my job is a big loosh factory

opossum said:
c.a. and Redfox, you have both given very sound advice and I am grateful. I will think on these things carefully.
RedFox said:
You got steak (more expensive) instead of pizza. You've been handed an opportunity perhaps?
Actually, I served someone else steak instead of pizza. STO? This will take careful consideration. I am trying the EE program again, slowly. I had some issues before that prevented me from it at first but am confident I can do it now if I am patient with myself. depends on who you where serving. Some things to consider.....who are you serving?? did they ask for the steak? If not are you really giving what's asked for in the situation?? (this is always tricky to figure out).....alternatively perhaps you've discovered you can give more to others than you thought you where capable of?
Or perhaps you where just hungry :P

If your having any trouble with the E-E program, post here or on the E-E websites forum and we'll help you through it :) depends on who you where serving. Some things to consider.....who are you serving?? did they ask for the steak? If not are you really giving what's asked for in the situation??
Well, the dream was brief, however, I did not make the decision and was serving what they ordered. I was serving people where I was working The key was that I felt peaceful and calm and was wondering why and when I looked at the plate, it seems I realized I was in a different restaurant. I do think I have been eating too much pizza lately though, so there could be multiple meanings, all valid. I feel encouraged.
I know your pain Opossum.
I worked for a company owned by Home Depot called Expo design center. It was a nightmare. Most of our customers were rich snobs. I worked in the will call department so every time something went wrong with a special order, I got yelled at and I didn't even place the orders. Also I had to schedule deliveries which always went wrong, I also did returns where people had crazy tantrums, and was always using the forklift in the warehouse because nobody else was trained for it. While juggling all this responsibility the phone was ringing off the hook and angry people were waiting in line. I did the job of 3 people and got no recognition. I only made 11 bucks an hour, while other people who sat on their asses all day except when they took their hourly cigarette break made around 20/hour. I finally quit out of frustration and became a roofer. They actually begged me not to leave. The place went out of business within a year of me leaving. It was a total loosh factory.

p.s. roofing sucked too. Now I'm a full time student with massive federal loans and work part time at a silkscreen printing shop. Much happier now.
Caustic said:
Now I'm a full time student with massive federal loans and work part time at a silkscreen printing shop. Much happier now.
Good for you! I have thought of this option too. There is not a university near me but with online courses it may be possible. I'm not sure how long the funding will last in our economy. The reason I moved here was to escape from the work force by becoming self-sufficient. Things did not quite work out as planned.
opossum said:
Good for you! I have thought of this option too. There is not a university near me but with online courses it may be possible. I'm not sure how long the funding will last in our economy. The reason I moved here was to escape from the work force by becoming self-sufficient. Things did not quite work out as planned.

You should go for it. Being a college student is a good excuse for not working full time.
Is there not a community college or trade school around? I've never done the online college thing but that sounds like the best option if nothing else is around. Also you should fill out a Federal Application for Financial Student Aid (FAFSA) application as soon as you pick a school if you want to get student loans and grants.
Caustic, I will definitely look into it. There is a community college here but they don't offer many subjects. I will do some research into exactly what is available. I need very little money. I might be able to live off the grant money alone as tuition is low here.

*I have slightly edited most replies I have made here to reinforce my new habit of not saying the words Thank you so often. I am trying to be more specific and meaningful like, "you have helped me", "I never thought of it that way", etc is more appropriate IMHO.
UPDATE: We had a meeting this morning at work and it went extremely well. I felt a sense of teamwork and cooperation flowing between us that had not been present before. On the way to the meeting, I kept my thoughts on all the compassion and help I have received in the last few days on this forum and made a commitment to be myself no matter the consequences. My district manager actually treated me like a human being today and I left there feeling happy and at peace.
Do you have a smile on your face c.a.? I hope so
I decided to try all the opinions expressed to me. Do the best I can while I am there, look into moving away in the near future and look into going back to school, consider all the alternatives AND do what I can of the breathing program.
Sometimes the best gifts are only appreciated long after they are received.
With love and sincere gratitude, good day all
UPDATE: We had a meeting this morning at work and it went extremely well. I felt a sense of teamwork and cooperation flowing between us that had not been present before. On the way to the meeting, I kept my thoughts on all the compassion and help I have received in the last few days on this forum and made a commitment to be myself no matter the consequences. My district manager actually treated me like a human being today and I left there feeling happy and at peace.
Do you have a smile on your face c.a.? I hope so

Hi opossum: Yes i was smiling before i had chance to read the comment of the smile. I also believe there were many on the form as well, when they read of your positive out come that smiled.

But i have to say that you deserve all the smiles. Because for one, for being part of the form and expressing your feelings. Two, adding insight for form members though observation about yourself and how your surroundings and how it effected you. And three of how it this effected your beliefs of right and wrong. This intern brought contemplation, of change that moved to reslove.

And it is that belief system that will stand the test of time. And it is your beliefs system that became the wining hand. "Congratulation's"


  • blackjack-cards[1].jpg
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Hi c.a., I'm curious about why you've posted a few pictures of playing cards? I'm not making the connection.
Insert Quote
Hi c.a., I'm curious about why you've posted a few pictures of playing cards? I'm not making the connection.

Hi anart, That at times, life decisions are a gamble or a risk. So at times nothing ventured is nothing gained. But in order to limit the risk of lose of what one gambles, in the stakes in life dilemma's that knowledge be true and correct for the winning hand.

Session 941210

Q:(F) you are not keeping up with the program,T***.(L)
What do you want from us?
A:We don't want when pure STO. We came because YOU wanted. But that is STS until you share with others.
Q:(L) Is it necessary that we share this information?
A:Up to you, it is a free will choice.
Q: Is there some risk to ourselves by sharing this information?
A: At some level, but there is "risk" to all things.
Q: (T) I have a question: where do you get all your cute little cliches and sayings?
A: We access the human condition.
c.a. said:
Hi anart, That at times, life decisions are a gamble or a risk. So at times nothing ventured is nothing gained. But in order to limit the risk of lose of what one gambles, in the stakes in life dilemma's that knowledge be true and correct for the winning hand.

Okay, so you just enjoy card game metaphors. Thanks for the explanation.
Hi Oppossum. I can relate to your frustration in the workplace although I am in a different kind of customer service myself. Soften it seems that things are being continually tinkered with (in terms of sales, price changes, new promotions etc) that i and some of my colleagues wonder just what is the benefit of these, when other aspects of the job then go undone. We simply do not have the manpower it seems to get everything we need to do actually done. I think most jobs are anarchic anyway, like a mad muddle until hometime!

But reading the replies here has made me question myself big time. I do not think that I give 100% in my workplace. Some of that is because of my problems with concentration and memory, quite often it takes me far longer than it used to to perform a simple task. But I am more conscious now, of my own part in why these problems have manifested for me.

Struggling in a bubble of woe/narcissism as I do, I am strengthened by the posts of you all here on the forum, because it allows me a glimpse of the objectivity I lack. I always end up thinking that my problems are bigger than they actually are, because I don't network enough, and thus don't get to hear about life from other peoples' perspectives enough. Plus I forget myself so easily, but that is the human condition. Sometimes, inside, a part of me just gives up, and the energy floods out of me. This MUST change.

You've inspired me to double my efforts and stop wallowing. Thank you.
Skipling said:
Sometimes, inside, a part of me just gives up, and the energy floods out of me. This MUST change.
I know what you mean and after all I've gained, I did just that today. I let myself get upset because most of my customers were selfish and rude today. After forgetting myself and feeling angry, I felt drained.
Skipling link said:
You've inspired me to double my efforts and stop wallowing. Thank you.
You are welcome. Thank you for the fellowship and for being so honest. I wish you good luck.
I worked for the Department of Revenue for 10 years. That place was a loosh factory as well. Tax collectors get twisted after a few years on the job. I belonged to the wrong political party to get a promotion. They cut staff and doubled my work load. I had to answer phones, do taxes, take care of the front desk, supervise temporary staff. One day I answered my phone and it was clearly a fax. I transferred the fax to our fax machine. I dropped the fax off to the intended recipient. We hit it off. I now work for him and it is a pretty decent situation.
Stay cool. Look around for other opportunities. Good luck!
anya said:
I worked for the Department of Revenue for 10 years. That place was a loosh factory as well. Tax collectors get twisted after a few years on the job.
Hello anya,
I think it is easy for people to get twisted in these kinds of situations. People tend to start feeling abused and therefore entitled. I am fairly certain 2 of the management team are stealing from the cash registers. it is fairly easy to collect money for a guest check and discount it before ringing it up if no one is paying attention. This makes it much harder for the regular employees. Employee hours alloted per week are based on sales so when sales are tampered with we are actually doing much more work than it seems. I'm glad you found a better position, there may be hope for all of us.

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