My Favourite Things

Beautiful topic and exercise to focus on the good stuff. Thank you @SlipNet.

my good stuff list:
bathtubs (my new home has one :)
salt water and the sea
starry night skies
fire stoves
camp fires
making stuff from wood (simple furniture)
a chat with a good friend, with whom you can share some silence too
small children, too :)
true mothers and fathers (I´m always in awe, if I have the rare chance to encounter such)
writers, musicians, painters, who inspire the soul
beauty (within the eyes of the beholder)
the forum :)
I would love to be an avid journal writing person, I think it would be the most helpful practice I could pursue, I write to myself in my head but never on paper- why don’t I make myself??? That’s a good question.

Keeping a journal is a beautiful thing. It's more than a diary, it's an opportunity to stretch out and be creative in how you think about life. I've jotted poetry, short stories, memories and impressions, ink drawings and sketches, old anecdotes, it's never ending. And seemingly never exhausted, I always find new stuff to write about. It provides a useful counterpoint to networking on here, or on X. I'd recommend buying a nice hardbook journal. A solid book for solid thoughts. Having a hard cover solidified in my mind the need for quality insight, it just provided for me the impetus to push myself more. Challenges are fun, after all.

There’s a time of day where life is sweetest, it lasts a few minutes - dusk and dawn. I don’t know what it is about those times of day but it feels really serene and peaceful, the birds playing and singing so happily.

I suffer insomnia and am often still awake before dawn. I just can't stop my mind from acting up. But listening to the dawn chorus from the birds in my place always lulls me into sleep. There's a stillness in that moment that is truly unique. It feels like nothing is happening but everything is possible. Which is a wonderful state of mind to be in.:-)

Sport - whether watching or participating, sport has brought much joy to my life. I was signed to West Ham between ages 10 & 16, didn't quite make the grade but played non-league and have started and run a couple of successful and decent standard amateur teams.

That's great! You must have been both a skilful player and a competent athlete. I was an intelligent player, but a poor athlete, so I'd generally get worn out over the course of a game. I've since played 6 a side games and I can pace myself in a game better in that environment. Just jogging around, putting out fires and providing flicks, that was my game. I tend to think that athleticism has overpowered talent in pro soccer. Some of the original genius of the game has been lost. Just my impression after 40 years of following footie. Where's the modern Diego Maradona? We don't produce legends like him anymore.

The natural beauty of Britain - I am in love with the land, if not the nation. Nothing moves me like the British countryside.

I live on the west coast of Wales, and I have the Pembrokeshire coastline within miles of my home. A good coastal walk is exhilarating and empowering. I'm a real sucker for a good dramatic coastline view. Britain is a beautiful land, stricken with a rotten ruling class structure. The crop circles of the last 30 years suggest that we don't have long to go before we face our collective karmic reckoning. I'm hopeful that living on the west coast we might just avoid the worst of the karmic global blowback.

Tobacco - no explanation needed. I smoke either Pueblo or American Spirit, bang on. Oh, and another reason to love Bulgaria is you can smoke everywhere, and everyone smokes!!

Strong tobacco rules! I don't get any buzz from mild virginia types, but Pueblo or American Spirit hit the spot. We're an endangered species in the UK, us smokers, but we're not going anywhere, it's our lives and we'll live them how we see fit. Countries like Bulgaria and Greece give me hope that us smokers will eventually rise above the stupid anti-smoking propaganda. Often I take buses where I live as I don't drive. If someone approaches me for a light as I wait at the bus stop, I always smile. We feel like a hardy sub-culture in Wales. I've been a smoker since 1998 and interestingly I never cough or wheeze. Between 1978-89 I suffered terrible asthma and wheezy coughs. I don't know if taking up smoking had any positive effect but it's certainly done no harm, and I feel better as a person.
Slipnet, thank you for the thread! It has been a joy to read, and a joy to consider.

Let’s see.. a few of my favorite things…

The smell of old books! And also the smell and general feel of the libraries I visited as a kid and used book stores in my area.

Pretty rocks - I have a modest gemstone collection and started doing some amateur wrapping with silver wire when I like one enough to wear it. Labradorite is a particular favorite - the way it is so dull and unassuming until you give it a little tilt toward the light.

Antique stores and, more specifically, rifling through boxes of old postcards. I don’t often buy things, but I can always excuse a postcard.

I haven’t gardened in a few years now, but it made me very happy when I did. When I did my first successful seed saving and brought those plant babies up to grow in the sun, that was very rewarding.

Finding feathers in places I walk regularly

My family of course, and my daughter’s ability to understand and play music on woodwinds, and the way my husband will stop dead in his tracks when we stroll down the gravel road because he saw a rock that caught his eye.

A cat curled up on me while purring 💞

The first days of spring when the sun seems so bright and you can feel your skin drinking it up because it has been so many cloudy months. Right now we are on the cusp of that and I am so ready, lol.

American Spirit tobacco, as well! And the time that partaking allows for listening to the wind in the trees or a good long star-gaze.

I will leave it at that for now. And I will leave my latest postcard treasures and my happy chunk of labradorite here for anyone who might enjoy 😊


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my good stuff list:
bathtubs (my new home has one :)
salt water and the sea
starry night skies
fire stoves
camp fires
making stuff from wood (simple furniture)
a chat with a good friend, with whom you can share some silence too
small children, too :)
true mothers and fathers (I´m always in awe, if I have the rare chance to encounter such)
writers, musicians, painters, who inspire the soul
beauty (within the eyes of the beholder)
the forum :)

A few of these jump out at me too, thanks for sharing. Silence, that's a good one. We are assaulted by noise seemingly constantly in our society. Finding those quiet times in places of peace, yeah that's an important aspect of life. To find those perfect moments of stillness, it can be so therapeutic.

Agreed on bathtubs too. I can't get on with showers, it feels like you're being assaulted by a jet of water. A good hot bath is as much about muscular relaxation as it is about getting oneself clean.

The Forum too, how could I not list that? I suppose I included it in amongst conspiracy websites in my mind. This place is pretty much priceless to me, a haven in a cultural maelstrom. Between 1999-2003 I was an obsessive searcher of UFO news online. Then I found Cassiopaea, and then subsequently in 2006 I found the forum. Easily one of the best life discoveries for sure.
The smell of old books! And also the smell and general feel of the libraries I visited as a kid and used book stores in my area.

There's nothing like the overall vibes that go with an old book. I even like it if a previous reader has pencilled in comments on the margins too. I like the idea of a book as an artefact, having some history, and previous owners are obviously part of the continuum. I have some old John Keel books that carry the aroma and vibe of an older time for sure. Some serious minds had gone through those books before I picked them up on the second hand market. I suppose with aged physicality comes an added mystique. You can't get that with Kindle.

The first days of spring when the sun seems so bright and you can feel your skin drinking it up because it has been so many cloudy months.

We're just on the cusp of spring here in the UK too. We've had plenty of sunny days recently, though it's still cold at night. Brighter evenings, warmer days, it's a great time to savour the seasonal changes. Makes me think of "Here Comes the Sun" by The Beatles.
We're just on the cusp of spring here in the UK too. We've had plenty of sunny days recently, though it's still cold at night. Brighter evenings, warmer days, it's a great time to savour the seasonal changes. Makes me think of "Here Comes the Sun" by The Beatles.
Yes, Here Comes the Sun is a springtime anthem, for sure! The first time I ever listened to Abbey Road, I was in high school. Would have been the spring of 2001 probably. I had it on loop while I worked on this intense geometry project over spring break. So now, when I hear any of the mid to end tracks, I get a perfect visual of how to cut out a cone’s surface area from construction paper and tape together a 3D model 😂

And yes about older books having a certain mystique. I think I like old books just as I like antiques. I’ve often daydreamed about going on an archeological dig - this is probably my way of living the dream. The last antique shop I visited had an unabridged dictionary from 1910. It was a monster! It was essentially a cube, due to the volume of pages. The cover was barely hanging on though, and it was sitting o it’s own pedestal. I would have brought it home with me if I had a safe place for it. The hands it must have passed through - and the linguistic bounty it contained. I was amazed!

Thanks again for this, SlipNet. It’s always a pleasure chatting 😎
There’s a time of day where life is sweetest, it lasts a few minutes - dusk and dawn. I don’t know what it is about those times of day but it feels really serene and peaceful, the birds playing and singing so happily.
Yes, in French it is named "l'heure du loup" ou "entre chien et loup" that means between dog and wolf, It's usually dawn or dusk, at the end of the day, when it's particularly difficult to distinguish things with the naked eye and, as the saying goes, a time when you couldn't tell a dog from a wolf.

It's the time of day I also love, when everything seems suspended, there's a kind of quietude, a special sound, and it's brief, it passes quickly. And when we're lucky enough to be outside at that moment, we feel an energy emanating from everything around us, as if a door were opening onto another dimension where everything is calm, rested, and filled with tranquility.
Keeping a journal is a beautiful thing. It's more than a diary, it's an opportunity to stretch out and be creative in how you think about life. I've jotted poetry, short stories, memories and impressions, ink drawings and sketches, old anecdotes, it's never ending. And seemingly never exhausted, I always find new stuff to write about. It provides a useful counterpoint to networking on here, or on X. I'd recommend buying a nice hardbook journal. A solid book for solid thoughts. Having a hard cover solidified in my mind the need for quality insight, it just provided for me the impetus to push myself more. Challenges are fun, after all.

I suffer insomnia and am often still awake before dawn. I just can't stop my mind from acting up. But listening to the dawn chorus from the birds in my place always lulls me into sleep. There's a stillness in that moment that is truly unique. It feels like nothing is happening but everything is possible. Which is a wonderful state of mind to be in.:-)

That's great! You must have been both a skilful player and a competent athlete. I was an intelligent player, but a poor athlete, so I'd generally get worn out over the course of a game. I've since played 6 a side games and I can pace myself in a game better in that environment. Just jogging around, putting out fires and providing flicks, that was my game. I tend to think that athleticism has overpowered talent in pro soccer. Some of the original genius of the game has been lost. Just my impression after 40 years of following footie. Where's the modern Diego Maradona? We don't produce legends like him anymore.

I live on the west coast of Wales, and I have the Pembrokeshire coastline within miles of my home. A good coastal walk is exhilarating and empowering. I'm a real sucker for a good dramatic coastline view. Britain is a beautiful land, stricken with a rotten ruling class structure. The crop circles of the last 30 years suggest that we don't have long to go before we face our collective karmic reckoning. I'm hopeful that living on the west coast we might just avoid the worst of the karmic global blowback.

Strong tobacco rules! I don't get any buzz from mild virginia types, but Pueblo or American Spirit hit the spot. We're an endangered species in the UK, us smokers, but we're not going anywhere, it's our lives and we'll live them how we see fit. Countries like Bulgaria and Greece give me hope that us smokers will eventually rise above the stupid anti-smoking propaganda. Often I take buses where I live as I don't drive. If someone approaches me for a light as I wait at the bus stop, I always smile. We feel like a hardy sub-culture in Wales. I've been a smoker since 1998 and interestingly I never cough or wheeze. Between 1978-89 I suffered terrible asthma and wheezy coughs. I don't know if taking up smoking had any positive effect but it's certainly done no harm, and I feel better as a person.
I was not athletic enough, in the end. I was, in old fashioned money 'a ball playing centre half.' And from time to time getting run ragged by super fast and athletic centre forwards of the type you describe lol. I know your type of player, I think. Matt Le Tissier comes to mind man, not athletic but man o man what a footballer. Dying breed as you say and we're poorer for it. That being said, I'll add another to my list of favourite things:

Leo Messi - divine footballing talent
I know your type of player, I think. Matt Le Tissier comes to mind man, not athletic but man o man what a footballer. Dying breed as you say and we're poorer for it.

Here's a few of my fave footballers from my time watching the game. The one's I'd pay to watch:

Socrates: A genius midfield playmaker for Brazil in the 1982-86 World Cups. He was a 20 a day smoker, hardly ever ran, but was so gifted in terms of vision and ball control.

Roberto Baggio: So unlucky never to have won a World Cup, between 1990-94 he was truly amazing.

Matt Le Tissier (or Le God): Yeah man! He could create a goal out of nothing. Sublime first touch, and an exceptional finisher. And he had the physique of an admin assistant!:lol:

John Barnes: Probably the most creative player I've ever seen in the domestic game. He could create, score, track back, could finish with either foot, even a good header. In the Liverpool team of 1987-90 he was unstoppable.

Lothar Matthaus: A dynamo of intensity and energy, with a deadly shot. And insanely competitive!

Diego Maradona: Simply put, the finest footballer I have ever had the pleasure of seeing. Built like a miniature tank, with incredible awareness and balance. He was so strong too, back in the 80s those defenders dished out some real ultra-violence.

Zinedine Zidane: The complete midfielder. Vision, control, poise, and a deadly finisher. He had it all. I was so angry with him in the 2006 WC Final though! I wanted France to win that one...

Ronaldinho : A fabulous individualist. His skills on the ball were breathtaking. He played pro soccer like it was a street game.

Paolo Maldini: I had to include my favourite defender in here too. He could play any position in the back line, and never look out of place. Elevated defending into an art form for me, just class all round.

I could go on and on, but that's enough from me for now. :lol:
Paolo Maldini: I had to include my favourite defender in here too. He could play any position in the back line, and never look out of place. Elevated defending into an art form for me, just class all round.
:thup: :thup: :thup: :thup:

I hate watching football on TV but I recall this guy as being quite powerful at the time! As an Italian myself, he was a guy I liked much!
:thup: :thup: :thup: :thup:

I hate watching football on TV but I recall this guy as being quite powerful at the time! As an Italian myself, he was a guy I liked much!

Football today isn't as exciting as in previous eras. It's more systematic now, before it felt to me there was more freedom of expression with the ball. I'm glad you remember Maldini fondly though. He was a strong athlete, and he was gifted with additional ball playing skills, and he played pro soccer for AC Milan in Serie A all his career, until eventually retiring at 41 years of age! Amazing! Most players get worn out by the age of 32. So he clearly looked after himself well.
Football today isn't as exciting as in previous eras.

Yeah you're right. It became a very materialistic thing (I won't expand on this one, it has been stated enough I believe), unfortunately.

I really respect football because it is really something when you play it for real. It's just a full sport, team spirit and it's physically requiring. I believe that one has to do it for real in order to figure that out - otherwise we would be bound to an "idea".

It's cool that you like Maldini too, I believe he was kind of iconic! Thank you for the thread, it gathers a lot of supporters and positive comments! Here is a foot ball ! ⚽
Yeah you're right. It became a very materialistic thing (I won't expand on this one, it has been stated enough I believe), unfortunately.

I really respect football because it is really something when you play it for real. It's just a full sport, team spirit and it's physically requiring. I believe that one has to do it for real in order to figure that out - otherwise we would be bound to an "idea".

It's cool that you like Maldini too, I believe he was kind of iconic! Thank you for the thread, it gathers a lot of supporters and positive comments! Here is a foot ball ! ⚽
Italy produces utterly brilliant and iconic defenders. I don't why man, it just does... They are normally very handsome and stylish as well
I really respect football because it is really something when you play it for real. It's just a full sport, team spirit and it's physically requiring. I believe that one has to do it for real in order to figure that out - otherwise we would be bound to an "idea".

Discovering playing football was life changing back in 1986 for me. I was a bookworm, and artsy. Through this sport I got to know many different people in school that I'd previously not spoken to. It was hard but fun, and the elation when you play off a great pass to a team mate, or even score a goal? Just a wonderful experience.

Italy produces utterly brilliant and iconic defenders. I don't why man, it just does... They are normally very handsome and stylish as well

Yes, in all my time watching football no other country comes close when it comes to great defenders. Italy is just a stylish nation full stop. Back in the 80s and 90s, Serie A was THE place to go for world class football. They're slipping a bit in recent times, but they still have the pull of history with them. Italy invented "catenaccio" after all. The art of defending well, then using the ball intelligently to set up a counter-attack.

Anyway, I'll not derail the thread into the metaphysics of football any longer, but I felt compelled to respond! :cool2:
Italy produces utterly brilliant and iconic defenders. I don't why man, it just does... They are normally very handsome and stylish as well

Franco Baresi! He was only 5ft 9in tall, and he was the commander of the defensive line for Italy for a good 15 years. It's difficult to stress how good he must have been to prosper in that football milieu. A massive player and tenacious character in a great Italian team. You'd never see a guy under 6ft playing in defence in an international team today. As a reader of the game he was unrivalled.

That's it, I'm done now. This is the Cass Forum after all, so no more football diversions, lol.:lol:
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