Mercer vs MSM


The Living Force
FOTCM Member

Excellent article discusses death of MSM because of Mercer's manipulations on both sides of pond, use of Facebook, personality profiles on almost everyone, and more. Plenty of meat.
Seems to me like people aren't swallowing the fake news about 'Russia hacked the election', so now there is a new devil: Mercer.

Pass the popcorn.
So, basically, Mercer is using data mining and AI to take over the world! Oh, and the Russians are too. Although the author asks, "Are we now the FAKE news? Is the mainstream media – we, us, I – dying?", it is not a sincere inquiry. It's a basis for showing how the mainstream media are victims. It's incredibly absurd to see how this tactic is being used by the CIA, the media and the establishment in general. If there could be any question if they actually are biased, distort the truth, or do some real investigative work to see their own lies, then maybe they could repair a little of the massive damage they've done. But there's obviously no such inclination. Mercer may very well be into a lot of the stuff the article states, but it's not him who is responsible for the media's downfall. They've been brazenly lying for decades, and their obtuse election coverage was just the straw that broke the camels back. Trump may do this or that thing, but the bigger issue is the elite have exposed themselves and have created the environment that they are now the 'victims' of. It's not a conspiracy against them. It's basic cause and effect.
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