'Missing 411', by David Paulides: Tracking unusual missing persons cases

kalibex said:
Troubling intimations from a closed facebook group I recently joined which covers esoteric and paranormal topics. An Ohio journalist (Andrew West Griffin) chimed in to a thread yesterday about the Missing 411 series to claim that, despite him having sent Paulides an e-mail communication that included a positive review of his 411 work, that Paulides' reply was an 'unprovoked' attack. When challenged by several group members for details, etc., he claimed that this had happened to more than one person who had corresponded with him.

My first knee-jerk thought: Classic defaming psyops activity. (Having an e-mail exchange that isn't what one had hoped it would be is not grounds for proclaiming semi publically that someone is 'not to be trusted' or is 'not a balanced guy'.)
My 2nd thought: And/or Griffin has an Issue with provoked self-importance or e-mail communication issues. Without seeing said correspondence, no way to know.
My 3rd thought: To be honest, I'd be surprised, given the.... delicate... nature of what Paulides is trying to do... if he wasn't dealing with considerable pressure, stress, etc. If he is...

...I just hope it isn't getting to him too much. :/

Well, as far as I can tell, as long as there is no proof presented by Griffin about this allaged "attack", it is nothing more then hearsay...

If there is really something to that story, it could very well be, that Griffin gave Paulides some nonsensical information (not helpful information9 to which Paulides responded in a rather irritated way, because he has certainly better stuff to do.

Paulides comes across as someone with a lot of fire, who works strictly in an investigative (like a very god cop) way, with provable and more or less down to earth data gathering. Paulides has probably to deal with a lot of nuts in the UFO/metaphysical/new age community every day, who tell him this or that. Certainly when you have to deal with so much blind believe and often openly crazy behavior out of that community, it is no wonder that Paulides would react to BS in a rather direct and confrontational way. That is how he comes across to me and it is no wonder that some would call that an "attack", while in reality it more likely that he gives BS what it deserves: the hard truth.
Pashalis said:
That is how he comes across to me and it is no wonder that some would call that an "attack", while in reality it more likely that he gives BS what it deserves: the hard truth.

That works for me - that the journalist probably couldn't 'take the heat', that his calumny is probably due to self-important spite.
Pashalis said:
That is how he comes across to me and it is no wonder that some would call that an "attack", while in reality it more likely that he gives BS what it deserves: the hard truth.

I agree. If you watch this video, especially the Q&A part, it is clear to see that Paulides is very tactful and careful when it comes to talking to people, especially families of victims. So he is not a man that would go on an "attack" so easily. Can't assume anything without knowing any details, so that's just a surface impression.
kalibex said:
...I just hope it isn't getting to him too much. :/

Just looking over all the recent U-Tube appearance's 2015. Plus convention activity's which all helps to promote his books, and raise the needed cash for his movie project.

It has got to be overwhelming the amount of travel that also include's late night and early morning talk shows on the web. Also perhaps with his ongoing investigations and research (with jet-lag) has the potential to make anyone a grumpy bear.

But no doubt there are going be the portals and shills that want to sweep this topic under the rug.

The economic impact if people came to really see the truth would cripple an already collapsed (in 2008) and bankrupt financial system. As this industry has a lot of accomplices under it's wings that feed off moneys of outdoor national parks recreation's.

Makes me wounder how many wall street concerns would be in on the harassment.

University of Washington
Seattle, WA
National park visitors inject billions into the US economy May 1, 2015
In 2014, more than the National Park Service hosted more than 292 million visitors. The system, which covers more than 84 million acres divided among 401 sites, includes some of the United States’ most iconic tourist destinations: the Grand Canyon, Mount Rushmore, Yellowstone, Yosemite, the Everglades. And when people visit those sites, they spend money. For the past 25 years, the National Park Service has been measuring and reporting the economic effects of park tourism. (The first data collection effort on visitor attendance itself was conducted in 1904, when six national parks reported 120,690 visitors.)

The latest report, covering the year 2014, has just been released by NPS and US Geological Survey researchers, along with a companion website that includes a variety of data visualizations.


The 292 million visits in 2014 represented an increase of nearly 20 million over 2013. In part, that’s because 2013 had a decline in visits owing to a 16-day government shutdown, closures in some parks for repairs following Superstorm Sandy, and the closure of the Washington Monument due to earthquake damage. However, 2014’s increase in visitation wasn’t entirely related to 2013’s slump: Joshua Tree, Rocky Mountain, Grand Teton, and Glacier national parks all saw record-breaking visitation.

Interestingly, the visitor spending report doesn’t actually cover money spent within the parks themselves. Instead, the report’s aim is to quantify tourist dollars spent in so-called “gateway regions,” which are defined as communities within 60 miles of a park. In that way, the report offers hard data on the ways in which the national park system contributes to the broader economy both in terms of dollar value and in terms of jobs.

As the chart below shows, while some folks choose to stay in an NPS-run lodge or campground, nearly a third of visitors choose to spend their lodging money at a hotel or motel outside of a park.

n total, park visitors spent nearly $16 billion in gateway regions; while the largest proportion of that money came from folks staying in a hotel or motel outside of parks, a significant chunk came from the nearly 16% of visitors represented by non-locals taking day trips to the park. Beyond lodging, significant dollars are on restaurants and bars, as well as on supplies at gas stations, grocery and convenience stores. And don’t forget souvenirs! While 2013 did see a dip in spending, visitors spent a billion more dollars in 2014 than they did in 2012.


The $16 billion in local expenditures directly supported almost 174,000 jobs and provided “secondary” support through an economic ripple effect (for example, an employee at a local business spending his or her paycheck in the local economy is a secondary effect) to another 103,000 jobs, for a total of some 277,000 jobs enabled by visits to US National Parks. That’s 35,000 more jobs than the park service supported, both directly and indirectly, in 2012. In other words, national parks are job creators!




Complete article at the link A-bove:

Just a few.

*NEW* Missing 411 Cases,
Published on Nov 13, 2015

David Paulides on Missing 411: A Sobering Coincidence (Pt 1 of 2) -
Sept 5, 2015
Where Did the Road Go? Radio

Published on Mar 31, 2015

Missing 411 David Paulides A Sobering Coincidence!
Paranormal Central
Published on Sep 8, 2015

Veritas Radio - David Paulides - Missing 411 - The Devil's in the Detail - Part 1 of 2
Published on Dec 18, 2014

Missing People 411/Art Bells 'Midnight in the Desert' Show - Preview Clip(2015)
Published on Sep 10, 2015

Meet David Paulides and Attend his Presentation:
Conscious Life Expo- Los Angeles, CA
February 19-22. 2016
Strange Disappearances Unveiled - CanAm Missing Project Compilation 2016
Published on Feb 8, 2016
CanAm Missing Project/Missing411 by David Paulides ~ LINKS BELOW
Website: http://www.canammissing.com/missing_4...
Missing411 Documentary (coming soon): http://www.missing-411.com/

TruthMediaRevolution 3 days ago (edited)
He has a full movie/documentary coming out in spring/summer. Should be great. Check links below
Here's hoping this isn't another mysterious Boston disappearance...

What was interesting on the thread via the link is you get the usual mix of instant, dismissive "Oh, it's young guys, drunk, what do you expect?" You also get a couple of "No; it's not that simple and the trend is weird and troubling" comments, either from the 'Smiley Face' hypothesizers, or maybe a few people who know of Paulides' stuff.

And finally you get, saddest of all (assuming it's legit), a comment from the bottom, from someone who says he knows the family:

THIS kid was abducted, there was no way around it. He was lured, coaxed then abducted as he is somewhat gullible/innocent.

kalibex said:
Here's hoping this isn't another mysterious Boston disappearance...

What was interesting on the thread via the link is you get the usual mix of instant, dismissive "Oh, it's young guys, drunk, what do you expect?" You also get a couple of "No; it's not that simple and the trend is weird and troubling" comments, either from the 'Smiley Face' hypothesizers, or maybe a few people who know of Paulides' stuff.

And finally you get, saddest of all (assuming it's legit), a comment from the bottom, from someone who says he knows the family:

THIS kid was abducted, there was no way around it. He was lured, coaxed then abducted as he is somewhat gullible/innocent.


Does open up another can of worms in Massachusetts. (• Latitude 41° 14′ N to 42° 53′ N • Longitude 69° 56′ W to 73° 30′ W)

Missing 411 Alternative / 4,000 Missing People in Michigan 2015 (• Latitude 41° 41' N to 48° 18' N • Longitude 82° 7' W to 90° 25' W)
Published on Oct 4, 2015
This Is a video that covers some of the almost now 5,000 missing people from Michigan.
Missing 411 Alternative / Invisible Forest Predators / What is taking people part 2

Edit: Dumped Double video.[/embed]
Personally I have just finsihed this book and it's by far better than Paulides'
AndrewHunt said:
Personally I have just finsihed this book and it's by far better than Paulides'

Looks interesting. What makes you say it's far better? What kind of explanations does the author give for the numbers of young men showing up dead in the water?
Paulides was on Coast to Coast again on March 23rd - it's a good session; good call-in questions.

  • He's aware of and tracking the feet that have been appearing, in shoes, on west coast beaches.
  • When asked if people have started notifying him of disappearances, he makes a point of saying that they only really are interested in the cases where it's obvious that it fits the type of profiles from his books...which I take to mean that it probably won't be helpful to send in info. prematurely when it's a disappearance but not enough details - yet - to know if it matches up.
  • One caller mentioned that sinkholes / lava tubes might be hidden and should be watched out for during searches. That, however, isn't a factor in the most recent disappearance - of a small child from his own yard, up in Canada.
  • Regarding Remote Viewers, Paulides says the the Remote Viewing community thus far, have not been willing to corresponding with him even after he has reached out to them... so he has not been working with them. (Hmm; have they been warned off from working with him because what they might see can't be told?)
  • He mentions that three e-mail correspondents independently recently opined that, after it was confirmed that there was no obvious cause of death, no marks, etc. on most of those found dead: "It sounds like they stole their soul."
  • One guy called in (of German descent!), and said he thought he almost got taken once - while running alone in a wooded area, he suddenly felt a sense of 'evil' - he immediately, instinctively turned around and retraced his steps, and ran out of the area, fled back to his vehicle and took off. He said the best way he could describe it was, that it was a Presence - almost as if someone were suddenly there whispering in your ear that they 'can do whatever they want to you....forever and ever and ever...'

That last bit sounds like a likely 4D STS attitude to me... :shock:

One interesting idea that same caller had was that it might be safer to go out into the wild accompanied by dogs... he thought you might need as many as three to be really sure. "When they stop...you stop."

As for to Paulides, he keeps going, as long as he keeps finding 'another spoke'. "Until I hit that wall where I can't find out any more...I'm going to keep looking."

Link to March 23, 2016 - Mysterious Disappearances & Patterns show: https://youtu.be/BqON6mkJlUc
kalibex said:
One interesting idea that same caller had was that it might be safer to go out into the wild accompanied by dogs... he thought you might need as many as three to be really sure. "When they stop...you stop."
It seems dogs offer no protection from these events, I think Paulides was asked this question before and he said that large number of missing were accompanied by their dog/s who also went missing :(
Z said:
kalibex said:
One interesting idea that same caller had was that it might be safer to go out into the wild accompanied by dogs... he thought you might need as many as three to be really sure. "When they stop...you stop."
It seems dogs offer no protection from these events, I think Paulides was asked this question before and he said that large number of missing were accompanied by their dog/s who also went missing :(

Dogs wouldn't offer protection. However, if there are early signs of danger, maybe their instinct, being less distracted, can pick them up. For example, if one walks toward some strange localized energy manifestation, maybe there is a chance to run away in some rare occasions, or if the person is not personally targeted.
mkrnhr said:
Z said:
kalibex said:
One interesting idea that same caller had was that it might be safer to go out into the wild accompanied by dogs... he thought you might need as many as three to be really sure. "When they stop...you stop."
It seems dogs offer no protection from these events, I think Paulides was asked this question before and he said that large number of missing were accompanied by their dog/s who also went missing :(

Dogs wouldn't offer protection. However, if there are early signs of danger, maybe their instinct, being less distracted, can pick them up. For example, if one walks toward some strange localized energy manifestation, maybe there is a chance to run away in some rare occasions, or if the person is not personally targeted.

If I remember correctly there was a case from John Keel's Mothman book, in which a dog ran straight to something that according to its owner had red glowing eyes. The owner stayed inside, and the next morning he followed the footprints of his dog, and the prints showed that his dog ran up to a certain point and then kept circling (as if he was chasing his tail), there were no other prints and the dog was gone. I'm thinking this could have been a 'window faller' event. Then there are some cases where dogs sensed danger and barked, I'd think this could give some warning to the owner and a chance to run/walk away like you said.

But with the missing events like the ones Paulides describes, that might be difficult as I think they can be quite instantaneous, one moment they're there, and the next they're gone! It would be difficult for dogs or other pets to signal 'danger' on time? If there is a strange energy manifestation, perhaps not all of them can sense this, or perhaps the manifestation comes and goes? I guess at least knowing the (type of) areas where these missing events occur the most, is important if you want to avoid it to happen to you and/or your dog!
Z said:
kalibex said:
One interesting idea that same caller had was that it might be safer to go out into the wild accompanied by dogs... he thought you might need as many as three to be really sure. "When they stop...you stop."
It seems dogs offer no protection from these events, I think Paulides was asked this question before and he said that large number of missing were accompanied by their dog/s who also went missing :(

SOTT currently carries an article which seems to corroborate this:

Palinurus said:
SOTT currently carries an article which seems to corroborate this:


A sad ending to this story - little Martens body was found about half a kilometer from his home. May he rest in peace. :(

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