Missing Children

Missing Children World Wide

Vulcan59 said:
Hi PepperFritz, I saw your comment in the original article at SOTT which made me want to look for more accurate numbers. Alas, I don't think it's going to be easy. I suspect that you might be right in stating that the figures are for, as you say, "children REPORTED missing".

.... how does one go about trying to get some accurate numbers?
I've done some research on the internet since then, and was not able to find ANY statistics on "children who are currently missing" and/or "children who went missing and were subsequently found to have met with foul play. The ONLY statistics relate to "children REPORTED missing". I really don't understand why that is. It certainly implies that law enforcement agencies really have NO IDEA how many children go missing due to foul play, in a given year -- or how many are currently missing under such circumstances.

At first I looked into the various non-governmental groups and agencies out there who keep databases and photos of currently missing children. An example would be the Missing Children Society of Canada, which currently has 53 children in its database. There is also the RCMP Missing Children Database*, which currently lists about a hundred kids. But that site carries the following proviso: "The only children appearing on this website are those which the respective law enforcement authorities request OMC to circulate. Therefore, out of all of the children who go missing yearly, only a few hundred appear here."


I just found a 2007 CBC news article titled Missing Children, which includes a table provided by the "RCMP Missing Children Registry". It suggests that in 2005, once you subtract all the kids were subsequently found to have run away, wandered off, met an accident, or were taken by a parent, there were around 14,000 kids missing due to "kidnapping" and/or "unknown" or "other" reasons. Not clear if those kids were STILL missing at the time the table was compiled, or just "REPORTED missing". I suspect the latter; otherwise, the RCMP's Missing Children Database, and the Society of Canada's Database, would way larger than they are, or so I think....

* http://www.ourmissingchildren.gc.ca/omc/about/search_e.htm
Missing Children World Wide

Yeah, how hard is it to give a simple number? All these reports don't answer the question. How many kids GO MISSING each year? Talk about missing the crux of the matter!
Missing Children World Wide

Here are a couple of good sites


on the second one:
click on "click for missing child alerts", then click on your state until you get the list for that state.

At least we have a database to search pictures, should anyone happen to see that child.

The first site is maintained for Polly Klaas, and is maintained by her father, Marc. The subpage
gives information on statistics, and has some valuable information.

Missing Children World Wide

Here is the relevant session from the transcript.
940716 said:
Q: (L) How can we protect ourselves and our children?
A: Inform them. Don't hide the truth from children.
Q: (L) How does truth protect us?
A: Awareness protects. Ignorance endangers.
Q: (L) Why tell children such horrible things?
A: They need to know.
Q: (L) What is the purpose of this project?
A: New life here.
Q: (L) Are the aliens using our emotions and energies?
A: Correct; and bodies too. Each earth year 10 % more children are taken.
Missing Children World Wide

Thanks, Vulcan, that's the session, it was actually the latter part that was brought to mind from the figures you posted, involving India:

940716 said:
Q: (L) Are the aliens using our emotions and energies?
A: Correct; and bodies too. Each earth year 10 % more
children are taken.
Q: (L) Do they suffer?
A: Some.
Q: (L) Do they all suffer?
A: Some. Bits of children's organs removed while they are
wide awake. Kidneys first; then next feet; next jaw examined
on table; tongues cut off; bones stress tested; pressure placed
on heart muscle until it bursts.
Q: (L) Why are you telling us this awful stuff?
A: You must know what the consortium is doing. This is done
mostly to Indian children.
Of course, just because it came through in a session does not mean it is true, but the Indian children comment brought it to mind. =(
Missing Children World Wide

Yes, I should have included the whole part up to where you stopped. But I had assumed that "Indian children" meant American Indian and not children from India. Just goes to show that one cannot assume anything. Still digging around to see if I can come up with more reliable data.
Re: Missing Children World Wide

Vulcan59 said:
Belgium - 2928 for year 2007

There are many indications of pedophilia networks in Belgium with ties very high up the hierarchy. The Marc Dutroux scandal is the most widely known, but stories about child abuse and sex orgies up in high circles go back to at least the seventies. Although several books have been published on the topics, the Belgian media remains mostly silent.
Re: Missing Children World Wide

[quote author=Out of the Box]There are many indications of pedophilia networks in Belgium with ties very high up the hierarchy.[/quote]

Unfortunately, you will find that this is the case in just about any country. And it figures once you realize that those in power are psychopaths.

I heard on a radio show once that the predators that are involved with pedophilia are people that you are supposed to look up to; i.e. politicians, priests, ministers, law enforcement, etc. And those are all places that you find psychopaths in their various forms.

And then, of course, you have your home-grown variety of psychopath, so that means that the guy/gal next door could be in on it, too.

It is a terrible situation. And you are correct in saying that the mainstream media keeps it quiet until their handlers direct them to inform the public of some politician or other that is now in the way and needs to be eliminated.

This is the world that has been created by psychopaths. :(
Re: Missing Children World Wide

Nienna Eluch said:
I heard on a radio show once that the predators that are involved with pedophilia are people that you are supposed to look up to; i.e. politicians, priests, ministers, law enforcement, etc. And those are all places that you find psychopaths in their various forms.

Maybe this is the way the puppet masters (international bankers) keep their puppets in control?!? They give them hedonistic pleasures and threaten to expose them if they no longer obey their masters....
Re: Missing Children World Wide

3-9 August was National Missing Persons Week here in Australia. I missed it, to be honest - only saw an ad on the side of a bus today.

Australian Federal Police said:
National Missing Persons Week is an annual event held in the first week of August organised by the NMPCC. The aim of the Week is to raise community awareness of the issues and impacts surrounding missing persons.

In 2008, the focus is on young people as a significant group at-risk of going missing. Out of the estimated 35,000 people who are reported missing each year, approximately 20,000 are under the age of 18.

There are various issues associated with young people going missing including escaping from violence, bullying, drugs/alcohol abuse, depression and rebellion. Communication plays a vital role in preventing young people from going missing and potentially finding them once they have become a missing person. As such, the tagline for 2008 campaign is “When communication goes missing, so does our youth. Don’t close the door to communication”.

It is interesting though - and AFP take the problem from the big-picture point of view. They talk about Missing Persons and children are a subset of that. Then they tend to analyse the root causes of the problem and speculate on possible ways to approach it. Proper stats usually follow - with actual numbers across states and time. Well, it's not all that great but there seems to be more effort in the Australian reports.

From what I saw at the above link, e.g., Missing persons in Australia (AIC, 2008), there are some numbers on missing children. Some of the older papers listed, have data for previous years as well. It appears that about 1% of missing children in Australia actually stay missing. The same seems to come out of the American papers as well - even though it is played down.

As far as the general trends in Australia go, the hint is that the numbers are on the increase. But there could be a combination of factors happening here.

In any case, the issue of missing children should probably be considered in the general context of missing persons. That's where Oz seems to be taking it anyway. Also, they stopped using estimates a while back, instead involving the law enforcement and getting actual head counts. Even if they are categorised slightly differently, that's a lot better, no?

We might not get actual numbers but perhaps we could estimate and extrapolate by looking elsewhere for hard data.
Re: Missing Children World Wide

Nienna Eluch said:
[quote author=Out of the Box]There are many indications of pedophilia networks in Belgium with ties very high up the hierarchy.

Unfortunately, you will find that this is the case in just about any country. And it figures once you realize that those in power are psychopaths.

I heard on a radio show once that the predators that are involved with pedophilia are people that you are supposed to look up to; i.e. politicians, priests, ministers, law enforcement, etc. And those are all places that you find psychopaths in their various forms.

Yes there seems to be at least two reasons explaining why there are so many high ranking individuals in those paedophiles rings.

One obvious reason : there's a positive correlation between hierachy ranking, psychopathy occurence, and deviant sexual activitivies.

There's also another reason, the pedophile rings target and trap influencial/useful people (particulalry judges, police officers, ...)

Regina Louf (witness X1 in Dutroux trial) describes this process : the target is first invited to a normal private party : a lot of alcohol and beautiful girls, then 18 years old girls approach him and arouse him, then he's told that he will have a surprise in a upstairs room, aroused and drunk he goes to the room and meet a minor girl who will try to seduce him (because her master have taught her and obliged her to do so). Most targets don't turn back here.

Their interaction will be taped, the blackmail starts and if they want the ring to remain "discrete" they will have to do want the ring wants them to do.

In addition to the BBC documentary linked above, there's also an interesting interview of Regina Louf made by the French television (only available in French unfortunately).
Re: Missing Children World Wide

Belibaste said:
Regina Louf (witness X1 in Dutroux trial) describes this process : the target is first invited to a normal private party : a lot of alcohol and beautiful girls, then 18 years old girls approach him and arouse him, then he's told that he will have a surprise in a upstairs room, aroused and drunk he goes to the room and meet a minor girl who will try to seduce him (because her master have taught her and obliged her to do so). Most targets don't turn back here.

Their interaction will be taped, the blackmail starts and if they want the ring to remain "discrete" they will have to do want the ring wants them to do.

In addition to the BBC documentary linked above, there's also an interesting interview of Regina Louf made by the French television (only available in French unfortunately).

Obviously Regina Louf has been dismissed as a nutcase by the mainstream media and Belgian justice. Nevertheless, some authors have pointed out that her testimony fits the known evidence in many key areas. She's also but one of many X-witnesses, most of whom were never exposed to the Belgian public.
American Indian Abductions

Does anyone know why the C's told Laura that american indians are abducted more than anybody else in one of her first sessions when she was asking how many times she was abducted???
Re: American Indian Abductions

LIV said:
Does anyone know why the C's told Laura that american indians are abducted more than anybody else in one of her first sessions when she was asking how many times she was abducted???

The C's didn't say "American Indian" but Indian children. Check this topic out. :)

Re: American Indian Abductions

thanks a bundle vulcan59 :) :) :) :) :)
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