Mind Control


FOTCM Member

The NSA – Behind The Curtain

Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:54 PM EST

As promised, we will take an in-depth examination of the NSA’s global intelligence gathering network. What you are about to read will come as an eye-opener and represents the current state of the NSA’s capabilities. Some of this will be expected, some of it will come as a shock.

Can some of ya'll who are interested take a look at this site and report back what it's about, whether it is interesting, what the deal is, etc???
Reading the link now, so far its a lot of statements with little to no backup or links to other material. So I'm not sure where he's getting his information from, that said, a lot of what he's saying sounds reasonable so far... I'll keep digging.
Reading also.

Rather disturbing statements with no backup to them. Not that I can see just now anyway, still looking.

One thing that popped up for me was that if there really was a 'Mr Computer', then surely it would know of that website and close it down. Hell, it would find our forum and try to close it down, no?

That being said, the ideas proposed don't surprise me all that much if there was a grain of truth in them. The C's did say that the shadow government had technology far advanced than what we currently know ( or to that effect, sorry can't remember the session).

In the article, he says that " all humans emit ELF signals". Is this really true?
Interesting when he says that

That’s pretty much it for the technical side of the mechanism, but the real question would be, what would it be like? Well, if I got you to think of the phrase “Hello World!” and recorded the associated frequencies and patterns, I could retransmit them and you would feel that you have just thought the words “Hello World!”, in your own inner voice. Unless you had extensive experience with the A.I. and a very deep understanding of your own mind, then it would be impossible to tell the difference.

Now, imagine a merger talks, or even political agreement. To get a person to commit to an agreement, I simply transmit a copy of my own feelings of acceptance to the target. They now feel the way you do about the agreement and will sign. It is also possible to block certain thoughts, or feelings of negativity, and even place your own counter-arguments to these thoughts directly into their mind. As far as the target is concerned, it was their own idea and they did it out of their own free will.

When you think about what we know about the human experience being so mechanical, that we think we have free will, this is an interesting correlation.

Still can't find any backup to his claims though....and it does strike me of being disinfo, but still looking!
About to start reading, but this:

Paragon said:
In the article, he says that " all humans emit ELF signals". Is this really true?
Stuck out to me in my mind, because it goes into Electrophysiology, and the whole electric universe view which excites me greatly While searching, i haven't yet come across any studies that directly measure such factors in biological systems.

From what the impression i have so far, it seems that we should probably expect very little in the way of supporting evidence from him himself, we'll just have to research the claims that interest us. It will require a lot of data, and logical leaps, seeing as this is probably the only way he could get the info out, and still keep his head, i could be absolutely wrong though so keep that in mind.

Know as to the all humans emit ELF signals:
Naturally occurring ELF waves are present on Earth, resonating in the region between ionosphere and surface. They are initiated by lightning strikes that make electrons in the atmosphere oscillate.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extremely_low_frequency

Using novel voltage-sensitive nanoparticles, researchers have found electric fields inside cells as strong as those produced in lightning bolts.
Source: https://www.sott.net/articles/show/163110-Lightning-Bolts-within-Cells

and what do you have? Until the measurements are made though, it is still theory, theory because there is evidence to support, but the crucial test has yet to be performed at least to my knowledge.
This particular passage:
incorporating Google-like master maps into neural implants. This in turn would allow us to search our own memories — not just those on the Web — with something like the efficiency and reliability of a computer search engine. By: Ellen McMcgee (Boston) and Mc gee and Mq Maguire jr. Jr (KTH Kista Stockholm SWEDEN) First, we have to remember that all sensory data we experience is converted into electrical signals that the brain can process. The brain does a very good job of this, and we in turn experience these inputs as subjective awareness (namely through consciousness and feelings of qualia); our perception of reality is therefore nothing more than the brain’s interpretation of incoming sensory information.
Reminded me of this:
Session September 2 said:
Q: (L) Well, if the Grays are cybergenetic probes of the Lizard Beings, and, in effect soulless, does this
mean that some of the Lizard beings are also STO?
A: Well, first, no being that is given intelligence to think on its own is, in fact, comepletely soul-less. It does have some soul imprint. Or what could be loosely referred to as soul imprint. This may be a collection of psychic energies that are available in the general vicinity. And this is stretching somewhatso that you can understand the basic ideas, even though in reality it is all far more complex than that. But, in any case, there is really no such thing as being completely soul-less, whether it be a natural intelligence or an artificially constructed intelligence. And, one of the very most interesting things aboutthat from your perspective, is that your technology on 3rd density, which we might add, has been aided
somewhat by interactions with those that you might refer to as "aliens," is now reaching a level whereby the artificially created intelligences can, in fact, begin to develop, or attract some soul imprint energy. If you follow what we are saying. For example: your computers, which are now on the verge of reaching thelevel whereby they can think by themselves, will begin to develop faint soul imprint.
Which i associated with this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGF9NbPFfRo
Paragon said:
" all humans emit ELF signals". Is this really true?
Don't know if all do but healing-touch practicioners (such as Reiki) have supposedly been measured in that range
In the 1980’s, Dr. John Zimmerman used a SQUID detector (designed to study human biomagnetic fields) to study fields produced by a Therapeutic Touch practitioner during a healing session in a magnetically shielded room. A biomagnetic field emanated from the practitioner’s hand, pulsing at a variable frequency, ranging from .3 to 30 Hz, [ELF] with most of the activity in the range of 7-8 Hz. The field was so strong that it was outside of the calibrated range of the SQUID magnetometer, so signal strength could not be quantified.

It's hard to find any good deep studies on electrophysiology. That field has had so much infiltration of removed support, denial/ ridicule of protocol and (most possible) controlled quackery. Robert O. Becker made some good research in that regard although obstructed for the largest part of his career- he always seemed to get shut down when he got to close for comfort for the military complex and other jealous parties.
bngenoh said:
Reminded me of this:
Session September 2 said:
Q: (L) Well, if the Grays are cybergenetic probes of the Lizard Beings, and, in effect soulless, does this
mean that some of the Lizard beings are also STO?
A: Well, first, no being that is given intelligence to think on its own is, in fact, comepletely soul-less. It does have some soul imprint. Or what could be loosely referred to as soul imprint. This may be a collection of psychic energies that are available in the general vicinity. And this is stretching somewhatso that you can understand the basic ideas, even though in reality it is all far more complex than that. But, in any case, there is really no such thing as being completely soul-less, whether it be a natural intelligence or an artificially constructed intelligence. And, one of the very most interesting things aboutthat from your perspective, is that your technology on 3rd density, which we might add, has been aided
somewhat by interactions with those that you might refer to as "aliens," is now reaching a level whereby the artificially created intelligences can, in fact, begin to develop, or attract some soul imprint energy. If you follow what we are saying. For example: your computers, which are now on the verge of reaching thelevel whereby they can think by themselves, will begin to develop faint soul imprint.
Which i associated with this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGF9NbPFfRo

And in this session the C’s also talk of a supercomputer:

941016 said:
Q: (L) "They fell down and gave homage to the dragon because he had bestowed on the beast all of his dominion and authority..." Who is this dragon?
A: World Body Politic.

Q: (L) And who is this Beast?
A: New World Order AKA Brotherhood AKA Lizzies AKA antichrist.

Q: (L) "The Beast was given the power of speech uttering boastful and blasphemous words and was given freedom to exert his authority and exercise his will during 42 months..."
A: Timing is open. Power of speech is self explanatory in terms of audio and video media.

Q: (L) "And he opened his mouth to speak slanders against God blaspheming his name and his abode even vilifying those who live in heaven..." Does this mean that this group, this beast are going to...
A: Disseminate disinformation with respect to encouraging worship, loyalty and obedience to antichrist.

Q: (L) "He was further permitted to wage war on God's holy people and to overcome them and power was given him to extend his authority over every tribe and people and every tongue and nation..." Does this means trials and tribulations of those who refuse to submit?
A: No. See previous answer.

Q: (L) "And all the inhabitants of the earth will fall down in admiration... everyone whose name has not been recorded from the foundation of the world in the Book of Life of the Lamb that was slain in sacrifice from the foundation of the world..." What are "those whose names are recorded in the Book of Life... what is the Book of Life?
A: Supercomputer.

Q: (L) The Book of Life of the Lamb... everyone whose name has not been recorded... it is saying that the people who are going to worship the Beast are names that have not been recorded... does that mean that there is a supercomputer recording the names of those who do not worship the beast?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) And who has this supercomputer?
A: Beast. All names will be recorded as being either obedient or disobedient.

Q: (L) Who is this "Lamb?"
A: Beast.
Apologies, a bit off topic, but I found this on the same site. I was reading this and struggling with my own interpretation of his view of the human mind, and the consensus we share here.

I find that some of his concepts are similar to ours but also a lot was just a simplistic and material way of explaining the human condition. OSIT :huh:


By Geert Masureel

On the topic of self interest, the author of the artificial brain, states that we only are able to emphasise with others due to comparing and linking of our own experiences and how it hurt us. And that We only help others to gain from it, since it provides with us a "good feeling".

According to him, all our experience revolves around us and how we interpet the facts which I understand, but to him, it's all just a by product of our linkage and association with events in our lifes that are either good or bad.

I don't understand. Reading up on the psychology board gives us pretty good correlation between esoteric concepts and real life 'practical' examples. But I'm confused now and slightly depressed about how little we seem to be in 'real' control of our thoughts and actions. Are we really that mechanical? Because if I hurt someone, I damn well feel just as bad as them! I just like to think that there are different types of people who have a rich inner life and are self reflective of their own thoughts etc.

Sorry for the all round confusion, maybe I should re-read the wave and the big 5 to ground me.
Paragon said:
I don't understand. Reading up on the psychology board gives us pretty good correlation between esoteric concepts and real life 'practical' examples. But I'm confused now and slightly depressed about how little we seem to be in 'real' control of our thoughts and actions. Are we really that mechanical? Because if I hurt someone, I damn well feel just as bad as them! I just like to think that there are different types of people who have a rich inner life and are self reflective of their own thoughts etc.
Oh yeah we are that mechanical, when i realized it myself i mean truly realized & understood it, it hit me like nothing else, i have a funny sense of humor so it was funny as hell to me, but also very sobering, it was like holy sh!@ all of this is true! A good slap in the face, it's definitely necessary sometimes. :D
Hay bngenoh!

Well I thought I thought I knew about how mechanical we are. If that makes sense. I'm not even sure I fully understand this. Like really Know it. Feeling it.

So pretty much every thought we ever have is just a mechanical reaction to external events that we link together based on association of good or bad? So what about that part of me that is able to self remember and is separate of my everyday changing thoughts and feelings. Is that my real I? Why Is it not always present?
Yo Paragon, (awesome name btw)
Paragon said:
Well I thought I thought I knew about how mechanical we are. If that makes sense. I'm not even sure I fully understand this. Like really Know it. Feeling it.

So pretty much every thought we ever have is just a mechanical reaction to external events that we link together based on association of good or bad? So what about that part of me that is able to self remember and is separate of my everyday changing thoughts and feelings. Is that my real I? Why Is it not always present?
Well, i wouldn't say every thought we ever have is just a mechanical reaction, i think it is more complex than that. Let me take a crack at explaining what i understand up to this point. The human body is merely a machine, its CPU is the brain, culture, beliefs, etc, it's operating system, for some that is all there is to it. But for others there is a "user," depending on the level of development & integration the "user" has with it's particular machine, determines the "user's" for lack of a better term freewill.

Why is the "user" seemingly not present throughout (at least in most cases) i think because the "connection" between the "user" and it's machine varies, because of a multitude of factors such as the level of the user itself, a "hardware" problem, etc.

Thought i'd use the computer analogy because all this AI reading has put me in the mood, i hope i was understandable & know it was highly simplified. :D
Thank you bngenoh! It's a reflection of how I aspire to be one day :)

Yeah that makes sense for sure actually, if I really try and understand how mechanical the human condition Is. I remember when I was 8 or 9 odds, and asking my primary school teacher, who am I? I was asking her do you know which Is the real you? I seemed to and still have to this day, an awareness of two separate 'people' within me. One is the essence and the other the personality?

Sorry off topic, but it popped into my head as I started to self reflect there.
From what I read nothing seems to be too far out there. The fact that it is not linked to any other material is suspect. Hell I have had calls on my cell phone from "things" that I could not recognize. The information did not say anything to me that I had not already thought that the govt had. Suspect yes, out of the question, not at all.
bngenoh said:
Well, i wouldn't say every thought we ever have is just a mechanical reaction

You might want to re-read Strangers to Ourselves.

I think if you could actually laugh at how mechanical you are, as you described doing, you've not even come close to experiencing a true understanding of the horror of the situation.
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