Mind Control

Just as an FYI - the document repeats, sort of. I haven't analyzed it to see if it is really the exact same text 3 times over.

This is why I formatted only the first 'copy' with line breaks, and left the rest unformatted directly from clipboard.
I just tried once more the original link of Laura - http://www.mindcontrol.se/?page_id=6776&fb_source=message - and the page did load again after a longer than average pause - but the site is available again now.
bngenoh said:
Laura said:
Indeed. In fact, it is important to keep that sensation of "the terror of the situation" right there beside you all the time, kind of like when Casteneda put the words in Don Juan's mouth that "death is behind your left shoulder all the time" (or words to that effect).

It is this terror that can keep you motivated every minute of every day. And it is being able to grok this terror and still feel wonder at the cosmos that is the state of the Warrior Who Would be Free.

Without it, you are nothing but a machine.
Thank you for that Laura, my understanding has deepened more thanks to your elucidation.

Note that "the terror of the situation" is in quotes. Obviously it doesn't mean that you go around terrified all day, but rather that an understanding of just how terrible the situation facing us is, is always held in the back of our mind, and, as Laura says, motivates us to continue the efforts. By "us" I mean anyone who has made it their goal, to whatever level of commitment, to free themselves from the cycle of life and death. Buddhists call this "samsara" and to a large extent sugar coat the whole situation (at least in mainstream Buddhism). When you factor in the nature of the forces that seek to keep us trapped in the cycle, why they do so and HOW they do it, i.e. by essentially making us our own prison warden, it is a very terrifying situation for a single human being to contemplate.

I suppose the 'terror' comes largely from the realisation that, all our lives, we have believed and been told that we are free, independent beings with 'free will', when exactly the opposite is true. What could be more terrifying for a human being than to realise that the theory or belief that unpins our ability to feel content and happy with, and within, ourselves is a massive lie... It tends to completely pull the rug out from under our self-satisfied sense of self.

Like Anart suggested, read "strangers to ourselves", for a start.
I suppose the 'terror' comes largely from the realisation that, all our lives, we have believed and been told that we are free, independent beings with 'free will', when exactly the opposite is true. What could be more terrifying for a human being than to realise that the theory or belief that unpins our ability to feel content and happy with, and within, ourselves is a massive lie... It tends to completely pull the rug out from under our self-satisfied sense of self.

Is meditation enough to combat the 'battle fatigue'?

There are days I feel like sewing up a 'cow costume' just to find something to laugh at. :flowers:

I'm still going through Strangers to Ourselves. I stopped to read Amazing Grace to to remove my head from my behind. :rolleyes: ;)
Laura said:
Indeed. In fact, it is important to keep that sensation of "the terror of the situation" right there beside you all the time, kind of like when Casteneda put the words in Don Juan's mouth that "death is behind your left shoulder all the time" (or words to that effect).

It is this terror that can keep you motivated every minute of every day. And it is being able to grok this terror and still feel wonder at the cosmos that is the state of the Warrior Who Would be Free.

Without it, you are nothing but a machine.
I needed to hear this. Thanks, Laura.
Targeted individuals get a voice at last years presidential commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues:

It's hard to figure out why Obama and Co. followed through on this transperancy issue and made this platform possible. The commission will probably be buried, obfuscated and never meet any worthwile conclusion, but still..?
parallel said:
Targeted individuals get a voice at last years presidential commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues:

It's hard to figure out why Obama and Co. followed through on this transperancy issue and made this platform possible. The commission will probably be buried, obfuscated and never meet any worthwile conclusion, but still..?

Hmmm, could the fact that it's an election year have anything to do with it?

I can't help but wonder if after the elections, this whole program won't just disappear, even if Obama is re-elected.
Nienna Eluch said:
Hmmm, could the fact that it's an election year have anything to do with it?
It's possible, but still odd considering the possible awareness it could bring, but then again media is tightly controlled. The hearing will probably only be seen by TI's and alt.news community but also the invited academia, who again are secured and cuffed by the funding stick and other control/obfuscation firewalls.
More on thought controlled technologies: http://www.ted.com/talks/ariel_garten_know_thyself_with_a_brain_scanner.html

Such technologies can be used as aides, but i feel that solely relying on them is short circuiting the process of discovering oneself.
Laura said:
Can some of ya'll who are interested take a look at this site and report back what it's about, whether it is interesting, what the deal is, etc???

Nice looking WordPress theme (Sliding Door).

I did a few searches on the site before reading any articles. Here's a few general observations on that:

Some attention has definitely been paid to search engine optimization. Some keywords on that linked page: Information, Mr, Computer, Human, System, NSA, Data, Program, Pipe, Public, Network, Just, Right, Web, Used.

Some tags: neuroimplants, sapo, live-forever, medicine, symptoms, mind-reading, brain, Sweden, smart-pill, ict, fet-brain-computer, foa

At the top of the front page is a link to Facebook, an opportunity to recommend the site and so forth. There's also an animated globe graphic that shows you what city and town you are viewing the web page from as well as the global location of other viewers and other info.

I did a google translate on a Swedish page due to mentions of Schizophrenia, ADHD, Autism, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's because I like looking at different perspectives on these "diseases", but there was just the conventional view.

I get the impression from all the above, that someone wants this info disseminated as far and as wide as quickly as possible, and to get people interacting with the info or site, though the reasons for that could be for Info or DisInfo.

As for the authors, one gives a name, but there are apparently multiple contributors, judging by the varied language usage and sentence structures. Otherwise, I pulled some quotes to possibly provide a general answer to what the site is about and "why?"

The following paragraphs should not be considered as part of a coherent narrative, however, because they're not necessarily in order. I just thought they might provide some clues or pointers to the author's apparent concerns and possible motivation(s).

My purpose is to initiate a discussion of the ethics of implanting computer chips in the brain and to address some fundamental ethical and social issues. Computer scientists predict that within the next twenty years neural interfaces will be designed so that it will not only increase the dynamic range of the senses, but will also enhance memory and enable "cyberthink" that invisible communication with others. The technology will be developed and make it easier to have permanent access to information when and where it is needed.

The ethical evaluation in this paper focuses on issues concerning the safe and informed consent, issues of concern in terms of production and who is responsible for scientific, there is increasing concern about the psychological effects on human nature, worries about possible use in children, and most troubling issues of privacy and autonomy. Since this technology can radically change human nature and that it is filled with dangerous consequences for invasions of privacy and for governmental control of individuals, public discussion of its benefits and burdens should be initiated, and political decisions should be made if its development should be banned or regulated, rather than being left to happenstance, experts and the vagaries of the commercial market.

Stockholm Brain Institute - An interdisciplinary project:

Cognitive neuroscience is an emerging field with great relevance to health and education. This research focuses on the links between brain structure, cognitive function and human behavior. The research findings can contribute to understanding and treatment of cognitive disorders such as learning, memory and consciousness. Common diseases such as schizophrenia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's in adults and developmental problems in children are associated with some of these features.

By integrating world-class expertise in cognition, computational neuroscience and the Stockholm Brain Institute (SBI) to enhance its understanding of the brain.

Primarily the focus is on interaction of brain activity, emotion and memory. It will among other things lead to greater understanding of the mechanisms behind, and ultimately better prevention and treatment of diseases such as ADHD, dementia and schizophrenia.

SBI brings together ten research groups at Karolinska Institutet (KI), KTH and Stockholm University, who also will collaborate with Karolinska University Hospital, CogMed, AstraZeneca, IBM, Elektra, Carlson Research, and several smaller companies. SBI is coordinated by Professor Hans Forssberg from Karolinska Institutet.

Through a partnership with CI, AstraZeneca entered with 80 million for development of the latest PET (positron emission tomography) methodology, which will be of enormous significance for the research conducted at KI. PET is a modern imaging technology that enables researchers to see internal organs in living bodies. Together with IBM will also gain access to the supercomputer Blue Gene, which will be located at KTH. Blue Gene capacity will be essential to treat the data coming from research on the PET center. "The combination of such tremendous data capacity, and our PET center is unique in the world," says Prof. Forssberg.

Ten research groups from different disciplines to try to understand the human mind in all its complexity, from the genetic level to behavior. This requires involving different disciplines such as psychology, psychiatry, genetics, molecular biology and neurophysiology. Mathematical modeling, computer simulation and modern imaging techniques will also be needed to describe complex relationships in the brain. Add this special notice that they talk about "understanding the human brain ..." not some little mice! Think again! HOW are they going to collect all necessary data to even come close to be able to study all these areas...?

This is commented [by] Peter Westerholm, associate professor and medical researcher, in a speech at the Justice Department's conference in 1986:

"We also need to find out how people perceive what happens to them, maybe even their opinions, their evaluations.

The fact that data from the nervous system continues to flow into the computers at an accelerating rate, [is] due to the fact that more and more people are connected to the system.

"This is an important step towards increased collaboration between experts in Stockholm's three universities," says Prof. Forssberg. "High level of competence, the intense research environment and the advanced technologies available to us gives us a new context for understanding how the brain processes cognitive information."

Scientists from around the world are queuing up to do this type of research, since Sweden is the only country in the world that are engaged in genuine and legal research with regard to this area, for deliberately avoiding to inform the government and the public what and how they graduate! Thus, they have created their own research regime that stands above both Swedish and international law and all human rights.
...a RESPONSIBILITY of society...to alleviate the sufferings of the victims...

In order to do research on the brain and all ITS five senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch) PLUS emotion and memory, researchers need to do it for people who live in Everyday Life. It is NOT to do it for people who are in an fMRI camera. And as brain implants are not yet free of bugs Exposed These people to a nearly unbearable pain That They must live with at all hours. Many cancer not cope with the pressure experiments Involved and elsewhere the final trials actually lead to Their Death, or are Them selves seen as the only way out, namely to commit suicide.
In this information letter in fact allows the SSCI (and guaranteed to SBI great displeasure) That Conducting illegal experiments on humans without Their consent, Which in fact is so dangerous That it kills!


More information is available at _www.stockholmbrain.se . Sure, they want to become a world leader in the cutthroat competition that exists, to any price, too. Probably SSCIs article soon to be removed from our website. Hence the great joy that had a chance to post it here on the blog so this one most important information is not lost!

The 'after-image' or deeper impression to my subjective perception relates to the human-powered machine reality in the Matrix movie. Seems this is inevitable if not interrupted now, judging by the website authors. As far as I'm concerned, the info about IBM's experiments redirecting thermodynamic entropy (wasted human energy) to power "our homes" clinches the impression of a "Matrix Reality" as what the authors want to communicate, either consciously or unconsciously.

But, of course, I could be wrong on any speculation.
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