Mass Shootings

You know the fanatical behavior of political activism in recent years? Maybe these shootings are escalations of the fanaticisms to a point of violence, and no one will address it because it is in a political sphere.

So, I look into these shootings like everyone else, and it seems to me that lately, the targets are of a conservative demography, and the perpetrators are often Democrats.

And of course, there is the anti- gun agenda. But I just wonder if political discourse is being bolstered with violence, and it is often from the democratic side, since they have a large pool of minion types, and pharma and psychological and media dominance to orchestrate these occurrences, and then blame it on the conservatives, whom they always associate with 'white supremacy'.

I think they are looking for a way to touch our heartstrings, but what they don't realize is that when people see what is going on, they are not affected in the way they intend. And the more they try to manipulate the masses, they become more opaque, and while they hide in the sphere of politics, they are just a bunch of murderers, and it is a open secret. And this leaves them no recourse but to get bolder.
And, not to forget, two days ago on Friday, Trump got a lot of credit for the release of rap star ASAP Rocky from Sweden. His tweet got almost a million likes. That must have irked some people!
4 men dressed in black. Could this be an Antifa crime? I watched more coverage on Fox last night with more comments from the El Paso, Lt. Gov. (not mayor as I said earlier)not mentioned on MSMBC.He told Antifa to stay OUT of El Paso. Texas Lt. Gov. Orders Antifa to 'Stay Out of El Paso' After Walmart Shooting

I wouldn't put too much stock in such eyewitness reports yet. Especially in such a stressful event, eyewitness testimony can be highly inaccurate. That doesn't mean that such reports are necessarily false - most eyewitnesses provide good testimony, even if they get certain details wrong - just that it's possible they're false. I've read too many stories of false identifications and people getting things completely wrong about what they see to put my complete trust in eyewitness accounts. I read one study of a gun shooting in BC in the 80s where one of the witnesses pointed out that she was paying special attention to the body of the shooter, and while she gave excellent descriptions of his movements, she completely misremembered what he was wearing. She remembered him wearing a red-and-black plaid jacket and t-shirt; he was wearing a blue sweater and jean jacket. And she was making a strong effort to pay attention! I've read other accounts of people who give their description of a crime, then watch the CCTV footage of what happened and it bears little to no resemblance to what they are 'sure' they remember, like people making physical contact who never touched each other, unarmed bystanders mistaken for armed participants.

That said, some people make great witnesses, especially if they're trained. For example, most people are just terrible at guessing height, weight and age - but some people have experience doing so and provide better estimates. In that same case from the 80s, most witnesses couldn't get the number of shots fired correct. But one guy with experience shooting firearms correctly counted the first 2 shots that preceded a second burst of 6 or so more. Those first 2 didn't quite register for most people, but he was probably able to recognize what they were immediately.

The best confirmation in this case would come from actual forensics and complete, unedited CCTV footage, but unfortunately, in this case like in other recent ones, we'll probably never get access. Without it, though, we're left with eyewitness testimony that's suggestive but impossible to verify.
I wouldn't put too much stock in such eyewitness reports yet. Especially in such a stressful event, eyewitness testimony can be highly inaccurate. That doesn't mean that such reports are necessarily false - most eyewitnesses provide good testimony, even if they get certain details wrong - just that it's possible they're false. I've read too many stories of false identifications and people getting things completely wrong about what they see to put my complete trust in eyewitness accounts

Sure, but the context here is important, not to mention the history of similar shootings and attacks. The context is the continued demonization of "Trump supporters" and the exacerbation of the fracture points in American society. In that context, reports of multiple shooters have more weight.
And not to mix things up too much, but this may also be relevant to these shootings, in an indirect way.

February 10th 2018 session:

(L) Well... The question I have - and I'm not sure that I ever really asked it in such a direct way, or if it was ever really answered - is: What is a Semite?
A: Central Asian genetic type formed from two main lines.
Q: (Chu) Which lines?
A: Kantekkian and Homo Sapiens.
Q: (Arielle) Didn't they say that Kantekkians were the ones most filled with light and superpowered energies inside them?
A: Yes
Q: (Arielle) So they wanna get rid of superpowered energy?
A: Yes
Q: (Arielle) Evil!
(L) Okay, next question? (Arielle) Are we Semitic?
A: Yes
(Joe) Pierre asked about the trial run and who will be the Nazis and who will be the Jews this time. They said that should be obvious by now, and the objective was to eliminate true Semites from the gene pool. Does that have anything to do with the radical leftist ideology that's taking over in the Western world?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) Maybe it does cuz it's not obvious how the leftists ideology connects to the Kantekkians unless... The true Semites, do they have the extra moral taste buds?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) I knew it!
(Joe) Are they really suggesting that this whole radical leftist ideology is going to go to an extreme in Western society?
A: Like the Nazis, they will try.
Democrats condemn Trump, white nationalism after U.S. shootings
People react at the site of a mass shooting where 20 people lost their lives at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, U.S. August 4, 2019. REUTERS/Jose Luis Gonzalez

Two mass shootings that killed 29 people in Texas and Ohio reverberated across the United States' political arena on Sunday as Democratic presidential candidates called for stricter gun laws and some accused President Donald Trump of being a white nationalist.

President Trump: 'hate has no place in our country'
U.S. President Donald Trump speaks to reporters about the mass shootings in Texas and Ohio before boarding Air Force One at Morristown municipal airport en route to Washington after a weekend in Bedminster,  New Jersey, U.S., August 4, 2019. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas

U.S. President Donald Trump said on Sunday that "hate has no place in our country" after two mass shootings killed 29 people in Texas and Ohio.

In less than a minute, Ohio gunman kills nine people, including sister
Evidence markers rest on the ground after a mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio, U.S. August 4, 2019.  REUTERS/Bryan Woolston

A gunman dressed in body armor opened fire in downtown Dayton, Ohio, early on Sunday, killing nine people including his sister and wounding 27 others, authorities said, in the second deadly U.S. mass shooting in less than a day.

Walmart massacre in Texas probed as domestic terror case
Samuel Lerma, Arzetta Hodges and Desiree Qunitana join mourners taking in a vigil at El Paso High School after a mass shooting at a Walmart store in El Paso, Texas, U.S. August 3, 2019. REUTERS/Jose Luis Gonzalez

U.S. authorities investigating what drove a young gunman from the Dallas area to kill 20 people at a Walmart store hundreds of miles away in the border city of El Paso said on Sunday they are treating it as a case of domestic terrorism.

Six Mexicans killed in El Paso shooting, Mexican president says
A woman places a placard at the site of a mass shooting where 20 people lost their lives at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, U.S. August 4, 2019. REUTERS/Jose Luis Gonzalez

The number of Mexicans killed in a shooting in El Paso, Texas has risen to six, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said on Sunday, adding that seven other Mexican citizens were injured in the attack that killed a total of 20 people.

Mexican official decries 'xenophobic barbarism' after El Paso shooting
FILE PHOTO: Mourners take part in a vigil near the border fence between Mexico and the U.S after a mass shooting at a Walmart store in El Paso U.S. in Ciudad Juarez. August 3, 2019. REUTERS/Carlos Sanchez

A top Mexican official on Sunday condemned a shooting in El Paso, Texas that killed 20 people, including three Mexicans, calling for an end to rhetoric that incites "xenophobic barbarism."

After El Paso shooting, Mexico to take legal actions to protect Mexicans in U.S. -official
FILE PHOTO: Mexico's Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard attends a news conference at the National Palace in Mexico City, Mexico July 22, 2019. REUTERS/Edgard Garrido

Mexico's Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard said on Sunday that Mexico will take legal actions to protect its citizens in the United States, following a shooting in El Paso, Texas, that left 20 dead, including three Mexicans.

Murder of Mexican journalist marks third killing in one week, amid spiraling violence
Mexican officials said on Saturday they would investigate the murder of a journalist in the Gulf coast state of Veracruz who was the third reporter to be killed in a week in Mexico as the country grapples with a record murder rate.
I wouldn't put too much stock in such eyewitness reports yet. Especially in such a stressful event, eyewitness testimony can be highly inaccurate. That doesn't mean that such reports are necessarily false - most eyewitnesses provide good testimony, even if they get certain details wrong - just that it's possible they're false. I've read too many stories of false identifications and people getting things completely wrong about what they see to put my complete trust in eyewitness accounts.
Yes, just speculation on my part, obviously. Multiple shooters are being mentioned at the beginning of the coverage. In the days to come, maybe witnesses will come forward that filmed what happened just as in Las Vegas that showed attacks in several locations. If Antifa gets some blow back......GOOD!
Sure, but the context here is important, not to mention the history of similar shootings and attacks. The context is the continued demonization of "Trump supporters" and the exacerbation of the fracture points in American society. In that context, reports of multiple shooters have more weight.

There is the following interview from Jul 11, 2019 where Joe Rogan had a conversation with Andy Ngo, the journalist that was attacked by Antifa. Start listening from 36:30 min to what Joe says about Antifa being used by the left to do the dirty work for them, and about far right.

Sure, but the context here is important, not to mention the history of similar shootings and attacks. The context is the continued demonization of "Trump supporters" and the exacerbation of the fracture points in American society. In that context, reports of multiple shooters have more weight.
For sure. I just try to avoid letting weight morph into certainty. Even if 9 times out of 10 an event will fit a certain type, that doesn't mean the we can say anything with certainty about the next one. And fracture points can be exacerbated by individuals falling for propaganda and directed by sinister influences, whether direct (e.g. a handler) or indirect (e.g. ideology), or even hyperdimensional. We can weight the probabilities based on past examples and patterns, and whatever direction the evidence seems to point, but there will always be an element of uncertainty.

I'm reading this CHAOS book on Manson and the CIA right now, and it leaves me with the same thought I have whenever I read any in-depth treatment of a crime, even a relatively 'simple' murder case: just how complex events like this are, how contradictory the evidence can be, how hard it is to say very much with absolute certainty, and just how much research it takes just to be able to formulate a good hypothesis that takes into account the majority of the evidence.

I thought you put it really well in the Moon Landing thread:

People have a strong and personal attachment to their ideas, theories, beliefs because they provide a certain amount of stability and certainty in the face of a complex and nuanced world where the truth is often not simple and not finite. Faced with this complexity and the unknown, most people adopt certain world views and then hold on to them like their sanity depended on it, and in a sense it may well do. So it's not surprising that some people are very identified with beliefs as we're seeing here. Such strong attachment to beliefs IS a problem though in the scenario where those beliefs are suddenly and unequivocally exposed as entirely false.

So training yourself to be open to doubting your own theories and beliefs and to be able to change them when new data comes in, and to always keep in mind that you undoubtedly don't have the whole story, is a very good way to not only increase your own thinking abilities and knowledge, but to hedge your bets against having your sacred cows unceremoniously thrown to the ground, which can be quite traumatic, depending on the circumstances.
Another thing to consider...
Most of the shooters are young. And so their ideals are fresh and full of zeal. And if the circumstances are bad for them, they'll go crazy. And they look to our militaristic view of things, and wage war... Of course they have to make a manifesto first - for the record.

I feel bad for the youth, but I think the way the adults conduct themselves, they follow, but in a extreme, chaotic way.
"One thing I can tell you won’t fix your problems, America, and that’s listening to the propagandists who want you to hand over even more control to a government that has already begun floating high-altitude surveillance balloons over your country without your permission.
Don’t let them bully you with fear."


[B]Patrick Henningsen[/B]‏Verified account @[B]21WIRE[/B]

Now for next-level weird: Last week's #GarlicShooter and today's #ElPasoShooter are near identical twins. Beyond bizarre...

9:07 PM - 3 Aug 2019

I agree with Patrick on this one. These two look nearly identical! And they both go off on shooting sprees at about the same time in different states? What are the odds? Super weird.

Sad, strange and, twisted times indeed.

I agree with Patrick on this one. These two look nearly identical! And they both go off on shooting sprees at about the same time in different states? What are the odds? Super weird.

Sad, strange and, twisted times indeed.
Yep, that one was weird! Like, some John Keel-level weirdness... For reference, some more photos of the El Paso shooter:



And his arrest photo:

And just found this, which is also weird:

EXCLUSIVE: El Paso Walmart mass shooter Patrick Crusius' father admits to nearly 40 years of drug addiction which tore apart his family and claims he has spoken directly to Jesus
  • Patrick Crusius' father Bryan wrote a memoir of almost 40 years of drug and alcohol addiction which he says tore apart both his marriages
  • The El Paso gunman and his twin sister Emily are Bryan Crusius' youngest children; they have an elder half-brother Austin and an elder brother, Blake
  • Crusius Sr. writes that he has been an addict for almost 40 years despite being a therapist himself saying that he suffered from alcoholism
  • He said he also took drugs including Vicodine, Quaaludes, hallucinogenics and magic mushrooms
  • He now claims to be cured after Jesus spoke directly to him and having a spiritual encounter with his grandmother Mabel
Yeh that dad detail is a bit alarming.

Couple of other quick quotes from the link: Walmart shooter Patrick Crusius' dad wrote book about drug addiction

‘I was always the one daring everyone else to go over the top in the partying category by taking the extreme amounts of whatever we had, whether Quaaludes, alcohol, magic mushrooms, or something else,’ he wrote.
"The therapist detailed how he was a veteran user of hallucinogens by age 16, and progressed to benzodiazepines, anti-depressants - including Vicodin - and prescription drugs commonly prescribed for people with ADHD. "
"A teaser on the back of the $12.95 book’s cover says that before writing his memoir he had ‘descended into a profound and unsustainable apathy in which life no longer seemed purposeful or worthwhile’ after ‘thirty years of dependence on mind-altering chemicals’. "
"What was shocking on the surface was to realize that my spouse had taken off without leaving an adult in charge.’

The father reacted bizarrely to the news, immediately pulling into a ‘major warehouse store’ and attempting to steal a computer hard drive.

He was apprehended by security guards and spent several days in county jail, leaving his three children to fend for themselves on Christmas Day.
"The majority of the father’s memoir is a rambling account of his various hallucinations and ‘visions’ while meditating with other spiritualists and ‘energy healers’. "

This would indicate that the dad may have had some New-Age-MK-Ultra 2.0 programming himself. I think I'll be avoiding his energy healing clinic for the time being...
About the Dayton, Ohio shooter Connor Betts...

Here are some of his online quotes - he apparently was a gun control advocate.

“This is America: Guns on every corner, guns in every house, no freedom but that to kill,” he wrote in December 2018. And, “’Tis! The pistol is a Beretta 93R, called the REK7 in BO4. Do love me some guns!” He also wrote, “Hammer, brick, gun.” On Feb. 14, 2018, he tweeted this at Sen. Rob Portman: “@robportman hey rob. How much did they pay you to look the other way? 17 kids are dead. If not now, when?”

He seems like a sinister type, and a lot of people aren't surprised he was a killer.
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