Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 - Missing Plane

This thread has some interesting things in it, and summarizes a lot of the online theorizing about the videos:

For readability, here is the whole @Jehoseph x-post:
**A Crucial Detail: Coordination of Satellite Video Coordinates**

A subtle yet crucial detail that may have been previously overlooked or misunderstood pertains to the coordinates displayed in the satellite video. Contrary to initial interpretations, these coordinates do not represent the satellite’s location but instead seem to indicate the Viewfinder’s focus. As observed when panning across the screen, the coordinates dynamically adjust, suggesting that they correspond to the focal center of the displayed imagery. A closer look at this detail is accessible in this [video](…), where the shifting coordinates have been meticulously highlighted.

Manufacturing a hoax with such an intricate detail seems profoundly challenging. It necessitates a precise awareness of the aircraft’s position—an insight that, to my understanding, wasn’t publicly available when the video surfaced. Notably, the video emerged on May 19 by a user named Regicide, while the earliest trajectories from the Inmarsat Satellite were publicly disclosed only on May 27, 2014, as illustrated in these [BBC](…) and [CNN](…) reports, with a comprehensive 47-page document available [here](…).

The individual who captured this footage seems to have had privileged access to a primary satellite feed, enabling meticulous focus on specific regions within the satellite’s coverage expanse. This peculiar detail insinuates a potential internal leak of critical information.

Here is a systematic presentation of the varying coordinates featured in the video:
- START: 8.834301, 93.19492
- STABILIZE 2: 8.83182, 93.194021
- STABILIZE 3: 8.828827, 93.19593
- STABILIZE 4: 8.825964, 93.199423
- STABILIZE 5: 8.824041, 93.204795
- STABILIZE 6: 8.824447, 93.209753
- STABILIZE 7: 8.823323, 93.21725
- STABILIZE 8: 8.823368, 93.221609

When these coordinates are integrated into Google Maps, they unveil a remarkable consistency, congruent with the video’s panning motions. This congruence facilitates mathematical enthusiasts in potentially deciphering probable altitudes and trajectories by delineating conceivable view cones based on the evolving coordinates and viewing angles.#mh370 #portal #disclosure #uap #technology #ufox #ufotwitter #uap #nhi #mystery #unsolved #research #discussion #unknown #ufo #bizarre

3:39 PM · Oct 27, 2023

Paper Note from 2010, four years earlier (related, not sure):

Efficient detection and tracking of moving objects in geo-coordinates​


We present a system to detect and track moving objects from an airborne platform. Given a global map, such as a satellite image, our approach can locate and track the targets in geo-coordinates, namely longitude and latitude obtained from geo-registration. A motion model in geo-coordinates is more physically meaningful than the one in image coordinates. We propose to use a two-step geo-registration approach to stitch images acquired by satellite and UAV cameras. Mutual information is used to find correspondences between these two very different modalities. After motion segmentation and geo-registration, tracking is performed in a hierarchical manner: at the temporally local level, moving image blobs extracted by motion segmentation are associated into tracklets; at the global level, tracklets are linked by their appearance and spatio-temporal consistency on the global map. To achieve efficient time performance, graphics processing unit techniques are applied in the geo-registration and motion detection modules, which are the bottleneck of the whole system. Experiments show that our method can efficiently deal with long term occlusion and segmented tracks even when targets fall out the field of view.
Possibly only a promotion for an upcoming BBC documentary and the Ocean Infinity firm, this article focuses on Richard Godfrey, a retired engineer who believes Weak Signal Propagation Reporter (WSPR) could be used to locate where MH370 hit the water.

Exploration firm Ocean Infinity have put themselves forward to search the seabed again:

The technology he is pioneering uses something called Weak Signal Propagation Reporter, known as WSPR, an open source computer programme recording the location of weak radio signals between amateur radio operators. Tiny changes in these signals could have been caused by air disruption from aeroplanes, Godfrey says.

By plotting these minute changes, he believes he can discern the course of MH370 much more accurately than previous attempts made using techniques such as putting a piece of plane wing in the sea to track how it drifts with the current.

It’s a complicated concept that most without expertise won’t fully understand – but he claims he has narrowed down a search area to 30 square kilometres, to an area of the Southern Indian Ocean just outside where previous efforts have scoured the sea bed.

Researchers at Liverpool University are also trying to prove the efficacy of using WSPR to track planes.
Professor Simon Maskell told the documentary it is ‘completely conceivable’ that it can be used for this purpose.

He said his team is creating a computer programme which will attempt to track every plane in the sky over a 24-hour period using the radio signals.

‘If it achieves a high success rate it will be compelling evidence that the technique works,’ he said.
‘If WSPR works we will know where the plane was when it hit the ocean, and then we can go and and get it. And that will be a great day.’
What follows, is something I just came across while looking at Laura's latest post about this W.R. Schock, QBD guy. I don't know how I ended up there, anymore. Probably while clicked through what that Schock guy claims on X and/or I was searching something related to that.

Anyway, here is what I have found. In a file attached to this post, I have compiled all the links/sources for what follows. I came across a guy by the name of "Ashton Forbes". He claims that he has done a quite extensive deep dive/investigation into "what happened with MH370" for about 7 months with the help of a group on X he created for that purpose. In short, if I got it correctly from glancing over his claims, he came across two videos that were published on a YouTube channel, shortly after MH370 disappeared in 2014. That YouTube channel doesn't exist anymore, but those videos are still available to watch on the Wayback Machine (I checked and both claims in the last sentence are true). Interestingly, though, all the other videos on that deleted YouTube channel on the Wayback Machine don't seem to exist anymore (just a coincidence?). Most of what he claims/says seems to rest on "the validity" of those two videos... One video was supposedly taken by a "Spy Satellite USA-229" while the other is a video supposedly from a drone (MQ-1C Gray Eagle). Both videos seem to show the same (passenger?) plane flying over/under clouds and above water, from different angles. The plane seems to fly a rather harsh/curvy maneuver and then "orbs/UFO's" start to circle around the plane during the flight until both the plane and the orbs "vanish into thin air"!:

Hoax or not? If you want, you can take a look at the source material in the attachment. It seems to me that Ashton Forbes makes a number of good points that speak against a hoax. It might be consistent with what the C's have said about MH370? He seems to think that what can be seen is "secret technology from us humans rather than aliens". If the videos are real; I would tend to think that it is more likely that we see a 4D UFO type thing. Also, if the videos are real; I think he makes some good points about the fact that there are two angles of the footage, that might indeed suggest some kind of human involvement in what happened. If so, my guess would be that what we can see is maybe a mixture between both elements, 3D and 4D? As we know, apparently, the separation between both realms gets quite murky and/or difficult to separate at "certain levels" in the "secret government". Here is what the C's have said on March 22nd, 2014, about MH370:

Q: (L) Alright, I think that's enough on that topic. I think the topic on everybody's mind is The Plane [Malaysian Airlines Flight 370]. The plane, the plane! {Fantasy Island.}(Pierre) Where is it?

A: In well of space/time lock.

Q: (L) Well, the Chinese are certain that they have located some wreckage.

A: Any "wreckage" located under the circumstances must be seen as highly questionable.

Q: (Pierre) Was it deliberate, or was it an accident?

A: Happens when bleedthrough causes confusion.

Q: (L) Confusion of what?

A: Realms and all within.

Q: (Perceval) Seems like the confusion was evident in the change in direction of the plane, and then it disappeared into a well of time and space. (Data) Are the passengers okay on the plane?

A: Depends on how you define "okay".

Q: (Perceval) Is it a similar situation to Flight 19?

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) So, we have that explanation in the transcripts, what's going on with the passengers... Do any of the PTB on the planet know?

A: Of course! Why do you think there was such a comedown vis-a-vis Crimea and Russia?

Q: (L) You mean they had plans to be more aggressive and “in-their-faces”, and they... (Perceval) Why would the disappearance of the plane make them scared or make them back down? Was it "comedown", was that what was said? Like a retreat. So, basically the PTB backed down on Crimea and Russia and that whole situation because the plane disappeared and they were worried about...? (Pierre) So, if you lie too much, if you create too much chaos, like unjustified war, you might increase such a bleedthrough?

A: They have "advisors" and "interpretors" of such things.

Q: (Pierre) So the advisors said if they go on with the attack, and with lying and manipulating... (L) I don't think they would say that. (Perceval) They wouldn't spell it out. (L) I don't think that they would talk to them in those terms. (Pierre) What would they say? (L) Probably say something like, I dunno... Maybe they have some advisors and interpreters who say, "We did that, and if you don't back down, we're gonna do more!" Ya know, like threatening rather than explaining to them how to be good boys.

A: More or less.

Q: (L) I mean, we would all like to think that there would be some high and mighty power in the world that would tell the psychopaths, "Oh, if you keep creating chaos, you're gonna screw things up! You're a bad boy!" But that's not likely to happen because it would just be, ya know... (Perceval) You get into the idea of different levels of power here. People are doing the whole overt Crimea thing. And they have advisors and maybe they suspect that there's a higher power like the ones that blew up the Columbia space shuttle for Bush and stuff. They ascribe this plane incident to "them", and interpret it in some way like, "Let's back off" kind of thing. Like the way they alluded to this idea that there is a higher power that has vast technology and can influence the American government and its policies for example by sending a warning... So maybe the ones who take note of these things looked at this plane and said, "Maybe this is some kind of message to us."

A: There is likely to be a bit of interdimensional blackmail going on. How likely do you think it is for the "reality creating" US PTB to back down from their natural state of being the world's biggest bully?

Q: (Pierre) Why did those higher entities want the PTB to back down concerning Crimea and Russia?

A: They understand what the consequences are.

Q: (Perceval) So their whole thing is all about control... nuclear or global war, and that's the end of it. They've always wanted to control things and squeeze the people even tighter. (L) Well, the only thing that ever scares or stops a psychopath is a bigger psychopath. Um, I just have the feeling that somehow MOSSAD is involved in all of this business, like maybe even this plane thing. It's just too, um...

A: Maybe they live up to their motto?

Q: (L) "By way of deception, thou shalt do war." So that would suggest that, at some level, MOSSAD is involved with these advisors or interpreters, or somehow... (Perceval) They've said in the past that MOSSAD is near the top of the hierarchy. (L) So, at the top of MOSSAD, there's the interface with the hyperdimensional STS beings, more or less.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So... (Perceval) The Israelis are the chosen people! Who else would be chosen for such a job? (L) I see. Okay. So, that's the plane. Oh, I want to ask about the phones. How come the phones were still ringing three days after the plane was missing?

A: Being in another time/space "space" is not out of reach of electronic signals, plus there is the time anomaly.

Q: (L) So, ET really can phone home? [laughter]

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) But he might get the call before or after it was made! (L) Yeah, he'll get it yesterday.

A: Something like that.

Q: (Chu) Well, now they can shut it out of the news, but they'll have to come up with something. (L) They’ll just ignore it. Just the big honking ignoring tactic that makes all kinds of things just completely disappear from people's minds. (Perceval) Absolutely. Just move on. There's been about 50 planes that have disappeared like that, and never found. (Chu) Yeah but they said the families were going on hunger strikes and stuff. (Perceval) If they don't give them any news coverage, no one will know. (L) Yeah, without any news coverage, what are they going to have? Facebook and Twitter. (Andromeda) Are we gonna start seeing a lot more of this kind of thing?

A: Oh yes!!!

Q: (Mr. Scott) Awesome! (Perceval) Any chance of the Pentagon just going missing?

A: It has a different destiny!

Q: (Chu) A comet?!

A: Wait and see!

Q: (L) You mean, we're gonna see? Are we gonna LIKE it?

A: Probably.

In the attachment to this post, you can find all the links/sources.


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The plane seems to fly a rather harsh/curvy maneuver and then "orbs/UFO's" start to circle around the plane during the flight until both the plane and the orbs "vanish into thin air"!:
This was discussed on this thread at length last year. Check out the beginning of the discussion here - it's interesting! Also, the Cs were later asked about those orb videos. Here's what they said:

Q: (L) All right. MH370.

(Approaching Infinity) Who created the two videos allegedly of MH370 showing a plane being encircled by flying metallic orbs and hijacked?

(Joe) And disappeared off the video screen.

(L) Have you seen this video? And what did you think about it?

(Joe) Who knows. It's a kind of grainy, almost like radar, if you know what I mean. It was taken from some kind of not-a-home-camera type thing, so it's kind of black and white, more or less. Plane flying across the sky at a distance, small screen with a plane flying across. Some round orbs appear circling around it, like two or three, and then after 10 or 20 seconds of that happening, it just goes. A flash happens, and then the plane is gone.

(L) Didn't we ask about MH370 before?

(Joe) Not about this video. It's whether or not it's a video of it actually disappearing into where they say it disappeared to, which is into another dimension.

(L) The C's said it disappeared into another dimension.

(Joe) Yes.

(L) And so here's a video that shows that happened, and Approaching Infinity wants to know if that video was authentic.

(Andromeda) Where was it taken from?

(Joe) It just appeared. No one knows. No one knows anything about it.

(L) Was it taken from the ground or from the air?

(Joe) It's hard to tell because there's no foreground. It could be in the air.

(Niall) It was uploaded in 2014 in May by an unknown source.

(Joe) Like a month after.

(L) How come I never saw this?

(Joe) It's on the forum.

(L) Well, why don't people tell me about this stuff? I can't read every thread.

(Joe) I know, but there's so much stuff going around. It's hard to know what's important...

(L) Well I guess the important question there is, are any elements of the video footage genuine?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So does it actually show MH370 disappearing?

A: No

Q: (L) Does it show another plane disappearing the way MH370 was supposed to have?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Was it a commercial airliner? No...

A: Research.

Q: (Joe) Does that mean it's a research plane?

A: No

Q: (L) That means you need to do the research.

(Niall) Was part of the research that the plane was meant to disappear? Was it a Philadelphia type experiment thing in the air?

A: No

Q: (Niall) So how do they know to film the plane and that it would disappear?

A: Cameras are everywhere these days.

Q: (Joe) Can they tell us how many years ago this event happened?

A: The plane in the video disappeared over Lake Michigan.

Q: (Joe) Okay. We can research.

(L) Okay back to Approaching Infinity's question list:

(Approaching Infinity) What exactly are the metallic orbs that have been observed on numerous occasions even by group members?

A: 4D probes.

Q: (Joe) Can I ask a question in relation to that? When a person sees them, is it always related to the person? Is there some kind of a connection between the person seeing them or being there, or could it just be that the person just happens to observe the moments in the relation to them?

A: Usually a relationship.

Q: (L) And when you say a 4D probe, obviously this is something that is beyond what we can think of as a probe. Are these probes able to read minds or to control human behavior?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Are they able to open portals between dimensions or densities?

A: If enough are present.

Q: (Joe) Are they precursors to abductions?

A: Sometimes.

Q: (L) Has there been an increase in the prevalence of these objects?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So what was the one I saw doing when I was about 19 in Ireland?

(L) What was it doing?

(Joe) Yeah.

A: Scoping you.

Q: (Joe) Scoping me for what?

A: Abduction.

Q: (Joe) Was it successful?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) At that time?

A: Yes

Q: (Niall) You see the kind of control they have on people who aren't awake. I mean, it's total.
This was discussed on this thread at length last year. Check out the beginning of the discussion here - it's interesting! Also, the Cs were later asked about those orb videos. Here's what they said:

Very interesting, thanks! The guy also claims somewhere that the satellite technology has already been quite advanced for years enabling them to view/record anything practically in real time that is going on. Every part of earth surface/sky. Which is probably true, given the satellite video and a simultaneous drone filming the same thing from another angle! It also fits into what the C‘s have said. The guy also suggests that the satellite image was captured/recorded in 3D, way back in 2014 or earlier. So naturally, one wonders what else they have recorded/seen? Probably a hell of a lot and the public doesn’t know! So they probably also have footage of what happened with MH370.
Mentour Pilot weighs in. He knows his stuff, as I believe he's involved in training pilots. However, he takes the position that the Captain was most likely the one behind the plane's behaviour and it's disappearance. I think it's well worth a listen.

I just came across this interview from the channel Redacted with Clayton and Natalie Morris from 4/13/24. In it, this gentleman has done a deep dive into the disappearance of MH370. It is a bit over an hour long. It shows the presence of 3 'orbs' circling the plane and he does amazing research into what he is claiming technology that belongs to us, not UFOs or otherworldly beings, although his belief is that this technology was reverse engineered. He also delves into 'opening space' using gravity waves and a unipolar source similar to what has been discussed by the C's and forum. He talks about zero point energy and the UFT. He mentions another 'dimension' where I believe he is referencing 4th density. VERY interesting. I hope this is not a repeat video but I was not able to find it when I searched the forum. I apologize if it has already been posted.

Wow !

that interview - towards the end, turns into really interesting directions. As much it also points out very scary aspects with higher technologies in the wrong hands. Yet, it seems that humanity starts to open up - in a more serious way - to the possibility of higher (STO & STS) realities beyond what meets the eye. Step by step... I find that really fascinating.
Wow !

that interview - towards the end, turns into really interesting directions. As much it also points out very scary aspects with higher technologies in the wrong hands. Yet, it seems that humanity starts to open up - in a more serious way - to the possibility of higher (STO & STS) realities beyond what meets the eye. Step by step... I find that really fascinating.
I found it to be consistent with what the C's said on the subject, without coming out and saying it. Reasons are presented for targeting of this particular flight, then POOF! Video does look like a window opened.
If we're talking about a metallic spheres, then they're not new, although maybe there's been an increase in number. I saw one, clear as day, over a low mountain in Ireland circa 1995/6. Another good question for the next session.
I remember the whole swarm that I saw quite a while ago. I posted about them at the time. There were far too many to count - at least 80 plus. However, they were not orbs but silver shining UFO disc shapes.
They were to the right of my view, mainly fairly static but glinting metal from the sun. Too far to get on my mobile camara.
They were there for at least one hour, and I had to leave the cafe and they were still there. So obviously not averse to being seen. However, there were never any reports about them, despite knowing that the army would defo have clocked them
As they were to the east of the island, I was wondering whether they could have come through the portal that was seen over Syria once. Or even out of the Troodos mountains?
There were only 2 FB posts suggesting they were something like a flock of migratory birds lol! (Never seen semi static migratory birds here yet). ;-)
I would be interested to know their origin and purpose, if ever another question is asked to th C's. I got the sense they were just 'observers'.
I found it to be consistent with what the C's said on the subject, without coming out and saying it. Reasons are presented for targeting of this particular flight, then POOF! Video does look like a window opened.

What was it that you found to be consistent?

I would be interested to know their origin and purpose, if ever another question is asked to th C's. I got the sense they were just 'observers'.

It was already asked in the 23 September 2023 session just after the MH370 discussion.
What was it that you found to be consistent?

It was already asked in the 23 September 2023 session just after the MH370 discussion.
What was it that you found to be consistent?

It was already asked in the 23 September 2023 session just after the MH370 discussion.
They were only asking about the orb shapes. Not the ufo, disc shapes I saw. Plus I have not asked my question before. It was during the Syrian excalations and I think shortly before the portal in Syria was discovered.
I know that they didn't ask about your specific case.

I thought the discussion of the events in the session I mentioned applied well enough in your case to consider it already asked.

Added: Then again, there's always the chance that they could respond with something unexpected and interesting. Perhaps related to the Syrian conflict or the current Israeli aggression.
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