Maybe this will be useful to the community?


Jedi Master
FOTCM Member
Уважаемые друзья! Прошу прощения за очень длинный пост. Я долго думал как лучше поступить и рассказать о себе (нас - ). Мне хотелось бы быть более полезным сообществу и просто людям, которые ищут ответы на свои вопросы о мироустройстве. В одной из сессий (если я правильно помню) - речь шла о том, что пока выполняешь диету, ЕЕ , и получаешь знания но НЕ делишься этим с другими (кто желает) - делаешь это в виде служения себе. Совсем не мой выбор :).

Но я не просто хотел бы помогать делиться полученными, с помощью сообщества и Лоры, знаниями. Я могу это делать достаточно профессионально, т.к. с 2004 года работаю с веб-сайтами, поисковым продвижением и рекламой. Я считаю, что достиг достаточно серьезных успехов в этом направлении ( в русскоязычном сегменте работал с очень крупными порталами).

К сожалению, я очень мало написал о себе , как требуют правила сообщества. Я просто не знаю, как это делать правильнее. С какой стороны подойти. Я стесняюсь в каких-то моментах выглядеть глупо. Но если будет уместно - я с радостью рассказываю о себе, т.к.. считаю себя открытым , прямолинейным и честным человеком.

Теперь немного о том, что хотел бы предложить вам, друзья. Я прочитал о том, какую помощь кроме пожертвований, можно оказать сообществу, в ветке обсуждения кристаллов - Crystal Requests! . И именно поэтому решил опубликовать это сообщение тут (простите, если написал не в ту тему форума!) .

Мы с Алёной ( @Korzik18 ) с самого знакомства (а я и задолго до знакомства с ней) интересовались темой непознанного и паранормального. С самого детства я собирал все материалы, которые касались темы НЛО. Это было когда у нас еще не было даже сети интернет в стране (он был очень дорогой и недоступный всем).

Позже, когда я окончил учёбу, я решил сделать сайт -, куда разместил эти материалы. Активно я размещал их с 2006-2007 годов по 2012 где-то. В это же время, с 2008 года, в одном из комментариев на нашем сайте, была ссылка на форум, в котором обсуждали кассиопеян. Так мы попали на русскоязычный сайт - и уже с него начали читать форум. и следить за всеми сессиями. Уже в то время мы прочитали доступные на русском языке главы книги "Волна". К сожалению, это лишь первые 2 книги (позже заказали их бумажную версию и перечитываем чтобы освежить в памяти). Благодаря русскоговорящим членам сообщества (@Altair , @Keit и другие) - мы ознакомились с третьим томом Волны.
И тут появилась карта кристаллов благодаря Чу. Я обратил внимание, что в русскоговорящих странах достаточно мало людей, кто заказывал кристаллы. Конечно, возможно не все хотели или имели возможность их попросить. НО мне кажется, что если бы не счастливая случайность (случайность ли?) я бы тоже не знал об эксперименте Кассиопеян т.к не говорю по-английски и даже не знал бы что искать. Русскоговорящие люди просто иногда не могут найти этот бесценный и очень полезный материал.

А сайт, (пусть не обижаются на меня его создатели! Они ОГРОМНЫЕ молодцы и спасибо им!!!) совсем не оптимизирован и очень сложно найти в поиске.

Я хотел бы предложить сообществу помощь на выбор - я могу провести оптимизацию SEO для а также, структурно и по-согласованию с куратором из сообщества, переносить материалы на х-уфо.ру и развивать этот проект также для русскоязычной аудитории.
К сожалению, этот сайт ранее, когда был создан, был подвергнут атакам , заражен вирусом и долгое время не работал. Также, там потерялась часть информации.
Сейчас, я лишь могу предположить, что это были периоды "засыпания" (как у Гурджиева), когда нам мешали двигаться в этом направлении.
Но это не страшно. Мы готовы на новом уровне с новыми усилиями начать работу, если это будет полезно.
Все равно на старой версии сайта было много глупого и некорректного материала, который нужно убирать.

Dear friends! Sorry for the very long post. I thought for a long time how best to act and tell about myself (us -). I would like to be more useful to the community and just people who are looking for answers to their questions about the world order. In one of the sessions (if I remember correctly), it was about the fact that while you are doing the diet, ITS, and you get knowledge, but you DO NOT share it with others (who wants to) - you do it in the form of serving yourself. Not my choice at all :).

But I do not just want to help share the knowledge I have gained through the community and Laura. I can do it quite professionally, because Since 2004 I have been working with websites, search engine optimization and advertising. I believe that I have achieved quite serious success in this direction (in the Russian-speaking segment I worked with very large portals).

Unfortunately, I have written very little about myself as required by the community guidelines. I just don't know how to do it more correctly. Which side to approach. I am ashamed to look stupid in some moments. But if it is appropriate - I gladly talk about myself, because I consider myself an open, straightforward and honest person.

Now a little about what I would like to offer you, friends. I read about how other than donations can help the community in the crystal discussion thread - Crystal Requests!. And that is why I decided to publish this message here (sorry if I wrote in the wrong forum topic!).

Alena (@ Korzik18) and I have been interested in the topic of the unknown and the paranormal since we met (and long before I met her). Since childhood, I have been collecting all the materials related to the UFO theme. This was when we did not even have an Internet network in the country (it was very expensive and inaccessible to everyone).

Later, when I finished my studies, I decided to create a website -, where I posted these materials. I actively posted them from 2006-2007 to 2012 somewhere. At the same time, since 2008, in one of the comments on our website, there was a link to a forum where the Cassiopaeans were discussed. So we got to the Russian-language site - and already started reading the forum from it. and keep track of all sessions. Already at that time we read the chapters of the book "Wave" available in Russian. Unfortunately, these are only the first 2 books (later we ordered their paper version and reread it to refresh our memory). Thanks to the Russian-speaking community members (@Altair, @Keit and others) - we got acquainted with the third volume of the Volna.
And then the crystal map appeared thanks to @Chu . I noticed that in Russian-speaking countries there are quite a few people who ordered crystals. Of course, perhaps not everyone wanted or had the opportunity to ask for them. BUT it seems to me that if it were not for a fluke (was it an accident?) I would not have known about the Cassiopaean experiment either, because I do not speak English and would not even know what to look for. Russian-speaking people just sometimes cannot find this invaluable and very useful material.

And the site, (let its creators not be offended by me! They are HUGE fellows and thanks to them !!!) is not optimized at all and is very difficult to find in the search.

I would like to offer the community a choice of help - I can carry out SEO optimization for and also, structurally and in agreement with the curator from the community, transfer materials to and develop this project for a Russian-speaking audience.
Unfortunately, this site, when it was created earlier, was attacked, infected with a virus and did not work for a long time. Also, some information was lost there.
Now, I can only assume that these were periods of "falling asleep" (like Gurdjieff's), when we were prevented from moving in this direction.
But that's okay. We are ready to start working on a new level with renewed efforts, if it is useful.
Anyway, the old version of the site had a lot of stupid and incorrect material that needs to be removed.
Unfortunately, I have written very little about myself as required by the community guidelines. I just don't know how to do it more correctly. Which side to approach. I am ashamed to look stupid in some moments. But if it is appropriate - I gladly talk about myself, because I consider myself an open, straightforward and honest person.

Thank you for writing and for your ideas! I think many on the forum may share your hesitation about writing, or not knowing how to contribute, but since we discuss so many different topics, with time sharing will become much easier, and I am looking forward to your contributions. :-)

UT it seems to me that if it were not for a fluke (was it an accident?) I would not have known about the Cassiopaean experiment either, because I do not speak English and would not even know what to look for. Russian-speaking people just sometimes cannot find this invaluable and very useful material.

What you say is true, and language barrier does appear to be an issue.

What makes it even harder, that reading the sessions and The Wave, and all the related materials, is only part of the picture. This forum is dedicated to putting all this knowledge into practice, and there appear to be no better way than to communicate and share on a regular basis.

There is a greater learning curve for those who do not know English well, but we do have a lot of active non-English speaking forum members, who still make an effort. It comes down to a personal choice, and it appears to be part of the Work. ;-)

Basically, it's a combination of factors, and we did have cases of Russian speaking people coming to the forum, but not staying or not participating actively, and we have cases of people who do try despite the difficulty.

I can carry out SEO optimization for and also, structurally and in agreement with the curator from the community, transfer materials to and develop this project for a Russian-speaking audience.

The fact is that the dreamland site was created by people, who are not part of the Cassiopaea project. Some of them from time to time appear on this forum, but translation of the sessions and discussions were done on their own initiative and without any coordination.

At the moment what looks most logical and optimal is to have one central place for information and discussion, and Cassiopaea domain is the natural choice for it.

Since then the translations were also redone and improved, and several books were already published.

Here's the Cassiopaea site in Russian that has all the translations.

And here's the Pilule Rouge site with all the books in Russian. And translations are ongoing!

We also have the Russian SOTT. The site is being updated on a daily basis, but the editors team is always looking for help and new suggestions. I took a look at your site, and there are some interesting materials that could be shared on the High Strangeness section. We all have different skill sets, and forum members deffinitely can help with finding interesting articles, make connections, write articles, or even become SOTT editors!

We also have pages on the social media: on Telegram, VK, and FB.

It's not much, and truth be told that there isn't much energy that goes into increasing the number of visitors, for various reasons. On one hand larger impact is important, but higher signal-to-noise-ratio is always the priority. We mostly let things happen in a natural way. But are also open for suggestions!

We would love to have more Russian speaking members, and for more people to become familiar with Laura's work. It would be great to hear if you have any ideas about that.
Thank you for writing and for your ideas! I think many on the forum may share your hesitation about writing, or not knowing how to contribute, but since we discuss so many different topics, with time sharing will become much easier, and I am looking forward to your contributions. :-)
Thank you for such a detailed answer to my post. :)
What makes it even harder, that reading the sessions and The Wave, and all the related materials, is only part of the picture. This forum is dedicated to putting all this knowledge into practice, and there appear to be no better way than to communicate and share on a regular basis.
I completely agree and understand your purpose and position. This is not a problem at all, and moreover, I understand why it is that way. This is due to the huge amount of lies around us and everything. You are afraid that a repost on third-party resources will lead to distortion of materials (accidentally or not accidentally) and this is unacceptable. I agree with you, since my competencies will obviously not be enough for competent topic moderation. And you just have a lot of work, so.

The fact is that the dreamland site was created by people, who are not part of the Cassiopaea project. Some of them from time to time appear on this forum, but translation of the sessions and discussions were done on their own initiative and without any coordination.
Now I understand the situation :) Thank you
We also have pages on the social media: on Telegram, VK, and FB.
I also found a link to a group in - русский | OK.RU is this an actual group?
At the moment what looks most logical and optimal is to have one central place for information and discussion, and Cassiopaea domain is the natural choice for it.
Of course, as you say! The only thing that I allowed myself was to put links to you from my resource. If you do not mind.

We also have the Russian SOTT. The site is being updated on a daily basis, but the editors team is always looking for help and new suggestions. I took a look at your site, and there are some interesting materials that could be shared on the High Strangeness section. We all have different skill sets, and forum members deffinitely can help with finding interesting articles, make connections, write articles, or even become SOTT editors!It's not much, and truth be told that there isn't much energy that goes into increasing the number of visitors, for various reasons. On one hand larger impact is important, but higher signal-to-noise-ratio is always the priority. We mostly let things happen in a natural way. But are also open for suggestions!
Oh, my site has not recovered now after the hacking and attacks. Unfortunately, there is no worthy information that was previously there :( We thought for a long time whether it was necessary to spend energy on its restoration - but in its previous form I no longer want to restore it, but in the form that is made it is undesirable. The reasons are clear to me and you explained them above.
We would love to have more Russian speaking members, and for more people to become familiar with Laura's work. It would be great to hear if you have any ideas about that.
If you will allow me, I'll tell you the idea here. Purely as an outside perspective on what can be improved.
In order for you not to think that I am advising in a hurry, I will explain what my professional level is. I am very sorry for this self-promotion. I feel terrible, but I just understand that now a lot of people consider themselves consultants in this topic, not being such. I do not consider myself a huge genius, but I think I can do something. And it can be useful to others. In our country, in the ranking of advertising agencies and companies, working alone (together with @Korzik18 ) we firmly occupy places in the TOP10 of the best companies (approximately 120 companies - Belarus) (I repeat, dozens and hundreds of specialists work for companies, and we are alone! ) and enter the top 200 among the best Russian companies - Runet rating 2019 (108th place - Рейтинг SEO компаний — если нужна оптимизация сайта. Продвижение сайтов от SEO-компаний из списка ТОП-200 and Топ лучших лучших seo-компании Белоруссии — если вам нужно поисковое продвижение сайта).
The main problem of the SOTT site, the Cassiopaean forum and other resources is the tight binding to the region where, according to the search engine, the site should be ranked in natural results for search queries.
I don't see statistics, but after analyzing third-party services, with a large margin of error, I see that traffic comes mainly from English-speaking countries. Screenshot Screenshot. The website with translations has a different problem. It has a rather weak structure, most likely there is no associated region (Russian Federation for example), it loads slowly, does not even have basic meta tags (title, description) written in accordance with the site matrix. This makes it very difficult to find it in natural search results for key queries. Here's a screenshot - Screenshot.
Perhaps by following the simple steps below, you can get more visits from Russian speaking countries?
1) Bind the subdomain in the Yandex and Google webmaster's panel to the region of the Russian Federation (Russian-language) - both the cell and the subdomain for the forum. This will NOT break anything on the main project but will help subdomains.
2) You should try to always fill in the meta tags for search engines according to certain rules. This will help the search engine show your site more often.
3) It may be necessary, together with technical specialists (if any), to revise the code and try to improve the speed of the mobile version. If possible.
4) The ideal option would be to maintain content (tag them) for general queries, for example "What happens after death?", "Is there a soul?" and so on. That is, the grouping of materials by these tags will allow the site to appear in the Russian segment by "general" queries and, possibly, will lead the one who is looking in the right direction. In any case, it will be the choice of the seeker.
This is just a small, "basic" part of what could be offered for website development. I suggested copying materials to my resource, since I could independently carry out all the necessary operations, both with programming and with search engine optimization, without problems, without violating anyone's confidentiality. I can help to carry out the same on any resources specified by you. If it's necessary.
I'm terribly ashamed and embarrassed that I had to do self-promotion here. This is not at all to show your greatness. NO! This is so that you just in the future, if you need help in this direction, if you wish, can contact and I will be happy to help you professionally.
You are afraid that a repost on third-party resources will lead to distortion of materials (accidentally or not accidentally) and this is unacceptable.
It's not a question of distortion, though it can be a problem with such complex material, but going against the principle of networking. The more people are disjoined the more it's difficult for them to exchange knowledge. You should probably know why Gurdjieff told that single man can do nothing in the Work.
It's not a question of distortion, though it can be a problem with such complex material, but going against the principle of networking. The more people are disjoined the more it's difficult for them to exchange knowledge. You should probably know why Gurdjieff told that single man can do nothing in the Work.
yes you are right about that.
The purpose of posting information on third-party resources is not to COLLECT traffic to them, but to REDIRECT it to the central forum where we communicate.
Yes, it is ours. And thank you for offering your help. We may come back to you later. For now what would be your suggestions for SEO title, description, keywords and tags of this chapter?
Today I tried not just to answer your question. I thought that this would not be enough for me to be understood correctly. I prepared a small audit of the entire site as a whole. This is a standard audit that I usually do in my work for various projects. It contains both a number of technical recommendations and general ones. I tried very hard to remove all unnecessary things. Simplify the report so it can be more useful. All recommendations will be relevant not only for the Russian subdomain, but also for all other languages and countries. You can see it by the link .
I didn't have time to work through the entire site. Little time. But I have prepared a document on which I can provide all the recommendations for site meta tags. Look please.
Unfortunately, I do not have enough knowledge of English to translate documents into English. But if you find it necessary, I can try to make a translation. If you have questions or need to clarify something about this audit - I will be very happy to help with knowledge, both technical and theoretical. Some questions may require additional access or assistance from the programmer (site owner).
I hope it was at least a little useful work :)
Today I tried not just to answer your question. I thought that this would not be enough for me to be understood correctly. I prepared a small audit of the entire site as a whole. This is a standard audit that I usually do in my work for various projects. It contains both a number of technical recommendations and general ones. I tried very hard to remove all unnecessary things. Simplify the report so it can be more useful. All recommendations will be relevant not only for the Russian subdomain, but also for all other languages and countries. You can see it by the link .
I didn't have time to work through the entire site. Little time. But I have prepared a document on which I can provide all the recommendations for site meta tags. Look please.
Unfortunately, I do not have enough knowledge of English to translate documents into English. But if you find it necessary, I can try to make a translation. If you have questions or need to clarify something about this audit - I will be very happy to help with knowledge, both technical and theoretical. Some questions may require additional access or assistance from the programmer (site owner).
I hope it was at least a little useful work :)
Thanks a lot! I will look into it.
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