Keeping a journal is a beautiful thing. It's more than a diary, it's an opportunity to stretch out and be creative in how you think about life. I've jotted poetry, short stories, memories and impressions, ink drawings and sketches, old anecdotes, it's never ending. And seemingly never exhausted, I always find new stuff to write about. It provides a useful counterpoint to networking on here, or on X. I'd recommend buying a nice hardbook journal. A solid book for solid thoughts. Having a hard cover solidified in my mind the need for quality insight, it just provided for me the impetus to push myself more. Challenges are fun, after all.
I suffer insomnia and am often still awake before dawn. I just can't stop my mind from acting up. But listening to the dawn chorus from the birds in my place always lulls me into sleep. There's a stillness in that moment that is truly unique. It feels like nothing is happening but everything is possible. Which is a wonderful state of mind to be in.
That's great! You must have been both a skilful player and a competent athlete. I was an intelligent player, but a poor athlete, so I'd generally get worn out over the course of a game. I've since played 6 a side games and I can pace myself in a game better in that environment. Just jogging around, putting out fires and providing flicks, that was my game. I tend to think that athleticism has overpowered talent in pro soccer. Some of the original genius of the game has been lost. Just my impression after 40 years of following footie. Where's the modern Diego Maradona? We don't produce legends like him anymore.
I live on the west coast of Wales, and I have the Pembrokeshire coastline within miles of my home. A good coastal walk is exhilarating and empowering. I'm a real sucker for a good dramatic coastline view. Britain is a beautiful land, stricken with a rotten ruling class structure. The crop circles of the last 30 years suggest that we don't have long to go before we face our collective karmic reckoning. I'm hopeful that living on the west coast we might just avoid the worst of the karmic global blowback.
Strong tobacco rules! I don't get any buzz from mild virginia types, but Pueblo or American Spirit hit the spot. We're an endangered species in the UK, us smokers, but we're not going anywhere, it's our lives and we'll live them how we see fit. Countries like Bulgaria and Greece give me hope that us smokers will eventually rise above the stupid anti-smoking propaganda. Often I take buses where I live as I don't drive. If someone approaches me for a light as I wait at the bus stop, I always smile. We feel like a hardy sub-culture in Wales. I've been a smoker since 1998 and interestingly I never cough or wheeze. Between 1978-89 I suffered terrible asthma and wheezy coughs. I don't know if taking up smoking had any positive effect but it's certainly done no harm, and I feel better as a person.