Mass Shootings

I think it's an idiotic thing to say and he has no valid point. In most of the cases he cites, not only was the death accidental, but there were likely several people attempting to HELP the person survive. The mass shootings stand in complete contrast to that and are therefore in no way comparable. Worse still, I reckon his tweet was motivated by the delusional idea that there should be no suffering at all in society, that any suffering is wrong and we should all get together to stamp it out. Typical radical lefty ideology.

Yes, mass shooting is an act of evil when taking into account moral and spiritual dimension, and there's no point making a comparison with more neutral events like flu deaths, just like it wouldn't make any sense to compare concentration camp deaths to some major epidemic with similar death tolls etc.

This kind of oversimplification is utilitarianism at it's worst, -which is quite reprehensible philosophy in my opinion- and it doesn't surprise that these materialistic science people like to downplay the perception of emotions (and thus the moral/spiritual dimension).
Boy thrown from London’s Tate Modern is French tourist visiting UK

Visitors walk by a sign that explains that the viewing level is closed in the Tate Modern gallery in central London on August 5, 2019. (AFP)

August 05, 2019 - LONDON: A six-year-old boy thrown from a tenth-floor viewing platform at London's Tate Modern gallery is a French National who was visiting the British Capital with his family, police said Monday.

The boy is no longer in a life-threatening condition, according to London’s Metropolitan Police, who appealed for further witnesses to the Sunday afternoon incident to come forward.

A 17-year-old boy who was initially detained by members of the public on the tenth-floor platform and then arrested by officers, remains in custody on suspicion of attempted murder.

“This is being treated as an isolated event with no distinct or apparent motive,” senior investigating officer DCI John Massey said in a statement, adding there was no known link between the victim and the teen arrested.

He said the victim was now in “a stable, but critical condition in hospital with his family.”

Massey asked anyone in the vicinity of the viewing platform who might have witnessed the incident but left immediately afterwards in shock to contact police.

“My team is also very keen to talk to you if you witnessed a male whose behavior seemed out of place, suspicious or worrying, in the hour or two before the incident in or near the gallery,” he added.

The contemporary art museum on the banks of the River Thames, Britain’s most popular visitor attraction, was evacuated but reopened on Monday.

However, the Tate said the viewing platform was closed. The boy fell from there onto a fifth floor roof and was airlifted to hospital by helicopter.

Witnesses who were on the viewing platform at the time said they heard a woman screaming “Where’s my son, where’s my son?“

BBC journalist Olga Malchevska said the woman was shouting and “crying desperately.”

Administration worker Nancy Barnfield, 47, said her friend heard a “loud bang.” “We did not notice the mum before, we noticed her after because she was hysterical by then,” she said.

She said visitors quickly gathered around a man who was nearby, who was restrained by members of the public. He “just stood there and was quite calm,” she said.

A spokesman for the Tate said: “Tate is working closely with the police to help with their investigations. All our thoughts are with the child and his family.”

The Tate Modern recorded 5.87 million visits in 2018, according to the Association of Leading Visitor Attractions.
As a side note, 8chan, where the El Paso shooter allegedly posted his 'manifesto' has been deplatformed twice already. First, from the original service provider, and just a moment ago from the next one where it just had been migrated (because someone alerted them, complaining). If you want the latest, you can check out the 8chan 'coder' on Twitter, CodeMonkeyZ.

Not that it matters that much, I'm just curious to see if the 'teenage coders' can win this one...

Trump wants 'strong background checks' for gun users

Flowers and signs at a makeshift memorial after the shooting that left 21 people dead at the Cielo Vista Mall WalMart in El Paso, Texas,. (AFP)

WASHINGTON: August 5, 2019 - President Donald Trump on Monday condemned weekend shootings in Texas and Ohio as “barbaric” attacks and crimes “against all humanity” as he called for bipartisan cooperation to strengthen the nation’s gun laws.

Trump said he wants legislation providing “strong background checks” for gun users, but he provided scant details and has reneged on previous promises after mass shootings. “We vow to act with urgent resolve,” Trump said Monday.

Trump spoke Monday from the White House about shootings that left 31 dead and dozens wounded. He suggested early on Twitter that a background check bill could be paired with his long-sought effort to toughen the nation’s immigration system.

After other mass shootings he called for strengthening the federal background check system, and in 2018 he signed legislation to increase federal agency data sharing into the system. But he has resisted Democratic calls to toughen other gun control laws.

Switzerland has a stunningly high rate of gun ownership — here's why it doesn't have mass shootings
Switzerland Swiss army honor guard soldiers troops military

August 5, 2019 - Switzerland hasn't had a mass shooting since 2001, when a man stormed the local parliament in Zug, killing 14 people and then himself.

The country has about 2 million privately owned guns in a nation of 8.3 million people. In 2016, the country had 47 attempted homicides with firearms. The country's overall murder rate is near zero.

The National Rifle Association often points to Switzerland to argue that more rules on gun ownership aren't necessary. In 2016, the NRA said on its blog that the European country had one of the lowest murder rates in the world while still having millions of privately owned guns and a few hunting weapons that don't even require a permit.

But the Swiss have some specific rules and regulations for gun use.

Business Insider took a look at the country's past with guns to see why it has lower rates of gun violence than the US, where gun death rates are now at their highest in more than 20 years.

Switzerland is obsessed with getting shooting right. Every year, it holds a shooting contest for kids aged 13 to 17.

Wikimedia Creative Commons
Zurich's Knabenschiessen is a traditional annual festival that dates back to the 1600s. Though the word roughly translates to "boys shooting" and the competition used to be only boys, teenage girls have been allowed in since 1991.

Kids in the country flock to the competition every September to compete in target shooting using Swiss army service rifles. They're proud to show off how well they can shoot.

Accuracy is prized above all else, and a Schutzenkonig — a king or queen of marksmen — is crowned.

Having an armed citizenry helped keep the Swiss neutral for more than 200 years.

Keystone/Getty Images
The Swiss stance is one of "armed neutrality."

Switzerland hasn't taken part in any international armed conflict since 1815, but some Swiss soldiers help with peacekeeping missions around the world. Many Swiss see gun ownership as part of a patriotic duty to protect their homeland.

Most Swiss men are required to learn how to use a gun.

REUTERS/Denis Balibouse
Unlike the US, Switzerland has mandatory military service for men. All men between the ages of 18 and 34 deemed "fit for service" are given a pistol or a rifle and trained.

After they've finished their service, the men can typically buy and keep their service weapons, but they have to get a permit for them. In recent years, the Swiss government has voted to reduce the size of the country's armed forces.

Switzerland is a bit like a well-designed fort.

Arnd Wiegmann/Reuters
Switzerland's borders are basically designed to blow up on command, with at least 3,000 demolition points on bridges, roads, rails, and tunnels around the landlocked European country.

John McPhee put it this way in his book "La Place de la Concorde Suisse": "Near the German border of Switzerland, every railroad and highway tunnel has been prepared to pinch shut explosively. Nearby mountains have been made so porous that whole divisions can fit inside them."

Roughly a quarter of the gun-toting Swiss use their weapons for military or police duty.

In 2000, more than 25% of Swiss gun owners said they kept their weapon for military or police duty, while less than 5% of Americans said the same.

In addition to the militia's arms, the country has about 2 million privately owned guns — a figure that has been plummeting over the past decade.

The Swiss government has estimated that about half of the privately owned guns in the country are former service rifles. But there are signs the Swiss gun-to-human ratio is dwindling.

In 2007, the Small Arms Survey found that Switzerland had the third-highest ratio of civilian firearms per 100 residents (46), outdone by only the US (89) and Yemen (55).

But it seems that figure has dropped over the past decade. It's now estimated that there's about one civilian gun for every three Swiss people.

Gun sellers follow strict licensing procedures.

Swiss authorities decide on a local level whether to give people gun permits. They also keep a log of everyone who owns a gun in their region, known as a canton, though hunting rifles and some semiautomatic long arms are exempt from the permit requirement.

But cantonal police don't take their duty dolling out gun licenses lightly. They might consult a psychiatrist or talk with authorities in other cantons where a prospective gun buyer has lived before to vet the person.

Swiss laws are designed to prevent anyone who's violent or incompetent from owning a gun.

Sam Greenwood/Getty Images
People who've been convicted of a crime or have an alcohol or drug addiction aren't allowed to buy guns in Switzerland.

The law also states that anyone who "expresses a violent or dangerous attitude" won't be permitted to own a gun.

Gun owners who want to carry their weapon for "defensive purposes" also have to prove they can properly load, unload, and shoot their weapon and must pass a test to get a license.

Switzerland is also one of the richest, healthiest, and, by some measures, happiest countries in the world.

Laurence Griffiths/Getty Images
Switzerland was ranked sixth in the UN's 2019 World Happiness Report.

The Swiss have been consistently near the top of this list. In 2017, when Switzerland was ranked fourth overall among nations, the report authors noted that the country tends to do well on "all the main factors found to support happiness: caring, freedom, generosity, honesty, health, income and good governance."

Meanwhile, according to the report, happiness has taken a dive over the past decade in the US. The report authors cite "declining social support and increased corruption," as well as addiction and depression for the fall.

But the Swiss aren't perfect when it comes to guns.

Harold Cunningham/Getty Images
Switzerland still has one of the highest rates of gun violence in Europe, and most gun deaths in the country are suicides.

Around the world, stronger gun laws have been linked to fewer gun deaths. That has been the case in Switzerland too.

REUTERS/Denis Balibouse
After hundreds of years of letting local cantons determine gun rules, Switzerland passed its first federal regulations on guns in 1999, after the country's crime rate increased during the 1990s.

Since then, more provisions have been added to keep the country on par with EU gun laws, and gun deaths, including suicides, have continued to drop.

As of 2015, the Swiss estimated that only about 11% of citizens kept their military-issued gun at home.

Most people aren't allowed to carry their guns around in Switzerland.

Concealed-carry permits are tough to get in Switzerland, and most people who aren't security workers or police officers don't have one.

"We have guns at home, but they are kept for peaceful purposes," Martin Killias, a professor of criminology at Zurich University, told the BBC in 2013. "There is no point taking the gun out of your home in Switzerland because it is illegal to carry a gun in the street."

That's mostly true. Hunters and sports shooters are allowed to transport their guns only from their home to the firing range — they can't just stop off for coffee with their rifle.

And guns cannot be loaded during transport to prevent them from accidentally firing in a place like Starbucks — something that has happened in the US at least twice.
I think that's a great question and I'm not entire convinced either way. The mug shot and the senior year high school photos are three years apart. Quite a bit of change and appearance can happen to a pubescent young man in three years especially if they are abusing hard drugs. One need only google 'before and after meth' photos to see the degree of possible change.

From the two photos I see that the profiles of the chin, lips, nose, eyebrows all look quite similar in both photos, that even that the right ear hangs higher than the left and, that the right side of his face seems longer and puffier than the left. So I see some similarities but how would we really know?
The two pics (the glasses selfie and the mugshot) really don't look like the same person to me. But like you, I do see some similarities. I played around a bit with some of the images in GIMP to see if that might help. So far, I used three pictures: the mugshot, the facebook selfie, and this one. For the mugshot, there are at least 2 versions going around, as far as I can tell. The best resolution version I could find was actually a photo of the printed out photo on a table:

So I deskewed that image to get this first:


The facebook pic is a selfie, so it's most likely flipped - i.e. you're seeing his left ear, not his right. I flipped that one.
Then resized the others to clip out parts for comparison:

Each pic is taken from a slightly different angle, but they're close enough to compare, IMO. The hardest to compare are the eyes, because in the pic with glasses you can tell they're pretty thick, making the eyes smaller and distorted. Ears, nose, hairline (sloping down from left to right), hairline next to left eye, are all similar. Didn't include the mouth, but the full lips are similar in all photos, though each one has a different expression. The biggest difference is the shape of the face in the selfie. Since it's a selfie, the lens and distance might account for that, though:


Also found this one today:


Here is Mike Adams take (the Health Ranger). I haven't had a chance to watch his video yet

The official news narrative about the El Paso WalMart mass shooting is largely fabricated. Even though the violence was real, and people were really shot and killed, the narrative surrounding the tragedy is almost all fiction.

Five huge questions are screaming out for real answers:

#1) If there’s only one shooter, why did so many eyewitnesses report multiple shooters at the scene?

#2) Why did the local police arrest and hold three suspects in custody, as was widely reported by the media before the story was changed to a “lone shooter?”

#3) Why does the so-called “manifesto” appear to be written by someone far older than 21 years of age? (Answer: The manifesto is a hoax. It was not written by the individual who was arrested as the shooter.)

#4) How does one man kill 20 people and wound another 30 people with a single magazine that only holds 30 rounds? The surveillance photo shows no chest rig, no battle belt and no spare magazines.

#5) If the shooter is on a suicide mission, why does he bother to wear both eye protection and ear protection? Answer: Because he knows he will survive his “mission” and be taken into custody after surrendering to police. It wasn’t a suicide mission at all. Eighteen months from now, the world will have forgotten the name of the shooter, and the media will never report anything about him again. (He will likely be relocated under the witness protection program, living under a new identity after having completed his “mission” for the deep state.)

BONUS QUESTION: If you hate illegals and want to protect America, why would you mass murder Americans shopping in an American store? Wouldn’t you theoretically want to target illegal aliens if that’s who you want to destroy? Nearly all the people who were shot were Americans. It makes no sense to hate illegals and then turn around and mass murder Americans.
ONE MORE QUESTION: Why was the shooter’s online profile changed from “Democrat” to Republican / Trump supporter / QAnon follower? Clearly the deep state is modifying his online profile to match their own conspiracy theories and official narratives about QAnon followers being “domestic terrorists.” This is Orwellian-level psyop stuff being run on the entire nation…

In summary, the official narrative doesn’t add up. In fact, it’s all a “staged violence” event which combines real violence with a fake narrative to achieve a specific political purpose. In this case, the goal is the complete disarmament of the American people, blaming Trump for everything and positioning illegals as “victims” of a mass shooting when, in reality, it was Americans who were actually shot.
Watch this exclusive Brighteon video for more:

Previous :First surveillance image of the El Paso Wal-Mart mall shooter emerges: He’s carrying an AK-47 and wearing glasses and hearing protection
Next :BOMBSHELL: Mass shooting events follow pattern of “FBI terror plots” documented by the New York Times… agents recruit social media extremists to frame as scapegoats for engineered violence

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I highly recommend Mike Adams video. He explains how the corrupt arm of the FBI, sets up theses false flag, mass shooting events. How a "scape goat" is threatened, bribed or tricked into being the fall guy. Their social media and browser profiles are fabricated and often a manifesto is presented to the public. Describes several incidents involving FBI setups. I don't know how he knows all these things. He was in the military, so something with that maybe.

He speaks about the eye witnesses, media and police reports all reporting multiple shooters at the beginning and how that was narrowed to the lone gunman, as usual. All very informative.

He's on now being permanently banned from YouTube and is excited about this new, free speech, alternative video site. I think its exciting too !! I looked through YouTube to see if anyone posted personal video of the shooting etc. and there isn't anything there as in the past, not surprising. So checking into the alternative sites may come up with more information and its good to support them as well. Touche YouTube!

Towards the end he speaks about transgender people being the target of violence. A group has been formed called Pink Pistils teaching how to use a gun for self defense. Gets into the gun issues.

Please ignore the fact, Mike is wearing a black tee shirt. I don't think it has any significance in this case. :cool2:
Two mass shootings one right after the other. This comes to mind:

Your quote has been on my mind for quite awhile @Windmill knight .

It seems kind of strange but I think these events may just be a sample of how things may develop.

Session 17 August 1998:
Q: (T) OK, not HAARP. Something else that they're messing with? (L) Well, why don't we just ask, what's the cause of the blackouts? (T) OK, what's the cause of the blackouts? Good question!

A: 4th density bleed through has many "fun" possibilities.

Q: (L) Oh, fun! (T) 4th density Bleedthrough? This is part of the bleedthrough from the different bases on the West Coast?

A: More or less.

Q: (T) Are you aware of the Greenbaum effect? Dr. Greenbaum and his mind control experiments, that we’ve been looking at lately?

A: Yes.

Q: Is what's said there factual? I won't say true, but is it factual? Most of it?

A: Close.

Q: (T) OK, the question is, is the fellow that just shot three professors in San Diego, I think it was, the University, before they read his thesis, because he was afraid they would throw his thesis away, and make it look bad, and flunk him. Was he a Greenbaum subject?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Why did they turn him 'on' at that point?

A: Not correct concept. What if: those programmed in the so called "Greenbaum" projects are preprogrammed to "go off" all at once, and some "malfunction," and go off early?

Q: (L) Oh!!! Can you tell us at approximately what time they're programmed to go off? Because it is a program...

A: Nope.

Q: (T) No, they can't. Free will!!! (L) OK, can you tell us how many of them there are?

A: No.

Q: (T) Do you know how many there are?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Are you 'tuned in' for...

A: Tuned in!?!

Q: (T) Mirth! Mirth! (L) OK, because we're going to run out of tape, let's get Jan's last question here. She wants to know if there's any significance to these three Scorpio/Aquarius couples in our circle? As in Terry and Jan, Laura and Arkadiusz, and Margaret and Michael? Well, Margaret and Michael are not really in the circle... (J) Well, all three are known to me... (T) She means finding that there's this Scorpio/Aquarius matchup.

A: No. Coincidences are the spice of life for those with higher knowledge.

Q: (T) Do you have a question? (L) Well, since things have progressed as far as they have, what do you think of Ark now? Is he the Orion?

A: No commentski.

Q: (L) I guess you could read that in the way of a yes! (T) Well, we may not be able to read it in the way of a yes. Maybe he knows the Orion. He's bringing him with him.

A: Wait and see.

Q: (L) OK... (T) I'm excited about him coming now, too! I want him to get here, and talk to him in person. Yes! (L) Wait your turn!!!! (T) When you get back from your world tour! (L) Right, yeah!

A: You are all Orion manufacture.

Q: (L) OK, that's cool! (T) I hope they build their cars better than Ford!

A: Still in testing phase.

Q: (T) Yeah, we're beta models! And somebody's reprogramming us, on top of it all! (L) OK, let me say this. In reading through all these transcripts [that were being transcribed apace], you guys were right. My mind was blown. I was completely blown at all the things that I missed...

A: You ain't seen nothin yet!

Q: (T) 'Dark star, see you in the morning....' Still can't think of the name of that group! (T) Do you all have anything more to say this evening?

A: Do you have any more questions?

Q: (L) Well, we've got loads of questions, but we need to get ourselves formulated, we need to get tapes, we need to get organized, we need...

A: Oh, by the way, Laura: You may help Ark on the things we mentioned earlier, if he requests, what with your communication skills... and on that note, goodbye.

End of Session

I don't know how controlled these two shootings were but I think the end result is control. Maybe at some point a mass mass shooting will be activated if the cosmos does not intervene. There is this nagging question about the "silent majority".

The gun control issue is important as being a part of the general theme of control I think. Other cosmic events may intervene if the "silent majority" does not wake up as I see it.

Q: (Perceval) It was an opportunity for people to wake up, see what's going on, and take action. But they didn't. It was a missed opportunity by the people.

(L) Yeah.

A: The killing will continue until even the "silent majority" find their voice. They were silent at the exposure of Ferguson and many previous incidents. But notice that the anger is still building and psychopaths always miscalculate.

Q: (Pierre) That's a message of hope. There will be a reaction eventually.

(Perceval) They'll miscalculate in that they'll allow the killing to continue, and they don't realize that there's a breaking point where there's a string of murders, just killing people gratuitously in the street, and that will trigger large percentage of people...

(Andromeda) Something will break...

(Perceval) And that's what they can't budget for because they're psychopaths. All of these shootings by cops are the result of the ponerization of America and the influx of psychopaths into society and into positions of power; more ordinary psychopaths, the only place they can get power is the police force; so, they flood the police forces because they're not smart enough to be politicians. Then they get guns and start shooting people. That's not part of their plan. I mean, I don't think they're trying to incite revolution by killing people. It's just a function of psychopaths in the police force doing what they do. It's going to be a war between them and ordinary people.

(Andromeda) It'll be like in V for Vendetta.

A: Psychopaths see these events as reasons to impose more controls, but that only results in more pressure and more anger which will reach a global tipping point.

Q: (Pierre) Doesn't it mean national or international revolt?

A: "Tipping points" can be other than human initiated actions.

Q: (Pierre) Cosmic reactions.

(L) Yeah

(Perceval) Earth changes.

(Pierre) It would have been better that humans react. {Note: if humans don’t take care of their problems, the cosmos will.}

(Chu) But that makes sense like with dictatorships where people were oppressed and killed in front of other people, and still the people submitted. If it's not a cosmic type of reaction, people won't react now. They just don't have it in them.

(L) Yeah, I think the big key to what's going on here is the global nature of the repression, the killing, the suppression, you know?

(Perceval) It's linked because they say, okay, the effect of psychopaths can cause people to rise up and have a revolution. But other than that, it would be nature. It reminds me of that 2004 tsunami when they said...

(L) “If you can't create within, you create without”. When people's creativity is suppressed...

(Perceval) …it manifests externally. It was a wave of creativity that was being suppressed, and it was a wave that came in and destroyed everything, you know what I mean?

(L) Yeah.

(Pierre) There's a circle, or negative feedback loop described with the dynastic cycle {in “Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection}...

(L) That's a positive feedback loop of negative events.

(Pierre) Yeah, you're right. More earth events, more desperation, more control, more anger, and it keeps feeding itself.

(L) Okay, next question?

(KJN) Will Israel get its comeuppance and the Gaza atrocities abate?

A: Israel will certainly "pay the piper", but perhaps not soon enough.

Certainly, we are all in this together. I hope it helps to remind us of what those in the sessions asked and were thinking not so long ago. This is not just casual questioning but serious thoughtful questions asked by whom I consider most intelligent people I know.

If I were to guess at the next impacts on humanity it might be of a cosmic nature but I am hoping for something more "mitigating".
On the violence of mass shootings and power.

True power doesn’t require violence. It belongs to a group (never an individual) and it remains so long as the group stays together and can exert its will. Violence, on the other hand, is an instrument. It’s most often employed by those who lack power or by a group that feels power slipping away.
Apart from sowing division among the US population, it's possible also that these kinds of shootings are designed to shame the conservative types in the USA, almost as if those people are seen as the 'enemy' by the ptb.
Apart from sowing division among the US population, it's possible also that these kinds of shootings are designed to shame the conservative types in the USA, almost as if those people are seen as the 'enemy' by the ptb.

No doubt. Common sense is an inconvenient commodity when attempting to steer a population towards radical liberalism and general chaos.
Who's who?

Just reading Jim Stone's writing, he comes across as a juvenile sensationalist, like Alex Jones on steroids. But aside from that, a few things to consider about the Connor Betts thing. The obituary, assuming it is genuine, says this man died when he was 22. That would make him 27 today. Articles say the Dayton shooter was 24, 3 years younger, also that the shooter was from Bellbrook, not Hartford. Also the names of the parents are different - Moira and Steve, not Kathleen and Robert.
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