Prime Minister Sali Berisha posted on his Facebook page a message from an unnamed police officer who claimed that children are being smuggled from Kosovo into Albania by criminals who use them as organ donors which they subsequently sell to the highest bidder.

The police officer wrote that border guards are paid 150 euros to let through children abducted from impoverished Kosovo villages. “Nine children under 18 have been taken out so far. Please publish this information and do something about it,” the anonymous officer wrote.

Sputnik tried to act on the information, which was completely ignored by Albanian media. However, several anonymous sources in the Dragas municipality in Kosovo on the border with Albania and Macedonia, told Sputnik that four children between eight and 12 – three girls and a boy – had disappeared in the area during the past few months.

“I don’t know if this has anything to do with what Mr. Berisha wrote about, but since Dragas community is on the border with Albania and Macedonia, which nobody guards, everything is possible. The children disappeared in the morning, which is strange. For example, two girls went to a local store and never came back,” a source told Sputnik on condition of anonymity.

He added that Albanians used to buy young Kosovo girls for marriage. Moreover, people in the impoverished Dragas community often send their kids to work as farm hands in neighboring Albania and because this is illegal, they will hardly report the disappearances to police.

“There are people who agree with the children’s parents to take their kids to work or to get married in Albania. Those who are looking for a job are taken to Albania on trucks and then brought back. If the children in question were abducted I don’t think their parents will go to the police. They will rather try to find them themselves,” the source explained.

For his part, the former head of Yugoslav intelligence Miromir Stojanonic told Sputnik that Sali Berisha supported the Kosovo Liberation Army terrorists.

“Berisha knows full well what was going in the northern Albanian camps where abducted Serbs and pro-Belgrade Albanians were held at the time, including Yugoslav soldiers and policemen taken prisoner by the KLA,” Stojanovic told Sputnik Serbia.

He added that, according to Yugoslav intelligence, people in those camps disappeared without a trace.

We have irrefutable evidence that those people were killed and their organs were sold in the West. Berisha is now at loggerheads with the Albanian Premier Edi Rama and the Kosovo authorities, that’s why he decided to shed light on the continued trade in organs in the region,” Stojanovic added.

None of the Albanian journalists Sputnik talked with could say whether Berisha’s information was correct or if he had published it for political reasons.

Albania and Kosovo were mentioned in Swiss Senator Dick Marty’s December 14, 2010 report about inhuman treatment of people and killing of prisoners with the purpose of removal and illicit trafficking in human organs in Kosovo.

However, the events described in the report happened in the late 1990s-early-2000s.

In her book “The Hunt: Me and the War Criminals,” published in 2008, former United Nations war crimes prosecutor Carla Del Ponte wrote about cases of murder and organ trafficking by Kosovo politicians, including Kosovo’s current President Hashim Thaci.

In April 2015, the international community called on Kosovo authorities to investigate alleged organ trafficking by members of the former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) during the 1998-1999 Kosovo War, that were first mentioned in the 2010 report to the Council of Europe. According to the document, perpetrators killed Serb captives to remove and sell their organs during the war.

Bosnia and Herzegovina ranks 115th out of 191 in global GDP rankings, and at 44 percent, has one of the highest unemployment rates in the world. However, its economy has been growing steadily in recent years - spurred officially by arms exports to Saudi Arabia for use in Yemen, and no doubt helped by illicit trafficking of drugs and human organs.

Bosnia and Herzegovina's Economy Thrives Thanks to Arms, Drugs and Organs

According to the Bosnian Foreign Trade Chamber, the country's defense sector profits for 2016 were around 20 percent higher than 2015's, with the value of exports amounting to 87.4 million euros (US$92,8m), up from 70 million euros (US$74,3m) the previous year.

The biggest recipients of Bosnian weapons were Egypt and Saudi Arabia, the latter having been the primary importers in 2014 and 2015. Egypt spent 22.8 million euros (US$24,2m), Saudi Arabia 17.2 million euros (US$18,3m). Other major importers of Bosnian-produced arms, ammunition and military equipment in 2016 included Afghanistan, Bulgaria, Malaysia, Pakistan, Switzerland and Turkey, purchasing under five million euros' (US$5,3m) each.

Saudi Arabia is primarily putting the weapons to use in the Yemeni civil war, a conflict in which the Kingdom has repeatedly come under fire from human rights organizations and even the UN for purposely targeting civilians.

Moreover, a 2016 investigation by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project found that thousands of Bosnian assault rifles, mortar shells, rocket launchers, anti-tank weapons, and heavy machine guns have poured into Syria since 2012. Arms manufacturers in the country have run at full capacity since then, with some factories so overburdened with requests that staff have taken on extra shifts, or have paused orders temporarily.

The investigation suggested at least some of these shipments could be illegal under international and national law; Bosnia and Herzegovina is a signatory to the UN's Arms Trade Treaty, and the EU's 2008 Common Position on arms exports, which requires countries to take into account eight criteria when assessing arms export applications, including whether the purchasing country respects international human rights, the preservation of "regional peace, security and stability" and the risk of diversion.

If such exports are illegal, it would be merely the latest indication of endemic corruption and criminal activity in the former Yugoslav republic. In 2015, a United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime report showed Bosnia and Herzegovina was a key route for the trafficking of heroin and opium from Afghanistan to Western Europe, with receipts amounting to an approximate US$28 billion annually — one third bigger than the entire GDP of Afghanistan itself.

A 2010 Council of Europe inquiry report highlighted Kosovo's key role in the international black market trade in human organs, which began with the trafficking of human organs taken forcibly from living Serb prisoners by commanders of the KLA. In 1999, over 300 Serbs and other non-Albanians were kidnapped and taken to northern Albania, where their organs were removed and sold to hospitals across Europe for a profit.
Zaev brings illegals from Kosovo to vote in Strumica

Strumica residents have reported seeing six buses packed with Kosovo Albanians in Strumica early this morning. More buses are arriving from Kosovo in Strumica, in addition to numerous private vehicles, vans and mini buses with Kosovo license plates that have been spotted in Strumica during the day.

Zaev is determined to keep "his people" in charge of Strumica and plans on winning the mayorship of the city by having illegals from Kosovo vote in the elections. The same scenario was witnessed during the previous elections, in December 2016 when over a hundred buses from Kosovo entered Macedonia the weekend of the election vote.

Although the actual vote is tomorrow, Strumica residents have reported for Macedonian media that most of the illegals from Kosovo are voting today together with military personnel, prisoners and the disabled. They'll likely be allowed to vote tomorrow again.

Majority of prisoners removed from voters list

To coincide with the arrival of illegals from Kosovo to vote, reports that majority of the prisoners were unable to vote because they were removed from the electoral voting list.

During the local election campaign, the SDS was forced to bus in 'supporters' from multiple cities to Strumica, it was evident that locals do not support the SDS, as the latest polls showed - SDS was behind DPMNE by 14%.

Meanwhile, Infomax has reported that SDS activists under police protection have been bribing voters with flour, cooking oil and cash.

Buses from Kosovo, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany flood Kichevo ahead of Election Vote

In an identical scenario of the local elections in 2013, over 5,000 people have flooded the city of Kichevo this weekend arriving in buses with foreign license plates. reports buses with German, Belgian, Kosovo, and Swiss licence plates arriving in Kichevo. All of the buses have albanian flags displayed in the windows.

Althouh none of the visitors live in Kichevo, Macedonian laws allow citizens who hold Macedonian and foreign passports to vote in general elections.

In 2005, via the SDS, the population of the village of Zajas was added to Kichevo thus doubling Kichevo's borders and making ethnic Macedonians from 59% of the city's population to 51%.

The albanians who live abroad and return every for years only to vote, tip the scale in favor of an ethnic albanian mayor.

Massive Election Fraud in Macedonian town of Kichevo as over 6000 Illegal voters arrive

Dozens of buses have arrived from multiple countries organized by Macedonia's DUI, the junior partner in the Government led by Zaev.

According to our police sources in Kichevo, confirmed by video evidence, the local police has been ordered to stand down and allow this massive electoral fraud to proceed unimpeded.

Many of the people bused to Kichevo are not Macedonian citizens, but residents of Kosovo with ties to DUI and Ali Ahmeti who live in Switzerland, Germany etc. DUI has picked up their tabs for the trip to Macedonia, as one would expect.

Even Albanian language portal Tetova Sot states that many of these "migrants" as it calles them have no Macedonian identification papers of any kind and have never been to Macedonia before! What is even more bizarre, literally all of the voters who arrived are men.

So far, over 6,000 illegal voters have arrived, which is 16% of the total population of the city. The numbers will only grow tomorrow as some buses have yet to arrive in the country.

Kichevo has a population of 25,000 residents out of which 17,000 are Macedonians, yet the mayor is ethnic Albanian thanks to the inclusion of the village of Zajas (5,000) within the city's newly expanded borders, and the thousands of illegal voters who arrive during each election cycle.

This massive election fraud is happening in front of the eyes of Macedonian election "monitors" and foreign ones, such as OSCE.

SDSM attempts Election Fraud in multiple towns, voting stopped...

At municipalities where the ruling SDSM was facing major defeat, election fraud unfolder after which the local electoral commission stopped the voting process.

In Nerezi, at voting place #2618, voting ballots were missing for people who showed up to vote. This means that prior voters were given multiple ballots per person.

In Vlae, at votin place #2645, similar scenario unfolded. SDSM activists were given multiple ballots per person in an effort to create "Bulgaian train" where one voter submits 3-4 ballots.

Voting was stopped at voting poll #2479 in the Skopje suburb of Zelezara, because an SDSM council member gave voters ballots where he had already circled (voted) for the candidate of his choice because his daughter is an SDSM city council candidate. The alarm was raised by three voters who said their ballots came with #19 circled ahead of time!

In Karposh, the same scenario unfolded. According to local media, this gives the SDSM more time to exert pressure on voters, as now the vote must be repeated at all the locations were election fraud took place thanks to the SDSM.

How this pressure looks like, Safet Bishevac, former employee at A1 TV and current SDSM MP in Parliament was seen walking in Skopje neighborhoods knocking door to door telling people to vote for SDSM. This too is highly illegal as Bishevac is campaigning on election day.


Here is the SDS Director of Social services seen in Prilep walking around the Roma neighborhood meeting with voters as they head out to vote!

Crime Syndicate: Zaev's brother transferred 1.3m euros to Cyprus Bank

PM Jess Baily has trouble showing Macedonia's election results


The SEC website whose job is to show Macedonia's local election results live is an absolute mess. The number of votes do not match percentages, in numerous towns DPMNE seems to be straight up missing.

In Aerodrom (pop 80,000), where incumbent DPMNE mayor Ivica Konevski is up for re-election, the number of votes for DPMNE are simply missing, even though the SEC painted the Skopje suburb with red color, meaning the DPMNE mayor is leading in the mayoral race!

The SEC is suppose to have an automated system, yet, how could numbers (votes) be missing?

No one expected SDS run elections to go smoothly, so lets see where the latest electoral fraud and shenanigans take us. The SEC also failed to update the voter turnout results at closing times. This is an absolute must, but it was somehow skipped. There were at least five towns that had voter turnout in the 30th percent with two hours of voting time left. Cities like Gostivar, Tetovo, Zelino, Lipkovo, Vrapcishte… were in the low 30’s.

MINA Prediction: SDS will take huge Win, DPMNE Daycare silent on Electoral Fraud

Here is a quick prediction. Although the votes are yet to be counted in most cities across Macedonia, thanks to the behavior we observed over the past few days while speaking to the Daycare Party (DPMNE) we predict a huge win for the SDS.

This prediction is very simple considering the massive electoral fraud in Strumica, Bitola, Skopje, Prilep, and virtually every city across Macedonia.

Dozens of buses were filmed in Strumica and Kichevo packed with illegals from Kosovo. MINA contacted the DPMNE for a comment and whether they plan on disputing the results? The DPMNE genuinely does not wish to be in power... had little to no comment on the massive electoral fraud.

In Skopje, at numerous locations the SDS conducted "Bulgarian train" by issuing multiple voting ballots per voter. The police at most polling places looked the other way, while it arrested two people at one polling place to make it look they are preventing electoral fraud. Look the other way at 100 places, but prevent fraud at 1 place. It's a good tactic.

In Bitola heating wood was supplied to over 100 homes. Not to mention bribing voters with cash across the country.

If one is curious how is the SDS getting thousands of votes in municipalities where their candidates couldn't get 20 people to show up at their campaign rallies.... it's called electoral fraud.

To sum, the daycare party DPMNE is ok with electoral fraud. It does not want any sort of authority and responsibility when the name change occurs in addition to the upcoming islamification of the country.

Expect a major win for the SDS, and yes, this would be a good time to acquire a foreign passport.

Here is DPMNE's president. Does he have the guts to say the elections are not valid? Don't hold your breath, he is not allowed to do that. Pay attention to the level of electoral fraud committed not just by the SDS, but by the SEC itself. The SEC issued ballots in some cities where the SDS candidates had their names already circled!!!


Gutless Nikola Gruevski lists dozens of cases where electoral fraud has occurred during the local elections some of which are astonishing (police vehicles carrying SDS activists with cash to be handed out to voters, ballots issued by SEC in some cities with the names of SDS candidates already circled – keep in mind these are official SEC ballots!, then Gruevski goes on and on discussing all the fraud that took place.)

But, in the end he doesn’t have the guts to say the elections are invalid and won’t be recognized as such…

In the past, SDS quit Parliament during democratic elections. DPMNE can’t quit when the fraud is obvious simply because they are not allowed to do so by DPMNE’s western ‘partners’.
Former SDS Official: Brutal Electoral Fraud, over 120,000 DPMNE voters removed

The DPMNE always delivers at minimum of 450,000 votes, during each election cycle – says former high ranking SDS official Ljupco Palevski in an interview with TV Nova.

During this election, despite lower voter turnout, we know for a fact that the entire DPMNE voting body was out and voting. Yet, the results are drastically different from all the years before – says Palevski and continued:

This is because of the local voters list. Even though people were voting, it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter who voted and who counted the votes. What matters is who prepared the voter list. All voter lists at local level are sent to the SEC. We will let you vote, yes, but your vote is not counted because the official voter list, the one that goes to the SEC is different, shortened and you’re not on it. The VMRO-DPMNE areas in Macedonia saw their voting list shortened by 250-300 people daily since the elections in December of 2016. This means over 120,000 VMRO voters have been removed from local lists across the country. The SEC which is controlled by Zaev used their own data to identify which areas in Macedonia have the biggest concentration of VMRO voters. Then at local levels the voters lists were changed quite simply be removing VMRO voters. You can’t commit bigger fraud than this – exhaled Palevski.

What Palevski explains here is the following: Lets say a local polling station welcomes 200 voters, presumably 150 are DPMNE supporters and 50 are SDS supporters. However, the ‘official’ voter list that gets sent to the SEC has only 75 voters on it. All 200 are allowed to vote, but the list and results sent to the SEC show 75 of which only 25 votes go for DPMNE and 50 for SDS. Simple and efficient fraud.

Considering Palevski was a long time high ranking SDS official, this man knows what he is talking about. His interview for Nova TV, in addition to the fraud already reported makes this the biggest electoral fraud in Macedonia, and we have had some pretty bad elections in the 1990s.

Palevski is the one who sent us photo of CIA operatives within the US Embassy in Skopje meeting with SDS officials in coffee shops at 11:30pm two days before the general elections in 2016. Palevski was briefly detained by Zaev’s police, where he was threatened to ‘stop’ his activities. I am tipping my hat off to Ljupco, the man has courage.


Palevski was right! Bizarre examples of electoral fraud are coming in this morning, reported by Macedonian press where DPMNE votes are simply erased. The smaller the municipality the easier to uncover the election fraud. A village of 75 people, reports Infomax, which has at minimum 40 DPMNE voters registered during each election cycle now had 0 DPMNE votes! All DPMNE votes were scrapped despite residents confirming they voted for DPMNE! In larger cities DPMNE votes were reduced by as much as 50% using the technique described by Ljupco Palevski. Ironically, this very technique for electoral fraud is used by Albania’s Edi Rama to keep himself in power.

DPMNE more than happy to concede cities to SDS

As tensions erupt in Skopje’s suburb of Shuto Orizari after it was discovered that the entire documentation and the voting results sent to the SEC were fabricated, DPMNE mayoral candidates were more than happy to concede defeat across Macedonia, even in cities where only 20% of the votes were being counted.

Just like we unfortunately predicted over a month ago, the SDS won pretty much all cities in Macedonia. Would you believe that? Even cities where they were too afraid to go to and hold campaign rallies because people despise them, well they won those cities too! They won Ohrid, Skopje, Bitola, Prilep…. all of it!

On September 12th Gorazd Velkovski very nicely put it: There are only two scenarios possible to defeat the upcoming electoral fraud:

a) No one comes out to vote, so the turnout is 10-15% or

b) everyone comes out to vote, where the turnout is over 90%

Anything in between would be a disaster and will allow the staffing of ballot boxes, among other fraud. Well, this is precisely what happened. The SEC never reported what the actual voter turnout was. At 5pm, there were 16 Macedonian cities with voter turnout in the low 30’s and low 40th percentile. There is no way that all of these cities from 5-7pm picked up 15-20% to go over the legal threshold for the vote to be valid. The work hours for Macedonian companies is 7am-3pm. Most people have already voted by 5pm. The SEC which is run by the SDS never published what the final voter turnout was at closing of the polls even though it’s obliged to do so by law. This fact gave them huge wiggle room to manipulate with numbers.

The election results defeat all common sense, in every sense of the word. It’s virtual impossibility for the SDS to win all cities. But if you’re going to fix elections, they certainly went all in. The chances of winning in Karposh for the SDS were zero, two of MINA’s contributors live there and know the area very, very well. The suburb is packed with DPMNE supporters, it’s simply not possible. But, Jakimovski saw the fraud and quickly conceded his loss. Why?

Aerodrom, another suburb packed with DPMNE supporters somehow overwhelmingly went to SDS? What? This is what Gorazd and Velinovska were warning about. If the voter turnout is 30%, which it was thus making the vote invalid, the other 20+% would be simply staffed with SDS ballots, similar to those the SEC issued where Zaev’s candidates were already pre-circled! By the way, the fact the SEC issued such ballots means the SEC head and SDS Official Aleksandar Chichakovski should be heading to prison. But guess what, no one is discussing this!

Is DPMNE complicit in this election fraud? Absolutely! From day one. Only a fool would think otherwise. Why would you quietly and quickly accept defeat when everyone knows the opponent’s ‘win’ was achieved illegally!?! If you see what has been going on in the past two years, it becomes clear that DPMNE is more than involved in the fraud and the upcoming change of our Biblical Name. The DPMNE has done a perfect job acting as the “disgruntled patriots” while in the background have signed on the dotted lines.

Now Gruevski will quit the party. He hasn’t shown courage, or sanity for a while, so it’s time to go. He should have left when he removed himself from power and became a farmer. My prediction is Gruevski will be replaced by 4 year old globalist Nikola Poposki, and Macedonia will receive a second SDS which will completely annihilate the country.
Maybe, and this is a big maybe, Antonio Milososki would be an okay choice.

The DPMNE has been infiltrated by quislings and fake patriots, and this is the result. We warned about this back in 2010!
At this time, we do not see a person within the DPMNE that can take over the party, with perhaps Milososki being the one exception.
SDSM used 1994 tactic to commit massive elecotral fraud in Macedonia

Macedonia’s local elections are turning into a complete farce as every passing minute more fraud is discovered literally in every city. After Skopje and Bitola, massive electoral fraud is now uncovered in Ohrid, Veles, Karposh and Strumica. Kurir reports that the popular “Bulgarian train” tactic of ballot staffing widely used by SDSM in 1994 was now uncovered in both Ohrid and Strumica.

Namely, voting ballots from Veles after being ‘counted’ there somehow found their way in Strumica and were ‘counted’ there as well. To be precise, Veles ballots with SDS candidates already circled found themselves in ballot boxes at polling station 1718 in Strumica. This would explain the huge delays by the SEC in displaying the results. Same ballots were traveling from one to another, and in many cases to a third city.

Similarly, voting ballots in Karposh, were transferred and found their way into ballot boxes in Ohrid. At polling stations 1310/1 and 1262 in Ohrid, voting ballots from Karposh were uncovered similarly to the example above. A classic “Bulgarian train” of ballot staffing.

In Prilep, residents who went to vote were told they’ve already voted, were even shown evidence that someone has already submitted a ballot in their name!

In Resen, at polling station 1631/16 ballots with identical serial numbers were discovered, all of whom were votes for the SDSM. This is impossible to happen unless the ballots were made multiple copies of for ballot stuffing purposes, which is precisely what happened. This is a major criminal offense.

The State Electoral Commission which is ironically run by the SDSM is complicit in this massive electoral fraud. The SEC has already received hundreds of complaints from political parties to nullify the voting across the country due to massive fraud. The SEC (SDSM) has certainly no intentions to do so.

In Skopje, the DPMNE on Monday submitted multiple cases of electoral fraud to the SEC where the voters lists at local level do not match those sent to the SEC. The SEC stated the voter list fraud is not a good reason to nullify results! Actually, you can’t get a better reason to make the vote invalid. But the SEC is not independent, far from it. The SEC head and SDSM official Aleksandar Chachikovski disappeared for 7 hours during last year’s (December 2016) general elections. When he came back, he said he needed a ‘nap’ while the election results were coming in! In reality, Chachikovski was meeting with the US Ambassador Jess Baily discussing how to turn the results in SDSM's favor. For 7 hours!

Now, Kurir just reported that the SEC has refused to hold a session live on camera (as it has always done) to discuss the SDSM election fraud.

What is even more remarkable is that the fraud continues unabated for the second election run in municipalities where the SDSM ran out of time to stuff ballot boxes. SDSM officialls are visiting Roma neighborhood and give them cash, cooking oil and flour in exchange for a vote and they do this in front of the cameras because, as they put it: “it doesn’t matter, we control the police and prosecution”.

And they are right, not a single person has been detained or prosecuted during the elections.

On October 15, Macedonia lost the most

What happened on October 15 is a question with one answer – VMRO-DPMNE lost, but Macedonia is the biggest loser.

Anyone who, for whatever reason, feels good about the defeat of VMRO-DPMNE, should keep this in mind in the forthcoming period. Anyone who has voted for the Social Democratic Union should also bear in mind that he has contributed to the course of the events that will follow. They think they voted for the better. I claim that they have voted for the worse! Much worse, and very soon they will realize it.

Again the question, “why VMRO-DPMNE lost?” will be analyzed and debated for a long time.

And I, like many, wonder why a great part of the Macedonian people made this decision? Are the results a reflection of electoral engineering and the stolen will of the voters? Is it a punishment for the bad policies of the previous ruling of VMRO-DPMNE? Is it disappointment from April 27 events? Or is it perhaps support for Zaev’s policy on the Tirana platform, the agreement with Bulgaria, and finally the change of the name?

Fact is that these elections were one of the worst organized, and a candidate was killed for the first time! Fact is that a large number of cases of physical attacks, threats, blackmail, pressures and bribery was registered … We can only imagine how much money has been thrown on bribing voters and how many such cases have not been registered. But all this without documentation will remain in the sphere of speculation. Fact that foreigners supported electoral violence by silencing all that was happening and this attitude is not unexpected, knowing how much of this election depends on the prime minister’s career, pardon, Ambassador Baily. Should VMRO-DPMNE file complaints to all irregularities and seek sanctions? Absolutely yes! Will this change the actual situation? Certainly not, but all the events and violations of the electoral process must remain registered, for the next elections to have a new benchmark for “fair and democratic elections”, as assessed by the OSCE / ODIHR and the US Embassy. It is good to know what fair and democratic mean, and it is good to hear that “there were no ideal choices, because they involved living people.” Thank you for the enlightening.

Analysts of the current government claim that the results reflect the dissatisfaction of the people from the practice of VMRO-DPMNE’s government. I will partially agree with this thesis, because it would be much more logical on December 11, than now. Why? After three years of fierce propaganda and strong international pressure, last December, VMRO-DPMNE won only 30,000 fewer votes than in 2014. So, not only it retained the electorate, but also broke all scenarios and false accusations of phantoms and 200,000 stolen votes.

A few months later, VMRO-DPMNE, who was already in opposition, lost an additional 120,000 votes. If the people were not satisfied with the VMRO-DPMNE, was not more logical to punish it when it was in power? Someone will answer this – VMRO-DPMNE until now was in power at the local level, and the punishment applies to its mayors too. I would accept this thesis if the results gave room to believe that the people really punished the bad mayors, but at the same time awarded those whom they were satisfied with with a new mandate. My impression is that the people did not vote for candidates at all, but went to the polls with another reason. At the end of the day, the list of SDS candidates was so desperate that this thesis would never have passed by a reasonable man. This does not mean that there should be no analysis of the decisions within the VMRO-DPMNE.

But the most logical thesis is that the main reason for the fall of VMRO-DPMNE is the frustration of the citizens, their attitude after April 27 and the easy handover of the power to quislings and leaving the people on the street alone. After April 27, the public is still waiting for a logical explanation as to why the people who defended the state are being tried in courts, and the traitors did not end up behind bars?

If truth be told, among this group of disappointed and among those punishers of the Gruevism, there is another category of citizens, perhaps the most numerous, popularly called “power lovers”. That is the mass of voters who expected in December that the VMRO-DPMNE will remain in power and that they will retain the benefits of that, and now they are leaning on the new government only expecting to retain the privileges of the previous government, without interest in the consequences that will follow SDS practice of absolute power.

The most logical conclusion is that all these reasons, more or less, have influenced the outcome of the vote, and this outcome will dramatically affect the subsequent flow of events that will follow. Unfortunately, for the worse.

The situation was used very wisely by the screenwriters, and the result was attributed to the merit of Zaev’s quest to give him additional support in continuing his destructive policy. The final figure now gives the green light for Zaev to continue implementing the Tirana platform, erasing history in the interest of Bulgaria and eventually changing the name to Greece’s desire as a condition for joining NATO. In such a situation, Zaev would not be comfortable at all. On the contrary, he is pressed to the wall, there is no longer room to “cheat” everyone around him, and he will have to realize what he has been installed in power for. Under such circumstances, he cannot please anyone who has helped him take power. Therefore, someone in the near future will be very surprised and disappointed with his decisions.

Until the awakening of the majority, unfortunately, the state will suffer such damages, and it will not be recognizable. Then, searching for the culprits, except that the punishment for the traitors will be imminent, we will have to look at ourselves in the mirror and recognize that we have a part of the responsibility for all of this.

Long live Macedonia!

Kathimerini: Election results to speed up name talks

The period between November and next February will be crucial in the activation of the negotiating process and reaching compromise over the name issue, reads Greek daily “Kathimerini”.

According to the paper, mediator Matthew Nimetz will be very active during this period, taking into account the results of the local elections in Macedonia.

“Kathimerini” says the outcome of the elections, in which SDSM and its leader Zoran Zaev emerged as convincing winners and the opposition VMRO-DPMNE of Nikola Gruevski suffered a huge defeat, will speed up the Athens-Skopje negotiating process on the name issue.

“The performance by Zaev, who is considered by the West as a moderate politician capable of leading the country in its European and Euro-Atlantic integration, has surprised even the most meticulous analysts, who predicted a certain balance of power between the two major parties”, says “Kathimerini”.

It adds that Athens is monitoring developments in Macedonia and expects the rhetoric used by PM Zaev and Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov to be followed by practical steps undertaken in reaching a name compromise.
Administrative Court ignores electoral fraud

Administrative Court judges have reviewed 19 out of 28 appeals lodged by parties against decisions of the State Election Commission (SEC) over complaints for the October 15 local elections.

The court decisions will be published in the course of the day.

VMRO-DPMNE has lodged 24 appeals, TMRO-2, Alliance for Albanians-1 and Levica-1.

Upon receiving the appeals, the Administrative Court has 48 hours to take a decision.

Meanwhile, the campaign for the October 29 mayoral runoff is ongoing.

MINA finds the Administrative Court has already denied 11 of VMRO-DPMNE’s requests during the session that’s still in progress.

It is important to note, several of the judges at the Administrative Court were indirectly involved in the US led coup by having their children work and lead NGOs directly funded by USAid who in turn funded the protests. One of those USAid activists Ivana Tufegdzic whose father is judge Vladimir Tufegdzic became an SDS MP during last year’s elections.
Zaev’s coalition partner: Too much bribery during elections

In an interview with Telma TV’s popular show Top Tema, Zaev’s junior coalition partner Zijadin Sela said there has been too much voter bribing during the local elections, adding it’s still ongoing.
Sela blamed the police that not just it did not prevent the bribery, but was a participant in it. We have SDSM and DUI in places like Aracinovo and Struga where the votes are turned upside down, explained Sela.

– If we want to have fair and democratic elections, we can’t focus on the polling station, but instead what is happening 30 meters away from the polling station. We need to focus what is going on one day before the elections and the day of the elections. Voters are given cash as they head to the polls. There are people driving cars without license plates as if this is some wild lawless nation where the police makes no effort to prevent any of this. Police must act quickly to neutralize such illegal activities, instead we’re getting information that police is involved in this and protects criminals who carry bags with huge sums of cash and give them to voters. This is ongoing – says Sela.

Keep in mind that Zijadin Sela is partner in Zaev’s led Government.

Gruevski: 6 reasons why SDSM was brought to power by US Deep State and its EU vassals

Speaking at a campaign rally in Zrnovci, DPMNE leader Nikola Gruevski stressed the six reason why the SDSM was brought to power.

1. Change the Macedonia’s name, language and identity.

2. The ‘agreement’ with Bulgaria in which Macedonia effortlessly gave up its history to the eastern neighbor.

3. Migrants and islamization of Macedonia.

4. Destroy Macedonia from the inside by creating a bi-national country with albanian language as one of the official languages, despite the fact it is unconstitutional.

5. Increase of taxes.

6. Attack on traditional and Christian values by legalizing gay marriages and allowing the adoption of children by gay couples.
Albanian daily paper publishes photos of illegal voting in Macedonian elections

Macedonia’s elections on October 15th were conducted in highly illegal manner with SDSM and DUI party activists casting votes in the name of others, often gathering groups of people and casting votes for them. This is highly illegal conduct, particularly in Macedonia where only one person is allowed per voting booth to cast a vote – writes Albanian daily Gazeta Express.

The Albanian daily apparently was tipped off of the illegal voting before hand and was able to place a photographer inside the polling station.

SEC accredits 5.101 domestic and 473 foreign observers for second round of local elections

The State Election Commission (SEC) accredited 5.101 domestic and 473 foreign observers as well as 20 foreign journalists to monitor the second round of the local elections which will be held on October 29. Also additional number of observers and journalists has been accredited.

The Citizens Association MOST has deployed the largest number of domestic observers-2.917 followed by Citizens Association “Sinergija” Stip – 1829, Civil – Centre for Freedom – 207, Institute for Economic Strategies and International Affairs Ohrid-Skopje – 125, Centre for Understanding and Institutional Cooperation Skopje– 17 and Macedonian Centre for Culture and Development – 6 observers.

OSCE/ODIHR has deployed the largest number of foreign observers, followed by the US Embassy to Macedonia – 35, EU Delegation – 23, International Elections Study Center (IESC) – 18…

NATO Liaison Office Skopje and the embassies of the Russian Federation, Albania, Austria, France, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Hungary, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Italy, Slovakia to Macedonia, the State Election Commission of Montenegro, the Central Election Commissions of Kosovo and Bulgaria and the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) Office in the Republic of Macedonia have also accredited observers.

Twenty journalists from Al Jazeera Balkans, the Voice of America, News Agency Kosova Press, Russian Information Agency, TASS Agency, Hungarian State Television, Associated Press and Kohavision TV Pristina have been accredited for the second round of local elections.

5,011 domestic and 373 foreign observers as well as six foreign journalists were accredited in the first round of local elections held on 15 October.

President Ivanov: EU enlargement is both political and strategic issue

The gap between EU common goals and the individual interests of the member states is expanding, which instead of integration leads to regionalization, as countries are getting together to be more successful in dealing with challenges and exploiting opportunities, Macedonia’s President Gjorge Ivanov said Thursday in Brussels at the Crans Montana Forum’s session, dedicated to European Union’s neighborhood policy with focus on the Three Seas Initiative.

The financial, migrant and growing security crises have to certain extent paralyzed the European institutions, Ivanov said.

‘Being engaged with own problems the European Union has stalled the enlargement process and neglected the east and south-east Europe,’ Ivanov said.

He highlighted the Visegrad Group, China-CEE initiative 16+1, Brdo-Brijuni Process and the Three Seas Initiative as successful examples of cooperation.

‘These forms of cooperation are not anti but pro-European, filling the cooperation vacuum deriving from many European crises. The regionalization sends a message to the EU to pay greater attention to the eastern, south-eastern part of the continent,’ Ivanov said.

Today, thanking to the Visegrad Group, policemen of seven countries – part of the Three Seas Initiative – are deployed along the Macedonian border, Ivanov said.

‘These countries have been granting direct assistance to Macedonia in its efforts to deal with the illegal migration. The Brdo-Brijuni Process sends a clear message – the enlargement’s postponement along with the economic crisis and security challenges have been making our region more vulnerable to external factors of destabilization. The EU should realize that the enlargement process is not just a technical, but above all political and strategic issue,’ Ivanov said.

He also affirmed Macedonia’s support of infrastructure networking, saying that ‘it is rather significant for the countries that have not joined the EU yet.
'The neocons' Bruce Lee' :)

Hoyt Yee to Vucic: Be careful so you don’t end up like Sanader, Berlusconi, Schroeder and Gruevski

US deputy assistant to the secretary for EuroAsian Affairs Hoyt Yee, warned Serbian president Aleksandar Vucic that if he continues to defy orders to remove his country from its business and military relationship with Russia, the Serb president will end up like Ivo Sanader, Silvio Berlusconi, Gerhard Schroeder and Nikola Gruevski – reports Serbian media.

The Croatian PM Ivo Sanader (2003-2009) was removed from power on Washington insistence and was later jailed, Berlusconi was removed from power after CIA operatives pretending to be escorts took photos of Berlusconi in lude positions which later helped in removing him from power at a time when Italy’s relationship with Russia and between Putin and Berlusconi saw major improvements.

Gerhard Shoreder was removed from power as a German PM for wanting to have better relationship with Moscow. He was replaced by Merkel.

Nikola Gruevski was forced to remove himself from power during a wiretapping scandal and subsequent witch hunt created by the CIA with assistance from the British and Italian secret service.

Bulgaria was not immune to Washington’s destabilizing influence – two Governments collapsed in Sofia in one year as a consequence of approving the Russian backed south-stream gas project.

Hoyt Yee’s threat to the Serb president (similar was issued to Macedonia’s president Ivanov in December of 2016) is an admittance that the US is the primary source of destabilization in the Balkans.
The US ambassador Jess Bailey appears at the polling station



It is debatable that an ambassador to a foreign country is required to hold polling stations on election day when it is outside its scope of work and the purpose for which it is accredited, but also in complete opposition to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (WCDO) which regulates the scope of the powers that an accredited head of a diplomatic mission may have.

Namely, according to Article 3 of the WCO, the functions of the diplomatic representatives are regulated.

Staging by polling stations on election day in the country where the ambassador is accredited does not fall within the scope of its competencies and is not stipulated in the international regulations.

<iframe src="" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
Fraud: Macedonia's opposition and junior Government partner do Not recognize Election results



Today, in Staro Nagoricane the SEC committed fraud by taking VMRO-DPMNE 62 votes and simply (flipped) gave them to SDSM who received only 17 votes!! As far as the State Electoral Commission is concerned, the SDSM won in Staro Nagoricane.

The second round of Macedonia's local elections were once again marred by massive fraud that similarly to the first round saw ballot stuffing, bribery of voters near polling station spiced up with the decision by US Ambassador Jess Baily who turned into an SDSM activist and decided to intidimate voters at polling stations by urging them to vote for the SDSM.

As a result of this, the Macedonian opposition led by VMRO-DPMNE officially stated it does not recognize the election results. "These were by far the most undemocratic elections in Macedonia's history and as such cannot be recognized as valid" - stated Gruevski. In addition, DPMNE's leader issued seven requests to the SDSM and their activist US ambassador Jess Baily:

1. Organizing of new early Parliamentary elections in accordance with the Przino Agreement which will be overseen by an interim Government in the same way the elections of 2016 were held.

2. Immediate removal from office of the SDSM appointed director for Media and appointing of an individual nominated by the opposition.

3. Immediate removal from office of SDSM appointed SEC head Aleksandar Chichakovski who has repeatedly broken the law in favor of the SDSM. The SEC head must be nominated by the opposition, as it has been the norm in the past.

4. Immediate investigation in the UBK with our own people due to information the police and UBK have wiretapped over 100 VMRO-DPMNE officials.

5. We seek immediate conclusion of the "Bribery" case in which Zoran Zaev seeks 200,000 euros in bribes on camera.

6. Forming of special prosecutor team which will oversee and probe the massive election fraud in 2016 and 2017, as well as the inclusion of police and state institutions in the fraud.

7. Drug traffickers and murderers were released from prisons for reasons only known to SDSM. We seek immediate release from prison of every single individual detained in Parliament's incidents back in April 27, 2017.

Minority party BESA also stated it doesn't recognize the eletion results as valid due to well documented fraud across the country.

But it is not just the opposition parties who did not recognize the election results. Zaev's own junior partner in Government, Zijadin Sela who leads the "Alliance for Albanians" party stated his party too doesn't recognize the elections results due to massive fraud.

Sela stated DUI and the SDSM assisted by police and other state structures including the SEC committed massive electoral fraud, thus to his party despite being part of Government the election results are not valid.

Then why is Sela still in Parliament?

OSCE grandma pleased with Election fraud, everything according to plan

OSCE representative in Macedonia Audrey Glover, concluded the Macedonian elections were great and according to plan. Sure, there was fraud, some murders, ballot stuffing, making up election numbers out of thin air, but overall went according to plan.

Mrs Glover says she saw 'some' photos and video evidence of fraud, but lets face it, that's just evidence that could easily be ignored if it means keeping US puppets in power.

OSCE has quite a record in Macedonia which includes OSCE operatives being in direct communication with terrorists in both Kumanovo and Brodec before and during anti-terrorist actions.

Kotzias: Macedonia is a gift of the gods, but it chose wrong godfather

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias stated that the differences over the name does not mean that Greece opposes the existence of Macedonia, but considers that besides the name issue, the main problem with it is the irredentism.

There are two problems concerning relations between Athens and Skopje, the first problem is irresponsibility and the second problem is the feeling of Macedonia that Greece does not want Macedonia to exist. I denied this but they did not want to hear that their country is a gift of the god, but they chose wrong godfather. The difference on the name does not mean that Greece does not want the existence of this state or that it has plans for disorganization and dissolution of the state, Kotzias said in the statement to foreign affairs editors in Greek media, MIA reports.

He announced that Macedonia and Greece will form a committee that will revise the textbooks and will try to overcome disagreements over the historical context.

Kotzias underlined that such committee has already been formed between Greece and Albania and the disputes what is being studied in ten of the 12 classes in both countries have been settled so far, however two remaining are the most difficult in the context to history and geography.

We will form such committee for Macedonia as well. We do not oppose looking at our books and if there is something wrong with them, I have nothing against to be corrected, Kotzias said.

He said that it is good that Macedonia exists and underlined that if Athens and Skopje resolve the problems then the countries will have accelerated and excellent cooperation due to similarities between them, especially in northern Greece.

Kotzias said that the two countries have promoted confidence building measures in the past two years, which were not supported at the beginning, but now are fully supported by both countries and the international community.

A new series of measures are being prepared. He mentioned the reconstruction of old railway line between Bitola and Florina (Lerin), which is completed on their part and also much of the works have been done as well from Macedonian side.

Two countries are in the process of cleaning Skopje – Thessaloniki oil pipeline and we also consider the opportunity for construction of a gas pipeline. The cooperation between border services and universities is also strengthened, he said.

Kotzias announced that they work on opening the border crossing near Prespa.

Certain legal problems existed, but I hope that we will find appropriate solution, which will be acceptable for Greece, Macedonia and Albania, he underlined.

This will be a good opportunity to develop tourism and to strengthen economic and social cooperation in the region.
Macedonian Government gave 1.5m euros in “aid” to Soros NGOs before elections


AA and BESA announce protests, Gruevski silent

Opposition party BESA and the “Alliance for Albanians”, a junior partner in Zaev’s government have announced they will hold massive protests against what they called an obvious “election robbery”. Similarly to the leader of the largest opposition party, DPMNE, the leaders of BESA Bilal Kasami and AA’s Zijadin Sela stated the election results are invalid.

BESA official Emad Mehmeti says protests are a must as a response to the fraudulent elections.

“We saw election fraud, it was out on the open for everyone to see, the police and the mafia joined forces to steal these elections, protests are the only viable option” says Mehmeti in his FB post.

The AA did not publicly call for protests, however Sela’s interviews in the past two days allude to the fact he is calling for protests, adding “There is no way I’ll be a minister in a Government run by Zaev, I do have integrity”.

Should Sela quit the Zaev coalition, the SDSM will not have the necessary majority in Parliament, resulting in early elections. However, Sela’s previous remarks that he may quit the Zaev led Government were all for none mostly thanks to Prime Minister Jess Baily who finds various ways to convince Sela to stay in the coalition.
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