OCKHAM said:
Ok, now we seem to get lost in our conversation some, so let’s try to bring this down
to home a little here so we don’t get our heads popped by big foot.
Originally you said:
dant said:
I do recall that for a 4D STS entity, death is a "natural consequence" and requires no
emotion/empathy at all and it is "business as usual" and it is a cyclical harvest. Just
like human beings do when harvesting the "bounty" at the right season so that we can
"enjoy" the "fruits" of our labor?
Which by the way, here you are using C data as seemingly fact, and we should know better.
But I replied and said:
OCKHAM said:
It is possible for one to die with no emotions, but it is also possible for
one to die unjustly and cry out to live whether it is harvest season or not.
Harvesting the bounty is more about plants than flesh, wouldn’t you agree? It is difficult
to make the choices when so many are available and I think that is part of the problem.
Animals are abused because there is an enormous market for their meat, if no one ate it,
then no market, and the abuse would be less.
If we seek to make a difference for ourselves and others, I tend to believe we must be
humane to the life force that begs to live, at least as much as possible, and be aware
of the differences between flesh and plant, it is easy to lump it all into one physical
density, yet we discern all this, and they cannot, so respect may be a part of a bigger
lesson that must be learned.
If we lived as the Indians and kill the buffalo, we are doing it to survive, which is not
the same as driving through the pick-up window. It may seem like survival because of the
choices made. fwiw
Then you immediately reply with this:
dant said:
You use the word: "unjustly" as if there is some kind of justice to be served? May I ask
who will "serve justice" for you? Hello (I hear a reverberating echo....)?
Did you not notice that "bounty" is quoted? Why is that so? The harvest as quoted in the
bible regarding the last days refers to "the harvesting of souls and of the human bodies",
isn't this so?
You seem to miss the point that harvesting is not restricted to just plants. It also refers
to "anything that grows", that that can mean bacteria (as in yogurt), plants, fruits, pigs,
goats, cattle, ... and then extend this to 3D, humans, .... and possibly other lifeforms (4D?)
that we don't even know about which may include greys, nephilms, all that died in the great
battle and you can be sure that all of "empty shells" left around the battle fields would be
eaten and/or picked up and thrown into the vat?
As for over-eating of animals, what about plants and "rocks". Perhaps we are abusing from
greatest to least and in the following order: 1D, then 2D, and then maybe 3D? Isn't that
just about "everything" in the BBM, including the water we drink and the air we breathe?
OCKHAM said:
I am not asking anyone to serve justice for me in that context.
So the knockers are you’re friends? I have a hard time believing that. We must distinguish
between the cause of death and the aftermath, when all life force energy is absent. The food
you refer to is lifeless, but removing it, or the act, is where the balance or justice sits
that alters the course.
I am aware that harvesting can be associated with the end of times, but I was not aware that
you think it is a good thing. Is that what you think? Let’s get on the same page here if possible.
I suppose there is a good harvest possible, but at the same time, I suppose there is one that is
not a good harvest. Will we be able to discern the difference?
You also suggest as we move up the scale in consumption that it might possibly be less harmful,
or less abusive. I think we now need to do more research to back up either of these claims, one
way or another.
You do also raze me a little hard about justice, I think we both are about the same age, and
guys like us may seem to want to raze each other a little more, which is ok, we’re big boys. osit
I know that you are not asking anyone to serve justice in that context, but I wanted to bring
to your attention that "dying unjustly" is subjective as it may very well be that it is part of
a lesson or that it serves no purpose whatsoever and might be a moot point? Death is what it is
and might be dictated by karma or by natural events?
Knockers are there, are they not? They do serve a purpose do they not? If certain people want
MEAT, maybe they should raise their own MEAT, butcher their own MEAT, so that they can gain
the benefits of respecting life much like some of the [nomadic] natives did and harvest the
meat only as needed and in moderation? Would this prevent abuse? Now, what are the logistics
that every family should be required to own a farm, even in [modern] cities? Would that make
any sense? If not, then why is it that we allow others to own 'mega-farms' and do the "dirty"
work for us, so that others can be free to pursue their own occupations? Is that abuse now?
Now the issue regarding a 'life force', how long do you need to wait for the 'life-force' to
leave after death before it becomes a non-life-force occupied carcass? At what age should these
lifeforms be fit to be killed? Young or old? How old should this life-form be before it become
"unfit for consumption"? Too many questions and many more to come but let's stop here for now.
Now, go back to my previous paragraph and substitute "MEAT" for "PLANTS"? Isn't that fair? How
about substituting "MEAT" for "1D", but somehow we may think we need to separate "PLANTS" from
"ROCKS" because somehow "PLANTS" are a special case. Or maybe we may need to further separate
out from 1D, the words: "Ants", "Worms", "Microbes", and so on, so that maybe we can give ourselves
a pat on the back because we are being very "humane", "moral", or "ethical" or simply "smart" about
our choices? Oh my, what a tangled web we weave! Am I really getting confused or just plain silly?
Maybe I should sow my mouth shut and STOP EATING ANYTHING AT ALL! Hmm... I don't think so. I
still have to learn by DOing "The Work" so that I can learn how to purge myself of the desire for
physicality and maybe, just maybe, I would have what it takes to become a 4D STO candidate?
Now, you asked the question if I think that harvest at the end times is a good thing? It depends on
your own level of knowledge, perhaps. For me, the end-times might be both a "good" and/or "bad" thing,
being subjective of course, in that being a "good" thing may mean there is change coming, that there
is hope that we as individuals may have a chance to advance, and the "bad" thing might be simply that
our hopes were not what we thought.
I do not see "harvest" as a good or bad thing but rather as a natural consequence of being in the
physical and the "harvest" as described in the bible is used as a metaphor to represent all life on
the BBM and that by "harvest" may also related to "the season" for which I believe is also a metaphor
that represents "The Grand Cycle". I do believe that the "harvest" will be on a very massive scale, simply
a repeat perhaps of of the Atlantean times and that the history of the cycles are being repeated. It is
quite possible that the BBM itself may change and cease to become a 3D planet and may become a 4D planet
and it is also quite possible that the solar system itself may change as well. At least this is what I
think from reading the C's and other material. As for what might happen to life on Earth? I think some
densities will advance, others may not, some may be "moved" to other planets, others may not. If Earth
4D planet (a gas planet?) it is quite possible for 3D to go directly into 4D Earth bypassing 5D since
they may not experience death and maybe this is what will happen to those who are 4D candidates?
Honestly, I do not really know from what I read, it seems this might be the case.
As for your statement:
OCKHAM said:
You also suggest as we move up the scale in consumption that it might possibly be less harmful, or
less abusive.
Well, from what I have read, there is a body of research that claims that if you can
control your appetite to 1/2 of what you normally eat, you will live some percentage longer
and there is supposedly data to back up this claim. Also, we know that fasting has very beneficial
properties. Both of these would probably be good to reduce the pressures of feeding and thus less
stress on the BBM. I am all for this.
I absolutely respect your decision to eat however manner you choose to eat as this is after all
by your own actions. The lessons learned are tailored for each of us individually and the "pass"
or "fail" "test" is based on our choices, osit.
As for "razing" you, I don't see it that way, rather I see it as being a member of this forum
that everyone else is watching and/or reading and if there is a problem, we would certainly be
hearing about it, otherwise we won't! I guess for the most part, "no news is good news" and if
that be the case, then we must have been doing something right? ;)
I actually enjoying discussing this thread as it is interesting to me to get everyone's perspective
as to perhaps "see" beyond our own or at least, let other see us for what we cannot see in ourselves?