
Craziness in Skopje Court as Judge delivers sentences to Kosovo terrorists

As judge handed down the sentences for the terrorists attack in Kumanovo, chaos erupted in the Skopje courtroom: with Kosovo terrorists chanting the Albanian anthem, one stripped down naked, others chanted UCK UCK.

The judge removed the individuals from the Court room, and read out the sentences:

– 7 individuals received life sentences
– 13 individuals received 40 year sentences
– 6 individuals received 20 year sentence
– 1 individual received 18 year sentence
– 2 individuals received 14 year sentences
– 2 individuals received 13 year sentences
– 2 individuals received 12 year sentences
– 4 individuals were freed

Some of the sentenced screamed as they were led out of the Courtroom vowing revenge against the judge and the country.

The person arrested in front of the court carrying a vest with explosives

Several policemen intervened after an unknown person approached them and addressed them.

The man approached and told him something to one of the policemen, after which the other members of the Ministry of Interior took his backpack and took him to a police station.

Unofficially from the Ministry of Interior for A1on say that it is a person named Ibruş Ibraimi, who was about half of his body with some kind of explosive, which threatened the police. Ibrahimi's fifty-seven-year-old was detained by members of the Ministry of Interior. The competent ministry will soon come out with official information in this case.

OSCE admits Macedonian Elections were fraudulent

Macedonia’s elections were marred by massive electoral fraud which included, but not limited to: ballot stuffing, bribery, ballots from one city found their way into the ballot boxes of another city, police intimidating voters, police preventing voters from voting, fraudulent reporting of results etc.

OSCE, despite their well known political biasness towards the Macedonian marionette Government, it appears have gained enough courage and wrote in their report that Macedonia’s elections were marred by fraud, and lots of it. However, it could simply be face saving for OSCE to acknowledge the obvious because of extensive photo and video evidence of the election fraud that’s circulating across the country.

“The results at national level show discrepancies of 922 votes between what was reported and the actual votes cast for mayors. In addition there was a discrepancy of 310 votes between reported votes and actual votes for city councils.” Now think about this for a second. Do you even realize what a discrepancy of 1,232 votes is? And this is a discrepancy that the SEC ran by the Government is willing to admit! This means 10 people voted at polling station #1, but a fraudulent report went out that 30 people voted (ballot stuffing). At polling station #2, 100 people voted, but a fraudulent report of 170 went out, creating a discrepancy.

The bottom line is, a single ballot missing or extra at any polling station means there was fraud at that polling station.

OSCE admits it is aware of 1,232 such ballots…. the Macedonian media has reported of at least 50,000 such ballots!

Borjan Jovanovski finds the Junta has limited cash for “journalists”

USAid funded Macedonian media (,,,…) are facing increasing pressure after the US president drastically cut down the budget to the shadowy American organization used primarily to subvert foreign Governments.

In Macedonia, the way it worked for two decades is USAid simply gave millions of taxpayers dollars to Soros operated NGO’s in the country who in turn funded what they dubbed as “opposition” media. Now that Trump has slashed large portion of these funds, it’s up to the Macedonian Government to continue funding the leftist media. However, there is a small problem.
The Government is unable to splash millions in some silly web portals as USAid did, and it has to pick quite carefully which journalists and web portals will remain on their payroll. The rest will be cut loose.

This has caused major rifts between the puppet Government and ‘journalists’ who were used to getting hundreds of thousands of euros per year in the name of salary for articles written in Washington and Brussels.

One of this man is well known anti-Macedonian campaigner Borjan Jovanovski who owns and operates, a USAid funded project to the tune of 500,000 euros/year, not taking into account hundreds thousands more from Dutch and British “NGOs”.

Now Borjan Jovanovski, not just that he’s getting less funds, but is not happy with SDS’ ruling and their constant threats and intimidation towards the media. This is from a man who was SDS’ biggest cheerleader, at least until the funds were coming in.
Kosovo PM vows to turn over Court verdict and free Kosovo terrorists

Former terrorist turned politician Ramush Haradinaj vowed to turn over the Skopje Court verdict which sentenced group of 32 terrorists to lengthy prison sentences over the attack and killing of 8 Macedonian policemen on May 15th, 2015.

In a speech in front of 150 protesters, many of whom were relatives and friends of the jailed terrorists, the US protectorate PM said the Skopje Court verdict isn’t important because it was brought by illegitimate authorities. Only an “international investigation” led by the United States can be considered valid.

The protesters first spent time in front of Prishtina’s government building, and then marched on to the Macedonian embassy.

What is remarkable about the entire process is that the sentenced terrorists admitted both verbally and in writing their terrorist actions were coordinated by the US Base Bondsteel. They were simply the proxy in the entire scenario, however, despite the testimonies, the Court never pressed charges against anyone at the American base in Kosovo!

MoFA condemns desecration of Macedonian flag in two Kosovo cities

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) says it condemns an incident involving the burning of a Macedonian flag in two cities in Kosovo that took place yesterday after a Skopje court announced verdicts in the Diva Naselba case.

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“The MoFA expresses regret and condemnation of yesterday’s act of burning of the Macedonian flag by supporters of sport fan clubs in the Kosovo cities of Gnjilane and Peja. We expect the authorities in Kosovo to take actions in order to bring the perpetrators to justice,” says the Ministry’s reaction sent to MIA.

Protesting against the decision of the Skopje Criminal Court sentencing eight members of the so called Kumanovo Group to life imprisonment, flags of the Republic of Macedonia were set on fire last night in the cities of Gnjilane and Peja, Serbia’s state TV station RTS reported.

According to its report, flags were desecrated during protests in the two cities against the verdicts, where protesters also chanted “Albanians should defend their rights fighting against the injustice brought upon by Slavic Macedonians.”

The Macedonian flag in Gnjilane was reportedly burned by fans of the Eagles sports club.

“In a show of revolt over the injustice done against our heroes from the Slavic puppet country, this evening we have set its flag on fire… We call on all Albanian statesmen to protest against this and protect the Albanian people in Illyria. Albania will do just that,” urged the fan club from Gnjilane.

Seven life sentences, 13 defendants sentenced to 40 years behind bars, 6 men got 20-year sentences, one defendant will spend 18 years behind bars, two defendants 14 years, 13 years in prison is the sentence for two men, 12 years for two others with four defendants acquitted, includes the verdict of the Criminal Court in Skopje for the defendants involved in the events in the Kumanovo settlement of Diva Naselba in 2015. Eight members of the Macedonian security forces were killed in the shootout.

President Ivanov delivers address at Chatham House on migrations and security

Delivering an address at Chatham House, the London-based Royal Institute of International Affairs, President Gjorge Ivanov said the European Union must find a new way for decision-making in times of crisis.

The European countries, he noted, must raise awareness about common security threats.

“Unfortunately, the Balkans remains on the threshold of the European Union. The experience stemming from the migrant crisis is a lesson to the European bureaucracy to understand that the EU is not yet Europe, it cannot act on the behalf of Europe. The Balkans is not yet part of the EU. As long as the Balkans is outside of the EU, the organization will be facing what we have now. We’ve learned that in the EU, security services do not trust each other. They do not share information, there’s little awareness about the existence of a common threat,” Ivanov said in his address titled “Macedonia, Migration and Security: Lessons Learned.”

Terrorism, he added, isn’t the same like in the 1960s, 1970s. According to him, terrorists has been using new technologies, social networks, they have been even using coded satellite communications. Every time, they are well ahead of law enforcement bodies, or secret services.

“We are left to our own devices, we, the country, have realized we must take matter into our hands. Macedonia was the most successful in dealing with the migrants. The country helped everyone as much as it could. It’s easy to criticize from a neutral position without having the responsibility from the consequences of all that had been happening during the migrant crisis,” the President said.

Referring to the security-related aspect of the crisis, Ivanov said that despite the Balkan migrant route being shut down, illegal migration hadn’t been prevented yet. According to him, criminal smuggling rings played the main role in generating security threats affecting both Macedonia and Europe.

Speaking at Chatham House, President Ivanov elaborated the plan implemented by Macedonia to regulate the migrant surge that involved one entry and one exit.

“It was evident that the crisis could not have been solved with only political declaration and bureaucratic procedures. It has to be managed with assistance and support by the security services and military structures,” noted the Macedonian President.

Ivanov said that other countries in the Balkan route had followed suit. The Army, he stated, joined forces with the police to control and protect, which led to closing the Balkan migrant route in the spring of 2016.

The migrant wave hasn’t died down yet, added the President. Some 20-30 potential migrants are estimated to be in the vicinity of the external borders of Europe, he said.

The Balkan countries need the EU, because people simply want rule of law to dominate, Ivanov concluded.

During his two-day visit to the UK, President Ivanov delivered an address at the Oxford Union and met with the speakers of the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
World Macedonian Congress with open letter to US President Donald Trump and Congress

We, the members of the World Macedonian Congress-Australia and its affiliated organisations throughout the world are deeply troubled by reports of foreign powers influencing the March 2017 and subsequently the October 2017 local elections in the Republic of Macedonia.

It is our belief that a movement has risen in the Macedonian parliament greater than the will of the people consisting of various and powerful interests held together by the enveloping agenda of the EU, US & Soros machine.

The current October 2017 local elections were an opportunity to witness evidence that the Macedonian political system is far from a democracy and is in fact a concocted and manipulated process for the legitimizing of a puppet regime.

This blatant political manipulation has led to a polarized political climate and is evidenced by the current sitting illegitimate government and the illegally elected war criminal, Talat Xhaferi as speaker of the house which is currently being challenged in Macedonia’s constitutional courts.

It has led to a growing deep fear amongst the Macedonian population that it has prevented Macedonia’s elected representatives from doing what is right for the people and the nation that they profess to represent.

It is our belief that they are no longer acting in the interests of Macedonia or its people. They are no longer doing what is right.

There is documented evidence of American officials attending polling stations to oversee ‘favourable’ processes and their presence has made the US complicit in the physical evidence of ballot manipulation, voter harassment, bribery and brutality with state police interference and support.

The United States ambassador to the Republic of Macedonia, Jess Baily was recently filmed arriving and then departing a polling booth in the Skopje municipality of Kisela Voda during the second round of voting.

Repeatedly denying having anything but a passing personal interest in the political outcome of Macedonia’s political results, this visit flies in the face of the stated American principles of championing democracy (i.e. the will of the people) throughout the free world.

The Macedonian people have reached a turning point in what is tolerable and we ask the United Stated to review the roles of its personnel in the Republic of Macedonia starting with the Ambassador Jess Baily. We ask the United States to do what is right.

In this case, what is right is simple: Macedonia needs a thorough, public Congressional investigation into the role that foreign powers and Jess Baily played in the months leading up to the March and then subsequent October local elections.

As representatives of the American people, Congress is best positioned to conduct an objective investigation into the appointed officials who represent America in foreign countries.

We believe the evidence made available in an investigation would show that Jess Bailey as the US ambassador and other foreign powers have played an important role in shaping the outcome of compromised Macedonian elections. At this juncture, we can only say that existing reports are plausible enough and publicly expressed concerns are significant enough to warrant Congress’s full attention and swift action.

With concerns rising on both sides of the political aisle about myriad practices that challenge free and fair elections, a public investigation promises to provide the transparency needed to calm the fears of Macedonians and restore faith in our political process.

We trust you will do what is right.

Executive Committees of World Macedonian Congress – Australia & Executive Committees of Affiliated Organisations

Kodzias: We will resolve the name in 2018, otherwise there will be "major complications"

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kodzias told Greece's Kathimerini newspaper that the government intends to resolve the name dispute with Macedonia.

He says the national wound, which opened 26 years ago, needs to be healed by 2018, writes "Kathimerini".

"I believe that the issue should be resolved by the first half of 2018," Kodzias said.

According to him, otherwise there will be "major complications". He added that after his resolution, "three to four months of bureaucracy in the UN" will remain. According to the minister, this issue should be resolved by the end of 2018, since the elections will be held in the next 2019 in Macedonia and Greece.

"It should not be a good year to deal with issues of a similar nature, because we will be in the midst of election campaigns, and such problems should be resolved in a relaxed atmosphere," Kodzias said.

Macedonia’s dumb and dumber remove Anti-Corruption body while promising fight against corruption

Macedonia’s dumb (Dragan Tevdovski) and dumber (Zoran Zaev) duo vowed a relentless fight against corruption as their own appointed prosecutor has launched a corruption probe against two of their Government officials (Angjushev and Rashkovski) for corruption.

Zaev himself is in Court over bribery after requesting 200,000 euros on camera from a Strumica businessman.

But the corruption probes for the dumb and dumber duo is just a minor hiccup since on Friday evening, the Government announced it will remove the Anti-Corruption office whose sole existence was to prevent corruption particularly during awarding Government contracts.

The dumb and dumber duo announced they don’t need an anti-corruption body to interfere with their work. And no, this isn’t a joke, this is what Macedonia’s Finance Minister Dragan Tevdovski stated at a press conference. Keep in mind, as a Finance Minister, Tevdovski during an interview with Telma TV while discussing the pension system was incapable of distinguishing between gross and net pay, which is something you’d want from a Finance Minister.

The dumb and dumber duo promised the removal of the anti-corruption body will move the country in the right direction.
Releasing the terrorists from Divo Naselje and Albanians to leave all state institutions

72 hour ultimatum by UCK

After the punishment of the Kumanovo group, UCK was activated in Macedonia with a 72 hour ultimatum. Lajm news agency reported on behalf of the headquarters of UCK based in Skopje. In this notice with no. 6, the court's decision to condemn the members of the Kumanovo group was sanctioned, while the Albanians were asked to leave all state institutions where they were employed. An 72-hour ultimatum is set to begin today and end on Wednesday. You can read the complete communication in the picture below:


Diva Naselba case: Protest organizers call for international investigation and review of the case

A protest was staged Sunday in Skopje against life sentences handed out to defendants in the Diva Naselba case. The peaceful protest was supported by the families of the defendants, who addresses a small group of supporters on Skenderbeg square in downtown Skopje.

From there, protesters marched to the Criminal Court where the protest ended. Though initially announced, protesters changed their route, which included a stop in front of the Parliament’s building.

The protest’s organizers call for international investigation and a review of the case, which they call ‘yet another injustice done to the Albanians in Macedonia.’ In addition to the Diva Naselba case, there have been calls for the release of convicted Albanians in connection to the cases dubbed Monster, Brodec, etc.

The protest took place under heavy police presence.

Last week, life sentences were handed out to seven out of 37 defendants charged with taking part in a shootout with Macedonian police in a settlement near Kumanovo in May 2015.
Macedonian judge: We’re getting threats and pressure directly from US Embassy

Judge Vladimir Pancevski, former head of the Criminal Court and the top judge for Skopje’s Basic Court I, spoke to TV Alfa about the involvement of the US Embassy in Macedonia’s judicial system.

Judge Pancevski says there hasn’t been too much pressure on his job until the moment the illegal SPO was put “to work”.

“The SPO built fake cases, it announced their cases during press conferences and the US Embassy in coordination with the SPO got in touch with me and asked me to have a meeting with their rep David Stevenson. The SPO announced their case “Titanik”, but the US Embassy told me the SPO will launch another case called “Tvrdina” before it was announced. It became obvious the SPO is simply a tool for the US Embassy which was essentially ordering cases through a body whose legality is disputed”

US Embassy representative told judge Pancevski his “collaboration” with the US Embassy would be very good and beneficial for him.

Instead of ‘collaborating’ and reaping rewards for it, judge Pancevski sent a letter to US Ambassador Jess Baily asking him to become more engaged in preventing the illegal work of his staff and the SPO’s dirty campaign against him.

So there you have it. A top Macedonian judge publicly admitted something everyone knew, the US Embassy is running Macedonia’s judicial system through bribery and threats.

Judge Vladimir Pancevski appears to be one of very few Macedonian judges who isn’t on the US Embassy payroll and has been adamant on following Macedonian laws. He has entered his name once again for becoming the head of the Criminal Court, which is to be decided this wednesday.

Greek Government to establish their own newspaper in Macedonia

Erol Rizaov an ethnic Turk with Macedonian citizenship who spent the last twenty years on USAid payroll as an “opposition” journalist, will now be the chief editor for a new online newspaper, project sponsored by the Greek Government. If Rizaov ethnic kin, Kammenos can be Greek DM, certainly Rizaov can accept a paycheck from Athens as well.

Greece has already established similar ‘projects’ in Albania and Bulgaria, and is now doing the same in Macedonia. Considering the dozen or so USAid funded failing news portals will turn their lights off by the end of the year, there is an opening of the door for another foreign sponsored propaganda newspaper.

This will be a Macedonian language newspaper, 100% financed by Athens. But there is a catch. All the Greek companies in Macedonia (Mermer Prilep, Vero, Skopje Brewery…) will be tasked to spend their advertising money on this online portal.

Rizaov’s crew will be comprised of well known anti-Macedonian lobbyists who have spent better part of their careers lobbying against Macedonia in Brussels.
Some of you already know the names: Slobodanka Jovanovska seen below with Belgian subversionist Peter Vanhoutte, and Lejla Sabit, better known as a TV presenter and Erol Rizaov’s unofficial wife.

It isn’t known what sort of success or effect the Athens sponsored project will have, however, if we are to compare it with the ‘success’ of USAid sponsored online newsportals, the Greek Government will be disappointed.

Name initiative expected by UN envoy Nimetz by late November: Greek media

UN name envoy Matthew Nimetz is expected by late November to put forward an initiative over the name of Macedonia in an attempt to bring the two countries closer to reaching an agreement, Greece to lift its veto paving the way for Macedonia to join NATO at the upcoming summit of the Alliance in July 2018, it has been reported in Greece.

The newspaper RealNews also reported that the landslide victory of the PM Zoran Zaev-led coalition in the local elections in Macedonia has heralded an optimistic climate in the international community with growing expectations for a name settlement. Also, the Greek government is expecting to see moves of ‘good will’ from the neighboring country, ones that will involve renaming of the Alexander the Great airport in Skopje or dislocating monuments and statues deemed of promoting irredentism.

In the meantime, the countries continue to work on the confidence building measures, in particular on the opening of a border crossing near Prespa and organizing cultural events in the region, wrote the newspaper.

Also, the daily Rizospastis commented that reports had been coming from all sides suggesting that talks over the name of Macedonia were being restored. According to the newspaper, the objective is to pave the way for Macedonia to join NATO at its summit next year on July 11-12.

According to Rizospastis, in a bid to designate the name talks as urgent, the Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias recently has stated that the name issue should be solved by mid-2018, in part because both Greece and Macedonia will be engaged in holding elections in 2019.

Zaev for AntennaM: We are looking for a new name for the dredge, we will make a history revision, change the Macedonian toponyms (Video)

In an interview with the Montenegrin media - AntennaM, Zaev says that a new state name is required, a change in history and Macedonian toponyms. The journalist's question is whether the revision of history will be made in order to realize the Macedonian Euro-Atlantic aspirations Zaev responded:

- Audit ... When talking about revision, then we are thinking first of all to keep an eye on the friendship. Let us not use words like enmity. Here we have made this attempt with Bulgaria, there stands a Bulgarian fascist occupier since the Second World War. It can be a fascist invader if we build friendship to keep an eye on this and other things.

- When it comes to the part of Aegean Macedonia they say northern Greece it is part of Europe, to keep an eye on those things and words we use. But what is very important - we have a problem with the name. It is very important to focus on the problem that Greece has with our constitutional name. I believe that we will find a new name and a way to use it and what it will be. Finally, what is very important for us is to find a solution to the name because we not only receive an invitation for NATO membership, but also the start of negotiations with the European Union, Zaev told the Montenegrin radio.

Zaev will not only change history and wipe out the Bulgarian fascist invader from the textbooks, he will also change the Macedonian toponyms in order to please Greece, but the ultimate goal will be to change the name.

The media spin of the media under the control of the government where from Zaev's interview with "AntennaM" emphasized the statement that he was preparing a liquidation, which was obviously aimed at removing the public's focus from the scandalous statement of Zaev, where he finally admitted what he was brought to power.

Hoyt Yi: There will be a solution to the name dispute with Greece

Addressing the name row dispute is so far at the highest level and closest to finding a solution, State Department High Commissioner Hoyt Brian Yi said today, the Voice of America announced in Macedonian.

- There is still a lot of work to be done on both sides. There will be negotiations and I am optimistic that there will be a solution because the mood in both Greece and Macedonia is at the highest level ever, "said US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Hoit Brian Yi at the Center for International Relations in Washington.

It is estimated that although Macedonia seems to have the least problems with peace agreements, its security depends on resolving the name dispute and joining NATO.
PM Baily announces Macedonia will focus on reforms next

After the successful local elections which saw the US Ambassador agitate voters at polling stations, conditions have been created for the government to focus on current, upcoming reforms, US Ambassador Jess Baily said after meeting with his local rep Zoran Zaev.

Baily congratulated Macedonia on the successful administration of the local elections, saying that the state institutions to implement the recommendations of OSCE/ODIHR observers, the government said in a press release.

Special attention should be also paid to the part of the rule of law covering the fight against organized crime and corruption at national and local level, but this for now is not a priority.

We stopped counting Zaev’s meetings with his supervisor Jess Baily, however it’s important to note that Zaev no longer even attempts to make it look as if he is in charge. He isn’t. Each announcement follows a meeting with Baily first, and the announcement is actually made by Baily.

Appellate Court is not interested in arguments and justice, political orders must be delivered

With the Appellate Court’s decision that wiretapped conversations are used as evidence in case “Tank”, human rights, international standards and domestic laws are multiplied by zero. The Appellate Court, like everything else, is under enormous political pressure to deliver what Zoran Zaev announced as early as the campaign he was running before the parliamentary elections.

Zaev clearly told the judges that “there must be and there will be arrests.” They left room for judges to choose between their own integrity and the division of justice based on law and the implementation of orders from Zaev and the centers of power on the other side. Therefore, in the meantime, lists of ineligible judges that would not be re-elected because they are ineligible for the new government have been announced.

Facing this choosing, the judges absurdly decided to believe SPO’s empty words calling for some “international legal standard” without specifying which standard, which has established it, where and in what procedure. The tragedy to be greater, all the arguments supported with examples by the defense were completely ignored.
Rakovic: Zaev was brought to power by the CIA for his low IQ and subhuman chracteristics (Video)

Dr. Aleksandar Rakovic conducted an interview with Miroslav Lazanski, a well known Serbian journalist with ties to the intel agencies across the Balkans.
Here is what Rakovic had to say about Macedonia and the junta that’s running the country:

“Zaev is not a serious individual, in fact, it’s just the opposite. He is a person who has subhuman qualities who is told what to say at all times. Think of him as a parrot, he only repeats what he has been told to say. He is of obvious low and extremely limited intellectual capacity. And this is precisely the point. When the Americans bring someone in power, they usually observe and ensure the IQ of the individual is below mediocre, someone who doesn’t have the ability to think and who will fulfill all orders without questioning anything. In Podgorica during a meeting, Zaev announced that he is ready to “sacrifice himself”! Allegedly there is an assassination prepared for Zaev similarly to the nonexistent assassination attempt of Djukanovic, and this CIA puppet was ready to sacrifice himself so Macedonia can be inserted in NATO. But, I am not an optimist, I believe that the Americans are using all of their mechanisms to put pressure on Greece and to somehow put Macedonia into NATO under their UN acronym. And this acronym may stay for the country for the next 20-30-50 years – says Rakovic.

Dr Rakovic also added that he believes the Kosovo terrorists will be granted amnesty by the DUI-SDS led Government.

Dimitrov: We are prepared to discuss establishment of committee on revision of history instruction books with Greece

Macedonia is prepared to discuss a proposal over the establishment of a committee on revision of history instruction books with Greece, if this is based on parity, Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov said on Thursday.

“We have nothing against and we are absolutely prepared to discuss such a proposal. The Balkans is over-burdened by history and when two countries decide to get closer, overcome differences and build bridges, it is useful to learn from the experiences of other countries such as France and Germany, Poland and Germany. As long as this is based on parity and as long as we leave history to historians and politics to politicians”, FM Dimitrov told reporters during a joint press conference with Montenegrin counterpart Srdjan Darmanovic.

He added that the issue was also tackled at a meeting with Greek colleague Nikos Kotzias in New York.

President Ivanov: No place in project for united Europe for arguments to block Macedonia

Macedonia has met all the criteria required to join NATO, nevertheless the country was blocked and left to its own devices. The arguments used to block Macedonia are the same as those made up during the cold war, which do not deserve to be part of the project on united, free and peaceful Europe, Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov said in an address at the 21st conference of the army chiefs of staff of countries-members of the US Adriatic Charter (A-5) taking place Thursday in Skopje.

According to him, the open door for Macedonia to integrate into the Alliance is a metaphorical invitation, however Macedonia and NATO share the same values, interests and priorities.

“With NATO, we are sharing obligations, tasks and responsibilities. NATO and Macedonia are sharing the same criteria. Therefore, interoperability and operational capacity have been overcome long ago. We have been doing it because since declaring independence, the country has been seeing its future in the Alliance,” Ivanov said adding he expected NATO to remain consistent to the ‘grand project’ that would allow ‘the last lingering shadow from the bloc-like division between the Balkans and Europe to disappear.’

Addressing the event, the President said the time when Europe’s borders had been protected outside of Europe was long gone. Even though the number of inter-state conflicts has been dropping, the number of conflicts withing the countries themselves has been increasing, according to Ivanov.

As more and more people are being radicalized by foreign terrorist fighters, Europe is faced with attacks committed by second or third generation of migrants, he noted.

“To address this threat, A5 countries should be fully integrated into the architecture of the security system of NATO and the EU with a limitless access to all data bases,” President Ivanov concluded.
Former OSCE Ambassador: Terrorists were sentenced to distract public from criminal elections

Senior diplomat, columnist and former OSCE Ambassador Arsim Zekoli in an interview with TV Shenja for their popular “Open Studio” program states the Court sentencing for the Kosovo terrorists was purposely delayed after the elections in order to create the perfect distraction from the criminal elections in which the underground mafia entered in alliance with Macedonia’s police.

Unfortunately, these things are becoming normal nowdays. The sentencing was cleverly postponed for three days after the elections, this way DUI avoided the wrath at the elections, at the same distracted the public from the massive electoral fraud. There is no question these elections were fraudulent and therefore invalid. The mafia were in alliance with the police – stated Zekoli.

In addition, Zekoli added that these are not his own words, but a Minister in Zaev’s Government admitted that he was under constant pressure from the chief of police, Oliver Spasovski, Zaev as well as from criminals before, during and after the elections.

290,000 euros in assistance from Kosovo for the families of the convicts in the "Divo Naselje"

The Kosovo government has made a decision allocating 290,000 euros for family expenses for convicts in the "Divo Naselje" case.

Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj said at a government session that each family will be given 10,000 euros.

"Families will be awarded 10,000 Euros for unforeseen expenses. We already have the list of people who will receive funds, "Haradinaj said, and the Macedonian Information Agency reported.

Earlier in his meeting with the families of the convicts in the case, he promised that he would make maximum efforts to "just, fair and correct trial" at their most brutal Kumanovo group.

Ahmeti conditions Zaev, asking Zijadin Sela to leave the government coalition!

DUI leader Ali Ahmeti felt very nervous after Thursday’s interview of the Alliance for Albanians leader Zijadin Sela on TV Alsat.

DUI sources pointed out to web portal “tetova1″ that these days Ali Ahmeti is expected to condition Zaev to remove the Alliance from the government.

For the leader of DUI, it is unacceptable for Zijadin Sela and his party to be part of the government and to openly criticize Ahmeti and DUI, the web portal writes.

The Alliance for Albanians leader Zijadin Sela said late Thursday that the only political party in the government that wants the Alliance for Albanians to no longer be part of the government is Ali Ahmeti’s DUI.

But he has made it clear that the Alliance is part of the government because it took responsibility and it would be alarming if the current government starts to resemble the old one.

It remains to be seen whether Zoran Zaev will fulfill Ali Ahmeti’s wish or will continue to maintain balance in the government and will not accept any conditioning from anyone.
DPMNE says will not joint SDS junta and foreigners in Paris to negotiate Macedonia’s name

DPMNE says the party is not against political dialog, however, according to the party press release, they are against another “Przino” both inside or outside the country, considering such path “not required and unacceptable”.

“We are all for discussions with our parliament majority, however we prefer such dialog to be held within Macedonia’s state institutions. For questions such as the name dispute, we remain on our strictly defined stands which are part of our party platform. VMRO-DPMNE has no details on what sort of discussions are to be held in Paris and as a result we can not form a proper response. Once we are given all the information, the party will make a decision”.

DPMNE’s statement stems from a press conference held by EU’s rep for Macedonia Ivo Vajgl who held discussions with SDS and DUI and announced a meeting in Paris towards the end of January. The meeting would encompass discussions on ethics, rule of law and the name negotiations”. EU’s Commissioner Johannes Hahn who was instrumental in assisting with convincing Gruevski to remove himself from power will chair the meeting.
EU Enlargement Commissioner Hahn to visit Skopje next week

The EU Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn is to visit Macedonia next week.

He announced the visit on his twitter following the meetings with Deputy PM for European Affairs Bujar Osmani and FM Nikola Dimitrov in Brussels.

I am very much looking forward to my visit to Skopje next week, with political meetings and exchange with civil society, reads Hahn’s twitter account.

He assessed the meeting with Osmani and Dimitrov as excellent.

I am confident that government will use positive momentum and we will see further reform results by end of the year. This requires constructive cooperation of all political forces, including the opposition, Hahn emphasized.

All issues related to Macedonia’s European agenda were discussed at Monday’s meeting in Brussels.

Kotzias: Name issue to be resolved in first half of 2018

Macedonian and Greek Foreign Ministers, Nikola Dimitrov and Nikos Kotzias respectively, are set to meet at the sidelines of the EU foreign ministers meeting in Brussels on Monday.

The countries’ ministries of foreign affairs have confirmed the Dimitrov-Kotzias meeting.

Discussions are expected to focus on the talks for the name issue settlement and the confidence-building measures.

Prior to his departure for Brussels, FM Kotzias said Greece wanted to solve the name issue, making this clear to its EU partners and Washington. According to him, the name issue will be resolved in the first half of 2018.

FM Dimitrov and Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said last week that Macedonia has the political will to settle the row by making a step forward and using the positive climate in relations with Greece. They also confirmed that name talks would resume by the end of November.

SDS junta to put Macedonia 854m euros in debt

To ensure Macedonia is blackmailed by Western banks for years to come by imposing all sorts of austerity measures (see Greece), the SDS junta will borrow 854m euros, with no plans for any capital projects in the process. Macedonia has no need for such credit, yet the SDS did it anyways.

This will make Macedonia from one of the least indebted country in Europe, to one of the most, considering its GDP has shrunk a whopping 3% since the Zaev led junta was put in power.

The Government has announced a budget of 3.4 billion euros, the largest ever, however there are no details for the massive budget increase and Finance Minister Tevdovski has already stated there are no plans for capital projects. The Government has also stopped the construction of a state of the art Clinic in Ohrid, started by the previous Government.

The SDS has also removed over 24m euros in subsidies given out to farmers each year, without giving details what it intends to do with the money.
Gruevski: The ultimate goal is the name, Zaev is negotiating new name of the state

VMRO-DPMNE leader Nikola Gruevski warned almost a month ago that the ultimate goal of bringing Zoran Zaev and SDSM in power is changing the name of the Republic of Macedonia. Gruevski emphasizes that SDSM’s government is a puppet government, brought by others from outside, and history shows that every puppet government has a short life span.

Zaev has been brought to change the name and identity, and now all this is done to give him the ground that he has legitimacy among people, by bribery and forced votes, in order to give him the legitimacy and courage to continue further with the promised . The goal of all this that is happening is changing the name of the state, language, nation, identity. He actually talked about redefining the state, these are six points. The first point is the change of name and identity, the second point is the agreement with Bulgaria, the third point is bringing migrants to the Republic of Macedonia and their migration here, the fourth point is bilingualism on the whole territory with unconstitutional law, the fifth point is the increase in taxes and the sixth point is redefinition of marriage, or legalizing gay marriage and give them the opportunity to adopt children, Gruevski said.

Zaev from Slovenia confirmed what Gruevski was saying. He from Slovenia said that Macedonia is making an effort, which, as he said, will be the last, with the final goal, solving the problem that Greece has with our constitutional name.

Greek media: Nimetz to present proposal on name dispute

UN name dispute mediator Matthew Nimetz at the meeting with negotiators from Greece and Macedonia, Adamantios Vasilakis and Vasko Naumovski, scheduled for Nov. 20 or 21 in New York, will present concrete proposal for resolving the name dispute, Greek media reported.

Athens expects after the Zoran Zaev’s victory in the local elections and stabilization of his government, Macedonia to continue with the acts of “goodwill” to show that it will leave irredentism as changing the name of Skopje Airport and removing the monuments erected during Nikola Gruevski’s rule, Radio Athens 9.84, and Iefimerida report.

Greek media reported that Deputy PM Koco Angjusev at Tuesday’s address to the Johns Hopkins University in Washington asked for the US support for resolving name dispute.

Serwer: Solution on name issue and Macedonia’s membership in NATO possible in 2018

Daniel Serwer, expert for the Balkans and professor of conflict management at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies, told MIA that a breakthrough could be made in 2018 in resolving the name dispute and removing the blockade for Macedonia’s accession to NATO and the start of accession negotiations with the EU.

Commenting on optimistic expectations from Skopje, Athens, and Washington, expressed by US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Hoyt Brian Yee, Server said the solution could be found for the purposes of Macedonia’s membership in NATO.

Yes, a solution at least for purposes of NATO membership is possible in 2018, but I could have said the same thing every year since the 1995 Interim Accord. That said conditions right now are promising, Serwer underlined.

The Russians will try everything they can to prevent Macedonia from joining NATO. Pressure on Greece, finance for anti-NATO politicians, rented demonstrators, intense propaganda from RT and Sputnik, armed provocations, even assassination and a coup will all be on their menu. Best be prepared for their worst, Serwer told MIA.

The first meeting between the negotiators from Macedonia and Greece with the UN mediator Matthew Nimetz is expected to be held on November 20 or 21.

SDS votes for bilingualism country wide, DPMNE quislings refuse to block motion

SDS continues to implement the Tirana platform after 66 MPs this morning voted for making albanian official language country wide, despite the ‘language-law’ being obviously unconstitutional.

DPMNE decided not to legally block the voting procedure despite having the ability to do so. Instead, they decided to work on the ‘differences’ and ‘challenges’ of the law.




Unexpected turn in the Government, Zijadin Sela is losing the Health Ministry

The Alliance for Albanians is losing the Health Ministry and instead of new minister, Zijadin Sela’s party will have to negotiate new government department, Gazeta Express reports.

For now, there are no details over what caused this turn in negotiations between government partners. Following the information that Prime Minister Zoran Zaev is waiting for Sela’s official proposal for the health department, the latest briefing is that the Alliance is losing this place and that it will go for government’s reconstruction, Gazeta Express writes.

Who is spying on Macedonia? Two saboteurs apprehended in a month for spying on Army Garrison

Kosovo resident H.R. (58) was apprehended by police after making detailed schematics and taking photos of Macedonia's largest Army barracks "Ilinden" based in Skopje.

It's not clear how this saboteur got access to the Army barracks where movement by non-army personnel is forbidden, or a special permit is required.

Police has only released the initials of the individual, no additional information is available.

Republika informs this is the second espionage case in just a month. Last month, a British citizen was captured doing precisely the same, taking photos and writing down details of Ilinden and its setup.
In first reading on November 15, Macedonia's parliament voted 66-41 in favor of the bill making Albanian the country's second official language, amid harsh criticism from the conservative opposition.

Macedonia Parliament Passes Law on Albanian As 2nd State Language in 1st Reading

The bill granting the Albanian language a status of the second official language in Macedonia has been passed in the first reading by the country’s parliament. The document is pending amendments and final approval, local media reported.

According to the MRT broadcaster, the bill was passed by 66 votes, with 109 of 120 lawmakers present during the voting. The review of amendments proposed by lawmakers is scheduled for November 22, marking the Day of Albanian alphabet in the country, the broadcaster added.

The bill’s adoption was initiated by the Democratic Union for Integration (DUI), comprising ethic Albanians. The imitative was supported by its coalition partner, ruling Social Democratic Union of Macedonia (SDSM). The opposition Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization – Democratic Party for Macedonian National Unity (VMRO-DPMNE) is opposing the bill and considers it non-compliant with the country’s constitution.

According to the bill, all state and municipal structures are expected to use the Albanian language, spoken by at least 20 percent of population, at the same extent as Macedonian. The law also stipulates that government bodies’ websites, official, business-related and personal documents will become bilingual, while banknotes, coins and post marks will have symbols of both ethnic groups.

The International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia (ICTY) has prevented doctors from visiting former Bosnian-Serb military commander, General Ratko Mladic, his son Darko Mladic revealed to TASS on Tuesday.

ICTY prevents Yugoslav general Mladic from receiving medical help - son

"The tribunal said that a visit by doctors is harmful for his health. Interestingly, on the other hand, the court notified us last week when it adjourned the sentencing due to health reasons, that the general’s health condition was stable," he said.

"How could both conclusions be possible on the basis of an assessment report by same doctors? Since when does a visit by a doctor pose a threat to a patient’s health?" he questioned.

"We think that the ICTY poses obstacles to a medical examination on purpose," Darko Mladic earlier told TASS.

Mladic was arrested in Serbia in May 2011 and is accused of genocide, violations of the laws and customs of war and crimes against humanity, reportedly committed in 1992-1995 in Bosnia-Herzegovina, with him being sentenced on November 22.

The Czech capital of Prague will play host next month to a large gathering of political forces from across Europe that oppose immigration, the leader of a Czech right-wing party SPD said Wednesday.

Prague to Host Gathering of European Anti-Migrant Forces

The Czech Republic was among Eastern European countries that rebelled against a decision by the European Commission in Brussels to impose a scheme on EU member states that would see them take in migrants to ease the burden on Italy and Greece.

"We will discuss a new model of European cooperation based on a tightly-knit union of sovereign nations free from the Brussels dictatorship and pursuing mutual benefit," Czech right-wing party SPD co-founder Tomio Okamura said.

Okamura, whose Freedom and Direct Democracy (SPD) was elected to the Czech parliament in October on its anti-immigrant and Euroskeptic platform, said Marine Le Pen of France’s National Front and Geert Wilders of the Dutch Party for Freedom, were expected to attend the meeting on December 15-16.

Matteo Salvini’s Lega Nord from Italy and the Austrian Freedom Party are also likely to send their senior members.

On Wednesday, the Hungarian Foreign Ministry summoned US envoy David Kostelancik to formally complain about Washington’s new $700,000 initiative to fund rural media outlets in the country. The program provides technical and financial assistance to these media outlets, granting them increased exposure as well as small grants.

‘Political Intervention’: Budapest Furious at US Initiative to Fund Rural Media

The point of the initiative is nominally to train and equip Hungarian journalists to defend independent media that faces the "negative trends" of increasing pressure and intimidation from Budapest.

The United States has publicly and privately expressed our concerns about the status of the free press in Hungary on multiple occasions," an anonymous US State Department official told Reuters. "Hungary has committed to upholding these standards."

The Hungarian government sees things differently. "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade has summoned the US chargé d'affaires, asking for an explanation, and told him that we consider this a political intervention by the US Department of State ahead of the elections," said Foreign Ministry spokesman Tamas Menczer.

However, the program will not take effect until May 2018 — a month after the Hungarian elections happen.

We don't do such things and we expect our allies to refrain from doing so, as well," added Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto in a statement of his own, adding that it was "shocking and unusual… that a democratic country begins to financially support media from its own budgetary sources on the territory of an ally and democratic country."

Viktor Orban, prime minister of Hungary, has been noted for his conservative, populist and nationalist policies. While Orban has received significant criticism abroad, he is quite popular in his own country, with his right-wing Fidesz Party dominating the last two parliamentary elections in 2010 and 2014.

Fidesz holds an absolute majority in the Hungarian National Assembly, controlling 114 of the 199 seats.They also hold majorities in all 19 county legislatures and 20 of the 23 urban legislatures, including the Budapest city council. They are expected to perform quite well in 2018 as well.

However, Orban and Fidesz have been criticized for suppressing press freedom by driving opposition newspapers out of business, among them long-running leftist paper Népszabadság. Although the paper had been declining for years, it was still one of the most circulated publications in the country when it suddenly closed down in 2016.

Since Orban took office in 2010, Hungary's rank in the Press Freedom Index (PFI) has dropped from 23rd most free to 71st in the world, making it one of the most restrictive countries in Europe by that metric. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, an intergovernmental organization whose stated goal is to protect peace and human rights in Europe, agrees that press freedom has declined in Hungary in recent years.

Of course, there is some irony in the United States — a country that itself has experienced a precipitous drop in press freedom, from 20th in 2010 to 43rd in 2017 according to PFI — demanding greater press freedom in its NATO ally Hungary.

On Monday, RT America was all but forced to reclassify itself as a foreign agency under US law — effectively labeling themselves a propaganda outlet in the process. The Committee to Protect Journalists, a press freedom NGO based in New York City, said that they were "uncomfortable with governments deciding what constitutes journalism or propaganda." RT has criticized the move, saying it is a politically motivated attempt to silence dissenting voices in the US.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said Wednesday that he asked NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg to maintain the number of the alliance-led Kosovo Force (KFOR) peacekeeping contingent in Kosovo unchanged.

Serbian President Asked NATO to Maintain Peacekeeping Presence in Kosovo

President Vucic expressed his gratitude for the alliance’s efforts to ensure peace and stability in the region.

I asked [Stoltenberg] not only to avoid the withdrawal of the peacekeeping forces, but to maintain its presence in Kosovo and Metohija at the unchanged numbers," he told a press conference at the NATO headquarters.

"I am thankful to Stoltenberg and NATO members for supporting peace and stability in Kosovo and Metohija, first and foremost, through KFOR units. The NATO’s role in ensuring security for our people and our sacred sites is of an exceptional importance," Vucic said.
sToRmR1dR said:
Greek media: Nimetz to present proposal on name dispute

UN name dispute mediator Matthew Nimetz at the meeting with negotiators from Greece and Macedonia, Adamantios Vasilakis and Vasko Naumovski, scheduled for Nov. 20 or 21 in New York, will present concrete proposal for resolving the name dispute, Greek media reported.

Athens expects after the Zoran Zaev’s victory in the local elections and stabilization of his government, Macedonia to continue with the acts of “goodwill” to show that it will leave irredentism as changing the name of Skopje Airport and removing the monuments erected during Nikola Gruevski’s rule, Radio Athens 9.84, and Iefimerida report.

Greek media reported that Deputy PM Koco Angjusev at Tuesday’s address to the Johns Hopkins University in Washington asked for the US support for resolving name dispute.

Greek Media: 'Baptism for FYROM', the new name will not contain the word Macedonia


Adamantios Vasilakis from the Greek side and Vasko Naumovski from Macedonia will soon be presented with a new proposal. Matthew Nimetz instead of November 20 or 21, will present the proposal at the beginning of December.

The proposal, without knowing all the data, "will be accepted by the Government of SYRIZA to close this issue and to introduce the state into NATO"!

With the "Baptism of FYROM" in the title, the Greek media analyzes the current "progress" in the relations between Athens and Skopje as a turning point in closing the problem of the name of the northern neighbor in a narrower and wider context. So, the analysis says that the national security team of US President Donald Trump will give new impetus to the efforts to close open issues in the Balkans, and Skopje is an important part of this puzzle, so NATO membership is crucial for Washington.

Because of this, lately there is a lot of talk about the name issue, and it is assumed that the new name will be "Central Balkan Republic".

"After Zoran Zaev's victory, Greece shows 'goodwill' and this is interpreted as an opportunity to find a solution in New York at all costs, because what matters is - the course of FYROM ... towards the Euro-Atlantic Union."

Vice Prime Minister of Skopje, Kocho Angjushev, speaking at Johns Hopkins University, has openly called for an American intervention to resolve the issue.

It is well known and clear that Washington would like to include FYROM at the next NATO summit in the composition of the Alliance at all costs.

The name issue has been "debated" for more than twenty years, and the United States definitely wants to end the dispute here and now, because the Russian factor lurks with its plans with the help of Gruevski and the one for Balkan pan-Slavism.

The other factor is the energy, because many gas pipelines pass through Greece and FYROM, while the "dangerous" "Poseidon" and "Turkish stream" must be "destroyed" in their germ.

Commitment to the new Government of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) regarding the interconnection of natural gas systems of Greece and FYROM expressed Mitko Andreevski, energy advisor of the FYROM Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, meeting with the President and CEO of DESFA , Sotiris Nika, which was held in Skopje yesterday.

Because of these projects involving "a lot of money," the name issue is about to end, pushing Athens and Skopje to find a joint solution.

Otherwise, 2018 is a golden window of opportunity for resolving the dispute with Greece, according to Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration Bujar Osmani. In a statement on TV 21, he says that the next year must reach a solution to the three decades of debate that has put Macedonia on the European integration path. 2019 is already late, Osmani believes, since it is the year of elections, in Europe, Greece and Macedonia.

- Based on previous experience no one can guarantee that there will be a solution, but we are optimistic and we work to have a solution. We think that the circumstances are such a relation to the seriousness of the problem of the two countries is such that there are prerequisites to solve this issue. We are waiting for Mr Nimetz's proposal, so that we can discuss effectively and find a solution. My personal conviction is that we have to use the 2018th otherwise we are entering a vicious circle of latent recycling of the crises we have in the last 25 years, Osmani said.
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