Massive 'drone swarm' in and around New Jersey: UFO flap, govt tech, or mass hysteria?

Presumably, if this angle has any merit, they are searching for a nuclear weapon. Which if that were the case, it would be Mossad's doing. So thinking this through, Mossad is threatening the US for what purpose? They really really need to open up the war before Trump takes office?

So, one of the oligarch sides is looking for Israel's hidden candy before January 20?

Q: (Ursus Minor) Has Israel hidden small nukes in Europe and the U.S. for retaliation?

A: Yes.

Q: (Niall) Where are they located? Please?! [laughter]
One thing we might be able to say is: If Russia, China (or another 3D player) is behind it, or maybe some 4D involvement, the likelihood wood be good that the more or less official stands of the US “government“ would be: “There is nothing to see here folks and there is no threat and no indication that adversaries are involved.“

And as far as I can see that seems to be pretty much the official stands? Which doesn’t necessarily mean though that that is actually what is going on.
that the "real" ufos are there because it has to do with nuclear materials.
We're all aware how the talk of nuclear WW III ramped up significantly in the past few months. Did the UFOs start showing up here, there, and everywhere in response to that overly-charged nuke confrontation talk in order to remind certain PTB that going nuclear is a big NO NO?

So, one of the oligarch sides is looking for Israel's hidden candy before January 20?

Q: (Ursus Minor) Has Israel hidden small nukes in Europe and the U.S. for retaliation?

A: Yes.
Is Israel using the threat of their hidden nukes to strong-arm the US or others so as to get their longed-for war with Iran?

Speculation on top of speculation - and what a good job we're doing of it! :-P
Not to mention the fact that there is this weird phenomenon, also described by Keel and others, when ufo can appear in the form of conventional craft that is prevelent during any given period. This is also a possibility.
I think this is an additional point to keep in mind. Maybe part of the phenomenon is what Keel described as the cosmic trickster just having some fun? Maybe after all the disclosure talk, Grusch, Elizondo etc., the tricksters decided to put up a show with a mix of ‘vehicles’ just to have some fun and create confusion? Like, “So you think that you’ve figured out how our tech works? Hold my beer, and have a look at this! We can appear in any form we like, and with a lot of blinking lights!” 😀

Not saying it is the above, but I’m throwing the hypothesis to the mix. 😀
Maybe after all the disclosure talk, Grusch, Elizondo etc., the tricksters decided to put up a show with a mix of ‘vehicles’ just to have some fun and create confusion? Like, “So you think that you’ve figured out how our tech works? Hold my beer, and have a look at this! We can appear in any form we like, and with a lot of blinking lights!” 😀
Who knows, these 'drones' might be acting as airport runway lights, facilitating the landing of the dreadful Nephalim ships! :rolleyes:
We have:

A 17 day swarm over Langley Air Force Base (Virginia) in Dec. last year (2023)- At night too. Chased by local police. Langley officials canceled nighttime training missions, worried about potential collisions with the drone swarm, and moved the F-22 jet fighters to another base.

Drone sighting over U.S. Air Force bases in the U.K. between November 20 and 22 (2024). Small, unmanned aerial systems were seen flying near Royal Air Force bases in Lakenheath, Mildenhall and Feltwell in eastern England. "The number of UASs fluctuated and they ranged in size/configuration," the USAF said in a statement. They claim it might be Russia. Unconfirmed video of an F-15 approach here. Richard Dolan here.

Mystery drones spotted over the U.S.'s Ramstein Air Base (Germany) on December 3 and 4 during the evening. Drones had also been seen above the German arms manufacturer Rheinmetall and the chemicals group BASF, the report said. The drone sightings at the base are notable because it is a "no drone zone," meaning drone usage is prohibited.

As well as the recent New Jersey swarm and, as of yesterday, Ohio. "The air space at Wright Patterson Air Force Base was completely closed down due to UAS ‘Drone’ incursions. They said there were multiple craft of different sizes." And here.

Also, Texas, Maryland, and California were mentioned, but I can't find the sources.

So, if the above is true, we consider that:
This started (at least) at the end of last year
It is not confined to the US, but targets mostly US military bases and installations
Military officials actually have no idea what's going on
It looks like it's meant to be showy (but without real harm)...

It seems to me that this is NOT a military op or a search for dirty nukes. It looks like it is more of something that one of the articles calls a 'show of impunity' directed at the US military.

Which could be:
The Russians (or Chinese) doing some epic trolling
Preparations for an alien disclosure that caught many unaware.
Or, a SUPER secret faction within the US harassing its own military. But, for what reason?

If it is any of those, it would also explain why officials have not wanted to say what they know about it. If they even know very much at all.
We have:

A 17 day swarm over Langley Air Force Base (Virginia) in Dec. last year (2023)- At night too. Chased by local police. Langley officials canceled nighttime training missions, worried about potential collisions with the drone swarm, and moved the F-22 jet fighters to another base.

Drone sighting over U.S. Air Force bases in the U.K. between November 20 and 22 (2024). Small, unmanned aerial systems were seen flying near Royal Air Force bases in Lakenheath, Mildenhall and Feltwell in eastern England. "The number of UASs fluctuated and they ranged in size/configuration," the USAF said in a statement. They claim it might be Russia. Unconfirmed video of an F-15 approach here. Richard Dolan here.

Mystery drones spotted over the U.S.'s Ramstein Air Base (Germany) on December 3 and 4 during the evening. Drones had also been seen above the German arms manufacturer Rheinmetall and the chemicals group BASF, the report said. The drone sightings at the base are notable because it is a "no drone zone," meaning drone usage is prohibited.

As well as the recent New Jersey swarm and, as of yesterday, Ohio. "The air space at Wright Patterson Air Force Base was completely closed down due to UAS ‘Drone’ incursions. They said there were multiple craft of different sizes." And here.

Also, Texas, Maryland, and California were mentioned, but I can't find the sources.

So, if the above is true, we consider that:
This started (at least) at the end of last year
It is not confined to the US, but targets mostly US military bases and installations
Military officials actually have no idea what's going on
It looks like it's meant to be showy (but without real harm)...

It seems to me that this is NOT a military op or a search for dirty nukes. It looks like it is more of something that one of the articles calls a 'show of impunity' directed at the US military.

Which could be:
The Russians (or Chinese) doing some epic trolling
Preparations for an alien disclosure that caught many unaware.
Or, a SUPER secret faction within the US harassing its own military. But, for what reason?

If it is any of those, it would also explain why officials have not wanted to say what they know about it. If they even know very much at all.
Add Argentina to this list - i read about it few days ago but cannot find the link now.
Interesting talk with Lee Merritt ,
They talk a lot about importance of nicotine receptors in the body.
Not directly related to this recent drone swarms but since there are some reports of people getting sick after witnessing them I wonder if they are used to seed the next plandemic.

It seems to me that this is NOT a military op or a search for dirty nukes. It looks like it is more of something that one of the articles calls a 'show of impunity' directed at the US military.

Which could be:
The Russians (or Chinese) doing some epic trolling
Preparations for an alien disclosure that caught many unaware.
Or, a SUPER secret faction within the US harassing its own military. But, for what reason?
Could it be Israel?

Following your line of thinking, best guess to the reason (in the case of it being Israel and/or a super secret faction, or something similar) is simply to say "We're in charge, not Trump".
Just like UFO's can operate with impunity, so can these drones.
Maybe they got the idea from the historic UFO flaps over military bases.

So maybe it's also a preparation for underground 'ancient space brothers' too. Perhaps the military get introduced to them first?
Apparently they are also “having strange effect on the observer”

He didn't say much on that, but mentioned what is reported here:

A swarm of mysterious drone sightings near President-Elect Donald Trump's New Jersey Bedminster golf club continue to baffle local residents, with some now reporting strange changes to their clocks.

As reported by Fox News, one family in Morris County, who followed a drone in their car, said that as the drone hovered above them, their car's clock changed time and only returned to normal as they drove off.

Other eyewitnesses described the drones as being as big as small cars and incredibly loud, likening the cluster of drones to a "parade."

"The drones just keep coming, one after another," one eyewitness told Fox News.

I couldn't find the original, but it's not quite like "missing time", though, and more like an electrical glitch in the car. Unless some important details are missing. Hard to tell. Maybe the clock just malfunctioned, maybe more.
There is this thread on Facebook where some people reported strange glitches:

The one that caught my attention the most is this one:
I was on my computer in my home with drones in the area when I noticed this change on my task bar. It stayed like this until the drones passed and then it returned to the accurate temp.


Someone replied saying the same had happened to them.

That is a bit weird, isn't it? It's not a normal glitch like the wi-fi stopping and things like that. Does anyone know a "normal" explanation for it? I don't think people would be lying about it.

The others, I don't know. TV sets turning on and such...
Could it be Israel?

Following your line of thinking, best guess to the reason (in the case of it being Israel and/or a super secret faction, or something similar) is simply to say "We're in charge, not Trump".
Just like UFO's can operate with impunity, so can these drones.
Maybe they got the idea from the historic UFO flaps over military bases.

So maybe it's also a preparation for underground 'ancient space brothers' too. Perhaps the military get introduced to them first?
We're all aware how the talk of nuclear WW III ramped up significantly in the past few months. Did the UFOs start showing up here, there, and everywhere in response to that overly-charged nuke confrontation talk in order to remind certain PTB that going nuclear is a big NO NO?

Clif High signposts this event as the beginning of a new era when we come into contact with a superior ET civilisation which won't permit nuclear confrontations. According to Clif, this is when things start to get really weird and the normies (and the existing power structures) won't be able to handle it, leading to widespread mental meltdowns and societal breakdowns.

Granted, Clif's made a lot of predictions that haven't materialised over the years and he has, shall we say, a unique interpretation of events, but his '39 days to melee' from the date of Trump's interview with Joe Rogan seems to have hit some kind of mark, and that was a prediction that came out years ago when Trump was just a washed up old Reality TV star :lol:. Worth paying attention to, perhaps. If Clif's wrong, there's no harm done. If he's right, however...

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