Monarch - A Documentary

When I look at these documentaries it does sometimes make me despair at our situation. There appears to be such a one sided balance in the tools they have to destroy our minds & bodies I just fail to see where the universal balance is. Not only do we have the predators mind to deal with internally, which can take a life time to gain control of, they also have these external tools to torment us. I sometimes wonder aloud can our programs of EE and gaining awareness through knowledge really counter act both our predator within and these external weapons, it just sometimes seems too one sided. Given the current state of our planet it really is hard to see any great conscious awakening to tackle these psychopaths, if it is not possible to shine some light on these despicable practices and get them destroyed how do we counter? Sorry for the negative thoughts but this is what I see at the moment and I sometimes struggle to see the answers.
Although Monarch immediately brought butterfly to mind, I overlooked the OTHER connotation of the name - ROYAL monarchs and their succession down through generations! Reading more from Freeman's Hollywood mind control segment brought that realization:

After checking out of Eric Clapton’s Crossroads Centre (named after Robert Johnson’s deal with the devil) Britney Spears walked into Esther’s Hair Salon and said, “I want my hair shaved off.” “While I was talking to her body guard,” hair-stylist, Esther Tognozzi said, “she grabbed the buzzer and started buzzing her own hair off. … She buzzed off all her own hair and I just cleaned it up when she was done with it.” Spears showed little emotion as she chopped off her brunette locks.
After leaving the salon, Spears headed to the Body & Soul tattoo parlor in nearby Sherman Oaks, Calif. She got two tattoos there, a black, white and pink cross on her hip and “cute little lips on her wrist”. When a Body & Soul employee looked at the pop star in disbelief and asked why she shaved her head, Spears said, “I don’t want anyone touching me. I’m tired of everybody touching me,” “The hair represents the stylists, the handlers, people who are in control of her life and manage her looks,”

Coincidentally, Britney’s first tattoo was of a butterfly with a vine, symbolic of the genealogy of the Monarch(y) program. This was followed by a black pentagram and one of the 72 Kabbalistic Hebrew names of God, which is said to have been misspelled.

Another striking coincidence is that in 1998, a large, sinister child-pornography network called the Wonderland Club, named after the “patron saint of pedophiles” Lewis Carrol, was raided in 22 states and 13 foreign countries; over 200 people were involved. It was reported that over 1250 children had been offered up by their own parents and that the photos and videos showed many who had suffered appalling injuries and were seen sobbing uncontrollably. Most of the children were under 10. Disney star and “anti-panty” friend of Britney, Lindsay “Al Gore will help me” Lohan checked into the posh Wonderland Center in Los Angeles last month.
When Arizona Wilder wanted to escape her handlers in the Satanic cult, the Mothers of Darkness, where she held the position of ritual Mother Goddess, she cut off her hair and dyed it brown, then defiled her body. The order wants their high slaves to be pristine. Arizona has presided over blood rituals that included personalities such as, the British royal family, George Bush, Henry Kissenger, Hillary Clinton, Rothschilds, Hapsburgs, Bob Hope, and Rupert Murdoch. The Mother Goddess also conducted Satanic ceremonies in France involving Pope John Paul II. Our current Pope, now known as Pope Benedict XVI, was elected on the 116th anniversary of Adolph Hitler’s birthday and is none other than former German Nazi Joseph Ratzinger.

Most of the bloodlines of the elite are kept hidden, such as Hitler’s connections with the Rothchilds, Bush’s connection to Crowley and Walt Disney, the Dark Prince. “Uncle” Walt was a bastard child that grew up in an abusing home. Much like Hitler’s mother and the Rothchilds, Walt’s probable mother, Isabelle, was brought to work at the Disney home as a maid in 1905. Disney became an FBI asset through 33rd degree Freemason, J. Edgar Hoover. Disneyland and Disney World have both been reported as being used in what Springmeier calls “Princess Programing” to create high level sex slaves.

The main topic at the studio by the staff during different time periods was Walt’s bizarre behavior– he would not be available until late afternoon, when he would emerge from the studio’s subterranean maze of tunnels, where supposedly he was “chatting with the maintenance engineers” everyday. Now, what are the odds that three ex-Mouseketeers have made so many high profile symbolic gestures? Behind Disney’s good front, seems to lie hard porn, snuff films, white slavery, Illuminati mind-control, and the seduction of several generations into witchcraft. This puts a whole new spin on the essence behind Pinocchio.

Britney had just been at the Grammy’s with fellow Mouseketeers, Christina Aguilera, and Justin Timberlake, along with Prince and Madonna. Each of these Mouseketeers have been in a high profile occult ritual; one at the Mtv Awards and one at the Super Bowl.


Top CBS executives approved a musical skit where Janet Jackson would expose her breast during the MTV-produced Super Bowl half-time concert, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned. “The decision to go forward went to the very top of the network,” a well-placed source explained from New York. The groundbreaking scene came during the most-watched television broadcast of the year. During half-time at the 2004 Superbowl, Janet Jackson exposed her nipple ring adorned breast with Justin Timberlake. The nipple ring was a sun, made of gold. This is the ancient symbols of the goddess and god. Venus and Mars, Ishtar and Marduk, Inanna and Utu, whichever you choose to call them, the attributes are the same. You will find the goddess bearing her breast, as in Lady Liberty, and the male is worshiped as the Sun and gold is his metal, while silver is the metal of the goddess and she is worshiped as the moon.

Madonna is in reality a mind-controlled slave who has appeared in numerous underground porn and ritual porn movies; including Madonna performing an actual blood sacrifice. During an Arsenio Hall show, Madonna, who as a guest acted dissociative, was picked up by the cameras during the show kissing her Baphomet ring. In the ritual performed at the MTV Awards, Madonna dressed in a Worshipful Master’s top hat, raised the two Mouseketeers, Britney and Christina, to their new level within the order with a lesbian wedding sealed with a kiss.


Britney and Christina opened the VMA show dressed like brides singing Madonna’s classic hit “Like a Virgin,” which then segued into Madonna’s new song “HollyWood” as Madonna stepped out of the wedding cake wearing a modified tuxedo. What ensued was a drag show of sorts in which Madonna was the “groom” and Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera were the virginal brides, culminating in a french-kiss between Madonna and Britney, and then between Madonna and Christina. During the performance Madonna’s dominance was clearly established through the body language and interaction between her and Britney and her and Christina. She frequently put her hands on Britney’s and Christina’s bodies, both possessively and intimately–stroking Britney’s face, putting her hand on her Britney’s hip, putting her face against Christina’s thigh as she pulled the garter off Christina’s leg. Madonna, Britney, and Christina weren’t playing tender, lovesick lovers, they were playing raunchy, in-lust lovers.The San Francisco Chronicle described the event as Madonna “dressed like a dominatrix bridegroom…french-kissing both Aguilera and Spears like a she-dog marking her territory” When asked, “What does it feel like to be kissed by Madonna?” Spears responded that “this is something I’ve dreamt about since I was a little girl. I cannot believe this just like freakin’ happened. I am on a major high right now. I feel very cool.”

Britney was not the first famous female shaved head. She follows the likes of Demi Moore, who had a Kabbalist wedding with Ashton Kutcher, she had her head shaved as part of military trauma-based mind control in the film, G.I. Jane, and Natalie Portman who had her head shaved as part of the trauma-based mind control in the movie V for Vendetta based on the graphic novel by occultist Alan Moore.

Madonna made a midnight pilgrimage to a Jerusalem cemetery , holding a mystical candlelit ceremony at the grave of Kabbalist sage Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag
So affected by her faith in Kabbalah, Madonna felt she must change her name to go with her belief. She has adopted the Hebrew name of Esther. Do you remember the name of Britney’s hair salon? Esther was a Jewish girl who lived with her uncle Mordecai (who adopted the orphaned girl). Esther is derived from Ishtar (Estar), Akkadian for the Evening Star. The Book of Daniel provides accounts of Jews in exile being assigned names relating to Babylonian gods and “Mordecai” is understood to mean servant of Marduk.

Freeman goes on which I thought I would post. We have all witnessed these bizarre events and they certainly beg for explanations. I really don't know how valid Freeman's explanations are, but they certainly provide food for thought. That Walt Disney isn't the wholesome fellow I thought he was is yet another reality illusion blown to bits. And of course his whole Magic Kingdom is the ultra child magnet - beyond disturbing that it may be connected to the sickening evil that's being revealed. :shock:
More about Esther:

The Order of the Eastern Star is the largest fraternal organization in the world that both men and women can join. It was established in 1850 by Robert Morris, a lawyer and educator from Boston, Massachusetts who had been an official with the Freemasons. The emblem of the Order is a five-pointed star. Each of the woman had a place on the star, the downward-pointing, white ray points to the West. This is the place of Esther.
* Adah (Jephthah’s daughter, from Judges)
* Ruth, the widow
* Esther, the wife
* Martha (sister of Lazarus, from the Gospel of John)
* Electa (the “elect lady”, from II John), the mother

Esther can also be understood to mean “hidden” in Hebrew. Esther is most likely related to the Median word for myrtle, astra.
In his work, The Illuminati Formula Used To Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave under the section titled Trauma. Fritz Springmeier says that many Illuminati mind-controlled victims remember a special ritual torture device that is put inside of them that causes excruciating pain and is most likely made of myrtle or Esther. Springmeier goes on to state that Zsa Zsa Gabor, Jayne Mansfield, and Marilyn Monroe, who were girlfriends of Anton LaVey (Head of the Church of Satan) and President Kennedy, were Presidential Model mind-controlled sex slaves. Jayne Mansfield was high priestess in the Church of Satan. Anna Nicole wanted to be like Marilyn. Prince Frederick von Anhalt said, “She wanted to be a princess.”

Princess Diana and Playmate Marilyn Monroe both were born on the first of the month and died at the age of 36 in August. They both married on the 29th of the month to men twelve years older. Marilyn called herself the Queen of Diamonds and Diana the Queen of Hearts. Semiramis (Ishtar) was called the Queen of Heaven (also Rhea), the Virgin Mother of the Gods, and sometimes known as Great Mother Earth. She was also worshipped under the name Astarte ‘the woman who made the towers’.

There’s no doubt that Crowley had a huge effect on our music industry. All of the people discussed in this article are admited kabbalists; Jimmy Page lived in Crowley’s house on the Loch Ness and has the largest collection of the beast’s works. Crowley shows up on the Beatles’ Sgt. Pepper album and the Scarlet woman is at the bottom. The Rolling Stones play on Occultist/intelligence agent, Ian Fleming’s 007 when they announce they are “On Her Majesties Satanic Service.” Madonna was the first to step forth and boldly claim she is practicing Kabbalah. Of course, now the name Madonna is equated with a whore Lillith, Thelema, Ishtar.
Serial killer David Berkowitz, known as Son of Sam, wrote of the Satanic group, which orchestrated the killings, in a letter to a minister. He said:
“…this group contained a mixture of Satanic practices, including the teachings of Aleister Crowley and Eliphas Levi. It was blood oriented…The coven’s doctrines are a blend of Druidism, teachings of the secret order of the Golden Dawn, black magic, and a host of other unlawful and obnoxious practices…
…Satanists are peculiar people. They aren’t ignorant peasants or semi-literate natives. Rather, their ranks are filled with doctors, lawyers, businessmen, and basically highly responsible citizens…They are not a careless group who are apt to make mistakes. But they are secretive and bonded together by a common need and desire to mete out havoc on society. It was Aleister Crowley who said: “I want blasphemy, murder, rape, revolution, anything bad.” Programmed To Kill
Aleister Crowley or the Beast 666 is without question, the most influential occultist of the twentieth century. The Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.), a secret society formed in Germany around 1895 that claims to be a direct line of descent from the Knights Templar, became a major force in the occult world when Aleister Crowley became its leader, but his true passion was to continue where the Golden Dawn had left off. In 1906, Crowley joined George Cecil Jones in England, where they set about the task of creating a magical order they called the A:.A:. (Astron Argon or Astrum Argentium or Silver Star), and it became the primary vehicle for the transmission of Crowley’s mystical and magical training system of Thelema, the scarlet Woman. Crowley was British military intelligence and a 33rd degree Freemason.

That EE can put a stop to these terrible atrocities being committed right under our noses is beyond fantastic. It also emphasizes the great evil we are up against and the lengths they will go to fulfill their agenda. I've always despised horror films, and yet, here I am, right smack in the middle of one with no way out - except to breathe.
No offense, but it sounds to me like Freeman is really reaching with this stuff. Britney and Lohan are just nuts - getting into the entertainment industry young will do that. From what I understand Britney shaved her head to remove any traces of drug use that could be found in her hair since at the time her husband threatened her with drug testing to keep the kids. I realize there is a level of ritualistic society that controls things and there are bloodlines and all that, but - sometimes - a cigar is just a cigar and truly messed up people are just truly messed up people. I don't think Freeman does anyone any favors by using such a broad brush and seeing 'baphomet's hand' behind everything that goes on in the entertainment industry. I'd even go so far as to say he's really muddying the waters.
The documentary was a bit choppy in the way it was put together, but the information and some of the testimonies makes sense. Mind control, using certain frequencies to alter chemistry, using human guinea pigs to test out the technology.

What really irks me though, is that I'm not surprised. The disgusting tactics and experiment methods that are being used on children, adults alike, the torture tactics, the purposeful intent to rip somebody's mind apart so that they can put it back together the way 'they' want to.

It's a horrible thing when knowing how our civilization really works and operates, actions like these stop becoming a surprise. I hope enough people start waking up, and that these sicko's who engage in this type of technology and experiments get what's coming to them. This may be petty of me, but I really hope the PTB and their henchmen pay for their actions, but pay in a very slow, painful process. We're supposed to be the most advanced species living on 3D earth, but we can't even treat our own children with basic care and respect. That's what really makes me angry, is little kids are tortured. They can't even defend themselves!! These people have no honour, no dignity, they really are lower than dirt. I insult dirt by comparing them to dirt!
I used to think all the crazy stuff in pop culture was just over the top shenanigans for the purpose of personal promotion even if it also seemed very highly self-destructive. I imagine most people view it that way as well. I certainly prefer that scenario to the alternate one - a lot less scary. But then there's the whole Anna Nicole saga - she gives birth to a baby girl, her adult son dies, she dies, and then a paternity fight ensues that involves claims by Zsa Zsa Gabor's husband, Prince Frederick von Anhalt of Germany. According to Freeman:

"Russian historical archives confirm that Prince Frederick von Anhalt was born Robert Lichtenberg in 1943 in Berlin, but not to the German Royal House of Anhalt, but rather as a result of the experiments conducted by the Nazi Scientist German Doctor Carl Clauberg, which puts Prince Frederick in the direct bloodline of the Austrian Schicklgruber’s. Schicklgruber is the actual name of Adolph Hitler."

That is just scary weird. I just so hope that little baby girl is safe and unharmed.
JEEP said:
"Russian historical archives confirm that Prince Frederick von Anhalt was born Robert Lichtenberg in 1943 in Berlin, but not to the German Royal House of Anhalt, but rather as a result of the experiments conducted by the Nazi Scientist German Doctor Carl Clauberg, which puts Prince Frederick in the direct bloodline of the Austrian Schicklgruber’s. Schicklgruber is the actual name of Adolph Hitler."

That is just scary weird. I just so hope that little baby girl is safe and unharmed.

So, does Freeman provide actual data to back this stuff up?
Anart said:
So, does Freeman provide actual data to back this stuff up?

Freeman has the following linked to two words in the sentence about experiments conducted:

February 10, 2007

Hitler Bloodline Linked To Child Of American Icon Anna Nicole Smith

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

In a World that continues to become more bizarre by the day, today we have before us, occurring in the United States, a virtual replay of the great European Royal bloodline battles of the late 19th and early 20th Centuries, and complete with mysterious ritual deaths and children holding the balance of power in a World gone mad.

This particular one involves an American Icon known by many in the West from her ‘stage’ name Anna Nicole Smith, but whose real name is Vickie Lynn Marshall, the surviving wife of the late Fascist oil baron, and Hitler devotee, J. Howard Marshall.

Since the mysterious death of Vickie Lynn Marshall, this past week, the United States propaganda media organs have been in ‘overdrive’ pumping out for their masses of citizens almost complete non-stop coverage of what on the surface appears to be a young troubled woman of virtually no note, of no notable accomplishments, other than her fractured fairy tale of a life that saw her soar to Icon status by virtue of her looks and complicated public life.

Unknown to these masses of people, however, is that the importance being placed upon Vickie Lynn Marshall lies not with this troubled young woman, but lies instead with her infant daughter Dannielynn Hope Marshall Stern, who was born on September 7, 2006, and who after being born suffered the death of her brother Daniel Wayne Smith three days later on September 10, 2006.

(It is important that we note these dates of September 7th and September 10th due to their importance to the European Royal Houses, especially in light of the birth of Dannielynn Hope Marshall Stern coming the day after the date in the proleptic Julian calendar the current era in the Maya Long Count Calendar started in 3114 BC, and to which these Royal Houses hold great significance in the ending date of December 20, 2012.

September 10th is an equally important date for these Royal Houses as it was on this date, in 1898, that the ritual murder of the Empress Elisabeth of Bavaria occurred, and which began the ‘final countdown’ towards all out World War, beginning first with the Russian-Japanese War in 1904, and not ending (in its first phase) until 1923 when the final armistices were signed ending World War I, and which also began World War II.)

To the actual bloodline of the infant child of Vickie Lynn Marshall, Prince Frederick von Anhal of Germany has now claimed parentage, and as reported in the Western Media. This is highly significant as the ritual death of Vickie Lynn Marshall has occurred in the same ‘cycle’ as that of Spain's Princess Letizia, and who, likewise, ‘mysteriously’ died this past week at the age of 31.

The significance of this claim lies in who Prince Frederick von Anhal of Germany really is, and his actual bloodline.

Russian historical archives confirm that Prince Frederick von Anhal was born Robert Lichtenberg in 1943 in Berlin, but not to the German Royal House of Anhal, but rather as a result of the experiments conducted by the Nazi Scientist German Doctor Carl Clauberg, and whose work we had previously touched upon in our January 7th report titled "Daughter Of Adolph Hitler Vows To Complete European Union", and which puts Prince Frederick in the direct bloodline of the Austrian Schicklgruber’s. (Note: Schicklgruber is the actual name of Adolph Hitler)

(The animosity between the Hitler Regime of Nazi Germany and the Family Lichtenberg arose over Prince Frederick’s uncle Bernhard Lichtenberg who while Provost of Berlin for the Catholic Church stood fast against the Nazi’s, even to his death in a cattle car in 1943 while being transported to the Dachau death camp.)

As with all of Hitler’s ‘children’, Prince Frederick has been, likewise, protected throughout his entire life by the European Royal Houses, including his adoption by Marie Auguste Princess of Anhalt, and his current marriage to the former Hungarian Hapsburg Princess Sari (Zsa Zsa) Gabor.

Even more intriguing in these matters are the paths that both Prince Frederick and Princess Gabor took in their journey to the United States from the battlefields of Europe, and which were directed by none other than the late husband of Vickie Lynn Marshall, J. Howard Marshall, who in 1933 was the Assistant Solicitor at the US Department of Interior under the direction of the American Secretary of the Interior for President Roosevelt, Harold L. Ickes, and who was best described by the famous US Congresswoman Clare Boothe Luce as:

“A man who has “the mind of a commissar and the soul of a meat axe.”

Unknown to the vast majority of Americans is that the Nazification of their Nation began in 1933 with what their history calls the ‘Business Plot’, and which brought to power J. Howard Marshall, Harold L. Ickes, and the powerful Bush Family, one of whose decedents is currently the American President, is currently described in this strange fashion:

"Purported details of the matter came to light when retired Marine Corps General Smedley Butler testified before a Congressional committee that a group of men had attempted to recruit him to serve as the leader of a plot and to assume and wield power once the coup was successful.

Butler testified before the McCormack-Dickstein Committee in 1934. In his testimony, Butler claimed that a group of several men had approached him as part of a plot to overthrow Roosevelt in a military coup. One of the alleged plotters, Gerald MacGuire, vehemently denied any such plot. In their final report, the Congressional committee supported Butler's allegations on the existence of the plot, but no prosecutions or further investigations followed, and the matter was mostly forgotten."

To the greater truth, however, of this coup is not its apparent failure, but is instead its triumph, and as we can even read as reported by the American Nazi Harold L. Ickes in his 1943 book titled “The Autobiography of a Curmudgeon”, and reflecting upon the monster he himself helped unleash upon the American people:

"We should never forget that, in an era of unrest, a demagogue even as fantastic as Hitler first appeared to be can develop at such a pace that, before we realize it, he is beyond our catching.

There are men here, and in England and in France as well, who believe in their hearts that a dictatorship is more desirable than democratic self-government. Given a brutal dictator such as Hitler, union labor could be "put in its place and kept there." In the thought of some of our prominent citizens, including persons inside of Congress, and even within our administrative agencies, the "place of labor" is at a machine for long hours at a bare subsistence wage.

A dictator would also make short shrift of the farmers who think that they ought to have at least a decent living out of their long hours of sweaty toil. There are those among us who, without compunction, would reduce free-born farmers to the serfdom to which Hitler has consigned, in Europe, men who live on and by the land.

That types of American big business and concentrated wealth are not afraid of a dictatorship, even such a one as Hitler's, is attested by recent shocking disclosures with respect to secret and intimate business alliances between them and German big business-alliances that deliberately strike at the common man."

Today in the Western World their lies an infant of Royal Blood whose mother and brother have been sacrificed, who is now claimed by the European Royal Houses, whose lineage through her mothers late husband traces the rise of Fascist America since 1933, and who, perhaps, most importantly is the harbinger of that date feared throughout the World, December 20, 2012, and which more than anything else the birth of Dannielynn Hope Marshall Stern seems to be the harbinger of.

This is a child, and indeed a saga, for us to pay great attention too as more of the ancient myths become modern news stories.

© February 10, 2007 EU and US all rights reserved.

[Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the United States except those coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, of which we are not one. No interviews are granted and very little personal information is given about our contributors to protect their safety.] [/quote]

This seems to leave a lot to be desired, but at least it's something. The Cs have indicated that the US will be a repeat of the Nazi scenario. Whether this saga actually has anything to do with that is sheer speculation at this point. One thing is for sure, it was more than a little shocking that Zsa Zsa's husband made a claim to be the baby's father.
I think that one needs to be very careful here, sorting wheat from chaff, evidence from speculation, and over-the-top claims designed to make the whole thing ridiculous from what can be verified, even if only circumstantially.
JEEP said:
Anart said:
So, does Freeman provide actual data to back this stuff up?

Freeman has the following linked to two words in the sentence about experiments conducted: said:
February 10, 2007

Hitler Bloodline Linked To Child Of American Icon Anna Nicole Smith

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

In a World that continues to become more bizarre by the day, today we have before us, occurring in the United States, a virtual replay of the great European Royal bloodline battles of the late 19th and early 20th Centuries, and complete with mysterious ritual deaths and children holding the balance of power in a World gone mad.

This particular one involves an American Icon known by many in the West from her ‘stage’ name Anna Nicole Smith, but whose real name is Vickie Lynn Marshall, the surviving wife of the late Fascist oil baron, and Hitler devotee, J. Howard Marshall.

Hi Jeep. Having checked out Sorcha Faal's articles a few times, I think it's pretty safe to declare it disinfo. Basically, what SF usually does is grab a bunch of articles which are indeed interesting but then proceed to connect them in such a way as to create a complete sensational fiction out of them. Usually the wildest "revelations" will not come from any of those sources, but from Sorcha's alleged "Russian intelligence sources" or some esoteric monastic order with which s/he is supposedly acquainted. If Freeman is linking Sorcha as a source, then I'd say that is as good as not linking to anything at all - or perhaps worse than that.

As for the Monarch video itself, I watched it a few days ago and it was very hard to stomach it. It caused me a great deal of anxiety. While I'm usually skeptic, everything I saw rang true to me, as it checks with other documentaries and sources this forum has come across in the past. Horrendously evil stuff. :shock:
Thanks Windmill Knight for that info about Sorcha Faal. This is why I present these things on the forum in order to get insights as to what is wheat and what is chaff. The global reach available here far exceeds my own.
Shijing said:
Was that little girl about 2/3 of the way through basically being raped? That's the impression I got, but the quality was poor enough that I wasn't absolutely sure. That was pretty horrible to watch.
I think you saw/interpreted that right. It was horrible and now burned in my mind.

I have been wondering about the clips in this video and especially the repetition of clips where it doesn't seem to make sense to me.
I can't shake the sense that somebody is doing some transmarginal inhibition experiment on the viewer through this video.

While watching, I thought several times:
- I wouldn't make this video like this if I wanted to convey this type of information.
- it doesn't make sense with respect to the narrative to show this clip here
- this clip was horrible, why did they have to show it again?

I'd like to hear if you thought/felt any of the above.
domi said:
I think you saw/interpreted that right. It was horrible and now burned in my mind.

I have been wondering about the clips in this video and especially the repetition of clips where it doesn't seem to make sense to me.
I can't shake the sense that somebody is doing some transmarginal inhibition experiment on the viewer through this video.

While watching, I thought several times:
- I wouldn't make this video like this if I wanted to convey this type of information.
- it doesn't make sense with respect to the narrative to show this clip here
- this clip was horrible, why did they have to show it again?

I'd like to hear if you thought/felt any of the above.

Actually, since you bring it up, I couldn't watch the whole thing. I stopped it - it was very disturbing and I got the impression the repetitive images/scenes were repeated either unnecessarily or for a reason that wasn't 'good'. I tend to be hypersensitive to such things, though, so it could have been an over-reaction on my part.
anart said:
domi said:
I think you saw/interpreted that right. It was horrible and now burned in my mind.

I have been wondering about the clips in this video and especially the repetition of clips where it doesn't seem to make sense to me.
I can't shake the sense that somebody is doing some transmarginal inhibition experiment on the viewer through this video.

While watching, I thought several times:
- I wouldn't make this video like this if I wanted to convey this type of information.
- it doesn't make sense with respect to the narrative to show this clip here
- this clip was horrible, why did they have to show it again?

I'd like to hear if you thought/felt any of the above.

Actually, since you bring it up, I couldn't watch the whole thing. I stopped it - it was very disturbing and I got the impression the repetitive images/scenes were repeated either unnecessarily or for a reason that wasn't 'good'. I tend to be hypersensitive to such things, though, so it could have been an over-reaction on my part.

I quit watching this also, for similar reasons. I then put the audio on iPod so I could just listen, but the narrator's voice alone also bothered me- too detached and with an almost hypnotic quality (at least that is how it affected me). Since I wasn't really hearing anything I haven't already read about, I gave it up.
domi said:
I can't shake the sense that somebody is doing some transmarginal inhibition experiment on the viewer through this video.

While watching, I thought several times:
- I wouldn't make this video like this if I wanted to convey this type of information.
- it doesn't make sense with respect to the narrative to show this clip here
- this clip was horrible, why did they have to show it again?

I'd like to hear if you thought/felt any of the above.

I went ahead and watched the whole thing so I could report the results. I agree with Domi's assessment. I observed myself being lulled into a sleep-like dissociative state due to the hypnotic induction at the beginning. The narrator spoke with what seemed like verbal accents at about 65 to 70 beats per minute, in a very boring style and definitely used the us/them split with disturbing scenes and information.

Afterward, I noticed bodily sensations of discomfort accompanied by a thought train consisting of ideas like 'don't say anything', 'it won't matter', 'if you attract attention, we'll find you', 'when we find you your life is over', 'there's nowhere to hide', 'you won't even know it', etc., etc. If I had been a newbie at discovering this kind of stuff, I'd probably have been scared away from any more investigation.

So, yeah, I'd say if it wasn't an experiment in transmarginal inhibition, it was at least an hypnotic experiment encouraging paranoia, fear and apathy.

Hypnotherapist Milton Erickson once wrote that speaking at the speed of the heartbeat and being very boring is one of the most powerful trance induction techniques, since the conscious mind soon loses reality anchors. I would tend to agree.

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