My beloved cat is missing

Oh, I'm delighted and you can say it again, what a terrific happy new end, and for your dog also. It´s well worth a new regency era book titled 'Taming a rake disguised as a Cat Lord'. :lol:

What you're describing resembles how my cat, El Gordo, would reappear after one of her marathons, she was skinier, albeit with some light bruises, whether caused by attempting to escape or fighting in order to attract the attention of some beautiful female, I'll never know, cats aren´t prone to revealing her secrets so easily, they´re like astute masters putting on poker faces.
What wonderful news Jhonney. I have had kitties go missing for a period of time but they always have returned eventually. Probably a deep seated need to exert their kitty independence from time to time. So happy for you. He is a super looking cat. :-)
Have you considered putting a collar on the cat, or another form of identification? It could help in the future if someone found the cat.
Collars are bit problematic with cats. If they are very strong they can potentially be dangerous as cats like to squeeze through very narrow spaces and with collar they can easily get stuck or even get strangled in extreme cases. On the other hand if the collar easily comes off they shed them even when grooming.
I can imagine what you've gone through, jhonny! So glad Nacho returned to both of you and Toby. Probably richer for some worthwhile experiences. If you could read his thoughts maybe you could really write a romance novel like "Conquering the Heart of Lady Grace (graceful cat lady)". Or something like this ;-D

Such a wonderful happy ending (something desperately needed right now). 😻
Just to let you know that Nacho is back! After six days he returned a bit skinny, but no wounds or injuries. I'm very happy, and now I'm aware that this can be repeated, I just hope every time he goes away, he will always come back home.

It felt like reading a romance novel... a happy end :-)

This is very good news.

The next time he stays out for a couple of days and he returns with a scent of perfume you can be sure he's been spending time with the neighbor's lady... 🙋‍♀️
Collars are bit problematic with cats. If they are very strong they can potentially be dangerous as cats like to squeeze through very narrow spaces and with collar they can easily get stuck or even get strangled in extreme cases. On the other hand if the collar easily comes off they shed them even when grooming.
I guess different strokes for different folks. My cat lived over 15 years in my home with a collar, and he went outdoors whenever he wanted. There were a handful of occasions when he got the collar off, and it was no big deal. We put the collar back on. It's not something that happened every week or month.

The collar/ID protected against the problem of a cat being found and shipped off to a pound/shelter/humane society to await death/euthanasia. That's where we adopted the cat to begin with, to rescue him from death.
Just to let you know that Nacho is back! After six days he returned a bit skinny, but no wounds or injuries. I'm very happy, and now I'm aware that this can be repeated, I just hope every time he goes away, he will always come back home.

It felt like reading a romance novel... a happy end :-)
Yay!!! I'm so happy for you! Many blessings! If you don't mind me suggesting, please do some blood work on Nacho to discard any infections he may have gotten. 🐱🍰🐈💞
Just on the subject of collars, one of our cats has one because he’s an expert when it comes to catching birds and there’s only so many days in a row that you can wake up to a kitchen full of feathers, so we got it for the bell.

But we were a bit apprehensive about it because we didn’t want him getting it stuck on a tree branch or a fence something. So we get him quick-release collars that snap open easily enough with minimal force.

He’s actually on his fourth one, which he’s had for a while now. But even though they’re quite nice collars, it doesn’t matter to us how many he loses. The fact that he’s returned home without them sometimes just lets us know that they work and they do the job they’re supposed to do.

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