Musing of a worker bee.

No need to dare, been there, done that, and mostly still there ;(

Your analogy makes very little sense to me. It's like you daring me to cut my wrist, while I am capable of doing that, question is why would I want to do that in the first place ??? Do I even need to come up with explanations or reasons why I do not want to do that ?

I am confused about the point you are trying to get across, I do not get it.

I did not mean by physical harm. I meant by the way you act.

My friend introduced me to an interesting experiment. A guy hired a private investigator to find him. He left everything behind and paid this private investigator to find him. Guess how long it took for him to be found? A week!

The guy was surprised. He did not use his mobile. He did not use his credit cards. The investigator had no access to cctv cameras. Yet he found him. At the end the investgator/team of investigators said it is because they studied this persons life. They knew about him. About his likes and dislikes. About all this things that make him who he is based on what they could find about his life. They used this to build a profile of him and from this profile they could narrow down there search and after a week found him.

Very interesting documentary to watch.

So you say, you are not a slave. You are free. But how can you be free if you cannot break from the things that make you, you. Not your physical stuff, but your thought profile and such. So that is why I said, I dare you. Do it! Is it possible?? How truly Free do you think you are?

Me and my friend had this discussion, we thought it was interesting. He put forward what he would have done inorder not to be found. But then, what you would have done is inturn based on your thought profile...

Like for you, you went straight into cutting your wrist. Maybe you are a radical kind of guy. Maybe you view yourself as radical. Who else but a radical person would think about cutting there wrist? So this is how I meant as slaves. You have little or no choice to change yourself. You can try...

How does this relate to work... Because well, how else are you meant to change if not through work. I wonder if there is any other alternative?

Again am sorry about my babbling.
mr premise said:
You seem to be feeding on attention. Can you see how that might be the case?

No no I dont see but you and nienna now have told me so I think there is some truth to this and I think everyone seems to be in agreement. Tell me how then, if I see I can change the way I am. Otherwise how am I meant to change what I cant see?

Please be gentle with me. I feel bad now. I didnt mean to attract so much animosity/ridicule. Or maybe it is the case of rescuing those I am feeding off from me if that is the case, so in this case i suppose what I feel is of no importance.

I dont know which is which but I am sure you will decide. I just hope I am not somekind of vampire type person.
luke wilson said:
I did not mean by physical harm. I meant by the way you act.

luke wilson said:
Like for you, you went straight into cutting your wrist. Maybe you are a radical kind of guy. Maybe you view yourself as radical. Who else but a radical person would think about cutting there wrist? So this is how I meant as slaves. You have little or no choice to change yourself. You can try...

Ehhh... it is an analogy to your 'dare' which made little sense to me.

luke wilson said:
So you say, you are not a slave.

Never said that.

luke wilson said:
How does this relate to work... Because well, how else are you meant to change if not through work. I wonder if there is any other alternative?

Let me ask you this, how do you suppose to wake up & get out of bed(and this is analogy), if you do not open your eyes, remove blanket and stand on your feet ?

NO ONE WILL DO THIS FOR YOU. Is hard to do ? May be. But that's what you need to do to get out of bed. Sure you have an alternative to wait where you get thrown out of bed and wake up (natural disaster, etc) or remain in bed. But if I want to get up, I'd rather rely on own capabilities. Waiting and exploring an alternative of getting up out the bed process makes no sense to me if getting up is what I want to do.

luke wilson said:
My friend introduced me to an interesting experiment. A guy hired a private investigator to find him. He left everything behind and paid this private investigator to find him. Guess how long it took for him to be found? A week!

The guy was surprised. He did not use his mobile. He did not use his credit cards. The investigator had no access to cctv cameras. Yet he found him. At the end the investgator/team of investigators said it is because they studied this persons life. They knew about him. About his likes and dislikes. About all this things that make him who he is based on what they could find about his life. They used this to build a profile of him and from this profile they could narrow down there search and after a week found him.

Very interesting documentary to watch.

What is your point ?

By the speed, frequency and lengths your responses, it seem you give very little thought & considering as far as what is being said you by others. Not to mention disrespectful.
luke wilson, have you read "In Search of the Miraculous"?

There you will learn that you are a machine, like everyone else. Your thoughts, actions etc. are results of reactions to stimuli from outside (and/or inside). Everything you say, do, think, etc. it all just happens. You don't have control over yourself. So there is no "one person" (in you) consciously deciding what to do, or what to think etc., but rather a machine being controlled by "several persons" (each gaining control depending on different stimuli). One person in you thinks this, and the other person thinks that, etc. and thus many times they contradict each other, without even noticing.
Some of these ''other selves'' could be seen as programs in you that have been created throughout your life (or lives) and are being blocks to your self-development (if not seen and recognized), and in order to develop and grow, we should learn about these programs and learn how to try to delete them or atleast understand them and not let them run, so that in the end what could be left is our true Self, or close to it. Doing EE regularly will also help with this.

One of the keys is to be able to step out from yourself and observe these persons as they take control of your body, so to speak. This way you can create an "observer I", so that you can observe yourself as you go to work, go to school etc. but sometimes you can't always see clearly what you're doing and why, and that is why this forum is for. Because many times others, who also do the Work, might see things you have missed, or you have misunderstood etc.

Perhaps your first step should be to analyze yourself first, before you start asking philosophical questions and trying to figure out how the Universe works like. I think in your case it is more important to First know/learn more about luke wilson, about you.

How is one going to think about questions, such as, why is there work?, before even knowing his own machine (atleast to some extent), cause if you don't it will only be chaotic.

The first question should be; who is luke wilson? And I think this thread is a good start in starting to know yourself a bit better, if you're open for that.

luke wilson said:
Please be gentle with me. I feel bad now. I didnt mean to attract so much animosity/ridicule.

Don't identify yourself with the predator. The predator feels bad and ridiculed. I think the true warrior in you who wishes to grow would be grateful for these kind of replies, for they are honest and are great mirrors for you to help in your self-development and self-knowledge. Of course it's understandable that it feels like a shock, but then again, growing without sacrificing or without having pain is almost inevitable. What is more important, your self-development or your ego?

So the things that are controlling you, in a sense, is the predator aka programs aka different I's/persons, in other words, you are not in control.

What is more important now?:
Learning more about yourself or
Wondering why there is 'work' and why everything is so hard, as you think about this with a mindset out of control?
Are you talking about the work in everyday life that is horrid, School, job, training for competition and so on?

If you are talking about work in everyday life as being horrid I can relate to what you are saying. Yes waking up at 5:30am to commute into a city to sit behind a desk until 6pm take the train home and have 2 or 3 hours to yourself (most of those hours you are thinking about work) before you have to do it again can be horrid. But this is the path that one chose. If this person believes his or her daily work to be horrid then they were asleep when choosing their career path.

If you live in the US then this is the society that you have to except. If you want to have shelter, food and clothes then you have to work in order to make money. But if you know yourself and can use discernment when choosing work - then your work will more to your liking.

In your title Musing (Thought) of a worker bee - I get the picture of mindless bees working for the rest of the hive/queen they are all asleep. It is a safe and comfortable and familiar to the bee to go out look for supplies and then return to the hive. The bees are mindless - what happened if one bee said "I wonder what else is out there" Left the hive and went out on its own? I feel like this bee would have read this site lol or was the only conscious bee in the hive. The problem is there are more uncounsouse worker bees in society then thinking bees they are asleep and because of this these people get sucked into horrid work - but that was their choice. The information on this site can be used to avoid horrid work.

(I also replied to your other post – did you read it?)
luke wilson said:
No, it's just a discussion. Just harmless talking.

Perhaps it will help clarify things for you to realize that this forum is not for 'harmless talking'. It is not a chat room. It is a research forum.

You have a consistent tendency to post long posts that prompt feedback (energy) from people. Granted, the people who respond to you choose to do so, to 'feed' you - but their responses seem to change nothing in your thinking - you continue on as before. This indicates that you are merely feeding on their energy, not utilizing information to transform your thinking and yourself.
Hi luke,

If you may, I will go back to your first post, in which you ask why is working making you suffer. I must admit I hardly get it : if you find that working is causing you so much pain then WHY are you doing it? Is this because you've read on some books, on this forum or whatever other places that you ought to work in order to free yourself ? Are you really doing this for YOU ? Because if the choice of working doesn't come from deep within you, then your are just forcing yourself and this I can understand if it feels this hard. But as Oxajil said, to discover the nature of your work (i.e of YOUR path ) you have to SEE yourself in every aspect of your being, may they be good or bad.But I'm sure you already know that good/bad is purely a subjective concept, so no need to worry I'm sure you'll do just fine.

While you start digging, the work comes naturally, and as the C's say it will tend to be more and more effortless, for work SHOULD be effortless.

Let me ask you this: if someone teaches you how to meditate in a sitting position, but you have a serious low back injury, would you just sit down and suffer , yelling to everyone " this work is so awful!" or would you search the right position that will ease your pain and make the meditation just fine ? Because what is the goal? Pure sitting or pure meditation ?

So, find the pain(s) ,find the position(s), and YOUR work will flow.

Good luck !
Hi luke,

Originally, I thought you were talking about work as in effort. Your initial post was discussing the difference between the things that seem to come easily, naturally, without effort, like waking up and falling asleep (which, for many, actually can be quite difficult, although not for you. But I digress). I thought I was even following you, although the trail of your thought process was a little unlinear, which I figured might be related to difficulty in communicating what you were feeling.

I wanted to tell you that you reap what you saw - you get out of life what you put in.

But then, when you said:
luke wilson said:
My definition of work is something that goes against your beings well-being.

You lost me.

If one is in the creative flow, the path that is appropriate for the specific individual, there will be few obstacles in their way. However, if one follows a path of allowing the universe to chose for them, or makes conscious decisions based on ego gratification or catering to the multitude of programs and emotional wounds, then one will find obstacles and constant struggle.

Imagine that humans might have once lived in a world free of worry or concern, where effort didn't involve emotional suffering, where nobody took advantage another. That world might have not involved "work" in the sense of what you are describing. But that is not our current world. Out current existence in this space/time is corrupted and manipulated by a predator. We now carry foreign programs in our mind as a species that are to our detriment.

If you choose to not work, then you will constantly come back to the very same spot until you learn this lesson, at least according to karma and reincarnation, notwithstanding soulsmashing and the end of your essence at the hands of STS sources.

This is your choice. You can work hard and suffer, never learning on a psychic or soul level but maybe a little intellectually, or you can direct that effort to your soul's benefit and learn on levels beyond your comprehension. In a sense, faith is required to direct your energy. But faith requires great objectivity and discernment, as the traps are many.

luke wilson said:
mr premise said:
You seem to be feeding on attention. Can you see how that might be the case?

No no I dont see but you and nienna now have told me so I think there is some truth to this and I think everyone seems to be in agreement. Tell me how then, if I see I can change the way I am. Otherwise how am I meant to change what I cant see?

You do that by the Work. Reading the material, looking within yourself, not asking questions and expecting others to feed you information. That gets you nowhere because you still have not looked within to "see" yourself and how you affect others.

luke wilson said:
Please be gentle with me. I feel bad now. I didnt mean to attract so much animosity/ridicule. Or maybe it is the case of rescuing those I am feeding off from me if that is the case, so in this case i suppose what I feel is of no importance.

This is nothing but manipulation and a pity ploy. If you have read the material suggested to you and actually applied it to yourself, you would know this. Instead, you write copious amounts of posts asking questions that are, basically, nothing but noise.

luke wilson said:
I dont know which is which but I am sure you will decide. I just hope I am not somekind of vampire type person.

Really? If that were the case, you would be busy reading and looking at yourself doing the Work to try to clean your machine and be a more conscious individual.
luke wilson said:
Omg it's nice that this is on the front page of SOTT today.

Oh who else can relate??

I actually thought of you directly while I was reading that article last night. It is a great speech. :)

luke wilson said:
It is nothing as grand as talking about what 4d sts forces are upto or what pyschopaths are busy cooking up or comets, or the history of the world.

I think that this discussion relates to those topics far more than you think. For that is what these forums are for in a sense, because the topics you mentioned affect us all. Especially in the sense of the conditioned behaviors we are raised with. That you believe 'what 4d sts forces are up to' is not relevant to why you are feeling the way you do is something you may wish to consider re-examining.

luke wilson said:
My friend introduced me to an interesting experiment. A guy hired a private investigator to find him. He left everything behind and paid this private investigator to find him. Guess how long it took for him to be found? A week!
Very interesting documentary to watch.

Do you have the name of this? I'd be interested in watching.

luke wilson said:
Please be gentle with me. I feel bad now. I didnt mean to attract so much animosity/ridicule. Or maybe it is the case of rescuing those I am feeding off from me if that is the case, so in this case i suppose what I feel is of no importance.

I think it is very safe to say that nobody here has expressed any animosity or ridicule in your direction. We are simply trying to see what is really there behind your words, and help you with same. I agree with what everyone else has said, especially Anart, but know that nobody is 'attacking' you, simply making observations as objectively as possible.

Thank you for being brave enough to share your thoughts as honestly as you are able to, and for being open to the observations of others even when they disagree with your programming.
luke wilson said:
Again am sorry about my babbling.

Luke, I have to say that I have come to the point with your posts where I don't want to read any more because I find it exhausting. It would be externally considerate of you to clarify and condense what you want to say, and in that way you could reduce the noise level of your posts. I think anart's recent post is worth serious thought and reflection:

anart said:
Perhaps it will help clarify things for you to realize that this forum is not for 'harmless talking'. It is not a chat room. It is a research forum.

You have a consistent tendency to post long posts that prompt feedback (energy) from people. Granted, the people who respond to you choose to do so, to 'feed' you - but their responses seem to change nothing in your thinking - you continue on as before. This indicates that you are merely feeding on their energy, not utilizing information to transform your thinking and yourself.

You know, I've posted things that later made me cringe with embarrassment. But that is an incredibly useful learning tool. You wrote that you are sorry about your babbling. What can you learn from this? You've received a huge and generous amount of feedback, much of it pointing out your tendency to post every little thought that pops into your head. As yet you don't appear to have learnt from this feedback.

Jason said:
I think it is very safe to say that nobody here has expressed any animosity or ridicule in your direction. We are simply trying to see what is really there behind your words, and help you with same. I agree with what everyone else has said, especially Anart, but know that nobody is 'attacking' you, simply making observations as objectively as possible.

This is an accurate assessment, to which I will add that people here care deeply about the real Luke, as evidenced by the amount of freely given objective feedback.

I suggest that next time you have a thought about a topic, spend at least three days researching and reading about it before you post to the forum. For example, Gurdjieff speaks volumes about Work. Have you read In Search of the Miraculous by P D Ouspensky? It is a core text for understanding the Work of this forum, and deeply thought-provoking. After you have read and researched and come to some conclusions of your own, then present the results of your research and reading. The forum won't disappear in the meantime!
The universe is about balance. If you have a period of no-work, it must be balanced by a period of work. What you achieve is exactly balanced by what you put into it. Most people work and suffer without knowledge, they have no control over where, when, or how they work or don't work. Doing the work to be free merely gives you the option of choosing how balance will manifest in your life, it does not free you from work.

There are those that resent this and seek always to go back to sleep; they live in wishful thinking that a universe could exist where everything is effortless; that path is called STS. Perhaps it is yours?
Hi Luke,

You have already received more than enough feedback if you would pause, reflect and absorb. Yet your initial post in this thread prompted a few thoughts. First, from a certain perspective this entire planet can be viewed as being such a "labor camp" as you rant and rave against. It all depends on attitude.

Second, I share the following with the hope it might strike a chord with you because it appears to me your resistance leads you to fighting a futile battle. Exhausting was the word used already, which is what happens when we cling to our perceptions and resist the natural flow of things. Sometimes there is pressure that causes us to voice pent-up frustrations, but after that release of pressure, where are we now?

with kind regards.

On Work

Kahlil Gibran

You work that you may keep pace with the earth and the soul of the earth.
For to be idle is to become a stranger unto the seasons,
and to step out of life's procession, that marches in majesty and proud submission towards the infinite.

When you work you are a flute through whose heart the whispering of the hours turns to music.
Which of you would be a reed, dumb and silent, when all else sings together in unison?

Always you have been told that work is a curse and labour a misfortune.
But I say to you that when you work you fulfil a part of earth's furthest dream, assigned to you when that dream was born,
And in keeping yourself with labour you are in truth loving life,
And to love life through labour is to be intimate with life's inmost secret.

But if you in your pain call birth an affliction and the support of the flesh a curse written upon your brow, then I answer that naught but the sweat of your brow shall wash away that which is written.

You have been told also that life is darkness, and in your weariness you echo what was said by the weary.
And I say that life is indeed darkness save when there is urge,
And all urge is blind save when there is knowledge,
And all knowledge is vain save when there is work,
And all work is empty save when there is love;
And when you work with love you bind yourself to yourself, and to one another, and to God.

And what is it to work with love?
It is to weave the cloth with threads drawn from your heart,
even as if your beloved were to wear that cloth.
It is to build a house with affection,
even as if your beloved were to dwell in that house.
It is to sow seeds with tenderness and reap the harvest with joy,
even as if your beloved were to eat the fruit.
It is to charge all things you fashion with a breath of your own spirit,
And to know that all the blessed dead
are standing about you and watching.

Often have I heard you say, as if speaking in sleep, "He who works in marble, and finds the shape of his own soul in the stone, is nobler than he who ploughs the soil.
And he who seizes the rainbow to lay it on a cloth in the likeness of man, is more than he who makes the sandals for our feet."
But I say, not in sleep but in the overwakefulness of noontide, that the wind speaks not more sweetly to the giant oaks than to the least of all the blades of grass;
And he alone is great who turns the voice of the wind into a song made sweeter by his own loving.

Work is love made visible.
And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy.
For if you bake bread with indifference, you bake a bitter bread that feeds but half man's hunger.
And if you grudge the crushing of the grapes, your grudge distils a poison in the wine.
And if you sing though as angels, and love not the singing, you muffle man's ears to the voices of the day and the voices of the night.

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