My furry friend is gone

May your furry friend rest in peace. I'm sure your love enriched her in many ways. :hug2:
I am sorry to hear that you had to let go your furry companion. To have to let go a family member - such a time is never easy. I am sure that she had a good time with you. :hug2:

Hugs to Sebastian, too. :hug2:
I also wanted to express my condolances for the loss of your dear furry friend, Iron. It's not easy, and that's okay. I liked your thought that maybe one day you will meet again. I hope you do too. :hug2:
Oh, Iron, I am so sorry for your loss.

Having lost three dogs over the past three years, I know what you are going through. Naura died unexpectedly from a heart problem when she was just 10. She had been energetic and out running with my husband a few days before, so we had no warning. Then a puppy we had for just a couple of months died from unknown cause (vet tests showed nothing when I took her in), and then the one after that, we had for a year and she died from a rattle snake bite. It still makes me cry if I allow myself to dwell on them too much, which I am prone to do, wondering if I could have done something differently to help them.

I have had comfort by being able to see them in dreams. Maybe you'll be able to see your sweet friend that way, too.

We do have another girl now, another sweet lab mix named Lena. But the others are always in our hearts and memories.
Iron, I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. My friend is almost 14 and I know he won't be with me much longer. We are fortunate they are with us as long as they can be and we will always cherish them and the memories of the time we were together.

I'm so sorry for your loss Iron, and that you couldn't be there for her in her last moments on Earth. She was obviously very loved by you :hug2:

My own dog Rezo (a mix of German Shepherd) is approaching his 14 birthday this year. He's lost his hearing already, and his joints are starting to give up, so we don't know how much time with him we have left. I'm trying to prepare emotionally for that day to come, when we will have to say goodbye to him, but it's one thing to acknowledge the imminence of death of your beloved furry friend, and another to actually experience it.
Hugs to all of your furry friends that are getting older. They surely are getting all the care and love they need in such a critical time.
Thank you guys for lessening my load. Talking with you, and with other friends made most of the hard pain go away. There is only sadness but a sadness that does not hurt, at least not in a way that makes me unable to function or of being helpful to others.

Thanks! Thank you guys very much!
Sorry for your loss, Iron. May she rest in peace. Glad to hear that talking about it is helping you.
I'm sorry for your loss Iron. I know that feeling of hoping to meet your beloved pet again. That is how I felt when we lost our black Lab/Dalmatian back in 2010. Take care. :hug:
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