Making healing water

I was happy to read this thread. Words quickly became images in my mind. By evoking Water he made it into a disposition as "sacred", let's put it this way, remembering it.

I think it was in 2014 that I "met" Masaru Emoto's book. I was surprised by his research. Since then, every time I drink water, I have a mental conversation with her of gratitude.

I also look for a glass or container that I think is nice so that this "magic" is not interrupted. I have some crystal glasses and I feel that the water is richer. I also write phrases on the container.

About the numbers
Kay Kim said, "Arky's information about converting the conversation/thought form to number is a good idea, but I don't know how to do it."
I don't know how to do this either. Can anyone explain what the procedure is like?

Once a yoga teacher explained to us a way of knowing the information contained in our names. To each letter of the alphabet we assign a number from 1 to 9 (They will be repeated again) Then we display the full name and number their letters. Then you have to add but I can't remember clearly anymore.

Each language has its own symbols and the number of letters is variable. I remember that this teacher handled the subject very well, she knew the meaning of the numbers.

I don't know anything about numerology! It's just something I came up with and I have no idea if this can be applied.

Translated with

Leí con mucho gusto este hilo. Las palabras se convirtieron rápidamente en imágenes en mi mente. Al evocar el Agua hizo que estuviera en una disposición como "sagrada", digámoslo así, recordándola.

Creo que fué en 2014 que me "encontré" con el libro de Masaru Emoto. Me sorprendieron sus investigaciones. Desde entonces, cada vez que tomo agua, tengo una conversación mental con ella de agradecimiento.

También busco un vaso o recipiente que me parezca bonito para que no se interrumpa esa "magia". Tengo unos vasos de cristal y siento que el agua queda más rica.También escribo frases en el recipiente.

Con respecto a los números
Kay Kim dijo: " La información de Arky sobre la conversión de la forma de conversación / pensamiento a número es una buena idea, pero no sé cómo hacerlo"
Yo tampoco sé cómo hacer ésto. ¿Alguien podría explicar como es el procedimiento?

Una vez una profesora de yoga nos explicó una manera de saber la información que contiene nuestros nombres. A cada letra del alfabeto le asignamos un número del 1 al 9 (Se van a volver a repetir) Luego desplegamos el nombre completo y numeramos sus letras. Luego hay que sumar pero ya no puedo recordar claramente.

Cada idioma tiene sus símbolos y es variable el número de letras. Recuerdo que esa profesora manejaba muy bien el tema, conocía el significado de los números.

De numerología no sé nada! Solamente es algo que se me ocurrió y no tengo idea si esto se puede aplicar.
Making my own kombucha increases the positive effects of water. I think that imbuing water with healthy probiotics increases the biological energy of water.
Je prie chaque jour avec mes cristaux sur mes genoux et je leur chante leur chanson "in the garden" puis je les replace chacun à leur place après les avoir embrassé et rendu grâce, mon cristal des rêves sous mon oreiller, mon cristal de protection de la maison et ceux qui y habitent (mes 4 chatonnes, mes deux yorks et moi-même)près de moi sur ma table de chevet ou à côté de mon second oreiller (lit 2 places), mon cristal d'eau dans une bouteille d'eau minérale d'un litre et demi, je la laisse 24h et la transverse dans 2 bouteilles d'un litre.
A chaque verre d'eau que je bois, je lui fait la même prière " Mon eau, je te salue, je te bénis et je te rends grâce pour tous les bienfaits que tu nous apportes chaque jour davantage, je te demande humblement d'améliorer mon système immunitaire, ma santé, mon ADN, mes connexions avec mon Âme, ma famille spirituelle, Laura Knight, les Cassiopéens et Toi, Divin Esprit Cosmique. Je te demande de purger mon corps de toutes ses scories, parasites, virus, maladies, souffrances tant physiques que morales, tout ce qui nuit à ma santé et à mon bien être, ainsi soit-il, c'est déjà fait, c'est déjà fait, c'est déjà fait et je bois mon eau... J'en donne aussi à mes animaux et quand ils n'ont pas tout bu, je la donne à mes plantes...

I pray every day with my crystals on my lap and I sing their song "in the garden" to them and then I put them each back in their place after kissing them and giving them thanks, my dream crystal under my pillow, my house protection crystal and those who live there (my 4 kittens, my two yorks and myself) near me on my bedside table or next to my second pillow (double bed), my water crystal in a 1.5 liter bottle of mineral water, I leave it 24 hours and transverse in 2 one-liter bottles.
With each glass of water I drink, I say the same prayer to him: "My water, I greet you, I bless you and I give you thanks for all the benefits you bring us every day more, I humbly ask you to improve my immune system, my health, my DNA, my connections with my Soul, my spiritual family, Laura Knight, the Cassiopeans and You, Divine Cosmic Spirit. I ask you to purge my body of all its slag, parasites, viruses, diseases, physical and moral sufferings, everything that damages my health and well-being, so be it, it is already done, it is already done, it is already done and I drink my water... I also give it to my animals and when they have not drunk it all, I give it to my plants...

Translated with
Esprit : I didn't know this video, but I did know an article by Sott in Spanish. Here is an excerpt from the article:

"...An important detail in Montagnier's experiment is that there must be very low background frequency electromagnetic radiation, such as the lowest frequency Schumann resonance of 7.83 Hz. Without natural or artificial source there is no detection of electromagnetic signal by water. In the case of humans this source can be produced by the nervous system. Schumann resonance is also essential for the electromagnetic emission of DNA.

At the end of the article special emphasis is placed on medical applications. Electromagnetic signals from patients with chronic diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis have been detected... which suggests that these diseases may have a bacterial and/or viral origin associated with them, as it is some sequences of viral and bacterial DNA that induce very low frequency electromagnetic signals in highly diluted aqueous solutions. These conclusions continue to shock the scientific community, since until now these diseases are not associated with any bacterial or viral origin. Even Montagnier affirms that autism can be successfully treated with the appropriate provision of antibiotics.

Comment: However, there are several researchers who propose that these chronic diseases may be caused by infections, see: Plague Times! Infections as a cause of chronic diseases

And even if, in many cases, these are not easily differentiated infections, these diseases are also attributed to intestinal dysbiosis, i.e. an imbalance of the intestinal flora in which some micro-organisms colonise the intestine in a pathological manner causing other micro-organisms essential for health to be unable to carry out their work well or to be displaced. In this case, perhaps we can also talk about electromagnetic signals, since the intestinal flora is composed of bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms. Could electromagnetism also affect them?

The point is that the ongoing research opens up a promising field in the electromagnetic treatment of diseases. Bioenergetics has been working in this direction for years. What is important is that this research is conducted on a global level and that prestigious journals such as Nature or Science disseminate it widely with seriousness and respect.

Comment: In another article on the same subject we can read some words by Dr. Luc Montagnier:
"I cannot say that homeopathy is right in everything. What I can say is that ultradilutions (used in homeopathy) have effects. The ultra dilutions of something are nothing. It is the structures of water that imitate the original molecules.

"What we have found is that DNA produces structural changes in water, which persist in ultra dilutions, and lead to the production of electromagnetic signals in resonance. High-intensity signals come from bacterial and viral DNA.

"Some people have told me that they have reproduced Benveniste's results, but that they are afraid to publish them because of the intellectual terror exerted by certain people who do not understand it".
The article continues:
Montagnier concludes by pointing out, when asked if he cares about entering pseudo-science: "no, because it is not a pseudo-science, it is not charlatanry. These are real phenomena that deserve further study.
Bravo, Luc Montagnier! The courage to continue researching despite the fact that the scientific community is obsessed by its materialistic dogmatism, is what will allow true science to advance with its spirit of searching for truth.

And now we ask ourselves, will the "memory of water" have anything to do with the theory of information?

Another interesting article:

Luc Montagnier: "What we have found is that DNA produces structural changes in water, which persist in ultra dilutions, and lead to the production of electromagnetic signals in resonance. High-intensity signals come from bacterial and viral DNA.

"Some people have told me that they have reproduced Benveniste's results, but that they are afraid to publish them because of the intellectual terror exercised by certain people who do not understand it".

In the 20th century, the American Medical Association (AMA) admitted that homeopathic medicine was diminishing the income of allopathic physicians. Thanks to funding from associations such as the John D. Rockefeller Foundation and Carnegie, the AMA was able to discredit homeopathy and get rid of the competition of natural and alternative medicine. The 22 schools of homeopathic medicine that existed in 1900 were reduced to just two in 1923. In 1950, since there was no homeopathy training center left in the United States.

Ironically, John D. Rockefeller, the father of modern medicine, strongly believed in homeopathy, and referred to it as "a progressive and aggressive step in medicine. Rockefeller lived to the age of 99, using homeopathy during the last years of his life.

Montagnier concludes by pointing out, when asked if he cares to delve into pseudo-science: "no, because it is not a pseudo-science, it is not charlatanism. These are real phenomena that deserve further study.

Translated with

Esprit : No conocía este video , pero sí un artículo de Sott en español. A continuación un fragmento del artículo:

"...Un detalle importante en el experimento de Montagnier es que ha de haber una radiación electromagnética de muy baja frecuencia de fondo, tal como es la resonancia Schumann de menor frecuencia, la de 7,83 Hz. Sin fuente natural o artificial no hay detección de señal electromagnética por parte del agua. En el caso de los humanos dicha fuente puede ser producida por el sistema nervioso. También es esencial la resonancia Schumann para la emisión electromagnética del ADN.

Al final del artículo se hace hincapié especial en las aplicaciones médicas. Se han detectado señales electromagnéticas procedentes de pacientes con enfermedades crónicas, como Alzheimer, Parkinson, Esclerosis múltiple, artritis reumatoide... lo cual apunta a que dichas enfermedades pueden tener asociadas un origen bacteriano y/o viral, ya que son algunas secuencias de ADN viral y bacteriano las que inducen señales electromagnéticas de muy baja frecuencia en soluciones acuosas altamente diluidas. Estas conclusiones siguen chocando a la comunidad científica, ya que hasta el momento presente a dichas enfermedades no se les asocia ningún origen bacteriano o viral. Incluso Montagnier afirma que el autismo se puede tratar con éxito con la suministración adecuada de antibióticos.

Comentario: Sin embargo, sí hay varios investigadores que proponen que estas enfermedades crónicas pueden ser causadas por infecciones, vea: ¡Tiempos de peste! Infecciones como causa de enfermedades crónicas

E incluso si, en muchos casos, no se trata de infecciones fáciles de diferenciar, estas enfermedades también se atribuyen a disbiosis intestinal, es decir, un desequilibrio de la flora intestinal en el que algunos microorganismos colonizan el intestino de manera patológica haciendo que otros microorganismos esenciales para salud no puedan realizar bien su trabajo o sean desplazados. En este caso, quizás también podamos hablar de señales electromagnéticas, ya que la flora intestinal está compuesta de bacterias, hongos y otros microorganismos. ¿Podría el electromagnetismo afectarlos también?

La cuestión es que con las investigaciones en curso se abre un campo prometedor en el tratamiento electromagnético de enfermedades. Desde hace años, la bioenergética ya trabaja en este sentido. Lo importante es que estas investigaciones se conduzcan a nivel global y que desde revistas prestigiosas como Nature o Science se dé una amplia difusión de éstas con seriedad y respeto.

Comentario: En otro artículo que aborda el mismo tema podemos leer algunas palabras del Dr. Luc Montagnier:
"No puedo afirmar que la homeopatía tenga razón en todo. Lo que sí puedo decir es que las ultradiluciones (utilizadas en homeopatía) tienen efectos. Las ultra diluciones de algo no son nada. Son las estructuras del agua las que imitan las moléculas originales".

"Lo que hemos encontrado es que el ADN produce cambios estructurales en el agua, que persisten en las ultra diluciones, y que conducen a la producción de señales electromagnéticas en resonancia. Las señales de alta intensidad provienen del ADN bacteriano y viral".

"Me han dicho algunas personas que han reproducido los resultados de Benveniste, pero que tienen miedo a publicarlos debido al terror intelectual que ejercen ciertas personas que no lo entienden".
El artículo continúa:
Montagnier concluye señalando, cuando se le preguntó si le preocupa adentrarse en la pseudo ciencia: "no, porque no es una pseudo ciencia, no es charlatanería. Estos son fenómenos reales que merecen mayor estudio".
¡Bravo, Luc Montagnier! El coraje de seguir investigando a pesar de que la comunidad científica esté obnubilada por su dogmatismo materialista, es lo que permitirá que la verdadera ciencia avance con su espíritu de búsqueda de la verdad.

Y ahora nos preguntamos, ¿tendrá algo que ver la "memoria del agua" con la teoría de la información?
Otro artículo interesante:

Luc Montagnier: “Lo que hemos encontrado es que el ADN produce cambios estructurales en el agua, que persisten en las ultra diluciones, y que conducen a la producción de señales electromagnéticas en resonancia. Las señales de alta intensidad provienen del ADN bacteriano y viral”.

“Me han dicho algunas personas que han reproducido los resultados de Benveniste, pero que tienen miedo a publicarlos debido al terror intelectual que ejercen ciertas personas que no lo entienden”.

En el siglo XX, la Asociación Médica Americana (AMA) admitió que la medicina homeopática estaba disminuyendo los ingresos de los médicos alopáticos. Gracias a la financiación por parte de asociaciones como la Fundación John D. Rockefeller y Carnegie, la AMA fue capaz de desacreditar la homeopatía y deshacerse de la competencia de la medicina natural y alternativa. Las 22 escuelas de medicina homeopática que existían en 1900, se redujeron a sólo dos en 1923. En 1950, ya que no quedaba en Estados Unidos ningún centro de formación en homeopatía.

Irónicamente, John D. Rockefeller, el padre de actual medicina, creía firmemente en la homeopatía, y se refirió a ella como “un paso progresivo y agresivo de la medicina”. Rockefeller vivió hasta los 99 años de edad, utilizando la homeopatía durante los últimos años de su vida.

Montagnier concluye señalando, cuando se le preguntó si le preocupa adentrarse en la pseudo ciencia: “no, porque no es una pseudo ciencia, no es charlatanería. Estos son fenómenos reales que merecen mayor estudio”.
Perlou said:

"With every glass of water I drink, I say the same prayer: "My water, I greet you, I bless you and I thank you for all the benefits you bring us each day more, I humbly ask you to improve my immune system, my health, my DNA, my connections with my soul, my spiritual family, Laura Knight, Cassiopeans and you, Divine Cosmic Spirit. I ask you to cleanse my body of all its dross, parasites, viruses, diseases, physical illnesses. and moral sufferings, everything that damages my health and well being, so be it, it is already done, it is already done, it is already done and I drink my water ... I also give it to my animals and when I have not drunk everything, I give it to my plants ... "

Your blessing is beautiful, you didn't forget anyone, even the plants are blessed! You gave me the idea to bless the water of the hygiene of the home and the personal as well. THANK YOU PERLOU for your thoughts I send you a Hug! :hug2:

Perlou dijo:

"Con cada vaso de agua que bebo, le digo la misma oración: "Mi agua, te saludo, te bendigo y te doy gracias por todos los beneficios que nos traes cada día más, humildemente te pido que mejore mi El sistema inmunológico, mi salud, mi ADN, mis conexiones con mi alma, mi familia espiritual, Laura Knight, Cassiopeans y usted, Divino Espíritu Cósmico. Les pido que limpien mi cuerpo de toda su escoria, parásitos, virus, enfermedades, enfermedades físicas. y los sufrimientos morales, todo lo que daña mi salud y mi bienestar, así sea, ya está hecho, ya está hecho, ya está hecho y bebo mi agua ... También se la doy a mis animales y cuando no lo he bebido todo, se lo doy a mis plantas ... "

Es hermosa tu bendición, no te olvidaste de nadie, hasta las plantas están bendecidas! Me diste la idea de bendecir el agua de la higiene del hogar y la personal también. GRACIAS PERLOU por tus pensamientos te mando un Abrazo!!
Can it be like this?

WATER - transfer of the information field of the Divine Mind and reduce the individual to water for the sake of well-being, protection and knowledge.
In distilled water with Himalayan salt.

Blessed water give me physical health,
spiritually and sexually,
strengthen my spirit,
body and my consciousness,
give me the knowledge of the Divine Mind
and through you, WATER let my essence be ennobled!
Blessed WATER I love you, thank you, thank you, I love you, I love you.

Blessed WATER cleanses my body of all toxins,
contamination from outside and inside,
heal my body and give me freshness and youth,
strengthen my spiritual and mental as well as my mental core
The essences of the Divine Mind that dwells in me.
Blessed WATER I love you, thank you, thank you, I love you, I love you.

Blessed WATER give me understanding
density of existence and dimensions of being,
and to always understand the past and the present and the future
and that time is my servant wherever I am.
WATER connects me with ancestral souls and consciousness
who have chosen love and mercy and help at every opportunity.
WATER connects me with the Angels of light and knowledge
and let them keep me from all evil and calamity.
Blessed WATER I love you, thank you, thank you, I love you, I love you.

Blessed WATER grant me material well-being,
easy work and money and energy of the Universe.
WATER help me so I can provide for myself and my loved ones,
cast away from me hunger and poverty and all misery and despair.
WATER be my river and ocean as for humanity
for the good that I wish for myself to be my existence,
to contribute to all worlds in the realities of love and good
let there be freshness and warmth and light of the Sun at all times!
Blessed WATER I love you, thank you, thank you, I love you, I love you.

Blessed WATER protect my mind and body and soul,
protect me from evil people and entities and protect my family and friends
and every good soul I come in contact with and think of.
WATER connects me to the information field of the Divine Mind
for knowledge and power and eternity and the path to infinity of love ...
Blessed WATER I love you, thank you, thank you, I love you, I love you.

Na srpskom.

Blagoslovena vodo podari mi fizičko zdravlje,
duhovno i seksualno,
ojačaj moj duh i telo i moju svest,
podari mi znanje Božanskog Uma
i kroz tebe VODO do mene neka se oplemeni moja bit!
Blagoslovena VODO volim te, hvala ti, zahvaljujem ti se, volim te, volim te.

Blagoslovena VODO očisti moje telo od svih otrova,
kontaminacija sa spolja i iznutra,
ozdravi moje telo i daj mi svežinu i mladolikost,
ojačaj moje duhovno i mentalno kao i umno jezgro
Suštine Božanskog Uma što u meni prebiva.
Blagoslovena VODO volim te, hvala ti, zahvaljujem ti se, volim te, volim te.

Blagoslovena VODO podari mi razumevanje
gustoća postojanja i dimenzija bitisanja,
i da uvek razumem prošlost i sadašnjost i budućnost
i da mi je vreme sluga gde god da se u njemu nalazim.
VODO poveži me sa dušama predaka i svestima
koje su izabrale ljubav i milost i pomoć u svakoj prilici.
VODO poveši me sa Anđelima svetla i znanja
i neka me čuvaju od svakog zla i nepogoda.
Blagoslovena VODO volim te, hvala ti, zahvaljujem ti se, volim te, volim te.

Blagoslovena VODO podari mi materijalno blagostanje,
lak rad i novac i energiju Svemira.
VODO pomozi mi kako bi mogao obezbediti sebe i bližnje,
odbaci od mene glad i siromaštvo i svu bedu i očaj.
VODO budi moja reka i okean kao i za čovečanstvo
jer dobro što želim sebi neka bude svom postojanju,
kako bi doprineo svim svetovima u realnostima ljubavi i dobra
neka bude svežine i topline i svetla Sunca u sva vremena!
Blagoslovena VODO volim te, hvala ti, zahvaljujem ti se, volim te, volim te.

Blagoslovena VODO zaštiti moj um i telo i dušu,
odbrani me od zlih ljudi i entiteta i moju porodicu i prijatelje zaštiti
i svaku dobru dušu sa kojoim sam u dodiru i na koju pomislim.
VODO poveži me sa informacionim poljem Božanskog Uma
za znanje i moć i večnost i put u beskraj ljubavi...
Blagoslovena VODO volim te, hvala ti, zahvaljujem ti se, volim te, volim te.
I have had this material in storage for some time. Here I share something from Dr. Mercola, where he does some research on EZ water; and below , a thesis that I think is pretty good.

So you think you understand water? This is the question that leads us to reflect on something we take for granted because of its everyday use. I remember many years ago, when I was in the 5th year of high school, in biology class we had a discussion with the teacher. My thought was that water had life, because if that element were dead, it would not be able to harbor life in the oceans...for example; then the professor thought for a while and answered: "Well, we have to reach an agreement in order to continue with the course syllabus and continue thinking that water is not alive". This was the conversation we had. At that time, I had no idea about researchers like Masaru Emoto, Benveniste, Pollack and others... but "something" was going around in my mind that I could not explain.

Well, I hope the material is useful. Honestly, I am surprised and amazed!

PS: Remember that I help me with the use of traductures. It is possible that the words are changed and the punctuation is faulty. I hope the essence is kept and sorry for hurting your eyes...

By Dr. Mercola:
Brief History
More than 99 percent of your body consists of water molecules.
water molecules, but the water in your cells is not normal water but
is not normal water, but highly structured water
structured water with special properties
There is a fourth phase of water, not H2O, but
H3O2, and can be called living water. It is more
viscous, dense and alkaline than normal water;
it is negatively charged and can store energy, much like normal water.
energy, much like a battery, and also supplies energy.

The key ingredient for creating this highly structured water is light, i.e., electromagnetic
electromagnetic energy, either in the form of visible light or infrared
visible light or in infrared wavelengths, which surrounds us all the time.

One of the reasons why infrared saunas make you feel so good.
infrared saunas make you feel so good is because infrared energy
infrared energy penetrates deep into the cells of your
cells of your body, which generates and stores structured water.
The same is true for light therapy, spending time in the sun and laser therapy.

In addition to optimizing your drinking water with a
water with a vortex, you can also support your body's negative
your body's negative charge by connecting to the
Earth, which is also negatively charged.
This is the basis of the technique called earthing or

Clearly, water is one of the most important factors in your
most important factors for your health - especially
when you consider that your body is made up of more than 99 percent water!

Honestly, I believe that water is a really underrated part of the underrated part of the formula for optimal health optimal.

I previously interviewed Dr. Gerald
Pollack, who is one of the world's leading
world's leading research scientists when it comes
when it comes to understanding the physics of water
physics of water and what it means for your health.

In addition to being a professor of bioengineering at the University of Washington, he also
the University of Washington, he is also the
the founder and editor-in-chief of a scientific journal called Water, and has published
called Water and has published many peer-reviewed
many peer-reviewed scientific articles on this topic.
He has even received prestigious awards from the National Institutes of Health.

His book, The Fourth Phase of Water:
Beyond Solid, Liquid and Vapor, has received prestigious awards from the National Institutes of Health.
The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid and Vapor is a phenomenal read that is
and Gas) is a phenomenal read that is easy to understand even for
easy to understand even for non-experts
who are not experts on the subject.

It clearly explains the theory of the fourth
phase theory of water, which is nothing short of groundbreaking.
The fourth phase of water is, simply put, living water.
It is known
EZ water - EZ stands for "exclusion zone" - which has an
exclusion zone" - which has a negative charge.
This water can store energy, much
energy, much like a battery, and can also
battery and can also supply energy.

For years, Dr. Pollack researched muscles and how they contract and
muscles and how they contract and it occurred to
it occurred to him that it was very strange that the most
ideas about contraction did not involve water, even though the
involved water, even though muscle tissue consists of 99 percent
muscle tissue consists of 99 percent water molecules.

Could it be that 99 percent of the molecules were ignored?
How could the muscle contract without involving water in some way?
These questions help catalyze his passionate investigation of water.

So You Think You Understand

Gilbert Ling, who was a pioneer in this field, discovered that the water in human cells is not ordinary water (H2O),
but something much more ordinary water (H2O), but something much more structured and organized.

"I started thinking about water in the context of biology: if the water inside the cell was
and structured and not bulk water or ordinary water, as most biochemists and cell biologists think of it, I started thinking about water in the context of biology biochemists and cell biologists think, then it's really important," says Dr. Pollack.

Dr. Pollack's book also briefly touches on the most basic characteristics of water, many of which are not really understood. For example, how does evaporation happen? Why does a kettle whistle?
Also, even though conventional science tells us that water should freeze at Celsius, some experiments show that it can freeze at many different temperatures down to minus 50 degrees Celsius.

There really is no freezing point for water! Other experiments show that the boiling point at
boiling at 100 degrees Celsius (or 212 degrees Fahrenheit) is also not true all the time.
"There is a famous internet page created by the British scientist, Martin Chaplin. Martin
lists several anomalies related to water," says Dr. Pollack. "In other words,
things that shouldn't be, based on what we know about water.....

The more anomalies we have, we begin to think more and more that there's probably
something fundamental about water that we don't really know. That's the core of what
I'm trying to do. In our lab at the University of Washington, we've done a lot of experiments over the last decade. These experiments have clearly demonstrated the existence of this additional phase of water.The reason that this fourth phase of water is called the exclusion zone, or EZ, isbecause the first thing Dr. Pollack's team discovered is that it profoundly excludes things.

Even small molecules are excluded from EZ water. Surprisingly, EZ water appears in great abundance,even in most of its cells. According to Dr. Pollack, virtually ANY energy put into the water appears to create or generate EZ water.
"We have looked at acoustic energy, which seems to cause some change in the water. We're not yet exactly sure what it is.The vortex water puts an enormous amount of energy into the water. There are several groups in Europe currently studying this issue."

As I mentioned earlier, EZ water is alkaline and has a negative charge. It appears that maintaining this state of alkalinity and this negative charge is important for optimal health.
Drinking water can be optimized in a variety of ways by introducing light energy or physical energy to the water, for example, with a vortex.

This is quite easy using magnets. Reversing the vortex every few seconds could even generate more energy.
Clearly, more research is still needed in this area, but some is already underway. My own research and development team is working on a thorough study using vortex water to using vortex water to grow sprouts, to evaluate the vitality
and effectiveness of the water.

As for a natural source of EZ water for drinking, glacial melt is ideal:
unfortunately, this is extremely inaccessible to most people. Another good source is deep source water, such as spring water. The deeper the better, since EZ water EZ water is generated under pressure.

Natural spring water is another excellent way to obtain this type of water and you can use to help you find one near you.

In addition to optimizing your drinking water with a vortex, you can also support your body's negative charge by connecting to the Earth, earthing or grounding technique, which has been shown to have significant health benefits by allowing the transfer of negatively charged electrons from the earth to the soles of your feet.

In a way, it's as if your cells are batteries that are naturally recharged by spending time outdoors - and that's outdoors - whether the day is sunny or cloudy and by walking barefoot, connecting to the negative charge of the earth!
"If you have any organs that are not functioning well - for example, if you're missing that negative charge - then, the negative charge of the earth and... [drinking] EZ water can help you restore that negativity. I'm convinced...that this negative charge is critical to healthy function," says Dr. Pollack.
Water In Your Cells Gives Your Cells Their Negative Charge
Another inherent difference between regular water and EZ water involves its structure. Regular tap water iswater is H2O, but this fourth phase is not H2O; it is actually H3O2. It is also more viscous, more ordered and more alkaline than regular water, and its optical properties are different.

The refractive index of EZ water is about 10 percent higher than ordinary water. Its density
is also about 10 percent higher and has a negative charge (negative electric potential).
This could provide the answer to why human cells are negatively charged. Dr. Pollack explains:
"Everyone knows that the cell is negatively charged. If you insert an electrode into any of your cells, it will measure a negative electrical potential.

The manual says that the reason for this negative electrical potential has to do with the membrane and the ion channels in the membrane.

Strangely, if you look at the gel that has no membrane, it will register much the same
potential - 100 or 150 millivolts negative. The inside of the cell is like a gel.
It is a bit surprising that something without a membrane produces the same electrical potential as the cell with a membrane.

This begs the question: where does this negativity come from? Well, I think the negativity
comes from the water, because the EZ water inside the cell has a negative charge. The same is true for the gel, the EZ water inside the cell has a negative charge. Happens with the gel, the EZ water in the gel gives it the negativity.
I think the cells are negatively charged because the water inside the cell is mainly EZ water and not H2O neutral."

What Generates or Creates EZ Water?
One of the biggest surprises is that the key ingredient to create EZ water is light, ie,
electromagnetic energy, either in the form of visible light or in ultraviolet (UV) or infrared wavelengths, which surround us all which surround us all the time. Infrared light is the most powerful, especially at a wavelength of about three microns, which is completely around you.

EZ water can be generated on any hydrophilic, or water-affinity surface, when infrared energy is available.

It is generated by adding layer after layer of EZ water and can create millions of molecular layers. This is how it happens in nature. For example, ice does not form directly from ordinary H2O. It goes
from regular water to EZ water and then ice. And when it melts, it goes from ice, to EZ water, and then to regular water.
So EZ water is an intermediate state.

"Glacial melt is the perfect way to get EZ water. And many people have known that
this water is really good for their health," says Dr. Pollack.
By analyzing water samples with a UV-visible spectrometer, which measures the absorption of light at
different wavelengths, Dr. Pollack has found that in the 270-nanometer UV region, very close to the visible range, E. coli
very close to the visible range, the EZ absorbs light. The more 270-nanometer light the water absorbs,
the more EZ water the sample will contain.

EZ water appears to be quite stable.This means that it can maintain its structure, even if you let it sit for some time.
Samples of water from the Ganges River and the Lourdes in France have been measured, and they reach maxima in the region of 270 nanometers, suggesting that these "holy waters" contain high amounts of EZ water.

According to Dr. Pollack, there is compelling evidence that EZ water can actually save lives....

Cellular EZ Water Helps Explain Health Benefits of Light and Heat Therapies Heating something is equivalent
to applying infrared energy, and Dr. Pollack has found that if he applies it, EZ water is generated and does not diminish.

The implications of this are profound when you consider, for example, the health benefits of
for example, the health benefits of sitting in an infrared sauna. Essentially, one of the reasons infrared saunas
why make you feel so good is because the infrared energy penetrates deep into your body's cells, which generates and stores EZ water. The same is true with light therapy, spending time in the sun and laser therapy.
"There are several types of light therapy, in which different wavelengths are used.

We found that all wavelengths - some in particular - of light, even weak light, generate EZ.
even weak light, generate EZ. If EZ water is critical to the health of your cells, which I think is clear,
these therapies have a distinct chemical and physical basis," explains Dr. Pollack.

EZ water also provides a mechanism that explains other biological mysteries. For example, Dr. Pollack describes another fascinating discovery that reaffirms our understanding of the mechanism of action behind the benefits of something so beneficial as simple as exposing your body to the light and heat of the sun: "We found that if we put a simple tube, like a straw, made of hydophilic material, in the water... the water flows through the tube at high velocities. This happens spontaneously.

But it shouldn't happen spontaneously. The common idea is that if you want to pass some liquid through a pipe or a tube through a pipe or a tube, you must apply pressure. But there is no pressure here.

There is no pressure difference between the water going in and the water coming out. But the flow develops spontaneously and continues.

Recently, we found that if we add light, it flows faster. This means that light has a particular effect; especially ultraviolet light, but also other wavelengths. wavelengths.

It increases the speed of the flow. We think that the exclusion zones (EZ) are involved in some way, because they are
involved in some way, because inside these tubes, there is a small ring of exclusion zone and inside it there is an area of exclusion zone.
and inside it is an area full of protons.... It seems that the exclusion zone and the pressure of these protons are driving the flow".

Now, let's apply these mechanisms to the body. Your capillaries receive radiant energy from the outside all the time.
from the outside. Energy is also received from inside the body, as metabolic reactions continually generate heat or infrared light. So the question is, is it possible for the blood flow passing through your capillaries automatically
improves due to exposure to light? It seems that the answer might be yes....

"This is an important issue, because capillaries are puzzling," says Dr. Pollack.

"They are so small. Some of the capillaries are smaller in diameter than the red blood cells that pass through them. No competent engineer would ever build a pipe that was smaller than the debris that is supposed to pass through it.

But, nature has done that, apparently?

Now, that means there's a lot of resistance. It takes something to push those red blood cells through....
One possibility is that the flow of the capillaries is assisted by this kind of radiant energy. We are beginning to look at this... It is possible that your cardiovascular system is being assisted by radiant energy, in the same way that the flow through the tubes is assisted by it. One of the most interesting healing modalities I've been exploring lately is the use
of of long-range lasers.

The K-Laser also has frequencies in the infrared range, which can
penetrate deep into the tissue.
This type of laser therapy has been shown to provide deep healing to many painful wounds in a very short amount of time - sometimes in as little as minutes of treatment.

While it is believed that the benefits of laser therapy are due to its action on mitochondrial activity, it is very likely that the benefits are also related to the "recharging" of the water EZ water from damaged cells, as well as promoting
increased capillary blood flow.

The EZ water in your body also plays a role in hyperbaric medicine, which is also good for injuries.
In that case, your tissues are exposed to a high amount of oxygen under pressure.
"We already have the results. We think we understand the mechanism about why hyperbaric oxygen is so effective for healing wounds.....

EZ water has a higher density than block water. If you take H2O and put it under pressure, you should get H3O2, because the EZ structure is denser than block water. EZ structure is denser than H2O.
We did experiments and found that this is certainly the case. If you put H2O under pressure, you will get more EZ water."

The same is true for oxygen. EZ also has more oxygen than H2O and when you increase the oxygen content, you get more EZ water. So, hyperbaric treatment generates EZ water in your body, particularly in injured areas, which is where EZ water is needed.
The Alkalinity and Negative Charge of your body could be critical to your health.
Personally, I drink almost exclusively vortex water, ever since I became a big follower of
Viktor Schauberger, who, a century ago, did a lot of groundbreaking work on vortexes. Dr. Pollack found that by generating a vortex in a glass of water, more energy is applied to it, thus.
Here is the PDF with the information in Spanish:


  • AGUA 4ª FASE.pdf
    305.9 KB · Views: 3
Here I share something from Dr. Mercola, where he does some research on EZ water; and below , a thesis that I think is pretty good.

The EZ water in your body also plays a role in hyperbaric medicine, which is also good for injuries.

Thanks for your information, EZ water sounds fantastic to have everyday, if one can obtain from Glacial melt, or from Deep Spring, or making a Vortex water.

But, I just found some more water information from the transcripts and I found “Heavy Water” and “Cold Water”. And it seems like cold water protocols is best for person to take every day because it is easier than any other! But for my age or because I lives in cold region, I can’t do it.
Haha, so, I am just drinking cold water, but I am not sure it will help me or not.

November 22, 1997

Q: What is the 'prime matter' of the alchemical process?

A: H2O.

Q: What? (Ark) Water can be in different states.

A: Heavy water.

Q: What is heavy water? (Ark) Instead of normal hydrogen, you have hydrogen atoms with two neutrons. It is used in atomic plants. (L) Okay, if that is the prime matter, what is the philosophical mercury that goes with it?

A: Wrong "track."

Q: What is the right track?

A: See several answers back.

Q: It is not etherally correct to answer this?

A: No, sound, Laura, sound! See Leedskallen.

Q: How does one produce this sound?

A: We have given you the pieces, now "fit them in."

Q: Well, they say that prime matter is that which is created by God and is firmly captured within you, yourself, and that any creature of God deprived of it will die. So, I have come to the idea that this prime matter is blood, which is connected to the hemoglobin molecule, which is...

A: What is the human body composed of? 77 per cent... what?

Q: Well, water...

A: Bingo!

Q: Well, how does one change the water in one's body to heavy water, and what kind of effect does that have on the system?

A: See previous responses!

Q: How does one make the water in the body into heavy water?

A: See previous responses!

Q: Is it as simple as going into a trance an humming 'ooom?'

A: On the right track, but short of destination.

Q: Does it have something to do with the bones... using the bones in the body as resonators?

A: Just review when convenient. Guessing will derail you.

Q: I need a clue about this sound...

A: You have been given this.

November 12th 2016

(Joe) I read that going in the cold water actually strengthens and vivifies your whole vascular system.

A: Yes
Here is a monograph I found on the Internet. It caught my attention because it talks about Homeopathy.

I copy this sentence that is at the beginning of this document:

"From the moment we connect the physical and the metaphysical, water provides the interface; and the rediscovery of its modes of action allows innumerable applications."

Jaques Collin

Kay, thank you for the sessions you shared. More food for thought!!:grad::flowers:







This name was born on May 30, 1988, when after some statements made by a prestigious French researcher, a headline appeared in the newspaper L'Humanité:
"Homeopathy could have a scientific basis: the memory of water."(28)
Since then, it has caused controversy, rejection by some scientists, curiosity and acceptance by others, the greatest controversy is because it was born as an initiative of a homeopath, and it has been directly related to its mechanism of action, its elucidation is still in progress (29).
He was born in Yokohama in 1943, graduated as a medical doctor and graduated in alternative medicine. He dedicated
his research on water and its interaction with the human being: his body, his daily life.
He always enunciated that the essence of water is reflected in the crystals it forms.
He expressed his thoughts in photographic books, where, according to him, he found that the water
water reacts by organizing itself into geometrical figures similar to snowflakes, depending on the
the environment in which it is found, being influenced by sound and thought. This
allowed him to say that "water molecules, far from being an inert element, is an element that could respond to thoughts and emotions, as if it were alive"(30).

What he found during his brilliant work was captured in the books: "Messages of Water" and "Hidden Messages of Water", where through photographs he demonstrates the changes of the water
the influences of its environment, including emotions, thoughts and intentions,
that water may not be inert, but may have reactions as if it had life.
however, his book was not well received by science, as it was criticized by the same, although Emoto said
by science, although Emoto said that it was never written as a scientific book and that it could show the emotional essence of water. Other opinions on the matter refer that he was inclined to the spiritual area, which did not allow it to remain credible for science. However, in Japan he is still recognized as a great researcher and his theory is well accepted, that, if a small amount of water can be affected by the intentions, words and tones, it can be affecte, it is deducible how these can influence the health of human beings, where more than half of his body is composed of this liquid.(3)(31)

A professor of biotechnology at the University of Washington, he published a book entitled "The
fourth phase of water: beyond solid, liquid and vapor" in 2013 (32).
Until his discovery, water was known in the liquid, solid and gaseous states, but Dr. Pollack enunciated that there is another fourth state without which it would be impossible to know and understand the action of water in our being (33).
Thus, he refers that when a substance is dissolved in liquid water, and this solution is put in contact with a hydrophilic surface, a phenomenon occurs in which "the exclusion layer" so called because, while experimenting with water, he observed the following experience:
He prepared a surface of hydrophilic (water affinity or wetting property) material,
liquid water to make the surface wet, but when he wanted to observe the movement of the water, he noticed that underneath the surface there the movement of the water, he noticed that under the microscope the liquid water is transparent, so much so, that even when moving it is not easy to observe.
Even when moving it is not easy to observe, so he used fine particles of latex as a solute,
to distinguish it, in this way it would be easy to determine the place occupied by the water, but the result that was obtained was that after a few seconds of having fallen the water with latex on the surface, a layer is formed near it, where the latex particles move away from the surface, after 5 minutes the approximate thickness of this layer was of 0.1mm, the particles moved away in such a way that the particles moved away in such a way that only a part of water free of fine particles was observed.
This layer was named "fourth aqueous phase", the formal name for this fourth phase is "exclusion zone water", also known as EZ water. To make these observations, he
observations, he obtained NMR, infra-red and birefringence images and measured the electric potential,(33) viscosity,(34), and UV and infrared absorption spectra, which revealed the solute-free zone, with water, with physically distinct ordered water, resembling a liquid crystal(33).
That fourth aqueous phase, with a molecular structure as if they were several water molecules stacked in regular hexagons, extending over the surface, which, if observed as a whole, resemble a honeycomb, is electrically negative, while layer of water with fine particles is positively charged, making the overall charge neutral and similar to a battery
neutral and similar to a battery. Subsequently, when illuminated with visible light
the exclusion layer was observed to be thickened, but with infrared light this layer grew and thickened further.
and thickened, due to the fact that the infrared ray contains heat, whose energy and light were absorbed by this phase.
and light were absorbed by this phase of water(33)
But what is interesting about this theory is that the human body has hydrophilic surfaces which are the cellular, nuclear and nuclear membranes.
cell membranes, nuclear membranes, and every structure contained in the cell that has a surface, so most of the water in the human being is in the fourth phase. In addition, during the course of the blood in the blood vessels the same exclusion layer is formed and a bulk water solution in the center, which help the movement since the positive charge of the ions in it allows for the positive charge of the ions in this allows them to repel and attempt to leave causing flow in the same direction.(32)
This is how Dr. Pollak proposed the fourth phase of water as a device to convert energy, what energy? Initially light, but also words, and even intentions, prayers, giving meaning to the possible psychic or healing power that can be
intentions, prayers giving meaning to the possible psychic or healing power that can be imprinted in it(34)(28).
Among his latest findings is the evidence of changes in the formation of exclusion zones in hydroalcoholic substances, which are important for homeopathy because they are the ones that are
the ones that in greater proportion are used in its medicines. In this regard, he refers that
unexpectedly, at certain ethanol concentrations, the EZ width was greater than in pure water or pure ethanol, probably
or pure ethanol, probably, hydroxyl groups of ethanol could sequester protons. Free in bulk water, influencing the growth of EZ (unpublished observations) expanding the EZ zone. Six alcohol molecules can bind together, acquiring a hexagonal shape similar to that of liquid crystals hexagonal shape similar to that of liquid crystals, but the packing of molecules in these has not yet been investigated(35).

Prominent French researcher, to whom the "theory of water" is directly attributed,
nominated 2 times for the Nobel Prize, in the 70s, being a leader in the field of immunity and allergies, and he discovered the platelet activating factor.(36)(31)
In the 1970s and 1980s, he analyzed a type of white blood cell called basophils, which react to release a type of
which react to release granules when exposed to allergenic substances, this reaction is called platelet degranulation, there are also substances such as anti-IgE antiserum, which can also cause
anti IgE, which can also cause degranulation.(36)(37)(38)
In the early 1980's, Bernard Poitevan, one of the young researchers of the laboratory
at the National Institute of Health Sciences in Paris, experimented with highly diluted solutions of antisera, to which Dr. Benveniste is reported to have said: "if you test it, you will not get results, if you dilute it too much it's just water", however, surprisingly, an effective response was obtained, although the antiserum was diluted in a solution that exceeded Avogad's number.(29)
Now, a dilution exceeding Avogadro's number: 10 to the 23rd power is known como una alta dilución y, en teoría, no contiene una sola molécula de la sustancia original.
However, in Benveniste's laboratory, if a degranulation reaction was triggered,
with even higher dilutions such as 10 to the 60th potency (corresponding to a homeopathic 30CH dilution), but it was essential to perform some "shaking", in each dilution, as those used in homeopathic
dilution, as those used in homeopathy, because in the absence of these, no activity was observed.(37) (39)
These results were published with some difficulty in the scientific journal Nature,
However, it was not well seen from a part of the scientific community of the time,
opposed to accept the veracity of the results. In view of this, a team organized by the
editorial department of the journal Nature, attended a verification audit, during which 7 experiments were carried out, of which, in four of them, the high dilution activity was successfully produced.
Of these, the high dilution activity was successful and in the remaining three, it was unsuccessful.
conclusion delivered by the audit team was: "the degranulation reaction does not occur in the case of highly diluted antiserum, the experimental results of Dr. Benveniste do not reproduce at all". (37)(29)
In view of this Benveniste has more than 300 replicates of the experiment including blind method,
to verify the reproducibility, in addition the experiment was repeated in other laboratories in 3 different countries
in 3 countries other than France, in which activity was found in high dilutions when reagents other than the one used
reagents other than IgE antiserum were used, and in filtered solutions where the
molecules could only be of a weight less than 10,000 the low dilution activity was lost,
but the high dilution activity was initiated. (28)(29)
Another observation was that, regardless of the substance dissolved in water, it can be inactivated in a uniform manner, when subjected to certain temperature changes such as heating between 70 and 80 degrees Celsius for 1 hour, or when it is frozen and thawed, which occurs with the use of different solutes, which is, concluding that either there are no molecules in the aqueous mixture or it is the water that is inactivated. Likewise, it was also observed that, when the solutions were exposed to the activity magnetic fields, the activity was lost, which led us to think about whether this activity could be recorded could be recorded electromagnetically, through the wave emitted by the aqueous solution and using a coil and using a coil that can store such emission, would be a way to demonstrate the ability of water to transfer information of the capacity of transferring information that water possesses.(28) (29)(40)
This experience became known as the "transcription experiment", and in 1992 from a preparation of aqueous solution of heparin and protamine, and the installation of a recording coil with an electrical amplification device attached, and placed around the preparation. Dr. Benveniste's team recorded the electromagnetic wave information as an electromagnetic signal electromagnetic wave information as a digital electrical signal, which is stored in a computer.(37)(29)
Subsequently, the acoustic file is reproduced and transferred to water, which is applied to one component of human plasma, while the other component is applied to the other component of human plasma, while the aqueous calcium solution is applied to another, with magnetic heparin information and a third aqueous calcium solution with no added information. With the aid of a spectrophotometer, the degree of turbidity generated during is measured
coagulation of the plasma and the results were recorded(29,37):
+ In the plasma to which the solution with heparin transcription information was added, the coagulation process was inhibited in approximately 20 minutes(29),
+ In the plasma to which the solution with heparin and protamine information transfer was applied, the coagulation process was significantly inhibited(29).
protamine, the inhibitory effect of heparin on blood coagulation was counteracted (29).
Thus, it would be a demonstration that water memorizes the information imprinted on it when exposed to a wave of heparin and protamine.
to an electromagnetic wave emitted by a substance, but without being directly in contact with the original substance (29) directly in contact with the original substance(36) (37) (40)(41)(42).

In spite of this Benveniste noticed that some experiments failed and the expected result was not obtained. With a thorough review of the process, he hypothesized that the failures had to do with the experimenter involved in the experiment, as it was when a female researcher was on the team, that it was when a researcher was in the team that the unsuccessful results were presented.
To check it, she decided that this woman should hold a homeopathic remedy and after 5 minutes the resonance of the solution was completely lost after 5 minutes, even with this, the mechanism is not very clear, but it seems that there are people who erase the information contained in the water, called "frequency disturbers", and for this reason experiments were carried out on a device to protect the water.

experiments were conducted on a device that protects from external electromagnetic waves, however, some experiments also failed, and by opening a window in the shield and placing another person in it, the experiment was successful another person the experiment was successful(29).
In his publication "my truth about the memory of water", he concludes about his research:
"...Starting from the studies on high dilutions, my work has evolved towards the
electronic transmission of molecular signals, then towards computer work thanks to the digitization of these signals.
Verifying the hypothesis of a memory of water is no longer at the is no longer at the heart of my concerns. For me, the challenge has changed: it is the ability of water to transmit the molecular signal that is
the capabilities of water to transmit the molecular signal that interests me now, rather than its storage or memorization properties" (29).
Unfortunately, and in the midst of his research, after having repeated the experiment hundreds of times, Dr. Benveniste died of heart disease in 2004 at 69 years of age, nevertheless it is indisputable that he was the one who united the theory of Emoto's water reactions with the demonstrative experimental science, in spite of not having been recognized by the majority of scientists, his theory is sulfurous since he was inclined to introduce into the medicine the sciences that govern the quantum universe, where the molecule is both a corpuscle and a wave, where the scale is information, not matter, where nature of reality is determined by frequencies and vibrations(36)(28).

Jean-Luc Montagnier, French researcher, known for being the co-discoverer, together with Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, of the AIDS virus.
Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, of the AIDS virus and winner of the Nobel Prize in medicine in 2008, has worked with the DNA of microorganisms, surprising medicine prize in 2008, has worked with the DNA of microorganisms, surprising the scientific community by stating that they emit electromagnetic waves that can be recorded in water and remain in it even when diluted, an affirmation that has been supported by many scientists, but equally, but it also has detractors, because it dusts off , known as
Benveniste's theories, known worldwide as "memory of water". (37)(43)(44)
Going deeper into this subject, Dr. Montaigner, refers that there could be a phenomenon of
resonance triggered at the electromagnetic level through aqueous nanostructures, produced by the DNA of most bacteria and viruses(45)(44).
Luc Montagnier, has the premise that in the ultra dilutions there must be something that acts and is not material, it must be something like "the memory of water"(36), this is how he starts to share his discoveries in publications since 2009, about his experiments, with dilutions to experiments, with dilutions to concentrations impossible to contain material molecules, proposing that the DNA of the material molecules, proposing that the DNA of bacteria in an ultradilution would induce nanostructures in the water, emitting nanostructures in the water emitting electromagnetic waves, thus, it would allow to detect diseases from the presence of these signals originated in the microorganisms found in the blood and open the
found in the blood and would open a new chapter in the therapeutics of diseases such as Alzheimer's, autism and some types of cancer. (34) (44) (45)
Already in 2010, responding to interviews on multiple occasions, Dr. Montagnier has stated that he has
that he initially relied on Dr. Benveniste's studies, and that despite the fact that several researchers have successfully reproduced these experiences, for fear of being attacked and relegated, they have not made them known to the scientific community. (46)
By July 2014, Montagnier sent by internet from France to Italy the electromagnetic code obtained from the viral DNA of an HIV-positive patient, achieving the transduction over a distance of approximately 1500 kilometers.(36)
Among his conclusions is the formation of water nanostructures when subjected to kinetic energy and which would be responsible for the kinetic energy, which would be responsible for maintaining information in its interior(45).
He demonstrated through his experiments that biological molecules can interact through waves with their resonance phenomena. He also spoke of 2 types of water: external water and biological water and the biological and organized water that he is going to memorize, clarifying a little more the behavior of this precious liquid inside the cell. (31)(34,45)
He is currently working in a research center bearing his own name at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, considered one of the most important in the world.Despite this, he has been the victim of multiple criticisms mainly after his statements published in Science in 2010, when, in response to the question: "You worry that your colleagues believe that you have fallen into pseudoscience? He said (47):
"No, because it's not pseudoscience, It's not quackery, these are real phenomena that
deserve further study. I cannot affirm that homeopathy is right about everything.
I can say is that ultra dilutions (used in homeopathy) have effects. Ultra
dilutions of something are nothing. It is the structures of the water that mimic the original molecules" (47).

And he added:
"We with DNA cannot work with dilutions as high as those used in homeopathy.
We can't go beyond an 18D dilution or we lose the signal, but even at 18D you can calculate that even
at 18D we can calculate that there is not a single molecule of DNA, and yet the signal is detected"(47).

Homeopathy, in spite of having lasted for 2 centuries, and having shown results at the individual level around the world and collectively (as in the case of Brazil and Cuba), where homeopathic intervention reduces the numbers of dengue hemorrhagic fever), it still has opponents in the scientific community, while at the same time there are people from all walks of life who have doubts about its therapeutic validity, based on the fact that it is a pseudoscience, that it has no scientific basis to support it, obviously fruit of what is sown by the different media who, supported by obscure interests of industries and unsympathetic guilds, spread to the general public the idea that there is no scientific evidence for homeopathy.

However, this only demonstrates the high level of misinformation, or the lack of dissemination of the studies that scientifically every day are discovering chemical, physical and quantum processes, carried out in
quantum, carried out within the microcosm of existing inside the human being,
that become visible only through specialized procedures, while others remain hidden or confused, even using current scientific advances, but which have begun to explain some aspects of the health-disease process, clarifying and showing the possible way to understand clarifying and showing the possible way to understand this apparently "invisible" action of homeopathic medicines, which homeopathic medicines, which allows that far from being a pseudo-science, it is constituted as a science, perhaps ahead of as a science, perhaps ahead of its time, but the language to be understood is not the material but the energetic one.
Now, if the natural, physical, chemical, social, religious, etc., sciences have demonstrated the
the importance of water in the universe, how can we not understand that it is very important for human health?
And if this is so, it is not difficult that the medicines that are found dissolved in water, use some
dissolved in water, use some of its properties to create reactions when they reach an aqueous medium such as the human being.

Inside the human body, water is in continuous movement, keeping everything in perfect equilibrium, as is the case with the cycles of the human body, everything in perfect balance as happens with the water cycles in nature, and this is achieved thanks to the vital energy that each body possesses, and that, being weakened, needs some impulse to be able to not yet understood to be able to reestablish itself, but that through the homeopathic medicine, properly chosen, and before there is a structural damage, it arrives as that force to restart its vital cycle.
Thus, in this order of ideas, the homeopathic medicine, which is produced from a material of nature, which is ultra diluted in water, surpassing the famous Avogadro's number, so much so that its physical register disappears, but whose essence or energy remains, generates a special type of echo, emits electromagnetic waves, capable of acting on the liquid medium of the human body in which it meets with the other electromagnetic waves, generated by pathogens responsible for the morbid state, and as expected at the level of the waves, the language is different, that is when physics comes in, where the union of waves results in new patterns of behavior, and if it is the right and strongest substance, it manages toy stronger, somehow manages to displace or absorb the disease, thus restoring the metabolic balance of the being, allowing him to feel the desired healing.
Now, the discussion is not in the result, since many affirm that, even if there is an answer, if there is no scientific explanation, it is not credible, so how can it be demonstrated scientifically?
Many researchers, such as Emoto in Japan, Benveniste in France, Luc Montagnier in France in
French Montagnier in China, Korotkov in Russia, Paolo Bellaviste in Italy, have dedicated a great deal of time to introduce themselves into the knowledge of the behavior and structure of water.
There is already a lot of evidence about the liquid with which most homeopathic medicines are prepared, but even a part of it is not yet evident,
Our body is possibly a liquid crystal with all the properties of water, receives the medicines in such a way that it adopts them and molds itself according to their order.
Perhaps that drop of medicated water is charged with a lot of vital energy given by the initial raw material
and the intention of the people with whom it comes in contact, but perhaps it is also "de-energized" in some cases, which is why it has been so difficult to replicate in the laboratory.

After making this bibliographic tour about water, homeopathy and the theory of the memory of water as a possible explanation to the action of the diluted agents used in homeopathy, there is still, there is still a sea of knowledge acquired from other branches of science, and the researches of many other scientists not reviewed in this paper,
that leave an open page to link with this branch of medicine.
Among the sciences that provide a window into the future on this subject is quantum physics, where things are not yet clear, in which intangible energies are involved, and sometimes unimaginable, but real and reminiscent of Hahnemann's statements when speaking of the Vital Force, invisible, but necessary.
In the light of today, properties of homeopathic medicines are already known, which were not previously
previously unclear and were given the connotation of witchcraft, quackery or placebo.
Research in biophysics, electrodynamics, quantum physics, and physicochemical measurement systems have made it possible to demonstrate that homeopathic the formation of better exclusion zones, clusters and water caltrates, which maintain and transmit information in a complex and subtle way.
The controversial Avogadro's number is left as an irrelevant data, becoming much more importance to demonstrate the influence of electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic information on tissues and
electromagnetic information on tissues and living beings.
It is a panorama that still leaves unknowns, since the theory of the transfer of information is still in its infancy, in which concepts such as transmission of electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic fields are very important.
Holographic, fractals, chaos theory, digital biology, difficult to accept for many, but which in the end may be the
that in the end may be the way forward.
In spite of the opposition to the development of homeopathic research, either because of the methods, or because of the lack of financial support, it is undeniable that there are experimental studies on homeopathy. es innegable que existen estudios experimentales y estudios clínicos que han comprobado la eficacia de este sistema médico, lo que permite que hoy la homeopatía parezca empezar
that today homeopathy seems to begin a path towards the understanding of its mechanisms,
This leads to a better homeopathic prescription, which will awaken the interest of companies
and educational institutions to financially support research in this field.
However, until that happens, we will continue to live in a world where the entrenched homeopathic paradigm is a veil to the truth.
Finally, I think it is important to quote Professor Marc Henry, a researcher in quantum physics at the University of California, Berkeley, USA. Quantum physics at the University of Hamburg, said:
"The day we admit that waves can act, we will deal with waves." (44)
I believe that, although much remains to be understood, a giant step has already been taken in the last few years, and thanks to globalization, it will be possible to transmit the truth about the much-loved homeopathy, and that it is homeopathy, and that perhaps for a better understanding, it should begin to be known as "medicine with information waves".


  • corr-MONOGRAFIA-MEMORIA-AGUA-NUEVA-CORREGIDA-2-1-elizabeth-gomez-revelo-1.pdf
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It's astonishing that this thread was revived just now when one know that this same week, a few days before, I asked my colleague (and cousin) who is electronic engineer, to get ready to build a water dynamiser during the coming weeks ! I love synchronicities, thanks DCM :-)

A couple of years before (around 2013) i searched on water's dynamisation and rapidly discovered the researches of a well know french researcher named Marcel Violet.
There are many things to say about him, and the good news is that there's still a youtube video which was made from and old audio cassette sold around 1970 with the recording of a +/- 2h press conference he made at this date.

Here's the link to the video (which is in fact audio with a fixed image) :

Funny fact : in the middle of the video you'll hear the message (in french) : "Now return your tape" :lol:

For those who want to learn about dynamized water I higly recommand to listen to it, it's french, but Marcel is speaking loudly and slowly and the auto-translate + auto-traduction is available and pretty accurate. I saved this video + also a copy in MP3 that I have on my computer since this date. The MP3 is big (40Mo) or i would have attached it to this thread, but for those who want to, you can use this link to convert it to mp3 then save it (i advise to select 128kpb before, you do not need high quality, this will reduce MP3 file size)

Side note about : I like his voice, he has this kind of old academical voice and vocabulary and a clear ... difficult to say, but you well feel that this guy was a good person, with no pretention ... well, if you understand french it's a real pleasure to listen to him, and you will not see the time pass, even if it's 2 hours (it's or better say that this conference is simply fascinating)

At this period i befriended with a belgian agricultural engineer (Yannick) who appears in the reportage Resonance (i found a copy, so you can watch it, it's french again). He did his graduation work on the main subject of electro-culture but also got great results with "Marcel Violet's water" as we named it, he lives not so far from Belgium and Germany (north-east of France) and he's visibly still selling a water dynamiser based on the patent of Mr Violet (here's the link, cost is 432€) - I bought one but never really tested it ... and since then he created a new version of it. He uses the same "raw material" than Mr Violet, which is beeswax)

Side note about Yannick : if you are interrested by his researches on how to boost the grow up of anything in your garden (with electroculture), I advise to browse his website. Yannick is ... how to say, a very beautiful person, clearly an SDA candidate so to speak (and i'm proud I became one of his friends).

To come back to the conference of Marcel Violet, what is incredible is that he's simply telling his life story but ... what he's saying is like pure science-fiction ! The results he obtained with his researches and more particularly dynamized water are simply outstanding, incredible, and he's "normally" speaking about and describing them during these 2 hours.

For instance, he was condamned, to the point that his doctor went to see his wife telling her he would soon pass. But he started to drink this water and completely recovered. Even more stunning, all his old bone fractures (he was car & plane pilot) disappeared with time, not able to see them anymore on the x-rays, and it's not a joke, the specialist who verified his x-ray picture did not believe it (and it happen almost the same for my cousin !)

But one of the most oustanding story i remember (and he talks about also in the conference, at the begining, starting around 5m, I just re-listened to it) is about some tests they made on animals, some of his guinea pigs to which they injected a deadly substance/virus, but guinea pigs who were drinking his dymanised water since months :

At the injection site of the bite, the animals' bodies have created a kind of membranous cyst similar to a cebaceous sac to isolate the deadly poison, and as it cannot fight against this poison, the immune system puts it in prison ! They tested this on a series of guinea pigs and noticed that after 3 months the virus/poison lost its virulence, and after 5 to 6 months the cyst was resorbed. The words he uses to describe this is an unlikely and unpredictable self-defence of the immune system that demonstrates how far a body can defend itself.

You also understand, by listening to him, that he was 100% on Antoine Béchan's views.

But, the sad observation that you also understand from the reportage is that, already during the years around 1960, the medicine was corrupted, and that they refused his dynamized water even after having made a 2 months test int he biggest hospital in France and having observed incredible results (he also explain this in the reportage)

I attached a ZIP to this post which contains the patent on which my cousin based to create its own device (it's french ...)

As written at begin of this post, in fact, what I asked him this week is that I would like him to build me one such device, but at the same time take pictures and create a "how to do, step by step" document, and my wish was to "offer" this document to the forum, for those (like @Scottie ) who would like to build one. Thus, if we finalize this, I may post back here during the coming weeks or months with a step by step document on how to create your own Marcel Violet dynamiser ^^


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Q: It is not etherally correct to answer this?

A: No, sound, Laura, sound! See Leedskallen.

Q: How does one produce this sound?

A: We have given you the pieces, now "fit them in."
Q: What is the "raw material" of the alchemical process?

A: H2O.

Hi all!
dredger, thanks for sharing the video and your thoughts. I will watch the video later quietly.:flowers: Now I have some thoughts regarding the energizing of the water.

It occurred to me that with our Cassiopeian Crystals, and prayers and chanting, isn't that a way to energize our water? Even our internal water? Because when we sing and pray, our voice is like a channel for the resonance of certain sounds that affect our whole environment. Even objects absorb those vibrations and are affected. Our RVF is included in those sounds. I always sing to my crystals with Laura's voice. So far, I have never sung only with my voice to the crystals.

I did a search for sessions and I can't find the session that refers to Stonehenge where it talks, among other things, about "the location of certain places that attracted spirits with the right frequencies who, in turn, placed stones in the right place to telepathically receive coded communications in code".

Well, this session interests me, because it talks about thought waves, using/transducing electromagnetic waves. Kay, you are an expert at finding sessions! :lol:Searching for this specific one, made me "entertained" with others.;-D:whistle:

Now, we have this exchange between Cs and Laura:
Q: Does sound produce gravity?
A: yes.
Q: Can sound manipulate gravity?
A: yes.
Q: Can it be done with the human voice?
A: yes.
Q: Can it be done entirely or indirectly through thought?
A: somewhat.
Q: So there are also specific sound configurations involved?
A: Gravity is manipulated by sound, when thought manipulated by gravity chooses to produce a sound that manipulates gravity.
: umm:

November 22, 1997 (
Q: I don't know what will happen here... Oh, John Dee supposedly had a vision of the Angel Uriel who gave him a highly polished black stone which was convex, and into which he gazed to communicate with other realms. This sounds very much like a psychomantium. Okay, these beings would appear on the surface of the stone and reveal all the secrets of the future. This was not an imaginary stone because it now resides in the British Museum. However, he later hooked up with Edward Kelly who was, apparently, a complete con-artist. What kind of beings did Dee and Kelly conjure through their polished stone?

A: Fourth Density.

Q: STS or STO?

A: Both.
Q: Well, they say that prime matter is that which is created by God and is firmly captured within you, yourself, and that any creature of God deprived of it will die. So, I have come to the idea that this prime matter is blood, which is connected to the hemoglobin molecule, which is...

A: What is the human body composed of? 77 per cent... what?

Q: Well, water...

A: Bingo!
Q: How does one make the water in the body into heavy water?

A: See previous responses!

Q: Is it as simple as going into a trance an humming 'ooom?'

A: On the right track, but short of destination.

Q: Does it have something to do with the bones... using the bones in the body as resonators?

A: Just review when convenient. Guessing will derail you.

Q: I need a clue about this sound...

A: You have been given this.
Q: Raymond Lully was rumored to have transformed a great deal of base metal into gold for Edward II of England. Did Raymond transmute for Edward in 1311 or 1312?

A: Only method which will accomplish this uses high pitched melodic sounds, brought forth while in a trance state.

Q: Brought forth from what, the human voice?

A: From the center of within.
Well, about Leedkallen I found the following:
Leed : Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design).

"It consists of a set of standards on the use of sustainability strategies in buildings of all types. It is based on the incorporation into the project of aspects related to energy efficiency, the use of alternative energies, the improvement of indoor environmental quality, the efficiency of water consumption, the sustainable development of open spaces on the plot and the selection of materials.
Well, well, what do we have here...I'm not clear yet.
And the Norwegian skallen is a skull or a "bone box".
Apparently, to be a receiver of "Universal Intention Signals" we have to "adjust" our "sounding board".

It's astonishing that this thread was revived just now when one know that this same week, a few days before, I asked my colleague (and cousin) who is electronic engineer, to get ready to build a water dynamiser during the coming weeks ! I love synchronicities, thanks DCM :-)

A couple of years before (around 2013) i searched on water's dynamisation and rapidly discovered the researches of a well know french researcher named Marcel Violet.
There are many things to say about him, and the good news is that there's still a youtube video which was made from and old audio cassette sold around 1970 with the recording of a +/- 2h press conference he made at this date.

Here's the link to the video (which is in fact audio with a fixed image) :

Funny fact : in the middle of the video you'll hear the message (in french) : "Now return your tape" :lol:

For those who want to learn about dynamized water I higly recommand to listen to it, it's french, but Marcel is speaking loudly and slowly and the auto-translate + auto-traduction is available and pretty accurate. I saved this video + also a copy in MP3 that I have on my computer since this date. The MP3 is big (40Mo) or i would have attached it to this thread, but for those who want to, you can use this link to convert it to mp3 then save it (i advise to select 128kpb before, you do not need high quality, this will reduce MP3 file size)

Side note about : I like his voice, he has this kind of old academical voice and vocabulary and a clear ... difficult to say, but you well feel that this guy was a good person, with no pretention ... well, if you understand french it's a real pleasure to listen to him, and you will not see the time pass, even if it's 2 hours (it's or better say that this conference is simply fascinating)

At this period i befriended with a belgian agricultural engineer (Yannick) who appears in the reportage Resonance (i found a copy, so you can watch it, it's french again). He did his graduation work on the main subject of electro-culture but also got great results with "Marcel Violet's water" as we named it, he lives not so far from Belgium and Germany (north-east of France) and he's visibly still selling a water dynamiser based on the patent of Mr Violet (here's the link, cost is 432€) - I bought one but never really tested it ... and since then he created a new version of it. He uses the same "raw material" than Mr Violet, which is beeswax)

Side note about Yannick : if you are interrested by his researches on how to boost the grow up of anything in your garden (with electroculture), I advise to browse his website. Yannick is ... how to say, a very beautiful person, clearly an SDA candidate so to speak (and i'm proud I became one of his friends).

To come back to the conference of Marcel Violet, what is incredible is that he's simply telling his life story but ... what he's saying is like pure science-fiction ! The results he obtained with his researches and more particularly dynamized water are simply outstanding, incredible, and he's "normally" speaking about and describing them during these 2 hours.

For instance, he was condamned, to the point that his doctor went to see his wife telling her he would soon pass. But he started to drink this water and completely recovered. Even more stunning, all his old bone fractures (he was car & plane pilot) disappeared with time, not able to see them anymore on the x-rays, and it's not a joke, the specialist who verified his x-ray picture did not believe it (and it happen almost the same for my cousin !)

But one of the most oustanding story i remember (and he talks about also in the conference, at the begining, starting around 5m, I just re-listened to it) is about some tests they made on animals, some of his guinea pigs to which they injected a deadly substance/virus, but guinea pigs who were drinking his dymanised water since months :

At the injection site of the bite, the animals' bodies have created a kind of membranous cyst similar to a cebaceous sac to isolate the deadly poison, and as it cannot fight against this poison, the immune system puts it in prison ! They tested this on a series of guinea pigs and noticed that after 3 months the virus/poison lost its virulence, and after 5 to 6 months the cyst was resorbed. The words he uses to describe this is an unlikely and unpredictable self-defence of the immune system that demonstrates how far a body can defend itself.

You also understand, by listening to him, that he was 100% on Antoine Béchan's views.

But, the sad observation that you also understand from the reportage is that, already during the years around 1960, the medicine was corrupted, and that they refused his dynamized water even after having made a 2 months test int he biggest hospital in France and having observed incredible results (he also explain this in the reportage)

I attached a ZIP to this post which contains the patent on which my cousin based to create its own device (it's french ...)

As written at begin of this post, in fact, what I asked him this week is that I would like him to build me one such device, but at the same time take pictures and create a "how to do, step by step" document, and my wish was to "offer" this document to the forum, for those (like @Scottie ) who would like to build one. Thus, if we finalize this, I may post back here during the coming weeks or months with a step by step document on how to create your own Marcel Violet dynamiser ^^
Do you, yourself have any tangible results with dynamized water?
Do you, yourself have any tangible results with dynamized water?
No, i never had an occasion to use it to heal something on me, but my cousin did it a few times, his mother (my aunt) too, and they both got results.

My aunt is special, she's known in the family and a part of the village for never having failed to determine the sex of the baby-to-come of pregnant women. She uses pendulum and has tons of unusual & strange stories to tell. What i mean here is that I trust her when she says something, she has a strong connexion with invisible things. And about this water, she calls it "L'eau de Lourdes", from the well known city (or big village) in France.

My cousin explained me years before what he observed after having drink it during weeks (or months), but i do not remember the details, just that i concluded that the device he created achieved similar results than the ones described by Marcel Violet, and i remember that one of the most stunning results was about a broken foot and his doctor who was puzzled by the speed of recovery (I should ask him again to detail me this + any other effects he noticed)

Indeed i would be glad to test it more broadly, but the simple fact to find someone who would trust you to rely on this and accept to try it is difficult, common people prefer to go through classic medicine.

At least on my side I have so many projects in mind that about this dynamised water, the most important was done : I collected the information, I have already one device and will soon have a second one, I achieved what I needed to - it's hard to explain why I was "directed" to such knowledge, i don't know, let's say that something in me has always thought that this could (or will) be needed in the future. Thus, since 10y, i'm slowly gathering some knowledge and some specific tools or devices since (colloidal generator, distiler, a PEMF device based on Lakowsky researches, or more recently Koltsov FSC plates ) - but due to hard work to do to run & administer the company, and more recently due to all the mess on earth since 20 months, I had to rewrite my priorities and drop many projects.

There's a good small book to read, you can find it easily in PDF on the net, just search on "Le secret des patriarches", it's only 74 pages and it's a must read if you want to dig more the topic. (i prefer not to post the link, i do not know if the book is free or not)
Thanks for your information, EZ water sounds fantastic to have everyday, if one can obtain from Glacial melt, or from Deep Spring, or making a Vortex water.

But, I just found some more water information from the transcripts and I found “Heavy Water” and “Cold Water”. And it seems like cold water protocols is best for person to take every day because it is easier than any other! But for my age or because I lives in cold region, I can’t do it.
Haha, so, I am just drinking cold water, but I am not sure it will help me or not.

Hi Kay! I hope you are feeling well. Look what I found! You can "feed" your Ez water with these simple measures:
There are other simple measures you can take. One that I recommend is simply taking a bath with half a cup of Epsom salts and the water temperature set as high as you can comfortably stand. The sulfate in the Epsom salts will penetrate your skin, with the heat working synergistically to increase exclusion zone water. An infrared sauna is another possibility, although there may be some issues with electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure.

One of the very best things that you can do to maintain good health is to walk barefoot in the water along the ocean shore on a sandy beach on a sunny day. The sand and water assure good grounding, providing the negative charge that is so important to mobilize electrons to fuel the structured water in the exclusion zone lining all the blood vessels. In addition, the ocean air is enriched in hydrogen sulfide gas that can easily penetrate the skin.

If you don't live near the ocean, walking barefoot in the grass is also beneficial. Even in winter when the sun's rays are not so intense, the infrared light is still nearly as strong as in the summer. And even in cold weather, winter sunlight shining on your face and hands is health-promoting. Sunlight energizes the electrons in the exclusion zone to induce the synthesis of sulfate from sulfide, which in turn, maintains the exclusion zone in a natural feedback loop. This is the electrical supply to the body, and sunlight is its primary source.

Here, something more about Water and Homeopathy. This article is in Spanish:
Furthermore, considering that blood is composed primarily of water that is pumped through the tubes of biological membranes, Pollack suggests that the same charge-splitting mechanism that powers the radiant energy battery could also be applied to help pass blood through narrower vessels away from the pumping action of the heart.

If so, this discovery will have enormous ramifications for better understanding physiology.

It turns out that Pollack's semicrystalline EZs can not only be separated, but are also capable of storing information electromagnetically in their molecular structure.

And since the preparation of homeopathic remedies also involves water solutions in contact with surfaces, it is quite feasible that his findings about EZs will have a major impact on our knowledge about water memory and homeopathy.

In fact, Pollack claims that water has a GREAT capacity to store information. Furthermore, he points out that the process of succession (vigorous agitation of water in glass) creates more channels for EZ water, which in turn produces more water storage.
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