Melting road at Yellowstone


Jedi Master
A road of the national park of Yellow Stone has melt in the beginning of this month. Here a report and a video :
Re: Melting road at yellow Stone

And here a comparison for the activity of Firehole Lake in 2005 and today

and here something strange with the Rangers aggressive with tourists ( but I don't really know the date of this event). Tourists were confined at their hotel.
Re: Melting road at yellow Stone

The melting road story was recently covered on SOTT:

Uh yeah, that's gotta be worrisome...
Re: Melting road at yellow Stone

Here ya go......It's ALWAYS listed right underneath the video!

Published on Oct 9, 2013

October 9th, 2013 - Yellowstone - A group of tourists were harrassed and confined to the Old Faithful Inn located inside Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. Park Rangers threatened arrests to anyone found near the famous adjacent geyser.
Re: Melting road at yellow Stone

Heimdallr said:
The melting road story was recently covered on SOTT:

Uh yeah, that's gotta be worrisome...

From the Picture... and the tree in the back ground that piece of road has been brought up to a certain "grade" it could be 6ft to 10ft ... putting it that much further from the earths crust. That looks like a bad overlay. A grinder will come and grind that off and new asphalt will be rolled out.

No worries Really... Some other reason for the road being closed....
Suspicious0bservers take on it is, that there is nothing strange about it:

The part is from 0:45 - 1:22
Pashalis said:
Suspicious0bservers take on it is, that there is nothing strange about it:

The part is from 0:45 - 1:22

If I well understand what he says ( difficult to me to catch everything) he claims that it is a common phenomena, right?

So if it is so common, why there is not some others articles from other years? I don't find anything... :huh: Does he give a source?
Melting asphalt in Yellowstone. :/
Must be the hot weather. As if temperatures ANYWHERE in the high 80s will melt ashphalt.
Yeah right! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Pashalis said:
Suspicious0bservers take on it is, that there is nothing strange about it:

The part is from 0:45 - 1:22

Partly correct:

Yellowstone sits on top of the caldera of a super volcano, so temperature fluctuations like this are normal for the park, Hottle said. It is not uncommon for asphalt to become soft and sticky with oil that tires can get stuck in.

But, he added, the liquefying of pavement that is now occurring is extreme and unusual.
Yellowstone supervolcano 'turned the asphalt into soup' shutting down Natl. Park's roads

Very dramatic pictures Anthony.... But, Not of a Road.
The weight of a loaded 10 yard dump is approx. 30 tons, a belly dump twice that. Not forgetting the grinder and roller... And the Road Workers! All out there working "ON" a "Bowl of Soup"! If that is the case why repair it? why not just let is go? Sorry to say they got a bad batch. It's a do over..

The temperature of the mix on the base after it has passed through the laydown machine – not the mix or manufacturing temperature -- is the most important factor in determining the available time for compaction.

On paving and overlay projects, if the hot mix asphalt pavement cools too quickly, the entire surface will ravel leaving a rough, rocky surface in a short period of time.

The temperature of the mix on the base after it has passed through the laydown machine – not the mix or manufacturing temperature -- is the most important factor in determining the available time for compaction.

Ambient (air) temperatures, base (aggregate and existing asphalt) temperatures, and hot mixed asphalt temperatures are very critical to obtaining compaction and longevity of the newly paved surfaces and patches.

Hot mixed asphalt is manufactured at temperatures between 270°F and 325°F. Depending on the environmental conditions and the distance from the hot mix plant to the project, hot mix asphalt can lose between 5°F and 25°F.

The temperature of the mix on the base after it has passed through the laydown machine – not the mix or manufacturing temperature – is the most important factor in determining the available time for compaction. Hot mix asphalt pavement arrives at a project at temperatures between 275°F and 300°F and is installed on the existing base by mechanical methods (laydown machines).

If the air and base temperatures are colder than required or specified, then the asphalt pavement will cool too fast, causing it to set up and making it very difficult to obtain the required or specified compacted density.

Thin pavement layers will cool quicker than thicker layers, and should the base or ambient temperature be low, the hot mix asphalt will cool quicker, density won’t be achieved, and the patch will ravel and fall apart. On paving and overlay projects, if the hot mix asphalt pavement cools too quickly, the entire surface will ravel leaving a rough, rocky surface in a short period of time. This not only results in a poor surface, it results in a surface that will retain water, reducing the life of the pavement or the patch by accelerating the raveling process. It is very important to monitor all temperatures (ambient, base, and hot mix asphalt) and wind velocity during the paving process.

So again, No Worries...It's a Slow New Day for this mindless drivel to be aired by RT especially
Ronnie said:
So again, No Worries...It's a Slow New Day for this mindless drivel to be aired by RT especially

Well, AP and other newswires reported it first, and it was then picked up nationwide in the US.

And note the part in the RT article that says:

While thermal activity under the park often gives way to temperature fluctuations that can soften asphalt throughout Yellowstone, [spokesman Dan] Hottle said the latest wave seems worse than usual.
stardust said:
A road of the national park of Yellow Stone has melt in the beginning of this month. Here a report and a video :

I was wondering if this was going to come up. Here is what happened. These roads were getting rough and bumpy from years of use and abuse from overly large buses and rv's. Also the alternating hot and freezing temps play havoc with Yellowstone roads. Last year the Park Service decided to ban these large vehicles from this small loop road, but it was too late. The damage had been done.

This summer, in the hottest part of the year, the Park Service decided to try to smooth the roads by filling in the low spots with very thin tar. The road was never closed and the tar was not allowed to harden. Visitors were driving over soft wet tar and throwing it up on their car and spreading it everywhere. This is a very popular area for geyser watchers and the Park Service may have been trying to shortcut the process and keep the road open.

Now they are doing what they should have done to begin with. They closed the road and are trying to do it right.

This situation has nothing to do with the park heating up and everything to do with the Park Service being irresponsible (which is nothing new in Yellowstone) and refusing to take responsibility for its incompetence.
bltay said:
This summer, in the hottest part of the year, the Park Service decided to try to smooth the roads by filling in the low spots with very thin tar. The road was never closed and the tar was not allowed to harden. Visitors were driving over soft wet tar and throwing it up on their car and spreading it everywhere. This is a very popular area for geyser watchers and the Park Service may have been trying to shortcut the process and keep the road open.

It certainly could come down to incompetence, partially or wholly.

What are your sources for this angle on it? So far we have two Yellowstone spokespersons describing this melting episode as "unusual".

It's currently reaching the mid-60s in the daytime there, so I don't think it being the "hottest part of the year" has anything to do with it.
Re: Melting road at yellow Stone

stardust said:
and here something strange with the Rangers aggressive with tourists ( but I don't really know the date of this event). Tourists were confined at their hotel.

Hi stardust,

This was from the time of the government shut down last fall that included closing the national parks. Some people were in the park at the time of their closing, and the park officials were very aggressive and sometimes way overzealous in trying to keep those people from seeing anything in the park.

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